We decorate a crib with our own hands (53 photos). Photos of different models of beds for newborns

Expecting the birth of a baby, most parents dream of giving him all the best, surround him with the most interesting toys, and make the room and bed for the newborn beautiful and comfortable. If everything is more or less clear with the interior design for the nursery, then not all parents can come up with original decorations for the crib. No matter how you do it, the main thing in this process is to invest your love and care in the future bed of the baby, charging him with positive energy. However, there are some rules and features that you need to know to safely decorate the crib, because later the baby will play in it. In our article you will read how to properly and beautifully decorate the crib of a newborn.

How beautiful to decorate a crib

A beautifully decorated bed for a newborn is the perfect combination of colors and textures of fabrics, accessories and decorations. It is important to remember that in addition to beauty, a baby crib should also be safe, cozy, comfortable, and toys should be useful and develop the baby. To create just such a beautiful and cozy bed for your beloved crumbs, some items were invented:


To decorate the crib of a newborn, parents often buy a canopy. The canopy, decorated on top with a large bow of the corresponding color, looks especially beautiful. This bed decoration not only looks very elegant, but also performs a number of useful functions. The canopy protects the baby from drafts, insects, and also perfectly scatters light. The canopy must be chosen from light transparent fabrics, so that air can freely flow through it. However, when the baby grows up a little, namely by 4-5 months, the canopy must be removed, as they can be dangerous.

At this age, babies grab everything with their hands and pull towards themselves, not realizing the danger of this action. Grasping the tip of the canopy, the baby is quite capable of bringing down the entire structure that supports the canopy. In addition, a large amount of dust settles on the canopy, so it is very important to wash it regularly, because dust can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.


It is a favorite toy for babies up to 6 months old, and a perfect beautiful and useful decoration for a baby crib. Newborns simply love to look at colorful toys slowly rotating above them, especially if it is also accompanied by quiet children's music. This sight fascinates them so much that the kids can lie quietly in the crib for up to 30 minutes, during which the mother will have time to do at least some of her business.

After two months of life, the child will already actively try to reach them with his hands, which will additionally develop his muscle tone and motor skills. However, the use of the mobile also has a limitation - it must be removed after 6 months of the baby's life, because it is at this age that babies stand on their feet in the crib, and, accordingly, they will be able to reach the mobile. So the baby can break it or tear off some small part that can be dangerous.

hanging toys

When your baby is 1 month old, hang hanging toys on the bed. These can be multi-colored rattles strung on a strong elastic band that is attached to two sides of the bed. Babies love to touch these multi-colored rattles with their hands. Also a good decoration, and at the same time development for the baby, there will be various toys or pendants attached to one side. The kid will first consider such a toy, and then touch it with his hands. It is very important to periodically move such toys to another side so that the child turns his head not only in one direction. Otherwise, the baby may develop torticollis.


Having bought beautiful bedding for a newborn's bed, you will create the main accent in its decoration. Modern manufacturers make such underwear from natural fabrics, and also use natural filling. The variety of colors of children's beds, as well as prints, is simply amazing! Children like to look at different patterns on bedding, especially if they are fairy-tale characters or funny animals. Scientists have long established the influence of different colors on the human psyche, so it is recommended to choose calm, light shades for the bed of a newborn.

Colors such as rich red, fiery yellow, orange, deep blue, dark beige are not suitable for decorating a baby's crib, since surrounded by such colors, the baby is unlikely to be able to sleep peacefully. The ideal bed for a newborn girl is soft pink, light yellow or light beige. For little boys, beds in light shades of blue or light green are preferable. The white color of the bed is absolutely universal for both boys and girls. However, the white bed itself does not arouse interest, so you can embroider beautiful patterns on it by hand or apply a pattern using special paints.

Stickers and paint

If you decide to decorate the baby's bed a little, decorating it with interesting patterns or drawings, use special non-toxic paints for this. Check with the salesperson at the paint store which paints are suitable for use in the children's room. Such paints are usually hypoallergenic, non-toxic and odorless. You can decorate the newborn's bed with special beautiful stickers. These stickers for furniture are sold in abundance in every furniture store. Stickers must be located out of the reach of the child and be made of non-toxic materials.

How to decorate a crib with your own hands

Buying decorations for your baby's crib is great, but the best option would be if you also make your own decorations. So you will be completely sure of their quality and safety. By creating decorations for a newborn's bed with your own hands, you put your love and tenderness for the baby in them, which he will feel in full force, playing with them. Also, creating decorations yourself, you will be sure that they are absolutely original and none of your acquaintances and friends have such a crib for a baby. There are several ways to beautifully decorate a baby's crib:

