What can you give a child at a temperature of 39. If the temperature is very high and does not go astray. Rubbing with alcohol or vodka

Quite often, parents ask themselves how to bring down the temperature (38, 39, 40C) of a child quickly at home. The reason for this question is that children are prone to frequent inflammation, colds or fever for other reasons. In order to bring down the temperature in a child, it is imperative to identify the reasons for its appearance.

They can be different:

  • infectious and colds (tonsillitis, flu, bronchitis);
  • overheating in the sun (heatstroke);
  • the appearance of teeth;
  • reaction to various vaccinations.

Features of high temperature for various diseases in children

With infectious and colds, for example, with angina, the child's body temperature reaches up to 40 degrees. With a cold, there is a cough, a runny nose, with an infection, itching, vomiting, and upset stomach.

When overheated, the body temperature can also reach up to 40 degrees. The reason for overheating of the body is a long stay of the baby in the sun or in a hot car interior. Overheating causes fever, seizures, loss of consciousness, heartbeat and breathing problems.

When the first milk teeth appear, the child may also have a fever. However, not all children have it. Depending on the reaction of the body, the temperature reaches no higher than 39 degrees. The patient feels sluggish, appetite worsens, moodiness appears, salivation increases.

An increased body temperature is considered a reaction to the vaccine in a child. It reaches up to 38 degrees, but does not last long. The child feels lethargic, there is a slight swelling at the injection site. However, these symptoms are considered to be the body's defenses.

Attention: The baby must have an individual thermometer. Before measuring the temperature, the thermometer must be thoroughly rinsed with water at room temperature with the addition of soap or alcohol.

How to bring down a high temperature in a child

There are several ways to get emergency help for high fever at home:

  1. Creation of coolness.
  2. Rubdown with vinegar.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.

If a child develops a fever during a high temperature, do not wrap him up in blankets, wear warmer clothes, or use a heater next to the crib. This will further increase the temperature, which can result in heat stroke and overheating.

The child should be dressed in light clothing that will not interfere with the release of excess heat. The air temperature in the room where the patient lies should reach up to 21 degrees. The room needs to be ventilated with an air conditioner or fan, but in no case should it be directed at a person.


To quickly bring down the high temperature at home, rubbing the child with vinegar and water will help. For this you need:

  1. Take a glass of vinegar 9% and a glass of water, pour into a bowl.
  2. Soak a towel in this solution and wipe the body, starting with the chest, tummy and back, and ending with the feet, hands and palms. You need to repeat this procedure every two hours.
  3. Also soak a smaller towel in the vinegar solution and apply to your forehead. Make sure that the compress does not dry out. As soon as it heats up and begins to dry, soak it again in the solution and apply on the forehead.

It is impossible to wrap the child in a blanket after the rubdown procedure, so as not to cause a greater increase in temperature. The body must "breathe" freely.

Attention: It is forbidden to rub the body of a child with vinegar, with a violation of the nervous system and having ever suffered convulsions at an elevated temperature.

In the same way, you can use vodka (or alcohol), they carry out the wiping procedure with it, if you need to bring down the temperature to 39 and 40C.

Abundant drink

At high temperatures, if you want to knock it down without medication, it is very important to give plenty of fluids to drink, as fluid is lost through the skin and breath. Therefore, the supply of fluid in the body must be constantly replenished. Drinking plenty of fluids helps eliminate toxins from the body. Most often, young children refuse to eat and drink. But it is necessary to give water in small doses very often to such children.

How to bring down a high temperature in an infant? Mothers need to give breast milk as often as possible, applying to the breast, or ordinary water. And it is useful for a baby after 6 months to brew herbal tea from chamomile, to give fruit drinks from various fruits. But try to give fluids in moderation, otherwise drinking too much can cause the child to vomit.


A useful antipyretic agent that can quickly bring down the temperature in a child is considered a slightly unpleasant, but effective way - an enema with healing properties. To prepare an enema, you need to take a teaspoon of baking soda and dilute it in a glass of water. Such a remedy will reduce fever and remove toxins from the body.

Attention: At high temperatures, children need to give antipyretics several times a day, strictly following their instructions. Antipyretics based on aspirin should not be given to young children!

Video: How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child at home - Komarovsky's advice

Reducing the temperature in children with folk remedies

How to bring down a high temperature in a child with folk remedies? Very simple! The simplest folk remedy is considered to be a cold compress on the forehead made of tea tree or fir and eucalyptus oils. You need to take a cotton cloth, soak it in a few drops of tea, fir or eucalyptus tree oil. The child breathes in vapors of these oils, as a result of which it decreases gradually, viruses disappear, and the infection recedes.

Vitamin tea

The use of vitamin drinks has a very beneficial effect on lowering the temperature. This remedy is effectively used for angina in children. Prepare drinks from cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, rose hips, red currants. They are antipyretic drugs that produce sweat in a child, thereby bringing down a high fever. Also, these drinks are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the body. Its beneficial substances reduce heat. Therefore, include lemon, orange, grapefruit in the diet.

Caution: When feeding a child with citrus fruits, make sure that he does not have an allergic reaction to the fruit and that there is no inflammation in the throat.

Milk with the addition of honey and garlic, herbal tea with lemon, honey, cornelian cherry, cherry or raspberry jam is considered a no less natural remedy for lowering body temperature and sweating.

Herbal decoctions

Medicinal herbs remarkably reduce the temperature: nettle, flower and leaves of ashberry, elderberry, rose hips, mountain ash and linden. When using herbal decoctions, it does not decrease sharply, gradually. You can take a teaspoon of medicinal dandelion roots and leaves. Grind and pour boiling water over. Insist an hour and strain. Give the child 1/3 of a glass to drink before meals in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Dandelion decoction will relieve fever.

Attention: If the baby has an inflammatory bowel disease, an enema cannot be done. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

How to lower the temperature in a child with fever

Cucumber juice

With a feverish condition, cucumber juice will help. You can mix it with honey. Give the child two scoops three times a day.

Decoction of straw

Grind the straw, add it to a saucepan, add a liter of water and boil for half an hour. Insist wrapped in a warm blanket for 2 hours, then drain. Half a glass in the morning, lunchtime and evening. This broth will increase sweating and lower body temperature.


