Santa Claus on a big Christmas tree with his own hands. DIY Santa Claus toy from scrap materials - the best master classes with step-by-step photos. How to sew a Santa Claus costume, video. The original Santa Claus with his own hands made of fabric and cotton wool is very simple - patterns for

Who knew that in our time Christmas tree decorations from the childhood of our parents and grandmothers would be fashionable, and that people would buy them for unrealistic money. One of these toys is Santa Claus made of cotton wool, who stands under the tree and brings us gifts on New Year's Eve.

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to run around flea markets and overpay money. You can make such a Santa Claus yourself. To do this, you need to stock up on patience, time and mood.

For work you will need


  • cotton wool (it should be in layers, not lumps);
  • glue (starch + water);
  • wire for the frame;
  • toilet paper (for papier-mâché);
  • foil for a blank;
  • paints (acrylic and watercolors);
  • wooden stand;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads.


  • nippers;
  • brushes (hard - for glue, synthetics No. 6 flat, No. 1 round - for painting);
  • scissors;
  • sewing needle.

Before starting work on the manufacture of Santa Claus, we prepare a lot of papier-mâché. Add a tablespoon (no top) of starch to half a glass of cold water, bring to a boil. Separately tear the toilet paper into small pieces. Add paper to the resulting warm glue, and rub the resulting mass well with your fingers. It should be like dough.

Beginning of work

Head... The best option if we find at home a head from an old Santa Claus doll. But it is not always possible to find such wealth in our apartment, so we will use what we have at hand. We need food foil 50-60 cm long. We make a large ball out of it, and begin to soften it to the size and shape of a chicken egg.

Where the eyes of Santa Claus should be - we press the beads. We put a layer of papier-mâché on our disc. It is very important to know! - each layer of papier-mâché should dry well. Then we sculpt a "carrot" from the mass and apply it where the nose is. We make small balls - we get cheeks, chin, forehead. Don't forget to dry.

Now we put some of our mass in the area of ​​the eyes, and shape the eyelids. After the face is ready, we sculpt the back of the head. We dry everything well, and grind the face of Santa Claus with sandpaper.

The head is ready, now we need to make a face painting. We take white or ivory acrylic paint, add pink to it. You can add watercolors. Stir and get the color we need for the face of Santa Claus. Apply the paint with a flat synthetic brush # 6. We make 4-5 layers. Dry each layer well. Paint the eyes with a round brush # 1. Apply pink paint on a sponge or a piece of foam rubber and tamp the cheeks.

Torso... We calculate the proportions as follows: six of our heads should fit into the height of Santa Claus. For the frame, we need, preferably, a three-core braided copper wire.

We cut the braid between the wires from above to shoulder level. At the top, we will put on the head on the middle pin, and bend the two side wires horizontally - we get the shoulders, then we bend it down, and we get the frame under the arms. In the area of ​​the palms, we make a loop. From below we cut the braid to the line of the hips, bend it horizontally - we get the hips, and bend the wire down - these will be our Grandfather's legs. We lift the middle part of the wire up, strengthening the spine. We immediately bend our arms a little at the elbows.

We cut the synthetic winterizer into ribbons 3 cm wide.And we begin to tightly wrap our frame. We wrap the neck, shoulders, arms (separately), the body. The hands of Santa Claus will be in mittens, therefore, at the ends of the wire, we simultaneously give the desired shape with a padding polyester.

In the lower part of our Santa Claus doll, the legs from under the suit will not be visible, so you should wrap the two legs with padding polyester together until you get a blank for the suit. For this procedure, we need 50-60 cm of padding polyester. We take a needle and thread and fasten our structure with stitches. Having received such a torso, we see that our Grandfather Frost begins to take on a human form.

clothing... Now we start working with cotton wool. This technique is called cotton papier-mâché. To begin with, we prepare the glue in the same way as for papier-mâché, only we add a little blue or blue watercolor paint to the glue. As a result, when the cotton wool dries, it will have a cold, bluish tint, like snow.

