What is a stone obsidian. Stone Obsidian - Interesting properties and to whom it fits

Mankind Mineral Obsidian has been known for about 9,000 years. Mineral received his name in honor of the Romans of Obsidius. Remove obsidian in lava, which freezes after the volcanic eruptions. And already in Paleolite on the basis of this stone, people could easily make a knife, an ax or spear. As the technologies for the processing of stones, the obsidian received increasingly and greater fame. At the end of the 19th century, its popularity increased at times, due to the use of Faberge in products. Now obsidian is widely used in jewelry and as an amicing stone.

The largest types of obsidian deposits are located in Ecuador, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, Ethiopia, Peru, Germany, Turkey, Armenia, Iceland and the United States, where in antiquity or in our times there are vulcanic activity zones. In Russia, the deposits of Obsidian were found in Kamchatka, the Caucasus and in Siberia. The irisdians are found in Nevada and the Hawaiian Islands.

For the first time, from Ethiopia to Europe, Obsidian brought the Roman by name Obsidius, which was the reason for the emergence of such a name of the stone. Different peoples obsidian was known under different names. For example, in the Transcaucasia, as the "Clamp of Cogati Satan", in America as "Tears Apache". The Greek term "Obscis" translates as a "sight", and perhaps also had an impact on the formation of the mineral, since mirrors were made in ancient times.

During the period of the stone century, primitive people were used by obsidian in the manufacture of knives, arrows, scrapers. They were sharper than metallic, and therefore popular. In Egypt, incense was kept in the vessels from Obsidian to preserve their quality. Also, the stone was made of belonging to the letter, as it was believed that Obsidian had a beneficial effect on the mental process of his owner. Residents of the Caucasus and India endowed with magic properties and used as a ritual stone.

In the jewelry case, Obsidian gained popularity at the end of the 19th century, when he began to use Karl Faberge in this quality.

Obsidian is a vitreous breed with volcanic origin, which is sometimes called volcanic glass. Its formation occurs when the lava cooled is cooled, which is poured on the ground when the volcanic eruption is eruption. Obsidian - amorphous stone. In chemical nature is silicon oxide with impurities of magnesium and iron oxides.

Painted obsidian in shades of gray, brown, red and black. It has amorphous singonia and sink is bliss. Stone hardness on the MOOS scale 5-6. Specific weight 2.3 g / cm3.

Types of obsidian

There are several subsidian subsidiaries depending on the color:

  • "Peanut" or "snow", painted in a gray-white color, and on its surface as if scattered "snowflakes".

  • Rainbow is distinguished by unique flower overflows that resemble oil drops. The most valuable and expensive subspecies.

It is believed that the force of the Sun, Saturn and Uranus was concluded in the obsidian, and people turned to his magical abilities since ancient times. So, special balls for fortune-telling were made of it. As a protective amulet, obsidian holds the owner from committing bad actions, helps to fight shortcomings. He protects against evil eyes and negative energy. The mineral gives collens, the ability to concentrate and focus on the most important, makes thoughts with accurate and sharp. For this reason, written supplies often make out of it.

In the Caucasus, Obsidian was considered a patron of children who could protect against harm, evil and damage.

Folk Medicine applies obsidian for the treatment of colds, which appear when heocoled. It is also believed that it has a positive effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Obsidian beads and rosary normalize pressure.

In general, obsidian is useful as a preventive agent. But it is constantly not recommended to wear it.

Obsidian wreckage - sharp cutting edges, so the mineral and began to apply ancient people. Scrapers, knives, spears, axes, arrow tips - all this was done on the basis of this mineral. Products from Obsidian found in Mesopotamia are about 9,000 years.

Later, various decorations and amulets, household items and ritual figures began to produce on the basis of obsidian. Aztecs and Ethiopia learned to make mirrors from it. Obsidian knives have become subjects of rituals. And, despite the fact that people learned how to make such iron products, obsidian did not lose their leadership positions.

As a jewelry and diverse stone, Obsidian began to be widely used from the 19th century. The first drew attention to the interesting properties of the stone and his attractive appearance of Karl Faberge. Today, obsidian is in demand among other semi-precious stones for the manufacture of watches, written sets, fountains, animal figures, beads, keyfobs, rosary.

Found the use of mineral and in industry as an extinguishing filler for light concrete.

