New Year's party at home. New Year's Eve Party Ideas Stylized New Year's Eve

Recently, many have abandoned the classic meeting of the New Year, preferring a themed holiday. Moreover, a fun celebration can take place both among colleagues and among friends or relatives - the main thing is to choose the right theme that everyone will like.

You can use the already traditional options for theme parties. For example, with a national flavor: Hawaiian, Japanese, Russian, Brazilian. Various ways to immerse yourself in the past: dudes, retro, disco; or stylization for shows and movies: Hollywood, pirates, Star Factory and others. On the one hand, these topics are banal and have long been known to everyone, on the other hand, they have been worked out so well that they will pass without a hitch. If you want to surprise your guests, we offer a selection of the most unusual themed parties to celebrate the New Year.

New Year in Wonderland

There is hardly a person who does not know the wonderful fairy tale by Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". Arrange yourself a New Year's crazy tea party. Costumes are the most unusual, you can safely wear incongruous things and at the same time not look stupid or funny. Put it on the table, and what to pour into the teapots is up to you. You can play various games - for example, draw words with the letter M - and at twelve o'clock in the morning you need to drink champagne from a small bottle with the inscription "Drink me" and a cookie with the inscription "Eat me". And do not forget to change seats, as the characters in the book did.

New Year's Casino

On New Year's Eve, you can open a real casino. Strict and smart croupiers in uniform, elegant gentlemen and charming ladies in evening dresses and jewelry… And, of course, roulette or card games: poker, preference and blackjack. Before organizing a theme party, watch the movie "Casino Royale" to feel the spirit of luxury and excitement. The treat should also be kept in the theme: sparkling champagne, caviar, canapes - everything is exquisite and at the highest level. And if the musical background of your party is Broadway jazz, the success of the event is guaranteed.

New Year on a cruise ship

Everyone loves the marine theme - it's romance, the spirit of freedom and a fair wind. Go on a trip around the world on New Year's Eve - isn't this what most of us dream of? Each of the party participants receives a passenger ticket and is registered. There is a captain on the ship - this responsible role can be performed by the head of the company if the holiday is corporate, or the owner of the house if the New Year is spent with the family. Dress code - appropriate: light flowing dresses, hats, linen suits. Traveling around the world involves visiting many countries - you choose which ones. But when they "visit" do not forget to treat the guests of your liner. If France is snails and cheese, Japan is sushi, Germany is juicy sausages.

How to organize themed New Year:

  1. Choose party theme based on the interests and wishes of the company. Come up with a "chip" of the holiday - for example, to come to all guests in ... mustaches, regardless of gender.
  2. Choose a place: apartment, country house, restaurant, cinema lobby, sauna.
  3. Decorate the room. If you have a Brazilian carnival - exotic flowers, palm trees and feathers. If the New Year takes place in space - think about what yours will be like. Make the holiday really bright will help Mister Christmas- guide to . In his collection you will find a variety of decorations, ranging from foil to Christmas decorations for every taste and color.
  4. Dress code is the key to the success of a theme party. Write down on the invitation in advance what you expect your guests to wear.
  5. Think over the playlist of the evening in advance - and do not forget that the musical arrangement should correspond to the theme of the evening.
  6. The treat should also match the theme of the evening. If the party is Latin American - there should be burritos and mate on the table, if it's a trip to the future - classic New Year's dishes should have a futuristic style. And don't forget the sparklers.
  7. Contests. First of all, a competition for the best costume of the evening, because all the guests prepared for the holiday as best they could.

Entertainment should also be in the theme of the party. As options: build a spaceship out of people, guess a rock and roll melody, come up with 20 cabbage dishes.

Approaching There is a belief that as you meet him, you will see him off. Therefore, many people want to know how to properly prepare for the meeting. This is a bright event that will leave a lot of positive impressions about itself. The New Year theme of 2018 will be discussed in detail in the article.

