What if dad drinks every day? What to do if the father drinks

The hardest thing in a family where dad drinks is a child. Sharply changing behavior, unpredictability of reactions, aggression, quarrels and scandals hurt the psyche of children. They cannot help but love their parents, so they are looking for ways to save the family from trouble. It is difficult to realize and accept the fact of alcoholism of the father and already grown children, if the addiction to alcohol appeared in adulthood.

Onset of the disease

Emotions experienced in childhood are acutely and painfully imprinted in the mind, children of drinking parents always differ from children from prosperous families.

Drinking dad is very embarrassing, it can bring trouble, it is a constant threat of scandal, but you cannot tell anyone about it.

Often the children of drunkards perceive what is happening in this way and do not know what to do and who to turn to for help.

They learn early to hide their emotions, are silent about the fact that dad offends them and mom, but all this leads to the destruction of the personality. There should be a wise and understanding person next to the child who can be completely trusted - a relative, a teacher, a psychologist of an educational institution. Knowing about the problems in the family, others should try to help the little person.

Reasons for addiction

The state of intoxication is very similar to illness. The accompanying hangover syndrome leaves no doubt in the child that dad is seriously ill.

As an adult, the child begins to blame himself for what is happening:

  • brought bad grades;
  • did not cope with the assigned case;
  • could not pull up as many times as dad wanted.

Important! In fact, the reasons why the head of the family began to pawn by the collar have nothing to do with the child. The root of evil is in the alcoholic himself, the rest is speculation in attempts to justify himself.

Dad can drink for the following reasons:

You can find many more reasons to explain alcoholism. But the main thing is weakness, unwillingness to solve problems, finding the easiest way. A man tries to forget himself and not think, believes that the problem will be solved by itself or will stop worrying.

How to react

Many scary stories can be recalled by everyone who is in the same house with an alcoholic father. Children often hate their fathers, delete them from life, subconsciously feeling guilty for not being able to save them.

But what if daddy drinks? Any attempt to stand up for himself or his mother turns into beatings or reproaches, mom forgives dad and gives him chance after chance, but with each drunkenness, the father becomes more terrible.

There are several important things that children from these families should know:

  • no need to provoke a drunk father, shout at him or appeal to his conscience - he still won't understand;
  • drunkenness and alcoholism is a disease that changes a person's personality, but it is treatable;
  • to abandon a father just because he drinks without trying to fight is to betray him;
  • you do not need to take seriously everything that a parent says while intoxicated - the disease speaks for him;
  • aggressive behavior, attempts to hit - this is a life-threatening situation, while you are not ashamed to run away to call someone for help;
  • if the father tends to show aggression, you need to keep any piercing and cutting objects as far as possible so that the man does not injure himself or others.

A quiet or vicious alcoholic father is equally scary and equally requires adult intervention.

We need to try to explain this to mom, until the child protection specialists intervened, together to persuade the father to accept help. Doctors can help save the father by prescribing treatment in specialized clinics or at home. There are effective medicines and techniques for this.

But if there is no one to save himself, treatment will not help. Therefore, the family should support the drunken person, his attempts to recover, and not turn away from him.

How can you help

If your father suffers from alcohol addiction, this is a serious problem. But they say love works wonders. Even a child can try to help the father if he makes his way to his consciousness.

Spree every day

Psychologists often talk about the anxiety and emotional problems of a child who sees how dad suddenly starts drinking a bottle of beer or a glass of cognac every day.

An honest letter from the reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back very drunk every day, was rude, drank his salary. I really got scared when I pushed for the first time. Me, then daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so in a circle: lack of money, debts, abuse, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings we apologize. We've even coded everything we've tried. Not to mention the conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, just not my husband). After coding, I didn't drink for half a year, everything seemed to be better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcoholic drug on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely dropped my hands, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think ?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, I began to look more decent, my health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, he drank a course of alcoholic toxicity, and for six months already, no-no, at work, he was promoted, his daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

Neither mom nor dad even thought to explain to the child that his father watches sports programs and thus “cheers” for his pets, or the doctors recommended to relax in this way before going to bed, or a drink with the smell of alcohol is just one of the medicines.

Help in this case is required for the baby with his vivid imagination and unwillingness to share his experiences with parents. It is important to explain to him that if nothing has changed in the family, if the father's behavior remains the same, as well as the attitude towards family members, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

It is good if the situation is not as dire as the imagination of a receptive and emotional child draws. To calm him down, a simple, frank conversation is enough.

