Consultations for teachers on traffic rules in kindergarten. Teachers' council on traffic rules in kindergarten. “Formation of the fundamentals of traffic rules in different age groups”

Fostering a culture of street behavior is an urgent task today. The formation of discipline, organization of stay on the streets and roads, in public transport must begin at an early age, therefore this issue should become an integral part of the educational process in preschool institutions. The rules learned in childhood later become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a necessity.

Our kindergarten "Kapitoshka" strives to give its pupils a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of safe living should become a conscious necessity.Painstaking educational work with children is required. And, of course, in this regard, kindergarten plays a primary role.

"Where to begin? How to teach children the rules of the road? - this question is usually asked by every teacher when taking the leadership of educational work with 3-year-old children. And it is difficult to work with such children: they are still too young!

First of all, the teacher must create a positive emotional mood when learning traffic rules with children.An emotional positive attitude towards learning the rules of the street is formed games: didactic and constructive, artistic works on relevant topics. The teacher should select examples in accordance with the children’s capabilities, in other words, so that the children are really carried away, so that during classes their creative ingenuity, ingenuity, and independence in overcoming difficulties are revealed.

All work carried out to teach children the rules of the road is an integral part of classes to familiarize themselves with the environment, visual activities, walks, and games. Preparing children for independent communication with the street in the near future begins with the younger group. During walks, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the movement of pedestrians and vehicles, introduces them to the words “road”, “sidewalk”, “driver”, “car”.

In the middle group, the program of targeted observations is expanding. Children are introduced to the simplest rules of the road: they must walk on the right side of the sidewalk without interfering with each other, the concepts of “pedestrian”, “traffic light”, “roadway”, etc. are explained.

In the senior and preparatory groups, children receive more complete knowledge about the rules of conduct for pedestrians and passengers, for example, the road should be crossed only in specified places; when crossing the street, you must first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, to the right; You should wait for transport at a special stop. In addition, children are introduced to road signs and traffic control signals. The knowledge gained in classes and walks is consolidated in games.

Each age group has a safety corner with information for parents and an exhibition of children's work. Didactic, board games, and attributes for role-playing games are presented, which are used by children in joint with the teacher and independent activities, as well as in a specially organized form of education. Under the guidance of teachers, children and parents make attributes for role-playing games, make gifts from paper, natural, waste materials for children of younger groups, their sisters and brothers.

Each group contains street layouts. Using the layout, teachers introduce children to the following topics:“Our street”, “Pedestrians on the street”, “Transport”, “Traffic light”, etc.

To reinforce the program material, children are given homework assignments, which they complete under the guidance of adults. For example, remember the route home from kindergarten, draw the street where you live. Parents can comment on the child’s drawing, clarify which houses he drew, where the crossing is, what signs are on the street, etc.

It is necessary to explain to parents the need to educate their children to be independent when moving on the street. For this purpose, it is good to give older preschoolers instructions in a playful way, but with a specific goal that is understandable to the child. For example, “Come on, you take me to the store today, and we will buy with you,” the mother says to the child, “but first you tell me which side of the sidewalk we should walk on, where we will cross the road,” etc.

The child acts under the control and accompaniment of an adult. Completing such tasks sets a specific goal for the child, consolidates knowledge of the rules of movement on the street, develops observation, the need to think, imagine, mentally divide the path into small segments, determine the location of landmarks and designate them with words.

In the teaching room of the kindergarten “Kapitoshka”, to help teachers, material has been collected on teaching children the rules of the road: books, paintings, posters, lectures for parents, lesson plans, attributes, etc.

On the kindergarten site, special car playgrounds and play spaces have been created, including intersections of several types, formed by roads adjacent to each other or branching. Here, with the help of play vehicles (pedal cars, bicycles) in classes and games, children become familiar with the meanings of some road signs and traffic rules.

Work on studying traffic rules is being carried out in close contact with parents. A stand “For parents about traffic rules” has been set up in the kindergarten. Relevant articles and brochures are placed in sliding folders.

Traffic police officers are invited to parent meetings. The joint work of the kindergarten teaching staff, traffic police officers and parents undoubtedly produces positive results in preventing children's road traffic injuries.

Many parents have a driver's license and drive a car, but do not always introduce their children to the Rules traffic. Parents and anyone interested can remember these Rules, as well as get acquainted with the new Rules of 2015, try to pass online exam 2015 Online and immediately know your results.

Statistics show that children are a very common cause of road accidents. The reasons are different. And one of them falls on adults.

Let's look at this situation: unexpectedly old acquaintances meet on the street. Mom hasn’t seen her friend for a long time and is now so engrossed in conversation that she has completely forgotten about the child. And he? He is looking for a way to satisfy his forced inactivity, fortunately his mother grabbed a ball for fun. One or two movements - and the restless ball is already on the roadway. And after a while - the screeching of brakes, the sound of broken glass... The boy was saved, but what efforts it cost the truck driver!

Therefore, one of the important forms of promoting compliance with traffic rules is conversations with parents. Educators should make parents their assistants in eliminating children’s road illiteracy.

From time to time, educators should hold conversations and meetings with parents, and remind them more often that hundreds of children die as a result of road accidents. Accidents occur because adults do not teach children strict discipline on the street and compliance with traffic rules. Parents often irresponsibly leave their children unattended on the street.

Sometimes adults themselves do not serve as an example for children and adolescents, violating traffic rules. Very often, seeing the pranks and indiscipline of children on the street, they do not stop them to explain the danger they are exposing themselves to, and do not demand that children learn a culture of behavior on the street and strict adherence to traffic rules.

The teacher’s task is to convince parents of the need not to miss a single case of violation of traffic rules by their children - their own or others. You can give the following example in a conversation: One kid who lives in your yard has a bicycle, and you saw that he was riding along the roadway. If you, parents, do not stop him, then trouble may happen.

Parents must bring their children to the group to the teacher themselves and take them home. Preschoolers should not be allowed to go without their parents. It is very dangerous to trust a primary school student to take a child out of kindergarten. He himself does not yet firmly know the rules of the road, he may play too much along the road or get confused in a difficult situation.

