Black henna is a dye for black hair based on natural ingredients: complete coloring of gray hair. Black hair dye

Most girls like to experiment with hair. It concerns not only haircuts, styling and curling, but also coloring. Blondes are the happiest in this regard, any hair dye will suit them. For black hair, choosing a dye is much more problematic. Moreover, if the owner of black hair decided to radically change her appearance and dye her hair in lighter colors. Almost no dye is applied to black hair, since the pigment in such hair is dark. In most cases, you have to use washes and decolouring compounds so that you can repaint.

From brunette to blonde

If you have a desire to change this way, then you do not have to go to a beauty salon. You can make a transformation at home. It will be much cheaper than a hairdresser. Repainting at home in monetary terms will cost you about two thousand rubles (depending on what paint and other chemicals you buy), and in the salon - at least seven and for several visits.

It is necessary to approach the matter of such repainting thoroughly. Remember that the hair deteriorates during bleaching, and if you do not tint it later in the roots, the hairstyle will not look aesthetically pleasing and neat.

It is not only hair dye that is bought for a dark color. For black hair, you also need to purchase an oxidizing agent, a deep cleaning remover or shampoo, and a powder for color bleaching.

According to reviews, the company "Estelle" was named the best quality paint for such a global repainting. It is affordable, fits well on hair and holds color for a long time. Consider repainting using the products of this company.

Complete transformation process

So, we bought a dye for black hair. Which one paints better, we spied in the reviews of the girls already painted. Many people point out a very important plus in the Estelle products for hair coloring - it is able to completely remove yellowness, which will certainly appear during bleaching and washing.

On the first day of the procedures, be prepared that your hair will turn reddish or yellow, therefore, if you do not want to leave the house in this form, then cancel all affairs and meetings for a couple of days.

The first step is to make a wash. Instructions for use are included in each package. After this procedure, you should wait one day before bleaching, but if your hair is thick and healthy, you can lighten it on the same day.

Before working on your hair, give it at least two days of rest and recovery. Otherwise, you will simply burn the roots, the hair can begin to climb, break, become hard and lifeless. We do not need such an effect, so we are waiting.


To prepare the mixture, paint for black hair is taken - "Chocolate", "Light brown", "Blond", "Ash". After washing and bleaching, all light shades are available to you. For medium length hair, one pack will suffice. Add the same amount of intense toning to the paint. Mix everything well until smooth.

We take an oxidizing agent (preferably three percent, and not six, so as not to injure the hair even more after all the above procedures), pour one hundred twenty milliliters into the mixture of paint and toning. After mixing, add the mikston (3 ml), it will help neutralize the yellow and reddish tint. Mix, apply to hair along its entire length. Be sure to use gloves.

Keep the mixture on your hair for no more than forty minutes, rinse well using shampoo and conditioner. Ready!

Coloring black hair for shine

Many brunettes do not want to change their color. They buy paint to make the color deeper, shinier, or even out. Such coloring is necessary after the hair is burnt out in the sun.

To reduce the chances of hair damage, henna-based black hair dye is used. Henna itself is useful, it takes care of the hair, enriches it with the necessary substances. Many hair dye manufacturers have adopted this technology. Thus, to get the color like a crow's wing, you do not need to etch your hair with chemistry, use a henna-based dye.

Advantage of henna-based paints over henna

Many will ask: why pay more by buying some kind of paint? You can just buy henna or basma, they are much cheaper. Of course, you can save some money. But there are at least two advantages of herbal paint:

  • Ease of use.

The dye is much easier to apply and distribute through the hair than its herbaceous counterpart. When rinsing, paint is also easier to rinse off than grass. The herbaceous composition is poorly and for a long time washed off, its particles get entangled in the hair.

  • Adding additional oils.

Many manufacturers of such paints, for example, Lady Henna, use various caring essential oils to prepare the composition. Thus, the hair gets more benefits.