  • Draw a pattern on the newborn's bedding. To do this, buy ready-made bed linen for the baby's crib. This underwear should be white or plain in a suitable light shade. Wash your laundry thoroughly to remove any remaining starch and chemical residue. Buy special non-toxic fabric dyes or use food coloring. The latter can quickly burn out or wash out. Then paint on the fabric in the form of beautiful patterns, animals, birds, flowers or draw your favorite cartoon character. It is more convenient to pre-make a stencil with the contours of the desired pattern. Then you just need to attach such a stencil to the fabric, after which the stencil is treated with a foam sponge dipped in paint. After drawing the picture, the paint must be allowed to dry thoroughly. If the instructions for the paint indicate other actions, follow them. After that, bedding must be washed thoroughly with a special baby powder, the label of which indicates that it can be used from the first days of a baby's life. Before you cover the bed of a newborn with a work of your art, do not forget to iron the bed at maximum temperature on both sides.
  • Create your own mobile. This is very easy to do, and in the end you will get a beautiful and original toy for your child. You will need a mobile holder and its mechanical part (which spins and plays music) from conventional mechanical or electronic mobiles. Your task is to make toys with your own hands that will hang over the baby. We recommend that you make such toys soft, from natural, bright, multi-colored fabrics. It can be different animals, suns, stars, flowers, ladybugs, fish, etc. The flight of fancy in this case should not have boundaries. Do not forget to add some bright or shiny accents to them to attract the attention of the baby. It is important to remember that when creating a mobile with your own hands, in no case should its toys contain small parts that the baby can tear off and choke on.
  • Decorate the bed with interesting patterns. To do this, you will need non-toxic paints suitable for use in a children's room. Remember that in a few months your child will be licking and chewing on everything he sees, including his bed, so the paint must be safe. If the headboard is solid, you can apply a picture of funny animals or cartoon characters on it, about which you later tell fairy tales to the baby before going to bed. Decorating a bed for a newborn girl, parents usually apply drawings of fairy princesses or a floral ornament. But how to decorate a crib for a boy? To do this, for example, draw a funny car from the cartoon "Cars" or some funny animals. Also in our country, drawings from Soviet cartoons are very popular, for example, "Winnie the Pooh" or "Well, you wait!".
  • Create soft toys with your own hands. Sew small soft toys of different sizes and shapes from natural soft fabrics. Fill these toys with natural hypoallergenic fillers. Doctors recommend making small bags of fabric into which to pour different cereals. By touching such a bag, the baby will explore the world with the help of tactile sensations, as well as develop motor skills. Such toys and bags should be placed on the side walls of the crib so that the baby can look at them and touch them.

No matter how you decorate the crib, it is important that it is safe for the baby, and also brings him pleasure. Being in a crib, lovingly decorated by caring parents, the baby will subconsciously feel the warmth and tenderness emanating from it. In such a bed, the baby in the game will not only be very interesting to spend most of his time, but also the baby’s sleep will be calm and strong.

Some parents enjoy spending time doing DIY projects to improve their home and make it unique while saving money. Giving your baby's crib a custom designer touch is a great project that you can complete within a few weekends.


Part 1

Planning and preparation

    Make your baby's crib unique. Most stores offer a limited selection of cribs, and their decoration is limited to trendy comic or cartoon and movie characters.

    • Disney's Cars characters of all types are now being made on all boys' beds; Disney princesses are put on girls' cribs. As for color, your choice is limited to blue, green or red for boys and pink, yellow and white for girls.
    • Therefore, if you want to give your baby's crib a more unique, sophisticated and author's look, it is better to decorate the crib yourself. You don't even have to buy a new one, you can remake the old one.
  1. Find out what materials the crib is made of. Most parents prefer wooden cribs, but there are also other types - plastic cribs, sofas, portable cribs or cradles.

    • Whichever crib you have, they're all pretty much the same: they're all low, they all have side panels to keep the baby from falling off the bed, and panels in the head and legs.
    • If you are very creative and have the talent, you can stencil the crib frame with an online or self-designed pattern.
  2. Choose the right type of paint. You can definitely paint over the picture on the crib if the crib is wooden, and even more so if the crib is already painted white. White furniture is like a white canvas, waiting for the hand of the artist to create unique drawings and patterns on it.

    • It is better to choose a water-based paint (acrylic, latex), as it gives more shine and ensures color retention. It also dries quickly, so it's better for your weekend project. It has less odor and lower content of flammable volatile organic compounds.
    • These paints are better for your baby's crib than oil paints, which are highly flammable and have a strong smell.
  3. Choose a paint color. You can choose from a wide range of colors available at hardware stores. If your child hasn't chosen their favorite color yet, choose a neutral color such as grey, plum, burgundy, blue, beige, or ivory.

    • These colors will create extra painting spots in your little one's room color scheme. However, you can choose the colors you want.
    • Ask your local hardware store if they can give you free paint samples so you can decide which colors and shades work best for you.
  4. Consider using fabrics. Choose a base, solid color fabric that you will use as a canvas for your artistic ideas. A simple white duvet cover can be embroidered with stripes of fabric, fabric flowers, or if you have the talent, you can embroider a white duvet cover or bedspread.

    • If you want, don't use a duvet cover, but rather make a patchwork quilt. It is traditionally used as a bedspread, but since you will be making it yourself, you are only limited by your creativity.
  5. Think pillows. Another way to add color to a baby's crib is to experiment with pillows. Play around with color combinations to match your duvet cover or bedspread.