Problems in vodka

The situation is different if the younger members of the family understand perfectly well that dad is drinking vodka. Seeing a drunk father every day is a real challenge. But drunken alcoholics also have periods of enlightenment, when you can simply explain what loved ones feel, how hard it is to look at a falling man, try to persuade him to seek help.

You should not immediately blame your father for alcoholism, because only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Talking to a reputable and trustworthy person, talking frankly with the head of the family will help you get agreement to help.

Sudden breakdowns

Sometimes grief or stress plunges a person into the abyss of despair. He begins to drink often and a lot, trying to forget himself. In this situation, it is important to find the reason for what is happening, to make it clear that there are people nearby who are dear to a man and who are ready to help.

The father may not understand how strong the addiction has become, this can be explained quite simply:

Of course, you definitely need to choose the right moment when dad is sober, not aggressive. In a family where everything was fine before, such methods help to break through to consciousness, to return a person to a normal life.

Fathers and Sons

It is difficult, and when the father started drinking in adulthood. Realizing that he has grown old and is not needed by his children and relatives, that now they are doing just fine without him, an elderly man can start taking alcohol.

At any age, parents need attention and constant confirmation that they are needed. Your favorite business or hobby saves you from addiction: walking in the woods, traveling, working with wood, clay or iron. You need to help your father find what he likes.

Dad may also lack ordinary communication. It is worth teaching him how to work on a computer, showing groups, forums with topics of interest to him, social networks in which he can find old acquaintances.

Treat or Maintain?

Common abuse can be stopped with persuasion and counseling. But when the father honestly says that he cannot stop himself, one should think about drug treatment. Especially when it comes to a person of age.

Before starting therapy for alcoholism, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Alcohol destroys all organs, increases the risk of premature death from heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, treatment must be comprehensive.
  2. Self-medication, abrupt withdrawal from alcohol can also cause irreparable harm.
  3. The joint work of psychologists, cardiologists, therapists will help reduce the likelihood of serious complications.
  4. Psychological support and care will be required for the rest of your life.

Important! You should never lose hope and panic. Even children should know that they should not be afraid to seek help, they need to sound the alarm as early as possible in order to save the head of the family.

Special video: the power of prayer

In addition to support and patience from loved ones, as well as special treatment, there are other options for dealing with alcoholism. It is believed that sincere prayers for a loved one can help a lot. Watch the video to see how best to do this.

The main thing is not to give up and not despair. Then the problem will be definitely resolved.


When dad drinks - it’s bad, but not ashamed, it’s no one's fault. Alcoholism is a disease that requires treatment. Realizing this will help to cope with pain and prejudice, to gain attention to the problem of both family members and specialists who can pull a man out of the clutches of a green snake.

When a father drinks in a family and does not want to change anything, things need to be taken into their own hands.

Alcohol addiction is nowadays the most common disease that has affected many families.

It arises from the habit of frequently consuming alcoholic beverages, and the drinker does not always himself realize that he has fallen into the trap of a green snake. Because of this, numerous quarrels arise, and if nothing is done, the family eventually falls apart. Not only a woman suffers from a drinking man in the house, but also children who are left without attention, care and education from the father.

Signs of alcoholism in men

With regular drinking, you can see the following primary signs of alcohol dependence:

  • constant use of alcohol;
  • feeling unwell;
  • the manifestation of irritation for any reason and even anger;
  • aggression;
  • absence of nausea and vomiting even after prolonged use of alcohol.

If you do not do anything about it or let it go, then the man will have the second stage of the disease:

  • the appearance of a hangover syndrome (general malaise, accompanied by headache, dizziness and nausea);
  • insomnia;
  • restlessness and feelings of anxiety, perhaps even fear.

Such manifestations must be treated in order to avoid mental illness of the drinking person. Alcohol dependence can also cause a decrease in potency, deterioration of the work of internal organs, diseases of the cardiovascular system. External signs become visible almost immediately: impaired coordination, trembling hands, a swollen face, and profuse salivation.

What if the father drinks in the family?