  • We put the first layer of clothing on the doll itself. We spread the cotton wool in a thin layer (5-7mm) on the table, and, with a brush, coat it well with glue. The pieces of cotton wool should be small. First, we form a hat on the head of Santa Claus. We iron it with our fingers so that the joints are not visible. Important: we dry well. Following the same principle, we make mittens, sleeves (from mittens to shoulders) and a suit on the body of Santa Claus. We iron our dress well and dry it.
  • Second layer. Before doing it, you need to prepare a cotton layer of 50 * 50 cm in size. We lay out the cotton wool on the table with a thin layer (5-7 mm), coat well with glue and leave to dry. While the cotton wool dries up, on a separate sheet of paper we draw up costume patterns for our Santa Claus. We transfer these patterns to an already dried layer of cotton wool.

We get the following details:

  • hat, hat lapel;
  • eyebrows, mustache, beard;
  • sleeves, cuffs for sleeves;
  • mittens;
  • the front half of the suit;
  • back half of the suit;
  • cuffs on the bottom of the suit;
  • lapel along the side of the suit;
  • collar;
  • belt.

The above details must be cut out with scissors, again soak well with glue. This will already be the final, top layer of clothing. We begin to "dress" the doll, immediately laying out the folds and draperies of the clothes. Iron it well with your fingers and let dry.

Stand... We take a wooden plank 15 * 15 cm in size, make two holes in it (to glue the wire from the legs). We prepare a cotton layer, measuring 20 * 20 cm, impregnate it with glue and put it on our stand. If necessary, there can be two or three such layers. Dry well. There is no need to paint the stand, cotton wool perfectly imitates snow.

We paint the clothes of Santa Claus, while taking into account that the natural color of cotton wool is very much appreciated in this technique. Apply shadows where necessary.

Completion of making Santa Claus

The final touch remains. We glue our cotton Santa Claus into a stand, put a staff in our hands - it can be a stick for sushi wrapped in thread, a bag with gifts - we make it according to the principle of cotton papier-mâché.

Also, for Santa Claus, a Christmas tree is needed, which can be made from beads. (How to do it, you can find out by).

We are pleased to admire the work done and celebrate the New Year.

Now the New Year is just around the corner, the house is in turmoil - everyone is preparing for the holiday. And what is the New Year's holiday without the beloved Santa Claus from childhood and his eternal companion Snegurochka?

I offer you a small master class on creating familiar characters from childhood:

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden do it yourself

We need:

  • two two-liter plastic bottles;
  • fabric of white, blue, red colors;
  • glue gun and hot melt glue;
  • industrial cardboard;
  • light threads or artificial hair (for dolls);
  • acrylic paints;
  • a little padding polyester;
  • packing tape;
  • paper tape;
  • a small piece of salted dough;
  • contour on the fabric.

How to make a Snow Maiden with your own hands

To create the face of the Snow Maiden, I used the head from an old doll - I wiped it with acetone, cut off the remaining hair, painted it with acrylic on a new face, glued hair cut from white threads, glued the head to a plastic bottle.

For volume, we wrap our hands with wrapping film using scotch tape (you can also use a padding polyester, but I had it in limited quantities).

We braid the doll's braids.

Now let's start creating the costume of our Snow Maiden. Of course, it could have been sewn, but I did it differently. Having measured the required length of the bottle, I cut out the necessary piece of fabric from the white satin, and simply glued it with a glue gun, having previously wrapped the plastic bottle with padding polyester.

We make mittens from a piece of blue fabric - just wrap the doll's handles, form a mitten and glue it.

Then we either sew rectangles of fabric - we make “sleeves” or wrap the handles with ribbon or silk fabric. The caftan consists of 3 rectangles: a back and two shelves. There are no sizes as such, so we do everything as in the sewing dummy technique - we sketch out according to the “figure” of the Snow Maiden.

I drew snowflakes on the caftan and dress with a contour for the fabric, glued a brooch, fur on the sides and sleeves, and tied a lace belt.

Sew a hat from a piece of fabric - cut out a circle with a diameter of 12 cm, assemble it on a thread along the contour, fill it with padding polyester, glue cotton wool or cuts of padding polyester along the contour - the Snow Maiden's hat is ready!