Educators should also tell parents about the procedure for transporting children in cars, buses, bicycles, sleds, and strollers at different times of the year and in different weather. For example, in the rain, parents should be especially careful. Take your time, don’t run across the street, don’t cover yourself with an umbrella when crossing the street.

It is necessary to acquaint parents with the location of the kindergarten in relation to city highways, streets and alleys, and point out the most dangerous places. It is important that parents, when taking their child to kindergarten, teach him the alphabet of streets and roads.

Parents, we repeat, must become the teacher’s first assistants in this important matter, on which the life and health of their children depends. It should be emphasized that only through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family can children be taught to observe the traffic rules that are so necessary in their future lives.

You need to talk to parents about safety, both individually and at meetings. Traffic police officers should be invited to such meetings, who will introduce parents to the causes of child road traffic injuries in the district, city, region, and region.

Joint work between the school and the family will help strengthen children’s knowledge of traffic rules. The uniform requirements of educators and parents ensure that children develop strong street behavior skills.

Another effective form of working with parents is group and general meetings. At group and general meetings, educators introduce parents to the program requirements for teaching children traffic rules, talk about the importance of the example of adults, and the need to comply with the rules of behavior on the street. Any minor violation committed by adults is a bad example for a child.

Parents should pay great attention to children's compliance with the rules of behavior on the street. When crossing the street with a child, adults must hold his hand. Otherwise, the child may become frightened by the approaching car and suddenly run across the road, putting himself in danger. It is necessary to explain to children that they cannot go out alone, without adults, onto the roadway, but when crossing the street with a child, teach him the correct reaction to traffic lights, to walk calmly, without rushing.

At the request of teachers, parents can clarify with their children the names of the streets along which they go to the kindergarten, the purpose of the road signs they encounter, and remember the rules for driving on the sidewalk and crossing the road. Parents can tell their children about the work of a driver, a policeman-traffic controller, and watch with him the work of a traffic light.

It is advisable to invite employees of the traffic police and children's police room to group and general meetings of parents, who will introduce them to the rules of the road and talk about the causes of child injuries. The subject of discussion at the meeting may be the behavior on the street not only of children, but also of adults themselves.

Parents can be given recommendations on how to behave in this or that case, how to cross the road with children, get on and off vehicles. Introduce the location of the kindergarten, indicate the most dangerous places where you should be especially careful when crossing the street with children. It is necessary to explain to adults that they are obliged to bring their children to kindergarten and hand them over to teachers. On the street, adults should not remain indifferent to the behavior of children who go out for a walk unaccompanied by adults.

It is good to combine meetings with showing parents activities and games for children to learn the rules of the road. It is advisable to involve parents in the production of equipment for games: they can mark out the playground, make electric switching of traffic lights...

Approximate topics of parent meetings:

  1. What are traffic rules for and what are they?
  2. Discipline on the street is the key to pedestrian safety.
  3. Statistics and typical cases of childhood injuries, measures to prevent them.

After the meeting, parents can be shown presentations on this topic.

Issues raised at meetings can be the subject of discussion at consultations, in individual conversations, which allow the teacher to establish close contact with the family and take a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his typological characteristics, interests, and physical condition.

There are times when children are afraid to cross the road, break free and run away from their parents, especially when they see approaching traffic. The teacher suggests how an adult should behave in this situation, how to calm the child, how to explain the need to follow the rules. The teacher regularly talks with parents about the children’s progress in mastering traffic rules.

During conversations and consultations, the teacher should find out how well the parents themselves understand such issues as the rights and responsibilities of passengers, traffic controller and traffic light signals, only the sidewalk is a road for pedestrians, crossing the road. In this case, as visual material, the teacher can use the corresponding posters published by the traffic police; for example, illustrate the position of the traffic controller, his gestures corresponding to traffic lights.

It is widely used in promoting traffic rules in our garden. visual propaganda. A stand has been made for parents. It contains excerpts from the traffic rules that children must learn, a list of literature for adults and preschoolers about the rules of behavior on the street.

It also contains children's drawings, samples of books, pictures, texts of poems and riddles, photographs of streets, and tasks to reinforce children's rules of behavior on the street. Relevant fiction, posters.

Thus, the unity of the family and family requirements will ensure the successful preparation of children for school, practical application and compliance with traffic rules.

The kindergarten team plans not only to continue, but to expand and deepen work with preschool children on road safety rules.

Due to the increase in the number of cars and the increase in traffic intensity, it is necessary in every preschool institution to provide a set of a wide variety of activities to develop in children the skills of correct behavior on the streets.

Introducing these rules, the observance of which is the law for everyone, must begin from an early age, since knowledge acquired in childhood is most durable, and the rules learned during these years subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Typical mistakes when teaching children traffic rules”

When teaching children traffic rules, many teachers often make mistakes themselves. Let's look at the most typical of them.

♦ The use of non-existent terms and concepts or the use of some instead of others, which leads to distortion of terms and, in turn, causes errors in understanding traffic rules

Do not address preschoolers in so-called “childish” language: machine - (car, transport), path - (roadway), etc. Communication should be a partnership, involving a conversation between equal people.

♦ Use of cheerful and funny illustrations (comics).

Funny pictures distract children from the content of the lesson, make them laugh, while achieving the exact opposite result.

Learning according to the old rules which is unacceptable for the traffic situation in modern cities and is dangerous for the life and health of children. Let's look at some of them and give the most accurate and relevant interpretations.

1. Walk around the trolleybus, the tram in front, the bus in the back.

This rule has long been outdated and does not save, but, on the contrary, creates an emergency situation, since when walking around a vehicle from behind or in front, neither the driver nor the pedestrian can see each other due to the standing vehicle, and a collision occurs with a pedestrian in a situation with a blocked view.