The color palette of Obsidian is diverse and includes shades of gray, brown, red, green, blue. The most popular are snow-white and rainbow obsidian.

Fakes under natural obsidian are often made of painted glass, it is possible to distinguish them by the following signs:

  • Natural stone saturated matte color and pronounced shine.
  • A copy of natural origin in his hands long retains cold, unlike fast heating glass.
  • Natural stones are never with a homogeneous structure and contain inclusion.
  • Imitation when immersed in water losing shine and color saturation.

Since obsidian is a rather fragile mineral, decorations from it are stored in separate soft cases. They should not be left under the bright sun and in the water. We also protect the obsidian also from changes in temperature, and from mechanical damage.

Obsidian is a patron for representatives of the Capricorn sign, the life of which he will definitely change for the better and will help to be brave and decisive. Under his defense takes obsidian also Lion and Sagittarius. The decorations from it can wear scorpions, aquarius and twins. Only cancer and the virgin stone is not recommended, as it gives them irritability and consignment.

A piece of obsidian Cabochon with a size of about 3 cm is estimated at 5-7 dollars. Snowy obsidian in the form of a pyramid costs about $ 15. The most expensive is a rainbow obsidian, which can cost $ 200 more expensive.

  • Obsidian is considered a talisman for magicians and scientists. It is believed that the rosary of it develops clairvoyance, protect against negative energy, they protect from evil spirits.
  • In the Caucasus, the legend is common about how Satan was glared once and then, together with Loo, he began to fly out the pieces of his nails. That is why the stone received the unusual folk name "Nail Satan".
  • According to the American legend, the colonists committed one day at Apachi camp. In order not to surrender to the conquerors, the locals decided to rush from the rock in Zhero Volcano. Women mourned husbands for three nights, and their tears became beautiful black stones - obsidians, "apache tears".

"Cogging Satan", "Tears of Apich", "Icelandic Agat" is only a small list of the names of the mysterious stone - obsidian. In addition to unusual names, this mineral has a lot of legends and believes associated with it. The most popular is the version that these are claws of Satan himself, losing heavenly battle.

Physiochemical properties

Obsidian is a mineral of volcanic origin. Another name of the stone is a volcanic glass.

FormulaSiO2; MGO, FE3O4
ColorBlack, less often brown or transparent
TransparencyOpaque to translucent
Density2.5-2.6 g / cm³
Mountain volcanic breed

Place of mining

Mineral mining is directly related to volcanic activity. In order to get obsidian, we need volcanic eruptions, both modern and ancient. To date, the mineral is mined almost around the world:

  • Peru;
  • Indonesia;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Turkey;
  • Caucasus;
  • Mexico;
  • Armenia;
  • Japan;
  • Ecuador;
  • Iceland;
  • Caucasus;
  • Liepan Islands;
  • Hawaii;
  • Ukraine.

Separately, it is worth saying about obsidians of the US and Mexico. In America, a high quality mineral mineral is mined, and in Mexico, a very rare red-brown or simply red obsidian. Also, there are an unusual variety of this mineral "Velvet" - this is a matte stone of several shades at once.

Mexican obsidian

According to one of the versions, Obsidian was named after the Ancient Roman legionnaire of Obsidia, which brought him from Transcarpathia (Ukraine).

Varieties and colors

Magical properties and the value of the obsidian stone depend on its color. In nature, Minerals are most often found:

  • black;
  • gray;
  • brown color.

Gray Volcanic Breed Black Volcanic Breed Brown Volcanic Breed

In addition to the main colors, there are also found:

  • Red. A rare species that is mined in Mexico.

    Red Mountain Breed

  • Blue. The most popular in the manufacture of jewelry.

  • Fiery. One of the most expensive minerals.

  • Leopard, mahogani. These are reddish brown or brown stones with black streaks.

  • Green. Favorite stone shamans. It is believed that it allows you to tame perfume.

  • Rainbow. This is a whole group, the subspecies of black. After polishing on the stones, bands of different colors appear.

    Rainbow mountain breed

  • Snow obsidian or peanut. On a black background of stone scattered white or gray inclusions. Speecually, such an obsidian looks in jewelry.

    Headset from Snow Obsidian

  • Labrador. Rare species of mineral. Reminds a drop of oil.