We start manufacturing

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus

With Santa Claus we have a completely different story. To create his face, I used salted dough (read the article for all the details of how to make it). Since I was engaged in such modeling almost for the first time in my life, my grandfather turned out to be that still "handsome". But for a "man" it is even nothing :). The size of the head is approximately equal to the size of the head of the doll used to create the Snow Maiden.

Further, in order to speed up the drying process, I put my dough face in the oven, but I miscalculated a little, and the craft turned out to be “tanned”, so I had to remember the basics of papier-mâché, glue my face with paper and tint with “flesh-colored” acrylic. I painted the nose and cheeks of Santa Claus in pink, painted the eyes.

The process of creating the body and costume of Santa Claus is identical to how I made the Snow Maiden. Do not forget to just glue the thread beard with a glue gun to your head, and the caftan is best sewn from red fabric, ideally from satin.

Santa Claus also needs a red gift bag, which we sew from red fabric. With acrylic we draw the signature "Happy New Year!"

Place the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus on a small cardboard stand.

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus and Snow Maiden:

It is very easy to make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year. Most importantly, which is also quite interesting.

What a holiday without Santa Claus, and what Santa Claus without the Snow Maiden?

In the understanding of everyone, this is a magnificent tandem, without which children will not even understand that the New Year has come.

Do not think that this is beyond your power. We have coped with even a 4-year-old child, so the main thing that is required of you is desire.

Unusual handicraft Santa Claus and Snow Maiden do it yourself easily and will give pleasant emotions.

In addition, the option is absolutely economical, so you can spend money on expensive gifts!

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus

All children believe in the existence of Santa Claus or Santa Claus, so let's not deprive them of this faith and create this fairy tale for them.

Materials (edit)

I used the following materials:

  • plastic bottle;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • colored paper;
  • empty pill pack;
  • a piece of black plasticine.

Remember, nothing is irreplaceable, and if suddenly something is not at home, replace it with the material you have.

For example, instead of colored paper, you can use fabric, and draw or draw eyes.

It is better to take a bottle thicker, because Santa Claus with his own hands, as a rule, is well-fed.

How to make Santa Claus with your own hands

Everything is simple here. We take red paper, twist it slightly into a tube and put it in a bottle.

The paper itself will straighten out along the contours, you just have to straighten it closer to the neck. This can be done with a pencil or other long object.

Let's get down to eyes for Santa Claus with their own hands. We take two notches from the pills and take out the contents. It is better to throw away the pills right away, because you can turn away for a second, and the children will already eat them.

Even if you do not have children, throw it away anyway, as it is not recommended to store them without packaging.

It is better to choose packages larger in size so that the pupils can dangle. It looks funnier that way.

We take these packages and roll up two balls of black plasticine.

Cut out two circles from the white album sheet to close the hole of the tablets. We put the plasticine circles in the place where the tablet had previously lay, then we lay them with white paper. Can be closed with the remaining film on the package.

We take super glue and glue the eyes of our future handmade Santa Claus.

Now we do hat for Santa Claus from colored paper.

Roll up a piece of red paper in the shape of a cone and glue the PVA together. After that, we take a strip of cotton wool and paste over the bottom of the cap.

From a wad of cotton we make a bumbon at the end of Santa Claus's hat with our own hands.

Let's start with the beard. To do this, we need to take cotton wool and make a mustache, and then a beard. You can glue cotton wool on super glue or PVA.

Don't forget the mouth that I cut out of colored paper.

Give free rein to your imagination!

It will be interesting to make Santa Claus a belt out of black paper. Just cut out the strip and glue on the bottle.

Our Santa Claus is ready with his own hands. Send him to wait for your Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden with her own hands

I decided to make my grandfather's companion from similar materials, namely:

  • plastic bottle;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • braid;
  • album sheet;
  • and a couple of markers.

If you want the Snow Maiden to sparkle with her own hands, you should take a few more sequins.

The bottle should be small and small. I took from Pepsi, it seems to me, the perfect basis.

We need the braid to make the braid. For some reason, it is accepted that the Snow Maiden is blonde, well, I did not deviate from the prevailing stereotypes, and took light ribbons.

From three ribbons, braid a regular braid and tie with a ribbon of a different color.

