Open lesson in the senior group on application. Application classes in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic “Mushrooms. About the importance of applications in kindergarten

Comprehensive lesson on artistic creativity:


Prepared : teacher

Svishcheva E.S.

the date of the : 19.11.2014

Age group : senior group (5-6 years old)

Amount of children : 10 people

Lesson topic : "Air Transport. Application "Balloon"

Educational area : Artistic creativity

Integration of areas: thin creativity, cognition, communication, health, safety.

Purpose of the lesson : Perform volumetric appliqué.

Tasks :

    consolidate knowledge about air transport;

    exercise the ability to classify transport by type;

    activate children's vocabulary with words-names of vehicles;

    practice the ability to give complete, detailed answers;

    will strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue, to create a holistic composition from elements;

    develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, fine motor skills;

    Develop respect for your own work.

Preliminary work : observation of transport, examination of plot and subject pictures on the topic “Transport”, conversations on the topic, didactic games.

Planned results :

Types of children's activities : productive, playful, communicative, cognitive and research.

Conditions and means of implementation:

Logistics : presentation “Air transport”, selection “Sounds of transport”, didactic game, equipment for application.

Didactic methods : verbal, visual, practical, game.

Progress of the lesson:

    Guys, look who came to visit us? (balloon). What do you think balloons are for? (for holidays, for a good mood).

Poem reading:

So that I don't get bored,

I'll find some fun:

I'll inflate a balloon

And I will set you free.

Let him fly to heaven

Straight to the white clouds.

Let him find miracles

And he will tell us about them!

    Guys, you know, balloons are needed not only for holidays. There are balloons that can be used to travel through the air. Guys, what is the name of the transport with which you can travel by air? (air). Today we will remember the types of air transport. The teacher's story about how people have figured out how to fly using a balloon. (presentation with riddles)

    Guys, you see how many types of air transport man has invented! What new types did you learn today? Let’s check if you remember the types of air transport well (d/i “The Fourth Odd One” and “Find Air Transport” (presentation slide No. 8 and No. 9)

    Physical education minute. Children must show the type of transport by hearing the corresponding sound.

5. Guys, would you like to fly in a hot air balloon? Guys, the history of air transport began with balloons. Balloons for flying are made very large; a basket (box) is tied to the bottom of them, in which several people can be located. The balloon is inflated with warm air using a burner, and it takes off, lifting a basket with people behind it.

Looking at pictures.

What does the ball look like? (circle, oval)

What does the basket look like? (rectangle, square)

Let's try to make a balloon.

Application "Balloon"

Children paste the details of the image - a ball, a basket - onto a blue sheet of paper. Then glue the threads - slings. Clouds are made from crumpled white napkins. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that clouds can be placed below the balloon. Because a hot air balloon can rise above the clouds.

6. Review of completed work.

Guys, do you think we can fly away in such a balloon? Why? What kind of transport can we use to fly? Then we use our works to decorate the locker room.


The importance of applications in the upbringing and development of a preschool child

Applique as a type of fine applied art

Application as a type of visual activity in the senior group of preschool educational institutions (program, class topics, materials, equipment)

Methods and techniques for teaching applique in the senior group





One of the types of applied art, where a drawing, pattern or ornament is created by gluing or striping multi-colored pieces of fabric or paper onto the main background, is appliqué.

The originality of the applique lies both in the nature of its image and in the technique of its execution.

The image in the appliqué is highly conventional compared to other types of planar images - drawing, painting. The applique is characterized by a generalized form, almost without details. Most often, a local color without shades is used, and one color differs sharply from another.

Applique is one of the most favorite types of visual arts for children: children are pleased with the bright color of the paper, the good arrangement of the figures, and the technique of cutting and gluing is of great interest to them.

Application as a type of visual activity is aimed at developing certain knowledge in children, developing skills, practicing skills and nurturing personality. Application gives children the opportunity to acquire knowledge about color, the structure of objects, their size, shape and composition.

The purpose of the work is to consider the methodology for teaching application in the senior group.

1. The importance of applications in the upbringing and development of a preschool child

Application is considered a type of artistic activity provided for in the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” for preschoolers. Getting acquainted in classes and independently with materials, techniques and methods of processing paper, children acquire the skills of graphic and plastic representation of objects, master the ability in silhouette form, figuratively, creatively to process their impressions received when getting acquainted with the outside world, while reading fiction, looking at illustrations, paintings, sculptures, works of folk arts and crafts.

Children embody their knowledge, skills, and abilities in creative activities: they make colorful wall panels, decorations for tabletop and shadow theaters, costumes and decoration elements for performances and holiday matinees, decorations for the kindergarten area, gifts for younger children, parents, etc.

The process of creating an application consists of a number of sequential actions that require the child to have a fairly high level of development of visual and technical skills, as well as concentration, perseverance, endurance, accuracy, and independence.

An insufficient degree of development of technical skills inhibits the work of imagination, fetters children's initiative, and reduces the quality of performance results. And vice versa, if a child is proficient in the techniques of cutting, gluing, and sewing appliqué onto a base, his attention is directed to creating combinations of different shapes, sizes, and colors, which leads to new, original results and stimulates a creative attitude to work. This is possible only when the teacher skillfully regulates and applies the most effective teaching methods in the classroom, when tasks are given not only in ready-made form, but more often require children to actively, creatively, rather than reproductively, use the acquired knowledge and skills.

In classes, preschoolers get acquainted with the properties of different materials (leather, paper, straw, fabric, etc.), learn to distinguish geometric shapes, colors, establish the ratio of parts by size and combine parts into a whole, identify the structure, position of an object in space, orientate on a piece of paper. Every child practically masters the concept of rhythm, symmetry, and harmony.

Children improve their eye function, the ability to evaluate and correct mistakes made through analysis (before fixing the figures on a plane); Speech develops: children master the correct verbal designations of directions (left, right, middle, corners, top, bottom). They learn to group round, rectangular, oblique, polygonal shapes, to correctly name large concepts (long - short, narrow - wide, high - low, more - less, in half, half, four, etc.). Preschoolers purposefully apply this knowledge in practical activities.

A big role in the applique belongs to its color design, which has a huge impact on the development of children’s artistic taste. Color has an emotional impact on the baby, captivating him with its colorfulness and brightness. Therefore, it is important to purposefully develop a sense of color as the most accessible idea of ​​the beauty of the surrounding world and works of art.

The teacher must constantly explain to the children why they need to use this or that color for applique, what combinations are suitable for it, in order to most expressively convey a certain content. Using the principle of contrasting color comparison, such applications as “Night”, “Late Autumn”, “Winter”, “Tractors in the Fields” are made. Bright color accents are used in decorative tasks, based on the plots of fairy tales and cartoons.

