Pregnant and Husband: We keep harmony in the family in a difficult period. How to help a morally pregnant girl

Each woman in different ways takes the child growing in it. And, at the same time, every child takes a woman in different ways. Pregnancy pregnancy does not even have the same mom. We change, the perception of the world around us is changing, the world itself changes. Therefore, every time we are different, and different children we give birth.

Of course, everyone knows that pregnancy must be held, contemplating the beautiful, thinking about the eternal, in peace and joy. But is it possible to someone from us, modern women? We are living people, we are overwhelmed by emotions, feelings overwhelm us, and we cannot carry out perfect pregnancy in a non-ideal world. The question is how to treat these experiencing! If it is simply the emotional instability of pregnant women, then it is best to treat her with humor.

Start over.

For the health of the future child, mom needs positive emotions and lack of stress. Then what is needed to pregnant and rejoice?

In principle, nothing special:

    husband a couple of times a day to remind you that he loves her,

    that he also loves his child - to show interest in the lifestyle of his pregnant wife (which means to take responsibility for walking before bedtime, evening massage, fresh juice in the morning, nuts and fruits in a vouaker on the table and sharing in the pool)

But what is the worst thing - in order for a pregnant woman to burst and poured with tears all surrounding hollows and depressures, you don't need anything special!

For a woman on demolitions, it is quite normal to boil because of nothing, to cry for the same reason and laugh as well - without seeing nothing funny.

What to do men if all their efforts and concerns lead to reverse results?

It will not be wrong to be offended and go with friends to drink beer. It is necessary to refer to his wife as a child, whose console is almost impossible, but necessary. In no case do not torture a woman with a question: "Cute what happened?"

Yes, nothing happened! This question is there no answer during the child's waiting!

This is normal for physiological pregnancy! After some time, she will throw you on the neck with the assurances that it is with you is infinitely happy.

But if there is no concerns on your part, it will not throw. One thing to cry about anything. And then, as if nothing had happened: "Poor! You probably did not sleep today? Beyond the flowers ran, the juice did? " And another thing is when the tears rolled again, think that no one has given flowers, the juice did not squeeze - it means he doesn't love me, and in general I do not need anyone, etc. And already wound up, and not without reason, cry and cry forever.

You can make fun. It is only necessary to remember that each tear brings sufferings to your child living inside mother emotions. And if you still consider that it is he heart beats 2 times more often than ours, he lives in his measurement a much longer period of time in tears than we are here outside.

I will give examples of real family situations where wise dads allotted from their future children tears tears thoughtful and beautiful actions. You can't call them indifferent husband!

Do you remember the fairy tale about the ax that hung in the basement and frightened the whole family like a fall to the future child, when there was also no pregnancy? Situation - one in one!

It all happened after a massage massage, walks, flowers, etc. The reason was TV. The transfer of the next hostilities to the future mother made a strong impression. With the words: "That's how you give birth to a boy, and then take it to the army, and he will fall into the fighting area ... !!!" She indulged sobbing. All the confidence of the future Father, which may not fall into this area, and maybe the girl will be born at all, did not lead to any result. The husband was squeezed, and he already liked himself that the ax would certainly fall on his head, as a minute he heard a deep breath and a stunning phrase: "Oh, well, okay! Will you drink tea? " So repeated several times. He realized that pregnancy was a diagnosis. However, the TV replaced the songs under the guitar, reading and discussing carefully selected literature. After a while honestly admitted that the tears became smaller and living was easier.

The second situation was quite funny.

