Dress shoulder decor with beads and rhinestones. Decorating clothes with beads Bead embroidery on a jacket

For us women, beautiful things are never enough, especially if they are clothes embroidered with beads. These are small multi-colored beads with a hole in the middle that have a decorative function. They come from plastic, wood, glass, polymer materials, stone, shells, amber and other materials. There is not only bead embroidery, but also a technique of working with beads, which is called beading. You can make jewelry from beads, both for yourself and for your own interior. You can also embroider clothes using beads, which is very fashionable today.

Bead embroidery on clothes. Value

Bead embroidery can be called a decorative and applied art. This is a special handicraft suitable for diligent people who know how to use a thread and a needle and have a subtle sense of style and taste. Only with these necessary parameters is it possible to achieve an excellent result. Bead embroidery on clothing is very attractive and expensive, in demand and exclusive at any time. Many world-famous designers use bead embroidery in their designs. Such exclusive items are hand-embroidered with multi-colored beads, and everyone who wears such an outfit will shine and delight others!

Bead embroidery on clothes. It's never too late to learn

Bead embroidery for beginners is, of course, not an easy task. You will need the ability to read diagrams and work with them - initially, without diagrams, you are unlikely to succeed in anything sensible. When your skills become more confident, you can try without diagrams. Draw chalk outlines onto the fabric. Equally important is the correct selection of bead color and texture. To make bead embroidery on clothes work well, use thin but durable, not very noticeable, or matching canvas, that is, usually white. Linen-lavsan, cotton-lavsan, or nylon threads No. 33 and No. 50 are well suited. The thread should not hang, but it should not be pulled too tightly either. To secure the thread, you need to stitch the same bead twice. It is necessary to fasten the first and last beads in each row.

Bead embroidery for beginners is a very painstaking task, so to make the work easier and improve the quality, you can use canvas. Moreover, the canvas can be adjusted both from the front and from the back side, but the stitches must also be made on the same side. Upon completion of the work, the canvas is easily pulled out.

Bead embroidery master class

Now let's try to embroider with beads on clothes. This type of work requires careful preparation of your work area with good lighting.

You will need:

- embroidery pattern;
- canvas;
- threads;
- thin needle;
- scissors;
- ruler;
- Japanese or Czech beads of the desired colors;
- container for beads;

Bead embroidery master class involves familiarization with bead embroidery techniques. “Monastery” stitch – vertical purl stitches similar to cross stitch. “Line” stitch – one bead per stitch. “Stem” seam – provides dense bead embroidery. “Arched” seam – gives dense and rigid embroidery.

If you nevertheless decide to take up bead embroidery on clothes, then be careful and patient, do it in your free time, and it will help you relieve nervous tension, and you will get a beautiful result that you will definitely want to show off.
I don’t have a video on bead embroidery of clothes, but I found something quite interesting on the Internet, and I suggest you watch it:

How can you embroider clothes with beads?

1) Use a stitch forward with the needle. In this case, the bead is strung on a thread with any stitch that runs along the front side of the garment.

2) The second option is to use a back stitch with a needle. In this case, the beads will fit more closely to one another, that is, the composition will be more dense.

3) bead embroidery on clothes can also use the method for satin stitch embroidery, when each stitch collects a certain number of beads, this is convenient when working with large surfaces.

You can also use a special bead thread (thread with beads strung together). For these purposes, the beads need to be strung on a thread (namely a thread, since fishing line will not work in this case) and secured at both ends. On the fabric you need to draw the outlines of the desired pattern with a pencil or chalk. After this, the thread is laid according to the pattern and secured with special pins. Then, after several beads, the thread is attached with stitches to the fabric, at right angles to the bead thread.

Are you an angel at heart, but no one knows it? Embroider your wings and your true essence will be clear to everyone!!! A cool T-shirt embroidered with beads and beads was discovered by me on the Internet and immediately won my heart! Cute and touching, it’s a lot of work, and it will take a lot of beads for such gorgeous wings!
Beaded angel - enjoy!

