What does patchouli smell like? Patchouli fragrances. Other uses

The properties of patchouli oil give no reason to doubt its invaluable benefits for the human body. Patchouli oil is used both to get rid of diseases, and as a "magnet" that attracts money.


  • Patchouli essential oil: description of properties

    The properties of patchouli essential oil and its uses are endless. The composition of the ether contains such a component as patchouli alcohol, which gives the oil a unique aroma and attractiveness.
    In addition, among the components there are vitamins of groups B, PP, E, as well as useful trace elements. Ether is considered a powerful antidepressant and aphrodisiac.
    The oil also has the following properties:
    • bactericidal
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Regenerating
    • Healing
    • Tonic
    The oil is popular among people who want to lose weight. Regular use of ether improves metabolism. This subsequently contributes to the removal of toxins from the human body and leads to getting rid of extra pounds.

    Use of patchouli essential oil

    Patchouli essential oil is used in medicine, cosmetology, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and various dishes.
    Ether effectively fights against:
    • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, acne)
    • Absent-mindedness (improves concentration)
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Problems with the endocrine system
    • Headaches
    • The first signs of aging, as well as age-related skin changes
    Note. To quickly relieve headaches and fatigue after a hard day's work, 1 drop of oil is applied to both temples with light, circular movements.

    How to use patchouli oil for hair

    Among the large number of esters that are used in cosmetology, patchouli oil is the most popular. For hair, it is used as an additional component, adding to masks, shampoos, balms. And also used for restoring express compresses.
    To quickly restore vitality to the hair, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of ether to one serving of shampoo with each shampoo. Cosmetologists recommend conducting sessions of aroma combing. This contributes to the deep penetration of beneficial trace elements into the hair follicles and scalp.
    To quickly restore curls, there is an effective mask:
    • Mix 3 dessert spoons of vegetable oil (linseed or sunflower), 1 egg yolk (beaten with a whisk), and 3-4 drops of patchouli ester. Apply the mask to your hair from roots to ends. Next, you need to cover your head with cling film and wrap it with a warm towel. Exposure time 30-40 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The recommended recovery course is 21 days. Apply 3 times in 7-10 days.

    How to use patchouli oil for face

    For the face, patchouli oil is used not only in cosmetology clinics, but also at home, for the preparation of anti-aging products.
    Due to its composition, ether:
    • Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, as well as saturates the cells with beneficial substances
    • Stimulates cell regeneration and effectively fights skin aging, eliminating signs of aging
    • Prevents the appearance of various rashes on the skin (acne, pimples, etc.). It also treats existing problems.
    Important! There are contraindications during pregnancy, individual intolerance, as well as during certain diseases. Before use, you should consult with your doctor.

    The magical properties of patchouli oil: to attract success and money

    Ether is used not only in medicine and cosmetology, patchouli oil also has magical properties and is used for various rituals. In ancient times, it was used during a session to rid girls and women of infertility.
    Now the ether is used to revive the former passion in a relationship or to find a long-awaited love. But most often, patchouli oil is used to attract success and money, as well as a "trap" that attracts good luck in any career endeavors.
    This is interesting. If you take a bottle of oil in your hands, think about money, and then smear a bill or wallet with a drop of ether, then an improvement in your financial condition is expected in the near future. Ether is also applied to the wrists and earlobes. This helps to achieve success in work and climb up the career ladder.

    Is patchouli oil used as an aphrodisiac?

    Patchouli oil is a well-known aphrodisiac, so it is used to increase sexual desire. This is explained by the fact that the components that make up the ether directly affect the subconscious of a person, which can cause feelings of passion and romanticism.
    Main scope:
    • Aromatization of bedding and air
    • Aromatic baths
    • For a relaxing massage
    • Local application of drops to pulsating points of the body
    To attract the attention of the opposite sex, patchouli and jasmine oils are mixed 1 drop each, and then the mixture is applied to the wrists or behind the earlobes. Can be used in combination with your favorite perfume. This will only enhance the effect of aphrodisiacs and give some alluring plume.

    Patchouli oil in cosmetology: video and reviews

    The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology can improve the condition of the skin. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, deeply nourishing it with useful substances. Suitable for all skin types and daily use.
    To combat cosmetic defects, various products are made with the addition of patchouli ether. In cosmetology clinics, oil is used for relaxing and anti-cellulite massage.