    Volcanic breed with an interesting color name - Labrador

Such a variety of colors and structures is associated with various chemical composition of stone. During pouring into stone, different inclusions and impurities can fall, which cause its structure and shade.

Medical properties

Obsidian is well known in the fight against gout and diseases of the sexual sphere. Even in ancient India, during meditation, a piece of mineral was applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin and navel. It is believed that the volcanic glass cleans and reveals the sex chakra.

Obsidian decorations will help in the treatment of problems associated with the gastric tract. It perfectly affects the kidneys and adrenal glands.

As already mentioned, Obsidian helps to collect with thoughts and calm down, so it has long been used in the treatment of nervous and mental disorders.

Wearing products with obsidian, you can strengthen the bone system of the body.

Beautiful beads with a leaflet of snow obsidian

Mineral will help people who have pressure problems. It is capable of both lowering and raising it.

Obsidian amulets and talismans are overweight. They remove slags, excess salts and contribute to the care of weight loss. Mineral enhances the activity of its owner.

Another quality of mineral is the restoration of the skin after RAS or injuries. Currently, surgeons are practiced by using obsidian scalpels. Doctors praise them for sharpness, strength and argue that after them wounds are healing much faster.

Magic properties

Obsidian love all magicians and clairvoyant. Born in the most depths of the earth, he carries the strongest energy that even an ordinary person can feel. Since ancient times, the mineral is used for ghostas and all sorts of predictions. Obsidian helps clairvoyant to concentrate on the task set and protects against energy attacks.

Black Obsidian Pendant

Due to its ability to concentrate thoughts and clarify the consciousness of obsidian is ideal for all students and scientists. In ancient times from volcanic glass, written supplies were made, it was believed that it helps the best concentration and finding a quick solution.

Obsidian How can not be suitable for hot-tempered and impulsive people. Mineral is able to protect its owner from negative thoughts and actions. He will not give out the outward aggression and sinful thoughts. But mild and indecisive, he will help take the first step and take the necessary solution.

In the Transcaucasus Obsidian - a constant children's amulet. Locals know that the mineral will save the child from the evil eye, damage, curse and any negative impact. They also believe that such an amulet will help the child to grow strong, purposeful and self-confident personality.

Mineral is very popular among bankers, as it is believed that the rosary of obsidian will help the owner to return any debts.

If a person needs to not attract unnecessary attention to himself, then before going out, you need to put on an obsidian ornament or take a rosary of it.

Who is suitable for the zodiac sign

Obsidian unique stone. It suits almost all the signs of the zodiac, but only if the mineral is inserted into a silver frame. But still, the stone has its favorites and those who should be worked out.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

("+++" - suitable ideal, "+" - you can wear, "-" - categorically contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

The combination of stones is a whole science. It is known that the best combinations make up minerals related to one element. Also, according to astrologers, it is impossible to neglect the ties of stones with the signs of the zodiac and the patronizer planets. If the stones are mounted incorrectly, then at best, they rose each other, and at worst will create negative vibrations.

Mineral Obsidian belongs to the elements of the Earth. His friends":

  • agate;
  • nephritis;
  • turquoise;
  • crocodile;
  • onyx;
  • malachite;
  • emerald;
  • aventurine;
  • jasper;
  • amber;
  • jet.

From his group of land stones, obsidian is unique in that he "feels" well next to the minerals of fire. This is due to the origin of the stone - it is born of fire. A good couple he will be:

  • with grenade;
  • toopaz;
  • tiger eye;
  • carredik;
  • red agate;
  • onyx;
  • hematite;
  • red tourmaline;
  • diamond.

Obsidian is perfectly combined with a mountain crystal. Their duet is most often used when meditating for reinforced cleansing and charging sex chakra. Together they are able to level human energy.

Vintage headset - Ring and silver and black obsidian earrings

According to the studies of Paul Globa, an obsidian cannot be combined with Rubin.

Where it is used

Properties of obsidian contribute to its widespread use in various fields.

As already mentioned, surgical instruments are manufactured from volcanic glass. They differ greater strength and sharpness compared to metal. Ancient Maya made their weapons and piercing workers from Obsidian.

Mineral is used as raw materials for the production of dark glass.

Thanks to the magical properties of the stone from it, magical balls and mirrors for predictions are made. He helps to see the future and subjugate the spirits of the elements.