How to make a Snow Maiden with your own hands

We take blue or blue paper for the coat. We fold it into a cone and glue it.

Cut off the top of the cone and put the coat on the bottle.

We take cotton wool and make out the bottom of the coat. You can glue it on regular PVA glue.

Then we glue cotton wool in the middle of the coat.

In the same way, we make a fluffy collar.

We make the head of the Snow Maiden with our own hands

We cut out an oval from paper and draw a face on it with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints. Don't forget about red cheeks.

I cut a triangle out of blue colored paper - this will be a headdress.

We will decorate it with sequins in the form of snowflakes. If there are no sequins at home, then just make paper snowflakes.

We attach a braid to the head and mask the remaining part of the head with braid so that the Snow Maiden does not turn out to be bald with her own hands.

You can also decorate your coat with sequins or snowflakes. They stick well with PVA, so you won't have any problems with this.

You can decorate in completely different ways. Of course, it all depends on the fantasy.

You can also use the blue cap as a hat, if it is beautifully designed.

I did not use the lid, so I removed it and stuffed cotton wool into the neck of the bottle (by the way, you can make other original ones).

She attached her head to the bottle and disguised it from the back with cotton wool.

It seems to me that the Snow Maiden came out a little bit angry with her own hands, but apparently I have problems with artistic skills, so do not judge strictly.

I hope my idea will bring joy to you and your children, and the New Year will be fun and bring good luck and happiness to your home!

We always prepare for the New Year in advance, and this year was no exception. Having chosen a suitable day, we went to the shopping center for New Year's paraphernalia. We bought the most necessary things: tinsel, rain. Of the Christmas tree decorations, our baby Andryusha really liked the wooden snowflake, and our daughter Sonya liked the pink bird.

It's time to go home. And suddenly the question: "Mom, will we have Santa Claus and Snegurochka?" “Of course,” - what else could I answer. We did not plan to buy the figures, since the prices for these characters, frankly speaking, are “fabulous”. And I decided to make Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka with my own hands (which made my daughter indescribable delight). It took us a whole week to make fairy-tale characters, since we were making Santa Claus and Snegurochka while Andryusha was sleeping. We share our experience.

To work you will need:

  • plastic bottle (for example, from fabric softener) - 2 pcs.
  • scissors, cotton wool
  • glue, brushes, paints (preferably gouache)
  • black marker
  • transparent tape
  • jewelry, rhinestones
  • a piece of bright fabric (for making a bag)
  • knitting thread (beige or yellow)
  1. We paint plastic bottles in red, blue, blue or white - according to your taste. It is necessary to leave unpainted space for the faces of future heroes. Let the bottles dry (about a day).
  1. Now let's start decorating. At the base of the bottle and on the rim of the lid, we glue cotton wool (imitation of a hat and a fur coat), we also glue cotton wool on the front of the bottle - 2 small pieces (we imitate the fur cuffs of the sleeves of a fur coat). Santa Claus should have a "fluffy beard" made of cotton wool!
  2. Let's take care of the face. To draw it, use a black marker. We glued Santa Claus a red bead instead of a nose; we had purchased eyes for both characters.
  3. We decorated the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus fur coats with sparkles and snowflakes and did not forget about the mittens - we pasted them under the cotton wool edge.
  4. We wove braids for the Snow Maiden from beige knitting threads. The bangs were glued to the tape, and the braids were placed under the lid and simply twisted. The Snow Maiden's hat and braids were decorated with stars.

Now Santa Claus and Snegurochka have settled comfortably on the shelf in anticipation of the most magical holiday - the New Year!

Personal experience


Grandfather has a wicked expression on his face, the Snow Maiden is also, in general, no better ... but the idea is good.

ugly turned out. And it's nice to make them, I know from myself. Probably, a smile on Snegurochka's face would slightly improve the impression.

Comment on the article "Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with their own hands: crafts under the Christmas tree"

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There is no doubt that Santa Claus is the protagonist of the New Year celebrations. It is his miracles and gifts that children are waiting for, they send letters, postcards, and under the Christmas tree for a fairy-tale wizard, a reciprocal children's gift is often hidden - a New Year's craft. Santa Claus himself often becomes a character embodied in various types of creativity.

