We make Christmas toys with our own hands: photo ideas. Edible tree decorations

"Big tree in the middle
the room was hung with gold
and silver apples, but at all
branches, like flowers or buds,
sugared nuts grew,
colorful candies and generally all sorts
sweets ".

E.T.A. Hoffman
"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"

A delicious tree is not a dream for kids! And although you won't surprise anyone with sweets now, the Christmas tree decorated with cookies and hand-made sweets will remain in the memory of your children as the greatest New Year's miracle. To do this, you just need to break away from the eternal urgent matters, get cozy in the kitchen with the children and create a little fairy tale. After all, it is precisely such minutes spent together that warm the souls of adults and teach children goodness. Don't miss the opportunity to touch the miracle!

You can decorate edible Christmas tree decorations in different ways. For example, paint them with colored glaze! To do this, cool the finished cookies or gingerbread and cover with a layer of white glaze - this will be our tabula rasa, on which you and the children can draw almost anything. For white glaze, mix 1 protein and 100-120 g of icing sugar until a creamy mass without lumps is obtained. Just do not whisk to avoid the formation of air bubbles. Add 2-3 drops of edible essential oil (peppermint, orange, anise, etc.) to make the glaze more elastic and does not crack when it dries. Vanillin can be added for flavor. The glaze should turn out white and drip (not pour!) From the spoon. Using a spoon, apply the glaze to the finished figurines. Try not to let the glaze drip, but to form an even, uniform surface. Lay the glazed toys to dry, while the glaze should be completely hardened. Cover unused icing with cling film and refrigerate. You can also glaze the back of the toys, if you don't want them to turn on the tree with an unadorned seamy side. After complete drying of the glaze and you can start coloring. To obtain "colors", dilute 1 protein and 70-80 g of icing sugar so that you get a slightly thinner mass than for white glaze. Pour into cups and add food coloring. If you are against "chemistry", use natural dyes: red - boiled beet juice, yellow - carrot juice, green - spinach or parsley juice, purple - blueberry juice ... True, natural dyes, alas, are paler than artificial ones. In any case, stir the colorants thoroughly in the cups. You can mix them together and get new shades! Use a good captive brush to color the toys however you like, or leave the job entirely to the children. For voluminous drawings, use icing on lemon juice: grind 150 g of icing sugar with 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice until pasty and add food coloring (if needed). Place the frosting in a small but sturdy plastic bag, cut off a corner, and squeeze the frosting into patterns. If there were no artists in your family at all, decorate delicious toys with confectionery sprinkles, since there are so many of them on sale now that your eyes run up. In addition, you can use colored pills, ground nuts, chocolate. Only this should be done at a time when the glaze is still damp. Chocolate melted in a water bath is also perfect as a glaze. Pass bright ribbons or threads through the holes on the finished toys and hang the toys on the tree.

300 g flour
100 g sugar
200 g butter
1 egg.

From the specified amount, about 80 cookies should be obtained. Sift flour into a bowl, add sugar, egg and cold butter, cut into pieces. Mix well until fine grains are obtained. Knead the dough on a dry surface as quickly as possible so that it does not heat up. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, quickly knead on a floured table and roll out into a 3 mm thick layer. Cut out the cookies using different notches. Don't forget to make holes for your thread or ribbon!

90 g butter
90 g sugar
225 g flour
1 egg,
1 tsp baking powder (baking powder),
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp allspice,
colored lollipops - for decoration.

The specified amount of ingredients is enough for 30-40 cookies. Whisk the softened butter and sugar in a bowl, add the egg without stopping whisking. Then sift the flour, baking powder and spices into a bowl and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 180 ° C, line baking trays with baking paper. Roll out the dough into a layer 3 mm thick, cut out cookies of various shapes. At the top, make holes for the ribbons, in the center of each cookie cut out a "window" in the shape of a circle, square or heart. To obtain circles, you can use a straight cut medical plastic syringe (determine the value for yourself). With its help, the circles will be cut out, and the dough will jump out - you just have to squeeze it out with the piston. Place the cookies on a baking sheet and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Then put it in the oven for 8 minutes, take it out and put a piece of candy in the "windows" and put it in the oven again for 5-6 minutes, until the candies melt. Cool the cookies without removing from the baking sheet. Then decorate to your liking, thread the ribbons into the holes and hang the toys on the tree. The melted lollipops form colored windows in the cookies.

400 g ground almonds
250 g icing sugar
4 squirrels,
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3-4 drops of almond essence.

Designed for 30 pieces. Use a mixer to beat the whites into a strong foam. Gradually, 1-2 tbsp. add powdered sugar without stopping whisking. Add vanilla sugar, almond essence, cinnamon and half ground almonds and beat with a mixer on low speed. Then add the remaining almonds and knead into a fairly stiff dough. On a table sprinkled with powdered sugar, roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick. Cut out the stars with the cookie cutter. Punch holes for the ribbons and place the cookies on the baking sheet. Bake at 130 ° C for 25-30 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Decorate and hang on the tree.

250 g honey
75 g sugar
25 g butter
450 g flour
1 egg,
2 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp cardamom,
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp ground ginger.

Heat honey, butter, sugar and spices over low heat, stirring constantly. