38 week kid is very active

The fetus for a period of 38 weeks of pregnancy already has about three kilograms of weight, an increase of 47-50 cm and looks like an ordinary newborn child, its organs are developed, formed and able to function. On this time, the pregnancy is already considered to be dodged, therefore the 38th week of pregnancy for many women becomes the latter. The doctor is planning pregnant to determine the state of the cervix.

During this period it is important to consult that the baby feels everything and can cooperate with him. It is important for a woman to configure himself on a positive way. The same feel the kid.

Interferes to sleep. The skin is strongly stretched, dry and itches. Woman can no longer do homework. Many have their own non-historicalness and loadability causes irritation.

During this period, the body is actively preparing for childbirth, more often there are false contractions, become more intense back pain, the stomach is lowered. It becomes breathing easier, but the crotch hurts, urination is rapidly, constipation arise.

Almost all women complain that pulls the belly. Condition can be improved if wearing a prenatal bandage.

On this period of pregnancy may increase volume. If they are accompanied by itching or burning, you need to visit the doctor to check whether the thrush has not developed or inflammation.

A large volume of thick mucus indicates that it comes out. But this does not mean that childbirth will immediately begin. A more disturbing symptom - isolation with blood admixture. They report that the placenta detachment began and it's time to the hospital.

Pregnant on the 38th week can again feel nauseous, it can be simply a personal reaction of a woman, and may be a sign of late toxicosis, and in aggregate with high pressure, this is a serious reason to go to the hospital before supervising doctors.

At this time, it is necessary to monitor the duration and frequency of false battles. If they occur periodically, and the intensity increases, it means that the fights of false turned into real. Therefore, it is not worth the 38th week to stay alone for a long time.

The indicator increases significantly.

The main reason for this disease is pregnancy itself. In the second half, the load on the vessels in the pelvis area increases, which prevents normal blood flow. In addition, blood volume increases, as it is necessary to supply oxygen and nutrients simultaneously for two.

To avoid varicose veins, you need to reduce the load on your feet and find ways to enhance blood flow. To do this, it is important to avoid long stay in the standing position or sitting, and in the position lying to raise the legs above the head.

Following 10 minutes, it is advisable to perform simple: to pull the socks to yourself several times, make circular movements of the steps, bend and break the knee joints.

If you need to stand for a long time, then it should be periodically lifted to the socks to feel the tension in caviar. In the sitting position should not cross legs.

To ensure blood fluidity and prevent the formation of blood clots, it is necessary to introduce tomato juice, cranberry, garlic, grapes, and cross out the menu animals, smoked meals, canned and all salty. But it is best to consult a doctor who will advise how to warn the emergence of this insidious.

By the 38th week, the future mother should be as ready as possible - to prepare all the documents and things for the maternity hospital, keep the doctor's phone at hand.

So 9.5 obstetric months of pregnancy (or 8.5 ordinary months) ended. Maximum two weeks - and mommy will finally see their baby. Of course, sometimes pregnant women give birth to 42 weeks, but mostly childbirth occur in the period of 38-40 weeks. Many factors are spoken about the approaching childbirth - the generating oxytocin causes a thirst for activity and the desire to bring the house in order before childbirth, the tummy brings relief, the contractions become more painful and rhythmic.

If you feel that the body is ready for childbirth and they are about to start - do not lose time, check again, whether you have collected everything for a trip to the maternity hospital, leave the future dad to the list of necessary things after discharge from the hospital, visit the cosmetology salon - after all after Childbirth You will soon be able to make pedicure and manicure!

At the 38 week of pregnancy, the weight of the kid is at least 3000g, and its length exceeds 47cm. Its sizes and the degree of maturity of organs say that it is fully ready for childbirth. While it is still eating through the placenta, which can weigh up to two kilograms, but it is completely able to eat and mother milk, if the birth will occur at the 38 week of pregnancy.

How many months passed? Nine and a half obstetric months have already passed (in one obstetric month - 28 days, or exactly four weeks).

What's happening?

At the 38 week of pregnancy, your baby is no longer growing so intensively as before - after all, all its bodies and systems are fully formed, and he is absolutely ready for independent life.

At this time, the baby is gaining no more than thirty grams per day, respectively, mommy should not be very added in weight. The main reason for the weight gain on this period is the edema. Try to eat correctly, do not drink too sweet and fatty food, limit yourself in the liquid - so the appearance of the edema will be able to not be prevented, then significantly reduce.

Pretty serious signs with which immediately need to contact the maternity hospital, - headache, diarrhea, dizziness, combined with pronounced edema and high pressure. This is a preeclampsia, which is extremely dangerous for both mommy and baby. Noticing several of these symptoms, call an ambulance and urgently go to the hospital. With timely assistance, you and the baby threaten nothing.

Your baby is already fully formed: light ready for breathing with air, the heart is able to provide the whole body with blood, kidneys and intestines properly removed from the body, and the brain has ripe enough so that the baby can be out of mom.

The child loses the lano and the original grease becomes a milateral - after all, he has already accumulated sufficient fat reserves, so the caller and the baby's face acquire charming infant puffs. Loves continue to grow - some kids are born with a long manicure, which can scratch themselves and mom.

During this period, the child is no longer growing so actively, as before, and its dimensions do not allow too actively moving in the uterus, so the baby rests most of the time, preparing for the upcoming appearance.

Photo kid, ultrasound

Several photos from the ultrasound at the 38 week of pregnancy will allow you to have a better idea of \u200b\u200byour baby on this period.

Belly at the 38 week of pregnancy is usually already lowered (although in some pregnant women it does not go down to the birth), and the future mammy becomes much easier. The uterus does not push on the stomach, because of which the heartburn and nausea passes, the appetite is returned. The lowering of the belly occurs due to the fact that the head of the child begins to descend into a small pelvis before childbirth.

Despite the improvement of well-being, it should not be too left to the food - an increase in weight by the end of 38 weeks of pregnancy should be from 8 to 15 kg (the more initial weight, the greater the increase). On the contrary, it should be completely excluded from the smoking and pickle menu, sweet, and it is more often necessary to use fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat. If the correct diet is observed, you will probably be reduced to a minimum of the edema and not to gain excess weight in front of the birth. Each kilogram scored over the norm significantly takes ways the generation process for both mom and for her baby.

Fetal chapels at 38 week

By the end of pregnancy, the child slightly adds in its weight - on average the weight of children born at 38 pregnancy week, is 3000 - 3500g. This fact does not allow the baby to move in the tummy mom as actively as before - because it is quite tightly surrounded by the uterus. By the term of 38 weeks of pregnancy, the number of motions of the child per day is about 10, everything else is resting and gaining strength before childbirth. However, they still need to follow the movements - if it seems to you that you haven't felt the jolts for too long ago, contact your doctors to make sure that the baby is fine.

Feelings Mom

The last weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult for mommy: well-being does not improve, fatigue accumulates everything, besides, the edema and frequent false contractions begin to torment. Often, the future mother seems that her pregnancy lasts forever and never end. But pleases the proximity of the long-awaited meeting!

A real scourge for moms is often the edema. They are connected not only with the compression of the ureters and the bladder, as well as with the compression of the lower hollow vein, according to which the blood flows out of the legs. When it is transmitted by the uterus, blood is stood in the veins of the legs, they swell significantly and hurt. To avoid this, try to lie more often on the left side, stand less, do not sit for a long time in the same position. It is categorically not to cross the legs - from this venous stagnation in the legs is aggravated. Limit yourself in liquid. If the legs are very tired - lie down and put them on a pillow or other elevation.

Also because of the bladder compression of the descent fetal head, mommy begins to visit the toilet even more often. Frequent awakening because of this are aggravated by alarming before childbirth, so at 38 weeks of pregnancy insomnia is also a frequent companion of pregnant women.

Allocations at the 38 week of pregnancy should be whitish, with a slightly acidic smell. The mucous membranes with streaks of blood or pink color is the separation of the mucosa in front of childbirth.

Be careful - abundant bloody discharges are a sign of bleeding and require urgent hospitalization in the maternity hospital! Abundant watery discharges are talking about the existence of the waters and the beginning of childbirth.

Pain for the 38 week of pregnancy

Pains during this period are related to the fact that the body is actively preparing for childbirth: the bones of the pelvis diverge, bundles and articulations become more compatible, the cervix gradually begins to reveal. All these processes cause back pain and abdomen. In addition, the uterus begins to grow more and more - while this is the so-called false contractions. If for you this is the first experience of pregnancy, then you can distinguish false contractions from the present, changing the position or like - false contractions will immediately become weaker. Pulls the belly of the 38 week of pregnancy quite often, it is stone and hurts. If the fights become rhythmic and rapidly - most likely, you have started childbirth, it's time to go to the hospital.

Harbingers of birth

The body is already fully ready for childbirth. And are you afraid to skip the moment when these are the bodies begin? Do not worry, to miss your own childbirth is quite difficult, and harbingers of childbirth will help you to prepare for their offensive:

  • The stomach is descended, it becomes easier for you to breathe.
  • There is a small weight loss.
  • Selecting from sex tract - pinkish, with strengths of blood or abundant watery.
  • The uterus is constantly in the tone.
  • Periodically, the belly mows.
  • Fights become more frequent and rhythmic.

The appearance of precursors suggests that childbirth can begin at any time. Now try not to stay alone, all things must be fully assembled and packaged, and the husband is in a permanent readiness to take you to the hospital.


The fights at the 38 week of pregnancy are false, but these are also sitting. False contractions are not so painful, while only the belly is hurting. When changing the position or when moving, they usually pass. Also between two false fights, a woman may well sleep, which will not happen at real fights.

Real fights are pretty painful, stomach hurts and loins, they do not pass from the change of position. In addition, real contractions are becoming increasingly frequent and rhythmic over time. As soon as you start the contractions, start counting how much they last and any interval between them (this will help the doctor to determine the estimated delivery time), and also call an ambulance - it's time to go to the hospital.

Options are said to say such parameters:

  • At least 10 bits per hour duration from 30 seconds to minute.
  • Fights are accompanied by the gain of the discharge.
  • You simultaneously moved the water in large quantities.

With the appearance of these signs, it is necessary to urgently go to the medical institution, although the duration of bruises before delivery can be up to 10-12 hours.

Research and tests

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you must attend the gynecologist every week, also reiterated weekly for the timely identification of serious problems (preeclampsia).

When visiting the female consultation, the doctor will make measurements of the circumference and the abdomen and the height of the uterus, listening to the fetal heartbeat.

Uzi at 38 weeks is done only if there are any problems and problems from mommy or baby.

38 week of the second pregnancy

If you already have experience in the maternity hospital, then the second pregnancy will proceed easier - after all, you know everything and ready to all! The only thing to remember is to be - almost always the second pregnancy ends by the birth of the 38-39 week of pregnancy. Therefore, by this time, everything should be ready for a trip to the maternity hospital - the bags are collected and stand at the threshold, you have already decided on your loved ones, who will be lucky in the maternity hospital, and the baby's room is ready for his arrival home.

Usually, second genera are lighter and faster than the first, although many mothers complain about stronger pain in second birth. You should know that the cervical cervix at second kinds opens much faster, so raising weights or a public transport trip standing can lead to an unplanned beginning of childbirth - under the severity of the fetal head of the cervix can very quickly open, and the child can be born literally for a couple of dozen minutes. A repeated mammy in the late pregnancy should take care of themselves so as not to provoke delivery ahead of time.

38 week of pregnancy twins

Of course, rarely, which pregnancy doubles up to 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, but there are also such, and they are quite a lot. Most often multiple pregnancy ends by childbirth up to 37 weeks of pregnancy - it is connected with a large load on the mother's twins. If you have confused your babies before that time - now they are guaranteed to go out absolutely mature and ready to meet this world!

Children of twins, born at the 38 week of pregnancy, are practically no different from other children, except for sizes - often kids from twins have a little smaller weight (from 2500g) and growth (from 45cm). In the development, they completely correspond to children who lived in the tummy at mom alone, and sometimes ahead of them.

Sex at the 38 week of pregnancy

Of course, sex at the 38 week of pregnancy can be slightly more injuring than in earlier timing - especially if the cervix has already started to open. If you are experiencing a strong sexual attraction - you should not deny yourself the pleasure, but you need to be careful during sex. Many women of their doctors recommend to have sex to stimulate generic activities - a surge of hormones during orgasm helps neck of the uterus better reveal, and the contractions become more coordinated.

Questions - Answers

I have gone 38 week of pregnancy - frequent urination has become disturbed at night. I used to get up at night much less. Does this not say about inflammation (cystitis)?

By the 38 week of pregnancy, the fruit begins to drop the head into a small pelvis - the light and the stomach becomes much easier, but the head of the child gives much more intensely on the bladder than before. In this regard, before childbirth, many mommies complain that the frequency of urges for urination has become such that they will not literally move away from the toilet. If, with a planned visit to the female consultation in the urine analysis, no changes were found - this means that the date of delivery is approaching.

After the 38 week of pregnancy occurred, I want to sleep almost all the time. At the same time, at night I often get up to the toilet, I don't get enough sleep, and then I want to sleep even more. I feel broken and very tired.

By the end of pregnancy, many moms feel so tired and looking forward to childbirth. This is normal, especially considering that because of the problems with the bladder and the feelings of the alarm, you do not fall out. However, when visiting a female consultation will not prevent the test of urine and blood tests, explore the blood glucose level, measure pressure. If, after these studies, the doctor will not find any pathology - there are no reasons for concern, but you need to try more rest, walk in the fresh air before bedtime.

Is it true that an orgasm for the 38 week of pregnancy can provoke childbirth?

It is believed that sex, and even more so orgasm at the 38 week of pregnancy can improve the flow of labor - with a burst of hormones in the body of a woman during the cervical orgasm, it becomes better to open, and the contractions become more coordinated. There is no data that ordinary sex can provoke the beginning of labor, at the moment there is no. Of course, if you do not engage in careless sex, during which the mucous membrane can be injured or a fetal bubble.

38 weeks of pregnancy ends - it became painful to walk, worried pain in the pelvis, lower back and legs.

Before childbirth, the pelvis diverges quite noticeably, because of which moderate pains can appear when walking in the Lonnoy Justion, the bones of the pelvis. Also because of the eats and the deterioration of blood outflow from the legs, they quickly get tired and begin to hurt when walking. All this is normal signs of emergence. If the pain in the village is unbearable, sharply increases while trying to move their feet - it is necessary to urgently apply to the hospital, as this may be a sign of a discontinuity of the Lonnie.