RULE: Wait for the vehicle to leave, or go to the nearest intersection or pedestrian crossing where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

2.When crossing the street, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

This rule creates a dangerous situation, since the behavior of a child in the middle of the roadway is unpredictable: frightened by the traffic flow, he may step forward or backward and end up under the wheels.

RULE: before crossing the road, stop, look in both directions and, after making sure it is safe, cross the road at a fast pace strictly at a right angle, constantly monitoring the situation.

3.Red traffic light - "stop", yellow - "get ready", green - "go."

Children often confuse the location of traffic lights: when the green signal turns on, they immediately begin to cross the roadway, while an undisciplined driver may try to rush past his “red.”

RULE: the red traffic light is prohibitive, since on the other side the green light is on, allowing cars. Yellow - not “get ready”, but a sign of attention warning about the change of traffic lights; For a pedestrian it is also prohibitive, since cars are allowed to pass through the intersection. The green signal allows pedestrian movement, but before entering the roadway, you must make sure that all cars have stopped. A flashing yellow traffic light indicates that the intersection is uncontrolled, so before crossing the road, make sure that there is no traffic nearby.

4.If you don’t have time to cross the road, stop at a traffic island or in the middle of the road.

This situation is extremely dangerous.

5.Do not play on the road or by the road, but play in the yard of the house.

RULE: when leaving (not running!) from the entrance, be careful

and is cautious, since a car can move along the entrances and along the courtyard driveway (and often at high speed). Play in designated playgrounds.

6. Use of old road signs on a yellow background to display (in this case, teachers themselves often confuse groups of signs and name them incorrectly).

ADVICE: in traffic rules classes, use more modern visual materials and situational teaching methods.

Thus, when teaching children traffic rules, analyze dangerous situations:

Learn to cross the roadway only at right angles, so that you spend less time on the road, do not run across the street, but cross at a fast pace, without being distracted, and be extremely attentive;

Explain that the driver cannot instantly stop the car and prevent hitting a pedestrian; and among drivers, unfortunately, there are violators who do not think about the safety of pedestrians, so it is necessary to wait for public transport only on raised and fenced landing areas, and in their absence, on the sidewalk or side of the road;

When analyzing situations in which children get into road traffic accidents (RTA), give them examples from real life.

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1 Methodological recommendations for educators on teaching children traffic rules. Every educator must know the rules of the road well in order to competently conduct educational work with children and parents and ensure their own safety. 1. Pedestrians are allowed to walk only on sidewalks, keeping to the right side 2. Where there are no sidewalks, you need to walk along the edge of the roadway, on the left edge of the road, facing traffic in order to see moving traffic and move aside in time 3. Pedestrians are required to cross the street only step along pedestrian crossings, with marked lines or a “pedestrian crossing” sign, and not at intersections with unmarked crossings along the sidewalk line 4. Before getting off onto the roadway in two-way traffic, you must make sure that you are completely safe. 5. It is prohibited for moving vehicles to cross the path, or to exit from behind the vehicle onto the roadway 6. At crossing points where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must cross the street only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission (when he turns sideways towards us) 7. In places where crossings are not marked and where traffic is not regulated, pedestrians must always give way to approaching traffic. It is prohibited to cross the street near a roundabout or sharp turn 8. Groups of children are allowed to be driven only along the sidewalk, no more than in two rows (children walk holding hands). There should be escorts with red flags in front and behind the column. 9. Children may only be transported on buses whose doors and windows must be closed. Have a “Children” identification sign on the windshield. 1

2 Riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates) within the city Ask the children which of them has a bicycle, scooter, roller skates or skateboard, and who has ever ridden them. Ask them to tell them where, in their opinion, they can ride and where they can’t, and what rules they need to follow. It is also advisable to organize a discussion of possible dangerous situations, drawing on children’s personal experiences and real-life incidents. It is necessary to consider three types of situations: 1. Dangerous for the children themselves, if they ride a bicycle or roller skate along the roadway of the street or yard 2. Dangerous for pedestrians (for example, you can run over, push, or spray a pedestrian with water from a puddle) 3. And finally, situations involving falls and injuries. As a result of the conversation, children must firmly understand the following rules: 1. Bicycles (roller skates) can only be ridden on the sidewalk; You cannot drive onto the roadway of the street or yard. 2. While riding, children must behave correctly towards passers-by: sound the horn in time, take precautions (slow down when driving around small children, women with children, elderly people) 3. in case of bruise or injury when falling from a bicycle or scooter You must immediately contact an adult to provide first aid. 2

3 Contents of the program for teaching traffic rules to preschoolers. 3-4 years Contents of the work: 1. Means of transportation characteristic of our area, their names. 2. Parts of a car, truck. 3. Traffic rules: Behavior on the street Behavior in public transport Traffic light signals Developmental environment: 1. Layout: sidewalk, roadway, traffic light. 2. Steering wheels 3. Attributes for the didactic and role-playing game “We are pedestrians” 4. Didactic game “Assemble a car”, “Traffic light”. Fiction: S. Mikhalkov “Traffic Light”, “Bunny Cyclist” “The Street is Noisy” 4-5 years Contents of work: 1. Knowledge of public transport, familiarity with freight transport. 2. Knowledge of the street: roadway, sidewalk, intersection, pedestrian crossing, traffic island. 3. Road signs: no signal, first aid station, food station, gas station, pedestrian crossing. 4. Traffic rules: crossing the street as a pedestrian, behavior in public transport, what the signs say. Developmental environment: 1. Layout: intersection, zebra crossing, traffic island. 2. Large and small road signs. 3. Pictures for the classification of modes of transport 4. Folding book for parents “What children should know about the rules of the road 5. Flannelograph: cars, road signs Fiction: 1. N. Nosov “Car” 2. Dorokhov “Fence along the sidewalk” Job content: 5-6 years 3