Bead embroidery. Tights and knee socks.

Do you want to amaze others with something original? Tights embroidered with beads are perfect! Bead embroidery, it turns out, is not limited to traditional things - T-shirts, jeans and blouses. We embroider everything that comes to hand... Of course, not everyone can wear beaded tights - this is for the most daring fashionistas.

Knee socks embroidered with beads. By the way, the designer version is not cheap... But we, needlewomen, can handle everything: embroidering such a thing will not be difficult...

Another knee-high, embroidered with beads. More modest, but, in my opinion, more elegant.
To enlarge the picture, click on it and it will open in a new window

Embroidery for a dress

For this work you will need beads, seed beads and glass beads. We select colors depending on the color of the dress fabric.

Drawing Butterfly

Very good on velvet fabric. Round beads and beads were used. As an option, the beads are pearl, multi-colored beads. Moreover, you can even use beads with a double “pockmarked” color.

Embroidery Bells

Please note that the ornament consists of separate parts and can be increased in any direction by repeating the elements. This pattern can be used to trim the edge of a shawl, dress, or any other long surface, even a tablecloth. You can use “clip” sewing, “pinned” stitch and “arched stitch”.

Embroidery for dress “Branch of hops”

First, embroider leaves and twigs with beads to match the color of the dress, sew on beads for the “cones,” then surround them with a beaded outline. For “antennae” and convoluted lines, the “arched seam” is convenient.

The pendants in the first picture can be left free and movable.

Bead embroidery is a real art that anyone can master. All that is needed in this matter is the availability of material and a little perseverance. Maybe at first not everything will turn out perfectly, but with each stitch comes experience and skill in embodying on the fabric the beauty of flowers, ornaments, landscapes and everything beautiful that can be seen around. With the help of bead embroidery you can decorate any thing, from an old dress to pillows or a tablecloth.

Choosing beads, what to pay attention to?

Each of us has seen what beads look like. Small, medium or larger beads of various colors and shapes, with a hole in the middle. Their size can range from the very minimum, equal to 2-4 mm, to relatively large samples of 5-6 mm. Bead beads can be faceted on the outside or inside, flat or round, elongated or flattened, like rings or like sticks. The range of stores is very large and includes hundreds and even thousands of samples.

Regarding the price of this product, beads produced in Taiwan remain the cheapest, but this affects its low quality. Japanese beads are considered the most expensive; their quality is quite high, but not everyone can afford them. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the average price category to which Czech beads belong.

Choosing tools and threads

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of threads for embroidery, since it depends on the strength of the composition embroidered on the fabric and the speed of the work itself. After all, if the threads are constantly tangled, the needlework will take a lot of nerves, effort and time. The main aspect when choosing threads is their strength, because the item will have to be constantly washed, worn periodically, and ironed, so the embroidery should stick well to the item. However, in addition to maximum strength, the thread for bead embroidery should be very thin and barely noticeable on the fabric. The best option for bead embroidery is nylon threads, linen-lavsan or cotton-lavsan; you can also use any thin threads with lavsan. When you have to work with chiffon or silk, the most suitable option is thin silk threads, but not synthetics, but only natural silk.

As for the tools that will help in the work, you should purchase thin scissors with sharp tips, an embroidery hoop and a set of thin needles; this will help fix the desired area of ​​​​fabric on the clothes and work comfortably. If you are embroidering for the first time, it is better to start needlework with simple, non-slip fabrics, such as cotton or denim.

Examples of successful work

If you don’t know which zone to choose for embroidery, then look at examples of finished works. You may like one of the options, but you can diversify your work with something new and add your own twist. For example, bead embroidery on the sleeves, collars, neckline and along the entire neckline on the back looks very beautiful. However, if desired, you can use any area of ​​clothing, the main thing is that the embroidery does not interfere with movement or restrict movement.

When the pattern and place for work have been chosen, you can transfer the design to the fabric. For this, a stencil and contour embroidery with thread are used. If the fabric is light, then dark threads are selected, and if it is dark, then the thread should be light. The stencil should be drawn on thick paper, then it should be attached to the product and the entire pattern should be stitched along the contour, starting with the largest parts, gradually moving to the smallest ones. Upon completion of the work, the stencil is removed. Many famous couturiers choose beads to decorate their works; Lebanese designer Elie Saab especially adores them.

Embroidery patterns

There are a huge number of patterns for bead embroidery. The design of the pattern, its size, color scheme has no restrictions, it all depends on the person’s imagination. If this is a simple, uncomplicated drawing, then it has the least amount of detail and a minimum set of colors. As for the most complex designs, beads of different shapes, colors, with complex transitions and unusual compositions are used for embroidery.

Simple circuits

For most people, embroidery patterns are clear and simple and similar to ordinary stencils. They are usually drawn up in black and white, so the master can show his imagination and decorate the drawing to his liking. However, if you don’t want to create something, you can find a ready-made color drawing and follow the instructions. Separately, it is worth noting that many needlewomen successfully combine satin stitch and bead embroidery, beads and sequins. Therefore, if you wish, you can create a real picture on your clothes.

1. Light gray and pearl pink look great together. For this embroidery, take beads of the same color, but different sizes. Sew the largest ones first, then the smaller ones.

2. Decoration made from pearl beads can be complemented with rhinestones. Also, large beads can act as buttons.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

3. You can use rhinestones and beads to decorate the “collar” on a cardigan with a round neckline.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

4. Another version of a “collar” made of beads, this time in contrasting color to the color of the cardigan.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

5. It is better to first draw such a pattern on a jumper, and then embroider it with beads.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

6. In the same way, you can decorate a denim jacket with rhinestones and beads.

7. Pearls look especially delicate on angora or cashmere. Try embroidering the sleeves on a raglan model - beautiful and unusual.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

8. Another option for decorating a model with a raglan sleeve: rhinestones along the seam will make an ordinary knitted sweatshirt look elegant.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

9. Rhinestones and beads will add shine to a sweatshirt or T-shirt with a painted crystal (by the way, you can also draw a picture yourself using acrylic or fabric markers).

10. You can embroider a “necklace” on a T-shirt or tank top using beads and rhinestones.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

11. Option for decorating a blouse or T-shirt: “epaulet” + sleeve decoration

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

12. Another version of the “epaulet” made of shiny elements. In this case, the shoulder line is further emphasized by beaded pendants.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

13. A simple T-shirt can be turned into an outfit for going out using beads and rhinestones.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

14. You can embroider an entire T-shirt or jumper with beads.

15. You can use rhinestones to lay out a pattern on the front of a shirt - for example, a denim one.

16. An option is to glue or sew them to the corners of the collar of such a shirt - this option will look especially elegant with a necklace made of similar beads.

17. A more strict and restrained decor is for a silk or chiffon blouse.

18. A bright, eye-catching option for a classic white shirt.

19. A modest but very cute decoration for a linen or cotton summer shirt.

Photo: Pinterest/Raquel Luna Designs

20. Another simple and cute option for decorating a blouse collar.

21. The most delicate decoration - for special occasions.

22. Another elegant decoration option - this one is suitable for a blouse made of fine noble fabric.

23. By the way, you can also embroider the cuffs of a classic shirt - for example, “lining” them with a layer of beads.

24. Decoration made from braid or embroidery on the collar of a denim jacket or shirt will perfectly complement the “fringe” of beads and beads on the pocket flap.

25. You can decorate with beads only the yoke of a jeans or shirt.

Photo: rocktheboatandbreaktherules.com

26. An exceptionally elegant option that can even be used to decorate a wedding dress. At the same time, this decor is done quite easily.

Photo: creachiffon. over-blog.com

27. An option for decorating a smart blouse is for experienced needlewomen.

28. Another option that is not the simplest, but gives a luxurious result. Please note: not only the cuffs are embroidered, but also the edge of the frill.