Each future mother is particularly related to his well-being. So, in the earliest period, women are worried about toxicosis and abundant discharge from the vagina. Later followed the activity of the kid and the growth of his tummy. This article will tell you about what is happening in 38 weeks of pregnancy. The child is very actively moving during this period - what could be the reason for this? You will learn about it below.

because of this heat and Gary thoughts are terrible.

Easy to you pregnancy and childbirth).

Before childbirth, a woman has a decrease in the number of accumulating waters, the baby falls lower in the uterus, his head rests on the pelvic bone. Weight woman, as a rule, no longer gaining, but loses - from 1 to 1.5 kg. Sometimes vaginal selection becomes abundant.

Also appear harbingers of childbirth. Births on this term are called urgent, i.e. We came in a normal period. The main signs of childbirth are the regular emergence of uterine contractions and the destruction of the accumulating waters. With any of these signs it is already time to go to the hospital.

In the period of 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, the active movement of the fetus is difficult to close walls of the uterus. The fruit took almost all the space in it, and now his movements are somewhat limited. However, he can actively move the handles, the head and legs, which clearly feel yours and your loved ones, putting hands on the belly or looking at him.

If the child is very kicking at 38 week, it may indicate an uncomfortable position for it, discomfort or nutritional deficiency, oxygen. Often he can actively move, if his body handed over the pupil loops, changing the position, he corrects the situation. If at the 38 week of pregnancy you have a very active child, you can talk to your doctor.

Ultrasound is usually carried out to assess the state of the fetus, often the features of the development and temperament of the crumbs are still revealed. Such children show activity during the day, but the most active child is 38 weeks moving at night. It is worth talking to the baby in such cases, stroke the belly and choose the most convenient position for you.

The reverse is the situation when the child moves badly at 38 weeks. In many respects, the reduction in the intensity of movements is associated with the constrained conditions in the uterus, the peculiarities of the fetus temperament, but sometimes it can be a sign of serious danger. If you marked little chapels at the 38 week of pregnancy, or the child does not move more than 6-12 hours in a row, immediately to the doctor on the ultrasound.

What happens to the baby at 38 weeks

In the middle of the last month of pregnancy, the child is ready for a full-fledged existence outside the uterus. Its light ripened for breathing and baby makes breathing and swallowing movements. You can feel how he is playing. At times, the crumb sucks a finger, which is sometimes seen during the passage of ultrasound.

The baby's skin was smoothed out, it is covered with primary lubricant necessary for unhindered passing through the generic paths. Some even have grown hair on her head. The kid has a slight set in weight. Usually by the end of the 38th week it weighs 3 kilograms. Its exemplary growth is 50 centimeters.

The nervous system of the child is also quite developed. It is well coped with their functions of feelings: the baby is perfectly heard and sees. He already knows the mother's voice perfectly, feels when she is upset, frightens with her.

As a rule, moms in the late period of pregnancy begins to bother the fact that the child moves little in the stomach. This is a completely normal kid's behavior of 38 weeks. After all, childbirth is completely close. It becomes closely, in the uterus there is quite a bit of space only for small activity, the amount of amniotic fluid is reduced.

Usually the ninth month of the child in the uterus occupies the position of the head down. What further limits the freedom of its movements. This is a preparatory stage to the process of childbirth: the head of the fetus is descended into a small pelvis. The woman sometimes feels that it is easier to breathe, because the uterus does not press the diaphragm so much.

In some cases, this is especially true of the second and subsequent pregnancies, the kid up to the onset of the attack does not take the right position. The doctor conducts an additional ultrasound study to make sure the position of the fetus. The reason can be a large size of the head, the prelation of the placenta or too narrow the pelvis of a woman.

It must be remembered if the fetal movement of 38 weeks does not occur within two hours, that is, the reason for appealing to the doctor. Probably, the baby is simply tricken, but it should be checked if everything is in order. To do this, eat something, lie down and watch the activity of the child. As a rule, after receiving a portion of energy, it begins to play. If the movement is not felt, it is necessary to carry out an ultrasound study to assess the state of the fetus.

At the 38 week of pregnancy, your baby is no longer growing so intensively as before - after all, all its bodies and systems are fully formed, and he is absolutely ready for independent life.

At this time, the baby is gaining no more than thirty grams per day, respectively, mommy should not be very added in weight. The main reason for the weight gain on this period is the edema. Try to eat correctly, do not drink too sweet and fatty food, limit yourself in the liquid - so the appearance of the edema will be able to not be prevented, then significantly reduce.

Pretty serious signs with which immediately need to contact the maternity hospital, - headache, diarrhea, dizziness, combined with pronounced edema and high pressure. This is a preeclampsia, which is extremely dangerous for both mommy and baby. Noticing several of these symptoms, call an ambulance and urgently go to the hospital. With timely assistance, you and the baby threaten nothing.