Collect raspberries, pour boiling water over, insist. The raspberry water solution will lower the temperature.

Elderberry infusion

Black elderberry is considered an excellent antipyretic folk remedy. For children, brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and give a quarter of a glass to drink four times a day. It will not only relieve the temperature, but also cure colds.

Antipyretic drugs for children: what to choose

The main antipyretic drugs to bring down a high temperature in a child at home include syrups, potions, chewable tablets, suppositories. However, before giving a child one of these antipyretic drugs, it is necessary to determine whether they are suitable for him or not. Check for different additives and flavors that may trigger allergies. Syrups, potions and chewable tablets lower the temperature in half an hour, candles a little longer. Suppositories are considered much more effective, especially when the child refuses to use pills or potions.

Attention: You should always remember that antipyretic drugs are considered symptomatic, relieve the condition, but do not cure the disease that caused the high fever.

What is forbidden to use at a high temperature in a child

If a child's temperature up to 38 degrees passes without complications, then do not rush to bring it down. Since the immune system at this temperature fights infection in the body, producing interferon. Do not knock it down to 36.6 degrees. It is enough to knock it down by only 2 degrees. This will force the body to fight the virus and will not cause hyperthermia complications.

Attention: Hyperthermia is not considered a disease, but is a reaction of the body to an infection existing in it. Therefore, first of all, you need to treat the main disease, and not try with all your might to bring down the high temperature.

It is not recommended to knock down the temperature from the moment it appeared. You need to give a little time to the body to fight the infection. You cannot constantly bring down the temperature that rises. Infection is an example of a lingering effect that will slow down the body's recovery.

It is strictly forbidden to apply mustard plasters, make alcohol compresses, soar your feet, take a hot shower or bath, put a heating pad, wrap in a blanket, give hot drinks containing caffeine, do not wear warm socks on your feet.

The body temperature in children can rise above normal for various reasons. Most often, it rises against the background of a disease, viral or bacterial. In children from 6-8 months, teeth may begin to erupt, and often this process is accompanied by a high fever, sometimes vomiting. While the baby is breastfed, he has a fairly strong immunity, diseases bypass him. As the baby grows, especially after going out to public places (kindergarten, playground, school), fever, runny nose, cough will become frequent unwanted guests in the life of a little person. At the first unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a doctor. But sometimes it is impossible to quickly get to the hospital when the child has a fever, and you need to help him somehow.

Causes of a high temperature in a child

Normally, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body to any infectious or non-infectious diseases, damage. When infectious agents enter the body, they produce toxins that cause an increase in body temperature. The body, in turn, also produces substances that contribute to the onset of fever. This mechanism is protective, since all metabolic processes are accelerated against the background of high temperatures, many biologically active substances are synthesized more intensively. But when the fever becomes too severe, it itself can cause various complications - for example, febrile seizures. Why does a child have a high fever: infectious diseases (ARVI, "children's" and intestinal infections, other pathologies); non-infectious diseases (diseases of the nervous system, allergic pathology, hormonal disorders, and others); teething (this is one of the most common causes in young children); overheat; preventive vaccinations. There are other causes of fever in a child. These also include many emergencies and acute surgical pathologies. Therefore, for any temperature increase in a child (especially above 38oС), you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to correctly measure the temperature of a small child

Rules for measuring temperature in children: the child must have his own personal thermometer, which is treated with warm water and soap or alcohol before each use; during illness, the temperature is measured at least three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening); measurement should not be taken when the child is heavily wrapped up, crying or overly active; high temperature in the room and taking a bath also increase body temperature; food and drinks, especially hot ones, can increase the temperature in the oral cavity by 1-1.5 ° C, therefore, the measurement in the mouth should be carried out one hour before or one hour after eating; determination of temperature can be carried out in the armpit, rectum or inguinal fold - any thermometers; measurement in the mouth is carried out only with the help of special dummy thermometers.

Temperature reduction methods

To reduce the temperature in children at home, medications, rubdowns, and folk remedies are used. The listed methods should be resorted to if the child's condition is stable and there are no seizures. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor. Each of the methods for reducing fever at home has its own characteristics, however, when using any of them, it is important to adhere to several important rules:

  • a sick child should be kept in bed,
  • the air in the children's room should be cool, fresh,
  • in case of heat, the child should be dressed in light clothing made from natural fabrics,
  • it is important to remember that frequent urination accelerates recovery, so the child should be given plenty of fluids, warm tea and compotes are good.

Some features of the use of various dosage forms: drugs taken by mouth begin to act faster - 20-30 minutes after ingestion; the effect of suppositories occurs after 30-45 minutes, but lasts longer; if the disease is accompanied by vomiting, it is better to use suppositories; it is convenient to use medicines in suppositories when the child's temperature rises at night; preparations in the form of syrups, tablets and powders contain flavors and flavorings, therefore, they often cause allergic reactions; if it is necessary to use various dosage forms of drugs (for example, syrup during the day, candles at night), choose products with different active ingredients in order to avoid side effects; reuse of antipyretic drugs is possible no earlier than 5-6 hours after the previous dose; in case of insufficient decrease in temperature, or its repeated increase in a short time, you should not experiment - it is better to immediately contact a specialist for additional help.

  • Analgin (Spazmalgon)
  • Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan)
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen)
  • Viburkol candles

Medicines not used in children

Medicines that are not used in a child include:

  1. Currently, drugs such as amidopyrine, antipyrine or phenacetin are not used as antipyretics due to the large number of side effects.
  2. Funds based on acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) are practically not used in children due to their ability to reduce the number of platelets in the blood, cause bleeding, allergic reactions, as well as a very serious complication characteristic of children - Reye's syndrome.
  3. Analgin and other drugs containing metamizole sodium as an active ingredient also have a large number of side effects, such as inhibition of hematopoiesis, severe allergic reactions, and excessive decrease in temperature with loss of consciousness.

How to reduce a child's fever without medication

Ice compresses and rubdowns will help reduce the temperature of a child without pills. These methods are simple and effective, but they have a number of contraindications. So, it is undesirable to use ice to combat hyperthermia in children under 1 year of age. The best way is to wipe your baby with water, which will lower the body temperature. Rubbing with alcohol and vinegar is also effective, but doctors have conflicting opinions about them. It is recommended that you consult your pediatrician before using alcohol or vinegar.