Ombre paint for black hair

Ombre has been in vogue for several years now. Hair with such coloring gives its owner a style and a unique image. Ombre looks especially gorgeous on long hair.

Usually, several shades are used for such staining, so it is better not to experiment at home if you are not an expert. The master will do everything efficiently and beautifully. Owners of dark hair often prefer a combination with a light shade. But everyone is already bored with this trend, a variety of hair dyes have begun to be used. For black hair, with this dyeing, a red shade, scarlet and red will look very cool. This will give the image "predation", uniqueness. Such a bright girl will not be left without attention, she will qualitatively stand out from the crowd.

Ombre at home

Some girls cannot afford to go to hairdressers and beauty salons. But this does not mean that you will have to paint in a standard way and abandon the ombre. If you try very hard, then everything will work out at home!

In order to do this at home, there is a wonderful hair dye. For black hair, shade number one "From light to dark chestnut" from Loreal is perfect. The paint is called Preference Ombres.

A comb is included in the kit with paint, almost like a professional. So painting your home won't be difficult. Most importantly, follow the instructions to get the desired effect and not ruin your hair.

Highlights on black hair

To change your image and freshen up your look, it is not necessary to completely dye your entire hairstyle. Highlighting remains at the height of fashion; many girls and women have chosen it for many years.

Highlighting dye for black hair in the last few years has been chosen in light shades. But the time has come to change something in this coloring. The hairdresser will offer you several color options for highlighting black hair: chocolate, red, red, scarlet, currant, copper and coffee. You can choose one shade or several combined.

First, it will really look chic and fashionable. Such an image will not remain out of sight.

Secondly, it is a gentler option for your hair. The strands to be dyed must be completely discolored before applying light colors, after which they will have to be tinted to get rid of yellowness. For highlighting with dark and bright shades, the strands undergo very little discoloration, it will be light. Thus, you will transform yourself while maintaining the health of your hair.

It is better to perform this procedure in the salon so that the master does the highlighting with high quality. Choose the option you like and just enjoy the procedure.

Add volume to hair with highlights

There are women and girls who are not satisfied with their own hair volume. They want to visually enlarge it, so that the hair plays with highlights.

This can be done with the help of creativity or bronzing - also types of highlighting. You can combine these two methods.

Creativity is created using red shades. Thin strands of hair are taken and dyed. Thus, there is a creation of the effect of glare in the hair, which visually significantly adds volume. The image turns out to be interesting and vivid.

It is possible to attach a booking method if the girl has her own natural color, light brown or another light. The procedure is done in the same way as a creative, only in light shades. Therefore, in order to make a reservation, the hair does not fade, because it will have to be processed completely. Then it will not be possible to return the dark color and make a reservation on it. This is simply not realistic, because the strands are taken only a few hairs at a time.

Black hair dye with shades

Black hair is really chic. If nature has given you a different color, then you can easily repaint. Many girls and women want to dye their hair dark or black, but they are afraid, as it is believed that this color "adds" years to age.

Perhaps some time ago, in most cases, this was the case, because there was not such a variety of shades of black paints. The main thing when staining is to choose your own shade. Appearance, eye color, skin color play an important role in this choice. If you take into account all the nuances correctly, then with the help of black hair you can not only avoid "aging", but also "rejuvenate" for a couple of years.

It is advisable to come to the salon to a specialist so that he chooses the right shade for you, because it is almost impossible to do it yourself without special knowledge and a look. And poking your finger at any paint while in the store will only harm yourself.

There are many shades of black, but three remain the most popular: charcoal, ash and blue. Let's take a quick look at each of them.

  1. The most popular is coal. It is suitable for women with dark skin, brown or blue eyes. This is the most advantageous option for those who wear red lipstick.
  2. With a bluish tint, the so-called black feather color. This color should be chosen only for pale girls with the lightest skin. The eyes can be black, blue, or green. It will look just perfect.
  3. Ashen. Light skin and gray eyes? This is your shade!

