Can friendship be selfless? Selfless connection. What is true friendship and why is it needed. Anastasia short, fashion photographer, photo artist

    rather friendship, there you do not expect anything from your friends, not deeds, not dirty tricks.

    Hmmm, I understood the question quite differently. Well, don't care. Compared how men are friends with each other and how women are friends with men)

    Because if we need something, we call each other and the conversation is simple:

    Hello, listen, can you help with this and that?

    And at the same time, a person knows that he can also call on those issues in which the first one is competent.
    This is mutual help. Obvious and open. Today I call with a request, tomorrow I call to find out how things are going, the day after tomorrow I invite them to drink, and a week later they call me. And that's okay.

    And with you women, when you need something, for half an hour you can drive around the bush, find out how things are going, talk about something else, but in the end it will still be clear what the meaning of the whole call is, for example.

    Depending on his self-control and moral principles, of course.

    On the other hand, if a guy does not have a girlfriend, and you are a beauty and periodically ask him for selfless help, you are just mocking him.
    Selfless help also requires a reward - let him at least feel that he has done a useful deed or that he has done this deed not in vain.
    Otherwise, it sounds like you're just using it.

    Be that as it may, friendship is definitely possible. If both of you are reserved and smart enough to know when to slow down and when to step on the gas - if we are talking about true friendship, of course.

    If you don't expect anything in return!
    You just love and give yourself without a trace to your beloved!

    Good afternoon!

    you should have heard HOW I was whinnying... disinterestedness doesn't come by mail or to a computer... it's not so noticeable... that when you find it... you think... it's not even Love, but a Fairy Tale)

    asking nothing in return

  • You always want to demolish the heads sticking out of the crowd.
    Envy. To the upstarts. Because he jumped out and was beaten.
    Unfiltered by consciousness (due to its undergrowth) the work of the law what you do to me and I to you inherent in all living beings.

Over the course of their lives, many people develop great relationship with classmates, classmates, work colleagues and neighbors, but years pass and only a few of those whom we recently considered friends continue to communicate with us closely. We usually make our first friends or girlfriends at school when we begin to feel strong sympathy and interest in some boy or girl. He (she) becomes the closest person to communicate with us, we share all the secrets with him (her), discuss the problems that interest us and try to spend all our free time in his company.

Apparently, therefore, during the years of study at school or institute all people who have friends consider themselves lucky. Only in the company of friends life seems to us full and joyful. But after the graduation ball, life scatters us in "different directions". Years later, someone achieves great success in life and it becomes uninteresting for him to communicate with a former friend who already has completely different spiritual and material values. Is it possible to call such relationships, which disappear over the years by themselves, friendship? And why, having lost a friend, we often don’t even notice it and we don’t even get lonely without him?

Often in disguise friendship hiding just friendly. When we are young, we tend to call friends everyone with whom we have fun together, spend a lot of time and with whom we have something to talk about. In fact, this is not friendship, and many of our acquaintances, to whom we trust our secrets, have little in common with those who can really be called a true friend. Friendship is not just communication, it is a feeling based on mutual sympathy, trust, sincerity, common interests and hobbies.

Friendship- this is a disinterested relationship between people, it does not depend on the material and social position in society, on age and health. True friends remain friends no matter the circumstances. Friendship is based on mutual respect and trust. And this means that a friend will always reckon with your opinion, will never betray or deceive you. He will not leave you in difficult times and will not spread gossip about you. A true friend is someone you can tell about all your problems in life. The one who understands you, will support, sympathize, help with advice or deed. Where this help comes down to bargaining: "I help you now, and then you help me out" it is about friendly relations between people who only console themselves with the thought that they are real friends.

Agree, these days disinterested friendship between people is very rare. Many people call a friend those who they need or who allow them to constantly take advantage of them. Friendship in these cases immediately dies as soon as a friend stops helping. Does this mean that there is no friendship in the world? Of course not. Even the ancient Greek physician Aristotle wrote that the word "friendship" can have several meanings. He gave a definition of different types of friendship, among which he singled out ordinary and real.

Plain friendship is based on common interests and, as a rule, connects people who have a common cause or are interested in their success through building relationships with a friend. Often this occurs between politicians and celebrities. The willingness and ability to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of solving a practical issue, which will benefit both, makes such friendship sometimes very strong. For women, ordinary friendship is a simple collaboration, where two rivals have a business or useful relationship. Men, unlike women, are really capable of being friends for a long time in order to achieve some common goal. Ordinary friends may meet rarely and unnecessarily they may not even remember each other. True friendship is noble and honest. Sometimes she binds friends more strongly than their relationship with a sibling. But only a few manage to find such a friend. After all, in order to get him you need to be a sincere, kind and open person who knows how to sympathize, listen, keep secrets and help disinterestedly. And it is quite difficult to find such altruists today.

Real friend he will not leave him in trouble, he will not refuse friendship even when a person is seriously ill or left without means of subsistence. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to find a true friend. With age, friendships are differentiated, with some we are connected by common interests, with others - memories of youth, with others - emotional experiences. Each of these relationships is important in our lives, so we also habitually call them friendship. There is nothing wrong with that, everyone is friends the way they can.

Important in friendship do not cross that line, after which friends become sworn enemies. For example, you cannot demand from a friend that he does something unworthy or build intrigues behind his back with his sexual partner. Friendship is based entirely on sincerity, trust and honesty. As soon as these feelings are lost, there is no trace of friendship left. To have a real friend, develop these qualities in yourself and try to show them daily in relation to the people around you. Arrogance, self-interest, envy, isolation, indifference and betrayal do not give a person the opportunity to love anyone other than himself and nullify all his friends.

One of the most mysterious areas of human relationships is friendship. Why? Yes, because it is the most difficult to explain rationally.

Business relations pursue the goal of achieving results in joint work, relatives are “tied” to the unity of blood (after all, it is not in vain that they say that “parents are not chosen”), and even the highest of possible human relationships - love, in a successful situation, have quite a practical goal. It's different with friendship.

Important Rules

She, if this is really friendship, is completely devoid of coercion and commercialism. It all depends on personal choice: everyone decides for himself with whom he is friends and with whom not.

Victor LUKIN, psychotherapist, says that the main distinguishing feature of friendly relations is disinterestedness, based on love, trust, sincerity, patience, mutual interests:

What is friendly behavior? This is, first of all, a series of rules observed by friends. Here is some of them. A sharing rule that involves sharing news of your own successes, providing emotional support, and volunteering to help in times of need. Reciprocity assumes that each of the friends tries to make the friend feel good in your company. The next rule - the rule of intimacy - implies trust in relation to each other and confidence that a friend will not spill the beans about the secrets entrusted to him. There is also the so-called rule of protecting friendship. It communicates that it is important to protect a friend in front of other people in his absence, as well as to be tolerant of his other friends. By the way, a true friend will never criticize in front of other people! And, finally, the rule of interaction, which calls not to be intrusive and respect the autonomy, personal space of a friend.

Full acceptance

- The rules of friendship are impressive!

And now, perhaps, the most important thing I would like to say. Friendship implies acceptance of a friend for who he is, the ability to value these relationships in themselves, and, therefore, excludes self-interest and manipulation. Simply put, if instead of the motive to “be” with another person, there is, excuse me, the motive to “have” another person - this is no longer friendship ...

Love your friends just like that! Because they are in your life!

By the way

And what is friendship in the minds of our countrymen, and do they have real friends?



Undoubtedly, friendship is a very important relationship for a person; something that supports him at different points in his life.

I am grateful to fate for the fact that I have many real friends who are also wonderful people. And it cannot be otherwise: a bad person will not become a good friend, because friendship requires the manifestation of the best qualities, such as disinterestedness, tolerance, generosity, sincerity ... I believe that neither time nor distance is afraid of friendship. This is an internal connection, common thinking, constant points of contact. There are friends with whom you don’t see each other and don’t communicate for years, and then when you meet you feel joy and that very closeness that has not disappeared anywhere. It happens that you lose friends ... Life breeds, the reason and desire to communicate disappear. But, as a rule, in my life these are “expected losses”, that is, initially it could be assumed that we were not “friends” with this person for a long time.

Necessary like air

Elena STARKOVA, Director of the Center for Cultural Work of AltSPU:

Yes, I have been lucky in my life, and I have real friends. My idea of ​​friendship... I don't think it's too different from the generally accepted one. This is something that is necessary, like air ... Friendship is always our free choice, so friends are often closer to us than relatives. Friendship is unconditional support not so much in joy as in difficulties. And, by the way, real friends are certainly aware of any of our problems, because we immediately share them, expecting understanding, advice and help. "A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much...".

