What can be done from one box. Crafts from cardboard boxes: toys for children and ideas for home (39 photos)

There are cardboard boxes in almost every home, because after many purchases, the boxes remain at home. But people do not always throw them away, some are too lazy to throw them away, and some are even sorry. If you have unnecessary boxes left in the house, and you are thinking what to do with them, then there are excellent options, which we will analyze below.

Play house for a child.

All children dream of their own private home, where they can play and hide from adults. To make such a cardboard craft, you will need:

  • A large cardboard box left over from expensive purchases (for example, a washing machine).
  • Scotch.
  • Stationery knife.

We take the box and unfold it straight, cut off the upper part, then put it on one side and glue all the sides. Turn the box over again and tape the corners of the product with tape. We create a roof for the house, and then glue the cut parts together with adhesive tape.

Hedgehogs from trays

If you still have egg trays, you can make cute hedgehogs out of them. It will be a great and free gift for your child. Materials that you need to create hedgehogs:

  • Wrapping paper.
  • Egg trays.
  • Different types of glue.
  • Any paint.
  • Black beads.

Create a dense body with a length of 15 cm from wrapping paper. Cut the tray and select one cell to create the hedgehog's face. We glue the muzzle to the cone, then we make needles from the trays and attach them to the cone-body. Legs can be cut from the sides of the cell, ears can be cut from the bottom, and a nose can be cut from the tip.

After connecting all the parts, you need to paint the craft with silver paint, and the lower limbs and nose with brown.

The final step is to glue the beaded eyes. That's all, the craft is ready!

Crafts from milk boxes

One of the easiest craft options is considered bird feeders... First, you need to cut a hole on one, two or all sides, and attach a rope or wire to the top to attach it to the tree.

Next, you can start decorating and filling the box. In a similar way, you can make a well, only the bottom needs to be made higher. Well, you need to insert a stick for the collar, attach a thread and attach a small bucket.

You can also make dairy dollhouses. Let's get to work, first you need to cut off the facade and create floors, decorate the house with paper and glue it to the surfaces of the craft. You can also make a TV out of a cardboard box, cut out the same shape, decorate and substitute a stick instead of an antenna.

How to make a trash box?

The box can be crafted from a box of chocolates... It is not a shame to give such a craft to someone and store valuable things in it, it is also possible. What we need to create a box with our own hands:

  • Two large and deep boxes.
  • Cardboard.
  • Uniform fabric with vibrant color.
  • Belts and buckles.
  • Knitted braid.
  • Strong gold foil.
  • Adhesive for paper.

We take boxes and glue cardboard sides to the lids. We glue all the parts. Next, we take measurements from the outside of the product and cut out parts from the fabric for the upper and lower sides along them.

Glue and cut off four pieces from the same type of dark fabric again. With these details, we glue the box inside.

After that we start to create decor.

From the gold colored foil, we begin to cut out the circles and the segment. Now we decorate the corners of the craft with this.

The straps can be decorated with knitted braid, after attaching buckles to them. The next step is to glue the straps to the top of the box. That's all, the box is ready!

Crafts from matchboxes

Matchbox products can be made with children. For example, you can make a small giraffe using 7 boxes. It is necessary to fold all the boxes, and then glue the structure with colored paper and add buttons.

If you want to make not one animal, but a whole zoo, then you can stick stickers with animals on each box.

In addition to these works, you can still make a valentine do it yourself, also pasting the boxes with stickers with hearts. You can put something delicious or a note inside.

If you decorate the boxes with felt faces of Santa Claus, Rudolph, Christmas elf, hare, Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, you can get great wonderful Christmas tree decorations.

Well, the last thing that can be made from a matchbox is a miniature dresser for dolls. You can add dolls to such an original chest of drawers.

Various crafts

Cardboard lock

If you want to feel like an architect, then this job is for you. First of all, make your project on paper, and then gradually translate it into reality. Choose the size and shape yourself. The main thing is to find the necessary details for decoration.

Cardboard kitchen

Unexpectedly, you can even make a kitchen out of cardboard. You just need to decorate everything correctly and add some dishes.


Such a present can be made to your son in a couple of hours.

You just need to make a parking lot and add children's cars to it.


This product is more suitable for boys. To create this craft with your own hands, you need to be able to cut the details well and accurately. To make a large plane, you need to choose a box for your washing machine or refrigerator.