  • It has long been believed that patchouli essential oil attracts wealth, provides peace, fertility, business success and stability. Many ancient magical books describe the recipe for "quick money". Read on: patchouli properties and magical recipes.

    They lubricate the wallet with it, and its aroma is distributed around the house, used as a useful cosmetic product and added to perfumes to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The amazing properties of patchouli are often compared to good wine. Its fragrance develops over time and becomes more valuable every year.

    patchouli properties

    Patchouli oil belongs to the solar group of essential oils. A few drops of saturated oil can be of great benefit to the body and put you in a working mood. Due to the fact that patchouli oil has a very strong effect, when using it, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and try not to use it during pregnancy.


    Patchouli essential oil has a spicy scent. People notice its similarity to the smell of smoke from a fire and the aroma of the earth. The persistence of the odor causes the treated areas to smell with a bitter-tart aroma for almost two weeks.


    The beneficial properties of patchouli are due to the content of a unique substance in it - patchulol. This is what gives the plant its characteristic aroma. Patchouli essential oil is produced by steam distillation of the leaves of a medicinal shrub. Its quality depends mainly on the concentration of patchulol. It is also affected by the content of other beneficial substances, such as belnesen, alpha guayene and alpha patchoulene.

    Attracting money

    Many legends have already formed around the miraculous energy of patchouli, forcing people to oil their wallets and keep them close to themselves. The magical properties of such an amulet can be explained through logical reasoning.

    The properties of patchouli include the ability to reduce appetite, which favors weight loss, and, accordingly, gives a person self-confidence. Thanks to the oil, hidden abilities and talents are revealed. Perhaps that is why patchouli oil is considered a good means to attract money.


    Patchouli oil has the most effective effect on the psycho-emotional sphere. It perfectly calms the nervous system, relieves anxiety and prevents depression. The ability to influence a person's mood determines its widespread use in aromatherapy. However, not only the aroma of the oil is useful. It actively finds its application in cosmetology and medicine.


    Patchouli essential oil can improve skin elasticity, relieve excessive dryness and suppress inflammation. This feature allows the introduction of oil into the formulation of modern face, head and body skin care products, raising developments in cosmetology to a new level. Shampoos and creams enriched with patchulol are suitable for all skin types: they moisturize dry skin, normalize oil production and soothe irritations on sensitive skin.

    Patchouli oil for the face can produce a lifting effect, accelerating the process of regeneration of the skin. Using patchouli oil for hair, you can easily get rid of dandruff. And by constantly adding a couple of drops of oil to body products, you can forget about cellulite. Massage with patchouli oil on such an area of ​​the body as the chest will also be useful. The ability to eliminate the harmful effects of the fungus allows the oil to be used in gels for intimate hygiene.


    In medicine, patchouli is also widely used. In Asian countries, it was previously used quite often. They treated wounds after insect bites, healed scratches and eliminated herpetic eruptions. Today patchouli is used for inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, disorders of the digestive system and hemorrhoids.

    But the main use of patchouli oil is to maintain the optimal functioning of the nervous system, because it can reduce stress, relax and calm. To do this, it is enough to resort to a simple inhalation of its vapors. In its pure form, the oil can be used to eliminate acne, scars, acne and chronic skin problems.


    Another area of ​​application of patchouli is perfumery. The tart aroma of patchouli gained popularity during the reign of Bonaparte, when not a single lady attended social events without a drop of fragrant oil. In the days of the hippies, patchouli was a silent slogan for peace and love, and for good reason, because the scent of patchouli stimulates attraction to a partner.

    Today, patchouli is most often used in men's perfumes. However, manufacturers do not deny women its astringency and add a little bitterness to women's perfumes. In addition to perfumery, the scent of patchouli is used for domestic purposes. For example, to repel moths and other pests.

    home use

    At home, patchouli oil can be used for aromatherapy (for 20 sq.m, 8-10 drops diluted in aroma lamp water are enough), enrichment of body and face creams (2 drops) and point compresses for inflammatory processes (3 drops per 10 ml of base oils).

