Keira Knightley: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Keira Knightley with her husband and grown daughter is resting in France (photo) Does Keira Knightley have children

At the same time, journalists found out the approximate time of the birth of the first child - the end of spring - the beginning of summer. The last time the actress and her husband, Klaxons musician Jason Righton were seen together at the end of April, and already at that moment it was obvious from Kira that she would not have long before giving birth. Since then, there has been no news from the couple, and many had suspicions that the baby Knightley-Righton had already been born, but his parents preferred to keep this event a secret. Assumptions were confirmed by several residents of London at once: they claim that they saw Kira and Jason with a newborn on a walk.

Jason Righton and Keira Knightley at the Oscars After Party, Vanity Fair Party, 2015

I'm sure I saw Keira Knightley while walking in Islington, London area, with her husband and newborn child, - Twitter user @christinekapak wrote.

While I was looking through the glass at the hairdresser at a man who seemed to me Idris Elba, I almost lost sight of Keira Knightley (with a child) passing by, says the girl with the nickname @JoDavies.

Recently, Keira Knightley and James Righton, who were secretly married in May 2013 in Mazan in the south of France, moved into a new £3.9 million home in London's Canonbury borough of Islington. Prior to this, the couple lived in central London's Splitfields, but sold the previous home before moving.

James Righton and Keira Knightley at the 2015 Oscars

Meanwhile, fans of the actress and journalists are wondering who appeared (or will appear?) With the couple - a boy or a girl, with the majority leaning towards the second option. The actress herself let it slip during an interview with E! online.

We all feel calm and free. I feel comfortable and she too, - said Kira.

Official confirmation of the birth of a child Keira Knightley and James Righton has not yet followed. We will keep our finger on the pulse, and you - up to date with the latest news!

    Actress Keira Knightley, who is going to give birth to a son by the summer, admitted that her husband James Righton is waiting for the first child in a very peculiar way. According to Kira, the guy only does what he gets drunk at all possible parties, and at home he doesn’t disdain to pawn tightly behind the collar, citing the fact that with the advent of the child he will no longer have such an opportunity.

    As the 31-year-old vocalist and keyboardist of the London band Klaxons explains to his wife, when their son is born, he, as the father of the family, will have to quit at least for a while - Kira simply will not understand otherwise. So he drinks for the future, so that later it would not be so insulting.

    The fact that the star of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is pregnant, it became known at the end of last year. A child should be born these days, but Keira Knightley and her husband, musician James Righton, remain silent.

    However, eyewitnesses claim that the 30-year-old actress has already become a mother. Several people immediately wrote on social networks that they saw Kira walking near her home in London with a child. Not only the sex of the child remains unknown, but also the date of his birth.

    The actress married Jason Righton in 2013 after two years of a passionate romance. The wedding ceremony took place in the city hall of the city of Mazan, which is located 20 kilometers from Marseille in southern France. The couple tied the knot in the presence of 11 close friends and family members. After registration, the lovers, to the applause of the guests, got into an unremarkable Renault Clio car and disappeared.

    According to the British actress, she has a lot of friends who are in their 30s, and many of them just whine about age and that they urgently need to meet “that one” and give birth to him. But the ticking clock allegedly does not impress Kira herself. The girl is not even afraid of her 30th birthday next March, believing that with age she, like good wine, only gets better. The fragile brown-haired woman insists that the children can wait, because she only recently understood what it means to have a real blast, and now she is catching up in her teens.

    Later, in an interview, Kira said that thanks to her marriage, she learned to cook: “I didn’t know how to do anything before. But now baking is my main and favorite specialization in culinary business. Knightley also told the secret of their happy marriage with Jason: “My relationship with my husband is ideal in many respects because we look at everything from a completely different angle!”

Fotodom / Rex Features

She gave birth to Princess Charlotte on May 2

According to the already established tradition, subjects of the British crown began to be on duty at the gates of the hospital long before Duchess Catherine, who was preparing for the birth of her second child, was taken there. True, the expectation of the British this time was somewhat delayed: according to medical forecasts, Kate was supposed to give birth on April 23, but the Duchess's contractions did not start. The baby made the kingdom and her dad, Prince William, nervous and wait for themselves: Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge was born only on May 2, 2015.

Victoria Dayneko

She gave birth to a girl on October 3

The winner of the "Star Factory - 5", 28-year-old Victoria Daineko, became a mother for the first time. In one of the Moscow clinics, the singer gave birth to a daughter, whose name she and her husband, musician Dmitry Kleiman, are still hiding.