Mineral jewelry are very popular. Produce:

  • rings;
  • bracelets;
  • beads;
  • earrings.

The fashion for obsidian in jewelry entered Faberge, turning on the stone into his famous works.


The magical characteristics of obsidian are used in the manufacture of amulets and talismans.

Written accessories. In addition to a beautiful appearance, such things help concentrate.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the rosary of this stone. They are used for meditation and concentration.

Native icons. Obsidian refers to those rare stones, on which officially allowed to draw the faces of the saints and write prayers.

Figures made of volcanic glass will protect their home from bad people and negative energy.

How to distinguish fake

Obsidian are rarely forged. This is due to the fact that the stone itself is not expensive. Most often, the volcanic glass is given smoky quartz and painted in black glass.

Smoky quartz, which is sometimes issued under the guise of obsidian

In the first case, it is possible to understand that in front of you fake, it is possible by uneven distribution of the color. For the mineral characterized by the same color over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe stone with possible inclusions.

Natural stones have a matte color and characteristic shine. To find out, a stone in front of you or painted glass, you can use two methods:

  • Squeeze the mineral in the fist. Any stone will warmly warm. It is enough to clamp an alleged obsidian in a fist for 1 minute, during this time the glass will become warm, and there is no mineral.
  • For this method, it is necessary to lower half the stone into a glass with water for a while, and then simply compare 2 halves. In a natural mineral, they will remain identical, but in the case of a fake half, which was in the water, will swell and lose their shine.

How to wear and care

Decorations made of volcanic glass need to be worn with caution. It is best to wear jewelry with volcanic glass only in special cases. Long-term contact with mineral will badly affect the state of the kidneys and will deprive its dedication owner. With constant contact with man, a stone will deprive his willpower and completely subjugate.

Volcanic Ring

Particularly careful need to be with black oversdian. Its energy is associated with spirits. It is believed that he concentrates the energy of death.

Until now, in some European countries, the devils are only for the rules of decency only on the funeral.

Caring for products

Obsidian - stone fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to customize the products from this mineral.

  • Store the mineral preferably in a separate box or bag so as not to scratch it.
  • Like many other stones, obsidians do not like sharp temperature drops and long-staying in the sun or in water.
  • To clean the jewelry, it is desirable to apply a weak soap solution or purchase a special means. After cleaning the mineral you need to gently wipe with a soft cloth.
  • If volcanic glass is used as an amulet or overama, then periodically it is necessary to place a stone for 10-15 minutes under the flow water. Such a procedure will help remove the entire negative, which mineral managed to take on. Cleaning the stone It is advisable to spend once every 1-1.5 months

Bracelet from a snow volcanic breed

With proper care, it is possible to use a stone for many years. So, for example, tips were detected for arrows from Obsidian, with over 6,000 years.

Favorable time for buying

Obsidian is not desirable to buy for yourself. Best of all the magical properties of Obsidian are manifested if he was presented.

In the case when you still need to make a purchase, it is best to choose the 21st, 24th and 29th day of the lunar calendar for this.

The cost of obsidian depends on several factors:

  • colors of stone;
  • its size;
  • cuts;
  • forms;
  • processing complexity.

The price for 1 gram of Obsidian is small, it starts from 50 rubles. But there is a rarest variety of stone - green obsidian, the cost of which is higher than that of a diamond.

Approximate cost of volcanic glass products:

  1. Beads - from 1000 rubles.
  2. Earrings, rings - 2500 rubles.
  3. Bracelets - 800 rubles.
  4. Pendants, amulets - 100 rubles.
  5. Small spheres, figures - 1000 rubles.

Despite the fact that the stone does not apply to precious, it is difficult to overestimate the value of obsidian for humanity. His healing properties are known since the times of ancient Egypt, and the magical properties of obsidian make it the most valuable mineral for practical magicians.

The obsidian stone is very beautiful, and striking any person a lot of shades and beauty of patterns. In addition to the magnificent appearance, the mineral has unique magical properties. In antiquity, some people were afraid of him, others were worshiped and admired.

His official name of the crystal was received by the name of a person who brought obsidian to Europe. In the Caucasus, the stone was associated with the other world and called "lucifer claws". Therefore, Armenian peasants broke black obsidian if he was found.