Come from work, future dad to the question: "Will you be?" - replied that she had a snack at work, so it was not hungry. He did not expect consequences. The range of accusations was too wide. He went through the fact that a bad husband specifically puts his wife on laughter with the whole team when he eats home before leaving, before he never loved her at all and did not want a child. Reflecting how to avoid repetition of this, Dad concluded that the joint dinner is necessary. And so that both sides are ready for it, he began to leave and recognize the situation with neutral phrases: "You have not yet prepared dinner?" If dinner was ready, he crumbled in praise, and if not, said: "How good! And I just wanted to invite you to dine in one chic place! "

Solly thanks to such dads that not only can console and calm, but even the reasons for tears are able to remove! It is only necessary to state that dads awaiting their firstborn are engaged in such things. When a woman is waiting for the second, etc. Child, they are still more fooling over the emotional instability of pregnant women than help her will cope.

Of course, we are women and themselves experienced and understand that the state of pregnancy brings with them. We are struggling to control yourself. Tears are no longer pouring hail. But the fact of the matter is that they do not pour only outside. But from the inside they continue to disturb the child. Unfortunately, the reasons for this are more weighty.

Rather, we acquire more solid skills in the search for reasons. It is already clear that it is funny ridiculous on trifles, but sobbing cannot be restrained. Then her husband is put forward charges, more similar not only for good reasons for tears, but also on a clear desire to ignite the conflict and offend. After all, it is always clear that "... the least of all love gets our most beloved people."

Men, God to help you! In this case, it is important to remember that this is the same "dinner" or "ax".

Only in subsequent pregnancies, he is already more sophisticated. These are the same female hormones Fireworks scattered by body. Here you can hope only for the fact that you have wisdom stuck in order not only to keep the rod to the rod, but also to stop my wife. And then she immediately believes in what he says.

But now in your hands already emotional food is not one child! On the elders, this will also leave your mark. Remember simple recommendations at the beginning of our conversation. Do not hesitate once again to say that the whole family is loved by you. The same juices, massages, walks and flowers will again help your wife smile, and your children be careless with the best in a strong and loving family.

Happiness to you and smiles!

Pregnant woman is in a special state. Her psyche undergo significant changes. The future mother is worried about her child's health, is experiencing about how childbirth will be.

At this stage, psychological support for women with loved ones is exceptional importance. To be able to understand, sympathize, to instill hope for the best, try to soften the mood differences - the person who is next to the pregnant woman should be posted by these qualities.

Support child child

Until the movement of the child, a pregnant woman can feel strong loneliness. All life has changed, it is necessary to get used to change, put goals for the future.

In these first months of pregnancy, a woman must necessarily need the presence of a number of a stronger spirit of a person who will be supported by her. This is primarily the father of the child. He needed to take into account the changeability in the mood of a woman and patiently, condescendingly to this.

The mood of the pregnant woman lifts when she begins to feel the movement of the child. Initially, these are light movements, then the baby, growing, starts pushing. I am very pleased with the woman when her beloved with her is experiencing these joyful moments of pregnancy.

Often, future dads communicate with the child long before his birth, stroke the wife's tummy, talking to the baby. These moments very much sharing a young family, favorably affect the development of the child. Young parents need to try in this difficult period not to raise in trifles, be able to forgive each other offense.

With the approach of childbirth, the woman needs even more in the presence of a nearby person. Before a responsible event in life, it is important to preserve the atmosphere of love, mutual respect, mutual understanding.

Strict control over said words (pregnant sharply responds to any carelessly abandoned word in its address), the desire to fill the life with small joys to scream these difficult weeks before childbirth.

Support relatives and close people

Along with the father of the child, the next participation in the life of a pregnant woman should take a future grandmother. It is she who can share the joy with his daughter about the imminent appearance of a child, set it on. Grandma need to assure a young mother in that she has an experienced baby care assistant.

If the family has older children, then they usually support mom with their attitude towards her pregnancy. They rejoice in the fact that a small brother or sister will appear in their lives, thereby raising the mood of a pregnant woman.

Friends and acquaintances can pick up a pregnant Word, wishes, with a good word.

Pregnancy is a responsible stage in a woman's life. Each person who communicates with a woman in the "position", one way or another takes part in her life and affects its globility, confidence, mood.

