What is Galvanic Facial Cleansing? Electroplating in hardware cosmetology To which layer of the skin the galvanic current penetrates

Galvanization (galvanization) today is gaining popularity both in cosmetology and in medicine (in the treatment of various diseases of the joints). Galvanotherapy in cosmetology shows an excellent effect, especially in combination with the use of cosmetic preparations. For effective treatment of joints, galvanotherapy is combined with other physiotherapy methods, such as electrophoresis.

You can purchase an apparatus for galvanizing and carry out procedures at home, this will save time and money. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for using the device.

What is galvanotherapy

Galvanotherapy is the procedure for influencing the body with an electric current, the current intensity does not exceed 50 mA, and the voltage ranges from 30-80 V. The beneficial effect of this procedure is used in cosmetology and in medicine (in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine).

For more information on the action of microcurrents, see the video about galvanotherapy:

The effect of galvanic current on the body leads to irritation of the skin nerve endings, in these places the production of various biological substances is activated. Under the action of the current, the blood vessels dilate and the blood flow accelerates. This improves the condition of the skin.

Fields of application of galvanotherapy

Exposure to galvanic current is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine. This method can be prescribed for patients with spinal hernias, fractures, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, etc. Galvanotherapy for such diseases has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilator effect.

Galvanotherapy is widely used in gynecology: with climacteric syndrome, infertility, inflammation of the uterus and appendages. In this case, exposure to electric current helps to relieve vasospasm and smooth muscles, improve blood supply to tissues, and promotes resorption of adhesions and scars.

Galvanotherapy is also widely used in dentistry. This procedure is prescribed to patients with diseases such as neuritis, facial nerve neuralgia, facial nerve palsy, periodontitis, periodontitis, diseases of the salivary glands. The action of galvanic current improves metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of damaged bone and nervous tissue, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

Galvanization can also be used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

Varieties of galvanotherapy

There are 2 types of galvanotherapy in cosmetology:

  1. Iontophoresis.
  2. Disincrustation.

Iontophoresis is a procedure performed by a low voltage current. It is carried out with a special device for iontophoresis and helps to accelerate blood circulation, and also increases the ability of the nutrients contained in creams and masks to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, where recovery and regeneration processes take place.

Cleaning the skin using a current and an alkaline solution is called desincrustation. The essence of the procedure is that under the action of a galvanic current, the solution is saponified, the alkali reacts with the fatty acids of the sebaceous glands, turns into soap and cleanses the skin.

Disincrustation procedure on video:

The alkaline solution also helps open the pores, which helps to better cleanse them of sebum. For acne, disinfection is a good alternative to mechanical cleaning of the face.

Features of the facial procedure

It is necessary to prepare for the galvanotherapy procedure. First, you need to cleanse and degrease the skin in any available way: scrub or peeling. After that, gauze is applied to the skin, on which special preparations (gels for galvanotherapy) have been previously applied. Then the beautician begins the procedure itself - exposure to the electrode. After the procedure, the skin must be treated with a soothing lotion, a cooling mask and a nourishing cream applied.

The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes, and the galvanotherapy process itself lasts 5 minutes. During the treatment of the skin with the electrode, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation. The average price of galvanotherapy in the salon is 800-1000 rubles.

But there are special devices with which galvanotherapy can be carried out at home.

For example, the Elfor device is an apparatus for home use, which combines 2 modes: galvanization and electrophoresis. With the help of the Elfor device, you can not only improve the condition of the skin, but also treat joint diseases at home. But before using the device, it is imperative to consult a doctor and study all contraindications.

Pros and cons of galvanotherapy

Galvanization is useful for treating dehydrated, dry skin, and it also significantly improves the condition of problematic, oily, acne-prone skin. It enhances blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and increases the protective functions of cells. For the best effect, during the procedure, galvanotherapy cosmetics are used (a number of special preparations with a negative or positive charge).

Galvanic therapy is especially effective for aging, aging skin. After a course of procedures, the depth and number of wrinkles decreases, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, the complexion improves, inflammations and spots on the skin are eliminated, its surface becomes smoother.

Galvanotherapy has its advantages over other cosmetic procedures:

  • achieving an excellent effect without surgery;
  • painlessness;
  • the fact that during the procedure the integrity of the skin is not violated;
  • no side effects.

Galvanotherapy, like any treatment technique, has its drawbacks:

  • discomfort and the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth during the procedure, which can persist for some time after it;
  • redness of the skin;
  • the need to undergo a course of procedures to achieve a visible effect;
  • a large number of contraindications.