Year of the Yellow Dog

Soon the most adult and children will come - the New Year. All of us, regardless of age, expect pleasant surprises from him, good changes in fate, fabulous gifts and just a good mood.

The New Year 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog, and this animal has long been considered man's best friend. It symbolizes loyalty, devotion, protection, and according to the Chinese horoscope, family comfort, kindness, blood ties and motherhood.

The earth is the foundation without which we cannot exist. It gives support and the ability to push off from it in order to rush in the right direction, and it is also a symbol of fertility. According to the Feng Shui system, yellow is the color of gold, sunlight, cheerfulness, confidence and optimism. Thus, the Yellow Earth Dog promises to give us a wonderful year - kind, cheerful and noisy. It is ideal for starting a family, for making new friends and for improving mutual understanding between parents and children, as well as for the birth of offspring.

Since the element of the Earth will rule the coming year, you should follow the established rules, follow the prevailing stereotypes and canons, and honor traditions, especially family ones. Although friendly, the New Year Dog can sometimes be moody, lazy and cynical, so during the next year some people will sometimes feel lazy and low on energy. But these moods will be short-lived.

How to celebrate the upcoming New Year in order to please the Yellow Earth Dog and enlist its patronage?

Where, with whom and how to celebrate?

The dog is a friendly, sociable and noisy animal. She does not tolerate loneliness. Therefore, it is advisable to meet the upcoming New Year in a noisy cheerful company, go on a visit, host friends or go on a trip with them. The main thing is not to spend New Year's Eve in solitude.

In order for the New Year's party to be fun, interesting and memorable for a long time, you need to create an appropriate atmosphere of positive and good mood. This can be achieved by organizing a party with a New Year's theme in a particular style.

The theme for the New Year holiday can be very different - in the style of a famous fairy tale with masks and costumes, in the style of some movie, Hollywood or Russian. The choice of direction for a party is not limited to traditional winter attributes.

You can have a party in a hot beach style Latinos or caribou with matching outfits. If you continue the theme of a musical holiday, you can organize an event in the style of the Disco of the 80s or 90s, in the style of reggae or rock and roll or dudes of the 60s of the last century.

Finally, it is possible to organize a fantastic party by inviting guests to create alien costumes. The main character of the holiday, along with the traditional Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, can be made a New Year's Dog by instructing her to hold contests or evaluate them.


A pleasant surprise for all guests of the New Year holiday can be postcards with a New Year theme.

Let each of the guests receive such a gift with the image of the symbol of the year, funny thematic inscriptions, funny poems or cool “forecasts” for the new year.

New Year's outfits

The choice of outfit for dictates the chosen theme of the party. This will allow you to maintain the design of the holiday in the same style. In accordance with the chosen direction, you need to wear dresses with a New Year theme. They can be very diverse, fantasy is not limited to anything.

  1. A win-win option is tight-fitting dresses in fiery bright colors. Great for noisy parties that are so fond of the Patron of the Year.
  2. A simpler option is trouser suits or yellow-brown sheath dresses. Marsala-colored dress can give a special solemnity to the image.
  3. The Mistress of the Year will be pleased with outfits of golden, orange, beige, terracotta colors. Too defiant dresses with a deep neckline, a very short skirt, an abundance of shiny fabrics or sequins can upset her.
  4. Gold chains and earrings, wooden or amber beads, or products made from golden brown aventurine are best suited as jewelry.

Makeup, manicure, hairstyle

Whether classic or extravagant makeup is chosen, the Yellow Earth Dog will treat it favorably. The main thing is to give preference to matte shades of earthy shades - brown, beige, cream. You need to get rid of pinks. In eye makeup, use bright graphic arrows of the most diverse shapes. You can keep the style of the chosen New Year's theme.

Manicure should look restrained and discreet. As a picture, you can choose something small.

Restraint in the hairstyle is also welcome - whether it be a fashionable braid, neat curls, romantic styling for long hair or a short haircut. The tail is especially favored by the Dog - classic or with a high fleece.
The hostess of the year approves of hair of light brown, ashy, hazel-chocolate color and all shades of blond.