Therefore, people surrounding the pregnant, conscious with her the importance of this period, should make maximum efforts to support it and help prepare for childbirth.

Earlier (in the article "1 week") we stayed on the question of that. Now just let's say that 2 weeks of embryonic development is a special period. At this time, the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine cavity. The body responds to this with some hormonal changes, followed by funny effects. For example:

  • roofing of nipples;
  • discomfort, unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen (and what is special there?);
  • disruption of appetite, nausea;
  • changes in taste addictions.

All or some symptoms every woman in an interesting position is experiencing.

How best to support pregnancy in early time

The first weeks of the "interesting situation" are the most important in the issue of survival, the very existence of this state. Alas, it happens that the mother's body does not accept an egg. In order to maximize the chances of the normal process, you need to:

  • Minimize stress. If the external negative impacts can not be avoided, then try to concentrate on subjective soothing factors: knitting, nature observation. In short, what calms down.
  • Four feed. It has been proven that the diet prevents the support of this fragile state. Our body millions of years existed at primordial conditions. Where there is a lack of food or her poverty - the reason does not multiply. The composition is also important. For reproductive activities, greens are favorable, fresh vegetables. Read more about this in the article "P".
  • Drink prescribed medication. Usually they prescribe complex vitamins, folic acid.
  • Monitor well-being: discharge, pain.

Is the fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy

Strong hormonal blow - reason for the voltage of the body. And at this time for a woman is absolutely normal condition of some fatigue and drowsiness. All resources gradually accumulate around one area, thus reinforcing, for example, spring or autumn avitaminosis. Fall asleep in a vertical position in transport normally! Give the body to what it needs and all processes will come back. What could be more important than the health of the future child? No earned money or career do not stand. I already know it for sure.

That is why women in an interesting position so important to eat and get enough sleep. Paying time to itself now, she invests in the future. The first toddler waiting time is not only the most exciting, but also the most important bookmark of the nervous tube and organs. Want to give birth to an athlete? Let yourself rest more. Want a smart child? Ensure the flow of folic acid (it is in greenery and much more) into the body before conception, so that the brain is from what to grow.

How to react to small bleeding during pregnancy

With any unscheduled bleeding, you need to contact the doctor. Only he can say whether it is worth worrying about this. If you have not been in gynecology - it's time to visit it. If the test has already shown the cherished two strips (or), then you will be registered "on" and will lead a special card.

Some small bleeding can be at all dangerous. On the contrary, they are completely natural. The fact is that on the first weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is fixed in the wall of the uterus. Part of the tissues is removed for this. In connection with this, such a concept as an implanting bleeding was entrenched. Fabrics overlook the most direct path for this. Such bleeding is not plentiful and usually not accompanied by pain, it should not be panicked.

How often go to the gynecologist during pregnancy

Being in an interesting position, get ready to go to women's consultation regularly, at least once a month in the first trimester (up to 12 weeks), in the second (from 13 to 29 week) - once every 3 weeks, in the third (from 28 weeks) - Every 2 weeks, after 36 - every week. And these are only inspections on which pressure, weight is measured, conduct vaginal inspections (at least three times per pregnancy). Analyzes will have to be handed out separately.

Is it possible to run in the early period of pregnancy

It is known that moderate physical exertion during the normally flowing pregnancy have a positive effect. There are cases (threats of interrupts: Tonus, the extension of the cervix), in which the woman is not recommended to perform jogging, but most of the options for developing events are moderate morning, day or evening jogs can only improve the state of the future mother. They improve the blood circulation and the general condition of the mother and the child. If the gynecologist does not speak the opposite, it is necessary to run in the early periods of pregnancy. Pregnancy is not a disease. Inside a woman there is no crystal vase, but simply develops a new person. And this person will not hurt the endorphins, standing out during the occupation of running and falling into blood.