With ice

Careful use of ice can help relieve a child's fever.

  • To make ice compresses, you will need ice, a bubble for it, cold water, and a towel or diaper.
  • Contraindications: age up to 1 year
  • Preparation for the procedure: fill the bladder to half its volume with chopped ice, add cold water to 2/3 of its volume, tightly close the ice bladder and wrap it in a towel (diaper).
  • Procedure implementation: a bubble wrapped in a diaper is applied to the area of ​​the crown, elbow joints, popliteal fossa, groin. To avoid hypothermia, the compress is periodically removed, the time of continuous exposure should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • It is allowed to repeat the procedure after 15-20 minutes.

Rubdown with vodka and vinegar

It is necessary to take measures to reduce the temperature if:

  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • there are diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, cerebral palsy);
  • previously observed convulsions against a background of high temperature;
  • have problems with the cardiovascular system; there is a delusional state of the child;
  • there is shortness of breath, heavy breathing, etc. You can quickly and effectively bring down the high body temperature of a child at home with vodka and vinegar.

To prepare the tincture, mix equal proportions of vodka, vinegar and warm water. Water is added to avoid scalding the skin. After preparing the mixture, you need to take a gauze cut or a piece of cotton wool, moisten it in the prepared product, wring it out, and then wipe the baby's forehead and body. It is necessary to ensure that the solution does not get into the eyes of the child. Many pediatricians are against rubbing a child with vodka and vinegar, as they believe that vodka, which has penetrated the pores of the skin into the body, can cause poisoning. But, as the practice of many parents of young children shows, this is practically the only means that can reduce the temperature before going to the hospital or calling an ambulance. Vodka and vinegar can also be rubbed on adults at high temperatures. It is not recommended to apply the solution to children under the age of one year.

Folk remedies for lowering the temperature in children

It is possible to lower the temperature of a child with folk remedies if the child is older than 3 years old, does not have serious illnesses and generally tolerates high temperatures well. How to lower the temperature of a child at home if he is very small? You just need to give him as much liquid as possible. Babies can be given breast milk, and older children - warm water, compote, juice or chamomile tea. The baby should drink a lot, since at a temperature a lot of liquid is lost, especially if there is vomiting or diarrhea.

Chamomile enema

In an effort to reduce the temperature in a child under 1 year old, mothers have a limited number of methods: as a rule, these are drugs and enemas. The use of decoctions and other home recipes by mouth for children under 12 months is not possible. When trying to overcome high fever without medication, it is worth using an enema with a decoction of chamomile.

  • Preparation for the procedure: pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile with a glass of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, strain, cool, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Procedure: fill a clean rubber bulb with liquid (30-60 ml), remove excess air, lubricate the tip with Vaseline, insert the bulb into the child's anus, gently squeeze out the liquid.

Raspberry decoction

Drinking plenty of water and drinking raspberry decoction causes increased sweating, which reduces fever. After sweating well, your baby will certainly feel better. It is impossible to replace the use of water and tea only with a decoction of raspberries, however, a tasty and healthy drink will noticeably diversify the composition of the liquid used. Raspberry broth is prepared according to many recipes, here are the most famous of them.

  • Ingredients: dry raspberries (2 tablespoons), a glass of water.
  • Application: pour boiling water over raspberries, leave for about 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass of raspberry broth 2-3 times a day.

Decoction of raspberries, oregano and coltsfoot

  • Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries, coltsfoot, 1 tablespoon of oregano, water.
  • Application: pour a mixture of herbs and raspberries with water, pour boiling water for 20 minutes, strain. Drink the broth several times a day for 1/3 cup.


The salicylic acid in oranges helps to reduce the temperature of the baby. Fresh fruit, decoction with peel, juice effectively fight heat. To make a delicious, effective orange drink, you will need: 100 ml of orange juice, 100 ml of lemon juice, 100 ml of apple juice, 75 ml of tomato juice. The listed ingredients are mixed and used immediately after preparation. It is necessary to drink an orange drink 3 times a day, not forgetting about another liquid - tea, water.

The consequences of a high temperature in a child

One of the most common complications of a high fever in a child is febrile seizures. They, as a rule, occur in children under 6 years of age against a background of temperatures above 38oС. Often, such a reaction to fever occurs in children with diseases of the nervous system. Signs of febrile seizures in a child: convulsive twitching of the muscles, which can be either pronounced (with throwing the head back, bending the arms and straightening the legs), and small, in the form of jerking and twitching of certain muscle groups; the child stops responding to the environment, may turn pale and blue, hold his breath; often, seizures can recur during subsequent increases in temperature. When the temperature is high and the child has seizures, call "03" immediately. Urgent measures at home will be: lay the child on a flat surface and turn the head on its side; in the absence of breathing after the end of the seizures, start giving the child artificial respiration; you should not try to insert a finger into the child's mouth, a spoon or other objects - this will only harm and injure; you should undress the child, ventilate the room, use rubdown and antipyretic suppositories to reduce body temperature; you can not leave the child alone during the attack. Children who have had convulsions need to be monitored by a neurologist, as well as a full-fledged medical examination to exclude the onset of epilepsy. Thus, you should not wait for the child to have a high temperature for a week. Contact your doctor in a timely manner for a diagnosis and therapy appointment. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

The use of antipyretics will lower the baby's body temperature for a while, but will not cure him. Parents should remember that fever is not a cure. With angina, especially purulent, it is very difficult to bring down the temperature in young children. First you need to get rid of the sore throat. At home, you can prepare a solution of baking soda and salt for your child and give your child a gargle. For small children under one year old, you can (as a last resort) wipe the oral cavity and the edge of the neck by winding a gauze cut over your finger and moistening it in water and soda. The tool is effective, but it must be used with great care. Sometimes body temperature can be a symptom of a dangerous disease such as pancreatitis, appendicitis, etc. Therefore, if it is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the stomach or navel, you should immediately consult a doctor.