Ekaterina Klimova

She gave birth to a daughter, Bella, on October 2

But the 37-year-old actress Ekaterina Klimova became a mother for the fourth time! About a year ago, Klimova divorced actor Igor Petrenko, with whom she had been married for ten years and from whom she has two sons: 10-year-old Matvey and seven-year-old Korney. Also, the actress is raising a 15-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, from her first marriage. Last year, it became known that the actress began an affair with Gela Meskhi, a partner in the Wolf Sun series, who became the father of Catherine's fourth child.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

She gave birth to a daughter, Mariyka, on October 17

In the past year, the former star of VIA Gra became a mother of many children: the singer gave birth to a daughter from her husband, businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev. The couple is already growing four-year-old Anya, and Nadezhda is also raising her 13-year-old son Igor from her first marriage.

Laysan Utyasheva

She gave birth to a daughter, Sophia, on May 6

Comedian Pavel Volya and athlete Laysan Utyasheva got married three years ago, and a year after the wedding, the couple had a son, Robert. In May, the couple became parents for the second time: Laysan gave birth to a younger sister to her first child. The couple is not going to stop there: in an interview, Utyasheva admitted that she would like to have another child.

Keti Topuria

Gave birth to daughter Olivia on June 15

This summer, the soloist of the A-Studio group, 28-year-old Keti Topuria, became a mother for the first time: the singer gave birth to a daughter, whom she and her husband, businessman Lev Geykhman, gave the unusual beautiful name Olivia. The actress gave birth to a girl at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Olga Shelest

Gave birth to daughter Iris on August 19

The 38-year-old TV presenter this year gave birth to her second daughter, whom she named ... Rainbow! Iris - translated from Greek as "rainbow" - in ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods. By the way, the eldest daughter of Olga and her husband, music video director Alexei Tishkin, is called Muza.

Tutta Larsen

She gave birth to a son Ivan on July 1

Former colleague Olga Shelest on MTV channel, TV presenter Tutta Larsen and her husband Valery Koloskov became parents of many children: the family already has a 10-year-old son Luka from his first marriage Larsen and a four-year-old daughter Marfa.

Charlize Theron

Adopted a girl August

Charlize Theron became a mother for the second time - and the second time she took the baby from the shelter. The actress adopted a newborn girl, who was given the unusual name August. Charlize is already raising a black boy from South Africa named Jackson, whom she adopted in 2012.

Liv Tyler

Gave birth to son Sailor on February 11

Liv Tyler and football agent Dave Gardner started dating early last year after they were introduced by a mutual friend, Kate Moss. Already in September, it became known about the pregnancy of the actress, and in February of this year, baby Sailor Jean Gardner was born. The godfather of the boy was the football player David Beckham. Dave, by the way, is the godfather of the eldest son of the Beckhams of Brooklyn. For Liv, the boy became the second child: she also brings up ten-year-old Milo William, whom she gave birth to from the British rocker Royst Langdon.

Natalia Podolskaya

Artemy gave birth to a son on June 5

Singer Natalya Podolskaya and musician Vladimir Presnyakov became parents after five years of marriage. Podolskaya became a mother for the first time, and Vladimir already has a 24-year-old son Nikita from Kristina Orbakaite.

Elena Temnikova

She gave birth to a daughter Alexandra on March 27

The baby, who became the first-born for the singer, was born in a perinatal center near Moscow in Lapino.

Cate Blanchett

Adopted a girl, Edith

In March this year, actress Cate Blanchett and her husband, director Andrew Upton, became parents for the fourth time: the couple adopted a girl named Edith Vivian. Blanchett and Upton, who married in 1997, have three biological sons: Deshiel, Ignatius and Roman.

Milla Jovovich

Gave birth to daughter Dashielle Eden on April 1

The actress and her husband, director Paul Anderson, already have a seven-year-old daughter, Ever Gabo, who was most happy about the birth of her younger sister. By the way, baby Mila was baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles.

Natalia Medvedeva

Gave birth to first child on September 16

The 30-year-old Comedy Woman participant became a mother for the first time. She gave birth to a baby, whose gender is not disclosed, from her colleague in KVN Alexander Koptel, the captain of the STEPiKO team, who was present at the birth of her beloved.

Victoria Makarska

She gave birth to a son, Ivan, on May 31

Anton and Victoria Makarsky could not conceive a child for a long time. Only after 13 years of marriage, the couple had a daughter, Masha. According to Victoria, her second pregnancy was more difficult than the first. The artist suffered from severe toxicosis and in the first months of pregnancy she could hardly walk. Makarsky's son Ivan was born in Israel, in the same clinic as Masha. A week after the baby was born, his parents baptized him in the Gornensky Monastery in Jerusalem.