4 1. Familiarity with prohibitory and prescriptive signs. 2. Studying the work of a traffic controller 3. Forming in children the ability to freely navigate the road 4. Reinforcing the rules of behavior in public transport. Developmental environment: 1. Layout: different types of intersections 2. Prohibitory and mandatory signs, traffic controller gestures. 3. Attributes for s-r games: baton, caps, car caps. 4. Did. games: “Smart signs”, “What kind of cars are there”, “What is he talking about” Fiction: N. Nosov “Kiryusha gets into trouble” 6-7 years Contents of the work: 1. Teach children to follow the rules of the road 2. Strengthen the rules of behavior on street: Walk only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, keeping to the right side. Cross the street correctly at crossings, do not play on the roadway. Developmental environment: 1. Layout with different types of intersections 2. Albums “Different types of transport” 3. Didactic games “Guess what sign”, “What does the traffic controller show”, “What do people drive”, “Modes of transport”, “Find and name”. Fiction: 1. N. Nosov “Car” 2. Yurlein “Curious Mouse” 3. Konchalovskaya N “Scooter” Methodological recommendations to help the teacher on traffic rules Causes of road accidents 4

5 The most common causes of road accidents: 1. Entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it while turning their heads and control the situation on the left and right while driving). 2. Entering the roadway because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or inspecting the roadway before leaving from behind bushes or snowdrifts). 3. Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that all free territory is a place for games). 4. Walking along the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking along the roadway, most often with all sorts of violations). For the most part, there is no malicious intent. The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special importance of the age-related characteristics of children: Physiological 1. A child under 8 years old still poorly recognizes the source of sounds (he cannot always determine the direction from which the noise is coming), and hears only those sounds that are interesting to him. 2. a child’s field of vision is much narrower than that of an adult, the child’s field of view is much smaller. At the age of 5, a child can navigate at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is approximately 1/10 of the field of vision of an adult. The remaining cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite. 3. The child’s reaction is significantly slower compared to adults. It takes much more time to react to danger. It takes an adult pedestrian approximately 0.8 1 se to perceive the situation, think about it, make a decision and act. The child needs 3-4 seconds for this. The child is not able to stop immediately while running, so he reacts to the car signal with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a stationary one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, while an adult only needs a quarter of a second. 4. reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven. 5

6 Psychological 1. Preschoolers do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of forward motion of vehicles (i.e. the child is convinced, based on similar movements from the microworld of toys, that real vehicles can stop as instantly as toy ones). The separation of gaming and real conditions occurs gradually in a child at school. 2. The child's attention is focused on what he is doing. Having noticed an object or person that attracts his attention, a child can rush towards it, forgetting about everything in the world. Catching up with a friend who has already crossed to the other side of the road, or picking up a ball that has already rolled away for a child is much more important than an oncoming car. 3. The child does not realize responsibility for his own behavior on the road. Does not predict what consequences his action will lead to for other participants in the movement and for him personally. They often underestimate their own safety in traffic conditions, especially at pedestrian crossings. How to develop safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers. When talking about the causes of road accidents involving children, we often come across the word “habit”. As a rule, we are talking about negative habits, or rather the absence of positive ones. A habit is a human behavior that is reinforced by repeated repetition. The habit of stopping in front of the roadway, examining it from left and right with a turn of the head, crossing the road only in the designated place, taking care of one’s safety can only appear as a result of daily, painstaking work, when the theoretical knowledge acquired by children on traffic rules is necessarily reinforced by numerous, systematic practical repetitions . If every day, when approaching the roadway, you tell your child: “Stop, road!”, then stopping will become a habit for him. If you always take your child to a pedestrian crossing after getting off the bus, then this route will become familiar to him. Considering the age characteristics of children, the presence of positive habits is a vital phenomenon for them; otherwise, this is called safe behavior skills on the road. To develop a positive habit, it is not necessary to lead your child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on traffic rules, with a minimum of road symbols and attributes. 6

7 So, in the first younger group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors. It can be explained to children that red and green colors correspond to traffic light signals for pedestrians. A red signal prohibits movement, and a green one allows it (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with people). When playing the game “Red Green,” the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you must stand, and if it is green, turn your head left and right, and then walk. This establishes the habit of looking around before entering the roadway, even when the traffic light is green. In the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with various types of vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The children look at illustrations of cars and watch transport while walking. They already know that vehicles have different “dimensions”. Here it is appropriate to practice the child’s ability to “see” a large vehicle (standing or slowly moving) as an object that may hide danger behind itself. Using various illustrations and visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such objects on the road themselves (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, during practical exercises, develop the habit of getting out from behind objects that interfere with your view, carefully looking around. Talking about the purpose of route vehicles, the teacher introduces children to the rules of behavior in public transport, subsequently consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice. The ability to behave correctly in public transport should become a habit. In the middle group, reinforcing the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway,” children become familiar with the places where cars and people move, and practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, sticking to the right). It will be new for them to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose. Children must learn to find it in illustrations in books and on models. Then you should explain to children the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it (stop at some distance from the edge of the roadway, carefully examine the roadway, turning your head to the left and then to the right, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road on the right). Both in the middle group and further in the senior group, it is necessary to regularly practice the skills of crossing the roadway during practical classes. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on the playground 7

8 mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child should approach a pedestrian crossing, stop at some distance from it, carefully examine the roadway, turning his head to the left and then to the right, making sure that there is no traffic, go to the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and middle of the road on the right. All children’s actions should be brought to automaticity; correct behavior at a pedestrian crossing should become a habit. In the senior group, then in the preparatory group, children should receive a clear understanding that traffic rules are aimed at preserving the life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to follow them. It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like a smallpox vaccination, only at the mental level. Recommendations for equipping road safety corners in groups of preschool educational institutions. 8