Harmonious combinations made up of similar-sounding tones help convey natural phenomena (“Spring has come,” “First flowers”), create compositions such as bouquets, decorating carpets and fabrics. Children must learn to see beauty and convey it in proportionate forms, rational symmetrical and asymmetrical alternation, and variable interpretation.

In classes, preschoolers master a number of labor skills related to processing material (folding, cutting, gluing), using tools (scissors, glue, brush, etc.). Children must learn to work carefully, systematically, strive to achieve a positive result, overcoming difficulties and making volitional efforts. They develop a work culture (they prepare the necessary materials in advance, put the workplace in order, plan the sequence of tasks, and put away the materials and tools after the lesson).

Children improve and coordinate their hand movements, developing qualities such as accuracy, speed, and smoothness. This becomes possible with the systematic, planned conduct of classes, the organization of independent artistic activities, the consistent implementation of program requirements in each age group, and the gradual complication of tasks as experience is gained. Children must learn to diversify the skills they have acquired in other types of artistic activities (drawing, modeling, design).

In appliqué classes, preschoolers develop the ability to work and create in a team, guided not only by personal interests, but also by the interests of their peers, the content, and the need for joint activities. This involves improving such personality traits of the child as being demanding of oneself and others, taking a responsible attitude towards assigned work, and implementing the principles of consciousness, discipline, mutual assistance and support. Preschoolers get the opportunity to show independence and initiative, and experience the feeling of joy from achieving a positive result through joint efforts.

The level of mastery of the skills and abilities provided for by the application program makes it possible to implement and determine the degree of readiness of each child for successful learning at school, further mastery of the content and techniques of various types of artistic craft.

2. Applique as a type of fine applied art

Applique (from Latin appllcatio - to apply, apply) is one of the types of applied art used for the artistic design of various objects (clothing, furniture, dishes, etc.) by attaching cut-out decorative or thematic shapes to the main background.

The appliqué process involves two steps: cutting out individual shapes and attaching them to the background.

As a means of decoration, appliqué creates a unique decorative effect. Sometimes cut-out shapes are used to decorate a room (for example, paper napkins and lace for decorating shelves, various multi-colored shapes for gluing onto glass windows as a festive decoration).

Applique cut-outs from fabric, fur and leather are used to decorate clothes and make panels.

Sometimes the cut out parts are not completely attached to the background, and the applique turns out to be partially voluminous. For example, the petals of a flower are attached only at the middle, and its ends lag behind the background. This gives greater expressiveness to the image. The simplicity and ease of execution of the applique make it accessible to children's creativity. Children can either use ready-made forms, painted in certain colors, or create compositions by cutting out elements of patterns, plot images, etc. Thus, applique classes contribute, on the one hand, to the formation of fine arts and skills, and on the other hand, to the development of creative children's abilities.

Preschoolers master all the processes of making applique - cutting and gluing forms. Preparatory exercises for mastering this type of activity are games with mosaics, with the help of which children, laying out ready-made geometric shapes, become familiar with their features, color, arrangement methods, and principles of creating a pattern.

Cutting without gluing helps master the applique process (children cut paper, making tickets, flags, etc. for the game, learn to use scissors).

In kindergarten, they use such types of applique work as gluing ready-made forms (decorative - from geometric and plant forms and object - from individual parts or silhouettes) and cutting and gluing forms (individual objects, plot, decorative).

Preschoolers can cut out shapes in sections or as a silhouette. Composing an object from separate parts is easier for them, like any constructive image in drawing or modeling. Silhouette cutting is more difficult for children, since they always need to compare the general contours of the object with the proportions of its individual parts. Therefore, cutting out complex shapes is included in the program only in the preparatory group.

The application contains great opportunities for the development of imagination, imagination, and creative abilities of children. Thus, the pattern can be made up of both ready-made geometric and plant shapes cut out by the children themselves. The use of ready-made forms in decorative works allows preschoolers to focus all their attention on the rhythmic alternation of elements in a pattern and the selection of beautiful color combinations.

Children use the skills acquired in appliqué classes in other activities, mainly in design, making shadow theater, light decorations, and Christmas tree decorations.

For application work, white and colored paper of various types are used. For the background, use thicker paper - white from sketchbooks, colored table paper, thin cardboard. The forms to be glued are cut out of thin paper, preferably glossy. It comes in bright colors and is pleasant to the touch, which is especially important for working with young children.

For classes in the middle and sometimes in the senior group, paper is cut in advance into pieces of a certain size in accordance with the assignment. For example, for gluing a house, they give a ready-made piece of paper representing the walls; Children cut out a roof from a strip of a different color, etc. This blank will help children maintain its shape and correctly convey the size and proportions of the parts of the house.

For older preschoolers, forms of various colors and shades are used, since in these groups mainly decorative gluing is carried out from geometric shapes according to the children's plans, and they need to be provided with a wide choice of material. The use of shapes of different colors contributes to the manifestation of independence and creativity in work. Children can, if the task allows, choose the color of their choice. Particularly important is the selection of a variety of colored forms and paper in classes, the purpose of which is to independently compose beautiful color combinations.

Thus, the application process requires a fairly large amount of materials and tools, which must be prepared in advance.

3. Application as a type of visual activity in the senior group of preschool educational institutions (program, class topics, materials, equipment)

Children five to six years old are able to master a fairly large amount of skills in appliqué, improve them by cutting and gluing patterns from geometric and plant shapes, objects of simple and more complex shapes and structures, and when performing plot-themed compositions.

Along with cutting out various shapes by eye, children should learn to depict objects by folding a piece of paper in half to convey a mirror image of the right and left sides of Christmas trees, vases, leaves, cupped flowers, butterflies, etc.; repeatedly folding the paper like an accordion, cut out a composition such as a garland, a round dance, where leaves, flowers, nesting dolls, and parsley are evenly repeated (cut out of brightly colored paper with additional stickers, they look elegant in the festive design of a group room, hall, or kindergarten area).

To enhance the expressiveness of some images, the teacher must skillfully use the technique of broken appliqué. So, preschoolers can depict fluffy chickens, soft willow buds, mimosa, dandelion blossoms, clouds.

At the beginning of the school year, you should consolidate the acquired ability to cut out geometric shapes and objects based on the shape of a circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle in various combinations (balls, balloons, houses, toys, cars).

The objectives of teaching application in the senior group are the following (Kosminskaya V.B.):

-develop the ability to cut using a variety of techniques: straight in different directions, with curves, from paper folded in half;

-develop the ability to compose an object from several parts and arrange patterns on a circle, square, rectangle from geometric and plant shapes;

-use new colors (orange, purple) and various light and dark shades of colors, beautifully combining them in the pattern.

So, the main task in the senior group is to master a variety of cutting techniques that are necessary to depict objects with different shapes.