When dyeing your hair at home, do not forget to follow the advice of experts and instructions. Happy coloring everyone!

Mysterious, passionate, burning, rich and deep - stylish black hair color is very often chosen by strong and self-confident natures.

Why do women wear black?

The black color of strands has several advantages, thanks to which it has become insanely popular:

  • This is the best way to stand out from the crowd and change something in yourself;
  • Adds decisiveness, confidence, mystery and even bitchiness;
  • Helps to create the image of a very strict, businesslike and intelligent lady, who in an instant will become a fatal beauty or an unapproachable lady;
  • Makes fine hair thicker and fuller.

Who is black suitable for?

Who suits this tone? Alas, not everyone! Girls with fair skin and brown or green eyes can turn into a brunette.

But black has much more contraindications. Who will it not suit exactly?

  • Natural blondes;
  • Owners of gray or blue eyes and very dark skin. True, some women go against the recommendations of stylists and successfully create extravagant images;
  • Girls with problem skin (freckles, scars, rashes, wrinkles, etc.);
  • Women with yellow teeth;
  • Soft, timid and malleable natures. Remember, this shade leaves some imprint on the character. Brunettes can make a wide variety of impressions - from a sultry beauty and a smart companion to an informal woman or a witch. Change your hair color to develop an appropriate demeanor. If you behave wary and insecure, the effect will be exactly the opposite - you will not be considered a femme fatale, but simply a freak.

What difficulties await brunettes?

While black looks impressive, it can create a number of difficulties:

  • Returning to your previous shade or repainting in light will not work out for you soon;
  • It will be extremely difficult to get a brunette out of her hair;
  • Darker shades will make you look older and other signs of aging will be more visible. That is why it is not recommended for mature women. The only exceptions are natural brunettes;
  • To maintain the brightness and shine of the painted hair, she will have to devote a lot of time and effort. Otherwise, the strands will be dull and unkempt;
  • Black makes the face look thinner and more tired.

A palette of black tones

Black hair comes in several luxurious shades.


The bluish-black tone in the sun acquires a strong shine and light blue. It is ideal for women with dark skin - with this combination, you get an Asian type of appearance.

Natural black

The shade of a raven wing or deep black is very popular nowadays. Owners of this shade have long been considered passionate, hot and attractive natures, carrying a secret.

Black with red

The combination of a brunette with a red tone looks very unusual. The duet of these two opposites - cold and warm - creates a youthful image. It is also called black caramel. It is the perfect choice for tanned skin and dark eyes.

Black chocolate

Another trendy shade known as dark chocolate or black brown. It is ideally combined with both dark and fair skin and perfectly sets off the radiance of dark brown eyes.

Black tulip or plum black

Hair color black tulip provides for the presence of eggplant or reddish tint. It will perfectly suit the owners of the winter color type of appearance.

Ash black

Ash black is often referred to as graphite. Its popularity has not faded for many years. A beautiful ash undertone adds volume to the hair and makes the image stylish. Girls with white skin and gray or blue eyes can take a closer look at it.


This shade is universal, as it suits all skin types. Ebony dyed hair looks silky and incredibly beautiful.

Black coffee

Another tasty tone is rich, with barely noticeable brown notes. It will be a good choice for girls with brown eyes and any skin tone - tanned, light or olive.

Violet black

It is distinguished from a black tulip by a bright purple tint. It is in demand among ladies of an elegant age. Looks very fresh, natural, interesting.

How to care for black hair?

To keep your hair so juicy and beautiful for a very long time, as shown in the photo, provide it with proper care:

  • Give up the frequent use of the iron - it will provoke the loss of strands;
  • A dark tone loves volume, but tight hairstyles do not suit him at all;
  • Choose a special shampoo for colored hair;
  • Tint the overgrown roots in time;
  • Make nourishing masks with minerals, vitamins and proteins regularly (every 7 days);
  • Wash your hair not in hot, but in warm water;
  • To rinse, boil sage, chamomile, yarrow, or nettle;
  • Air dry your hair;
  • Comb with a blunt, sparse-toothed comb.