Contraindications to the procedure

Galvanotherapy is prohibited if the patient has the following diseases:

  • oncological;
  • tuberculosis;
  • autoimmune;
  • blood diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of the application of the electrodes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the patient has a pacemaker or metal prostheses.

You can not carry out this manipulation during pregnancy and lactation.

Reviews about galvanotherapy

Elena, 30 years old

Since adolescence, I have been struggling with rashes on my face. The skin is oily, the pores are enlarged. I tried a large number of different means and procedures, but it was not possible to achieve a lasting effect, the rashes appeared again. The beautician suggested trying galvanic currents for the face. The procedure turned out to be completely simple and painless. Thanks to several sessions of galvanic face cleansing, it was possible to get rid of acne.

After a course of iontophoresis, consisting of 10 sessions, the skin condition improved markedly, the oily sheen disappeared, redness disappeared, the skin became more elastic, the complexion improved. In the future, I plan to pick up a device for home use.

Marina, 27 years old

Having tried a course of galvanotherapy for the face in a beauty salon, I was delighted with the result. Already after 4 sessions, the rashes and redness on the skin disappeared, the oily sheen disappeared, the skin became more elastic and even, acquired tone. Salon procedures are not cheap, so she turned her attention to the Elfor-prof. This is an apparatus for carrying out galvanotherapy with various cosmetics. It can be used to do both iontophoresis and desincrustation (galvanic face cleansing).

I use it at home all the time and am very pleased with the result, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for using the device.

Natalia, 52 years old

With age, the skin becomes withered, dry and flabby. The beautician suggested trying a course of galvanotherapy. After the first course, consisting of 10 procedures, the skin condition has noticeably improved, the wrinkles have become less deep, and the skin is more hydrated, taut, and the complexion has improved. I will continue to do these procedures in the future, this is a good opportunity to improve my appearance without resorting to surgical intervention.

Olga, 53 years old

I bought the Elfor apparatus for galvanotherapy and electrophoresis at home six months ago and I am very pleased with it. For a long time I have suffered from arthrosis of the knee joints, exacerbations occur 4-5 times a year. Previously, I often had to go to the polyclinic for physical electrophoresis procedures and sit there in long queues. Now I make them at home. The device will allow you to reduce the pain syndrome in a couple of sessions, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions.

Natalia, 23 years old

Since adolescence I suffer from acne. I have tried a lot of medicines and cosmetics: ointments, creams, lotions, masks. The effect is always short-lived, the rash appeared again and again. The beautician suggested replacing the mechanical face cleansing with desincrustation (galvanic face cleansing) and undergoing several courses of galvanotherapy. Already after the first 10 procedures, a positive effect was noticeable. There are much fewer rashes, the skin is less oily, and the complexion has improved. I liked the effect, I will continue to do this procedure further.

Hardware cosmetology is the next stage in the development of cosmetology as a science of beauty and health. By acting on the body of various physical phenomena - heat, cold, laser radiation, electric current, vacuum - cosmetologists successfully slow down the aging of the body, fight overweight, various skin problems. Most beauty devices are only suitable for salon use, but there are some that can be purchased for home use. One of these devices is an apparatus for iontophoresis at home.

The principle of operation of iontophoresis and indications for its use

If we translate the term "iontophoresis" into an understandable language, then we get this phrase - transportation (delivery) of ions. This procedure is based on the effect of a kind of complex - electric current plus medicinal or cosmetic preparations - on the skin of the face or the whole body.

In the twentieth century, after lengthy studies of the iontophoresis procedure (it is also called electrophoresis or galvanization), it was proved that a current of low strength and voltage affects the cell membrane, changing its properties. Under its influence, the permeability of the skin increases, the basal metabolism is activated and the regeneration processes are started.

If the electric current is used not as a mono-procedure, but in combination with certain drugs, the formation of ions - particles with a "plus" sign occurs. Ions, penetrating into the skin layers to a depth of 5 mm, serve as conductors for the active components of cosmetics. Thus, a depot of substances is formed in the dermis of the skin, which gradually penetrate into all cells and improve their work.

With the help of iontophoresis, you can not only inject medicinal substances, but also remove dead cells, excess sebum and dirt particles. For this, the skin is treated with alkaline solutions and galvanized.

For the iontophoresis procedure, an anode or cathode of an electrolytic ion is used. The anode is necessary for the introduction of acidic solutions into the skin, designed to strengthen skin tissues, normalize microcirculation, and relax areas of tension. Most often, a positively charged manipulator is used to narrow pores, relieve redness after various cosmetic procedures, edema and foci of inflammation.