At first, cutting out rectangular and round shapes continues on the same themes as in the middle group, but with a large number of details (a snowman in a hat, with a shovel in his hands, eyes and a nose are outlined on his head; an airplane with stars on the wings, etc. ). Then objects with smaller parts are introduced (chickens, rabbits, etc.).

In this group, children learn to cut out some shapes from paper folded in half, which is required when depicting, for example, a branch with leaves or a hare's ears. Using this technique saves time and allows you to create interesting and expressive compositions.

Cutting an object out of folded paper makes it easier to achieve a symmetrical shape. Mastering this technique is possible only in the older group, as it requires developed perception and analytical thinking, in particular the ability to divide an object into two halves. Using this technique, preschoolers cut out simple shapes - vases, leaves, vegetables and fruits.

applique preschooler learning

In the older group, children become familiar with the technique of creating a shape by tearing off the edges of paper, which makes it possible to convey the features of the texture - the fluffiness of snow, fur.

The development of cutting skills is facilitated by the constantly improving ability of preschoolers to make targeted observations and highlight the characteristic qualities of objects. The topics of children's work are gradually expanding.

4. Methods and techniques for teaching applique in the senior group

The main task of teaching appliqué to children of the sixth year of life is to master a variety of cutting techniques. In classes, preschoolers depict objects with different shapes, symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes in a static position or conveying simple movement.

Based on the children's ideas and using nature (or a picture replacing it), the teacher analyzes the structure of the object, isolating individual parts, outlining their forms and noting their relationships with each other.

Since children of this age cannot make small parts, it is recommended to select items with simpler shapes, local colors, and a small number of details. A teddy bear, turned wooden toys, etc. are suitable for this work. The sample is used in the older group in cases where preschoolers depict an object for the first time. But even here, children should be given the initiative in resolving issues of color, size, arrangement of shapes on the sheet, etc.

If children are given the task of depicting an already familiar object with some details, then the sample can be replaced by life or a picture (for example, depict not just a house, but a fairy-tale house or a house decorated for a holiday).

In the senior, and then in the preparatory groups, it is recommended to use several samples more often to show the possibility of different composition options. This fosters creative initiative in preschoolers in completing tasks. For example, children learn the technique of cutting out two halves of Parsley's costume from two pieces of paper folded together. The teacher only shows techniques for cutting out clothes, and when looking at the samples, the children note that Petrushka’s clothes can be of different colors, shapes, and he has different objects in his hands. In decorative works, when making patterns from the same elements, paper in the shape of a circle, square, strip, etc. is used.

As a rule, older preschoolers master new techniques based on the teacher’s demonstration.

The most difficult thing for children of this age is cutting out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half. As already noted, mastering this technique requires developed perception and analytical thinking, in particular, the ability to divide an object into two halves and cut it out.

I.L. Gusarova recommends that when children are first introduced to this technique, they cut out shapes along a pre-drawn outline on paper folded in half. Often a child cannot imagine that the result will be a beautifully shaped vase or jug. When children realize that the drawn outline represents half of the object, they will be able to cut it out by eye, using the teacher’s demonstration and explanation.

In the older group, some application works (for example, “Aquarium with fish”, “Flowers in the meadow”, “Houses and cars on the street”) are performed by children collectively. Each child performs a specific part of the composition. All parts are subsequently united against a common background.

The teacher distributes work among children in accordance with their wishes.

To complete some tasks (“Fish in an aquarium”, “Birds in a tree”), preschoolers are united in subgroups of 4-5 people. Frieze compositions (“Houses and cars on the street”, “Boats on the river”) are performed by the whole group.


Appliqué is one of the types of visual techniques based on cutting, overlaying various shapes and fixing them on another material taken as the background. The concept of “appliqué” includes methods of creating works of art from materials that differ in their properties and texture, united by the similarity of the execution technique. Each material has its own characteristics, which have a decisive influence on the application technique.

The experience children gain in drawing up subject or plot images using ready-made forms ensures the development of imaginative vision, as well as the formation of the prerequisites for plot drawing and speech development at later age stages.

Applique classes, when used correctly with age-appropriate methods and techniques, not only entertain, but also educate and develop.


1. Gusakova M.A. Application. - M.: Education, 1987. - 289 p.

2. Ignatiev E.I. Psychology of children's visual activity. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1961. - 223 p.

Komarova T.S. Methods of teaching visual arts and design. - M., Education, 1991 - 369 p.

Komarova T.S., Sakulina N.P. Visual activities in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1982. - 305 p.

Kosminskaya V.B., Khalezova N.B. Fundamentals of fine arts and methods of guiding children’s visual activities: Laboratory workshop: A textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. - M.: Education, 1987. - 388 p.

Sakulina N.P., Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. - M., 2001.

Friel K. Artistic creativity and the child / Under. ed. Vetlugina. - M.: Education, 1972. - 256 p.


Approximate long-term lesson plan for application in the senior group (September-December)