High temperature accompanies many different diseases in children. And in each case, the fever in the child brings the parents into "full combat readiness." Since doctors say that fever is extremely dangerous for young children, mothers and fathers have a reasonable question how to bring down a high temperature, preferably without the use of medications. As you know, from pills and mixtures, in addition to benefits, there is also tangible harm, especially for the child's body. Folk recipes can always come to the rescue - safe and reliable.

Why does the temperature rise?

Everyone knows that fever is not an independent disease. This is a symptom, a protective reaction of the body to the invasion of some foreign agent, to the inflammatory process. Fever is a clear evidence of the invisible work of the immune system, which fights the pathogens of some kind of ailment.

The heat, oddly enough, has good intentions - in conditions of high temperature it is more difficult for microbes to multiply, the replication of viruses slows down. If the thermometer has exceeded the 40.0 mark, microorganisms generally lose their ability to reproduce.

But with heat and fever, phagocytes - protective cells - begin to multiply more actively. They feed on harmful invaders, both viruses and bacteria, devour and digest them. The higher the temperature, the more actively phagocytes "hunt".

At an elevated temperature in the body of a sick child, several more very important processes start - the production of interferon is activated, which is involved in the immune response to the invasion, and antibodies are stimulated that are able to resist the causative agent of a particular infection.

All this is accessible and logically explains why, in most cases, the child's temperature should not be brought down at all.

There are only two cases when the positive properties of fever should be neglected: if the child is infants and has a fever above 38.5 °, and if a child from one to three years old has been suffering from fever with a temperature above 39 ° for about three days.

37 °, 37.5 °, 38 ° and a little higher is not a reason to immediately stuff the baby with antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to give the immune system a chance to develop a reliable defense, and the pills, which bring down the heat, "forbid" it to defend itself properly.

And now we suggest watching the release of Dr. Komarovsky about emergency care at a high temperature.

The reasons for the rise in temperature are manifold. In the smallest, this can occur during teething. Almost all viral infections are accompanied by high fever. Fever accompanies meningitis, influenza, SARS, sore throat, tonsillitis, sinusitis, kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

What is the danger?

The heat also has negative sides. For example, a high temperature (above 38.5) significantly increases the load on the heart, which can be dangerous for children with congenital heart defects and newborns. Fever has a negative effect on the state of the nervous system and the brain. Excessively high heat (about 40.0) can cause irreversible changes in the structure of the brain, cause disturbances in other organs, primarily in the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

When is it impossible to do with folk methods?

You cannot rely on traditional medicine if the high temperature has risen and lasts for several hours in newborns and children up to a year. Crumbs that have just been born have an imperfect thermoregulation system, at temperatures they rapidly lose heat and moisture, dehydration may occur, convulsive syndrome, respiratory failure may begin.

You shouldn't waste precious minutes and try alternative medicine recipes on your kid. He definitely needs a good antipyretic drug. "Paracetamol" and preparations containing paracetamol as the main active ingredient are suitable for such small patients.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky's advice is not about children's temperature.

Folk ways to reduce fever should not be tested on babies whose temperature has stubbornly kept above 39.5 for more than three days. In this situation, medications are also required, both "paracetamol" and "Ibuprofen" are suitable.

Folk remedies cannot replace qualified emergency medical care with the use of antipyretic drugs both in tablets and in injections. They are necessary if the child has a high temperature accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, the baby complains of abdominal pain. Such conditions require an urgent response, since vomiting and diarrhea contribute to a very rapid loss of fluid, which for a small child is fraught with death in case of untimely drug assistance.

You should not start home treatment with improvised means if the child has a history of serious diseases of internal organs (congenital or acquired). In this situation, any jump in temperature up to 38.0 and above should be a signal for reasonable parents that it is time to call a doctor or an ambulance.

If the fever is accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, pallor and severe lethargy, this is also a reason to urgently seek medical help, and not give the baby tea with honey and raspberries.

Folk remedies

Ordinary water

Children can be swabbed with water at room temperature. This gives a minor and short-term effect, usually within half an hour, the fever returns again. But wipes with water are harmless, so they can be repeated with enviable persistence and frequency.

Small children are allowed to do enemas with warm water. For babies up to six months, no more than 60 ml of liquid is injected into the rectum, for children from 6 months to a year - no more than 160 ml. This procedure has one very important drawback - any enema is not very useful for the intestinal microflora, and therefore it is worth thinking carefully several times before lowering the baby's temperature in this way.


It can also be used for wiping. Concentrated acetic acid (70%) is not suitable for these purposes, a weak solution will be needed - a maximum of 9%. It must be diluted in equal parts with water at room temperature. The resulting acidic liquid is used to wipe the body of the child, stripped down to panties, avoiding the face and genitals. Then they let the body dry and cover the child with a thin blanket. You cannot wrap up the baby. As in the case of ordinary water, the effect of such a procedure lasts no more than 30-40 minutes, then the rubdown must be repeated.

If you make small gauze lotions with such a vinegar solution on the temples, forehead, calves, and the inner part of the elbow and hold it until it dries, the effect will be less pronounced, but slightly more long-lasting.

Many doctors oppose vinegar and alcohol rubbing on children and recommend using water for rubbing.

Rubbing with vinegar and lotions with an acidic solution are not recommended for small children, but there is a way out - socks are moistened in a solution and put on the baby's legs. Socks should be removed after 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure as the heat rises again.


A very popular way to lower the temperature is not pure vodka, but its 50% solution with water. The child is rubbed with this composition, and then fanned with a towel for 30-40 minutes. This method, although laborious, is very effective and in some cases one or two procedures are enough for the fever to decrease and no longer rise. But many doctors speak out against this method of lowering the temperature.

Now let's hear from Dr. Komarovsky about rubbing with vinegar and alcohol.


Compresses with this tool are applied to the vein area on the inside of the elbow bend. There is delicate and thin skin, so it is important to observe that the brine does not cause any aggressive irritating reaction. This method is considered by many parents to be quite effective.


A stock of these marsh berries should be kept in the freezer of every family with children. Cranberry juice in high heat is an excellent diaphoretic. It allows you to lower the temperature within half an hour after drinking. The effect lasts for several hours.