Every wife who respects herself and her husband is obliged to help the dependent spouse at all costs. Nowadays, there are many different methods of treating alcoholism. But how do you get Dad to stop drinking? Someone resorts to drug treatment, and someone even to alternative medicine. But a drinking man is a problem not only for his wife, but also for children. Few people wonder how a child feels when his dad drinks. First of all, the child at first does not understand why the father's attitude towards him has changed dramatically - frequent scandals for no reason, reproaches, aggression and even assault. Most often, when the father drinks, the child feels depressed, upset, and sometimes he is even scared of the fact that a loved one, when he is drunk, becomes inadequate, nervous and not at all the same as he was before. Here are some tips on how to resolve this situation without conflicts.

A sober assessment of the situation

It is clear that in this situation it will be difficult to simply calm down and not panic. It is clearly necessary to understand that we are talking about such important things as the health of the father and the further preservation of peace in the family. Therefore, it is worth giving up unnecessary tantrums, taking time for yourself to think it over, calm down, ask for advice from people close to you. It also happens that many exaggerate everything too much, and it is difficult to assess how serious everything is, maybe things are not so bad and there is no need to sound the alarm. After all, there are different situations: when daddy in the evening after work allows himself to drink a bottle of beer and when he drinks the strongest drinks almost every day. Of course, in any case, the use of alcohol in any dose has this bad effect on the body. Especially if the dad has health problems. In no case should you create a scandal, because by doing so you risk causing aggression in your direction, even if the conversation is with a sober father.

Any child whose parents drink, no matter if it's dad or mom, will be reluctant to talk about what worries him. Many are ashamed of their parents, they are afraid of condemnation from other people. But it is necessary to talk about it. It is quite clear that there is no need to shout about it at every corner. You just need to talk to people you can trust. They can be relatives or close friends. Firstly, this will make the child feel better, and secondly, these people can help him, since it is very difficult to cope with this alone. You can also ask someone from the adults, it is best to be a friend or brother of the child's dad, whom he can obey. However, it is necessary to be very careful not to involve absolutely outsiders in such an important matter, who do not in any way belong to this family (neighbors, acquaintances and other people).

Intimate talk

The most important thing is not to start dotting the i's while the child's dad is in alcoholic intoxication. It will simply not lead to anything good, it will be useless. It is worth approaching the matter when the father is sober and can adequately communicate with the child. There is no need to start a conversation with harsh statements and teachings about how you can and how you can not. Any criticism is annoying and negative, so you will not really achieve anything. It will be best if you try to praise dad for a start, say that you love him, that the fact that he abuses alcohol is bad not only for the child, but also for other family members. Add that the child is very worried about his health and suffers a lot when he is drunk, tell, and it is better to show a video in which the dad is drunk, that he says in such a state. It is important to explain that the child sincerely wants everything to work out in the family, and that he is looking for a two-way solution to this problem. It will not be superfluous to bring several vivid memories of how he and his dad spent time before.

What if the father continues to drink?

If, nevertheless, it did not work out to pity dad, you need to approach him from the side of general concern about his health. After all, alcohol consumption negatively affects the work of internal organs and the state of health in general. Ask your father if he likes the hangover, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, headaches, loss of appetite. Ask him to remember how he felt before he started drinking. Let him mentally try to compare these moments. Ask if he wants to return that time? If the answer is positive, then there is definitely hope to fix everything.

Methods for getting rid of alcohol addiction

It has long been known that alcoholism is more than just drinking in large quantities. Alcoholism is a rather serious disease. Many families of the drinking person simply turn away from him, not wanting to interfere. A huge number of women and children get tired of fighting and endure the antics of a drinking father. But this is not an option at all. In no case should one turn away from an alcohol addict, and even more so let everything take its course. Of course, it is not so easy to get rid of this ailment. First of all, it is worth convincing the dad to fight alcohol addiction and start treatment, having previously consulted with a doctor. There are different ways to combat alcoholism. Moral support has a significant impact, because it will be very difficult for dad to fight alone or not at all.

Drops from alcoholism

Now there are many different drugs for alcohol dependence. If the child's dad drinks, you can try special drops for alcoholism. For many people, they have become a real lifesaver. The principle of their action lies in the fact that they cause a wild aversion to alcoholic beverages, and then intolerance to alcohol in general. This method helps to overcome constant binge drinking even without the knowledge of the alcoholic and contributes to the person to stop drinking. But it will be better if you still inform your father about it, otherwise after he himself understands this, you risk causing a wave of indignation on his part. It is worth remembering that such drops can be used only after consulting a narcologist. If this method does not help the father, then it is already worth thinking about the encoding.