29. The skirt can be embroidered with rhinestones, beads and seed beads almost entirely.

30. An option for decorating a denim jacket is for those who have enough time, patience and supplies of beads and beads.

31. Pearl jeans are a little easier to make.

32. Embroidery on jeans can be complemented with bead decoration.

33. Another option for decorating jeans with beads: this time the pearls are “concentrated” around the pockets. Attention: when decorating skirts, trousers, shorts and jeans, avoid sewing large beads on the back of the hips (otherwise you will find it extremely uncomfortable to sit in these things).

Photo: revistadonna.clicrbs.com.br

Hello craftswomen!

Do you make jewelry or embroider on pillows? Do you sew dresses or make dolls? It doesn't matter what you do. The article will be of interest to everyone.

Today I will tell you:

  1. Where to start when beading on clothes.
  2. How to choose a pattern for embroidery.
  3. How to transfer a design to clothing.
  4. What you need to start embroidering on clothes.

Bead embroidery can easily be called a decorative and applied art. And embroidery on clothes is a painstaking work that requires great care, patience and perseverance from the master.

Embroidery on clothes becomes more popular and exotic every year. Masterfully executed work can favorably emphasize good taste and accurately place accents in clothing.

Clothes embroidered with cross stitch, beads, stones or satin stitch will diversify your wardrobe and help you stand out from the crowd.

Beads are an extremely beautiful and elegant material. And bead embroidery on clothes looks impressive and elegant. Items embroidered with beads do not require additional decorations. Tasteful embroidery can easily compete with expensive jewelry and accessories.

Is it difficult to embroider with beads on clothes?

Bead embroidery on clothing is no more difficult than cross stitch. In order to embellish your not-so-new dress or update your jacket, you don’t have to take bead embroidery courses.

Even a novice needlewoman can cope with this task. To do this, you just need to stock up on patience, materials and inspiration.

Where to begin?

First, decide which of your items requires beautiful design. An old skirt or jeans can be given a second life just by decorating them with embroidery.

This will allow you not to spend money on new things, to wait, and set aside funds for more necessary and profitable purposes.

By the way, saving money also lies in the fact that you don’t have to embroider an expensive blouse bought in a fashion boutique. The photo shows my shirt, which was last photographed in its old form. Later I embroidered it with rhinestones and sequins on the back. It turned out very stylish.

For this, the most ordinary blouse of good cut and tailoring, purchased a long time ago in a store, is suitable. Bead embroidery can make any thing exclusive.

Selecting a pattern or ornament

To start embroidering beads on clothes, you need to know in advance what to embroider. That is, decide:

  • What design or ornament will you embroider?
  • Where will the embroidery be located?
  • What is the size, color scheme.
  • Perhaps with the help of embroidery you can hide defects in clothing or emphasize the advantages of your figure.
  • Think about what you can wear the embroidered item with.

You can continue the list yourself, based on your requests. The main thing is to think everything through to the smallest detail so as not to redo the work and be satisfied with the result.

You can search for ready-made embroidery patterns on the Internet, print and transfer the design to fabric. You can purchase ready-made special transfers in the store.

But again, in order to save both money and time, you can, if you have the skill, draw the desired pattern on clothing and prepare it for embroidery.

How to transfer a design to clothes?

In order for the embroidery to turn out smooth and neat, you need to work hard even before starting work.

Namely, it is important to accurately and correctly transfer the design onto the fabric so that it does not wear off and is visible during embroidery. There are several ways to transfer a picture onto fabric:

Selection of materials

We decided on a design and transferred it to fabric. All that remains is to choose the materials. To do this, as an option, you can take the prepared item directly to the store and select materials, as they say, at the checkout.

You can make a list at home and already buy what you have in mind.

Materials may include:

1. Beads. Various sizes and shades. The only thing is to make sure that the beads are perfectly matched to the color scheme and match well with each other.

2. Threads, ribbons, braid.

3. Rhinestones, stones.

4. Bead needles. They are much thinner than regular sewing needles.

5. Scissors.

6. You may need a hoop to prevent the design from slipping.

Embroidery on clothes

Everything is prepared, let's get to work. If you are just getting acquainted with embroidery, then it is better to choose a design that is not large and not complex. To learn and try.