With the help of the cathode, alkaline solutions are introduced, which soften the skin, improve blood flow in it, and activate the nerve endings. Most often, the procedure is performed to improve the condition of mature or oily skin.

In addition to local effects, home iontophoresis also has a general effect on the human body. The electrical current also stimulates the nerve endings in the skin tissue. Electrical impulses reach the brain, providing a calming effect and improving overall well-being.

The procedure is carried out to achieve the following results:

  1. Reduce large and small wrinkles in the upper and lower eyelids, around the lips and on the neck.
  2. Achieve additional tissue hydration.
  3. Prevent the development of cellulite.
  4. Cleanse the skin of toxins and free radicals.
  5. By activating blood flow and improving lymph drainage, get rid of bags under the eyes.
  6. Make the skin elastic, smooth, and restore good tone and pleasant color to it.
  7. To deliver the maximum of useful nutrients to the tissues, which is especially important in winter.
  8. Reduce the appearance of small scars or scars as much as possible.

Algorithm for iontophoresis at home

Fundamental rules

If you decide to carry out iontophoresis at home, without consulting a specialist, remember a few basic rules:

  1. Cosmetics used during galvanization should only be water-based. The use of products containing fat emulsions is strictly prohibited.
  2. For a certain electrode charge (positive or negative), there is a list of cosmetics. Substances with a "+" charge are introduced with a positive electrode, with a "-" charge - a negative one.
  3. It is better to use single-component drugs, alternating courses (for example, a course of vitamin C (10 sessions), then a course of hyaluronic acid (also 10 sessions). Firstly, with single-component drugs it is easier to avoid a side effect. Secondly, as iontophoresis is carried out in the skin the introduced substance accumulates, creating a depot.If the choice is made in favor of a cocktail, then its composition should include a minimum amount of monopreparations (optimally 3) with the same polarity.


If you use an anode during iontophoresis, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of drugs intended specifically for a positively charged electrode:

  1. Aloe extract or juice.
  2. Vitamins B1, B12, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
  3. Hyaluronidase.
  4. Healing mud.
  5. Copper sulfate.
  6. Physiological solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution).
  7. Zinc sulfate.
  8. Zinc hyaluronate.

The following substances are suitable for a negatively charged electrode:

  1. FIBS.
  2. Unitiol or Ichthyol (contain sulfur).
  3. Sodium salicylate.
  4. Nicotinic acid (diluted with water 1: 1).
  5. Water-soluble hydrocortisone succinate.
  6. Ascorbic acid (diluted with water 1: 1).
  7. Hyaluronic acid.
  8. Caffeine (sodium benzonate) - can work for both "+" and "-".

Also, special charged cosmetics for iontophoresis are used (for example, cocktails produced by Beauty Style), non-woven water-based masks soaked in appropriate solutions: hyaluronic acid, collagen, placental masks (the Chinese brand DIZAO is currently the sales leader).

Carrying out

  1. The procedure begins with preliminary cleansing of the treated area. This can be done both with the help of certain cleaning agents (alcohol) and with the help of anaphoresis - galvanic disinfection. Anaphoresis promotes loosening of the epidermis, increasing its permeability to the active components of cosmetic preparations.

For disinfection, a clean cloth mask soaked in soda solution is used (for a glass of purified warm water, 1 dec. L. Soda). We apply a mask for 20 minutes and act on it with a negative charge, driving the electrode along the massage lines. At the end of desincrustation, to restore the ph of the skin, change the polarity to "+" and treat the skin for a couple of minutes.

  1. The next step is to attach the electrodes to the device. It should be remembered that the electrodes of stationary devices are of two types - active and passive. The active electrode is used to perform electrophoresis, and the passive patient is held in his hands. The active electrode can be charged positively or negatively depending on the desired effect.

Immediately before the procedure, the client must remove all metal objects from himself. Wet hydrophilic pads are put on the electrodes (if the skin is very delicate), which are needed to prevent the occurrence of chemical burns during iontophoresis.

It should be noted that in such compact devices for home iontophoresis, such as, for example, Gezaton Beauty Iris, one roller electrode is used.

  1. So, the area of ​​influence has been cleared, the device is ready to work - you can start. A cosmetic agent is applied to the treatment site, the charge of which corresponds to the charge of the active electrode (or roller electrode, depending on the equipment of the device). The device for iontophoresis is connected to the network, the active electrode is applied to the selected area and driven over the entire area.