Incredible happiness

Anastasia KORTKIKH, fashion photographer, photo artist:

Friendship is perhaps the most important concept in my life. All the best things that happened to me happened around my friends. Everything terrible that I managed to survive was also experienced thanks to the support of friends. I love and appreciate my friends immensely. With them, I am not ashamed to be who I am, because I am sure that they love me! A real friend not only gives good advice when you feel bad, but, first of all, wants you to be happy, which means he rejoices when you feel good. I have such friends, and it's an incredible happiness to be with them, have fun, dance when dancing and be sad when you're sad...

( Developed by: Martynova Irina Lvovna ,

primary school teacher,

GBOU Bilingual gymnasium №2)


Classroom hour.

Topic: About selflessness in friendship.

Planned personal results:

    Develop moral guidelines.

    Build self-awareness.

    To form moral and ethical guidelines.

    Develop the ability to morally evaluate actions.

Questions to discuss with children:

    Mutual assistance in learning.

    Selfless concern for classmates. (Mutual understanding of each other, moods, experiences.)

    Sympathy for a friend in trouble and grief, the ability to live his joys.

    Willingness to help a friend.

    The inadmissibility of negative manifestations - envy, callousness, heartlessness, heartlessness, self-interest and selfishness.

During the classes

    30 people sit in 5 groups of 6 people.

    Distribution of questions.

One representative of the group takes one petal of a semi-flower, on which there are questions for discussion.

I . Teacher. Today we will discuss a topic that concerns everyone. Each of you has the experience of personal companionship, experiences associated with the joys and sorrows of friendship.

However, there are guys who have the wrong idea about who can be called a good friend.

Think about what actions and actions help strengthen friendships?

Teacher. Which of the guys in the class acted in a friendly way?

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: Mutual assistance in studies, support brings all the guys together.

Teacher. But not every child can complete tasks on their own. And some guys don't want to, they're lazy.

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: In case of inability, one should help a friend, teach him.

And if you don’t want to - explain that you need to cultivate willpower - this will come in handy in life.

However, slander is not allowed.

Sneaking interferes with friendship.

Teacher. What should a student do in case of violation of the established rules of behavior by one of his classmates?

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: You need to express your opinion about the wrong act to the one who violated. If the offender does not pay attention, then contact the teacher for help.

II . Teacher. There are guys who are only friends with those from whom you can get something.

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: These guys live by the rule: "You give me - I give you." Such friendship is fragile and such relationships do not paint people.

Teacher. What is the value of friendship, its significance in life?

How can friends help each other unselfishly?

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: Mutual assistance, mutual understanding, respect for each other.

Selflessness makes friendship strong.

Selflessness implies a willingness to help, even at the cost of sacrifice.

Teacher. The willingness to give up something for the sake of a friend must be cultivated in oneself.

After all, fulfilling even the simplest request for the sake of a friend can be very difficult. Everyone knows this from their own experience.

(Discussion of children.)

    Do not argue over trifles.

    Do not stop being conceited if something is better.

    Do not envy, but rejoice in the success of others.

    In friendship, it is necessary to be able to accept help and provide it.

    Sensitivity, attention to a friend are manifested not only in big things, but also in small things.

Teacher. Some guys in communication, in the game begin to "command", seek to subordinate others to their will. They demand unquestioning obedience to them, to do as they see fit. Is it correct?

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: These guys strive to win authority at any cost. In the actions of these guys, arrogance and selfishness are manifested, which interfere with strong, trusting, friendly relations.

III . Teacher. We need to learn to empathize with friends in their troubles and be able to share their joy with them. The inability to rejoice in the joy of another leads to an evil feeling of envy. And jealousy damages relationships.

Those who are envious may have a desire for him to have trouble.

For example, during a good answer by one of the students, not all children rejoice at the success of a friend, the high appreciation that he rightfully deserves. In the eyes of some guys, unkind lights are visible. Envy can sometimes push to the wrong, dishonorable act.

(Discussion of children.)

Conclusion: Friendship can be constant and joyful for children only when they are attentive to each other, share joys and sorrows.

Teacher. Let's adopt the Laws of Friendship.

(Work in groups.)