Month Lesson topic Program tasks Material Preparation for the lesson Teaching techniques September Beautiful pattern (as planned) Reinforce the techniques of cutting out geometric elements and making patterns, combining colors, compositions (independently, creatively) Multi-colored paper. White background. Geometric blanks (circles, squares, stripes) Consider ornamented objects. Highlight the features of their decoration. Instructions for making the pattern. Encouraging children's independence and creative pursuits September Fruits Learn to convey the shape and color of an orange, plum, melon, watermelon, comparing them in pairs by size and color (to choose from) Blanks of corresponding colors. White background Examination of the basic properties of fruits Consolidation of techniques for cutting out circles and ovals from squares and rectangles September Vegetables (from life) Learn to cut out the real shape of a cucumber, carrot, beet, etc. with tops and leaves Preparation of colored paper. White background Examine the basic properties of vegetables Demonstration of techniques for cutting out objects that have characteristic features September Truck Learn to convey the shape, location of the main parts; stick carefully. Provide the ability to choose the color of the paper. Stripes of different colors. Blue background Consider trucks of different brands. Highlight the main structural parts, their shape, color Reinforcing the sequence of cutting and gluing figures October Trucks are carrying a harvest of vegetables and fruits (team work) Learn to determine the content of the application, carry it out jointly and creatively, establishing relationships between different objects; enjoy the results of collective activity Blue background, strips of colored paper of different sizes Have a conversation about harvesting on collective and state farms. Use illustrations Explanation of the task. Help in distributing work. Activating children's independence October Let's decorate an apron with a pattern Develop the ability to decorate apron silhouettes with elements of a geometric pattern using folk ornament motifs (to choose from); beautifully combine colors, use different patterns. Background: silhouettes of white, red and other colors. Strips of paper of different colors for a pattern Organize exhibitions of products made by folk craftsmen. Consider the patterns Showing options for decorating aprons with geometric patterns. Encouraging children's creativity October Bus Learn to cut out the main parts of the bus silhouette; convey their magnitude and color relationships Stripes of different colors. White background Examine a bus, compare with a truck Reinforce the techniques of cutting out parts and the sequence of gluing them October Multi-storey building Learn to convey the structure and parts of a house of modern architecture by combining rectangles of different sizes and colors Stripes of different colors and sizes On a walk, consider the features of houses, their structure, differences in height, decoration elements Showing techniques for making applique. Activation of children, relying on their past experience, level of knowledge and skills November Garland of leaves (collectively) Learn to cut out autumn leaves from a rectangle by folding it in half, holding it by the fold. Develop the ability to create a garland from individual colorful leaves to decorate the hall. Stripes of yellow, red, orange, green colors. Organize a conversation. Show how to cut out symmetrical leaf shapes. Reinforcing the techniques of sequential folding and cutting out of paper November Bouquet of leaves in a vase (from life) Strengthen the technique of cutting out leaves and a vase by folding a piece of paper in half. Make a beautiful bouquet using a combination of bright shapes with a blue background. Multi-colored stripes and a rectangle for a vase. Blue background Consider a bouquet made of autumn leaves Reinforcing the technique of cutting out leaves. Leading children to use the same technique to depict a vase, modifying the configuration of the object November Street (collectively) Strengthen the ability to depict multi-story buildings, types of urban transport and place silhouettes on a plane. Be able to agree on the content and sequence of completing a task Multi-colored paper for depicting applications and background design Organize a walk along the street; consider houses standing in a row, different types of transport Instructions on the order of completing the task, assistance in its distribution, selection of material December Funny Tumblers Learn to cut out circles more accurately, measure them in size, combine them in color to convey an expressive image of the toy Colored stripes. White background. Tumbler dolls Organize games with tumblers (leave them in the play corner) Examine toys, explain how to perform the selected toy December Fairytale house in the forest between the fir trees Learn to creatively embody the theme. Teach the ability to cut out Christmas trees by folding the workpiece in half; freely place the cut out shapes on the sheet, combining them by color. Colored paper. Blue background Consider illustrations showing different versions of fairy-tale houses in winter decoration. Show the technique of cutting out Christmas trees by folding a rectangle in half. Encouraging children's creative expressions December Mittens for the Snow Maiden Learn to cut out various pattern elements and decorate with them the silhouettes of mittens cut from multi-colored paper. Develop creativity Strips of colored paper. Silhouettes of mittens Bring and examine colored mittens decorated with colorful patterns Suggestion to decorate the silhouettes of mittens yourself, beautifully choosing the shapes and colors of the elements. Encouraging creative searches and results December Decorated Christmas tree Learn to cut out a Christmas tree and decorations for it (balls, garlands, animals), using familiar techniques. Learn to create bright and elegant decorations. Form joyful anticipation of the holiday Green rectangle for the Christmas tree. Scraps of colored paper Decorate the Christmas tree in the area with multi-colored toys and flags. Reinforce the technique of cutting out the Christmas tree. Activating children's creativity in the process of decorating it. Encouragement of successful works, selection of samples for exhibition

Tags: Application in the senior group Test Pedagogy

Eresek tobyndagy uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetіnіn abstracts

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group

Event description/Date : 01/31/18

Tarbieshi/Teacher: Kukil A.M.

Bilim take salas/Educational field: Creativity

Pәn/Item: Applique

otpeli takyryp/Cross-cutting topic: “Transport”

Takyryby/Topic: “Steamboat”


Tarbielik – educational: Cultivate interest in modes of transport.

Damytushylyk – developing: Develop the ability to carefully paste an image, arrange it beautifully on a sheet of paper, attention, and fine motor skills.

Oqytu – educational: Learn to cut out parts of a steamship of various shapes from paper. Strengthen the ability to cut corners of a rectangle.

Pedagogical technology / Pedagogical technologies: gaming, health-saving, communicative and linguistic.

Resurstarmen kamatamasyz etu/Resource support: ready-made “Steamboat” sample, a picture depicting a steamship, a car, an airplane, colored paper, glue, scissors, glue brushes, a map of the sea (using the “Travel by Map” technique), a treasure chest, tickets for the steamship, a melody with the sounds of a steamboat .

Koptildilyk/Multilingualism: sayahat - travel -journey

Uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin Barysy

Progress of organized educational activities

Ұyimdastyrushylyk kezeni/Organizational point:

Guys, do you like to travel?(Uses multilingualism) Now you and I will go on a journey across the sea for treasures and I have a map for this so that we don’t get lost, but first we need to choose the transport on which we will go on this journey. Look carefully at the image and tell me what type of transport we will use to go to sea?(Children choose a steamboat from different types of transport)

Negіzi bolіmі/Main part:

That's right, you and I will go on a trip by boat. Children, what type of transport is a steamship? (water mode of transport) Where can a steamship sail, on what expanses of water? (by river, by sea)

Well done! Now let's look at our map, which shows our route. Now we are with you in our group “Swallow”, this is indicated on our map. Our next destination is the island of “Mastery”, but to get to the island we need to get on a ship, for this we need special tickets. (Gives tickets to the children with their names; asks the children to stand two by two in a column and, to the sounds of the steamboat, go to the island of “Mastery”)

So you and I found ourselves on the island of “Mastery”. Guys, we have a task from the inhabitants of this island. To continue our journey, we need to make our own steamboat. Shall we complete the task to get to the treasure? But first, get your fingers ready.

Finger game "Finger Brothers".

Fold your fingers into fists, use the index finger and thumb of one hand to “wake up” the fingers of the other hand, starting with the thumb, and extend the desired finger.

Five brothers sleep in a hut.
Get up, Bolshak,
Get up, Pointer,
Get up, Seredka,
Get up, Little Orphan,
And you, little Mitroshka.
Hello, palm!

Guys, look at the sample steamship that the residents of the island of “Mastery” have prepared for us. Tell me, what does the ship have?A steamship has a hull, a deckhouse, a funnel and windows called portholes.

- Now let's start building the ship. Take the largest rectangle, fold it in half and cut off a corner on one side - this is the hull of our steamer. We coat the body with glue and glue it in the middle of the sheet, on the waves. Now we take a square and glue it in the middle of the steamer body. This is the wheelhouse - the room in which the captain is located. Take the remaining small rectangle. This is a pipe. We glue our pipe to the cabin. We fold a strip of paper into an accordion, round the corners, cut it, we get portholes, which we glue onto the hull of the steamer. Well, our ship is ready.

Well done! The residents of Mastery Island thank you and let us pass further to Treasure Island. (Shows a treasure chest, asks the children whether to open the chest, distributes the treasures to the children)

Individual work with children ONR - Gleb - name the types of ground transport, Bogdan - repeat.

Korytyndy/Final part:

Analyzes children's work and praises them for beautiful, neatly completed work.

Summarizes the children's knowledge acquired in class.


Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " We are folk craftsmen»

Target : With create e matryoshka dolls using the technique of cut appliqué.

Tasks :

Continue to introduce children to technologybreak applique;

Develop fine motor skills and creativity;

Cultivate accuracy in work and perseverance.

To give children the opportunity to feel the joy, love, kindness that these toys bring to people;

Continue teaching children how to work with a stencil,

Developmental : - develop a sense of shape, color(choose harmonious color combinations) :

Develop creative imagination.

Health saving :

Continue to teach children to monitor their posture;

Continue to formulate rules of safe behavior when working with scissors.

Educational :

Cultivate artistic taste;

Cultivate accuracy when working with scissors and glue;

Cultivate an interest in co-creation.

Equipment :

Wooden nesting dolls, silhouette matryoshka dolls on white paper, scissors, PVA glue, colored paper.


Children enter the hall. They stand in a semicircle near the table on which they are displayed. nesting dolls (they are covered so children can't see them) .

Educator : Hello guys. Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.

Educator :

I'll tell you a riddle, and if you guess it, you'll find out what's hidden on the table.

Mystery :

They love to live alone in summer and winter,

Bring them boots and they will go dancing.(matryoshka dolls)

Children: Matryoshka dolls

Educator : Shows those standing on the table nesting dolls

That's right, that's nesting dolls. Yes, how beautiful.

Question : Why do you think this doll came to be called matryoshka?

Children : That's what girls were called in Rus' - Matryona

Educator : What kind of person do you think made them? d good or evil? Why did you decide so?

Children: She was made a kind person because she smiles and has cheerful eyes

Educator : In Rus' there are many cities and villages where folk craftsmen live who make nesting dolls

Question : What are they cut from and why?Are the nesting dolls colored, bright and all so different?

Children : They are carved from wood and painted with paints

Educator : Right. Here at Zagorskaya nesting dolls (shows matryoshka) the nose is depicted with two dots, and the lips are made with three dots (two at the top, one at the bottom, two strands of hair are hidden under the scarf and tied in a knot, the scarf and apron are decorated with a simple color pattern.

And Semenovskaya matryoshka (shows matryoshka) masters make the aiming blackpaint : draw the oval of the face, eyes, nose, lips, outline the scarf. Semenovskaya matryoshka decorated with flower buds, lush roses, and bells.

Polkhov-Maidanskynesting dolls are the brightest, most cheerful, primary colors - purple, scarlet, yellow, blue; pattern - flowers and berries.

Educator : Then let's go to the tables, sit down and do ournesting dolls. And then we will give it to those who care about you and whom you love

(Because Our applique is broken, so the children make preparations in advance, cut off small random pieces of multi-colored paper.)

Then, in a random order of colors, the children gluescraps of colored paper.

Educator : Look how many bright, beautiful, differentnesting dolls appeared with us.

The matryoshka doll is a caring, kind, reliable mother who unites, brings together and protects the little and weak. Such a toy is made only in our Russia, onlyRussian masters. It makes you happy and warms your soulRussian toy for all good people on earth. When foreign guests come to Russia, they always take home our souvenirs.Russian folk toy.

Bottom line

Questions for children :

So beautiful You made the nesting dolls, who made them so beautiful?(Children's answers) .

How did you do that?

What was difficult for you to accomplish?

Do you like your job?

Lesson summary on application in the senior group

Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " Grandmother's scarf»

Target : develop the ability to perform technical productsappliqués.

Tasks :

1. Arouse interest in decorativeappliqués.

2. Continue to teach the correct technique for gluing parts

3. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes and colors.

4. Develop mental processes(attention, memory, thinking) .

5. Cultivate aesthetic taste, love for decorative and applied arts.

6. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and stop around V.

IN : Children, you see, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

D. say hello.

IN : Today it will be very interesting for you and me. I suggest, in order to lift our mood even more, smile at yourself, me and the guests, and now smile at each other.

Included Matryoshka. Says hello. She wonders if the children recognized her.

IN: Oh, honey Matryoshka, Which handkerchief you have a shabby, old one on your head... Herepatch, and here the drawing is already worn out...

(Draws children's attention to this)

M. became sad : What should I do? Where am I nowI'll find a new beautiful scarf? I’m in a hurry to visit my dear mother. How can I approach her like this?

IN : Guys, maybe we can helpMatryoshka? But how?

D. answer.

V. leads the children to suggest makinghandmade scarf.

IN : How can we make it so thatthe scarf was beautiful, and not just white and without patterns?

D: Decorate it.

IN : How can we decorate it?

Answer options(draw or use appliqués )

IN : How can we decoratehandkerchief?

D : Flowers, patterns.

IN : Or maybe geometric shapes? For example, what shapes do you know?

D : Circle, square, triangle.

IN : And now, when we have already rested and warmed up, it’s time to get down to business. Guys, take your seats.

D. are seated at their workplaces

B. Invites to help childrentake jobs. A ready-made template hangs on the easelscarf. The same templates are laid out in front of the children, as well as one geometric figure each.(to decorate the product)

IN : Sit back, guys. Keep your backs straight, hide your legs on the table. Well done! Keep your hands on the table, don't rush to touch anything. Look at my easel. That's what handkerchief I propose to give our guest -Matryoshka. It just seems to me that something is missing here... Kind of boringhandkerchief. What do we do?.

D: Decorate it!

IN : How can we decorate it? Think about it. Look at the table, at the plates in front of you. What's in there?

IN : That's right, guys. How smart you are. Before we start gluing, let's first lay it out onhandkerchiefs the details the way you want to glue them.

V. helps to place parts in the corners scarf.

IN : Smart kids! Let's do so. First, I will show you and remind you how to correctly and accurately stick on the parts, and you remember carefully.

V. shows the technique of gluing parts, how to use glue and a brush correctly and carefully.

IN : Now you can get to work. When finished, set aside your handkerchief on the edge of the table and do not forget to wipe your hands with a napkin and place the brushes on a plate.

During gluing, V. approaches each child, helps them take the brush correctly, carefully apply glue to the part, and works individually.

After all the children have completed their work, he offers to pick up the finished ones. scarves over your head and showMatryoshka and each other. Praises the guys.

M : Oh guys, what am Ichoose a scarf? They all turned out very neat and beautiful!

(Shows everyone the real handkerchief)

M : Well, thank you! My grandma loves it when I wear thesescarves with bright flowers. Maybe I'll take it for myself, and you guys are yours handkerchiefs Give it to your beloved grandmothers, let it be a keepsake.

D. agree.

V. praises the guys for how hard they tried, and for what beautiful souvenirs they turned out for their grandmothers.

IN : Now guys, you can put yourshandkerchiefs for lockers to give to grandmothers in the evening. AThe nesting doll will help you. Then don't forget to say goodbye to her.