    • You can also add embellishments or embroidery to the white pillowcases if you want the pillow to match the overall design of the crib.
  6. Choose some additional embellishments. You can follow modern minimalist design, rustic or colorful eclectic style. The basis for your design decision can be the character and temperament of your baby.

    • For example, if a child is active and self-confident, an eclectic style with bright color accents is more suitable for him. And if the baby is a contemplative, shy and meek, he will be more comfortable with a modern or minimalist design.
    • Some other decorations are a bookcase, a desk, a lamp, decorative hanging ornaments like flags, and even framed pictures of the baby or the whole family.

    Part 2

    Bed frame painting
    1. Consider renting a paint gun. Once you've chosen your color scheme and paint, start painting.

      • You can use an HVLP type paint gun, as painting with it is easier and takes less time.
      • Check with your local hardware store to see if they have HVLP guns for rent; in most stores, rent will cost about $100.
    2. Place the crib in a well-ventilated area. You can place it in the house or in the garage. Cover the floor and nearby areas with old newspapers and put on things that you are not afraid to get dirty.

      • If you have purchased a crib that has been varnished or urethane treated on the frame, then you will first need to remove this coating with trisodium phosphate.
      • Trisodium phosphate is a chemical that “washes” any coating off furniture. Just read the instructions for using trisodium phosphate and how to remove it afterwards.
    3. Sand the bed frame. You are now ready to sand the frame. You can do it by hand, or if you don't have time, you can use an eccentric sander.

      • Again, check with your local hardware store to see if they rent this equipment and how much it will cost you. And if you do not know how to use a grinder, be sure to consult a professional.
      • However, you can definitely sand a crib frame by hand, it's not that hard.
    4. Clean the frame surface and apply a primer. Then clean the surfaces of the crib and remove all dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner or a rag, even cotton pads soaked in alcohol will do. The point is to remove all the dust from the surface of the crib and from the room in general.

      • The next step is to apply a primer. This is an important part of your project as it will give your crib frame a beautiful, professional look. You can apply primer in the same way as paint - with a roller, brush or HVLP gun.
      • The best primer brands on the market are Kilz and Zinsser. Both of these primers are of the “odorless” type, so this is definitely what you need.
    5. After applying the primer, polish the surface again. Professionals take the next step, and this is what separates their work from amateurs - they polish the wood after applying a primer to it.

      • No hard work is needed here, as you only need to lightly polish the surface. The goal is to make the surface as smooth to the touch as possible.
      • Moreover, after sanding, clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner or a cloth soaked in alcohol.
    6. Apply two coats of your chosen paint. You are now ready to apply two coats of glossy or matte wood paint with an HVLP gun, brush or roller, depending on how quickly you want the job done and how good you are with the above items.

      • If using a brush, use a 2-inch (5 cm) brush for wide areas and a 1-inch (2.5 cm) brush for narrow areas. Make sure your strokes are even and follow the direction of the wood texture.
      • The same technique applies to using a roller. The method of painting is also straight and quick strokes. Try not to apply a second coat on an already made one, especially if it has already begun to dry out.
    7. Review your work. Lastly, check your work to make sure you have an even and smooth finish with no signs of overpainting. If you are satisfied with your work, leave the crib for a few hours or a day or two for the paint to dry, depending on the paint manufacturer's instructions.

    Part 3

    Crib decoration

      Decorate your duvet cover. You can use various fabric embellishments and stripes to decorate the white duvet cover. If you want to make patterns on it, don't make too many of them, otherwise the duvet cover will look too provocative.

      • Simple, themed drawings work best. If you choose to sew the stripes onto the duvet cover, make sure the stripes are straight and aligned with the mattress (not the duvet cover) as you need to create a depth effect if you are sewing these strips onto the duvet cover.
      • You can also use piping, lace, jewelry, rope, tassel ribbons, or more fun Venetian appliqués. Most of these strips are best sewn on with a sewing machine, or if you have time, by hand, rather than glued on with fabric glue. The sewn-on strips will last longer as the adhesive is removed by machine washing.
      • Check the alignment of your stripes - make your bed and cover it with a duvet cover that you have embroidered with stripes. Make sure the outer edges of the strips are even and match the line of the crib mattress.
    1. Decorate a pillowcase or pillow. You can choose pillowcases that complement the style you've designed your duvet cover in, or opt for pillowcases in a plain solid color.

      • For example, if you chose blue for your crib frame, you might choose light yellow or white pillowcases with yellow stripes or embellishments.
      • If you chose plum for the crib frame, you can dilute it with white or ivory and brown for the bedspread and pillows with brown or cream details.
    2. Add decorations. A bedside table in a matching color, a stylish lamp, a wall clock and a bookcase are the essentials needed to complete the look.

      • If the crib has a headboard panel, this is another place for your creative thought.
      • You can keep it the same color as the crib frame, or you can add details like stencils or photos of your baby or their favorite items.
    3. Add a panel at the head. If the crib doesn't already have a headboard panel, you can push a bookcase the width of the bed in instead; this will give you the double benefit of a headboard and a place where you can store toys and books that your child can easily reach.