DIY origami

A person who is fond of origami will have no questions about how to make small paper figures in the form of Santa Claus. Having chosen the simplest and most understandable option among the proposed schemes, even an inexperienced person in this type of creativity can make a New Year's figurine out of paper. Santa Claus, made with his own hands from a small piece of colored paper, will be an excellent addition to the main gift or postcard, and will also be an excellent sign of attention.

Felt crafts

Felt is a very practical and convenient material for creativity. Felt toys are not only colorful and pleasant to the touch: due to the fact that the details of the pattern can not only be sewn on, but also glued to each other with hot glue or an adhesive pencil, the creation is also suitable for children.

In order to make a felt Santa Claus with your own hands, you will need:

  • red felt:
  • flesh-colored felt;
  • felt white;
  • floss white;
  • needle;
  • synthetic winterizer or cotton wool;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Work progress (step by step):

  • Print or redraw on paper the pattern of the product, cut out the details.
  • Bend the red felt in half, use a pencil to transfer the largest part of the pattern (in the form of a drop) onto it and cut it out. Sew both parts of the part together, leaving a centimeter section unstitched. Through the resulting hole, fill the product with padding polyester or cotton wool (for convenience, you can use a pencil), and then sew up the hole.
  • Cut 1 piece out of flesh-colored felt in the form of an oval. This is the face of the future figurine. After placing the part in the desired place, attach white felt parts over it: a beard and a frill of a hat. The frill should be stitched along the entire perimeter, and the beard should only be stitched in the place of its contact with the figure's face.
  • Cut out the remaining parts from white felt: mustache and pompom hats (2 pcs.). Sew a mustache over the beard, stitching only along the top edge.
  • Cut a small circle (nose) out of body felt and sew over the mustache.
  • Insert the end of Santa Claus's hat between the two parts of the pompom and sew them together.
  • Embroider or paint eyes. Fasten the thread in a loop.

Various decorative elements will decorate and diversify the craft. Santa Claus can be made not only in the traditional red and white colors, but also have a suit in blue or green colors.

Bottle decoration

It's no secret that the most versatile New Year's gifts for people who are not close to friends are champagne (or other alcohol) and chocolate (or sweets). The original Santa Claus, sewn with his own hands from colorful materials, will make the gift uncommon and memorable.

Making handicrafts from bottles is also suitable for younger groups of kindergarten: for this it is enough to fill transparent bottles with red paper, glue a cotton wool beard and plastic eyes on top and complete the image of the main New Year's wizard with a red sock or a paper cap imitating the character's hat.

Craft from cotton pads

Cotton pads and cotton wool are the easiest materials to work with in kindergarten. Children can glue cotton pads (or balls) on templates prepared by adults in advance, or make a craft exclusively with their own hands, first painting it, and then decorating it with cotton wool details. These can be snowflakes cut out with a curly hole punch, Santa Claus's cotton beard, as well as details of his costume.

Identical templates, decorated with details from cotton pads and cotton wool in accordance with the tastes and skills of each child, will become wonderful and unlike gifts that children can take home and give to their loved ones.

For creativity in the older groups of kindergarten, more painstaking and complex work is suitable - creating crafts from cotton swabs. Sticks fastened with glue will be a good building material for creating fabulous winter landscapes.

Santa Claus from plasticine

For children of the older groups of the kindergarten, as well as for younger schoolchildren, modeling from plasticine will become simple. Depending on the child's skills, you can choose step-by-step instructions for products of varying degrees of complexity: from the simplest to figures with a large number of small details.

Santa Claus made of plasticine will become the protagonist of fabulous winter scenes and New Year's plots.

Figurines from threads

Creating a fairy-tale character from woolen threads is a laborious process that requires not so much special handicraft skills, but rather time-consuming painstaking work. Nevertheless, the resulting figurines have a very "home" look, causing a feeling of comfort and warmth.

Santa Claus made of paper

Paper crafts are extremely diverse not only in type, but also in the types of techniques used in the process of their creation. Paper of only two colors (green and red), curled and fixed in the form of cones and supplemented with small details (face with a beard, Christmas tree balls) will become the basis for creating a beautiful