American Indians nicknamed the mineral "tears of apacies". And the history of the interaction of man began and is obscene during the times of primitive people, which, due to the unusual structure of the breed, made knives and arrow tips from it. Then the ritual products began to cut out of the crystal. The ancient Egyptians black mineral considered the stone of the dead and necessarily put it next to the Mummy of Pharaoh.

In the Russian Federation and the CIS, mineral resources are mined in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, Transcarpathia and Kamchatka. The global market is replenished with gems from America and Mexico.

Main characteristics

Crystal looks like black glass. It can be confused with such minerals as smoky quartz, zircon, grenades, tourmaline, diopsyda.

There are really many other names of the gem:

  • volcanic glass
  • icelandic agate
  • lucifer claws debris,
  • resin or bottle stone
  • mountain Red Tree
  • persian
  • Wasser Chrisolite.

Composition and physical properties

The main components of the mineral are Magnesium, Silicium and Ferrum oxides. Mineral mineral composition is a mixture of quartz with a fieldspap. Mountain breed has volcanic origins, i.e. It is formed from lava and begins to harden on the earth's surface.

Among the properties of Obsidian can be allocated:

  • Hardness up to 6 units on the Moos scale;
  • Low strength, so the mineral does not boast of high wear resistance, and some strongholds can easily break his hand.
  • Lack of crystalline solids

Unusual vasser-chrysolite texture is similar to a mixture of coal and glass. Therefore, you might think that the stone is precious. But it is not.

Colors and varieties

Obsidian most often has dark shades with the inclusions of the stains and the strips of another color. The color scheme can be from silver to black. Transparent samples are not found in nature.

  • Snow Obsidian has a black color with white spots similar to snowflakes.
  • Peanut - Contains inclusions that make it looking like peanut tree fruit.
  • Rainbow - It is considered the most expensive due to the beautiful appearance. It has all the colors of the rainbow and overflows.
  • Golden - Crystal with gas bubbles inside, which creates a sparkling effect, like a gold ingot.
  • Silver Obsidian has gray color and steel glitter.

The price of samples is small. The cost per gram is less than 1 ruble. The most rare copies are approximately 1000 rubles per kilogram. How much will it cost a product from obsidian, depends on the complexity of finishing, size and cut.

  • For a miniature bead, you can post up to 800 rubles, for the bracelet - 2500 rubles. This is despite the fact that the product will be fully made of the crystal.
  • Mountain mahogany beads will cost about 2000 rubles.

Beauty of Blue Obsidian (video)

Magic Properties

Obsidian, despite the fact that this is not a gem, is one of the strongest natural talismans. Thanks to its magic properties, you can go through the most complex tests. The meaning of the stone for children is also great - he can be a guy facing. In real life, the natural talisman helps to charge the energy and become really productive.

Also, the stone can "scan" a person and endow it with opposite features of character. For example, soft people will become more persistent and will be able to repulse at the right moment. But there is in this and minus: people who are thirsty, but not having it, can be deceived. Gem will give them a feeling of power, which they, unfortunately, do not possess. It will make his owner almost crazy.

The mirror framed by obsidian has magical functions. With it, you can:

  • Ploy to the future.
  • Learn the secrets of the past.
  • Install the connection with the world of the dead.
  • Call a dead man or other creature from the parallel world.

Influence on zodiac signs

Not in vain for a long time, this gem was exactly the children's faith. According to astrologers, Obsidian has a strong connection with the defender of scorpions and babies - Pluto planet. Also vasser-chrysolit will help those who need to restore spiritual or moral forces after injuries.

The stone is suitable for the following zodiac signs:

  • Aquarius. Women, especially pregnant, he will give healthy offspring. Men will provide a rapid advancement over the career ladder, naturally, if a person is not selfish.
  • Capricorn. And men and women will feel the tide of energy. Such an energy flow is able to awaken hidden talents and extraordinary abilities.

Persian will assist only those whose intentions are chicted, like a child.

Description of therapeutic properties

There is an interesting fact that the therapeutic properties of obsidian depend on its color.

  • Red - able to calm the passion in the soul and normalize the functioning of all internal organs. It restores the damaged aura.
  • Green - Helps to establish the connection of its owner with the land of the earth.
  • Brown - beneficial effects on the activities of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Blue It is a very rare view, has the strongest energy that is able to protect the owner of the talisman from trouble.