    Part 4

    Consider other ideas
    1. Consider hiring a professional decorator to decorate your baby's crib. If you have the money and time, you can always hire a professional to create a custom look for your baby's crib.

      • It is quite expensive, but it guarantees a unique bed for your treasure. From the castle to the princess carriage, the jungle or racing cars, it's all up to your imagination.
      • So if the designer you want to hire guarantees you that they will do exactly what you want, then feel free to go to the board and start developing the project.
    2. Consider buying a loft bed when your little one is older. Some parents buy bunk beds for their children. But such beds are quite high and may not be suitable for your baby, as he may fall from above.

      • However, bunk beds are great for creating stylish and personal looks, and can easily be converted into a castle by adding a few wooden panels that mimic the walls of a castle.
      • You can use the bottom of a bunk bed to store your child's toys, books, pillows, or you can place a desk with a reading lamp there, making it a study or reading area for your kids.
      • If you chose a bunk bed, place the youngest child downstairs, and let the older one sleep upstairs.
    3. Consider decorating a folding bed. If you have a folding crib, you can use the embellishments described in the second section of the technique. You can buy a plain white folding bed and paint the frame any color you like.

      • Customize your mattress by making a unique bedspread and pillows.
      • As far as plastic folding beds go, you can choose a spray paint that is specially formulated to be applied to plastic surfaces and then follow the tips above.
  7. Calculate the cost of materials. You also need to think about the cost of materials and hand tools that you will use when doing the project yourself.

    • Most professional workers have discounts on building and art supplies. However, if you wish, you can also find the same items yourself at sales or in second-hand stores.
    • Decorating your baby's crib won't be too expensive if you just repaint it in the color you or your baby wants, and the store stocks that color. You can paint by hand or with an HVLP gun.
    • Bedspreads, bed linen and pillows in different colors are also available in stores. There are many fabrics with cartoon characters printed on them, as well as basic colors that you can mix and match to match the style of the baby's bedroom; it will cost you quite a bit.
    • You can sew a blanket for a crib yourself, or you can choose it in a store, and then decorate it as you wish.
  8. Think about whether you have the skills to independently carry out such projects. The last thing you should think about is you.

    • Do you have the time and patience to do this kind of work? Can you adjust your schedule to complete the job? What if things don't go the way you want? Do you have a backup plan? Can you follow instructions and are you resourceful?
    • Ask yourself these questions to assess your ability to complete a DIY project. If you answered yes to these questions, decorate the baby's crib yourself. It may be a little intimidating at first, but you may be surprised later when you find yourself capable of such work.
  • Use online tools to calculate the approximate cost of a project. There are online tools with which you can calculate the cost of renovating or decorating your home by professionals. Home Advisor and LearnVest can help you with this and also give you an idea of ​​how much an hour of your time is worth.

The purchase of a crib for a baby is a crucial stage in arranging a little man's room. Now the attention of happy parents is presented with many models that can satisfy any whim. In order to combine modern design, mother's tenderness and the comfort of a baby within a baby bed, we have collected ideas and tips on how to decorate a do-it-yourself bed for newborns.

Decorating a crib frame

The frame - legs, back, bottom, headboard - is usually made of wood or metal. Decorating it is easy, you can handle it at home, especially since the decor is very diverse.


The first and easiest idea is stickers. This design has a list of advantages:

  • does not require any skills;
  • inexpensive;
  • looks quite funny.

It doesn't take any skill to decorate a crib with stickers. It is enough to pick up cute pictures in the online store, order them, and then attach them to furniture.

The whole procedure takes 10 minutes. The only negative is that it all looks quite simple and unpretentious.

Ready-made applications

In the store you can buy special applications on an adhesive basis. The choice of such products is huge: from simple patterns to fairy-tale characters. To decorate the baby's crib, do not use products decorated with rhinestones and other easily detachable elements.

Applications can be made with your own hands - you just need to choose a suitable picture in a magazine, newspaper or the Internet, cut or print it, and then stick it.


The crib can be decorated by changing the color. For this purpose, it is recommended to use water-based latex or acrylic paints: they dry quickly, do not smell and do not contain toxic substances.

Remember that only well-chosen colors look beautiful - similar or contrasting. It is better to select them according to tables on the Internet.


Painting is also painting, but it requires more skill. With its help, patterns, ornaments or drawings are usually applied. It is important not to forget that this decor for a crib requires the ability to copy the image. You can also use stencils or enlist the help of an artist.


Unlike previous decoration methods, the canopy has a practical meaning. This is reflected in its advantages:

  • blackout;
  • insect protection;
  • the beauty.

The design of a crib for a newborn girl will look good with him - the room will be transformed into a princess mansion. The only drawback of this piece of furniture is the need to wash it regularly (and often enough), as dust quickly accumulates on the fabric.

hanging toys

After the first month of a baby’s life, it is already possible to delight with hanging toys: for this, the child’s favorite little things strung on a solid foundation (for example, bright rattles) are attached to the sides of the bed on both sides.