At the very beginning, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation in the area of ​​contact with the electrode, but after a while, the unpleasant sensations disappear. If this does not happen, the procedure is suspended. Duration of galvanization is about 15-20 minutes. The iontophoresis procedure is completed by treatment of the skin with a moisturizing or toning lotion.

We offer a video of the application of a professional device for iontophoresis. From it, you can glean a lot of useful information regarding the procedure at home: the principle of action, the algorithm for treating the skin of the face and the area around the eyes, performing hardware cleaning.

Contraindications to iontophoresis:

  1. The presence of a pacemaker.
  2. Heart rhythm disorders.
  3. Hyperthermia.
  4. Diseases of the vessels of the skin.
  5. Maceration of the skin in the treatment area.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Cancer neoplasms.

Apparatus for home iontophoresis

For the electric current to have a positive effect, you need to choose high-quality equipment. Consider the most popular devices for iontophoresis at home:

  1. Multifunctional massager Gezaton Beauty Iris.

This device operates in three modes and operates with different types of current: galvanic, Lotti microcurrents and conventional microcurrents. Using three nozzles alternately, with the help of galvanic current (iontophoresis), you can moisturize and nourish the skin well, thanks to microcurrents, blood supply and lymph drainage will improve, and with the help of Lottie's microcurrents, wrinkles will become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

  1. Mente Aurora Ceutical G 7

This device also boasts multifunctionality, because it generates not only galvanic current, but also ultrasound and even infrared radiation. Each of the modes can be used independently or combined. If we focus on the electric current, then this device is perfect for ion purification - the charge of the device is positive and for ion enrichment - the charge is negative.

  1. Gezatone Galvanic Beauty SPA m775

This device also allows the client to use three types of physical phenomena: galvanic current, infrared radiation and vibration. The electric current in this device is used to deeply cleanse the skin, detoxify it, deliver nutrients and lift it. The combination of different modes of operation allows for a more pronounced effect.

  1. Massager galvanic Gezatone m910

This device is considered the simplest and most affordable device for inophoresis at home. It only produces a galvanic current and can be used to deeply nourish and cleanse the skin.

Despite the emergence of the latest cosmetic techniques, galvanization and iontophoresis are not losing ground. The reason is simple: these are simple and reliable methods that have numerous positive reviews, available to any category of clients and understandable even for a novice cosmetologist. In addition, it is possible to work with electroplating without a medical education.

Electroplating: principle of operation

Galvanization, or galvanization, in cosmetology is called the procedure for influencing the body with a constant multipolar galvanic current with low voltage. Healthy skin without damage passes the current poorly, therefore, when exposed to external influences, it enters the body through the hair follicles and ducts of the glands, distributing further in the intercellular spaces of the tissues.

Electroplating involves exposing the skin and tissues to two electrodes:

  • Active, having a direct therapeutic effect;
  • Passive, closing the electrical circuit. It is wrapped in a damp cloth lining, attached to the patient's body near the site of exposure, or given to the patient's hand.

The created electric field sets the ions in motion: the positive electrode attracts negatively charged particles, the negative one - positively charged ones. The resulting ionic asymmetry in tissues has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of cells, activates intracellular biochemical processes, metabolic reactions, division, etc.

Electroplating in cosmetology

The impact on the problem area with an active positive electrode (anode) helps to close the pores, tighten the skin, narrow blood vessels, relieve edema, acidify the skin environment, reduce the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

The negative electrode (cathode) is used for:

  • enlargement of pores;
  • loosening and softening of the skin;
  • opening of blood vessels and enhancing microcirculation;
  • enhancing the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • loosening sebaceous plugs;
  • cleansing the skin.

The negative electrode alkalizes the skin surface; to restore its pH at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to change the polarity.

The type of electrode for galvanic is selected according to the indications:

  • oily or dry skin type;
  • oily or dry seborrhea;
  • problem skin with comedones;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • swelling;
  • epidermolysis;
  • rosacea;
  • small scars and acne scars;
  • prevention of aging.

Galvanic current shows high results in the fight against cellulite. It smoothes "orange peels", reduces the appearance of stretch marks, improves skin elasticity. Electroplating helps to create an ideal body: it produces a powerful effect of lymphatic drainage and prevents tissue sagging during weight loss.

The current strength is selected individually. The more powerful the effect, the brighter the possible side effects will be felt: burning, tingling, a feeling of a metallic taste in the mouth, etc. The electrode works without tearing along the massage lines with dashed and circular movements, through a conductive medium - a special gel for galvanization.