Several photos from the ultrasound at the 38 week of pregnancy will allow you to have a better idea of \u200b\u200byour baby on this period.

A few months ago it seemed that childbirth would not soon, there was a lot of time before. But 38 weeks of pregnancy approached, a pregnant woman should be prepared for the thought that in any day she can become a mother. The future mommy is now very uncomfortable, it is difficult to walk hard, it's hard to breathe.

The baby has already gained a good weight, took the right position in the uterus, the uterus sank down.

My mother should have a bag with all the necessary things and documents, it is not recommended to leave far from the house. The process of bearing is at the final stage, the baby is gaining recent grams and is ready for a date with mom.

Female sensations

Behind 38 weeks of pregnancy, the woman's body is hardly prepared for a safe ending of crumbling. The baby is formed, it is possible to exist independently of mom. Now many women sometimes notice that the child is less stirring. It is not worth worrying, the fetus at the 38 week of pregnancy grew, he was simply a little space in your tummy.

Be sure to control the intensity of the jokes, in the normal place they should be counted 10-15 per day. Strong deviations should be alerted if the child is too active or vice versa is minor, it means that he has discomfort in the womb, it can lead to dangerous consequences. To this not happen, consult the advice to the gynecologist.

A woman is now experiencing increasing sensations:

  1. She tired strongly, needs a frequent rest.
  2. It is difficult for her to breathe, a large uterus presses on the lungs, does not make it possible to breathe full of breasts.
  3. Because of the high weight, legs swell strongly, a woman is difficult to walk, torment the manifestations of varicose veins.
  4. Because of the increased uterus, she has to visit the toilet often, it is heartburn, it documented the belching.
  5. Many future mothers suffer from constipation.
  6. It is stretched and skin dries on the stomach, a woman is experiencing itching.
  7. Hurts an explanatory department.
  8. Claims insomnia, usually for the reason that a woman cannot take a comfortable position. Now the future motley is very tense, her alarms and fears are tormented.

Part of the women has already dropped the belly, they became easier to breathe, but heavier to walk.

In the body of mommies, the processes whose purpose is to ensure the process of normal delivery. Hormones that ensured the preservation of the fetus are already produced in smaller quantities.

They come to replace hormones that will cause severe cuts in the uterus during childbirth. The placenta is already aging, this is a normal phenomenon. The baby is sufficient nutrients, its weight gain is not so significant as before.

The cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened and becomes softer. It is necessary to facilitate the progress of the child by generic paths.

From the 38th week, pregnancy is considered to be dodged. In the body of a woman there is a whole complex of "events" on preparing for childbirth. The neck of the uterus matures and shortening to reveal at a decisive moment quickly and without pain. The future mother should be ready for the occurrence of an important event, because the estimated date of birth becomes closer every day.

What happens on this period

38 The obstetric week can often be the last week of tooling the baby. During this period, the future mother in the presence of testimony is sent to the hospital to the planned hospitalization. The grounds for it may be:

  • mother age (over 35 years);
  • uzi was diagnosed with lowland / multi-way;
  • prelation of the placenta;
  • gesters or its signs (swelling, protein in the urine, etc.);
  • the threat of premature births;
  • cardiac, renal pathology;
  • infectious diseases dangerous for the fetus;
  • another state of pregnant, requiring constant medical control.

Birth at 38 week - Is it worth worrying?

Birth from a medical point of view of thirty-eight weeks are called urgent, or childbirth. Often this week begins in women with the second and subsequent pregnancies. At primordin future mothers, the baby can sit in the stomach for another 2-3 weeks. Nevertheless, the child born in this period is not considered premature, the intrauterine development of the fetus approached the end and the baby is ready for the emergence of the emergence.

On a note! Sometimes the future mothers have a question, 38 weeks - how many months are it? Speaking about the 38th week of pregnancy, on obstetric counting it was established that since the conception of the kid passes 36 weeks. That is, this period exactly is equal to 9 months of tooling the child.

Development of the fetus at the 38 week of pregnancy

At the thirty-eighth week, the baby is already fully formed. He already has the appearance that Mom will see after childbirth. Baby smooth leather, has a healthy gentle pink shade. The head of most babies on this period has hair cover.

The weight and growth of the fetus is practically no different from the indicators of the newborn baby, and on average there is 2.9 kg and 49-50 cm.

Child development

The placenta that provides baby food becomes thinner and agitated. The amount of nutrients obtained by the organism obtained by the organism of nutrients obtained by the organism leads to the suspension of the weight gain. The mass of the child is now increasingly increasing, the main part of the materials obtained from the mother is spent on the livelihood of crumbs. The heart of a small man normally beats with a frequency of 120 - 160 beats per minute.

Child organs are well developed. The surface of the pulmonary alveoli is already covered with surfactant. This will help the baby to make the first breath in the first second after birth. The pancreas continue to ripen, liver. In the intestine, the original feces have already accumulated, which was formed as a result of a child in the child of the oily water.