    6 Patchouli Recipes to Attract Wealth

    Remember that patchouli oil is so thick that getting it out of the bottle can be a problem. You should slightly heat the bottle in your palms or briefly put it in warm water.

    For flavoring

    Recipe 1

    Make a magic mixture: 7 drops patchouli, 5 drops cedarwood oil. Now rub the candle with this mixture and light it. Drop 2 drops of the magic mixture into the aroma medallion and carry it with you. Also lubricate your wallet, plastic card. You can lubricate the money before you spend it - then they will return to you.

    Recipe 2

    A mixture to improve material well-being: add to the previous mixture 2 drops of nutmeg essential oil, 1 drop of cinnamon.

    Recipe 3

    A mixture to attract abundance and the forces of the Earth: mix equal parts patchouli and pine oil.

    For baths

    Recipe 4

    Money bath recipe: Add 5 drops of patchouli to your bath salt. Entering the bath, imagine exactly how the money comes to you. Scroll in your mind the picture of what is happening, then your imagination will become a reality.

    Recipe 5

    Another money bath mix: 3 drops of patchouli oil, 1 drop of cinnamon and cedarwood oil. Take such baths until you feel that you have reached your goal.

    The ritual of raising money for large acquisitions

    Recipe 6

    This ritual is performed on the growing moon.

    Rub eight small green candles with patchouli aromatic oil and arrange in a circle. In the center, place a clay pot wrapped in green cloth or foil. You will need some silver coins. Light the candles.

    Take one coin and, having made a large and desired purchase, put the coin next to the pot.

    Repeat this procedure with the remaining coins. When all the coins are laid out, imagine the fulfillment of each wish in turn. Brightly, figuratively, one picture for each desire. Feel the joy of having the things you need.

    When the candles burn out, put the coins in a pot and always put all the little things there when you return home. If the pot overflows, take some money out of there and spend it on something nice. Remember - the pot should never be empty.

    A bit of geography: Patchouli is native to the Philippine Islands. Grown in the tropical zone on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Reunion, Singapore, Seychelles and Philippine.

    A bit of history: A long time ago, merchants added patchouli to bales of sumptuous Indian pashminas (the traditional name for the finest variety of special woolen fabric), not for the sake of a pleasant aroma, but to prevent insects from spoiling the product. The persistent resinous smell of patchouli, which moths could not stand, fell in love with wealthy ladies and became their calling card ... The modern world has stopped using patchouli as an insect repellent, moreover, it actively uses the aroma of this plant for seduction), and not only ....

    Patchouli essential oil extracted by steam distillation of fresh or slightly dried raw materials (the main components of the oil are patchoulol (patchouli alcohol) and various sesquiterpenes) has an incredibly wide range of applications:

    Patchouli essential oil has antibacterial properties. In dermatology, it is recommended for eczema, fungal infections, acne, ringworm of the feet, dermatitis, etc.;
    - widely used in cosmetology (especially for refreshing dry skin) and medicine;
    - oil stimulates the nervous system, activates mental and emotional processes;
    - a powerful erotic stimulant. Eliminates sexual coldness and impotence, helps with depression; (do not rub or drink, how to apply, read below...)

    And of course, probably the widest use of patchouli was found in perfumery, it gives an incredible volume to the aroma. Most often used in middle and base notes.

    Patchouli is a famous scent aphrodisiac. In India, patchouli leaves are brewed as a tea or used as a condiment by women, as patchouli restores sexual power. According to my observations, Russian women have come up with their own way to restore this very strength: patchouli for themselves, for a man - 50 gr. cognac. (recipe approximate).
    Patchouli essential oil has a pronounced erotic effect. The unusual aroma of patchouli excites, intrigues and teases, beckons deeper and further. This essential oil acts on a subconscious level, and if you want to spend an unforgettable night with your soulmate, light an aroma lamp two hours before his arrival, to which a few drops of patchouli essential oil are added, or use an ordinary wax candle as soon as the wax starts to melt, add a couple of drops of patchouli to it, without touching the wick ...