New Year's outfits for men

The Yellow Earth Dog prefers stability and constancy, so classic-style clothes are more suitable for men to celebrate the New Year.

A shirt, belt, purse in brown, cream, terracotta, sand, walnut or coffee with milk will go well with a traditional costume. And a tie of golden or orange color will add the necessary “zest” to the image.

What to give?

The Yellow Earth Dog is economic and practical, therefore, does not approve of cute trinkets and souvenirs as gifts. A gift for the New Year 2018 should be useful in the household. The best choice would be bedding, bedding sets, towels, sets of dishes. They may be Christmas themed.

Since the Dog is a sociable animal, as a New Year's gift, you can choose things that are useful for friendly gatherings in a cozy company.

The dog is disinterested, it does not pursue luxury. Therefore, for gifts for the New Year 2018, high cost is not important. The main thing is to put warm feelings and attention into them. Therefore, home-made ones with a New Year theme are welcome, especially with the image of the symbol of the year. The main rule is that a thing should be practical. Let it not be a figurine of a dog or a soft toy, but for example, slippers or a towel with its image.

Festive table

Table setting is very important for the Dog. The tablecloth should be made of natural fabrics, made in yellow-brown tones. Since the Dog loves simplicity, you can use wooden or earthenware dishes. You can also use devices from familiar materials. But it is desirable that it has elements of yellow, brown or golden color in combination with white.

Be sure to put in the center of the table a beautiful bowl with a treat for the Mistress of the year - meat, bones, offal. It is recommended to decorate the table with candles - white, yellow or golden.

Since the Dog is unpretentious in food, New Year's dishes should be simple and unpretentious. Be sure to cook a variety of meat dishes. The presence of vegetables and fruits on the table is also welcome. But it is not necessary to cook the fish, the Dog is a small hunter before it.

As a dessert, you can serve your favorite sweets. Cakes with a New Year theme can become a decoration of the table, which will please not only children, but also adults.
The dog is omnivorous, so on New Year's Eve you can safely put all your favorite dishes on the table. The main thing is that they should not be too expensive, pretentious and exotic.

New Year is an exciting, fabulous, magical holiday. In order for the coming year to become kind, peaceful and successful, you need to take care in advance to meet it correctly. And then the Yellow Earth Dog will give your home happiness, joy and warmth.

Do you love theme parties for the New Year and are always looking for ideas?

We will tell you not only what themes of New Year's parties can be used, but we will also tell you in detail how to organize such a holiday!

For those who cannot imagine their life without funny cartoons, we offer to organize!

Here you will find positive emotions, simple costumes, and most importantly, unforgettable photos that will forever leave a memory of a fun party in your album!

Love something more serious? Then it's perfect for you :).

The unique fashion of the 30s, prohibition, showdowns of the biggest mafia bosses and the game of roulette - that's what can really tickle your nerves.

Are you young and cheerful? Then you'll love it :).

You can break away to the sounds of ageless jazz and show off in bright and unique costumes of that era!

For those who value peace and beauty most of all, we will advise.

You will be intrigued by the magical belly dance, and you can enjoy the original oriental cuisine :).

Expecting something more enchanting and fresh? Then the Great Gatsby himself will invite you to his place for the New Year!

Original music and costumes, fun entertainment and the most sophisticated decor - that's what it will be.

We hope you enjoyed our New Year's Eve themed parties and among them you will find New Year's Eve party themes that you will love!

Happy New Year!

Fairy tales are a truly festive and multifaceted topic. Invite guests to choose their favorite characters and come in matching costumes. Snow Maidens, Little Red Riding Hoods, Ivanushki the Fools, Aladdins - for one night your home will turn into a fantasy world in which characters from various stories will coexist. Don't forget that a themed party isn't just about fancy outfits: think about food, music, decor, contests, and other important details.