When it starts to fit the pregnancy

Nausea or early toxicosis can be felt before the delay. In any case, all who felt pregnancy before delay, claim that this is a faithful sign of her offensive. Some have no luck toxicosis never occurs, some suffer all the pregnancy. But most of it starts from 2-3 weeks and continues up to 12. It is so much time that the body is required in order to finally adapt to the "strangeness". Do you have toxicosis?

Many people think that in a state of pregnancy it is more difficult for a woman: it is experiencing a lot of discomfort, despite all the happiness that gives a feeling of pregnancy ... no matter how it is! The most difficult thing is to your beloved man of pregnant!

Folk wisdom says that how much good husband is checked only when his wife is in position. In general, the topic "Pregnant and Husband" deserves special attention not only in artistic literature or banal jokes, but is also a serious basis for research psychologists.

Many women, after learn about their pregnancy, are immediately becoming more selfish, and a loved man in a number of their priorities goes far from not to the background.

Only the mystery remains that to make her husband pregnant, how to communicate with his wife, how to please all her "I want", "I'm trying for a baby", "urgently need it" ... And if you consider the unstable emotional state of the woman, then the man finally becomes a pity!

If the marriage is based on love and deep feelings, if pregnancy is a conscious and planned step, then the attitude of her husband to a pregnant wife will be philosophical. A man will perfectly understand all the origins of her behavior, because he played in her position far from a latter not a secondary role.

Do not hide the fact that when a woman becomes a capricious, irritable, touchy, tearful, her mood changes and all this too, where "C" is clearly with a capital letter - pregnancy came to her life. And the husband should do absolutely everything, just to support his beloved.

For the next 40 weeks of the development of the future kid, a man can only wish good luck and patience! From a woman you can expect absolutely everything:

WANT! This is what a man hears most often from his spouse in a position. A woman who bears under the heart of a child's beloved man begins to believe that it has the full right to demand from a man of everything. Strawberry? Winter? At 3 in the morning? Why not…

If suddenly I want not to correct the behavior of the husband, during pregnancy, women have another corona phrase: "That a baby wanted! " And here there is no argument for a man. I wanted a baby - let him get. Therefore, a loving man almost in pajamas will go to look for her beloved "winter strawberry" as a girl in a fairy tale about 12 months went beyond the snowdrops.

Oh oh, sore hurts! If a woman doesn't like something, then she immediately "hides" by the fact that she is pregnant, and the husband must experience that his stupid behavior made his mother's mother's child hurt.

In fact, if a woman complains that some stress provoked pain in her abdomen - it really happens. I just sometimes like women like the behavior of a man, how he becomes caring and loving and she gladly repeats their "oh-oh!".

What to do a man? Obviously, the husband of a pregnant woman has no idea what to do with a pregnant wife ... especially if this pregnancy is first and desirable. And, as already mentioned above, in order to preserve harmony in a relationship, the husband just needs to be patient and every day remind himself and his wife about their love and that soon they will see the fruit of their passion with their own eyes.

Nevertheless, it is desirable: to cover the eyes to the nervous states of the woman and in no case answer the cry on a scream. It is from how the husband will refer to the pregnant wife will depend on the well-being of their baby, since the growing baby everything feels through the feelings of the mother. Show care and tenderness. Women in this period of their lives become particularly sensual: so the pregnancy is influenced on them, and the husband must "warm up" at that time. Her positive emotions. Enroll your beloved.

Of course, it is quite difficult, and there is a lot of explanations, both on biological and psychological levels. Therefore, a man should explicitly reconsider his attitude about his wife during pregnancy. Whatever she ascended - more than likely that this is a consequence of her interesting position. It needs to be understood and respecting to his wife - it's just a duty of a man. A woman in his position is simply obliged to experience the love of his man, his support.

The representatives of the beautiful floor always need words of approval, in gifts and gentlemen. During the pregnancy of his wife, the behavior of her husband must first emit an understanding. In general, the more he loves his woman - the less about it is worth talking, as it all is understood by the "default". All these things, in principle, are more than obvious ...