The best paints for brunettes

What is the best way to dye your hair a dark shade? Of course, the safest remedy can be safely called basma, which is combined with henna and natural coffee. Basma contains ingredients that give the strands shine, speed up their growth and protect them from falling out. True, the color does not remain saturated for very long. But if that doesn't stop you, use our instructions.

Step 1. Mix basma with henna in a 2: 1 ratio.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and stir until smooth.

Step 3. Cover this container with a lid and leave for 40 minutes.

Step 4. Be sure to test the thin strand at the back of your head.

Step 5. Apply the finished composition to wet and clean hair - first to the roots, and then to the entire length.

Step 6. Wait 1.5 hours and wash your hair.

If staining with basma does not suit you, choose the best paint - resistant or without ammonia:

  • Garnier Olia - contains natural substances, maximizes the expressiveness of the shade, has a pleasant smell, and is well applied. Hair after the procedure becomes shiny and soft;
  • Dyes from Palette - give a long-lasting and bright tone. They contain ammonia, which is categorically unsuitable for thin and dry strands. Palet offers 3 classes of colorants that differ in durability. These are tint balms (washed off 6-8 times), semi-permanent paints with vitamins and permanent paints;
  • Syoss;
  • Estel;
  • Wella;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • L'Oreal;
  • C'Ehko.

By the way, find out which shade of hair is right for you:

Black painting rules

  • Rule 1. If the decision to become a brunette is not yet final, use a tint balm or mousse.
  • Rule 2. To maintain the structure, strictly adhere to the instructions. An improperly diluted or overexposed formulation can lead to hair breakage, hair loss and dandruff.
  • Rule 3. Give preference to gentle means.
  • Rule 4. Do not be lazy to create a greenhouse effect - wrap your head with a bag and a warm towel. True, this only applies to dyes without ammonia. Persistent paints do not need this.
  • Rule 5. If you need to dye only the roots, do not touch the rest of the hair. In case of urgent need, treat hair with dye 5 minutes before washing.
  • Rule 6. In order not to stain the skin, lubricate the forehead and ears with the cream.
  • Rule 7. The day before the procedure, apply a smoothing agent to the hair. Then the paint will lie flat, and the color will come out more saturated.

How do I update the black tint?

Follow these recipes to maintain the brightness and depth of your black hair.

  • Rinse with rosemary. Pour 1.5 liters of water with 2 tbsp. l. rosemary and cook for 3 minutes. Refrigerate, filter and use for rinsing;
  • Linden mask. Pour 5 tbsp. l. twigs, flowers or linden leaves and cook until a third of the liquid has evaporated. Apply to hair for an hour;
  • Egg mask. Mix 6 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 6 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 3 yolks. Hold for half an hour;
  • Combing with a decoction of walnuts. Pour 10 grams of boiling water with a liter. tea leaves and 10 walnut leaves. Boil for a couple of minutes, cool, filter and pour into a dark glass bottle. Brush your hair every day by dipping the comb into the product. Store the rest of the broth in a cool and dark cabinet;
  • Nutshell mask. Mix 10 gr. cloves, 200 gr. young walnut shells and 250 gr. olives (chopped). Pour 3 liters of water and cook until half of the liquid evaporates. Let the mixture cool and add 25 g. Apply to dry hair for 4 hours;
  • Spruce bark mask. Boil the bark with boiling water and saturate your hair with this broth. Wash off after an hour;
  • Infusion of henna and basma. Combine henna and basma (25 grams each), pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them. Cool and filter. Use for rinsing.

Black hair has been very popular among young girls and celebrities for several seasons in a row. There is a misconception that black hair "adds" age. In reality, everything is different.