1gr. Don't leave a friend in trouble. To be faithful to friendship means to share with a friend not only joys, but also sorrows. A friend may have mistakes, difficulties, trials. If you see that a friend is in trouble, go to his aid. Turning away from a friend in a difficult moment for him means morally preparing yourself for betrayal.

2gr. You don't care what kind of friend you are. Friendship is the moral enrichment of a person. Finding a reliable friend, you multiply your strength, become morally purer, richer, more beautiful.

3gr. Friendship is, first of all, faith in a person, exactingness towards him. The deeper your faith in a friend, the higher the exactingness should be, the more you owe, owe.

4gr. Friendship and selfishness are irreconcilable, incompatible. Friendship teaches a person to give spiritual strength and wealth, care.

5gr. Friendship is tested in trouble and danger.

Know how to live in such a way that you and your friend are united by the unity of spirit, ideals. Genuine friendship protects from selfishness, teaches to despise greed.

To be demanding in friendship means to have the courage to break it if a friend betrays what the friendship is built for. Unscrupulousness devastates friendship.

Is there anything more disinterested than childhood friendship? What is the reason for the birth of childhood friendship? These and many other questions arise after reading the literary text of the Russian writer A. T. Averchenko.

The author raises an important problem, posing it in the form of a question: can children's friendship be disinterested? Reflecting on this problem, AT Averchenko tells about the childhood friendship of three boys. In order to understand whether friendship can be disinterested, you need to find out what served as the foundation of this friendship. Most often it is the friendship of parents, living on the same street, studying at the same school. It was the same with friends from this text: "All three circumstances served as the foundation of our friendship - Motka, Shasha and I ..." The author also notes that philosophers and children have one similarity: they do not betray any differences between people-neither social, nor mental, nor external.

The boys were completely different: from different families, different mentally and physically. However, the heroes were united by a strong one. disinterested friendship, since they did not betray all this significance.

I fully share the opinion of the author. Indeed, the friendship of children, first of all, is based on their interests. Children do not care about the material condition of the friend's family, internal and external condition. Children are friends because they are interested in each other, they are united by common games, pastime. Many writers touch on the theme of selfless friendship in their works.

So, IA Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" tells the story of friendship between AI Oblomov and A Stolz throughout their lives. The relationship between Stolz and Oblomov begins as a friendship of very similar personalities, but different upbringing makes them completely different and even contrasting characters, but who continue to see in each other what brought the heroes together in childhood, in school years. Their childish, disinterested friendship turned into an adult, just as disinterested. IA Goncharov brings us to the idea that you can be completely different people, and at the same time be true friends, complementing each other.

Let's turn to Mark Twain's story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" which tells about all sorts of adventures in the life of the heroes - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. And in each episode, the friendship of the guys was manifested. these two boys are from different families: Tom was a wealthy boy from a good family, and Huck's father was a drunkard. However, this did not prevent the heroes from secretly making friends and traveling. Their friendship can be called disinterested, because both of them simply did not notice these differences: social, family. They were truly friends and were united by one dream - to find a treasure.

The text I read helped me to make sure that children's friendship is real. sincere and unselfish relationships of people. There is nothing more disinterested in our world than children's friendship.

Option 2

Friendship... What is it? What role does it play in the spiritual and moral life of a person? These and other questions arise after reading the text of Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko.

The position of the writer is unambiguous and expressed quite clearly. He believes that "there is nothing more disinterested than children's friendship ..." She is incredibly bright and pure and does not depend on any external factors. This is what makes her so special.

I fully share the opinion of the critic. It seems to me that friendship is one of the most important things in the life of every person. And friendship at an early age helps children develop as individuals and brings up very important qualities in them.

For many people, friends are so important that they can mean even more than relatives. For example, in the story "Taras Bulba" by N.V. Gogol, the main character puts partnership above everything in the world. Taras Bulba considers friendship more important than any blood ties, so he has to kill his own son, who commits betrayal.

I am also sure that friendship can teach a child the basics of relationships between people, develop a sense of responsibility for loved ones. So in the novel by Margaret Drabble "One Summer Season" the characters, communicating with each other, begin to realize such concepts as mutual understanding, mutual attention, mutual assistance. They comprehend some wisdom in relationships between people, which helps them to mature internally.

Thus, the read text helped me to be convinced of the opinion that friends are important at any age. However, childhood friendship is especially touching and sincere, helping even small people to comprehend important truths.

Updated: 2017-03-05

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