Spend New Year's Eve in a nostalgic atmosphere, wearing dresses and costumes from the times of the USSR, turning on the "Blue Light", decorating the apartment with paper flags, and the Christmas tree with Soviet toys. Arrange salads and other dishes in old dishes, put glass swans and other retro trinkets on the table. Prepare an interesting themed quiz for your guests. Do not forget about the playlist with songs of the Soviet era. If possible, organize karaoke!

After Valery Todorovsky's film Stilyagi was released, there was a surge of interest in the Soviet youth subculture, which has not subsided to this day. Throwing a hipster party is bright, fun, and not too difficult. Men should look for bright ties, jackets and shirts, ladies - dresses with puffy colorful skirts. Much attention should be paid to hairstyles and makeup. We offer to decorate the apartment with old vinyl records, and choose jazz as musical accompaniment. In preparation for the evening, practice dancing boogie-woogie and jitterbug.

Another popular theme for parties is The Great Gatsby. Isn't it magical to be transported to 1920s America for one evening and have fun like never before? It will be especially interesting for girls to prepare for such a New Year. Bright dresses with beads, feathers and other decorative elements, unusual headdresses, massive jewelry - get ready to shine!

If you don’t want to be limited to a particular movie, invite guests to transform into their favorite movie characters. Charlie Chaplin, James Bond, Harry Potter, Jean Grey, Princess Leia - as in the case of fairy tales, you will find a crazy mix of universes and a lot of fun! The soundtrack for the evening can be film music, and one of the entertainment - thematic "Crocodile".

The theme of travel is an endless source of ideas. Let each guest choose one or another country and reflect the national theme in his costume. Someone can wrap himself in a sheet and represent Greece, someone can show up in a pareo and a Hawaiian wreath. We recommend cooking traditional dishes from different countries - pizza, khachapuri, sushi, dumplings, Yorkshire pudding. So that you do not stick around in the kitchen all day, invite guests to bring a dish from the country they represent.

Spend the New Year under the sign of a Persian fairy tale! Wear appropriate costumes, provide suitable music and of course don't forget the food. Give preference to Arabic cuisine and serve kebab as the main dish, and it is better if it is made from lamb. As a dessert, all kinds of oriental sweets are ideal.

If you're going to spend all New Year's Eve at home, why not dress up in soft, warm, comfortable flannel pajamas and encourage others to do the same? Board games, console, holiday movies - add these items to your entertainment list. Refuse a chic table with china sets and a snow-white tablecloth. Better lay pillows on the floor, spread a blanket and have a picnic! This is not standard, but do not forget: on New Year's Eve, you do not owe anything to anyone, just make sure that everyone is happy. Festive mood - not in napkins with snowmen, but in a sincere atmosphere.

Turn the celebration of the New Year into a feast of primitive people! Let the guests put on skins and loincloths, ruffle their heads, put on “grimy” makeup and don’t forget to grab clubs. As a treat, offer them something hearty and uncomplicated - chicken from the oven, baked potatoes, vegetables. Devices, perhaps, should still be left.

This is not even a full-fledged theme, but rather a small motif. Put on crazy Christmas sweaters on New Year's Eve, and the more kitsch they have, the better. Dinosaurs with bells on their necks, Santa Clauses on unicorns, Christmas trees with voluminous decor - the Internet is teeming with crazy clothes! Do not look for sweaters made of natural wool and opt for cotton if you do not want to die from the heat.

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year this is one of the most wonderful and most anticipated holidays. On this holiday, I want to believe in a fairy tale and the fulfillment of desires. We are constantly decorating and preparing in every possible way, buying gifts and being in a great mood.

But that's not the problem, if you constantly celebrate the New Year in the same way, some effect of surprise disappears, and the expectation of a miracle goes away. Of course, we have a solution for this task for you!

Let's create our own fairy tale. Let's meet New Year at a theme party. So, the holiday will be fun and will be remembered by everyone, plus you will have a large number of original photos. Yes, and organizing the holiday itself will be much more interesting.