It's not so difficult to make a nice little cardboard craft with your own hands, the main thing is to make an effort and give free rein to your imagination. In a couple of hours, you can turn garbage into beautiful toys or gifts.

For most, of course, it is easier to buy something than to bother and tinker with their own hands, but still, nothing replaces manual labor.

Surprise your child with your needlework, and he will remember such cute toys and things for a long time. The best option is to make something out of a box of chocolates. I hope you enjoyed the article and you have become better versed in creating original crafts.

If you have cardboard boxes lying around at home, do not rush to throw them away, this is a wonderful material for crafts. In this article, we will look at ideas for DIY cardboard box crafts.

For a little girl, this is a wonderful gift from loving parents. Make such a kitchen out of cardboard boxes, and your daughter can feel like a real hostess!

Such useful and necessary interior items delight children very much. It will not be difficult to make them, and the kids will have their own household appliances, thanks to which they will feel like adults.

The best gift is real estate, even if it's not real. Children want to have a private space where no one will disturb them. You only need to find a large box for example from the refrigerator and turn on the skillful pens program.

When children have personal belongings, such as adults, they feel important. It is not necessary to spend a decent amount and buy your child's own TV. Just make it yourself and paint it in bright beautiful colors that kids love so much. When presenting a gift to a child, tell them that this TV is prettier, better and completely harmless. Your baby will undoubtedly be delighted with such a gift.

Girls love to play with dolls and want everything the best and most beautiful for them: fashionable clothes, beautiful grooms and, of course, a huge house. It will take time to create a real masterpiece. Create a huge cottage with a curved staircase and striking design. The delight and joy of your daughter is guaranteed to you.

Boys love to play cars. Give your son a whole cool and huge parking lot. Be sure to draw directions and traffic signs to make the parking look realistic. Now the game with cars will become not only fun for the boy, but also educational.

Many children dream of being in space. Help your child make dreams come true, even if they are transcendental. Having presented his son with a space rocket, he will feel understanding and care.

Most people love to be photographed, and the process has become almost routine. Children see and understand this. Make a professional camera from cardboard boxes and it will be a great modern present that will suit both daughter and son.

Children look with delight at boats and ships floating on the water. They have many questions: how does it float on the water? Why isn't it sinking? Make a ship out of cardboard boxes, tell your child about the principles of the ship and appoint him as the captain.

Make a big steam locomotive and appoint your son as a driver. Let him gather a team of friends and happily go on their trip around the world.

We came up with 10 ideas for cardboard box crafts. Choose the best and create your own masterpiece. To create crafts, use ordinary cardboard in packaging, shoe boxes, furniture boxes. Decorate ready-made crafts to your taste, or better with your child. Working together brings you closer together and the time is fun.

March 20th, 2013

In order to come up with a new toy with a child or make a simple craft, you don't need much. A little free time and our imagination are usually enough. And from what to make? - there is at hand. My son and I already have a whole flotilla of yogurt cans, and the best ships we have turned out from cans of viola and soft butter. We will devote this review to toys and crafts that can be made with a child from all kinds of "garbage" - boxes and boxes, cardboard, plastic bottles and much more.

1. Cardboard boxes and boxes

Let's start with crafts from boxes and smaller boxes. Each of us regularly has boxes of different sizes (especially during the holidays), but we usually try to get rid of this "happiness" as soon as possible, since it is completely inconvenient to store them. But you can immediately put them into action

Large boxes.

Oversized boxes make absolutely amazing toys for children.

Or a plane

House-mill. Detailed master class at the link

Pirate treasure chest. Description

Parking for cars.

how to do


Or a more complex option


And another version of the castle


From smaller boxes

Or such dinosaur feet


Monster storage boxes

Great storage idea out of box and cardboard rolls


Small stove


Catapult game


Train with trailers





More ideas from cardboard sheets



Or such


And here is the castle of the knight and the princess

If pasted over with decorative paper and decorated, then what is not a gift wrap for all kinds of sweets, for example




And you can also make such an aquarium with your children.


Boxes and cardboard are a real scope for creativity, if you wish, you can do whatever you want, I think we will return to this topic in the near future, we have something interesting in store

2. Cardboard rolls from toilet paper and paper towels

Simple crafts that you can do with your children







You can see a lot of different animals with patterns at the link


Binoculars for children or a telescope from a roll of towels


Or make princess crowns for a children's party


And here is an amazing idea of ​​how to make firecrackers for a holiday. Description


Racing cars


3. Disposable tableware - paper and plastic plates and glasses

Disposable tableware can also be used in an original way.