Keira Knightley

From the age of three she knew what she would do all her life, and from the age of six she had her own agent. By the age of 33, she will have 27 years of work experience. Keira Knightley chose acting as a child, looking at her parents. She has more than fifty films to her credit, including Pirates of the Caribbean, Pride and Prejudice, and others. But now Knightley's attention is not riveted because of her acting work. Many are concerned about the question: "Does Keira Knightley have children?".

Under scrutiny

The life of a famous person has its pros and cons. The pluses include: fame, recognition, big earnings, a beautiful life. By cons: the lack of a quiet personal life - the paparazzi are constantly on guard to photograph the star in everyday life, every step is viewed through a magnifying glass of criticism, there are many "friends" who want to bask in the glory, etc.

Therefore, many of the public people try to hide their personal lives, but these are the costs of success, for which many pay with a quiet life and loneliness. Kira went through this as well. There were beloved men who left her, unable to bear the burden of her fame. Keira Knightley, like many of her colleagues, has learned to appreciate loved ones. Appreciate and protect.

ugly duck

As a child, Keira Knightley did not like to look at herself in the mirror. The reflection was all flaws: too thin body, zero breast size, narrow eyes, prominent cheekbones. Even when her name occupied the top lines of the lists of the most beautiful and sexiest women in the world, she could not get rid of the complexes. Because that fragile confidence in its attractiveness instantly disappeared, as soon as you go online. There, in every way, they criticized her appearance and complained that with such money it was possible to do plastic surgery for a long time.

Kira, confident in her external unattractiveness, was constantly afraid that she would remain alone. And unsuccessful novels confirmed her fears: not a single boyfriend ever called her to marry. It's really amazing to have such an inferiority complex. This is despite the fact that all the world's tabloids flaunt photos of Keira Knightley and family. Children, young people, old ladies and gentlemen admire her, take autographs.

Damn fame

Yes, it is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine what the constant attention of people is. When it is impossible to pass without the persecution of the paparazzi. But it's still half the trouble. There are still inadequate fans who literally poison life with their presence. In 2010, Kira was harassed by a Polish fan, Marek Danilyuk. A forty-year-old man guarded her near the theater where she rehearsed. Kira admitted that she does not like being touched by strangers. And this man took her by the elbow, and began to interrogate whether she received a gift from him. And so not once. He also guarded her at the door of the house, shouting through the mail slot. Kira was forced to hire security and sue the fan. But the court acquitted him, since Kira never appeared at the meetings. She explained this by saying that she simply did not have the strength to go through all this again.

At that time, Keira Knightley met with actor Rupert Friend, whom she met on the set of the film Pride and Prejudice. Their relationship lasted five years, but more and more Rupert's personality was lost in the background of Kira. They began to perceive him not as a serious actor, but only as a boyfriend of Keira Knightley. He couldn't take it and left.

Let them see me happy

Kira met her future husband at the party of her friend Alexa Chung, a model, TV presenter and editor of English Vogue. Kira had a difficult life period: she broke up with her beloved Rupert Friend. She came to the party so that her photos with a happy smile were in the press, and Rupert saw and regretted their breakup. Kira understood that this was banal and naive, but she needed to console herself somehow.

And now, being in such a state, she, as they say, immediately rude to the guy who asked about her mood, saying that she did not need a new relationship. James Righton, keyboardist for the Klaxons, and that was him, said he didn't feel like it. The atmosphere cleared, and they chatted all evening about the vicissitudes of relations in some corner, sitting on the steps of the stairs. The conversation was cheerful and carefree, and Kira suddenly realized how easy and simple it was with this guy.


When kindred spirits meet, they immediately understand this. They are easy together, no need to pretend, do something to please. So it was with Kira and James. The novel was fleeting, almost immediately the young people met each other's parents. Kira's mother, who always supported her in all life situations, approved of her daughter's choice. The long-awaited marriage proposal has finally arrived. James Righton was not afraid of the world fame of his future wife, but saw in her a girl who, despite all her regalia, needs help and protection.

Naturally, this news became hot, and young people were under the constant eye of the press. Therefore, the wedding was celebrated not in their native England, but went away to France, to the small town of Mazan, where Kira and James bought a house. In May 2013, the mayor of the town registered the marriage, and then a small celebration took place in the newlyweds' villa - only for their own. Kira did not make a PR company out of her wedding, but, on the contrary, she carefully concealed everything. Kira tries to live by the principle: creativity is for people, and personal life should remain personal.

Social media

Thanks to social networks, people's lives are in the palm of their hand, if they want it. Naturally, after the wedding, celebrities, fans, subscribers are waiting for the next step - photos of children must appear on the network. Keira Knightley and her husband hid the news from the world for a long time that the star was pregnant. They remained true to themselves: to demonstrate their lives to the public as little as possible.

Keira Knightley gave birth to a child in May 2015 - it was an unforgettable event for a young family.