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year in Gangster style - what could be better. Handsome men in formal suits and, of course, in a hat, and no less beautiful girls in straight-cut dresses and various wonderful accessories in style. Chicago 30s. You can completely and completely plunge into the atmosphere of that time: decorate the room, choose the right menu, costume and, of course, contests. And with all these questions, the article Gangster Style Party will help you.

A party in the style of the Wild West will give you the opportunity to plunge into cowboy world and beautiful ladies. After all, we often dreamed about this in childhood, and now we have every opportunity to make it happen. On such a holiday, you can appear as a great Indian, or even as Indiana Jones! Well, you will find help in organizing a New Year's party in this style in our article.

Wanted to go to Spain for the New Year, but for some reason the trip was not successful? No problem. Let's organize a Spanish party at your home. The Spaniards are very emotional people, so emotions at this party are provided to everyone. You can cook unusual dishes from Spanish cuisine for the New Year, decorate the room in their style, choose the right outfit and arrange a real bullfighting! And believe me, it's not difficult at all.

Now let's try to dive into atmosphere of the 90s . In addition, we do not need to move to any other country. Most likely, the majority still remembers the times of the USSR, and for those who did not find these times, this will be an even more interesting undertaking. In this case, you don’t have to bother with food, everything is very similar to the standard New Year’s menu. Soviet champagne, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat and the like ...

What could be brighter and more interesting than a dandy-style party for the New Year? You obviously will not regret if your choice falls on this topic. Bright costumes men, wonderful dresses for girls, eye-catching jewelry, a large number of dances - all this awaits you on New Year's Eve. Immerse yourself in the days of your parents and light up to the fullest!

For fans of the game "Mafia", you can organize a party in the appropriate style. Although it is not necessary to associate this party with the game. This topic has its own history and its own characteristics. Find out more about her and you won't regret it! Put on your masks mysterious Mafia , organize various mafia contests and a good mood on a winter holiday is guaranteed to you!

This is where childhood dreams come true. After all, everyone in childhood had their favorite superhero. Now you can try on the costume of your hero yourself. Act like him, talk like him. It will be fun. You can come up with a common mission to save the world. And when the world is saved, continue to celebrate the New Year. Choose your favorite role. Maybe it will be a formidable and strong Hulk, or a fast and agile Spiderman, or Woman - Cat, there are actually a lot of options!

Favorite book and movie of many adults now. But what if you have already grown up and the film, its characters and the book do not cease to please? We urgently need to organize a Harry Potter themed party. Plunge into the atmosphere of magic and magic, make yourself a magic wand, visit Hogwarts school ! In this universe there is a very large variety of characters and all with their own characters and habits. Try to play the role of this wonderful creation that you like!

Such a party will look very stylish, and photos from such a holiday will not leave you indifferent. Remember the times when there was only black and white cinema and various cinematic masterpieces appeared before the audience in only two colors? So on such a holiday, you will need something similar so that only black and white harmonize around! Read more about this party, most likely it will not leave you indifferent.

You don't have to worry about costumes. The party is especially suitable if you are celebrating the New Year with a women's team. Bright and cheerful photos are provided to you. Dive into your carefree childhood , and try to choose the most beautiful pajamas for this holiday, because the New Year is also a kind of children's holiday, and the Pajama Party will help make it doubly childish and carefree!

A party is perfect, for example, for medical students. In this case, the design of the room and costumes will not cause worries, and if you live in a hostel, then it will be easy to draw a parallel to the hospital ward. But we are sure that in addition to people who are somehow connected with medical activities, this type of New Year celebration is suitable for any company, because each of us has ever dreamed of being in the shoes of some famous surgeon , or maybe he wanted to become a patient of a pretty nurse!

As practice shows, holiday, held in an unusual and not ordinary style, has more bright and memorable moments! To date, there are a huge number of themed parties, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from!

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