Paper plates are very convenient to paint

And from deep plates you can make such jellyfish


Or even make a garland decoration for a holiday


A plate and a glass make such a pretty house.


Spider glasses


Dragon from cups


It is very simple and fun to turn ordinary cups into freaks. Great idea for children's parties

And here is the idea for an advent calendar


And even a New Year's garland can be made from cups.


4. Plastic bottles and containers



For children for a holiday


From bottles and spoons

If it is raining outside or guests with children come to you and you need to keep them busy - home bowling


And in small bottles it is fun to germinate grass. Just relevant for Easter


And the bottles also turn into ... a rocket, or rather, into the main attribute

Airplanes and ships from shampoo containers

5. Wooden ice cream sticks and medical spatulas

These are very simple and cute crafts that can be made from ordinary wooden ice cream sticks.

People for the puppet theater



Raft ship


It's also easy to make an original puzzle game.

And you can make a whole house

Medical spatula chests. Description

6. Cocktail tubes

With the help of such tubes, you can draw very interestingly with mule bubbles.

And the tubes are also great as a mast for boats.

You can think of many different games with these pipes. For example, you can arrange "air" football. Roll a small ball of paper and use a tube to chase the "ball" By the same principle, you can play with whom the ball will fly farther or who will get to the finish line faster. This kind of games are very useful, it is a kind of breathing exercises.

7. Sponges

Even the most ordinary sponge can turn into ...

a garden bed (it is fun to germinate seeds in a large-porous sponge)

Or make drawing stamps or just paint with a sponge (rainbow is especially good)

And to make it more convenient to draw with such stamps, you can glue them, for example, on a wine cork, as here

And sponges can also be used to make, for example, heads for robots.

8. Wine corks

On the Internet you can find a huge variety of photographs on the topic of crafts from traffic jams, but we will limit ourselves only to stamps.

9. Tin cans

for flowers

By the way, if you have paint buckets in your country house, do not rush to throw it away.




game like old towns


here and

Jar with wishes or Smile box

it is such a jar or box filled with small pieces of paper with various wishes, pleasant phrases, anecdotes, encouraging slogans or declarations of love.
Start a similar jar at home. This is a real generator of daily good mood.


Snow blizzard or, as it is correct, snow globe, but in this case, rather a glitter jar. Description

And in summer, for street parties, cans can be used for drinks. They look very unusual and stylish

And finally, very original crafts from an old light bulb


In compiling this collection, including materials from the blog Kokokokids

Send us your interesting finds of handicrafts from what is at hand, and also share with us what you did! This topic is inexhaustible and I think we will return to it more than once.

Useful Tips

Cardboard is a versatile material from which you can make not only boxes, but also various crafts, as well as things that are quite useful in everyday life.

This eco-friendly material is not difficult to find and also fairly easy to work with.

Here we have collected the most interesting and useful things that you can make out of cardboard at home or in the country.

How to make a cardboard organizer for cables / cords / wires

You will need:

Toilet paper rolls

Cardboard box (perfect for shoes)

Scotch tape or glue to hold the grommets together (optional)

* The number of bushings depends on the number of cables and space in the box.

* You can fill the box full or half full with grommets to make room for larger items.

* To prevent the sleeves from dangling in the box and snug against each other, you can secure them with tape or glue.

Crafts from cardboard: laptop stand

You can make a convenient laptop stand from a regular pizza box. This stand was created by Russian designer Ilya Andreev. He cleverly manipulated the folds on the cardboard to create a foldable stand.

Another option for a cardboard laptop stand

You will need:

Stationery knife

Ruler (preferably metal)

Place where you can cut (board or special rug)

Glue (PVA or hot).

* Select the sizes of details according to the size of your computer.

* Make cuts on the parts about 6 cm.

* This stand has been designed for 13 "and 15" notebooks.

* Use glue to secure all parts from the bottom.

* Allow the glue to dry before testing the stand.

Triangular shoe rack made of cardboard boxes

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Ruler and pencil

Wide tape.

* Each module in this shelf is a triangular tube. Its size depends on the size of the shoe.

You should make one module first.