In the uterus, the baby on the ninth month of pregnancy becomes closely, therefore pushing and movements occur less frequently than a couple of weeks ago. Coordination at the same time significantly improved, and its limbs are no longer disorderly. The child has already well developed the first reflexes - sucking and grasping. Krocha already has a strong grip, which mom will be able to make sure immediately after childbirth, the baby will easily heal her finger in the cam.

What happens to the baby at 38 week

  • The child's body begins to produce a hormone cortisol in reinforced mode, helping the baby to prepare for intrauterine life. Cortisol contributes to the ripening of the lungs and the production of surfactant - substance that allows you to open with the first breath of air.
  • Thanks to the action of the cortisol hormone, it also begins to function in a new way, the inner lunch of the intestine and the stomach changes. After childbirth, the baby will receive nutrients only through these organs.
  • In addition, endorphins begin to be produced in the adrenal glands ("Hormones of happiness"), they will help it easier to survive the child to parting with the maternal wicker.

Position of a child in the uterus

There are two options for the baby's position in the uterus - head and pelvic. In the normal position, the child's head should be in the motherboard pelvis. Pelvic preview is considered pathology. It means that the child took the wrong position in the uterus and is located down the legs down. To control the position of the child in the uterus with a pelvic preview, using ultrasounds every 5-7 days to select a safe delivery.

Note! According to a medical opinion, if by the end of the third trimester, the child did not occupy the position necessary for childbirth, it is hardly able to roll over the head down due to its large size. If the fetus has a small weight, that is, the chance that he will independently turn into the time of birth.

Changes in the body of the future mother at 38 week

The weight gain is minimal, sometimes the woman does not even gain in weight in a given period, but on the contrary, loses it. In total, the future mother from 1 pregnancy weeks by this moment is gaining about 12-15 kg. Pregnant can lose weight about a kilogram due to the fact that the belly dropped and the mucous plug comes out. The state of a small prenatal weight loss should not cause anxiety - it is quite normal for the late length of the baby.

What does the belly look like at the 38th week of pregnancy

The tummy at the future mother looks externally and gives pregnant considerable discomfort. The abdomen of the abdomen can permanently reach 92-96 cm. The stomach begins to gradually go down, and the height of the uterus is 35 cm. When a woman's tummy goes out, it will immediately be easier to breathe, because the uterus will stop leaving the ribs.

A woman may seem that her child moves less than usual. The development of the nervous system of the kid by 38 week allows it to make more directed and less sharp movements, difficult from the outside. Nevertheless, the movements are still needed. If there are less than ten of them in the past 12 hours, or the baby toddling for more than 3-4 hours, it is worth seeking advice to the doctor.

What happens in the body of a woman to this term

  • the lower uterine segment is stretched, becomes more supplied, the baby in the headpoint presses the head to the entrance to the small pelvis;
  • mother's adrenal glands begin to produce stress hormones - adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine, they force the body of a pregnant woman in an avral mode, preparing it to the upcoming birth;
  • blood coagulation increases to prevent excessive blood loss if childbirth will begin at 38 weeks;
  • two weeks before the preliminary date of birth, the woman's cerebral activity increases and a special focus of excitement is formed ("Generic Dominant"). He takes control of all the body systems, stimulates the generic process and controls it.

What can bother future mom by the end of the third trimester

Psychological discomfort

For two or three weeks before childbirth, many women begin to feel uncomfortable. The excitement and fear of the bol of the generic process make themselves felt, the severity of the belly does not make herself to feel a vigorous and active person. You should not worry - you are on finishing direct pregnancy, and soon your life will take a completely different, more troublesome, but happy turnover.


From the thoracic glands during the day and especially at night, a colostrum in large quantities. It is time to use special gaskets for underwear, absorbing liquid highlighted from the chest. Preferring disposable inserts - it is more hygienic and convenient.

Big belly

Due to the weight of the child, the belly of a pregnant seems to be simply huge and delivers a lot of inconvenience in terms of choosing clothes, especially in winter. It seems as if he became a hindrance to all meaningful life situations: sleep, walking and rest, a woman is experiencing gravity, fatigue and weakness. Sometimes the belly itchs due to the strongly stretched skin, which signals the imminent appearance of Striy (stretch marks).

Bracstone Hicks

Normally, these painless irregular cuts of the uterus feels like a "black stomach". Sometimes training fights are accompanied by pain or cause fatigue and insomnia, especially if a woman has a second pregnancy. In this case, you need to refer to the doctor for the survey.


In the late period, a woman may have transparent or whitish discharge, which are not smell and not exceeding a teaspoon. More abundant discharges may indicate the leakage of the accumulating waters (third pregnancy in the account and subsequent are particularly often faced with this symptom). The rupture of the fetal shells is diagnosed in medical institutions. But the invasive test for the leakage of amniotic fluid can be carried out at home using a special reagent strip.