Stylists argue that it is important to choose the right shade of hair, while taking into account the personal data of a person. This is the only way to create a harmonious image. That is why, even with dark hair, you can look several years younger than your biological age. Here it is important to choose the right shade of hair, as well as to harmoniously combine it with natural data: eye color, skin color, etc. To form an image correctly, it is important to seek help only from an experienced stylist.

In particular, only a specialist will help you decide on the chosen hair color, as well as harmoniously choose shades. Well, we'll talk about how to properly combine black hair color with other shades, as well as discuss fashion trends this year and list the most popular black hair dyes.

Shades of black hair dyes

Modern cosmetics manufacturers have in their arsenal many options for fashionable hair dyes. It is important to remember that even such a simple hair color as black has many shades. Black hair color this year claims to be one of the main trends of the season. At the same time, stylists note that the most popular shades are coal black and ash black. Let's take a closer look at shades of black hair.

Shades of black hair

There are many shades of black hair color. And we may not list each of them, but we will try to identify the key trends of the season.

Coal black

Black hair with a charcoal tint is the trend of this year. You can't even imagine how popular he is on the fashion catwalk. This season, special attention should be paid to this shade. It looks rather unusual, however, at the same time, it forms a vivid image. Charcoal black hair color is in good harmony with dark skin. It also looks great when paired with brown eye color.

Natural black

Natural black hair color is also trending. Today, in order to form a vivid image, it is not necessary to choose unusual hair colors. Designers are overwhelmingly in favor of natural hair colors, which, moreover, look very harmonious. If you have natural hair color you are in luck as it is hugely popular this year! Natural black hair color is in perfect harmony with both brown and blue eyes, creating a beautiful natural look. Also, natural black hair color looks good paired with light or dark skin.


The shade of blue-black hair is also in trend this year. However, this is more of a micro-trend of the season than a full-fledged trend. Blue-black hair color will be a good solution for owners of blue eyes. In addition, this shade of hair is best paired with fair skin. When choosing a bluish-black shade of hair, remember that it is not suitable for everyone.

Ash black

Ash black hair is becoming a key trend of the new season. At the same time, I would like to note that the ashy shade significantly predominates in this hair color. Ash-looking unusual, and they will be an excellent solution for the owners of fair skin and gray eyes.

Black chocolate

Hair shade dark chocolate is probably the most popular color of the past year. Maybe that is why the designers decided to keep the trend, giving preference to chocolate notes. Hair tint dark chocolate is also known as dark chocolate. It forms a bright image and suits the owners of both dark and fair skin. As for the color of the eyes, here dark chocolate is equally well combined with both blue and brown eyes.

Black hair dye: options

Cream paint 5/81 Wella Illumina Color Cool, pearl-ash brown
L'Oreal Paris Sublime Mousse 331

L'Oreal Paris Casting Crème Gloss Cream Gloss, color - 323 Dark chocolate
L'Oreal Paris Preference # p12 blue-black
2-10 bluish black Revlon Professional Revlonissimo NMT
6/34 Wella Color Fresh Acid
1-1 Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Royal Naturals, color - black sandre
L'Oreal Paris Prodigy 3.0 Dark Chocolate
4-99 Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Royal Reds, color - medium brown extra violet
L'Oreal Paris Sublime Mousse 200 Sensual Black
L'Oreal Paris Brazil dark chestnut (No. 3)
L'Oreal PRODIGY 1.0 Obsidian
L'Oreal Paris Excellence Creme 3 Dark chestnut
L'Oreal Paris Casting Cream Gloss 100 Black Vanilla
L'Oreal Paris Preference P17 Deep Black
1-0 Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Royal Naturals, color - natural black

Fashionable hair coloring with black shades
The most popular type of staining is ombre, as well as the popular sombre technique.

Many women often come to the decision to change their natural color, hide gray hair or change their image. And the main thing is to choose the desired color and paint. Black is the most elegant and stylish color. But it is not universal and does not suit everyone. And also black hair dye is not easy to remove. She is just as harmful as blond. Black color makes the skin of the face pale and in some cases the face may look unhealthy, even minor imperfections will become visible on it: wrinkles and pimples. Therefore, before you decide to dye your hair black, think carefully.