Herbal tea, which can be brewed from the flowers of this tree, promotes increased sweating, which means a fairly rapid decrease in the thermometer. Herbal tea is sold in any pharmacy, you need to brew it by taking a teaspoon of raw materials and pouring a glass of boiling water. This healing tea is insisted for about half an hour, after which you can add a spoonful of honey to it. This method is not suitable for small children, because linden and honey are quite strong allergens.

And if, even in a healthy state, the toddler tolerates both of these products well, then during the period when his immunity does an important job in the fight against pathogenic microbes and viruses, an allergy to such a drink may well appear.


A liter jar of pine needles must be turned into a gruel using an ordinary meat grinder, mixed with honey (no more than two tablespoons). To mix everything. From the resulting mass, you need to mold small cakes. One of them is placed on a piece of cloth and applied to the baby's chest, the second to the back. Keep it for about 15 minutes, after which the temperature should begin to decrease within half an hour.


Ginger is peeled and grated. The resulting tart mass must be dosed carefully. For half a glass of warm tea, you need to put no more than half a teaspoon of ginger mixture, stir and give the child a drink. The heat will subside almost immediately. In addition, ginger has a tonic effect. Ginger tea is not suitable for children under 6-7 years old; it can irritate the digestive system.

The danger of self-medication

The onset of the negative effects of fever in children, especially in small children, is several times higher than in adults. Convulsions and loss of consciousness, respiratory failure and the development of acute heart failure cannot be predicted in any way, these conditions have practically no precursors.

The danger of self-treatment of children's fever lies in the fact that parents who decide not to call a doctor take responsibility for the life of the baby. Lost time in cases of high fever plays a key role.

Let's listen in the next video, what is the danger of self-treatment of childhood diseases.

It can be very difficult to understand the reason for the rise in temperature on your own. The higher the fever, the more careful and urgent examination the child needs.

What can’t be done?

  • First of all, a baby with a fever should be stripped down to panties or a diaper. You can only cover your child with a sheet, not three blankets and a downy shawl. It is strictly forbidden to wrap up a child with a high temperature!
  • When rubbing with diluted vodka or a vinegar solution, it is important not to rub the products into the skin, but only lightly touch them. Intense hand movements with strong pressure on the surface of the child's body are prohibited, as they cause increased blood circulation and an additional rise in temperature.
  • In high heat, you can not use folk remedies in the form of inhalation.
  • Massage, warming up, warming compresses at high temperatures are strictly prohibited!
  • Do not force feed a child with a fever. Lack of appetite in this situation is a wise decision of nature itself, since an empty stomach and clean intestines help to transfer the disease faster and facilitate its course.
  • Do not give your child cold drinks. Such drinking can cause vascular spasm.
  • Some parents advise placing a fan at the side of the child's bed and blowing it around until the temperature begins to drop. Such "treatment" is a sure way to pneumonia, experts say. It is better to refrain from blowing.
  • Do not bathe a child with a fever in a hot bath or hot shower. This will only contribute to overheating.
  • A sick child needs to measure the temperature at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, if the fever has risen, and the cause cannot be established in any way, there are no other symptoms, measurements should be taken every two hours.
  • There is no need to strive for a rapid decrease in body temperature in a child. The fever should subside gradually. A sharp jump down can greatly harm the health of the crumbs. The optimal reduction is considered to be 0.5 degrees in one procedure. It is not necessary to reduce it by more than 1 degree per day.
  • A decrease in temperature should always be accompanied by an increase in fluid in the child's diet. An abundant drinking regimen is the main requirement of both medical and non-traditional treatment of fever. It is advisable for the child to drink compotes, fruit drinks from berries and fruits with a high content of vitamin C (black currants, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, rosehip broth), but milk, fermented milk products are better left for later.
  • In a room where a sick child with a high temperature lies, do not close all windows and doors. On the contrary, the room should be well ventilated, it should not be hot. If the fever occurs during the cold season, you need to hang wet towels on the hot radiators in the apartment and make sure that they remain damp. This will help to increase the humidity in the air in the house, which, in turn, will protect the delicate mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx and larynx, as well as the bronchi and trachea of ​​the child from drying out and inflammation. The optimum air temperature in the room is 18-19 degrees, humidity is 50-70%.
  • Folk remedies will be most effective if they are correctly combined with traditional therapy. They perfectly complement the effect of some medications, enhance the effect of pharmaceutical preparations, and accelerate the child's recovery. If there is an irresistible desire and need to treat your child using folk methods, be sure to consult your doctor. Pediatricians are quite willing to approve of many of the above treatments for fever. Unless, of course, the child has serious concomitant diseases.

A high temperature in a child is a phenomenon that parents often encounter. Adults should know several ways to bring down a child's fever at home.

The medicine cabinet should always contain medications for fever in children. If necessary, parents should correctly apply traditional methods, use the available methods of dealing with high temperatures. Pediatricians advise what to do if the thermometer reaches 39-40 degrees in a baby and an older child.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

Most often, high temperature indicators are accompanied by the following conditions and diseases:

  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • stress, strong emotional experiences;
  • eruption of milk teeth;
  • overheating, heatstroke.

In infectious diseases (intestinal flu, pneumonia, measles, and others), other unpleasant symptoms are often observed. The child develops diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, coughing, a rash, and general weakness. At rates from 39 degrees and above, muscle soreness and cramps occur. With a combination of negative symptoms, rapid deterioration of the condition, it is important to immediately "ambulance".

Dangerous indicators

Doctors draw parents' attention to the following data:

  • up to 38.5 degrees is a slight fever;
  • from 38.6 to 39.5 - moderate fever;
  • from 39.5 degrees and above - high heat;
  • from 40.5 to 41 degrees - a line after which high rates are life threatening.

What temperature should be brought down in a child? Up to 38 degrees, doctors do not recommend giving antipyretic drugs if the health of the little patient is stable. Use rubdowns, wet compresses, give an antipyretic tea, keep it cool, and drink plenty of fluids. If the measures do not bring results, within an hour or two the heat does not subside, the thermometer rises up, give a medicinal syrup taking into account the age. In case of sharp jumps, an increase in indicators up to 39.5 degrees, especially in babies, immediately call an ambulance.

How to bring down the temperature of a child at home

You may be familiar with some of the recipes for dealing with fever in children. Read the material: for sure you will find useful information, learn new, effective ways to bring down the high temperature. Follow the advice exactly, follow the measure while using folk recipes and antipyretic drugs.