High pressure

On the ninth month of pregnancy increases the load on the heart system, the heart beats rapidly, the blood release increases, together with the often blood pressure is growing. Arterial hypertension is a dangerous complication for a woman in position. Increased pressure, the noise in the ears and headaches should be a reason for the immediate challenge of ambulance on this period of pregnancy.

Menu and intimate life of the future mother at 38 week


The future mother should go to the lungs, low-fat food. The woman's body begins to prepare for childbirth, getting rid of the intestines from food digestion products, as well as ballasts in the form of excess liquid and calories. It is necessary to eat "appetite", it is not worth overly indulging yourself with snacks, it is possible to avoid uncompaired, problems with a chair and indigestion.

What should be in a pregnant menu for 9 months, you can see in the table below.

Meal Options for dishes and drinks
First breakfast
  • Dairy porridge with adding fresh fruits
  • Boiled egg
  • Sandwiches with soft cheese and greens
  • Cottage cheese grain with berries or jam
  • Green tea
  • Vatrushka with cottage cheese
  • Loafers with slice of low-fat cheese
  • Fruit juice
  • Vegetable Salad with Green Plant Oil
  • Soup on chicken broth with sour cream
  • Spaghetti with meatballs
  • Morse or compote with dried fruit
Afternoon person
  • Glass of low-fat kefir (1%)
  • Cream Butter Sandwich
  • Crackers
  • Apple or ripe banana
  • Fish casserole
  • Easy stew from vegetables
  • Herbal tea
  • Garnet
Before bedtime
  • Kefir or grained milk
  • Cookies 2-3 pcs.

Intimate relations

If pregnancy passes without complications, obstacles to the continuation of intimate relationships with the spouse. Of course, with sexuality in the third trimester, everything becomes a bit harder - the volume of the female body does not give the best way to agility and coordination, and the total fatigue of the future mother affects temperament.

Contraindications for sex at the 38th week of pregnancy may be if:

  • the woman puts out a few kids (after 28 weeks, doctors recommend abandoning intima);
  • in the preservation of the placenta (the risk of delaying placenta and bleeding);
  • in the threat of miscarriage or if the last pregnancy ended unsuccessfully;
  • in atypical abundant discharge;
  • in the extermino-cervical insufficiency of the cervix.

Mom shares experience. We collect a bag in the maternity hospital (video):

Pain and feelings: what feels the future mother

The closer the estimated child's birthday, the more anxiety and questions arise from the future mother. Especially in the event that this is the first pregnancy. What can be considered a normal state, and what requires urgent appeal to the doctor? Let's try to figure out.

Blood discharge The mucous membrane of the vagina under the action of hormone estrogen becomes bluish, edema and filled with blood. Because of this, even the standard gynecological examination at 38 weeks can end with blood "strokes" on underwear. No need to be frightened: if there are very few selections and they happened immediately after the visit to the gynecologist, then the treatment does not require treatment; But the doctor's attention to this incident is still worth paying.
Discomfort 1.5-2 weeks before the birth of the sensation of women undergo a number of changes - it faces heaviness, discomfort and pressure in the field of the sacrum, pulls and stomach stomach. This is caused by an increase in the elasticity of bundles and a change in the position of the organs of the small pelvis. Anesthetic drugs during this period will not be due to the proper effect, so it is not necessary to take them to suppress symptoms, it is all the more so the side effects on this period may be very unpleasant.
Nausea and diarrhea The cervix ripens under the influence of prostaglandins, and this affects the state of organs in the neighborhood. The perilstatics of the intestines is significantly enhanced - the chair is relaxed, sometimes accompanied by grapple-shaped pain. The disclosure of the cervix in some women is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. But to determine whether these symptoms are caused by prenatal changes or infection, only a specialist is capable of.
Weight loss More than half of pregnant women by the end of 38 weeks lose weight by 1-2 kg. This is due to the fact that the production of hormone progesterone is reduced. There are no swelling, it becomes easier to wear shoes and remove rings. The child's weight loss is not threatened by the loss, he continues to receive all the necessary substances in its right organism.

Surveys of the future mother at 38 week

Visit the gynecologist must be 1 time per week. The district doctor will conduct a vaginal inspection to establish a possible revelation of the cervix. Also at the reception, a specialist will conduct several standard studies:

  1. determine the size and position of the fetus, examining the stomach and measuring the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  2. measure the weight and pressure of the future mother;
  3. listen to the heartset of the fetus obstetric fetoscope;
  4. it will give direction to the overall blood test and urine analysis.

Ktg at 38 week

Cardiotokography at the 38 week is carried out in order to study the heart rate frequency of the child and the state of the tone of the uterus in a woman. The parameters are estimated using two sensors that the doctor is secure pregnant on the stomach. The third sensor is the future mother keeps in his hand, pressing the button every time, feeling the movement of the baby. The essence of the method is to analyze the change in the heartbeat's heartbeat in response to its television in the uterus. After that, it is possible to find out whether the oxygen is sufficiently enters the child and track other possible deviations from the norm.