What to do if dad drinks because of depression?

Depression is a complex phenomenon, and most people look for solutions to problems in a glass. If the father drinks precisely because of depression, then you need to act immediately. You cannot allow a loved one to drown their problems in alcohol. It is imperative to talk heart to heart with the father, listen to him, offer his help and promise that he can always rely on his child, but not when he is drunk. We need to try to explain to him reasonably that vodka does not actually solve problems, but only aggravates everything. It is important to remember that in practice, as a rule, a person stops drinking when he himself realizes that it is bad. In most cases, other people's arguments from the outside have less impact. But do not forget that any dad needs psychological help anyway.

Advice from the personal experience of those who have experienced alcoholism

Many people have experienced the horror of life next to their father who drinks. It’s unbearably hard to see Daddy drunk. Most do not immediately understand what to do in such situations, but there are some tips that helped the close people of the drinking person to defeat the addiction:

  1. There is no need to turn away from your dad, because this is still a disease, and not just a whim.
  2. Try in every possible way to help him get out of a drunken state.
  3. Find time to always be there. Especially in those moments when the father moves away from drunkenness. Sooner or later, he will appreciate this and understand that not everyone has turned away from him, which means that he will have the motivation to fight.
  4. Praise all his attempts to stop drinking.
  5. Help establish a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for your feedback.

Comments (1)

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don't know what to do ((I thought about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I’m sorry for my husband, so he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their marginal markup. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not marketed through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. To date, you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment is on receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I just can't influence him ((

It is difficult to describe the feelings that a child experiences when he sees his father drunk, when his beloved dad not only does not understand what he is doing and why, but also begins to scandal without reason, demand incomprehensible, and sometimes even beat people close to him. At such moments, it is difficult to believe that this inadequate person can be your father. The situation is difficult and sometimes it seems hopeless, because you simply do not understand what to do: where to call, to whom, what to say and what to do in general. Who can help when the father is drinking ?!

As a rule, the child experiences a wild fear that his own father has become an insane person, not at all the same as he was known before. Endless worries about your mom, brother, sister and yourself are maddening. It seems that no one will be able to help ... However, this is not so! Understand that if your father drinks - this does not mean that the end of your quiet life or your family as a whole has come. It is enough just to look at the things happening with different eyes.

Calm down and assess the situation soberly

The most difficult thing now will be to calm down. I understand that it will be very difficult to do this, because the life of your father and the future of your family are at stake, but only calmness and “cold mind” can suggest a way out of this situation. To calm down, it is enough to leave the house, take a walk in the fresh air, chat with friends and, in extreme cases, drink a sedative (preferably in the form of a syrup, since in this case it is difficult to mix up the dose and it is absolutely not dangerous to health).

After you calm down - soberly assess the situation you are in, maybe not everything is as bad as you think. After all, the cases are different for everyone: someone's father drinks liters of vodka, and someone's bottle of beer in the evening. In addition, take into account the health of the father, if he is often sick and has a weak body, then, in principle, any dose on the body will have a negative effect.

Often, children can exaggerate, make an elephant out of a fly, i.e. it is groundless to accuse the father of being an inveterate alcoholic. Such reproaches can naturally cause aggression towards oneself, and whether he is drunk or not.

Tell family and close friends about the problem

Remember that for a father you will remain a child at any age, that is, he is unlikely to follow your advice, so you will need the help of an adult: a relative or a close family friend. In addition, no one can even guess about your problem, so if you want to help your dad quickly get rid of this addiction, then be sure to call for help. It is better that this is a man close to your family, because he will help you like a man in this situation, while women in this case are usually powerless.

However, here it is worth considering that only really close relatives and friends of the family should be told about this, but by no means neighbors, acquaintances and other people who have nothing to do with your family. Otherwise, just ruin your family's reputation, they will think of it as dysfunctional. Plus, gossip can cause problems at my dad's job.

Have a serious talk with a sober dad.

Of course, it’s impossible to explain something to your father when he’s drunk, but when he’s sober, there’s a chance! However, do not try to preach, as it is very annoying, especially when you hear this from your child. It is better to do this: praise him for his sobriety, find and tell about the reasons why you love so much when he does not drink, and then press on pity - cry, remembering what he did.