    So, I digress, we are talking about perfumery ...
    The fashionable ladies and young girls of the Napoleonic era covered their shoulders on cool evenings with chic Indian shawls, which came into fashion at that time and were a sign of good taste. Interest in everything exotic was gaining momentum, and even the specific smell of patchouli, which soaked all Indian cashmere products, did not frighten away fashionistas. The woody-resinous smell of patchouli became associated with charm and luxury, and French perfumers had no choice but to release perfumes with the scent of patchouli.
    In the 19th century, patchouli-scented perfumes lost their magnetic influence, and the oriental exoticism was replaced by the practical and businesslike West. The time has come for all sorts of technical innovations, production processes have reached a completely different level, and sweetish, exotic patchouli perfumes have become covered with a philistine touch of an old grandmother's chest. However, it was impossible to allow the patchouli perfume with its time-tested aroma to ingloriously sink into oblivion. Extravagant Elsa Schiaparelli, designer of fashionable women's clothing, could not pass by the tempting smell. Accustomed to shocking the public, thinking in images of surrealism, Madame Schiaparelli created the amazing, original perfume Shocking in 1937, returning patchouli-scented perfume to the bohemian French environment.
    Then there were the liberated 60s. and hippies with their flower philosophy. The era of “the power of flowers” ​​- as the freedom-loving 60s was called in the West - smelled especially: the spirit of sandalwood, jasmine and, of course, patchouli was mixed with a light fog of marijuana ... The revived interest in oriental culture automatically returned interest in woody and floral scents.

    There are many fragrances, one of the ingredients of which is patchouli, as if in addition to the completed composition, and there are perfumes where patchouli is the dominant component. I'll name a few:

    Purple Patchouli - Tom Ford is one of my favorite scents. Bright, harmonious sound of patchouli, amber, vetiver

    White Patchouli - Tom Ford- combines the scent of patchouli and notes of sensual white peony. Rose and jasmine give the perfume a bohemian flair.

    Patchouli Patch - L "Artisan Parfumeur- Veil patchouli, as the name of this unusual perfume is translated. Patchouli in both the top and middle notes. Oriental notes of musk and anise coexist perfectly with the warm smell of patchouli.

    Patchouli Empire CB I Hate Perfume- A spicy, woody aroma, pepper adds a subtle bitterness to the deep patchouli aroma blended with woody notes.

    Patchouli Leaves Montale
    Patchouli M. Micallef
    Patchouli Lorenzo Villoresi
    Chanel N°5 Chanel
    Shalimar Guerlain

    Patchouli also has a very fabulous property that personally intrigued me VERY - patchouli essential oil attracts money . No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but by googling the Internet you can find a bunch of enthusiastic reviews, such as “I didn’t believe, but ...”, and then the list of cash receipts - debt repayment, bonuses, gifts, awards, inheritances ...

    Don't believe? And check!

    To make it easier to understand what it is about, and how to conjure correctly, I give several recipes:
    Money bath:
    - 3 drops patchouli oil
    - 1 drop of cinnamon oil,
    - 1 drop of cedar oil.

    Dissolve the oils in a tablespoon of sea salt, add salt to the bath and bathe in the bath, imagine how money comes to you.

    Cash Lubrication Mixture:
    - 7 ml patchouli oil,
    - 5 ml of cedar oil,
    - 2 ml of nutmeg oil,
    - 1 ml of cinnamon oil.

    Abundance Blend:

    4 drops patchouli oil
    - 4 drops of pine oil.

    The mixture must be poured into a small bottle and carried with you in your bag. Is it an atom?

    Oil for getting quick money:

    7 tablespoons of jojoba oil,
    - 7 drops patchouli oil
    - 5 drops of cedar oil,
    - 4 drops of vetiver oil,
    - 2 drops of ginger oil.

    Pour jojoba oil into a beautiful glass jar. Prepare all the essential oils you need. Imagine money. Add patchouli oil and rotate jar clockwise 7 times. Think about money. Imagine money rain. Add cedar oil. Spin 7 more times. Do this after adding each oil. After cooking, pour the mixture into a dark bottle and use it to lubricate money and anything that helps you earn money (such as a phone or computer).

    What is your favorite patchouli scent?

    Aromatherapy has been used by people for many years. Surprising ones allow them to be used for medicinal purposes, for hair care, skin care, flavoring of food products. As aphrodisiacs, many oils are used for their wonderful aroma. Patchouli with notes of oriental spices, the smell of earth and smoke is also actively used in perfumery.