Even offended by his wife, it is not necessary to join the conflict with her and the more you should never leave her overnight alone with your thoughts. It is worth forgetting a dream separately in offense. Husband and pregnant woman are simply obliged to be together. What to do a pregnant woman with her husband? In a difficult period of pregnancy, women manage an unstable emotional state. In general, women absolutely always make anything under the influence of hormones, but during the period of an interesting position of its action and emotional state sometimes goes beyond the verge of norms and limit.

And, despite its difficult position, she must remember that this difficult time needs to do everything possible to keep relations with his spouse: it is useless to say that a pregnant woman should be with gratitude to treat the husband.

Often, all actions are perceived as a given and it is wrong!

Therefore, a woman is also better to put yourself in place of a man, and think that he feels and how he is experiencing such a behavior of his wife. An ideal option that will help preserve the relationship of a pregnant wife with her husband is to go to a psychologist. The specialist will help properly respond to stress, will provide recommendations for how to survive such a difficult period and preserve relations.

In some families, the waiting for the child becomes a real catastrophe - mutual understanding disappears, the best feelings are replaced by their opposite. In others, it happens that, on the contrary, the relationship that has deteriorated before, suddenly becomes better. Of course, an important point will be the delicacy of the child for each of the spouses. But it also happens that even the planned pregnancy becomes a difficult test for family relationships. As the spouses will stand it, largely depends on the ability of a woman to inform her husband about his condition and from mutual desire and the ability of spouses to express their love. If your family has a voltage source, it is better to reveal it and establish relationships with the spouse now, waiting for the baby. In order for the new family member to see the world full of love, and not contention.

Understand what is impossible to experience

Of course, men are not given to wear and give birth to children, and to fully understand the joys and difficulties of this sacrament they are unable. But this does not mean that they cannot empathize. It is very important to be able to inform her husband about his condition. Constantly whining and complaining, of course, nothing, especially since a rare pregnancy is actually so hard. In many ways, the state of a woman depends on its mood. From constant complaints and self-election pity does not improve. At the same time, believe that pregnancy is not a disease, but a special state, not always easy. Especially if it begins with early toxicosis. Let a man can not know what kind of condition it is, but to believe that you may well, and it may well. Well, if you do not just comply, but also inform what actions of the spouse can make it easier for you. To know that a close person is bad, and not to be able to help - very hard. You can ask your husband to get from the refrigerator what you need if you are annoyed by smells from there. For the same reason, the spouse hardly refuses to endure garbage or not to use perfume, which has become unpleasant. Let him hang or remove underwear if it became difficult to raise hands high. But it is not necessary to try all the home affairs to shift the husband under the pretext of your well-being. Work on the house is the minimum of physical activity that the pregnant woman is even needed. Yes, and the spouse will hardly be nice to realize that they are trying to manipulate. Be sure to ask for help where the husband can render it and where it really needs you, but do not abuse your position.

It happens that the husband flatly refuses to help his wife on the economy. This is especially hard for a woman who sees the manifestation of love in the help of the spouse. At all, it is not necessary to refuse a man to do homemade affairs means its indifference to their half. Perhaps in his family had a clear division of work on "female" and "male", and he grew up with the idea that there are cases that he did not do. In this case, you should refer to the sense of fairness of the spouse. Once wives mostly did not work and engaged only by the house and children, and the husbands fed the family. Since then, times have changed, and sometime the typical male role of the miner in most families is divided between both spouses. Isn't it fairly divided and female responsibilities so that the load on her husband and wife was the same? An important argument can be a message that when the spouse helps you, you feel your loved one. Sometimes the husband refuses to work on the economy due to the fact that he is the main miner and tired. If you still need help, you can not cope with your homework because of well-being, it is worth thinking about the hired assistant.