There is one very important nuance here: your words and tears must be sincere. No parent can stand the tears of a child. If it's difficult to strike up a conversation with your dad, then start by remembering how you went somewhere, walked or played together.

Think over what you should do in an emergency

Understand that if your father drinks often, this is a symptom of illness, and not his whim. Alcohol causes a very wild addiction, called addiction, it cannot be compared with anything, except perhaps with a lack of oxygen, but only in a slightly different form. You can't just get rid of alcoholism (you need to have a lot of willpower), and only coding will help here.

If you don't encode your father, but let him continue to drink, then first of all you need to fear for his health. Alcohol is very dangerous for the body, it can even lead to cardiac arrest, therefore, when the father drinks, try to be nearby (in the same apartment) in order to either help him in an emergency (for example, do an indirect heart massage), or call an ambulance help.

How can you help dad: if a person first drinks a lot of alcohol, then a sharp refusal can cause cardiac arrest, that is, you need to gradually move away from prolonged drinking, therefore, when your father asks you to buy / bring him at least a sip of alcohol and you see that he really feels bad (pallor of the face, weakness, strong trembling of hands), then do not be lazy and bring him some alcohol. In addition, when drunk, dad can simply fall, choke, choke, etc. therefore, in such moments, treat him with attention, do not leave him!

I personally experienced the bitterness of life next to my father who drinks. It was difficult, or even better to say, unbearably difficult, to see my dad like that. I did not know what to do at that time, but time has passed and now I can give advice from personal experience on this matter. So, if your father drinks, then:

  • you cannot turn away from him, but, on the contrary, try to help in every possible way to get out of this state (as soon as you can);
  • you cannot be offended by him, tk. it is a disease, not a whim;
  • to be always near (especially in those minutes when he “moves away” from drinking), so that he sees and understands that someone needs him in this life, which means he needs to fight;
  • in every possible way to encourage all his attempts to stop drinking and lead a healthy lifestyle.

I wish you that such a misfortune as alcohol dependence never touches your family!

What to do if dad drinks every day, brawls or hits his wife or child, and then the next morning behaves as if nothing had happened, and all this happens due to the craving for alcohol. After all, the father at this moment not only drinks, but also breaks down on the child. Mom is constantly in tears, and the opinion of others does not bother in any way, even the reasoning of the church does not give anything useful. When women understand that their husbands drink drunkenly, and nothing affects them, as the drinker drank, and the drinker remained, then only one question arises: is it possible to do something so that he gives up his addiction and returns to his family.

How to tell if a dad in a family has a drinking problem

If dad regularly drinks alcoholic beverages, then over time you can observe the following signs:

  • The man drinks heavily every day.
  • Feeling unwell day after day.
  • Every time, for any reason, dad becomes irritable or angry about little things.
  • Often he shows aggression and hits mother and child.
  • Does not feel nausea or gag reflex, even if copious amounts of alcohol have been taken.

If the mother does not start looking for any opportunities for the father to find a healthy life and stop drinking alcohol, then the following can be expected:

  1. A frequent manifestation of a hangover, which develops into a drunken state, when dad will be hung over with alcohol and do everything on his own to rid himself of this feeling. However, if a person continues to drink, then the condition becomes worse and worse every day.
  2. The father has insomnia when he drinks.
  3. Mom notices that Dad begins to feel anxiety or panic, which is constantly intense.

And so that the father does not feel more vulnerable every day, health must be tackled with all his might in a different way, mental illness cannot be avoided. In addition, alcoholism can cause a deterioration in the potency of men, dysfunctions of the body, and heart function. By external indicators, you can almost immediately notice whether the father has problems with alcohol or not. Determined by coordination of movements, tremors in the upper limbs, swollen face and increased sweating.

What to do if dad drinks alcohol all the time

If a woman loves her man and wants him to be next to her, to notice her child, then she must provide full assistance in order to protect from addiction. There are many different ways and methods of solving such a problem in the world: from the help of specialists to the intervention of the church. But what should the family do so that their dad stops drinking every day, which way to choose. Some try to take action and use alternative medicine day after day without the addict's knowledge, while others try to persuade their men to clinical treatment. But a drinking husband is not only a problem of his wife, but also of their child, as he constantly has to watch scandals on the basis of alcohol intoxication. And it's especially bad if he hits the family.