Adequate amount of liquid

Dehydration is dangerous. Be sure to give your child plenty of fluids to rebalance.


  • boiled water is suitable for babies, mineral water without gas is suitable for older children;
  • a good option is unsweetened, not very strong tea, green is better;
  • give up sugary drinks that provoke a new round of thirst;
  • if you combine fever with vomiting, diarrhea, small portions, but often give Rehydron powder. A useful solution will restore the water-salt balance, prevent dehydration.

Antipyretic tea

The thermometer will surely drop if you offer the kids one of the proven compositions:

  • linden blossom tea;
  • cranberry tea;
  • uzvar (dried fruit compote), necessarily not very sweet;
  • raspberry tea;
  • tea with black and red currants;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • tea with viburnum.

Note! The proportions for all teas are the same: a teaspoon of berries or flowers is needed for a glass of boiling water. Insist healthy tea for 20-30 minutes, let it drink in small sips. If you are not allergic to bee products, add a teaspoon of fragrant honey.

How to keep it cool

How to proceed:

  • do not wrap the baby up, take off excess clothes: overheating has a bad effect on the body in extreme heat;
  • if the little patient “freezes”, he cannot warm up, check the temperature again: the thermometer may have risen above 38.5 degrees. In this case, give an antipyretic agent;
  • maintain + 20-21 degrees in the room. The heat in the room adversely affects the temperature readings of the patient;
  • an air conditioner or fan will help to achieve a pleasant coolness. Make sure that the flow of cold air does not fall on the child.

Medical wraps

A good option for high heat in children of different ages:

  • prepare an aqueous infusion of yarrow. Put 3 tablespoons in a thermos or jar. l. finely chopped plant, add one and a half liters of boiling water;
  • in an hour the infusion is ready. Filter the healing composition, dampen gauze or a soft towel, wrap around the body for 15 minutes;
  • cover the child with a sheet so as not to catch a cold;
  • with good results, do another wrap in an hour;
  • if there is no yarrow at home, use plain water;
  • blot the skin after the procedure. You cannot wrap a small patient.

Advice! If you do not know if you can make a wrap, apply a compress of gauze or a soft cloth dampened with cool water or yarrow broth to your forehead. Change the compress as the fabric warms up.

Vinegar rubdown

How to bring down the temperature with vinegar? Method for children aged 5 and over. For babies, do not rub the skin with vinegar, even diluted with water: irritation may appear.

How to proceed:

  • combine 5 parts of warm water and 1 part of vinegar in a bowl;
  • moisten a soft cloth, wring it out slightly;
  • gently wipe your feet, palms, arms, legs;
  • repeat the procedure every two hours.

Enemas against high temperature

Pick up recipes in advance for healthy solutions to combat fever in children so that you can quickly find suitable formulations in the confusion. Most medicated enema solutions are prepared from available ingredients.

Take a note:

  • recipe number 1. A saline solution is prepared simply: for 250 ml of warm water - 2 teaspoons of salt plus 3-4 drops of beetroot juice. For an enema from a temperature in babies up to six months, use 50 ml of liquid, up to one and a half years - no more than 100 ml, at 2-3 years old, 200 ml of liquid is enough;
  • recipe number 2. Chamomile broth. The proportions are traditional: for 200 ml of boiling water - 1 tsp. flowers. Insist the healing liquid for 40 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.

For colitis, constipation, combine the healing and cleansing effects of an enema. Add quality sunflower oil to remove feces from the intestines. For babies, dilute the chamomile broth by half. For older children, reduce the amount of oil: at 12-14 years old, a couple of tablespoons of oily liquid is enough for 700 ml of broth.

Cool bath

If the thermometer rises higher and higher, try the proven method. For maximum effect, follow the recommendations exactly.

What to do:

  • fill the bath with warm, but not hot water. Reduce the temperature of the liquid gradually: when immersed in cool water, the effect may be the opposite: chills will appear, the heat will increase;
  • bathe the child, gently massage the body with a washcloth to improve blood circulation;
  • the optimal time for the procedure is 15 to 20 minutes. During this period, a decrease in indicators by 1 degree was noted;
  • after the bath, pat your skin dry, but do not wipe it dry. Cover the little patient with a sheet, a light blanket to avoid overheating;
  • if after an hour the temperature readings change upward again, repeat the procedure.

Fever medications

Sometimes drugs that lower the temperature are indispensable. How can you bring down the temperature? Check with your pediatrician which medications are appropriate for children of different ages.

When completing a first aid kit for a newborn, be sure to put in it:

  • children's Paracetamol;
  • the drug Ibuprofen.

Paracetamol is weaker than Ibuprofen. For this reason, immediately give a lighter syrup, if there is no effect, use a stronger composition. Always observe the dosage, frequency of administration, so as not to exceed the daily dose. The instruction contains all the necessary data. Remember: per 1 kg of weight in children, 15 mg of Paracetamol and 10 mg of Ibuprofen are allowed per day.

If the temperature rises rapidly, give an injection of analgin with diphenhydramine and papaverine. For babies, dosage: for each year of life - 0.1 ml of the drug, for example, at 4 years old: 0.1 x 4 = 0.4 ml. From the age of 14, 1 ampoule of the drug mixture is recommended for temperature control. If the indicators do not return to normal, the fever increases, injections, wraps, compresses do not help, call an ambulance immediately. Do not allow the thermometer to stay at 39.5-40 degrees and above for a long time: this is very dangerous for all organs.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance

Call doctors urgently in the following cases:

  • the baby is not 2 months old - the temperature has risen to 38 degrees;
  • age up to 3 years - rectal temperature has reached 40 degrees, under the arm, the indicators are kept at 39 degrees.

Call an ambulance if the fever is combined with other negative symptoms:

  • convulsions appeared, the child is shaking. Sometimes a dangerous phenomenon is observed with a sharp temperature jump from normal values ​​to 38 and above;
  • vomiting plus fever. A dangerous combination that threatens dehydration. If indomitable vomiting develops, diarrhea (diarrhea) is added, immediately contact an ambulance: severe symptoms accelerate fluid loss. Before the arrival of the medical team, drink the child: give 1 teaspoon or tablespoon of water / Regidron every 5-10 minutes;
  • there is a meningeal triad: vomiting + headache + temperature;
  • a combination of fever with a rash. Bright nodules, acne, sores, large spots on different parts of the body should alert you. Sometimes this symptomatology develops with a dangerous pathology - meningococcal sepsis or meningococcemia.