    Patchouli - what is it?

    This is a species of tropical shrub plants from the genus Pogostemon. The herbaceous shrub from whose leaves the oil is obtained is called Pogostemon patchouly. Its homeland is the Philippine Islands, oil production is established in Burma, India. The main suppliers are China and Sumatra. The height of the shrub reaches one meter. Its leaves are pinnate, with a pleasant strong smell. The stem is large, hairy. Branched roots. The flowers are light purple flecked and collected in racemes. The plant is used to flavor rooms and fabrics. Add to various and smoking mixtures.

    Essential - what is it?

    It is recommended to use oil in aroma lamps for nervous disorders. The use of patchouli baths promotes viral infections. To treat insect bites, as well as to scare them away, essential oil is applied to the skin. Patchouli is suitable for flavoring red wine. A couple of drops of oil are mixed with honey and dissolved in wine. After a certain exposure, such a drink will have an exquisite taste.

    Incense "Patchouli" - what is it?

    The woody notes of the essential oil obtained from the plant are used to make perfume compositions. Basically, they are added to men's toilet waters. Increased sexual activity is another well-known property of the patchouli plant. Perfume with its notes will contribute to the development of more sensual relationships. For the same purpose, you can scent the room with patchouli incense.

    Cosmetics with essential oil from patchouli plants - what is it?

    If you add oil to skin and hair care products, the effect of creams, lotions, shampoos and balms will be enhanced. Hair with such care will gain strength and shine, dandruff will disappear. The regeneration of skin cells will increase, puffiness will decrease. The skin will become elastic, its appearance will improve. Patchouli essential oil is used for skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema. It helps in the care of oily and porous skin. Also known are the positive results of its use in complex therapy in the treatment of cellulite and as an aid in the fight against excess weight. The tool helps to remove excess fluid from the body, has a lifting effect. However, despite all the positive qualities, it can cause allergic reactions, so it is imperative to do a tolerance test before use.

    The perfume note of patchouli is indeed ambiguous: woody-earthy , with characteristic autumn "dampness" and resinous bitterness of smoke. To some, such a strange aroma is perceived as musty (more romantic people call it the smell of time stopped). But the attitude towards it can change dramatically over the years, and yesterday's opponents of patchouli become their selfless admirers.

    Seesaw history

    In the era of Napoleon, patchouli gained wild popularity with the light hand of French beauties who were drawn to the exotic. Ladies of high society wore thin, flowing, sleeveless tunics. They were exquisite, but not warm at all, so women wrapped themselves in warm cashmere shawls. These handkerchiefs just smelled of patchouli leaves - the herb that was used to wrap precious fabrics, sending them to Europe from the Indian colonies. This was done for the sole purpose of protecting the cargo from moths and ship rats.

    French beauties, of course, did not know about this, and perceived the smell of "anti-moth" as a spectacular touch to complete their exotic image. As a result, the general interest in the new fragrance led perfumers to rush to buy Indian weed to create fashionable perfumes and toilet soaps.

    By the end of the 19th century, patchouli fell out of favor with high society. Firstly, the fashion for oriental exoticism has declined, and secondly, it has already been widely used to treat linen from moths and bedbugs. As a result, oriental perfumes quickly became old-fashioned and even vulgar.

    The return of patchouli to the perfume Olympus took place only half a century later, but the mysterious aroma did not stay here for long. As soon as all fashion houses switched to the release of oriental compositions with this note, the hippies discredited the exotic weed. "Flower Children" interrupted the spirit of marijuana with it, however, they used crappy cheap flavors for this. The fakes had little in common with real patchouli perfumes, but left a stain on the reputation of an already controversial component.

    patchouli in perfumery

    Surprisingly, today even the cheapest perfumes do not use synthetic substitutes for patchouli. The extraction of their esters is not too difficult or expensive, so perfumers have enough money for natural ingredients. And yet, the final aroma can vary depending on various factors: the place of cultivation, the time of collection, and the characteristics of the processing of phyto raw materials.