It is better to embroider with a stem stitch or a “back needle” stitch, securing all decorative elements. You can read more about this type of embroidery in the article How to embroider with beads for beginners.

After you have finished embroidering, you need to carefully hide the “tails” from the thread and check that everything is firmly in place. Then it is better to wash the embroidered item by hand in warm water and soap, rinse, dry and iron.

That's all! Your new skirt or dress is ready! Beads on clothes look very impressive and stylish! Feel free to show off in front of your friends and think about the design for your next embroidery!

Subscribe to blog updates. Be the first to know how to make beaded beads.

You can update your wardrobe in a variety of ways. This time the reader will be presented with 15 amazing ideas on how to do this for mere pennies.

1. Bright clutch

A bright and stylish clutch that can be made from a piece of polyvinyl chloride, most often used to make napkins for table settings, good glue and a thin black belt.

2. Children's cape

A stylish children's cape that you can easily make with your own hands from two small pieces of fleece and a satin ribbon. You just need to put two pieces of fabric together, make holes in them and put a ribbon through them. The edges of the fabric can be processed using a sewing machine or, if you lack the skills, using fabric adhesive tape.

3. Decorative scarf-snood

An unnecessary knitted T-shirt or skirt can be turned into a stylish snood scarf that is still relevant this season, which will be a wonderful addition to your autumn look.

4. Skirt

Anyone who knows how to sew buttons can make such a skirt in a way that does not require any special skills to create it. To implement this idea you will need thick fabric, scissors and a large button.

5. Jacket with a slit

If you have a jacket in your closet that has been gathering dust for several seasons without use, you can try to do a similar trick with it. Armed with a ruler and a textile marker, draw a triangle on the back of the pullover so that its tip matches the collar. Cut out, secure the edges with fabric tape, and sew Velcro or a hook onto the collar. The trendy jacket with a slit on the back is ready!

6. Sheepskin vest

All you need to create this stylish vest is a rectangular piece of dubbing and fittings. Using scissors, make neat cuts for the arms, sew the purchased accessories on the back and enjoy a cozy and unique item made with your own hands.

7. Sweater with patches

You can update an old, boring sweater with two curly patches on the elbows. Simply buy a small piece of knit or sequin fabric, cut two identical patches from it, and use a thread and needle to sew them onto the sweater.

8. Sweater with lace

A small piece of lace will help transform a sweater that is far from new. Carefully sew openwork fabric from the inside along the bottom seam of the item, and the dull sweater will turn into a charming and romantic product.

9. Stylish denim jacket

A wide lace insert will transform an ordinary denim jacket into a stylish and feminine fall wardrobe item.

10. Wool decoration

You can make a charming necklace from leftover wool yarn and accessories. This decoration can be sewn to the collar of a knitted sweater or worn with any other outfit as an independent accessory.

11. Sweater with an original collar

Small curly cuts will help to update and add charm to an old knitted sweater. The main thing in this matter is accuracy and imagination.

12. Petals

Petals cut from thick fabric of different colors and sewn onto a plain sweater will help turn an absolutely inconspicuous item into a designer item.

13. Cardigan with pearls

Pearl-like beads, which can be bought in craft stores, are an excellent material for decorating clothes. These beads can be used to decorate the collar, shoulders or the entire cardigan to give the product a truly luxurious and stylish look.

14. Jeans with leopard inserts

You can update old, but no less favorite jeans with the help of leopard print inserts. Pieces of fabric with an animal print that is trendy this fall will help give jeans a new stylish look and disguise various signs of wear, such as scuffs, holes and stains.

15. Charming collar

A simple collar decor will help to update and improve the appearance of shirts and blouses. Office blouses can be embroidered with beads or beads, and the collars of everyday shirts can be decorated with spikes, rivets or chains.

Continuing the topic, I would like to present some more with my own hands.