How many diapers a day are spent on a newborn. How many diapers a day does a newborn baby need? How many diapers do you need per month

Almost all new parents these days use disposable diapers. This invention allowed young mothers to save a lot of time that they can spend on other important things. Indeed, quite recently, washing diapers for women took a lot of time and effort. In addition, diapers help to properly care for the crumbs at the beginning of his life. It is very convenient to use diapers. In them, the baby sleeps or plays peacefully. Wearing a diaper, you can safely go on a visit or for a walk.

Myths about diapers

Many older people, as well as some doctors, oppose the use of diapers. They fear that this will harm the health of the crumbs. Among the elderly, there is an opinion that the baby's skin will not breathe, which may result in irritation. It is also believed that in boys who are constantly in diapers, the testicles overheat, which can further lead to infertility.

But these fears are unfounded. After all, diapers are designed specifically for the delicate skin of the child. If you use them correctly, then there will be no allergies and diaper rash. In the production, only hypoallergenic materials are used that are well breathable.

Do not be afraid that using diapers will harm the reproductive function of boys. Experts say that overheating at this age cannot harm.

How to choose the right diapers

If you use diapers, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. In this case, you do not need to believe advertising and choose the most expensive options. Even the most popular firms may not be suitable for your child in any way. After all, each baby has its own individual characteristics. If you can't decide, buy a few pieces from different manufacturers. Observe in which your baby will feel most comfortable. It is very important to choose the right size. To do this, you need to know how much the child weighs. Rubber bands and Velcro must be soft.

Manufacturers offer various options today. For example, panty diapers instead of regular ones with Velcro, special diapers for sleeping, etc. How do you know which ones are right for your child? If he feels comfortable, does not cry, behaves calmly, then there is no discomfort. When you remove the diaper, watch the skin. It should not have excess moisture and irritation. If the baby is uncomfortable, he will try to get rid of the diaper. In that case, you need to try the other option. In this way, you can choose the ones that are right for your child.

All young parents who are not experienced in many aspects of baby care are wondering how many diapers will be spent per day. They need to roughly calculate the quantity that will need to be purchased for the first month or several weeks. It is impossible to answer this question exactly. After all, each baby has a different amount of urination. In addition, the frequency of diaper changes will depend on age.

During the first month, the crumbs may have 20-25 urination per day. These figures are confirmed by facts, since this experiment was carried out by so many young mothers. At one time, the volume of urine is 25-35 ml. As a result, 300-500 ml is obtained per day. A bowel movement, as a rule, happens almost every time after feeding.

Experts recommend changing diapers for babies who are less than a month old every time before and after feeding, before and after sleep, and before going outside. As a result, the change occurs approximately every 2.5-3 hours. If necessary, replacement can be done more often.

After a bowel movement, it is necessary to change the diaper.

When changing a diaper, the baby must be washed away using soap and water. Use a special cream containing ingredients based on calendula or chamomile. No need to rush to immediately put on a fresh diaper for a child. Let him lie down for a while without him. In this case, you need to monitor the temperature in the room.

The average number of diapers per day for newborns is 10 pieces. As they grow older, their number will decrease. At the age of 5-6 months, about 5 per day will be enough. This is due to the fact that the frequency of urination and bowel movements is less frequent.

The number of diapers should be determined by the parents themselves. After all, each child has their own characteristics and requirements.

Many manufacturers have special diapers that are designed for a restful night's sleep. Putting them on, parents are sure that the baby will sleep peacefully, will not wake up from the fact that he is wet. They are much thicker than usual, absorb better.

If the baby is sleeping well, you do not need to wake him up in order to change the diaper. Better to wait until he wakes up on his own.

Arguments for and against disposable diapers

Of course, diapers provide many opportunities for new parents. This is a real time saver. But, like any other thing, they have drawbacks.

Here are the top benefits of using diapers.

  • The young mother's body is weakened. But after giving birth, she has a lot of worries that take time and effort. Diapers allow you not to wash a large number of dirty diapers daily, and instead do other things or relax.
  • Pampers allow the baby to always feel comfortable. They absorb moisture very quickly. The baby will not be capricious, as it would be when using ordinary diapers.
  • If you choose the right size and use them in accordance with the recommendations, then moisture will not leak. Clothes and bedding will be dry and clean.
  • This is a real find for a walk or a trip to visit. A young mother will not need to worry that an unpleasant situation will arise in a public place or at a party. Diapers are also indispensable in cold weather.
  • In diapers, the baby sleeps calmly and sleeps well.