The decoration also has a practical meaning - objects spinning above the head lull the child, and he also reaches out to them and trains the eye along with general motor skills.

Stuffed Toys

Soft toys sewn by mom's hands can become baby's favorite items. It is best to make them from natural fabrics and stuff them with hypoallergenic fillers.

Pediatricians consider tissue bags filled with cereals to be useful for the development of a child. A child, touching such a little thing, will be able to develop fine motor skills and explore the world with the help of tactile sensations. They should be fixed on the sides of the crib (in a place where the baby could freely reach them).

Music mobile

It is not easy to make a structure located above the head of a crib with your own hands, but nothing prevents you from creatively designing an already finished product brought from the store.

To decorate a crib, you can use small handmade toys in the form of snowflakes, animals, cartoon characters. In order for the product to be safe, it is advisable to use only high quality natural fabric for work.


Garlands that can be hung over the baby's crib can be different:

  • paper (easy to make yourself, but you have to change it often, because the product breaks quickly);
  • fabric (they last longer, but you won’t be able to make complex shapes or patterns out of them);
  • from light bulbs (can be used instead of a night light, only you need to choose one color, not flickering or blinking, but even and muted).

Beautiful garlands are made from different materials. And if you have older children, then the process can turn into an interesting game for them.

Other decor

There are some other types of decorations:

  • Headboard of an unusual shape. Can be made as a bow, flower, bear head and any other item you like.
  • Thread. A good choice for a wooden bed. There is no practical benefit from it, but the result looks very impressive.
  • Curtain. Placed under the bed to close things.
  • Fabric embellishments on the sides. They are neatly sewn on top, they provide softness and look interesting.
  • Forging. A good solution for a metal bed. Such decorations look fancy and pretty (the main thing is that they are not sharp).

Of course, it is not at all necessary to be limited to only one decoration item. No one will prevent you from using a musical mobile, applications and soft toys for decoration at the same time. It is important to have common sense and know when to stop.

Remember that too much embellishment will not create the prettiest design, but will create a feeling of congestion and gaudiness.

Bedding decoration

Decorating the frame is a good idea, but laying elegant hand-decorated bed linen in it is even better. It will be original and will attract the attention of the child.


The word "patchwork" sounds incomprehensible and strange, because it came from English. But the technique behind it is probably familiar to you. This is patchwork.

Patchwork can be bought in the store, or you can sew it yourself

From the flaps you can sew the following:

  • A blanket. It will be warm and look good. In addition, patches with different textures can be sewn in so that the child develops fine motor skills.
  • Pillowcase. The fabric should be soft and delicate.
  • Cover. They can fill the crib when the child is out for a walk.

An interesting solution for patchwork is to sew shreds from things that played an important role in a child’s life into a blanket (for example, fabric from the first blanket, suit, stroller cover, favorite torn toy, etc.). The older the child, the more will be his blanket and memories.


Decorating with embroidery looks good and at the same time shows that you know how to work with your hands. You can choose any picture (according to your strength) and spend several evenings in a pleasant, pacifying process.

Embroidery can be machine or manual - the first will free you time, the second will allow you to make the drawing unique

It is best to engage in the creative process on the outside of the blanket, since both the sheet, and the pillow, and the inside of the bedspread are in too tight contact with the skin (the baby may begin to become irritated).


If you do not know how to embroider, then you can limit yourself to appliqué. It is either sewn on or glued on. In the first case, it is stronger and looks better, in the second case it holds worse, but it takes only 5 minutes to attach. The image must be done without rhinestones and on the outside of the blanket.

The blanket can be made very beautiful with the help of appliqué

Ruffles and ruffles

Lace, ruffles and ruffles are the oldest way to decorate things for babies. However, care must be taken to ensure that the products are not hard, do not scratch and hold well. You can sew them on yourself.

Ruffles and ruffles make the design of the crib sophisticated and sophisticated.

Color schemes for a crib

Usually the color of the bed is chosen to match the overall interior of the nursery or the room in which it will stand. The most important thing in this matter is the influence of the shade on the psycho-emotional state of the baby. Newborns are advised to choose cribs in pastel, gray-beige, white or according to the child's gender.

Color palette for a boy

For a boy, cold and dark shades are usually chosen. You can make a painting with geometric and floral patterns, depict stars.

Looking at the bed, even in the most delicate blue tones, no one will doubt that it belongs to a boy.

Traditionally suitable colors are considered to be a variety of blue tones - from pale blue to dark purple. Drawings with cars, robots, soldiers and other "toys for boys" are welcome.

Suitable colors for a girl

Often, a crib for a newborn girl is decorated in warm and light colors (from pale pink to fuchsia). The furniture looks lighter, airy and comfortable. You can depict floral patterns, butterflies, flowers. Drawings with balloons, beautiful princesses, bows, smiling children and other "girlish joys" are welcome.

Pink - the color of tenderness and purity

Neutral tones

You can always arrange the crib in a neutral way, according to your taste preferences. It can be warm and cold shades, dark and light colors.

Neutral tones are suitable for both boys and girls.