9 The content of road safety corners in groups should be determined by the content of classes on studying traffic rules with a particular age category of children. So, in the first junior group, children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines consist of. Learn to distinguish between red and green colors. Therefore, the play corner should have: A set of vehicles Illustrations depicting vehicles Red and green circles, a model of a pedestrian traffic light. Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport” (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.) Didactic games “Assemble a car” (of 4 parts), “ Put the car in the garage", "Traffic light". In the second junior group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, become familiar with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish between red, yellow, and green colors, and become familiar with the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway.” Therefore, to the items available in the road safety corner of the first junior group, you should add: Pictures for the game for classifying modes of transport “What passengers are traveling on”, “Find the same picture”. The simplest layout of a street (preferably large), where the sidewalk and roadway are marked. Layout of a traffic light (planar). For the middle group children, it will be new to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and roadway. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the green traffic light comes on for pedestrians and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red prohibitory traffic light is on. When the green light for drivers turns on and allows cars to move, the red light flashes for pedestrians. The road safety corner must have: A model of a traffic light with switching signals, powered by a battery. Didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble a traffic light” A pedestrian crossing must be marked on the street model. 9

10 In the older group, the guys learn a lot of new things about road traffic. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such large and complex topics as “Crossroads” and “Road signs”. Therefore, in the road safety corner there should be: A mock-up of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety and practice the skills of safely crossing the roadway at an intersection. It is desirable that this model has removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street. Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”; "Children" warning signs; prohibitory signs “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; mandatory signs “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; priority signs “Main road”, “Give way”; service signs “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”. It's good to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games. Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our Street” In addition, for children of the older group, they are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. This means that in the traffic police corner there should be diagrams of the traffic controller’s gestures, a didactic game “What does the baton say?”, and the attributes of a traffic police inspector: baton, cap. In the preparatory group, children encounter problematic situations on the roads (so-called road “traps”), and children’s knowledge about the Rules of the Road is already being systematized. The contents of the corner become more complicated: A file of “dangerous situations” is collected (you can make an improvised TV or computer to display them) A window is organized for issuing driver’s licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam. In all groups, it is good to have a flannelgraph to simulate situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics. Recommendations for maintaining corners for parents to prevent DDTT. The main goal of creating a road safety corner is to explain to parents that they are the main link in issue 10

11 teaching children traffic rules. It is their actions that determine how firmly the child will master the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is their behavior that is decisive when a child chooses “his style” of crossing the roadway. By designing such a corner, the teacher must make parents his main allies in teaching children the complex alphabet of roads. Here it is important to show parents the seriousness of the problem, identify situations that often lead to tragedy, explain in what cases and why children feel uncomfortable on the road. The corner can be designed as follows: 1. A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30*65 cm). 2. A set of components, each of which is designed to contain separate information 3. Folding book To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example: “The price of haste is the life of your child” “Attention, we are your children!” “The child has the right to live!” “It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of the child’s life.” Considering the important role of parents in teaching children the rules of the road, the corner for parents should contain: 1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city 2. Causes of road accidents involving children 3. Recommendations for parents on teaching children how to behave safely on the road. 4. List and description of games aimed at consolidating children’s existing knowledge of the Rules of the Road 5. Children’s stories about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents 11

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1 Contents 1. General information.....3 2. Plans of preschool educational institutions: 2.1. Location of the preschool educational institution, routes of movement of vehicles and pupils..6 2.2. Traffic management in the immediate vicinity

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Considered: at a meeting of the pedagogical council, protocol 1 dated 08.29.2016 I approve: head of MDOU 1st kindergarten 4” Batueva N.I. Educational program Knowledge of municipal traffic rules

ALL-RUSSIAN ACTION “SAFE ROAD. LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN AND PARENTS. What parents need to know about the characteristics of children’s behavior on the road, taking into account their psychophysiological conditions of development. "Children are not

Long-term plan of work on traffic rules in the junior group “Solnyshko” for 2017 2018 Goal of work: 1. Preschoolers will acquire initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street. 2. Develop skills

Consultation for educators.

“Methodology for building a system of work for preschoolers to learn traffic rules”

The purpose of organizing the work is to form and develop in children the skills and abilities of safe behavior in the surrounding road transport environment. This educational process is quite complex and lengthy, requiring special exercises and the use of a number of didactic methods and techniques. This training system should solve the following tasks:

Teaching children safe behavior on roads.

Formation in children of skills and abilities to monitor the road situation and anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to avoid them.

Fostering discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules and a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Enrich children's understanding of health. Children need to be taught not only traffic rules, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and in transport.

When building a system of work for preschoolers to learn traffic rules, three aspects of interaction with the city’s transport system should be kept in mind:

The child is a pedestrian;

The child is a passenger of public transport;

A child is a driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, snow scooter, sled, rollerblades, etc.).

In this regard, the work of teaching children safe behavior skills on the streets should in no case be a one-time event. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly. It should cover all types of activities so that the child passes the acquired knowledge through productive activities and then implements it in games and everyday life outside the kindergarten.

This work should not be separated into a separate section, but should be included in all sections and areas of the education program in kindergarten:

Organized forms of learning in the classroom,

Joint activities of an adult and a child,

Independent activity of the child,

Developing behavioral skills

Getting to know your surroundings

Speech development,




A special place in the education system for children should be given to the study of common causes of road accidents involving children

1. Entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it with a head turn and monitoring the situation on the left and right while driving ).

2. Entering the roadway because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or inspecting the roadway before leaving from behind bushes or snowdrifts).

3. Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that all free territory is a place for games).

4. Walking along the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking along the roadway, most often with all sorts of violations).

The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the particular importance of the age characteristics of children:

1. A child under 8 years old still does not recognize the source of sounds well (he cannot always determine the direction from which the noise is coming), and hears only those sounds that are interesting to him.

2. A child’s field of vision is much narrower than that of an adult; a child’s field of view is much smaller. At the age of 5, a child can navigate at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone. The remaining cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite.

3. The child’s reaction is significantly slower compared to adults. It takes much more time to react to danger. The child is not able to stop immediately while running, so he reacts to the car signal with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a stationary one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, while an adult only needs a quarter of a second.

4. Reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven.

To develop safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers, it is not necessary to lead the child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on traffic rules, with a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

So, in the first younger group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors. It can be explained to children that red and green colors correspond to traffic light signals for pedestrians. A red signal prohibits movement, and a green one allows it (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with people). When conducting the game “Red - Green,” the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you need to stand, and if it’s green, turn your head left and right, and then walk. This establishes the habit of looking around before entering the roadway, even when the traffic light is green.