Listen to the opinion of pediatricians:

  • be attentive to the child's complaints of malaise, always measure the temperature in case of weakness, poor health of toddlers / older children;
  • do not bring the temperature below 38 degrees if the condition is satisfactory. Antipyretics at 37.5 interfere with the body's fight against the pathogen, do not allow the immune defense to fully manifest itself;
  • learn the rules of behavior at high temperatures in children. Write down recipes for tea against heat, rubdowns, compresses, learn how to do body wraps;
  • Always keep heat medications at home, taking into account the age. Remember what medicines are not given to children, for example, Aspirin under 12 cannot be used;
  • with the development of dangerous symptoms, a combination of fever with other signs, do not postpone calling an ambulance. The later you see a doctor, the more severe the consequences may appear, the more dangerous the condition will be. Remember: from prolonged exposure to temperatures of 40 degrees and above, the brain, heart, blood vessels suffer.

Now you know how to bring down the temperature of children at home. Use folk methods, give us healthy tea, prevent dehydration. If rubdowns, wraps, syrups, fever pills have a weak effect, call an ambulance. Be attentive to the rise in temperature, always find out the cause of the malfunction in the body, draw conclusions from each case.

Pediatrician's tips for lowering the temperature of a child in the following video:

Any parent periodically asks the question: how to bring down the temperature of their child? You can hardly find a child who has never had a similar symptom. A caring loving mother begins to worry, barely seeing a red mark at +37 on the thermometer. However, pediatricians all over the world recommend not knocking down this temperature. After all, the child's body must independently overcome the attacking ailment.

However, if the mark of the thermometer is rapidly creeping up and shows a disappointing result of +38.5 degrees, it is necessary to urgently take action. This is where many questions arise. How to bring down the temperature of a child? Which methods should you give preference to? Give your baby antipyretic medications or turn to folk remedies?

High fever in a newborn

When it comes to an infant, this symptom does not always characterize an infectious disease. Be very careful. Babies are born with an unformed thermoregulation system. Therefore, during the first months it is very difficult for them to maintain a normal body temperature. In pediatrics, there is such a concept - transient fever. It is characterized by an increase in temperature (+ 38-39 o C). As a rule, this condition arises as a result of the infant leaving the mother's womb - the environment familiar to the child. Therefore, before deciding how to bring down the temperature, consult your doctor. It may not be necessary. Transient fever often lasts no more than one week.

Possible reasons

As a rule, a high temperature really indicates the presence of an infectious disease in the body. The disease, it must be said, is seriously progressing if the baby has a fever. However, before you bring down the temperature in a child, you should exclude external factors that sometimes provoke the onset of a symptom.

If you notice even the slightest deviation of the mark on the thermometer from the cherished +36.6 ° C, be sure to exclude the following factors:

  • The kid is dressed too warmly... This can disrupt thermoregulation. Remove all warm clothes from the child. He will not be cold in light clothes.
  • Heat in the room... If the ambient temperature exceeds +22 ° C, then the thermoregulation mechanism can provoke a sharp jump in the indicator.
  • Overexcitement. A child who plays too much, as a rule, does not feel unwell. But the column of the thermometer can stubbornly creep up. When the baby calms down, this indicator will return to normal. Sometimes similar symptoms can be observed in a child who has undergone a stressful situation.
  • Teething... No one will ever be able to say with certainty how this process will go with a baby. Some children do not even feel the teeth appear in their mouths. But for others, it becomes a real test with the appearance of a high temperature.

In the latter case, if the indicator of the thermometer exceeds +38.5 ° C, measures must also be taken.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

It is very important to determine the exact figure. And only after making sure that it is high, ask the question: how to bring down a high temperature to a child?

Remember that the thermometer is placed only in a dry armpit. If you find sweat there, be sure to wipe it off. After all, he can underestimate the reading of the thermometer. In infants and newborns, pediatricians advise to measure the temperature in the groin fold. Be sure to inspect the place where the thermometer will be placed. Any redness or swelling indicates an inflammatory process. And this, as a rule, overestimates the readings of the thermometer.

It is very important to correctly measure the temperature of nursing mothers. It is recommended to place the thermometer in the cubital fossa. Indeed, next to the armpit is the lactating gland, which will necessarily overestimate the indicator.

If you are measuring the body temperature of a child, it is better to prefer an electronic thermometer. The baby at this time should sit quietly or lie down for ten minutes.

The choice of antipyretic

Pediatricians recommend using suppositories in case of high temperature. They are effective, fast acting and do not irritate the stomach at all. And the baby does not need to be persuaded to drink the medicine. That is why it is better to use candles than to bring down the temperature with tablets.

However, older children have a rather negative attitude towards this method. Therefore, sweet syrups specially developed by pharmacists are perfect for them. Today there is a wide variety of antipyretic drugs. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the best way to bring down the temperature of a child. Almost all medicines contain paracetamol. This is the main active ingredient. Moreover, each drug, regardless of the similarity of the composition, affects the body in different ways.

For some children, some drugs may not work at all, while drugs that are similar in composition can quite easily lower the temperature. Therefore, if the chosen remedy did not bring positive results, it should be replaced with another one.

The most effective antipyretic drugs are recognized:

  • "Ibufen" - this suspension effectively lowers the temperature, has an analgesic effect;
  • Panadol;
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Efferalgan" - the suspension is recommended for older children, and suppositories are allowed to be used from the age of three months;
  • "NICE" - this suspension perfectly knocks down the temperature, but has a bad effect on the functioning of the liver;
  • "Tsefekon" (candles are allowed for use from 3 months).

Remember: before bringing down the high temperature, be sure to consult with your doctor about the use of the selected drug. If a consultation is needed immediately, pediatricians from the ambulance station will always help by telephone.