D. and M. say goodbye to the guests and leave.

Lesson summary on application in the senior group

Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " Fire engine»

Target: Introduce children to the profession of a firefighter, to the tools he needs in his work, and to a fire truck.

Tasks: To consolidate knowledge about special transport - a fire engine;

To consolidate knowledge about the work of firefighters;

Give children an idea of ​​the dangers of fire;

Develop logical thinking, spatial coordination (the ability to place parts on cardboard);

Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.

Equipment: Picture of a fire truck, colored paper, glue, brushes, ½ colored cardboard, scissors, rags.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part.

- Bim - bom, bim - bom! In the courtyard there is a tall house, carved shutters, painted windows (show picture). With a crash, clicking and thunder, a fire rose above the new house, so the house collapsed and burned with all its goods. Guys, why did the house burn down? (show picture)

- Guys, what can happen if the fire is left unattended or children pick up matches and play with them? Guys, who can defeat the insidious fire?

- What number do you need to call for the firefighters to come?

- So that a firefighter can quickly get to the fire, what does he need?

- What car?

2. Main part.

- Guys, let's first look at what a fire truck looks like (showing a picture of a Fire Truck).

- What does a fire truck have?

- Guys, why is the car red?

- Because fire is also red, the color of danger.

- Why do you need a fire truck signal?

3. Productive activity.

- And our guys don’t have a fire truck in the picture! Let's send our rescue team of fire trucks to help the guys?

Teacher demonstration . Cuts out shapes and lays them out on colored cardboard (road, tank, cabin, wheels, gluing small parts).

The guys go to the tables and get to work.

Children perform, and the teacher monitors the sequence of forms and, if necessary, gives individual instructions.

The teacher reminds how to work with scissors.

The teacher reminds how to work with glue; coating the molds completely.

In conclusion, to say that the fire trucks made will help,the guys fight the fire.

Lesson summary on application in the senior group

Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " Komzol»

Target: cultivate interest in the applied arts of Kazakhstan.

Tasks : continue to introduce children to Kazakh national costumes and ornaments. Teach how to make a pattern on the silhouette of a camisole from elements of the Kazakh ornament (“bone”, “ram’s horns”). Learn to create your own pattern. Develop imagination, creativity, aesthetic taste.

Bilingual component: koshkar muyiz – ram horns.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher asks the children what meaning they mean by the concept of “National Clothes”. Explains that the Kazakh people, like others, have national costumes. Asks the children to name them: camisole, saukele, vest, skullcap, chapan, etc. Please note that national clothes are used for different purposes. For example, for special events: weddings, celebrations. Aherthe appearance and color depend on the season of the year and the age of the person. Next, the teacher directs the children to the fact that clothes for dolls can be cut out of paper. Shows patterns.

4. Show the sequence of work. The children, together with the teacher, fold a rectangular sheet of paper (fabric) in half, apply a pattern, trace it with a pencil and cut out a dress or other clothing. You can decorate it with national ornaments.

5. Independent work.

Each child chooses a pattern, folds a piece of fabric, traces the pattern andcuts outselected clothes.

Children compare each other's clothes and, if desired, dress their dolls in them. The rest of the crafts, patterns and fabrics are put in a box and then they do it on their own in their free time.

6. Analysis of children'sworks

7. Didactic game. Let's dress the dolls for a walk.

Target. Exercise children in finding shades (darker or lighter) of a given color.

Material. Each player is given a card with a picture of a boy in a jacket or a girl in a coat, different in color; small envelopes containing hats and boots for dolls of the same color, but darker or lighter shades (two hats, two pairs of boots).

Progress of the game.

Each child receives a card with a picture of a doll and an envelope with hats and boots. The teacher explains that the dolls are not yet fully dressed for a walk and suggests completing the following tasks:

Put hats and boots on the dolls that are lighter than the coat or jacket.


Lesson summary on application in the senior group

Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " Flowers of Kazakhstan»

Target. Expand children's knowledge about the nature of Kazakhstan; cultivate love for the Motherland, for the native land; consolidate the ability to cut in various ways; form aesthetic feelings.Cultivate perseverance and patience.

Material. Colored paper, scissors, glue.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory conversation.

The bud blooms where it has taken root,

Dzhigit is strong where he was born.

Pay attention to the beauty of your native land. Talk with children about flowers growing in Kazakhstan. Remember poems, stories, fairy tales about flowers.

Merry meadow,

Fragrant flowers!

Green meadow,

I liked you.

Communicating the Topic and Goals classes.

Next, aim the children to apply all the knowledge they have acquired during the year during the lesson and apply flowers at their own discretion. If children want to make a tulip applique, then pay attention to the fact that this flower has long been a symbol of fertility in Central Asia. It is often found in ornamental compositions. The nature of the application should be “cheerful and joyful.”

Independent work.

Remind children of the different cutting methods; help them correctly arrange the details of the composition.

Analysis of children's works.

Organize an exhibition “In a Sunny Meadow” and celebrate the most successful works.


Lesson summary on application in the senior group

Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " Aul» (teamwork)

Target. Further development in children of teamwork skills, reflection in the application of their knowledge and ideas about their native land; teach children to work with templates, tracing them with a pencil and cutting out along the contour.

Maternal. Illustrations depicting the village; a large sheet of paper or cardboard, pencils, scissors, glue, colored paper.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory conversation.

- For a long time, the Kazakh people lived in villages calledaulami. The Kazakhs set up yurts at the foot of the mountains, far in the steppe. They chose places where they could graze cattle.

Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will depict such a village together, collectively. Let's look at the works of Kazakh artists.

The teacher helps the children distribute the work. The original forms can be laid out on a separate table so that children have the opportunity to choose the ones they need.

Tell the children that they can pretend to be livestock. Using cardboard templates, cut out pets, mountains, a yurt, a person.

Independent work.

Together with the children, lay out the elements of the sketch on a common sheet several times until the most expressive composition is found. Some children are tasked with taking pictures and spreading glue on them, while others are tasked with carefully gluing them onto a common sheet of paper.

Analysis of children's works.

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson summary on application in the senior group

Educational area : "Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject: " Rocket»

Target:consolidate children's knowledge about space.


- continue to teach children how to use scissors;

-develop a sense of composition in children: teach how to place details harmoniously;

- carefully stick the parts onto the surface;

- develop creativity and fine motor skills in children;

- evoke positive emotions in children;

- expand your horizons.

Material:plastic bottles, foil, PVA glue, glue brushes, colored paper, colored cardboard, scissors, glue cloths, oilcloths, napkins.

Vocabulary work:porthole.

Preliminary work:Conversations on the topic “Space”, production of rocket bodies, parts for rockets.

GCD move:

- Guys, who knows what holiday will be soon? (Cosmonautics Day)

- Right. April 12 will be a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. Do you know why our country celebrates this day?)

- Because on April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time. Do you know the name of the first cosmonaut?)