Contraindications to galvanization:

  • intolerance to electric current;
  • the presence of a pacemaker, metal pins, implants;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy.

The electroplating course is up to 20 sessions, 15-30 minutes each. Depending on the problem, procedures are prescribed daily, every other day or once a week. However, today in its pure form, galvanics is rarely used in cosmetology and most often exists in the form of disinfection and iontophoresis.

Disincrustation - cleansing the skin of the face with a galvanic current from a negative policy, loosening the sebaceous plugs and removing them from the pores. Such cleaning is much more gentle and effective than ultrasound peeling, it can be recommended to owners of sensitive skin and prescribed to younger adolescents from 10-12 years old.

Indications for face galvanization are problem skin with folliculitis, hyperkeratosis and small comedones that are difficult to clean with conventional mechanical cleaning. For the procedure, special salt or soda solutions are used - disinfectants. In addition to the main active ingredients, professional products contain potassium and magnesium ions that enhance the reaction, and plant extracts soothing the skin.

Under the action of the current, alkaline ions are released from the solutions, they react with the fatty acids of the sebaceous plugs, the contents of the pores turn into soap and are easily removed. The indicator of the effectiveness of the procedure is the appearance of bubbles under the electrode. Old, dense comedones can be manually removed - they will become more pliable. Together with impurities, dead cells of the stratum corneum are removed from the surface of the face. After cleansing, it is recommended to close the pores with a positive electrode.

The term "electrophoresis" is formed from two words: electrolysis - "decomposition into positive and negative ions" and phoresis, which means "introduction of substances into the skin." The more familiar names for this procedure in cosmetology are iontophoresis, non-injection mesotherapy or ionic mesotherapy. In the process of iontophoresis, there is a combined effect on the tissues of a direct electric current and the introduction of medicinal and active substances with its help. If the ampoule of the preparation is not sufficient for good gliding, a contact gel can be used.

The main nuances of iontophoresis in cosmetology:

  • indications and the choice of the electrode are determined by the properties of the injected drug;
  • medicinal ions are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis down to the basal layer and accumulate in the dermis;
  • active substances from such depots are released gradually and absorbed by the skin over several hours and even days.

For ionic mesotherapy, you can buy ready-made preparations or compose cocktails on your own according to the usual indications and standard recipes. The treatment regimen is prescribed with an amendment to the poreticity of the drugs.

Means for iontophoresis

Means for iontophoresis, being electrolytes, consist of concentrated complexes of different polarity. For the convenience of the cosmetologist, each package of the drug is marked "+" or "-", indicating the choice of an electrode.

The main groups of products for iontophoresis in cosmetology:

  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • with a lifting effect;
  • anti-couperose;
  • anti-inflammatory.

They can be medicinal, cosmetic, or cosmeceutical.

Injected substanceDirection of actionElectrode polarity
AloeAnti-inflammatory effect, toning, enhancing local immunity+/-
Vitamin CNormalization of the sebaceous glands, skin lightening-
Vitamin B1, B12, EStrengthening oxidation-reduction processes, improving the quality of aging skin+
HyaluronodaseBreaks down hyaluronic acid, thus smoothes stretch marks, scars and scars, eliminates the consequences of unsuccessful contour plastics+
HydrocortisoneAnti-inflammatory, vaso-strengthening effect-
Dirt (components)Comprehensive multilateral action+
A nicotinic acidImproving blood circulation, increasing vascular permeability-
Salicylic acidBlockade of inflammation, cleansing, brightening effect-
Hyaluronic acidMoisturizing, smoothing wrinkles-
CaffeineImproving blood circulation, lipolytic effect+/-

For iontophoresis, plant extracts, placental-collagen masks, meso cocktails with peptides and microelements are also used.

Iontophoresis with hyaluronic acid

Iontophoresis with hyaluronic acid is controversial. It is believed that in order to achieve a pronounced hydrated effect, it must be administered intradermally. External use only softens the upper layer of the epidermis; the drugs do not affect the total amount of hyaluronic acid followed by collagenogenesis in the body, since they are quickly excreted.

Iontophoresis with hyaluronic acid has its advantages:

  • binds and retains moisture in the upper layers of the skin, which is equally important for its condition;
  • stimulates wound healing, binds inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of scarring;
  • stimulates the immunomodulatory effect;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • restores tone, improves the condition of fine wrinkles;
  • creates a weakly acidic environment unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms.