All of the above advantages suggest that diapers are a fairly simple, but extremely useful invention. They are real helpers for young mothers and fathers.

But they also have disadvantages.

  • First of all, it is uneconomical. After all, each family has its own budget, and with the birth of a baby, expenses increase significantly. The baby needs clothes, high-quality medicines, a crib, a stroller and much more. A lot of money is spent on baby food, especially if for some reason the mother does not have milk. Therefore, for young families, the purchase of diapers requires significant costs. Therefore, they often resort to various tricks, and use diapers only when necessary.
  • Manufacturers try to produce diapers only from anti-allergic material. But still, sometimes children have an allergic reaction to them.
  • If the baby has a high temperature or bowel function is disturbed, diapers should be temporarily abandoned.
  • Some believe that a child from constantly wearing diapers can bend the joint. Others believe that their use interferes with potty training.

When should you change a disposable diaper? — Dr. Komarovsky (video)

Disposable diapers are an invention that has brought a lot of positive things to the life of mom and baby. Forgotten are the times of endless washes and diapers hung all over the house. Dampness does not disturb the baby's sleep, the diaper reliably absorbs moisture, giving the baby dryness and comfort. Walks in winter became as long as in summer. The advantages are obvious, but there are also small disadvantages. The main one is the price. The financial possibilities of parents are different, many have to calculate the number of diapers in such a way as to provide the baby with comfort for a long time. Let's try to find out how many diapers a day a newborn needs to feel calm.

To keep the baby dry and clean, a modern mom just needs to change his diaper

Preparing diapers for the maternity hospital

Fees to the hospital - a responsible and exciting moment. One of the main questions that every young mother asks is how many diapers you need to take with you. Let's calculate the amount together. We start from two indicators: the planned number of days that you will spend in the hospital, plus the frequency of use.

The average duration of a woman's stay in the maternity hospital, subject to a normal delivery, is 3 days. If a caesarean section was performed, mommy will stay in the hospital for 5-7 days. We multiply one of these figures by the daily number of diapers, we get the required number of them.

It is difficult to foresee how the situation will turn out, but you can always turn to your relatives - they will bring the required number of diapers.

The second point that affects your decision is how you intend to use them: constantly or only at night. The working regulations of maternity hospitals involve the issuance of a set of clean diapers to each newborn, which is changed daily (for more details, see the article:). The kit is enough to keep the baby always dry.

Pediatricians recommend using state-owned diapers. The opinion is due to the fact that in the first 2-3 days the child urinates little (2-6 per day). This frequency is due to the low fluid intake of the baby. Leave the modern option for night time so that the baby sleeps peacefully, then you do not have to get up to him. If we talk about quantity, then 3 pieces per day will be enough. Consequently, for the entire period of stay in the maternity hospital, about 15 pieces go away.

Particularly worried mothers who are worried about the baby, believing that a few minutes in a wet diaper will lead to freezing of the baby, should take diapers with a margin (5-7 pieces per day). Let's take into account all the calculations and the factors influencing them, and draw the final conclusion: a package of 30 pieces is definitely enough. If a cesarean is planned or other complications arise and you spend more than 3-5 days in the hospital, relatives will help solve the problem.

In the maternity hospital, the child is given several sets of state-owned diapers, which are enough for the first time

How many diapers does a newborn need in the first month?

The maternity hospital is behind, you return home with the baby and again the same question: how many diapers do the baby need for a day. Only now the financial side is added to the calculation. The main argument is the physiological characteristics of the newborn. The baby receives breast milk or milk formula, which are liquid foods.

The intestines, processing them, gives out loose stools of a mushy consistency. The baby walks "by big" after each feeding, he urinates even more often, about 10-25 times a day. These are normal values ​​for a healthy baby.

Modern diapers perfectly absorb moisture, so there is no need to change them after each “trip” of the child to the toilet in a small way. As a rule, 10 shifts are enough to keep the baby dry. It turns out that in a month you will need 300 pieces. If you take a pack of 90 pieces, you will have to take 3 of these packages.

By purchasing several packs at once, you can save a lot. Subsequently, the need for them will decrease and by 6 months you will already need half as many diapers.

How often should a newborn's diaper be changed?

We found out the approximate number, but the questions do not end there. How often should a diaper be changed? Let's see what it depends on:

  • the volume of urine that the baby emits;
  • skin reaction;
  • the temperature of the room where the baby is located;
  • the quality of the product itself;
  • the amount of fluid the child is drinking.