Neutral tones usually include white, yellow, green, orange - they do not have a clear reference to the floor, they look good in any case. You can select different images:

  • funny animals;
  • smiling cartoon characters;
  • geometric and floral patterns.

The most important thing in the design process is to choose colors so that they fit the style of the entire room.

The crib will be the place where the child will spend most of his time in the first months of life, so it must meet many requirements. Before buying furniture, there are three important aspects to consider.


This is the main requirement for all children's products. The sleeping place of the baby should have protective bumpers that protect him from accidental falling during sleep and play. All parts of the device must fit snugly against each other - without backlash and gaps. This will protect the baby from accidental pinching. It is important to pay attention to the corners of the crib. For quality products, they are rounded (no sharp edges), and the metal fasteners are recessed into the case.

Environmental friendliness

Materials must be environmentally friendly and have an appropriate certificate. Furniture made from high quality chipboard, MDF, plywood, water-based paints will provide clean air. Bedding and soft toys must be made of natural fabric.


The body of a small child is not yet able to cope with external threats, the baby is easily vulnerable. It is important to choose natural materials that have low or no allergenicity, that is, not capable of causing allergies. Such products should contain components that have a minimal irritating effect.

With your imagination and based on the recommendations above, you can easily decorate your baby's crib with your own hands. The efforts invested in this process will pay off instantly - the child will have a comfortable, safe and cozy bed, where he will spend time with great pleasure.

All parents prepare for the birth of a child in advance - they make repairs, buy a crib, bedding, etc. Every young mother wants her baby to grow up in a beautiful environment. Therefore, the interior of the baby's room is carefully thought out - from the pattern on the fabric for the curtains to the paintings on the walls. The question of how to decorate a crib is of interest to many mothers. As such a decoration can be a canopy or a valance.

How to make a canopy yourself?

The canopy over the cradle is not only beautiful. It is also protection from bright light, from flies and mosquitoes. It is not necessary to buy it in the store, you can sew it yourself. To do this, you will need fabric, a finishing tape, scissors, a needle and a sewing machine. You will also need a curtain holder, hook and cord. The holder can be made of strong wire or a hoop can be used.

The amount of fabric required depends on the height of the canopy and the place of attachment - the ceiling or the back of the cradle.

The fabric is chosen natural, light, light colors.

For the canopy of a crib, natural chiffon, tulle or thin chintz is suitable. For ceiling mounting, 4 m of material 1.5 m wide will be required. A satin ribbon looks good as a finish. It will need 7 m.

The fabric is cut into two sheets measuring 1.5 m x 2 m. The sheets are folded together with the front side inward and stitched along a length of 2 m, the seam is smoothed.

It turned out a rectangle 3 m long and 2 m wide. The height of the canopy of the crib will be 2 m.

A 7 cm wide ribbon is folded in half lengthwise and smoothed down. They sweep it to the 3 sides of the rectangle, starting from one of the sides, and sew it. The fabric is in the middle of the ribbon. At the corners, the tape is pinched, making turns. The remaining raw upper edge of the canopy is tucked along the entire length by 0.5 cm and smoothed with an iron. Once again, tuck 3-4 cm, smooth down and sew along the entire length.

A thick wire is bent in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 30-35 cm. You can use a hoop from the hoop. The upper hem of the canopy of the crib is put on the wire, after which the ends of the wire are carefully fixed. 3 cords 20-25 cm long are attached to the ring. They should be placed at the same distance from each other.

Above the bed, a hook is attached to the ceiling with the help of dowels, to which the canopy will be hung by the cords. The top of the canopy can be decorated with a bow from the same ribbon. In this case, the tape will need more. You can decorate a crib with bright applications on the canopy, ruffles, frills, it all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

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A long forgotten vision

In ancient times, beds were decorated with valances - lace capes, descending to the floor. Such a review can be done for. The frill-valance not only decorates the crib, but also masks those items that are often placed under the baby's cradle, for example, a toy box, diapers, etc.

Sewing a valance for a baby crib is easy. You will need fabric, thread, needles, pins, scissors, a sewing machine. Patterns are not needed. You will need to measure the length and width of the bottom of the crib and the distance from the floor to the mattress. For example, these dimensions are equal: bottom length - 140 cm, width - 70 cm, height from floor to bottom - 45 cm.

The valance consists of 5 parts - the 1st base and 4 frills. The base is a rectangle with dimensions of 140 cm x 70 cm. When cutting it, seam allowances of 2.5 cm are made. The frills are cut out in the form of long rectangles. Their width is taken 45 cm + 5 cm (1 cm - seam allowance at the top, 4 cm - hemming at the bottom). For beauty, frills are draped. It must be remembered that folds increase fabric consumption by 2 times. Those. it will be necessary to cut out 2 rectangles measuring 50 cm x 280 cm and 2 - 50 cm x 140 cm.

On all side parts, short sides are processed - first they fold 0.5 cm, then fold 1 cm again, smooth and sew. Next, the bottom of the frills is hemmed - the edge is tucked 1 cm, then 3 cm, smoothed and stitched along the entire length. The raw top of the products is sewn twice at a distance of 0.5 cm and 1 cm from the edge. The line is made with the largest step. The fabric is pulled together along these lines, collecting folds. The length of 2 finished frills should be 70 cm each, the other 2 - 140 cm each.