Perhaps, each woman is pleasant to the interest of the spouse for the course of pregnancy. This miracle occurs - a small little man is growing inside you. It's nice when the husband shares the joy and anxiety to the kid's expectation with you, is interested in your well-being and opinion of doctors, and it's a shame to see the indifference of the spouse. The reaction of men for the news about the upcoming paternity is very different. Someone immediately begins to feel like a father and glad, and someone needs a lot of time to realize to change and take it. In this case, a man often looks indifferent, although in fact he is experiencing his own alarms.

Sometimes the husband is not only interested in the state of his wife, but also has his own opinion, as she needs to behave. And this opinion does not always coincide with the ideas of his wife and even with the recommendations of the doctor. Most often, the spouse listens only to the words of his mother and believes that its experience can be trusted. What if these recommendations do not like these recommendations? It is hardly worth ignoring the words of a husband, it is hardly worth it: this is also a manifestation of his care and excitement for you and a child. Hurtness and tears will hardly help: he will rather write it on your condition than finally aware of what he himself is wrong. But it is possible to discuss everything seriously and come to consent. It is often enough to remind the spouse that his mom's information is already outdated. Surely she does not know all the nuances and judges only: remembers that they were banned and recommended to once and now gives the same ride tips. Does she have a medical education? If not, nothing to argue: Surely your doctor knows better what is good for you. If all these arguments do not act on the spouse, if he does not even want to think about the fact that his mother can be mistaken, it remains only to agree with him and ... to do in its own way. Because disputes take a lot of time and strength, and they are much more likely for you for more positive classes.

Language of love

You did not have to hear that love in marriage lives the first year, the maximum is the first three years, and then replaced by the habit if the family does not disintegrate at all? It happens really often. Why is this happening? Where does love go and can I do something to not lose? After all, it is now, in anticipation of the baby, especially I want the world to which he comes, was full of love.

So that love lived for years, it must be created constantly. If you begin to do as a person behaves when he loves, then, most likely, the husband will respond sincere feeling. And how do people behave when they love? Give gifts, look at each other. Digescingly, listen to a loved one, touch him, willingly inferior in trifles, they say pleasant things, in every way they seek to please her love. Even if you at the moment do not feel the tide of love, you can still do all. Whatever anxiety brought pregnancy, you should not forget that the child is the fruit of love, this is what is now forever tied you precisely with this man. It often happens that the feelings of spouses actually have, but they do not find expressions. By itself, the ability to exercise their feelings from different people is different. One thing is easy and nice, others are more detained in statements, and in action. This does not mean that a restrained person does not like - loves, but it does not know how or can not afford it. Often in marriage one spouse more hot, and the second is more cold. It happens that the first begins to be offended by the second and stops manifesting his love himself. Unfortunately, it usually leads only to the fact that mutual feeling gradually fades. At the same time, when one of the spouses manifests care, it shows that he loves, the second is infected and inspired, he appears a desire to do the same.

Another frequent problem is when the husband and wife talk about love in different languages. For example, a wife wants to hear something pleasant, and the husband can only give gifts or express their feelings through touch, hugs, kisses. As a result, the woman often begins to think that her husband does not like her, and he, in turn, does not understand that she does not suit her - after all, he seems to him, it makes it clear that he feels. During pregnancy, every woman especially needs love and care, and the abuse of spouses to understand each other becomes an important condition for preserving a good climate in the family.

Psychologists allocate 5 major love languages.

To spend time together - this is not only talking. Many people feel loved when the person is dear to them is dealing with him. It may be a trip to a concert or a picnic in the forest, even a joint cleaning - any business that both or at least one of the spouses like, and the second is not against. When you do something together, you have general memories. It can be a source of joy for your family.