Mom should take into account these factors, and, based on them, make stocks. Obviously, all the above indicators are individual for each family. Here is the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, to whom young mothers so often turn. Evgeny Olegovich recommends:

  • Be sure to change when the newborn poops. The baby should not be allowed to “steam” in its own feces. In addition, mixing with urine, feces form a poisonous substance that irritates the delicate skin of the crumbs.
  • If you understand that during a walk or a trip you will not have the opportunity to change a diaper normally, change it before the road.
  • Looking under the diaper, we found that the baby has wet skin - immediately change it to dry, after treating the skin with a cream.

The last point of Komarovsky's recommendations requires a detailed analysis. It is important primarily because it affects the well-being of the baby. The presence of excess moisture occurs for two reasons: a poor-quality product and the wrong size. Parents should immediately eliminate both negative factors so as not to harm the baby.

Reduce the number of diapers: little home tricks

At first, it will seem to you that your reserves are disappearing at an exorbitant rate. A few useful tips will help to significantly reduce the process of "evaporation" of diapers. Take note:

  • If the room where the baby is located is warm (above +21), you do not need to wear the product to the baby when he walks. A vest and an oilcloth lined with a diaper will keep the comfort of the baby. A great option - sold in all pharmacies. However, there is one caveat arising from the gender of the newborn. The boys release such a jet that not only the diapers become wet, but also the walls and furniture. .
  • Advice for babies up to 2 months of age. Use a waterproof product as needed when going outside or wearing it at night. The rest of the time, use diapers. For children over 2 months old, sliders are suitable.
  • The practice of many attentive mothers shows: if you hold a newborn over a basin immediately after feeding, he will definitely pee (we recommend reading:). Then you can put on the product.

If the house is warm, you need to periodically give the child the opportunity to stay without diapers

The popularity of disposable diapers is so high that all mothers are unequivocally in favor of their use. Simple products are easy to use, provide protection for the baby from moisture for the whole day, save from it at night. A few important rules will help you use them wisely:

  1. Choose a model according to the weight of your son or daughter. Tight or too big will bring a lot of discomfort to the baby.
  2. If you notice redness, rashes, irritation on the skin of your treasure - change the brand of the product. It is a mistake to buy them for the future without checking the reaction of the baby's skin.
  3. When changing, wipe the body of the crumbs with a clean, damp cloth, let dry, and only then put on a fresh diaper.
  4. Stock up on a special cream or baby powder. Be sure to check the product for allergies. There are many offers, you can always. Treat the baby's skin with it at each shift.
  5. If the baby's umbilical wound has not healed, buy special diapers that have a hole for the navel.
  6. Moms using regular ones should boil them after each use. Gauze panties must be ironed with a hot iron before wearing. Such operations will help to make them sterile.

If the choice is made in favor of ordinary gauze diapers, they will need to be boiled after each use.

How to change a diaper correctly?

It is not enough just to put on a clean diaper, you need to do a number of hygiene procedures. If they are not carried out, even the highest quality diaper will not protect the child from irritation and diaper rash. The baby's skin must be thoroughly cleaned of urine and feces residues, smeared with cream. Experienced mothers know about these subtleties, for inexperienced we have compiled detailed instructions.

Before you start your shift, prepare a clean item, baby soap, a bowl of warm water, baby wipes, a soft towel, diaper cream or powder. Wash your hands, dry them, make room for changing. We do this:

  • we cover the changing table with oilcloth, cover it with a clean diaper;
  • we put the child on the table;
  • unbutton a dirty diaper, but do not remove it;
  • wipe the feces from the baby's skin with the front of the diaper;
  • lift the baby by the ankles so that the ass also rises;
  • take out the diaper and fold it;
  • we take a basin of warm water and wash the baby (if you have a girl, wash it with a movement from front to back) (we recommend reading:);
  • carefully dry the baby with a towel;
  • lubricate the skin with cream;
  • we put on a clean diaper, placing the back part under the booty, and straighten the front part between the legs.

The definition of a diaper as a disposable product says that it cannot be washed, cleaned, dried. The used product is thrown into the trash.

It is better not to rush to buy a large number of packages. Remember the individual work of the organism of each child. Observe your treasure for the first week, so you determine the maximum number of diapers that he needs per day. Consider the resulting figure and purchase as many packs as you need based on your calculations.