How to distinguish from fake and other minerals

Smith stone can be confused with smoky quartz. Minerals can be distinguished visually. The quartz color is distributed over the surface unevenly, the color is more ordered.

Sometimes unscrupulous sellers for natural crystal give out color glass. It is very easy to distinguish the fake: it quickly heats up in his hand. Do not forget that in the present stone necessarily there are inclusions and streaks.

Application area

Obsidian recently received widespread use in the manufacture of surgical instruments, where it is used as a material for scalpels. It turns out a super slave that cuts at the molecular level. Very often, this gem is used as a material for jewelry.

Decorations and talismans

Do not forget that any jewelry from volcanic glass is considered a talisman.

  • Male ring From white or lemon gold, supplemented with an insert from Obsidian, will give its owner of masculinity and will provide him with unfavorable male strength.
  • Earrings With tears of apaches will make a highlight to a female image. Beautiful gems in silver will decorate the ears of the weak floor representative regardless of its age.
  • Spectacular ring With obsidian - fashionable decoration. Such a thing will be combined with clothes in different styles.
  • Stylish female ringFully made of mineral, will be a guard that is able to give its owner harmony in relations with loved ones.
  • Beads Will be protected from negative, which accumulates inside. The power of the mineral will not give up the outward of aggression and negative emotions.

Pendant with rainbow obsidian (video)

Souvenirs and other products

Icelandic agate is used to make various trinkets. Its low cost provides the availability of products, and the surface similar to the precious stone is aesthetics. Nowadays you can purchase:

  • Boxes of obsidian. They are really luxurious. The only minus will be fragility.
  • Desktop souvenirs. Such decor items put on the table of the head or subordinate will raise the mood or add originality.
  • Icons. The drawing on the mineral can be both silver and gold. But the obvious disadvantage of some icons will be that they can resemble tombstones.
  • Chess from Wasser Chrysolite. They will become an excellent gift to any connoisseur of this game.
  • Accessories from Obsidian. Mirrors, stands, mouthpieces and other small things will delight the eye of the owner.

The miniature model of the bulldozer from Obsidian is specially popular with its special popularity. Such a souvenir will decorate any room and will become its highlight.

Office sets

Since Icelandic agate resembles real precious minerals, it is often used as decoration of the workspace. Apache tears products look stylish and are signs of good taste. Particularly interesting is the desktop set of the head, who can be seen almost every business person. Office set of obsidian will create a feeling of strength, and will also be an excellent addition to branded written accessories. In addition, the Kit Wasser-Chrysolita will become an excellent gift for February 23, a birthday or father's day. A presented set of obsidian on the table desk will help subordinate to find a common language with the boss.

Gallery: Stone Obsidian (53 photos)

Natural stone has no prohibitions in combination with other minerals.

  • A combination of a pess with an air pearl will give the jewelry contrast. A large black volcanic stone will look massively and stand out against the background of a small pearl.
  • Incredibly luxuriously, Avenant will look at the background of Icelandic agate, but this decoration will only suit the ladies aged.
  • Amethyst will give the decoration of mysterious obsidian.
  • According to some, the chrysoprase of bright shades will not be well combined with Wasser Chrysolitis, but the more rich stones will look prettier.

The owners of the products from the resin stone should not forget that it has a rather fragile structure. Therefore, things from obsidane need to be stored separately from others in a soft case.

Mineral can not be subjected to a long exposure to water, sunlight and temperature differences. Clean the stone with a soft cloth moistened in a soap solution.

The stone that appeared from the vulcan train, and having a history of several centuries, did not lose its relevance in the modern world. Obsidian in the hands of the surgeon can give life, and in the hands of a black magician - pick it up.

Obsidian has volcanic origin, it is born in the heart of the planet and has very deep and pronounced colors, and numerous names of the mineral indicate its popularity. So What secrets keep in yourself Durable from the depths of the earth and frozen lava? In this material, we will consider the Obsidian stone in detail: his magic properties and to whom it is suitable on the sign of the zodiac.

Magic properties of stone Obsidian, meaning and photo

You are energetic, purposeful and actively achieve the goal. You want important changes and incarnation of cherished desires, then take a look at obsidian, because it has a powerful energy and phenomenal abilities in magic. It is this mineral will help overcome all the testsWhat fell in life, take faithful solutions and not commit a rampant deed. The stone will give for strength and confidence, will save from fear and experiences of those who are afraid of change: change the work or move to a new place of residence.