In the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with various types of vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The children look at illustrations of cars and watch transport while walking. They already know that vehicles have different “dimensions”. Here it is appropriate to practice the child’s ability to “see” a large vehicle (standing or slowly moving) as an object that may hide danger behind itself. Using various illustrations and visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such objects on the road themselves (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, during practical exercises, develop the habit of getting out from behind objects that interfere with your view, carefully looking around.

Talking about the purpose of route vehicles, the teacher introduces children to the rules of behavior in public transport, subsequently consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice. The ability to behave correctly in public transport should become a habit.

In the middle group, reinforcing the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway,” children become familiar with the places where cars and people move, and practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, sticking to the right).

It will be new for them to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose. Children must learn to find it in illustrations in books and on models. Then you should explain to children the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it (stop at some distance from the edge of the roadway, carefully examine the roadway, turning your head to the left and then to the right, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - on the right).

Both in the middle group and further in the senior group, it is necessary to regularly practice the skills of crossing the roadway during practical classes. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground, mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child should approach the pedestrian crossing, stop at some distance from it, carefully examine the roadway, turning his head to the left and then to the right, making sure that there is no traffic, go to the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and the middle of the road is on the right. All children’s actions should be brought to automaticity; correct behavior at a pedestrian crossing should become a habit.

In the senior group, then in the preparatory group, children should receive a clear understanding that traffic rules are aimed at preserving the life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to follow them.

It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like a smallpox vaccination, only at the mental level.

So, in the first junior group, children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines consist of. Learn to distinguish between red and green colors. Therefore, the play corner should have

Vehicles set

Illustrations depicting vehicles

Red and green circles, model of a pedestrian traffic light.

Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport” (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.)

Didactic games “Assemble a car” (of 4 parts), “Put the car in the garage”, “Traffic light”.

In the second junior group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, become familiar with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish between red, yellow, and green colors, and become familiar with the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway.” Therefore, to the items available in the road safety corner of the first junior group, you should add:

Pictures for the game on classifying modes of transport “What passengers are traveling on”, “Find the same picture”.

The simplest street layout (preferably large), where the sidewalk and roadway are marked

Layout of a transport traffic light (planar).

For the middle group children, it will be new to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and roadway. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the traffic light turns green for pedestrians and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red traffic light turns on - prohibiting. When the green light for drivers turns on and allows cars to move, the red light flashes for pedestrians. The road safety corner must include:

Battery operated traffic light with switching signals

Didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble a traffic light”

A pedestrian crossing must be marked on the street layout.

In the older group, children learn a lot of new things about road traffic. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such large and complex topics as “Crossroads” and “Road signs”. Therefore, in the road safety corner the following should appear:

A mock-up of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety and practice the skills of safely crossing the roadway at an intersection. It is desirable that this model has removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street.

Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational signs - “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”; warning signs – “Children”; prohibitory signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; mandatory signs – “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; priority signs – “Main road”, “Give way”; service signs – “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”. It's good to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games.

Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street”

In addition, for children in the older group, they are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. This means that in the traffic police corner there should be diagrams of the traffic controller’s gestures, a didactic game “What does the baton say?”, and the attributes of a traffic police inspector: baton, cap.

In the preparatory group, children encounter problematic situations on the roads (so-called road “traps”), and children’s knowledge about the Rules of the Road is already being systematized. The contents of the corner are more complicated:

A file of “dangerous situations” is being collected (you can make an improvised TV or computer to display them)

A window is being organized for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam.

In all groups it is good to have a flannelgraph - for simulating situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics.

The corner can be designed like this:

1. A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30*65 cm).

2. A set of components, each of which is designed to contain separate information

3. Folding book

To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example:

“The price of haste is the life of your child”

“Attention – we are your children!”

“The child has the right to live!”

“It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of the child’s life”

Considering the important role of parents in teaching children traffic rules, the corner for parents should contain:

1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city

2. Causes of road accidents involving children

4. List and description of games aimed at consolidating children’s existing knowledge of traffic rules

5. Children's stories about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents

Thus, teaching children the rules and safety of road traffic is a systematic and purposeful process, during which students acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for safe movement.

Traffic rules in kindergarten

Consultation for teachers: What a teacher should know about traffic rules

3-4 years

Means of transportation characteristic of our area, their names.

Parts of a car, truck.

Traffic Laws:

Behavior on the street

Behavior in public transport

Traffic signals

Developmental environment:

Layout: sidewalk, roadway, traffic light.


Attributes for the didactic and role-playing game “We are pedestrians”

Didactic game “Assemble a car”, “Traffic light”.


S. Mikhalkov “Traffic Light”, “Bunny Cyclist”

"The street is noisy"

4-5 years

Knowledge of public transport, familiarity with freight transport.

Street knowledge: roadway, sidewalk, intersection, pedestrian crossing, traffic island.

Road signs: no signal, first aid station, food station, gas station, pedestrian crossing.

Traffic rules: crossing the street as a pedestrian, behavior in public transport, what the signs say.

Developmental environment:

Layout: intersection, zebra crossing, traffic island.

Large and small road signs.

Pictures for classification of modes of transport

Folding book for parents “What children should know about traffic rules

Flannelograph: cars, road signs


1. N. Nosov “Car”

2. Dorokhov “Fence along the sidewalk”

5-6 years

Familiarity with prohibitory and prescriptive signs.

Studying the work of a traffic controller

Forming in children the ability to freely navigate the road

Establish rules of conduct on public transport.

Developmental environment:

Layout: different types of intersections

Prohibiting and prescriptive signs, traffic controller gestures.

Attributes for s-r games: baton, caps, car caps.

Did. games: “Smart signs”, “What kind of cars are there”, “What does he talk about...”