Alcoholism has a devastating effect on family relationships and the development of children.

After some observation, the child can make a logical conclusion about why the father changed his attitude towards him, since he feels that after he drank, the behavior changes dramatically for the worse. By the outward signs of the child, you can see whether the father is drinking: if the baby feels constantly depressed, upset and he is very often scared, then one of his relatives is dependent on alcohol, since the child feels that the father (after all, it is they often succumb to the influence of alcohol) has changed a lot.

How to assess the "sober" situation

Naturally, the mother will not behave calmly in order to please her husband in any way, since
there will be no result and thus will not force the person to quit. It is worth understanding that the man's health and marital status are at stake. Therefore, if a woman wants to save the family, she should give up hysterics, but in no case should she support in drunkenness, because if the mother uses with her father in order to try to somehow show support, then the problem will never end and the person will not part with a bottle. After all, there are cases when a woman with her own hands aggravates the situation. When the situation is inherently not dangerous, since it is not always possible to distinguish where the abuse is, and where is the way to relax and rest from some stressful day, remarks can lead to a quarrel. If dad can occasionally afford a bottle of beer after work, you shouldn't scream, but if he drinks every day, then something needs to be done.

When a man came home under the influence of alcohol, it makes no sense to arrange scandals, since he will not hear and accept reproaches in his direction in the right way. In addition, a woman runs the risk of causing a surge of negative emotions in a man if she begins to scold while drunk.

Sincere conversation

You should not demand something from a person and verbally load when he is under the influence alcohol. This can negatively affect family relationships and cause an emotional outburst in an alcoholic, since such people are not psychologically stable during intoxication. It is better to start a sincere conversation when the father is in a sober state. After all, any loud words or criticism causes only irritation, and the presentation of information is viewed as negative outbursts towards the drinker. With a sober father, a mother should start a conversation correctly, saying that he is loved, but if he drinks, not only the spouse suffers from this, but also the child, who is forced to watch the process. And instead of eloquent words, it is better to provide a video recording where the father was recorded in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

It is very important to correctly explain to the person that the family wants to deal with the situation normally, so that the husband does not look for an ambiguous meaning in the claims and does not regard this as a presentation of a break in relations. You need to try to replace alcohol with something pleasant for him: spend more time together, do a pleasant massage after a busy day, so that he does not want to seek solace in a bottle.

The attitude of the church towards drinking people

In the first place, the church's opinion of people who drink is not strictly negative. Alcoholism is a disease body and a serious degree of disturbance of state of mind and balance. Also, according to the church, alcoholism is regarded as a bad legacy or a consequence of a bad upbringing. And when a drinking person enters into a legal relationship, then such a phenomenon is treated as an ordinary marriage, without adding any stigma to this phenomenon. For the church, a drinking spouse is a sick and crippled person who needs to be saved and something to be done in order to wrest him out of the clutches of the harmful influence of alcohol. According to the church, a person is a person with all his shortcomings. And if his faith is not broken, reaches out to God, despite the addiction, then he simply needs to heal a broken spirit and gain willpower.

What to do if your father doesn't stop drinking

If you did not succeed in persuading you to a sober life with the help of the church, pity or persuasion, then you need to approach from the other side. Let mom try to point out to her husband the symptoms of diseases acquired while he drank heavily. It should be emphasized that alcohol disrupts the functional abilities of all internal organs. In addition, you need to ask the drinking dad if he likes to suffer from a hangover in the morning, to feel discomfort in the stomach, to endure severe headaches. And it will also be useful to ask how he felt before that fateful day when he became addicted to the bottle. Let the man compare such moments and determine for himself whether he wants to make up for lost time again. If the answer is yes, then the family has every chance of snatching the man out of their green snake paws without the intervention of the church, clinics and special drugs. It's important to start taking the right steps without delay.

Depression is a complex psychological shock that people prefer to get rid of with the help of
alcohol. And if dad drinks because of a depression, then it is important to help in time. A person needs to be shown that he has the support of his family and it is not at all necessary to drown his problems under the yoke of alcohol. It should be brought to a frank conversation, listen to problems, and say that he can always count on the support of relatives, but only in a sober state. From the point of view of the church, alcoholics are mentally wounded people, and if they go through depression, then their wound is doubly painful. Therefore, you need to show the person that he will be supported, understood and listened to.
If a man often kisses a bottle, there is no need to leave and look for another, because drunkenness can hide a serious psychological trauma, which must be helped to cope with.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor, one or another means and methods cannot be used. Be healthy!