Unfortunately, no Olympics

A girl was born, beloved and long-awaited. Mom and dad for joy even forgot to give her a name. Everyone called the girl affectionate nicknames. So once it was with Kira when she was a child. Keira Knightley also did not immediately receive a name. Parents after the birth of their daughter for a long time called her "baby", "girl" or simply "hey you." Kira was born in 1985, and the year before, Soviet figure skater Kira Ivanova took bronze at the Olympic competitions. Parents then watched the Olympics drunkenly, and most of all they liked the Russian figure skater. Therefore, in the end, the girl was named after Kira Ivanova, but during registration they wrote the name with an error Keira.

With such a history in the family archive, Kira complained to her mother that, apparently, her daughter would also respond to "hey, you." And after all, as luck would have it, not a single Olympics takes place so that you can choose a name for the child. Laughter laughter, but the problem was real. In the end, apparently tired of looking for a suitable name, the parents gave the girl a male name - Edie Wright.


The first photos of Keira Knightley with her husband and child appeared thanks to a lucky photographer who photographed the family on a walk. As Kira herself later admitted, she loves to walk with her family. The young couple even developed a small tradition: joint morning walks on Saturdays. Like everyone else, the life of young parents is not only joyful moments, but also difficulties. Kira discovered a new world for herself - the world of motherhood: you can stay awake at night and still function all day. Little Edie does not sleep well and sleeps little, so mom and dad also live according to the child's schedule. Keira Knightley, as usual, is supported by her mother, who jokingly says that this is retribution for her sleepless days and nights. Kira didn't sleep well as a child either.

Three years have passed, but the problem remains. However, young parents do not despair, but support each other. Kira, in a few interviews, said that she and her husband had a lot in common: an indifferent attitude to luxury, love for evenings in a close family circle, the desire to protect her island of happiness from prying eyes. Despite the global changes in her personal life, Keira Knightley continues to work fruitfully. Edie first went to work with her mother at the age of five months. Mom was preparing for the performance in a dressing room littered with toys and nipples, and dad tried unsuccessfully to put diapers on a restless child.

I am different

With the birth of a child, Keira Knightley found their happiness. Family well-being has changed Kira: not only externally, but also internally. The actress has ceased to complex because of her appearance. She unexpectedly discovered that her body was capable of such feats as giving birth to a child. And so it deserves at least respect. The actress generously shares her new vision of the world through the prism of a loving mother and wife in interviews and social networks.

Kira recently published an essay. In it, the actress talks about her feelings during childbirth and refers to Kate Middleton, who, seven hours after giving birth, posed for photographers in full dress. Kira is a convinced feminist and believes that a woman has the right to be who she is, and not as male photographers want to see her. After childbirth, the woman is exhausted, worn out morally and physically. She had just gone through terrible pain, mucus, blood and excrement. And she has the right to rest and unattractiveness. But Kate Middleton, as a public figure, demonstrates other standards that can make many women notorious.

Kira disagrees. Her word carries weight in British society. She is considered one of the most powerful women in the UK. No wonder Queen Elizabeth granted her the title of Officer for services to the dramatic arts and charity.

If the actress in an interview constantly closes the topic of her personal life, then she can talk a lot about charity and work. He also willingly distributes photos taken in third world countries with children. Keira Knightley is convinced that people who have achieved success should do charity work and set an example for others.

Keira Knightley is one of those celebrities who doesn't flaunt her personal life. The girl went out with her companion, only being sure of the seriousness of the relationship. This is why only two cases are known about alliances with Kira's men before marriage. The first time Knightley met for two years, the second - five. With her husband James Rytan, the actress met two years before their wedding. Having got married, the stars tormented the public for a long time regarding the expectation of a baby in the family. Only two years after the painting, the couple announced that Keira Knightley was pregnant.

Keira Knightley pregnancy

Keira Knightley hid her pregnancy for a long time. Although we can say that she hid her tummy until the birth. If you pay attention to the photo of the pregnant Keira Knightley, then we can conclude that with the new position, the actress has changed her clothing preferences. Her favorite styles were wide hoodies, high-waisted dresses and loose tunics. Kira still continued to walk in heels, which for a long time did not give the media a reason to even suspect that she was pregnant.

One way or another, the secret was still out. I must say that the figure of Keira Knightley during pregnancy has not changed much. The tummy was small, and the girl remained the same slender. Therefore, it was easy for the actress to carry a child. This was also indicated by a large number of interviews and visits to presentations and premieres, which Knightley went to throughout the period.

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The day before her birthday on May 25, 2015, the English actress gave birth to a daughter. The birth was as secretive as the pregnancy. The media learned that Keira Knightley became a mother when the girl was already.