- That's right, it was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, our compatriot.

The teacher shows a portrait of Gagarin.

- During the launch, a flame broke out in the rocket engines, the rocket took off and disappeared into the blue sky.

The teacher shows a fragment of a rocket launch.

Yuri Alekseevich was the first to see the entire Earth from space.

The teacher shows an illustration of a view of planet Earth from space

- The astronaut looked at the Earth through the window. Who knows what this window is called? (porthole).

- Guys, let's take a close look at the rocket.

The teacher shows the rocket and tells where the engine, body, and porthole are.

- We've been sitting too long, let's warm up a little.


We stood up together, legs apart, shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist

And back we all bent over backwards

We leaned forward, leaned forward

Prepared for takeoff:

Sit low: one, two, three squatted, arms above head,

depict the nose of a rocket

Rocket into space - fly! standing jump

- Well done! We sit down at the tables.

- And now we will “build” a rocket.

- We made our rocket body and engines in advance.

- What is missing from our rocket? (porthole)

Now we will cut out a porthole from paper. But before we do this, we need to remembersafety precautions when working with scissors:

1. You can take scissors only with the permission of the teacher.

2. When working, carefully monitor the cutting direction.

3. Do not hold the scissors with the blade facing up.

4. Do not leave scissors with open blades.

5. Do not approach your friend while working.

6. Pass the closed scissors rings forward.

7. While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.

8. After finishing the work, place the closed scissors on the table with the blade facing away from you.

- Now you can get to work. If you need my help, raise your hand.

Children cut out portholes.

- We have all the parts for our rocket ready. What will we do next? (They flew to glue).

- That's right, but first let's remembersafety precautions for working with glue:

1. Handle the glue with care. Glue is poisonous!

2. Apply glue to the surface of the product only with a brush.

3. Do not let glue get on your fingers, face, especially eyes.

4. When working with glue, use a napkin.

5. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands and arms.

- We glue the portholes, try to do it carefully.

Children glue portholes.

- Now let's glue the engines that we made in advance.

The engines are glued.

- Well done! Look what kind of missiles we can make.

Bottom line.

- What kind of holiday will be celebrated on April 12 (Cosmonautics Day)

- What was the name of the first cosmonaut? (Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich)

-What did he use to fly into space? (On a rocket)

We bring to your attention various ideas for applications, popular trends.

About the importance of applications in kindergarten

Additional activities involving different directions have a positive impact on the development of children's creative abilities, contribute to the development of their imagination, logical thinking, and imagination. In the process of making appliqué in kindergarten, you can create a variety of complex patterns using individual parts. It is expected that individual or collective work will be performed, it all depends on the wishes of the children themselves.

The end result of such activities can be an application in kindergarten in the form of plants or “overseas” animals. By making interesting products with their own hands, kids gradually learn about the world together with the characters they create. Application in the senior group is an individual and group activity. Children with a high level of development are quite capable at such an early age of making their own fabrics, cardboard parts, after tracing them onto the selected material, using a ready-made stencil.

About the types of applications

It is customary to subdivide all variants of modern applique into volumetric and flat. The easiest to implement is considered to be flat. Parts of different sizes and shapes are cut out of paper, fabric, leather, cardboard, then they are carefully glued onto the selected background, observing the desired sequence, to obtain the intended picture. If pieces of paper are torn off, they are uneven, and there is a feeling of roughness and fluffiness of the paper applique.

Volume appliqué is characterized by the creation of visual volume.

Depending on the manufacturing option, four groups are distinguished:

  • gluing some individual applique parts to the background;
  • bending other parts, gluing one part in 2-3 steps;
  • the use of a volumetric part, for example, cotton wool;
  • making part of the picture from corrugated or with the addition of a volume composition.

There is a division of all applications by type into:

  • plot;
  • font;
  • silhouette applications;
  • ornamental;
  • subject.

For preschool institutions, the simplest one is suitable - subject application. It is suitable for creating simple paintings: leaves, vases, trees, vegetables, berries, animals, dolls.

Thematic (plot) application is much more complex; it involves several different objects that are in motion. Basically, such paintings are used to illustrate fables, children's fairy tales, stories, and poems. It is allowed to perform such scenes in one color or in several different colors.

Ornamental applique is used to decorate carpets, clothes, bookmarks, and albums. A special ornament is drawn up, involving a combination of plant and geometric shapes. Details may be different or the same. A combination of plant forms and geometric shapes is allowed.

The use of silhouettes is considered interesting. These paintings have original images; contrast is used in their creation. They take black paper and paste a white background onto it, creating a bright design.

Font application is used in the design of educational materials, posters, and book publications. Suitable materials for creating applications for kindergarten students include cardboard, paper, colored yarn, matchboxes, pieces of fabric, foam rubber, plant seeds, and fruit seeds.

What skills are formed in the process of performing applications?

Any application in the older group allows children to learn the basics of this art, teaches them to correctly use scissors, a stencil, carefully cut out parts along the contour, and stick them in the right order on cardboard or paper. Also, the “Applique” lesson in the senior group introduces children to a variety of materials they use in their work. This lesson helps you learn to place individual elements of the overall composition correctly on the basis, to observe the required sequence, taking into account the plot that should be obtained after completion of all the work.

During such classes, kids get acquainted with a variety of geometric shapes, shades, different colors, and learn to combine different colors harmoniously. Also, the application (senior group) “Autumn” allows children to receive information about the shape of a figure, for example, to learn what a circle, square, rectangle is, and also to learn to distinguish between small and large quantities.

Application as a means of developing primary skills

Activities such as applique in the older group help kids gain figure cutting skills. For example, children have to cut a sheet of paper straight, learn to bend the sheet, and cut out round, oval, square, and triangular parts. Also, applique in the older group contributes to the formation of such skills as drawing in a pre-made circle and tearing off pieces of paper. The main task of the applique is to teach kids the art of creating details that look like realistic scenes. The program used by preparatory groups in kindergartens includes various themes for applications in the older group that have a specific plot. Such actions contribute to the ability to develop plots and details of the planned composition.

About the theme of colored paper applications that can be made in the preparatory group

The themes of applications in the older group can be varied, for example, on a fairy tale theme, animal or plant life, holidays, transport. Before starting any activities related to the application, the teacher must prepare for the lesson. The teacher writes a preliminary summary of “Application in the senior group”, and during the lesson he implements the intended goals. The preparatory group involves solving the main tasks:

  • teaching children a certain sequence of performing appliqué on a regular sheet of cotton wool cardboard or colored paper;
  • teaching children independence when choosing the plot of a future application;
  • formation in preschoolers of an algorithm of actions and a creative attitude to this process.

How to make an activity related to making applique memorable for kids

Before the paper applique is made, the senior group recites poems related to the theme of the future applique, for example, about animals or plants that should appear on cardboard after completion of the work.