The illness of a loved one always causes the worst feelings. There is a desire to help correct the situation in all available ways. If your own dad drinks, this is grief in the family. Alcohol can lead to dire health consequences and negatively affect loved ones. What if the father is an alcoholic in the family? Consider ways to help someone addicted to the slow killer alcohol. For a complete assessment of the situation, we will arm ourselves with knowledge about the effect of alcohol on the psyche and the stages of development of the disease.

Let's help our own father get rid of the slow killer

Alcohol addiction gradually destroys the body, human psyche and social status. The narcotic effect of ethanol has been studied by narcologists for many years. But alcohol zm continues to spread, luring people with a lack of willpower on a deadly path. It becomes especially difficult when a loved one becomes an alcoholic. Every dad in the family is a breadwinner, protector and guarantee of well-being. And your conscience does not allow to look indifferently as your life collapses.

The disease of alcoholism is well studied and methods of helping addicted people have been developed. To start doing something, you need to correctly diagnose the degree of the disease. To diagnose dad's drunkenness, let's assess the situation:

  • Let's determine the frequency and duration of alcohol intake. Let us establish the reason for the development of drunkenness and what prompts us to raise a glass each time.
  • It is necessary to understand whether the behavior has changed under the influence of alcohol.
  • The strength of the drinks and the variety matter. Beer alcoholism differs from vodka alcoholism and will require additional measures.
  • Let's evaluate the environment in which he drinks, and the level of influence of each drinking companion on the dad. If your dad is an alcoholic drinker all day, you need to do something about it. Let's check out Dad's other interests outside of alcohol.
  • Interview the alcoholic's father about his health. Does he feel ailments, pains and weakness? It is necessary to make sure that there are no developing diseases, of which at least three are counted in alcohol addicts. The liver always aches, the head hurts and the heart rhythm is disturbed.

Consider the hazardous effects of ethanol and the stages of addiction.

Forms of development of alcoholism

Let's consider the main criterion for the definition of alcoholism - the stage of addiction. There are three stages of development. Each stage in the development of alcoholism has certain characteristics. From the definition of the stage of addiction, drug treatment specialists are repelled in their actions. Let's follow their example and define the level by general criteria.

The disease goes through all three stages. Types of stages of alcoholism:

The initial stage of alcoholism

In the development of the disease, there is little interest in alcoholic beverages. The presence of alcohol does not become the goal of communication, the main task of alcohol is to support the conversations and the mood of the assembled people. At times, the vessels with drinks remain intact for the entire evening of the celebration. The frequency of alcohol intake is more than a month.

If a person makes holidays more than once a month, then the state of intoxication begins to attract more and more. Reasons to drink are becoming more frequent, phrases "today is Friday" or "today is a day off" begin to appear in conversations. At this stage, health is in good condition and there is no difficulty in throwing a glass. The first stage of alcoholism has a short interval and flies by with lightning speed. Dad, not noticing changes in the psyche, becomes a hostage of illusions about the usefulness of alcohol. There comes an imperceptible substitution of values, you can see the changes in the eyes of your father when you try to break the bottle of "sacred liquid".

The second stage of the disease

If a loved one drinks more than once a week, then we conclude that a moderate degree of drunkenness has occurred. When you spend time with your family, you can hear constant jokes about alcohol and drinking. In every corner of the brain there is a place about the benefits of alcohol. A person begins to ridicule teetotal acquaintances, presenting sobriety for stupidity and vice. There is regret for the drinkers and general joy at the sight of the bottle.

Dad's psychology changed at this stage. Addiction spreads to others, he is engaged in the promotion of drinking, teaches how to use the "little white" correctly. The main problem of the middle stage is the acquisition of chronic ailments. If organ disease progresses, dad feels physiological discomfort when sober, and you can notice changes in such a plan by outbursts of aggression for no apparent reason.

Minor pains become the source of the depressive state of the alcoholic. Alcohol becomes a cure for ailments and noticeably improves well-being. Only a loved one can determine the reaction to alcohol and changes in the personality of the dad. Lying becomes the main weapon in the hands of the father to achieve the goals of drinking. Some people begin to make alcohol with their own hands, explaining the action by the benefits and quality of their own drink, but the goal is to have constant access to alcohol.