Expectant mothers are often concerned about questions: how to prepare for the appearance of the baby in such a way that everything is enough and there are no unnecessary worries, how many diapers does a newborn need every day? How much should I take with me to the hospital? Should they be used at all?

Even before the birth of the child, parents need to decide whether to use diapers or reusable gauze diapers and diapers for the baby. The former are convenient and have won universal sympathy, but one often hears that their use can harm the health of the child. Some doctors say that the baby's skin does not breathe in them, which can cause diaper rash and even overheating of the testicles in boys, which is associated with infertility.

Such statements are unfounded, because these products are made from natural materials that do not contain allergens that irritate the delicate skin of babies. And it does not affect spermatogenesis, as this process occurs in boys around the age of 12 years.

Criterias of choice

There are many companies on the market that make baby diapers. How to make the right choice of products that are ideal for crumbs? The most expensive does not always mean the highest quality and most convenient. For starters, you can buy several pieces from different companies. The size must be selected according to the weight of the baby.

Pay attention to rubber bands and Velcro. They should not be too tight so as not to pinch your baby's legs.

The reaction of the baby will help to make the right choice. If he frolics and does not act up, and the skin remains dry, without diaper rash and traces of rubbing, the quality of the product is considered satisfactory, you can safely continue to use it.

A comparison table of the main benefits of Pampers diapers will help mom make the right choice

Required amount

In the first month of their lives, babies urinate up to 25 times a day. This figure is confirmed experimentally. The volume of baby's urine per day is up to 500 ml, at a time - up to 35 ml. They also defecate often, almost every time mom feeds. And this is the norm for a healthy baby.

Change diapers when full. It is rather difficult to indicate exactly how much it will take, because this figure depends on the individual characteristics of the crumbs. Most often they are changed after 2-3 hours during the day and several times at night when the child wakes up. After a bowel movement, such a procedure is mandatory. Every time the parents change diapers, the child must be washed, you can also use a special cream.

When the child is at home, try to keep him naked for a while. The baby can be completely undressed and put on a diaper (regular or disposable). In this case, it is desirable that the temperature in the room be 20 - 22 ° Celsius. This is useful for the baby and makes it possible to reduce costs.

Up to 10 diapers per day. Based on this figure, you can approximately calculate the amount per month, which is very important for the budget of a young family. It is easy to calculate what a newborn may need up to 300 pieces per month. Consumption decreases as the child grows up and learns to go to the potty.

After childbirth

It is worth considering the question of how many diapers a future mother should take with her to the hospital. During normal births, the mother and child spend 3 days in the hospital, and if they do a caesarean section, 5-7 days. Given that newborns urinate quite rarely, from 2 to 6 times a day, the baby will take no more than 20-25 pieces for all days of stay in the hospital. If you plan to have a caesarean section or if there are complications during childbirth, which will affect the length of your stay in the hospital, this number will increase.

A diaper in the shape of a cocoon is similar in shape to a diaper

Baby care at night

In order to disturb the sleeping child less, some manufacturers suggest using "night" diapers, which perfectly absorb moisture. Their use will allow you to take care of the comfort and relaxation of mother and child.

Even if it is necessary to make a change, it is not necessary to wake the child. He can be changed when he wakes up to eat.

Old fashioned baby care

Some parents prefer to use gauze diapers and diapers. Since these are reusable items, each mother decides for herself how much to buy or make herself.

It is usually recommended to cook 20 pieces in order to be fully equipped even in difficult situations, when the child has a tummy ache and he swears, or in the cold season. You also need to consider how often mom can wash them and how quickly they dry.

"Pros and cons"

The use of diapers has positive and negative sides.

Application advantages:

  • Save time and effort for parents.
  • Comfort. Due to the fact that they absorb moisture well, the skin of the newborn remains clean and dry. In addition, it is possible to avoid unpleasant marks on clothes and bed.
  • Comfort during the trip and protection in case of cold and wind.
  • Peace of mind for your baby.

Cons of application:

  • Significant expenses.
  • The likelihood of developing allergies or dermatitis.
  • Possible difficulties in potty training.

Having considered all the pros and cons, future parents will decide for themselves whether to use diapers for the baby and how often. The most important thing is that they provide the child with proper care and give as much love and attention as possible.