How to make an applique with mushrooms

The “Mushrooms” application in the older group involves the use of green cardboard, cotton wool, glue and ordinary cotton pads. First, the kids receive sheets of cardboard and cotton pads, then they must assemble mushrooms from the available parts. In order for the kids to understand the “Mushrooms” application in the older group more clearly, the teacher must show them exactly how to act. Glue is applied to individual parts of the cotton wool, and different parts for the fungi are cut out of colored cardboard. You can also use colored plasticine to create such an application.

Creating the “Winter” application

Among the options required for the preparatory group, you can also choose a winter theme, which is especially important before the New Year holidays. To make such an applique, you will need cotton wool, blue cardboard, glue, and cotton pads. First, the teacher gives the children cardboard and cotton wool, then suggests a winter theme. It is advisable that the teacher show the kids examples of applications, this will make it much easier for them to work. Children can make snow and trees from cotton pads. Using cardboard of a different color, showing imagination, the kids will be able to demonstrate their skills. The teacher can offer children of the older group, in addition to cardboard, cotton wool, paper, also colored plasticine. Completed with your own hands, it will become the most desired gift for the child’s parents. Such an applique and a photo of the resulting painting will decorate any family album.

The main task of the application, made from ordinary plasticine, is for the child to acquire figurative and spatial thinking, as well as to teach him how to correctly apply pieces of plasticine to different types of surfaces, and the ability to create complex pictures from small plasticine parts.

To create such a composition, your child will need a set of colored plasticine, a sheet of cardboard, white gouache, a brush, and a glass of water. First, you need to apply blue plasticine to the cardboard, creating a kind of background for the future composition. If the child wanted to place white snowdrifts at the bottom of his work, then white plasticine should be applied to the bottom of the cardboard.

Next, you can fill in the new background with snow and various trees. To make such trees, you can use green and brown plasticine. Brown plasticine will be needed to create branches and a tree trunk, and green plasticine is suitable for placing Christmas trees on cardboard. You can decorate such an applique with the help of beautiful snowflakes made of thin white strands. You can also draw snowflakes with white gouache.

Ideas for applications in kindergarten

The application “Vegetables” in the senior group involves the use of not only plasticine, paper, but also other consumables. For example, a painting made from flowers, dried leaves, various pieces of fabric, egg shells, and painted semolina will look great. Using ordinary multi-colored plasticine, you can make original applications with the children. Small plasticine balls are pre-glued onto a cardboard base, with their help a mosaic pattern is formed. Such work involves the use of a simple pencil, with which the planned plot of the picture is drawn on cardboard, then the cardboard needs to be sealed with transparent tape. Plasticine balls are attached to transparent tape, through which the main pattern is clearly visible. This technique makes it possible to repeatedly use the cardboard base; if necessary, you can make the necessary changes to the picture.

Technique for making appliques based on paper napkins

Colorful applique (senior group) “Animals” can be made from simple paper napkins or from leftover paper.

First you need to tear the paper into small pieces. Then the pieces are rolled into small balls. Using glue, fix these balls on a cardboard base. Then they add paper balls of different colors, creating a bright three-dimensional picture.

How to make an applique “Birds”

A “Bird” application made from paper, for example, “Swans on the Lake,” first involves choosing a background. Blue velvet paper is suitable for this. Birds can be made from leftover white paper by cutting out geometric shapes of different shapes. On the base, you need to draw birds with a pencil and carefully glue the individual parts in the right order. Believe me, the “Bird” applique made of paper, with the right choice of colors, will become a real work of art; it can be placed in a frame or mounted on the wall.

Spring themes for applications

To instill in preschoolers a love of nature, you can choose many different themes, and applications and photos are an excellent option for an interesting pastime. Any activity conducted with preschoolers should encourage them to take active action, give them the opportunity to show their creative abilities, and develop logical thinking. For example, the “Fruits” applique, which the kids will make, can become the basis for a greeting card for mothers on March 8th. During this activity, children will be able to get acquainted with different fruits, learn to distinguish them, learn poems about fruits, and tell them to each other. Any “Fruit” application involves familiarization with different colors, shapes, and sizes of geometric objects, that is, it helps the child comprehend the basics of geometry.

Application history pages

Applique is an affordable and convenient option for creating paintings for exhibitions and children's art galleries. With its help, the baby enters the world of beauty, hears the rustling of waves, birds singing, and sees drops of morning dew.

Applique in kindergarten owes its origin to the Latin word “applicatio”, which literally means “application”. All paintings assume the presence of a base on which various individual details are superimposed. Applique first appeared more than 2500 years ago. Its discoverers were nomadic peoples who used this technique to decorate their homes, shoes, and clothes. For paintings they used felt, pieces of fur and leather. The Hermitage has preserved a felt carpet, which is decorated with figures of horsemen and ancient goddesses. You can also see in museums items for horse harnesses, which are decorated with felt and leather appliqués. Historians discovered similar ancient objects during excavations of burial mounds. Such ancient peoples as the Buryats, Evenks, Kazakhs, Komi, Mansi, Kalmyks, and Khanty still use appliqué to decorate their national costumes.

Author's works

"Stars of Heroes"

For children (3-5 years old), you can propose the creation of “Stars of Heroes”, dedicating the work to the upcoming anniversary of the Victory. This work is done using the mosaic technique. A sketch of the future project is drawn on the cardboard, then colors are selected, small pieces are torn from the paper, smeared with glue, and carefully attached to the cardboard. Such an application can be done jointly; each child will be involved in creating a specific individual element. Such paintings can become a gift from children to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.


Using a similar technique, you can create several plot paintings - applications inspired by the musical cycle of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, making “Autumn”, “Summer”, “Winter”, “Spring”, taking ordinary colored paper.

"Our traditions"

For children of older preschool age, it is quite possible to use wheat grains, straw, oats, and barley when creating applications. If you soak straw in hot water, it will become soft, and the children can use it to make ribbons. They can be turned into a real basket by gluing them to a cardboard base. By cutting out flower petals from colored paper, you can “plant” daisies and forget-me-nots in a basket. The application will be voluminous, original, and may well become a gift for moms, dads, grandparents.

The main task of parents or a teacher in a kindergarten when an application is being made (senior group, “Autumn,” for example) is to show a little adult imagination to create an interesting and unusual children’s task. This can play the most key role in the development of the personality of a child who, at the age of the older group, is able to absorb all the skills and knowledge necessary for later life. And if it is not possible to do this seriously, as adults do through reading books and professional literature, then it is best to use a game form of learning, which will be of interest, and therefore will be the most useful for quickly assimilating only the necessary information. It is important to choose the right topic. Applique (senior group) “Autumn” or “Winter” and other seasons are wonderful ways to get creative. It is advisable to consult with experienced educators before developing an application yourself.