High fever during pregnancy

Of course, no one is immune from the heat. But it is children and pregnant women in whom the thermometer shows high readings that cause the greatest concern. At the same time, for the latter, the presence of +37.8 o C is already quite dangerous. And if the thermometer shows +38 o C, then this temperature can negatively affect the future baby, and even affect his mental abilities. Therefore, such an increase should not be allowed in any case.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? It is necessary to immediately exclude drugs that cannot be used. This is aspirin. It is completely contraindicated in pregnant women. In the early stages, the drug can provoke a threat of miscarriage, and in the later stages, it can cause profuse bleeding and complicate childbirth. In the course of research, it was confirmed that aspirin can be a source of development of the most dangerous defects in the fetus.

Having excluded harmful drugs, we will consider how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. If the need arises, you can take a drug based on paracetamol.

  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • "Paracet";
  • Tylenol;
  • "Indomethacin";
  • Metindol;
  • "Vramed".

Most importantly, remember that you need to resort to antipyretic drugs only as a last resort, and pregnant women are advised to use half the dose.

Already today there are reliable facts that excessive use of paracetamol can cause serious liver and kidney dysfunctions. That is why it is advisable to limit yourself to a single dose of half the dose. And of course, contact your doctor to clarify the treatment regimen.

Some pregnant women, thinking about the best way to bring down the temperature, generally refuse to use medications. They use folk remedies. It should be noted that in this case, the doctors themselves advocate the use of old effective methods of dealing with high temperatures.

Providing coolness

Simple home remedies for fever have long been passed down. Grandmothers also knew how to bring down the temperature of a child and an adult. So why not use such simple and effective methods?

It should be remembered that it is completely unsafe to warm a patient with a high temperature. You should not wrap up neither the baby nor the adult with warm blankets, turn on the heaters. These measures can cause heatstroke in the patient if the temperature warmed up by "caring hands" reaches a critical value.

On the contrary, undress the child if possible. In this case, the excess heat will leave without hindrance. The temperature in the room should not exceed 21 o C. The required indicator can be achieved with a fan or air conditioner. Just do not direct cold air masses at the patient.

Drinking plenty of fluids

In pursuit of the answer to the question "How to bring down the temperature +39 o C?" it is important not to forget about the need for fluid intake. After all, the body is very dehydrated from the heat. Maintaining a healthy fluid balance is extremely important. Therefore, the patient should drink plenty of plain water. It is better to abstain from liquids containing sugar. Plain or mineral water will provide excellent protection against dehydration. In addition, it is this fluid that compensates for electrolytes in the body.

Cooling bath

How to bring down the high temperature? Cool bathroom. Dip the patient waist-deep in warm water. It is important that the water is initially pleasant for the body. Such a procedure can cause chills, which provokes an increase in body temperature. While bathing, you should carefully massage the patient with a washcloth. This will improve blood circulation and increase heat transfer. After about 20 minutes, this method will reduce the temperature by two degrees.

After bathing, lightly pat dry the skin with a towel, leaving some moisture to continue cooling. If, after an hour, the thermometer column starts to rise again, the procedure should be repeated.

This method is recognized as quite effective for angina. It is only important to remember that the temperature should not be brought down to +38 o C. After all, it characterizes the body's struggle with the disease. But if the indicator is much higher, then the above method will help. As a rule, doctors give many recommendations on how to bring down the temperature with angina. And the most important of them with such an ailment is gargling. After all, the temperature lasts until there is pus in the tonsils.

Rubbing with vinegar

Mix the vinegar with warm water. The proportion of the composition is as follows - 1: 5. Moisten a sponge generously and gently wipe off the skin of a child or adult. You should start from the back, smoothly moving to the stomach. Then wipe your hands and feet. After that, work on your palms and feet. This procedure is quite effective. But it should be repeated every two, sometimes three hours.

Cool wraps

Sometimes the temperature can reach very high numbers. In such a situation, it is quite easy to get confused. Therefore, you should remember what helps bring down the temperature. These are cooling wraps.

To do this, take a cotton towel or piece of cloth. Soak it in plain water or a specially prepared yarrow broth. Wrap the patient with it.

The preparation of the broth will not cause great difficulties. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the herb with water in a glass or porcelain dish. Place the mixture in a water bath. The solution should warm up for about 15 minutes. It should be constantly stirred. After cooling the liquid a little, do not forget to strain it. The broth for wrapping is ready.

Cooling compresses

Prepare the mint water. Soak terry cloths in it. Be sure to wring it out thoroughly. The napkins should be slightly damp. These compresses should be applied to the forehead, temples, groin folds, wrist area. Change your napkins every ten minutes. Quite an effective way to reduce the temperature at home.

Last resort

If none of the above methods helped, and the question "How to bring down the temperature?" remains open, do not despair. Now you need to give your child an injection. Only initially consult your pediatrician about the required dose. Remember that this is a last resort, but quite effective. An intramuscular injection will take effect within five to ten minutes.

The so-called lytic mixture is introduced. It is very important to correctly calculate the required components. That is why, if you do not have a medical education, it is better to leave this procedure to professional doctors. The composition of the mixture is in full proportion to the age of the patient. For each full year of a child's life, 0.1 ml of drugs is taken.

Be sure to test the baby if this procedure is used for the first time. After all, you cannot know for sure that the lytic mixture will not provoke allergies. Only after making sure that there are no unpleasant reactions, proceed directly to the injection.

The components of the lytic mixture:

  • papaverine;
  • analgin;
  • diphenhydramine.

The medicine is made in the following proportion - 1: 1: 1. For example, if the temperature needs to be brought down in a five-year-old, draw 0.5 ml of each ingredient into the syringe. A total of 1.5 ml of the lytic mixture will be obtained.

Remember, if you cannot cope with the high temperature on your own, and at this time the child's condition is rapidly deteriorating, call an ambulance immediately! Do not try to find a more effective remedy, trust the professionals.


A sick baby is the most serious cause for excitement. However, even before the visit to the doctor, you should know how to bring down the temperature of your child. Remember, fear and excitement are not your best allies. So, you should get yourself together, calm down and start acting. Your child should feel that it is in mom's reliable hands. After all, the baby trusts her unconditionally. This is probably why the warmth and love of the mother enhances the effect of any chosen treatment methods.