The finished frill is applied to the base 2.5 cm below its raw edge. 2.5 cm should remain on the sides. The edge of the base is folded towards the side part by 1.25 cm, then folded again by 1.25 cm and attached. Do the same with the remaining three frills.

As you can see, it is not difficult to transform the appearance of the crib with your own hands, you just have to show your imagination. In addition to the canopy and the valance, the solid headboards of the crib can be decorated with bright stickers with various objects. You can sew flat mattresses in the form of animals, which are tied to the walls on the inside of the cradle. This will not only decorate the crib, but will attract the baby's eye and protect him from bruises on wooden parts.

The baby should have all the very best - beautiful, comfortable and safe. For a crib, comfort and practicality are important, because this is the main element in the life of a newborn, it is there that he spends the first months of his life.

What and how to do

External decoration may seem superfluous, but it has a practical purpose.


Yes, it collects a lot of dust and needs regular washing. But in his absence, this dust falls on the soft objects of the crib, and the baby breathes it. It is desirable to make a canopy for a nursery from natural fabric:

silk veil;
cotton veil;
silk organza;

The frame for the canopy can be located around the perimeter of the crib or at its headboard. The design can be floor-standing, resting on the back of the bed, or attached to the ceiling or wall. Such designs are sold separately, but they can also be made with your own hands, using slats, metal frames, profile cornices, etc.

Outside, you can make a cheerful decor with butterflies from a contrasting weightless fabric, ruffles, lace or decals.
Music mobile

These are spinning toys with musical accompaniment, attached above the head of the crib. It is difficult to make such a unit with your own hands - you need a motor. But to buy ready-made in the store and make a creative design is easy. The decor can be made from funny animals, stars, snowflakes or any other hand-sewn toys. It's original, interesting and safe (use quality cloth):

coarse calico;
Terry cloth.

For filling voluminous toys suitable:

Ordinary or surgical cotton wool.
Pieces of fabric.

Bed dress
Blanket and mattress pad

Patchwork quilts will look original, and bright drawings will amuse the baby. Geometric patches (stripes, squares, triangles) are sewn together into a single motley canvas. When choosing a material for a nursery, you need to focus on natural fabrics:

coarse calico;
flannel (it is best: soft and hygroscopic, unpretentious in care).

For a crib mattress, a waterproof mattress pad is often bought, but you can also make it yourself. Sheathe the oilcloth base with delicate flannel, chintz or knitwear, add wide elastic bands at the corners and put it on the mattress.

Volumetric and flat

You can resort to a flat patchwork technique, or you can design volumetric segments. As a filler, use the same materials as for toys (with the exception of fabric patches). Fill the hollow squares inside with synthetic winterizer or synthetic fluff - and the original blanket or mattress cover for the nursery is ready!

Quilting things look interesting. Two fabric sheets are folded, between them is a filler. They are sewn along the edges, then decorative stitch markings are applied and sewn on a typewriter. It is not difficult and original, besides, it is possible to make things of non-standard sizes with your own hands.

Pillows for a newborn and baby should not be voluminous - this interferes with the formation of the cervical region. There are special butterfly pillows: voluminous at the edges and with a recess in the center, they provide a soft fixation of the newborn's head without changing the natural curve of the neck. You can easily make such a pillow with your own hands, using special latex, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or buckwheat husks for filling. Buckwheat makes a rather pleasant dull rustling, but the baby may not like it.

For soft sides, you can choose the design of a fabric cotton or felt appliqué. The main thing is not to use tiny details and firmly sew on every little thing: be sure that the baby will try to tear off the appliqué when he can reach it.
Crib frame

The decor of the backs of the crib is a wide field for creativity. You can decorate it with an original ornament, a floral pattern stylized as art deco or a print of cartoon characters. Finishing with paint is an easy way to add some fun to ordinary children's furniture. Decor with acrylic or silicone paints is harmless: they dry quickly and practically do not smell.


The decor looks original with ready-made applications on a self-adhesive basis - they are very easy to use and stay on the coating for a long time. Many different print options, from a variety of patterns to all the favorite characters of domestic and foreign cartoons. You should not use rhinestones and stones: they are quite easy to peel off, tear off and swallow. Children are curious, they strive to taste everything, whether it be iridescent rhinestones or mother-of-pearl sparkling stones.


For him, the design of embroidery is relevant. You should not make decor with textile paints: over time, they begin to peel off and fly around. Do-it-yourself embroidery in the corners of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers has long been used as amulets for children. It can be a simple ethnic pattern or a full-fledged complex embroidery. The main thing is that she does not interfere with the baby. Beadwork looks impressive, but it can injure the baby.

Decor elements should be practical, harmless and easy to wash. You should refrain from small details for the first four years: glued eyes of home-made toys, small interior details, buttons and beads. For a newborn baby, natural materials are needed that are hypoallergenic and hygienic, containing a minimum of chemistry and devoid of toxicity.