The use of black hair dye requires constant, timely coloring of the roots. Caring for black hair is not an easy task.

First of all, the popularity of black hair is caused in contrast to the stereotypical image of a silly blonde, which implies tenderness and weakness. Black, on the other hand, embodies strength, power, confidence. The femme fatale look with black hair, red lipstick and high heels will never go out of style.

Also, the reason for the popularity is the desire to stand out, since the black color gives individuality to the image.

Natural black hair color is rarely bright and expressive. For this reason, natural brunettes use paint to accentuate the hue.

The popularity of black hair is growing from year to year. It is associated with energy and determination.

Before dyeing your hair in a popular shade, pay attention to the features of your appearance. Black is suitable for swarthy girls with dark eyes. Natural blondes with fair skin and eyes are not recommended to experiment with this color.

Black color looks natural on owners of dark skin and. And for fair-skinned girls, he will give extravagance.

The better to dye your hair black

The safest way to dye it black is natural basma product. Which is used in combination with henna and coffee.

If, for some reason, basma staining is not suitable for you, then use the products of cosmetic companies, which are presented in a huge variety. For example, tint mousses - they are safe, used as shampoo, washed off after a week. Also, ammonia-free paints are safe, without chemical elements. Staining with such paints is also not long-term.

If you are not satisfied with temporary coloring, then use a long-lasting black hair dye. It stays on the hair for about two months. But these dyes can be harmful to health. And do not forget that you will have to constantly tint the overgrown roots.

Don't skimp on your health. Buy high-quality dye containing vitamins and elements that protect hair from hair loss, drying out and brittleness.

How to dye your hair with basma

Basma is a natural black hair dye. It is obtained from the leaves of the indigo plant. It contains ingredients that give hair a healthy shine, protect against hair loss and stimulate hair growth. But basma-dyed hair does not have a rich color for long. Basma is available in powder, which must be used immediately after dilution.

Be sure to test before staining. Paint a single strand at the back of your head.

In its pure form, the appearance of blue or green shades is possible, therefore, you should correctly dye your hair with Basma. To do this, depending on the length of the hair, mix 50-100 grams of powder with henna (2: 1 ratio). Do not overdo it with henna, otherwise you will get a dark chestnut shade. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and stir until smooth and the lumps disappear. Then you should cover and leave for 30-40 minutes. Apply the ready-made formula to clean, damp hair, first to the roots, and then distribute over the entire length. Leave for an hour and a half, then rinse with warm water. The lighter the hair, the richer the shade will turn out.

The infusion is done in the following way. Pour 25 grams of basma and henna each with 1.5 liters of boiling water. Cool and strain. Rinse your hair with infusion. The infusion will not only retain color, but also strengthen the roots.

Do not apply chemical influences before dyeing (straightening, use of chemical dyes), and after dyeing with basma - hair dye with a chemical composition. This can lead to unexpected results.

Black paint from world brands

World cosmetic companies offer several types of coloring: tint (mousse), ammonia-free and persistent. The most famous global brands offering hair dyes are L Oreal, Garnier, Syoss, Schwarzkopf, Palet and others.

Garnier company produces black hair dye using oils (Garnier Olia). Contains natural ingredients. This long-lasting cream color shows maximum expressiveness. This is facilitated by the oil content, which delivers the dye to the hair core. The dye has a pleasant smell. it is applied and distributed through the hair easily and well absorbed. After dyeing and soft, they are endowed with nourishment and long-lasting deep black color.

Black hair dye Palet has long-lasting saturated tones. Contains ammonia, which is unacceptable for dry and. Palette dyes are divided into 3 classes in terms of color fastness: tint balms (washed off after 6-8 times), semi-permanent hair dye (contains vitamins and components that take care of hair health), persistent dye that can dry out hair. This is due to the structure of the hair. Frequent shampooing does not affect the brightness and color saturation when using permanent paint.