  • Words of encouragement.This is compliments, and praise, and the expression of gratitude is all that you can say the spouse is pleasant, which can please him, the words of encouragement should not be flattering, an attempt to achieve something. The said sincerely, with the sole purpose of pleaseing the beloved person and is perceived with gratitude, it raises a desire to pay in the same way. Important and intonation with which you speak. After all, it is capable of changing, distorting the meaning of words.
  • Time spent together.Conversations and any joint classes are the language of love of many people. The most important thing here is to pay attention to the spouse. After all, to be together is not the same thing to be near. For example, if a husband and wife simultaneously watch TV, they may not even notice each other - it takes all the attention on the screen. To be together, you need to turn off the TV and look at each other. But only not enough. You need a general lesson or conversation. When the husband or wife complains that the second half with him or it does not talk to her, it does not always mean that the man does not reveal. Many people know how and love to say, but few people can listen. In conversation, it is important to understand what a person wants to catch his emotions, a real need.
  • Gifts are visible love characters.Unfortunately, after the conclusion of marriage, people often forget about it. Spouses often seem that gifts are a waste of money. Employment - good quality for a family man, but isn't love - not worthy investment of capital? Gift selection is not always an easy task. I must say, people whose language of love - gifts are not too concerned about their price. They are really expensive. And therefore it is not terrible that it is not always possible to buy something expensive. If a person is difficult to please, then, most likely, this is not his language of love.
  • Help.As a rule, at home in help more often a woman needs than a man. For some wives, the husband's participation in homework is superfluous - they themselves are well coped. Others also cope, but the help of a husband is accepted as a manifestation of love and care. If your spouse often criticizes you for insufficiently clean home and not cooked lunch, then help is and his language of love. He wants you to take care of him. The trouble is that orders kill love, while requests help to express it. Do not let me command yourself - this does not benefit good relationships. And of course, try not to put forward the requirements. Even pregnancy does not give it right. But learning how to ask is important. A wonderful way to destroy the relationship is to believe that the spouse should guess what you want from him, and offended if he doesn't. First, people do not read each other's thoughts, although sometimes guess. Secondly, few people are pleased to feel that something is achieved by something, blackmailing offended: do or be offended. The husband may refuse to fulfill your desire just because of this.
  • Touch.For some people, this is the only way to feel love. They are important to keep hands, it is necessary that they were kicked and hugged, otherwise such a person begins to doubt that he loved. Of course, an important part of the touch language is sexual relationships. But fleeting touches can express love: kisses at a meeting and farewell, stroking in passing, short arms. If this language of love is not very important for you, if you do not own them, you are not so easy to learn. But if this is important a spouse - it is worth mastering the tongue of touch. After all, it is very important - to speak in one language with a loved one.

Have you already identified your Language of Love? Many becomes clear as soon as they see the names: the words of encouragement, held together time, gifts, help, touch. People whose love of love is very much, and those who are sharply lacking, are often difficult to define their love language. If the answer was not immediately found, try to ask myself the following questions. When do you feel that you love? What do you want most of your beloved? What is the strongest wound? If you are very offensive that the husband does not help around the house, then your love language is help. If any criticism hurts very much - you need to encourage words. Another way to identify your Language of Love is to remember what you most often ask for a spouse. Most likely, this is what you need most. And finally, remember how you yourself most often express love that you are doing. Most likely, you are waiting for the spouse.

Similarly, you can understand what language the spouse is expressed in your feelings. He often touches you or gives gifts, says words of encouragement or helps? What is your husband most often asking for? When you understand what language of love is only more important for the spouse, you will just start talking to him. Not always the husband and wife equally express their feelings. A rare person owns all five languages \u200b\u200bof love. Sometimes it is difficult to learn someone else's language. But this is the work that will definitely pay off.

To the conversation was in joy ...