Canopy on a crib, how to sew a canopy with your own hands

How to make a do-it-yourself canopy for a crib http://www.happy-giraffe.ru/community/25/forum/post/45664/

Very soon you will have a baby and it's time to take care of the arrangement of the room and bed for him. Usually cribs are equipped with soft sides and a canopy. A do-it-yourself canopy for a crib is not only beautiful, but also very practical. If the child sleeps in the same room as the parents, the bright light will not disturb him. With this lightweight cover, you can protect your baby from mosquitoes and flies in the summer. In winter, with the help of a canopy, a special aura is created around the baby's bed, and plus it is an excellent protection against dust. Making a do-it-yourself canopy for a crib is very simple, the main thing is to know how.

Do-it-yourself canopy for a crib, what is required

Cover fabric - organza, veil, in general, any breathable material. Making a canopy from heavy fabrics is completely wrong, as you block the child's access to fresh air!
lace, braid, or any embellishments of your choice.
needle, thread, sewing machine.
a finished frame or, if it is not available, improvised materials - a metal rod or an embroidery hoop (do not be surprised, we will not embroider anything, the hoop will be useful to us for something else).

Canopy tailoring

Let's take a fabric 1.5 meters wide, the length of the fabric should be the distance from the attachment point of the canopy to the bottom edge of the crib or, if desired, to the floor level. We hem the fabric along the edges. On the one hand, it is necessary to tuck the fabric so that a small space is formed into which the frame will be inserted. We sheathe the fabric with braid, lace or sew on decor. Now you need to prepare the frame.

Making a frame for a canopy

If there is no ready frame at hand, but there is a strong man, we will use his abilities for their intended purpose. I offer 2 options for a homemade frame.
Option 1

1. We take a metal bar and bend it in a semicircle or the letter "P". We fix the fabric of the canopy on the bar, and the bar itself - above the baby's bed.
Option 2

2. He seems to me more humane. For this option, we need a large diameter embroidery hoop. Surely you have long been gathering dust in the closet such, and even with unfinished embroidery. We put off the embroidery, and unwind the hoop. We put our cover on the outer circle. Around the lower circle we fasten the rope crosswise and connect the hoops together. We screw the hoop as tight as possible. Now you can fix this design above the crib. For example, you can make a hook on the ceiling and hang the frame on it or screw it to the wall.

3. The main thing to remember: do-it-yourself canopy on a crib must be safe! Good luck!


Well, what is a crib without a canopy? No, this thing is not so practical and necessary, but incredibly beautiful, so you can’t go anywhere without it. Especially if you have a girl. Today we will look at how to sew a children's canopy for your baby. Of course, you can decorate it however you want. A variety of bows / butterflies will only make your child's bed better, so feel free to fantasize! I decided to make a rather concise product and almost did not use additional decorations.

We prepare the material

In order to sew a canopy, we need:

Canopy holder (sold in almost all children's stores, you can buy it without a canopy);
2.5 meters of fabric, provided that the width of the roll is 1.5 m;
5.2 m of frill tape;
3.2 m of tape for stitching.

How to sew a children's canopy: step by step instructions

1. First of all, we cut out the parts shown in the picture from the base fabric.

2. Provided that the tape is not processed, we process it with a zigzag or overlock. Alternatively, you can simply fold and stitch.

3. We sweep, and then attach the frill to the main part.

4. We process the edges of the fabric, fold and hem the parts that will be without a frill, that is, they will go back and up.

5. We attach the tape without assembly, and then we sew the tape on both sides along the edge.

6. We put both parts of the canopy into the canopy holder.

7. We decorate the junction with a bow, flower or other accessory.
So we figured out how to sew a children's canopy, so we get to work immediately!

Many thanks to yamolodayamama.ru for the master class.

Sew a canopy for a crib http://www.bolshoyvopros.ru/questions/55398-kak-ss...oj-krovatki-svoimi-rukami.html

First you need to choose the material. If you just need to protect your child from mosquitoes and flies, you can take transparent tulle, silk or organza.

A denser fabric, such as chintz, will create a slight twilight and help the baby fall asleep more soundly. It is better, of course, to give preference to natural materials.

For babies, pastel gentle tones without colorful spots are suitable, so as not to act too exciting. For older children, you can take a fabric with fun bright patterns for the child to look at.

The canopy is attached to the crib with screws, but for safety reasons it is better to do this using screws.

To sew a canopy you will need:

Canopy holder;
fabric 150 cm long, 340 cm wide
drawstring ribbons (2 pieces), each 170 cm long and 6 cm wide
optional lace or ribbon for frill

The edges of the canopy need to be processed from all sides or with the help of an overlock, or by bending and stitching the cuts, or by sewing along the edges of the ribbon, lace in the form of a frill.

Then a drawstring is made, where the mustache is inserted from the holder for the canopy: the ribbons for the drawstring are sewn along the length on the front side of the fabric, at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, laying a seam along the upper and lower edges of the ribbon.

It remains only to put a canopy into the holder and hang it over the crib.