All hair dyes have both advantages and disadvantages. Some are harmless, but wash off quickly; others are persistent, but harm the condition of the hair. Decide on the choice of paint, taking into account the result you want.

Rules for dyeing hair with black paint

First, choose a quality dye that suits your hair type. If the decision to become the owner of black hair is not final, use a tint mousse or balm first.

To maintain the structure of the hair, follow the instructions that came with the dye. By not properly diluting or overexposing the paint, you can get peeling of the scalp, fragility and hair loss, dandruff.

Buy paint with a minimum ammonia content, give preference to gentle coloring. Also do a sensitivity test. Apply some paint on the inside of your elbow and leave it on for a while (from an hour to a day).

Use the greenhouse effect (tying the head with a bag and a towel) only after applying natural paints. This method is not suitable for permanent paints.

When coloring the roots, try not to color the rest of your hair. If absolutely necessary, apply paint a few minutes before rinsing off. And to restore hair after dyeing, use special masks and balms.

If you color your hair yourself, apply face cream to your forehead, ears and temples. This will prevent the appearance of black spots on the skin of the face.

A day before dyeing with black paint, you can apply a smoothing agent. Then the paint will lay flat, and you will get a rich deep shade.

How to wash off black paint yourself

When there is a desire to change hair color, the question arises: "How to wash off black paint?" And this is very difficult to do. It is almost impossible to completely remove the black color right away. But using some methods can wash away the black dye from the hair over time.

Get a special product - a wash. Despite its softness and gentle effect, do not forget that it contains ammonia. Apply the remover to dry hair, leave on for 30-40 minutes. Rinse your hair first with hot water and shampoo and then with cold water to close the flakes of the hair. Following the instructions, repeat the procedure several times. When using a wash, the hair will be lightened by 3-4 tones. If you cannot cope on your own, then in any salon you will be offered this service.

Lighteners and oxidizing hair dyes are powerful and effective in removing black dyes from hair. Lightening occurs only by 1-2 tones. This will improve the condition of the curls and their appearance.

When using products for washing off black hair, strictly follow the instructions. In case of difficulties, consult a specialist.

To get rid of the black shade on your own, use a homemade lemon and honey mask. Heat a mixture of a large ripe lemon and two tablespoons of honey. Apply to hair for 5-6 hours wearing polyethylene.

Try an ascorbic acid shampoo. Add 20 crushed tablets to half a glass of shampoo. Can be used daily.

Mix until smooth 100 milliliters of kefir, two eggs, lemon juice, 4 tablespoons of vodka and a teaspoon of high PH shampoo. Apply to hair starting from roots. Keep it for 7-8 hours by wearing a shower cap and a towel wrapped around your head. Rinse with warm water and apply balm.

How to update black hair color at home

In order not to soon have to update the color, use special shampoos for colored hair. Apply hair masks regularly. To preserve color, rinse with rosemary infusion. Dilute two tablespoons of rosemary with 1.5 liters of water. Boil for 3 minutes. Refrigerate and strain. This will add shine to your hair.

Use a spruce mask to refresh your hair color. Boil the spruce bark with boiling water and apply for an hour.

If you want to give your hair a dark brown shade, then pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over 5 tablespoons of linden leaves, flowers or twigs. Boil until a third of the liquid has evaporated.

To add shine and renew hair, the following is suitable. Toss three egg yolks, 6 tablespoons of lemon juice, and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Leave it on for a short time and it will become shiny and refreshed.

Also, the black color will help refresh the mask of walnut leaves. Boil 10 walnut leaves, 10 grams of tea leaves, filled with boiling water for several minutes in an enamel bowl. Cool, strain and place in a dark glass bottle. Every morning, comb your hair with a comb dipped in broth. Store the broth in a cool place out of direct sunlight.