With the advent of reusable diapers, the life of parents has become easier - there is no need for endless washing of diapers and clothes. With them, even winter walks have become long and safe. They also significantly improved the baby's nighttime sleep, making it comfortable for the mother as well. In a word, their merits are undeniable.
Of the minuses, only a fairly high price can be distinguished (if we are talking about high-quality diapers). That is why many parents are trying to find the optimal proportion in terms of the number of diapers, which would allow the baby to feel comfortable at any time, and parents simply did not go bankrupt.
How many diapers do you need for a child of any age? Let's start counting from the hospital.

How many diapers should I take to the hospital?

The first problem a young mother faces is how many diapers to take with her to the hospital. The first thing to consider when calculating is how many days the mother plans to spend in the hospital. After ordinary childbirth, if the condition of both mother and baby is satisfactory, they are discharged after 3 days, after cesarean section - after 5-7. Therefore, the daily number of diapers must be multiplied by the number of days in the hospital.

Secondly, when calculating how many diapers will be needed for a newborn in the first days of life, the mother needs to decide whether she plans to use them all the time, or, for example, only at night. The fact is that in almost all maternity hospitals, newborns are given a clean set of diapers every day. Pediatricians advise using only them, since there will be practically no problems with wet diapers. This is due to the fact that the frequency of urination in a newborn in the first 2-3 days of life is very small (from two to six times a day), because he consumes little fluid, eating first colostrum, and then small portions of milk. Therefore, it is logical to use diapers only at night, when a small drop of urine can wake up the baby, and mom will add the hassle of changing clothes. For this, 3 diapers will be enough for a day of stay in the maternity hospital, and for 3-5 days a maximum of 15 pieces will be required.

Even if the thought that the baby will be in a wet diaper and freeze terrifies you, then for your own peace of mind, stock up 5-7 diapers per day. In this case, for a newborn in the first days in the maternity hospital, a maximum of 20-25 disposable diapers will be required. Therefore, a small package of 30 pieces will be more than enough. However, if a caesarean section is planned or for some reason the baby stays in the hospital for more than the prescribed 3 days, then more diapers will be required. But relatives may well transfer them to the mother’s ward.

Valentina (25 years old mother on maternity leave, raising her daughter Sonya, 3 months old): “I was going to the hospital thoroughly. But when it came to diapers, I bought a minimum package of 18 pcs and did not lose. It was enough for me, I even brought a few pieces home. True, I wore diapers only at night and for procedures, when my daughter was taken away for ultrasound and tests.

How many diapers does a newborn need in the first month?

After discharge from the maternity hospital, parents ask themselves the question: how many diapers do they need per day to include their cost in the family budget.

Both breast milk and formula are liquid products, and as soon as the intestines fully work, the newborn will have mushy loose stools. He can defecate after each feeding, that is, every three hours. In addition, by the end of the first week of life, the baby can already urinate from 10 to 25 times a day. All of these are considered normal. But it makes no sense to change the diaper after each urination, this is not a reasonable waste. It is enough to change diapers 10 times a day, which will result in about 300 diapers per month.
Most parents prefer to buy packs of diapers for a month, as it is easier and, in most cases, cheaper. Therefore, a newborn needs about 3 packs of 90 pieces in the first month of life. Further, the number of diapers will decrease, and by six months of life it will be halved.

Yulia (29 years old, Alexey's mother, 5 months old): “Starting from birth, we buy diapers in wholesale stores. For the first month, we bought 4 packs of Pampers Newborn, 78 pcs. We've had enough. The main thing is to accurately calculate the quantity and not to buy too much. Toddlers grow up very quickly, and instead of profit, you can get a loss.

How often to change diapers?

An important question: how often do you need to change a diaper so that the child does not lie wet? Consider the factors that will determine the need for a diaper change:

  • Volume of urination;
  • The condition of the child's skin;
  • Temperature conditions in the room;
  • Diaper quality;
  • The amount of liquid they drink.

Based on this proportion, you need to stock up on diapers. It is logical that these indicators are individual for each child.

Irina, mother of 7-month-old Yegor: “Only Merries diapers fit Yegor’s delicate skin, the rest caused severe irritation. They are expensive, but they turned out to be a very big plus: the filling strip. It changes color as you describe the diaper, and when the entire strip turns blue, you can change. This is more convenient than opening, looking at or trying to determine by touch whether it is full or not. We used 8 diapers a day for the first month.”