N. Nosov “Kiryusha gets into trouble”

6-7 years

Teach children to follow traffic rules

Establish rules of behavior on the street:

Walk only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, keeping to the right

Cross the street correctly at crossings, do not play on the roadway

Developmental environment:

Layout with different types of intersections

Albums “Different types of transport”

Didactic games “Guess what sign”, “What the traffic controller is showing”, “What people drive”, “Modes of transport”, “Find and name”.


1. N. Nosov “Car”

2. Yurlein “Curious Mouse”

3. Konchalovskaya N “Scooter”

What should a teacher know about traffic rules?

Every educator must know the rules of the road well in order to competently conduct educational work with children and parents and ensure their own safety.

Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks, keeping to the right

Where there are no sidewalks, you need to walk along the edge of the roadway, along the left edge of the road, facing traffic in order to see moving traffic and move aside in time

Pedestrians are required to cross the street only at pedestrian crossings, with marked lines or a “pedestrian crossing” sign, and not at intersections with unmarked crossings - along the sidewalk line

Before you step onto the roadway in two-way traffic, you need to make sure that you are completely safe.

It is prohibited for moving vehicles to cross the path or to step out onto the roadway from behind vehicles.

At crossing points where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must cross the street only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission (when he turns sideways towards us)

In places where crossings are not marked and where traffic is not regulated, pedestrians must always give way to approaching traffic. It is prohibited to cross the street near a roundabout or sharp turn.

Groups of children are only allowed to walk along the sidewalk, in no more than two rows (children walk hand in hand). There should be escorts with red flags in front and behind the column.

Children are only allowed to be transported on buses whose doors and windows must be closed. Have a “Children” identification sign on the windshield.

Biking (scooter, rollerblading) within the city

Ask the children who has a bicycle, scooter, roller skates or skateboard and who has ever ridden them. Ask them to tell them where, in their opinion, they can ride and where they can’t, and what rules they need to follow.

It is also advisable to organize a discussion of possible dangerous situations, drawing on children’s personal experiences and real-life incidents.

There are three types of situations to consider:

Dangerous for children themselves if they ride a bicycle or rollerblade along the roadway of a street or yard

Dangerous for pedestrians (for example, you can run over, push, spray a pedestrian with water from a puddle)

And finally, situations involving falls and injuries.

As a result of the conversation, children should firmly understand the following rules:

Bicycles (roller skates) can only be ridden on the sidewalk; You cannot drive onto the roadway of the street or yard.

While riding, children must behave correctly towards passers-by: sound the horn in time, take precautions (slow down when passing small children, women with children, elderly people)

In case of bruise or injury when falling from a bicycle or scooter, you must immediately contact an adult to provide first aid.




“Red man – we’re standing, green man – we’re going.” In most families, parents begin to explain traffic rules to their children with this phrase. On modern streets, the number of cars is increasing every day, and accordingly, the number of accidents is increasing. Therefore, today this issue has become even more relevant and acute. This means that the child must learn the traffic rules for preschoolers as effectively as possible for his age. The first assistants in this are, of course, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

What should a child learn in order for him to develop the skills of proper behavior on the street? There are many factors involved. Children must learn to understand what a road user is, what elements of the road there are (road, roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, shoulder, intersection). It is very good if children can distinguish between types of vehicles (bus, tram, trolleybus, car and truck, bicycle, motorcycle). The children also need to be told about the means of regulating traffic and the colors of traffic lights. Little pedestrians must know the rules for driving on sidewalks and roadsides and the rules for crossing the roadway. It is also important in the process of teaching traffic rules for preschoolers to study the rules of behavior, boarding and disembarking on public transport. And the main thing that children must remember and understand is that under no circumstances should they go for a walk without adults.

In the case where parents are involved in teaching, the optimal option would be unobtrusive stories during walks, clearly using road situations. The child needs to be told in his own words about the rules of the road and only to the extent that he is able to learn. Walking down the street with a child, you need to talk to him about the types of vehicles that are nearby at that moment, explain their features. When crossing the street, you need to mention how and where you can cross the roadway correctly, and remember how and where you can’t do this. The process of a child’s perception of information about traffic rules will be effectively influenced by indicating pedestrians or drivers who have violated these rules.

A very important point in teaching preschoolers the rules of the road is the development of spatial understanding and the idea of ​​speed. The child must learn to navigate in space, understanding such concepts as close, far, left, right, behind, in the direction of travel. The child also needs to correctly perceive the speed of movement of both vehicles and pedestrians: fast, slow, turns, stops.

During the learning process, it is very important not to frighten the child with the street and transport. After all, such fear is just as dangerous for a baby as carelessness or inattention. On the contrary, it is necessary to develop in him attention, composure, responsibility, confidence and caution. A very effective method of teaching children traffic rules is also to read them poems, riddles, and children's books dedicated to traffic safety.

The task of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road also lies with teachers of preschool educational institutions. It consists of providing basic knowledge and quality preparation of children for school, because very often first-graders have to go to school on their own. Traffic rules for preschoolers should be taught to children according to a system that includes classes, walks, excursions and observations. All knowledge must be communicated to children taking into account their age and environmental conditions. Gradually they should be supplemented, complicated and refined. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, children's play activities should be organized, during which they learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

When teaching children in preschool educational institutions the rules of the road, various teaching materials must be present. These are children's fiction and methodological literature, notes on directly organized educational activities, paintings, posters, manuals, didactic games, and multimedia.

It is very good if special parking areas are equipped on the territory of the kindergarten, which are a small copy of roads with several types of intersections. With the help of play vehicles (bicycles, cars with pedals, scooters) at such sites, children gain practical knowledge of traffic rules and road signs.

There are traffic rules for preschoolers also for excursions accompanied by teachers and parents. When traveling on foot, children usually line up in two rows and walk only on the sidewalk or side of the road. It is necessary to cross the road only in the designated places, while the teacher must stand in the middle of the road and hold a red flag until all the children cross to the other side.