Regular iontophoresis procedures lead to the formation of a depot with hyaluronic acid, so the effectiveness of the course will be higher and longer than individual sessions. The severity of the action will also be influenced by the characteristics of the active substance in the means for iontophoresis. The hyaluronic acid molecules in the latest generation of drugs developed by the world's leading manufacturers are able to penetrate deeper into the skin and disintegrate more slowly.

How to choose an apparatus for electroplating and iontophoresis

Before buying a device for galvanization and iontophoresis, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • device manufacturer;
  • functional;
  • power;
  • ease of use and the availability of detailed instructions;
  • availability of certificates.

Galvanic face machines have a current intensity range of up to 5 mA. They can be equipped with oval, spherical, cone-shaped electrodes, allowing you to treat hard-to-reach areas. It is convenient when one device combines the face and body ranges, in addition, they are equipped with electrodes for large areas.

Disincrustation and iontophoresis are often the functions of cosmetic combines. Versatility is the main advantage of such equipment: one device can generate different types of current and significantly expand the range of procedures. It is not worth saving on the purchase of a cosmetic harvester, reliable and effective devices are found only from leading manufacturers. So, cosmetologists give positive reviews about the devices for the face of the Italian company Decomedical - an authoritative brand in the field of professional equipment for beautiful business.

Shock blackheads: galvanic face cleansing.

Problem skin care has always been and remains one of the most popular procedures in the work of cosmetologists. Oily skin, strewn with black dots and prone to inflammation, not only does not have an aesthetic appearance, but also threatens its owner with the development of acne, which is often very difficult to fight.

Oily skin is more likely to form acne (acne). This is due to increased sebum secretion and insufficient exfoliating capacity of the horny epidermis. Acne can be open (blackheads) and closed, deep. Black eel has a communication with the external environment, so its tip is oxidized in oxygen and a black point can be seen on the skin. If the acne is not removed in a timely manner, then a bacterial infection can easily join the sebum accumulated in it, and then a more complex skin element with a suppurative process develops, as a result of which deep scars often form on the skin.

The most effective method of removing blackheads has always been mechanical (manual) cleaning. But it has its own list of contraindications and is quite painful. Therefore, hardware cosmetology comes to help in working with clients who have a low pain threshold and contraindications to mechanical cleaning. One of the methods of hardware cosmetology is desincrustation - skin cleansing using galvanic current.

The principle of the method of disinfection using a galvanic apparatus.

The positive effect of electric current on the skin has long been known. The low frequency current has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and cells of the epidermis and dermis, regulating their work. Sebum under the influence of electroplating easily reacts with alkaline solutions, forming soap. For the procedure, the contact medium is a special disinfectant tonic containing baking soda.

Under the influence of current occurs:
- loosening of the dead layer of the epidermis;
- opening of pores;
- liquefaction and saponification of comedones;
- a positive effect on the sebaceous glands;
- improving blood circulation;
- increased skin tone.

The work on cleansing the skin is carried out with a negative electrode, after which the beautician changes the polarity and completes the cleaning with a positive electrode, the action of which contributes to the closure of the pores and the introduction of the active components of the serum on which the doctor works. Thus, depending on the polarity of the electrode, galvanization is capable of both cleansing the skin and serving as a tool for administering drugs by means of an electrical impulse. This method is quite capable of carrying vitamins, trace elements and hyaluronic acid into the basement membrane.

Indications for disinfection:
1. Oily and combination skin.
2. Thick and thin seborrhea.
3. Sensitive skin.
4. Spider veins, closely spaced vessels.
5. A large number of acne.
5. Hypersensitivity to pain and contraindications to manual cleaning.
6. Pigmentation and photoaging.
7. Small wrinkles.
8. Decreased skin tone and flabbiness.
9. Uneven complexion.

Galvanic cleaning procedure

1. Cleansing the skin from makeup and impurities (using gels for washing).
2. Toning (tonic by skin type).
3. Application of disinfectant solution. In some cases, the solution can be applied not to the skin, but to a special gauze cloth that wraps the electrode.
4. The positive electrode is attached to the client's right forearm. This is done so that the electrical circuit does not pass through the heart area. The negative electrode is used to work on the client's face. More contaminated areas are treated especially carefully.
5. Repeated washing to remove fat saponified products.
6. Application of an anti-inflammatory moisturizing concentrate to the skin.
7. Work on the concentrate with a positive electrode to nourish the skin and close the pores.
8. Application of the mask according to the skin type. (After the concentrate, the mask is not an obligatory stage of care and you can do without it).
9. Completion of the procedure with toning and applying a protective cream.