Send the art to lead a conversation. To do this, try learning the following techniques:

  • Look in the eyes of the interlocutor. This will help you not be distracted and will show your spouse that you really listen to him.
  • Do not be distracted by outsiders. If at the moment you are busy - tell me: "Now I am busy, please, please, you can listen to you." This request can not be offended if, of course, you fulfill your promise.
  • Try to catch the emotions of the interlocutor. Correctly understand what a person means, you can only know what it feels. Do not be afraid to check yourself, ask: "You look frustrated, probably, you were upset that ...". It also will show the spouse that you are listening carefully.
  • Watch out for faith and gestures. Which pose is sitting like a loved one, what is his facial expression, is he hard to gesticulate? It says a lot about what actually happens to man. After all, often words and a non-verbal body message contradict each other. In such cases, it is worth paying more attention to the message of the body - facial expressions and gestures. Be sure to check your guesses, ask what the interlocutor really feels.
  • Do not interrupt. Unfortunately, a rare person knows how to rush with the statement of his own opinion. Nevertheless, it is important to learn this if you really want to understand your interlocutor.

When two look in one direction

When loving people unite common aspirations, goals and interests, the family holds on a solid basis. Can you say that unites you with my husband? Do you have common interests and goals? Are your husband's viability of your husband?

Each family produces its own value system. Even inside one culture, the rules for which various families live can be very different. For a child, the beliefs of parents - something of granted. Children grow with feeling that the eyes of mom and dad are the only right. When young people create their own family, they bring values \u200b\u200bfrom parents and not always these values \u200b\u200bcoincide. It is important to be able to come together on one system of views. For this, each of the spouses will have to refuse something from his own beliefs and accept something new. It is not always easy. But otherwise the Union will not work harmonious and strong, and children will be in a difficult situation: they will have to choose between the views of the Father and Mother. The child will not know which his behavior will be able to arrange both parents. This will become a source of anxiety. So that this does not happen, and simply so that each of the spouses was comfortable in the family, it is worth discussing with her husband that for him is truly important in life, what rules he is in the depths of the soul he who wants to see relations in the family and try to find a compromise with your beliefs.

If the behavior of the spouse is not clear to you - try to talk to him about it and understand why he behaves like that, and not otherwise. It is important to report what kind of feelings do you have a husband's deeds - it acts much more than words: "You behave incorrectly yourself, you need to do so and so." Perhaps the spouse will see the situation with your eyes, he will revise her own beliefs.

"Pregnant" sex

Another important reason that can worsen the climate in the family is the sexual relationship of spouses. During pregnancy, the libido women often change: sometimes it is intensified, and sometimes it disappears at all. Bad, when a husband remains unsatisfied for several months. This can cause serious problems in the family, because the husband, in turn, the refusal of his wife, most likely will be perceived as manifestations of hostility towards himself as the lack of love. And unrealized physical attraction can make a man irritable. Hardly it will like his wife. It is easier for a spouse's refusal to experience when a ban on sex is recommended by a doctor for medical testimony. Mutual compromise, which spouses can try to find in this case, will be much more useful than the family than confrontation.

Another frequent problem occurs when the libido of a pregnant woman rises or remains the same, and the husband refuses to have sex with her. The refusal of the spouse can be offended. But do not hurry to get in yourself. Try to understand what is happening with your husband. Often this behavior is due to the fact that a man is afraid of having to harm his wife and a child. It usually passes when a woman makes it clear that he wants her husband that the changes that have happened have not changed her feelings and sensations. Often the man soothes and medical literature. So, learning more about the anatomy, the spouse begins to understand that the child is well protected quite well and damaging it is simply impossible, and of course, a man needs a manual: Be sure to report to him, what kind of actions you bring discomfort, and what are the painful. "Pregnant" sex is a special relationship. Experiments and diversity usually becomes less, but more tenderness and depth of feelings.

It is not true that all happy families are similar to each other and only unhappy vary. There are many recipes for happiness, while destroying the relationship most often alone and the same problems. It's not always easy to find your own way to successful marriage. But to make a decision to store and raise love or swim within the flow - this is in your power.