1. First cut the cardboard, divide it into 3 parts with a pencil and a ruler, bend it into a triangle and secure with wide tape.

2. Create a few more modules in this way.

3. Each row of triangular modules must be glued to a sheet of cardboard for stability.

4. You can put another cardboard on top.

Organizer made of cardboard (diagram). Option 1: for papers and documents.

You will need:

Cereal boxes


Colored tape or colored paper for decoration (optional)

PVA glue.

1. Glue the boxes together.

2. Wrap the boxes with colored cardboard or wide colored tape.

DIY cardboard organizer (diagram). Option 2: for papers and magazines

Organizer made of cardboard for stationery (photo)

You will need:

Cereal boxes


Colored tape or colored paper

PVA glue

Toilet rolls or paper towels.

DIY cardboard shelves (photo)

1. Prepare cardboard. If you have boxes, straighten them.

2. Now you need to make a hexagon out of a sheet of cardboard. To do this, you need to make additional folds, one on each of the two largest sides of the cardboard.

3. Place the box straight and make a couple of cuts (see image) so that the upper parts of the shape can be bent towards the center.

Summary: Crafts from cardboard boxes for children with their own hands. We make children's crafts out of cardboard and paper. Craft made from garbage or junk material.

Every day we throw away a large number of different unnecessary things, including boxes. Large and small, multi-colored and monochromatic, from under sweets, shoes, household appliances. The list is endless. And few of the parents thought about what beautiful and original crafts are obtained from this waste material. You just need to show creativity and imagination. Crafts from cardboard boxes are very fond of making children. The versatility of this material allows you to fully reveal your creativity. Believe me, even now, when everything ready-made can be bought in the store, our children will be just as happy to start making crafts from the boxes. Note: When making crafts from boxes, a glue gun will come in very handy.

1. Crafts made of cardboard. Crafts from cardboard boxes

From large and small boxes, spending very little time and effort, you can make furniture and household appliances for children's games. Stove, refrigerator, washing machine, doll bed, wardrobe - all this is easy to make from cardboard boxes.

Buttons, burners, control panels, handles - all these details can either be drawn on cardboard or made from old, unnecessary CDs, plastic bottle caps and other junk material. The sink will be replaced by an iron bowl built into the box.

Of course, toys can also be bought in the store. Only the benefits from them will be less than from homemade ones. After all, the very process of creating crafts (toys) from waste material contributes to the development of creative thinking and imagination in a child. In addition, games with homemade toys, substitute toys also develop a child's imagination much more than games with ready-made toys. Playing with homemade toys, the child is forced to think out something, to imagine, because such toys are not an exact copy of real things. The baby has more opportunities for creativity. One and the same cardboard box today can be a stove, tomorrow - a table for dolls, and then - a TV. And the child himself, in his inner world, endows the box with the details that are missing for the game.

A doll's bed can be made from one box, figuratively cutting out the sides from it, or from two boxes, gluing them together. In the second version, you get a bed for a doll with legs.

A handicraft useful for the development of coherent speech in children is a homemade TV out of the box. To learn how to make this craft out of cardboard, and then how to use it for developmental purposes, read the link.

2. Crafts for children from boxes. Crafts from cardboard and paper

From a large cardboard box, for example, from a refrigerator, you can make a children's house. Make a door, windows in it, lay a rug inside the house, decorate the house with cheerful curtains, paste over the walls with beautiful pictures, stickers or children's drawings.

An interesting idea is to decorate the children's house with an LED garland.

Smaller cardboard boxes can be used to make a dollhouse or a knight's castle.

If you have accumulated a large number of small boxes, then you can make a whole city out of them. Read more about how to make beautiful houses out of cardboard boxes.

Toilet rolls and cardboard boxes can be used to make a car garage or parking lot.

3. Crafts from waste material. Crafts from boxes

The fantasy of a kid who climbed inside it can easily turn a large cardboard box into a typewriter, plane or ship. Mom and Dad can help the kid organize an interesting and useful game by supplementing the homemade transport with the necessary details. Steering wheel, wheels, headlights - all this can be done from improvised things, the main thing is to show your imagination.

If you make a car or an airplane out of a medium-sized box, and then attach straps to them, you get a car / airplane suit. Wearing such costumes, children can play as cars or planes. Boys will especially like these games.

4. Crafts from boxes with your own hands. Garbage crafts