No matter who teaches children the rules of the road, be it parents or teachers of preschool educational institutions, it is important to remember that the corresponding behavior of adults has the greatest influence on the formation of a child’s behavior on the street. After all, it’s not enough to just read, tell, teach a child; you need to show him by example how to behave correctly on the street. Otherwise, any targeted training loses its meaning.


IN 1st junior groupchildren develop ideas about the street, the road, cars and trucks; some types of route vehicles (bus, tram); driver's work. Therefore, in the “Life Safety” center of the “Road Safety” block we recommend having:

Paintings depicting streets and roads with vehicles moving along them

Sets of various types of vehicles, large and medium size

Paintings depicting various types of vehicles (cars, trucks, routes (bus, tram))

Paintings depicting various types of vehicles with drivers sitting in them.

Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport” (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of vehicles, badges, etc.)

Fiction: A. Barto “Toys”: “Truck”,

Didactic games: “Assemble a passenger car” (from 4 parts), “Assemble a truck”

In II junior groupChildren's knowledge and skills acquired in the first junior group are expanding: work continues to familiarize themselves with vehicles: cars, trucks; route vehicles (bus, tram, trolleybus); special vehicles - “Ambulance”, “Fire”; children gain new knowledge about the work of a driver; get acquainted with the rules of behavior in route vehicles; become familiar with the concept of “traffic light” and its signals; continue to get acquainted with the elements of the road: “sidewalk”, “roadway”, “pedestrian crossing”; Children develop primary ideas about safe behavior on the roads. Therefore, we recommend adding to the subjects available in the “Life Safety” center in the “Road Safety” block of the first junior group:

The simplest layout of a street (preferably large), where there are houses on both sides and between them there is a road, on which the sidewalk, roadway, and pedestrian crossing are clearly visible

Paintings depicting various types of vehicles (cars, trucks, routes (bus, tram, trolleybus))

Layout of a traffic light and circles, in accordance with the traffic signals - red, yellow and green.

Attributes for the role-playing game “Bus” (steering wheel, bus model, bus stop sign, etc.)

Fiction: A. Barto “Toys”: “Truck”, S. Mikhalkov “Traffic Light”

Didactic games: “Assemble a car” - a 6-piece puzzle, “Assemble a truck” - a 6-piece puzzle, “Guess what kind of vehicle this is?” - a game for knowledge of special vehicles; lotto "Transport" - with the image of a bus, tram, trolleybus; “Traffic light” - for knowledge of traffic light signals

In the middle group Observation skills and the ability to navigate indoors, in the kindergarten area and in the surrounding area develop. Children of this age continue to become familiar with the concepts of “street”, “road”, “intersection”, “stop of a route vehicle” and basic rules of behavior on the roads. Children's knowledge about various types of vehicles, the features of their appearance and purpose (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police”, bus, tram, trolleybus) is expanding. Children get to know the work of a police officer.

The task of teachers is to bring children to an awareness of the need to follow traffic rules. The solution to this problem begins with familiarization with road signs, in the middle group these are “Pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”.

Teachers continue to shape children's cultural behavior in public transport vehicles.

Therefore, it is recommended to add to the subjects available in the “Life Safety” center in the “Road Safety” block of the second junior group:

Model of an electric traffic light with switching signals

Street layout with clearly markedcrossroads, on which there is a sidewalk, roadway;

Painting “On the City Street”

Illustrations depicting stops of route vehicles (bus, tram, trolleybus), pedestrian crossings (overground, underground)

Set of cards "Road ABC"

Fiction: N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (chapters from the book), S. Mikhalkov “My Street” (excerpt), E. Moshkovskaya “Busses are running towards us”; A. Severny "Traffic Light"

Attributes for the role-playing games “Bus”, “Firemen”, “Police”

Didactic games: “Find your color”, “Assemble a traffic light”, “Assemble a route vehicle”, “Find out the road sign”, “Does and don’ts”, Lotto “Transport”, Lotto “Road Signs”

In the older group Children's knowledge about the elements of the road (sidewalk, roadway, roadside ), about right-hand traffic, about the operation of traffic lights. Children continue to learn the rules of the road, rules of movement for pedestrians and cyclists. Expand their knowledge in the field of road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”, “Children”, “Bicycle path”, “Medical aid station”, “Food station” , “Police”, “No Entry”, “Road Works”. They continue to become familiar with the rules of conduct during games and the rules of riding a bicycle. Clarify knowledge about the work of firefighters, get acquainted with the work traffic controller , emergency services. Therefore, in the “Life Safety” center, in the “Road Safety” block of the senior group, the following should appear:

A mock-up of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety and practice the skills of safely crossing the roadway. The model should have removable objects so that children themselves can simulate various situations on the road

A set of road signs, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational – “Ground pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian warning signs – “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Road works”; prohibitory signs – “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, “Entry is prohibited”; mandatory signs – “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; service signs – “Medical aid station”, “Food station”. Signs should be on stands for working with the layout, and large signs on stands for theatrical, role-playing games.

Fiction: S. Mikhalkov “Walking Carefully”, G. Tumarinson “New Road Adventures of Pinocchio”, Y. Pishumov “On Our Street...”

Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street”, etc.

Schemes of traffic controller gestures, didactic game “What does the baton say?”, attributes of a traffic police inspector: baton, cap.

IN preparatory groupchildren continue to get acquainted with the work of the traffic police, children’s knowledge about safe behavior on the roads is systematized. The content of the “Life Safety” center of the “Road Safety” block is supplemented by:

A card index of “dangerous situations” for solving road safety problems.

A map of the area closest to the kindergarten (working on orientation skills within the specified limits)

Fiction: N. Konchalovskaya “Scooter”, L. Galperstein “Tram and its family”, A. Dmokhovsky “Wonderful Island”; L. Klimenko “Incident with toys”, “Bunny cyclist”; “Hello friend, road sign!”

Various didactic games for knowledge of traffic rules, road signs and rules of conduct in fixed-route vehicles: “Rules of the Road”, “Learn the Road Sign”, “Laws of Streets and Roads”, “Right and Wrong”, lotto game “Attention! Road!" and so on.