Obserg from Obsidian will protect against damage, various unchalled, negative and generic curses. He, as if the mirror, will reflect the evil intentions of ill-wishers and protects from energy vampires.

And with a regular toe, protects you from gloomy thoughts, it will help to remove the tension and increase the sharpness of thinking. If you are too emotional and thoroughly react to words, events, actions and life problems - power, strength and energy of stone congratulations will give you, calm and bright reasonwill help save neutrality.

Obsidian amulet will help grow the career staircase and those who are busy in the field of finance. He will protect against rapid decisions, spending and material damages. The magic of obsidian depends on his palette.

Rainbow Obsidian and its magic properties

Minerals of Rainbow Color contribute to the disclosure and understanding of their inner world, open the owner of the mystery of nature and being, help bring order in thoughts and consider their essence. They teach to be happy. Remove the experiences associated with treason or unrequited love.

Red-brown obsidian and its magic properties

The mineral of red-brown will help become more confident in its abilities in physical and morally. Stone will save from psychological grip and dependence. It is used in purification rites and is suitable for meditations, helps in the restoration of the destroyed human aura.

Snow Obsidian and his magical properties

This is a purity and light mineral. It helps to achieve the balance of the body, mind and spirit. Removes the negative from the owner, helps calm down and gather with thoughts. In stressful situations, it helps not lose vigilance and gives protection.

Stone Black Obsidian and His Magic Properties

It is believed that obsidian contains the energy of three planets: the Sun, Uranus and Saturn, is why it is so strong, with a powerful influence. Black gem is just as black, is a tool of white and black magicians, mediums and sorcerers. He helps to develop the gift of foresight, conquer the elements of nature and subjugate spirits.

Magic balls are made of black minerals, their the surface is mystically beautiful: Manit and fascinates. Mysterious images arise on the vitreous surface of the ball, and when they rotate, they seem to float into non-existence, and new ones occur to shift. Experienced magicians use black stone balls at fortune telling and rituals.

Everyone who is fond of fortune tells, magic, meditations and spiritual sessions, it is recommended to have a black obsidian. He will cleanse consciousness from unnecessary thoughts and will help to see the future.

Stone Obsidian and his healing properties

Mineral is used in traditional medicine and folk. It is used to make surgical instruments, and many patients note that healing and Recovery is faster after operationsconducted by a tool from obsidian than after tools from other materials. And in alternative medicine, thanks to its useful properties, the mineral contributes to.

The Russian name of the stone comes on behalf of the Romans Obsus, who first brought obsidian to Europe from Ethiopia. Different peoples gave their names to this stone. In the Transcaucasia, for example, Obsidian was called "Cogat Satan". In America, some varieties of this stone and are now called "Tears Apache". Also, obsidian can occur from the Greek "Obscis" - the spectacle, since in antiquity this material was used for the manufacture of mirrors.


Obsidian Refers to inexpensive diverse stones. The cost of the cabochon with a diameter of about 3 cm is 5-7 dollars. The pyramid from the snow obsidian will cost 15 dollars. However, a piece of rainbow obsidian with a pattern in the form of a heart and with the same form will cost about 200 dollars or more.

Origin and chemical composition

Obsidian is a vitreous breed of volcanic origin, or, as it is also called, volcanic glass. It is formed as a result of the rapid cooling of the lava, which flashed on the surface. Obsidian does not have a crystal structure, he amorfen. By chemical composition Obsidian - silicon oxide.

Physico-chemical properties of obsidian

  • Chemical formula - SiO2; MGO, FE3O4.
  • Color - gray, brown, reddish, black.
  • Singony - amorphous.
  • Hardness - 5-6 on the Moos scale.
  • Density - 2.3 g per cm3.
  • Flee - sink.


Black mineral with the inclusion of ferro-white crystal crystals is called a snowy obsidian. Sometimes in nature you can meet stones, irrigating blue-blue, reddish and greenish shades. They are called rainbow obsidians.

Usually this stone is black due to the smallest particles. However, there are also red, brown, gray, green and other varieties, including transparent with inclusions. On the "Snow Obsidian" as if snowflakes are scattered, it is also called "peanutsdian". The most rarest and valuable - rainbow obsidian, similar to Labrador, with its color overflows resembling a drop of oil.