Uzi at 38 week

Ultrasound examination is appointed in this period as needed. The purpose of the ultrasound is closer to the end of pregnancy, it is usually concluded in order to identify the degree of maturity of the placenta, determine the number of accumulating waters and relate the size of the child with the current obstetric period. If it is noted that the placenta of overripe or the amount of amniotic fluid decreased, then it may have come to the baby to appear.

Signs of approaching generic activities

The harbingers of labor can manifest itself a single, complex or absent at all. But even if you noticed their offensive, it does not mean at all that the process of the birth of the kid is about to begin. The harbingers of childbirth at primordin differ from the forerunners in women who have already gave birth, more vivid manifestations. Preparation of a female organism for childbirth is a delicate and purely individual, often it passes gradually, and sometimes - almost lightning.

Training fights

Strengthening the contractile activity of the uterus and an increase in its sensitivity lead to the appearance of training fights (or Bracston Hicks kickers). They are felt painlessly, pass with irregular periodicity and do not lead to the disclosure of the neck. At 38 weeks, such contractions are enhanced and expanded, these harbingers of childbirth in repeatedly felt especially clearly. But their difference from true fights in the fact that the training can be "calm" under the shower or in a warm bath, as well as the action of antispasmodics appointed by the obstetrician.

Dispatch mucosa tube

The cervix for a term of 38 obstetric weeks is shortened, which leads to the release of the mucosa. Cork doctors refer to the dense plug of mucus, which for pregnancy was a kind of "barrier" between the shells of the fetal egg and the vaginal female flora. Externally, clutch looks like jelly-shaped discharge color with pinkish residences. The cork can exit parts for 1-5 days, or come out immediately and completely. If the future mother has moved a plug, it can complain that the belly hurts, pulls the lower abdomen as during menstruation.

Lowering belly

This sign is considered one of the most important external manifestations of the coming birth. The toddler head is pressed to the entrance to a small pelvis, the bottom of the uterus descends several centimeters. Belly at the 38 week of pregnancy becomes lower, which is quite noticeable to the eye. The feeling of the lack of air disappears, the pressure on the diaphragm decreased, and the woman can finally breathe with a complete breast. But at the same time, the pressure on the bladder increases, and therefore the future mom more often has to be released into the toilet.

Reducing movements

It is common that closer to childbirth, the child "calms down", is at times its motor activity is reduced, and the movements of the fetus become rare. It should be noted that it is not really so. Yes, a pregnant woman may have a feeling that the baby practically stopped to act. This is due to the fact that the number of strong jolts and turns decreases, but it becomes more complex, directional movements with legs and handles. Just mom feels not so clearly.

Important! From the appearance of precursors to the birth themselves, both a few hours and a couple of weeks can pass. In addition, the generic process at 38 weeks can start simply, without any "warnings".

5 signs that it's time to go to the hospital

Many women on this period prefer to bed in the maternity hospital for the expectations of childbirth under the supervision of doctors and for their own calmness. The risk of starting labor outside the house in this case is completely absent. If the future mother decided to wait for childbirth in a relaxed home environment, then the question of how to understand that it was time to gather in the hospital, was important.

So, the pregnant woman needs to call ambulance and go to the maternity hospital if:

  • the contractions became painful and regular, the interval between them was reduced to 7-10 minutes;
  • the uterus is not relaxing between the fights, the pain at the bottom of the abdomen is enhanced;
  • there was a premature debit of accumulating waters;
  • blood selection appeared on the underwear;
  • the chapels of the baby became unusually strong, bringing discomfort.

On a note! Starting from the third trimester, the future mother should always carry three documents with him: passport, medical policy and exchange card. They are the first to be needed in the receiving department of the maternity hospital, where a woman can get at any time with a sudden generic activity.

Very soon your baby will appear. So that the births passed the most easily and safely, for the remaining pregnancy time you should learn a few very important things:

  • listen to your body. Try to experience its changes, and look for the most convenient regulations for relaxation;
  • collect the techniques of distracting respiration to help restore forces in a short gap between the fights. In addition, calm, proper breathing in childbirth is the best anesthesia;
  • learn the simplest bases of the sacrifice of the sacrum and the lower back;
  • take yourself in theory. For example, every pregnant should know that in the maternity hospital makes sense to ride in the fights that are not less than once again 5-7 minutes and ongoing more than 30 seconds;
  • get acquainted with breastfeeding azas.

Enjoy the last days of pregnancy and rest more. Do not forget to spend time in the fresh air, it is preferably at least an hour before bedtime. Fill your days with the joy of the upcoming meeting with the baby, positive emotions, pleasant troubles. Let nearly with you at this important stage there will be close people, ready to provide support and help at the right moment.