A well-known pediatrician in the post-Soviet space, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, formulated useful recommendations regarding how often to change diapers:

  • The diaper must be changed after the baby has pooped. First, no child wants to lie in their own feces. Secondly, feces, when interacting with urine, form substances that can irritate the baby's sensitive skin.
  • It is definitely worth changing the diaper if the mother does not have the opportunity to change it for a certain time: for example, when going for a walk or going on a trip, the child needs to put on a clean diaper.
  • Wet skin is the main signal that you need a dry diaper.

The third item from this list is the most important, because you have to figure out the reasons for excess moisture. There can be 2 options: either the parents chose a cheap diaper that gets wet too quickly and is not able to retain moisture for at least a few hours, or the wrong size is used.

How to reduce the number of diapers: secrets and tricks

Despite the fact that disposable diapers sell like hot cakes, their number can be reduced without harming parents and children. Frugal moms can use the following recommendations:

  • If the room is warm (above 21 degrees), while awake, the baby can be safely left to lie without a diaper, in one vest. It is enough to lay an oilcloth under it. You can use special reusable diapers for these purposes, which are sold in pharmacies. However, it is worth considering gender differences. For example, boys can not only wet themselves, but also stain the furniture around. Therefore, it is advisable to spread the boys naked on the stomach.
  • Use diapers only when necessary (at night, on the street). The rest of the time, replace them with regular diapers. This is true for children under 2 months old. Older children can be dressed in sliders.
  • After each daytime feeding, hold the newborn over a basin. All newborn babies pee after feeding. And some mothers know how to "catch" this moment over a bucket or basin. And only then put on a clean diaper.

How to change a diaper: rules

There is nothing difficult in changing diapers, the main thing is to fill your hand and adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

  • We put an oilcloth on the changing table or any other surface, on top of which we lay a cotton diaper;
  • We put the child on the back, lift the legs by the ankles, clasping them with one hand, and tilt them slightly towards the body so that the lower back is slightly raised;
  • Gently pulling the diaper out from under the baby;
  • If the child poops, as a rule, not the entire surface of the diaper is soiled. With a clean part, you can remove feces, moving in the direction from the tummy to the legs;
  • Fold the diaper in half and fix it with the same fasteners;
  • If necessary, we carry the baby to the bath and wash it or wipe it with wet wipes. If the baby's skin is wet and there is no access to water, you can use dry sanitary pads.

It is necessary to focus on the fact that a disposable diaper is called that for a reason. Due to its functional features, it cannot be washed, dry cleaned or dried.

Each baby is individual, so before running to the store and buying packs of diapers, parents should watch the baby, calculate how many pieces are consumed per day. About a week after giving birth, the number of used diapers reaches a maximum. It is from this figure that you should build on, counting on the purchase for the next month.

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Future parents are trying to prepare for the birth of the crumbs with all responsibility. They understand that the baby needs special care, so they want to provide the little one with everything necessary. Now it’s hard to imagine how you can completely do without, since they greatly facilitate the everyday life of a newly-made mom. But young parents are interested in knowing how many diapers a day a newborn needs. Such information will allow you to make the necessary stocks of diapers, as well as help you plan your budget.

How many times a day do you change a diaper for a newborn?

To make calculations, you need to find out how many times a day babies defecate. Many healthy babies may have bowel movements after each feeding, that is, about 6-7 times in 24 hours. In other children, stools are less common. This is individual and even an experienced pediatrician will not name the exact figure. It depends on the characteristics of the baby's body, on the type of feeding.

Urination is much more frequent. It is believed that a baby up to 6 months should write about 20 times a day. This is also an approximate value, but mom should be guided by it. If she notices that the little one urinates much less often, she should consult a doctor.

Knowing at least roughly how often babies defecate, you can calculate how many times a day to change a diaper for a newborn. Be sure to change the diaper after each bowel movement, that is, perhaps 7 times a day. If the baby just peed, then you can change his clothes, but this is not necessary. You should always remember about hygiene, because mom needs to be guided by the situation. If the little one has not had a chair for several hours, then you still need to change the diaper - you do not need to wait until it is completely filled. Every 3 hours it is necessary to carry out a replacement without fail. You should also change your baby's clothes at night and in the morning after waking up.

Obviously, it is not possible to calculate in advance exactly how many diapers a newborn needs per day. Only an approximate number can be calculated. Mom should cook about 10 diapers a day, maybe more.

How to reduce the use of diapers?

It is in the power of parents to reduce the consumption of diapers without violating the rules of hygiene. Then the answer to the question of how many diapers a day a newborn needs will depend solely on mom and dad. These recommendations will help.