Processing and use

The observed obsidian is used in the production of inexpensive beads, keyfobs, rosary and other things. Decorative crafts are also made of it. But the main use of Obsidian found in construction - it is used for the manufacture of stripped material -.

Deposit Obsidian

Most of the global volume of obsidian production is concentrated on the territory of Ecuador, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, Ethiopia, Peru, Saxony (Germany), Turkey, Armenia, on Liepan Islands, Iceland and the United States. All mineral deposits are associated with volcanic processes - ancient or modern.

In Russia, obsidian is mined in Kamchatka, the Caucasus and Siberia. In Hawaii and in Nevada, an izrising obsidian is mined.

Magic properties

Obsidian is one of the strongest stones that protect a person from a negative external influence. Therefore, for example, in the Transcaucasia it from time immemorial use as a children's chaff.

It was believed that obsidian helps to adequately postpone even the most difficult tests that the person is eliminated from illusions. The stone stimulates people who have no initiative, charges their energy and the desire to change their lives. With myself, obsidian is worth everyone who suffers because of its own softness. However, the use of stone is unsafe for those who are torn to power by at any cost, as it can inspire the feeling of strength that a person does not possess.

Obsidian helps to get rid of obsessive attention to others. If a person wants to stay unnoticed, he puts on the decoration of obsidian or takes into the hands of obsidian rosary. It is believed that obsidian, the only stone that can help return debts. This feature of the stone especially believe bankers and buy it willingly.

Avestian school believes obsidian a magic stone of great strength that helps in victory over spirits and submissal to themselves. This is the mascot of practicing magicians and scientists. Rosas from obsidian contribute to the development of clairvoyance. A ball or mirror from Obsidian is an excellent way for divination, which is not worse than a mountain crystal.

If you put a stone under the pillow during day sleep, you can get information from your bright ancestors. Do not risk to do this experiment at night - the direction of the strength of the black stones at this time of the day is unpredictable. Obsidian turns away from love that will not bring happiness.

Medical properties

In India, Obsidian used yoga and mystics in order to connect with the energy of the Earth. Many peoples told an opinion: to protect themselves from diseases, it is necessary to wear an amulet from Obsidian. Since ancient times, they were treated as colds and rheumatism and mental, nervous disorders.

It was believed that the stone restores the skin condition after injuries and burns, speeds up the process of healing wounds. It was believed that obsidian - an indispensable assistant in the fight against the gout, it helps in diseases of the genital organs, and also cleans the organs at the cellular level. The rosary, beads and suspension from obsidian positively affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the work of the kidneys, stabilize blood pressure and strengthen the immunity.

Today, obsidian is successfully used in surgery. With the help of obsidian tools, there are already many operations, including the eye. Obsidian, as a material for surgical instruments, a great future, especially since, according to the assertion of doctors, the places of cuts after obsidian knives are heal faster.


Astrologically obsidian is suitable for a ravine, lion, Capricorn, Aquarius, Archers and Scorpio. Mentakes obsidian better in silver.


In the Stone Age, Obsidian was used by primitive people for the manufacture of knives, scrapers and tips for arrows. And even after the development man of iron, obsidian tools remained sharper metallic. Decoration from this mineral, externally resembling glass, began to make much later.

Today's name obsidian received in ancient Rome. An unusual stone found in North Africa, for the first time in the empire brought a legionnaire by the name of the Obsus. Persdet, statues, sculptures and many other products from Obsidian immediately won popularity. The Egyptians believed that incense would better retain their properties if they do not store them in ceramic, but in obsidian vessels. In addition, according to the ancient legends, the stone helped his owner fellow with thoughts, so there was often written supplies from it.

The inhabitants of the Caucasus were considered to be obsessed by the debris claws, and the place of his birth was underlying. In general, the fame of the ritual attribute for a long time pursued a stone. Indian yoga used obsidian for unity with the energy of the Earth, and in part of European countries, its wearing and today is permissible only on the funeral ceremonies.

Popular in the secular circles obsidian became with a light hand of Jeweler Karl Faberge at the end of the XIX century. Since then, the mineral refers to fairly popular diverse stones, the demand for it is not too large, but stable from year to year.