In the process of working on the face with galvanic currents, no unpleasant sensations usually arise, some may feel a taste of metal in their mouths. The duration of such cleaning, as a rule, is no more than 20 minutes.

After galvanic cleaning, the client feels a fresh and light lifting effect. In case of severe skin contamination, one procedure is usually not enough, so 7 to 10 galvanic cleanings may be needed, which are usually carried out after one to two days. In some cases, several such courses for cleansing and treating the skin may be needed, all these points are decided individually.

Contraindications to galvanic cleaning:
1. Hypersensitivity to electric current.
2. The presence of reinforcing threads.
3. Pacemaker.
4. Hypertension.
5. Heart disease.
6. Oncological processes.
7. Skin diseases (vitiligo, molluscum contagiosum).
8. Pregnancy.
9. Acute respiratory diseases.
10. Increased body temperature.

Galvanic facial cleansing is a modern method in cosmetology. Its advantages are not only that it is an effective and atraumatic way to cleanse the face of comedones and regulate the sebaceous glands, but also that the effect of electrical impulses and nutritional concentrates on the skin is also an excellent prevention and correction of age-related changes.

Apparatus cosmetology, method of galvanic face cleansing, desincrustation, acne treatment, acne removal, galvanizing apparatus, galvanizing apparatus, protocol for conducting a galvanic procedure, electroplating, desincrustation using a galvanic apparatus, buy a galvanic apparatus, buy cosmetology equipment, how to carry out a galvanic procedure, apparatuses cosmetology, how to get rid of acne, how to do electroplating, Facial cleansing using an electroplating apparatus. How to properly galvanize facial skin and where to buy a galvanizing apparatus

The method in question is one of the oldest in physiotherapy. About 200 years ago the Italian physicist A. Volta, satisfying immense curiosity, created a continuous current generator. Luigi Galvani investigated its action for a start on frogs. Very soon, galvanic current, as an undoubted "high-tech" and the newest word in science in the 19th century, began to be used in medicine. It turned out with a good effect. And for about 100 years, galvanic current has served cosmetologists faithfully.

The use of galvanic current is quite diverse. In modern cosmetology, the following procedures are distinguished: galvanization, iontophoresis, desincrustation, etc. Let's try to understand the terms.

The current used for the procedures has traditional, well-established characteristics: (continuous continuous, voltage 60-80 W., current up to 50 mA). This current is called galvanic. Because of this, the very effect on the body with such a current through various electrodes is called galvanization.

The introduction of various drugs and cosmetics using an electric current is called electrophoresis. Electrophoresis can be carried out using direct (galvanic) current, as well as using some types of pulse currents.


In cosmetology, electrophoresis drugs are often called iontophoresis. The term is not entirely accurate, but already familiar.
Thus, technically, iontophoresis differs from galvanization only by the presence of a medicinal substance under the electrode.

Electrophoresis (iontophoresis) Saponifying agents in combination with the action of the negative pole of the galvanic current are used in cosmetology to saponify comedones. The procedure is called desincrustation, or galvanic cleaning.

The ability of galvanic current to deliver medicinal substances deep into the skin is used in the procedure of ionic mesotherapy, or ionotherapy. In fact, it is electrophoresis of medicinal substances using stationary electrodes. The procedure is performed without injections. The indications, therapeutic tactics and formulation of cocktails are consistent with the regimens adopted in mesotherapy, adjusted for the poreticity of the drugs.


  1. Galvanization = DC healing effect
  2. Iontophoresis = galvanization + drug substance
  3. Ionic mesotherapy = iontophoresis with stationary electrodes
  4. Disincrustation = iontophoresis of saponifiers

The mechanism of action of the galvanization method

The action of direct current is based on the electrolysis process. Substances near the electrodes decompose into ions. Ions move under the action of a current. Water molecules break down into H + and OH- ions. Near the electrodes, ions interact with water, forming electrolysis products - acid and alkali.

Electrolysis products can cause chemical burns at the place where the electrodes are applied - alkaline burns under the cathode and acid burns under the anode. This is especially true for the stationary arrangement of the electrodes. To avoid this, the electrode is separated from the skin with a hydrophilic pad. After the procedure, the gasket must be washed or replaced.

A change in the concentration of ions leads to irritation of the skin receptors, with a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation. The passage of current through tissues causes polarization - the accumulation of ions on biological membranes. At a certain concentration of ions, cells pass into an excited (electrically active) state. Cellular and tissue metabolism, cell excitability change.