    ReferenceTasty shop:Neither the fresh leaves nor even the flowers of patchouli originally have the smell that we hear in perfumes. It can be obtained only after prolonged drying and fermentation of the green part of the plants.

    The most multifaceted and high-quality aroma is obtained from 3-4 lower leaves of grass - they accumulate a maximum of fragrant substances, which, with proper fermentation, will beautifully open up in perfumes. At the same time, the longer the essential oil is stored at the manufacturer, the richer and more refined its sound becomes, enriched with sweetish fruity notes.

    Aroma Magic

    In the old days, it was believed that with the help of patchouli you can get into the other world and communicate with the dead (probably because of the earthy notes associated with mysterious dungeons). Today, it is much more common to believe that this smell attracts success and money, and also helps to make good deals.

    There is even a simple ritual to attract wealth, for which banknotes or a wallet just need to be saturated with the aroma of an exotic plant (using essential oil or a sachet). Many say that after that even the lost money “finds” its way back to its owner. It's up to you to believe in such a miracle or not, but it's worth a try - what if the truth really works? After all, household magic draws most of its power from our desires.

    modern aromatherapy

    Other properties of the patchouli fragrance are more “mundane” and have already been substantiated by official science. Its ethers relieve anxiety and depression, restore peace of mind, but do it very gently and unobtrusively.

    The smell of patchouli does not sparkle with puppy optimism, like citrus compositions, it just helps to look at things objectively from the good side. And this note has a beneficial effect on creative people:

    • Awakens artistic inclinations
    • Makes the brain creative
    • Changes the perception of reality - as if you are looking at the world with a fresh look

    You can often hear that patchouli works as an aphrodisiac, but it acts mainly on women. Moreover, ladies equally love this fragrance both on themselves and on their man. In the first case, they gain relaxedness and confidence in their own sexuality, in the second, a “domestic cat” wakes up in women, which strives to rub against the shoulder of a loved one.

    The intensity of the aroma plays a special role here. If you use patchouli little by little, the perfume will simply soothe and set you up for romance. But it is worth giving him more will, and a storm of passion will overwhelm you.

    Patchouli Homemade Perfume

    In our online store you can buy paper or plaster sachets with patchouli. They are perfect for scenting a small room and linen in the closet.

    We also have diffusers and fillers with the smell of this exotic flower. Moreover, among them you can find patchouli mono-aroma (this is the French diffuser Le Blanc), and complex, three-level perfume compositions with patchouli. Aroma brand Stoneglow, for example, has two fragrances where the woody-resinous smell of patchouli is intertwined with the citrus fragrance of bergamot. Bergamot & Patchouli (Nature's friend series), in addition to the two main components - bergamot and patchouli, contains notes of lemon, lime, lavender, basil, geranium, rose, fern, vanilla and amber. And Bergamot, Vetiver, Patchouli (The Art Series) is a blend of illuminating citrus accords with chypre notes of patchouli, complemented by notes of nutmeg. lavender and fresh herbs. The base of the fragrance is a deep, smoky, sweetish vetiver.

    Patchouli pairs wonderfully with amber, as you can see by choosing a diffuser by Parfum Berger or a filler with Amber Veil. The fragrance opens with a spicy-floral composition of roses, pepper, cinnamon; in the finale, spicy notes are also clearly heard, but with balsamic nuances. At the heart of the fragrance is a duet of patchouli and amber, which makes the whole aromatic melody mysterious and sensual.

    Another sensual fragrance with patchouli and amber is from Chando. It's called Sensual Camellia". Here, patchouli and amber notes, complemented by cedar, sandalwood and musk, form the basis of the fragrance, and at the heart of its fragrant bouquet of camellia, rose, lily and jasmine.

    If you prefer patchouli shades in the final chords, then pay attention to the marine fragrance "Antivan" by Parfum Berger. This is a unique fragrance. It not only fills the space with a pleasant fragrance, but also neutralizes unpleasant, musty and damp smells, most often inhabited in the bathroom. Top notes of lavender slowly flow into the sea breeze, carrying echoes of eucalyptus and orange blossom. And only at the very end, a spicy-woody trio of patchouli, cinnamon and oakmoss enters the party.

    The scent of patchouli is so interesting that it will surely become one of your favorite home fragrances.

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