At the second stage, a painless way out of alcoholism is possible, and it will take a lot of time and effort to restore health. The line of no return is so blurred that it is impossible to predict how long it will take. Continuing to poison his body, the psychology of the Pope undergoes a gradual degradation of personality. It is no longer possible to bring a person to a direct and honest conversation, a protective mechanism has been developed and it makes no sense to make attempts to help, consulting with him.

The third stage of drunkenness

At this stage, a substitution of the values ​​of life took place and we observe a completely different person. Degraded demeanors are unusual for a normal person. Alcohol addiction is at the head of all actions and motivations for action. A complete rejection of alcohol is fraught with dangerous outbursts of rage and frustration, even suicide is possible against the backdrop of surging pains from the breakdown of the body.

With people who have passed to this stage, you need to act carefully in a fraudulent way. With a gradual refusal from drinking, you need to replace alcohol with drugs that will be prescribed by a narcologist. The narcologist will determine the diseases, of which there are a huge number at this stage. Alcoholic dope hid from the carrier the existing pains from chronic diseases and by excluding alcohol, we will give the alcoholic "joy" of an endless bouquet of painful sensations. The psyche of an alcoholic is initially undermined and can not stand it.

The third stage requires serious help and loved ones will not be able to cope on their own in curing the patient. Frequent binges have done a devastating job of destroying all the ingredients of an alcoholic's normal life and it will take a lot of patience to get the result.

The harm of alcohol for dad

If dad drinks alcohol, then there will be negative consequences. These factors include:

  • physiological harm;
  • psychological;
  • social factor.

Highly alcohol dependent people do not notice the harm done in all areas of life. Some influences of alcohol become irreversible and close people should protect the unfortunate person from possible problems. Forms of physiological diseases are irreversible.

Social problems from alcohol

The social harm of alcoholism lies in the indirect effect of drinks on a person's life. An alcoholic father does not notice changes in his behavior in society. Drinking too much can make the brain slow. If an alcoholic has been drinking for a long time, then the process of thinking and constructing semantic answers becomes lengthy. In society, such slow-witted people try to avoid. Communication problems arise that lead to demotion and lack of trust.

An alcoholic father becomes an outcast among normal people and finds acquaintances in similar companies. Acquaintance with antisocial elements can make daddy a chronic alcoholic with criminal inclinations. The goal of drug addicted groups is one - to find another portion to drink and have fun. It is rare for those who drink all day to earn money. Crimes become part of the life of an alcoholic father.

Alcoholics are highly dependent on their environment. If there is a person among them who influences the pope, you should talk with him to instill in the pope the need to start quitting drinking. A favorable outcome of events is possible if it is fully extracted from such companies. The second indirect component of harm is the lack of funds for treatment. If the father drinks all day, then earnings take a back seat. Only grown-up children can help such people.

Every dad drinks for some reason, past or present. A desperate man looks into the bottle. Determining this cause will help make a suggestion about the need for treatment.

The psychological harm of alcohol

Narcotic drinks cause strong psychological and physiological dependence. In the early stages of alcoholism, a person drinks for fun and looks for an excuse to drink. Without a reason, dad may not decide on an alcoholic vacation. Frequency of use leads to the formation of brain signals in a sober state to search for a reason to drink. If the father drinks every day, then this is the second stage of addiction. At the initial stages, it is possible to get out of drunkenness by suggestion or with the help of a psychologist.

Formed addiction at the level of reflexes will not allow giving up alcohol without a depressive disorder. Dad is already strongly dependent on the state of intoxication and will fight for "alcoholic freedom". In such a situation, one cannot be limited to prohibitions. The help of a narcologist and a psychologist will be required, the suggestion of a loved one will become a support on the path of recovery.

Physiological problems with alcohol abuse

Frequent drinking of alcohol contributes to the development of various diseases. Addiction is formed at the physical level. It is difficult to determine the acquisition of the disease from alcohol. But it is known which organs the ethanol molecules act on, affecting its cells. Up to 90% of the damage goes to the liver. The liver is the main organ that removes toxins from the body. Ethanol kills brain cells by disrupting the activity of the nervous system. The protective functions of the body are undermined from disorders of the endocrine system.

Titova Valentina Romanovna