This increases the passive transport of large protein molecules and other substances that do not carry a charge (electrodiffusion), and hydrated ions (electroosmosis). This means the acceleration of cellular and intracellular renewal: a rapid supply of building material, nutrients and regulatory substances, as well as the timely removal of metabolic products from the cell.


Galvanization is carried out stationary, movable electrodes or using trays. Saline or conductive gel is used to conduct the current.

The choice of the active electrode depends on the indication. Negative and positive electrodes have different effects on tissue:

Indications: all types of seborrhea, dry aging skin, acne scars.

How do substances penetrate the skin with the help of current?

  • The constant electric current causes the ions to move.
  • With the help of direct current, it is possible to inject through the skin and mucous membranes both small and larger particles of medicinal substances carrying an electric charge.
  • The method of introducing medicinal ions through the skin and mucous membranes using a current is called electrophoresis (iontophoresis).
  • The charged particles are repelled from the electrode of the same name and go deep into the skin.
  • Thus, negatively charged ions are introduced from the negative electrode.
  • The greatest mobility of medicinal substances dissolved in water.
  • The introduced medicinal ions penetrate the epidermis and accumulate in the upper layers of the dermis. With iontophoresis, substances go to a depth of 1.5 cm.
  • In the affected area after the procedure, a depot is formed, from which the drug penetrates into the cells gradually. The period of action of the drug is from 3 hours to 15-20 days.

Technical terms

  • For the procedure, always use two electrodes - positive and negative.
  • The negative electrode is called the cathode. Usually all wires and connections from the negative pole are made in black.
  • The positive electrode is called the anode. It is marked in red.
  • The electrodes used in the procedure can be of different sizes. On a smaller electrode, the current density is higher and its effect is more pronounced. The smaller electrode is called active.
  • An active electrode is applied to the problem area.
  • Passive (indifferent) - electrode of a larger area. It is usually held in the patient's hand or attached to the body.
  • The passive electrode can also carry a therapeutic load. You can carry out bipolar iontophoresis - negatively charged ions will be absorbed from the negative electrode, and positively charged ions from the positive one.
  • If the electrodes are equal in area, more pronounced sensations arise under the negative electrode.
  • The polarity of a substance is the charge of its active particles. The ions of the same name are repelled from the electrode and go deep into the tissues. Therefore, negative ions are introduced from the negative electrode.

Types of electrodes for electrophoresis

  • For the procedures, three main types of electrodes are used: labile, stationary and electrodes for galvanic baths.
  • Labile electrodes are used for sliding treatment of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté. These are metal electrodes of various shapes. The form is selected for the convenience of work.
  • A conical electrode is usually used to target the area around the eyes. Spherical or roller electrode - for cheeks, neck and décolleté.
  • Labile electrodes must necessarily slide over the gel or aqueous solution. Drying of the solution reduces the conductivity of the skin and unpleasant tingling sensations appear.
  • Stationary electrodes are conductive plates that are attached to the skin. Stationary electrodes are metal (lead or other metal plates), rubber (conductive latex), and graphite (disposable graphitized paper plates).
  • The stationary electrode is placed on the skin for 10-30 minutes. Therefore, under the electrode, there must be a gasket made of cloth or paper with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm. The gasket is moistened with water or saline. When carrying out iontophoresis, the gasket is moistened with a solution of a medicinal substance.
  • The purpose of the pad is to improve the conduction of current and protect the skin from irritating substances that are generated on the electrodes.
  • The gasket must be rinsed or disinfected after each procedure. It is convenient to use disposable napkins.
  • Electrodes for electroplating baths are graphite plates that are placed in a container with water. In this case, all of the water or solution behaves like an electrode. The absorption of medicinal substances into the skin occurs from water.

Contraindications to galvanization

Common for electrotherapy: oncological and pre-oncological diseases, fever, purulent processes, extensive violations of the integrity of the skin, systemic skin diseases, chronic heart and renal failure, pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker, individual current intolerance.

Specific (when working on the face): rashes, eczema, tooth sensitivity, dental cysts, thyroid diseases, cysts and breast tumors.

Contraindications to iontophoresis

Contraindications to iontophoresis are all contraindications to galvanization plus intolerance to the injected substance.

More about the technique of iontophoresis and galvanization in cosmetology and the substances that are used for this - in the methodological manual "", in the book by N. Bakhovets on hardware facial cosmetology and ours.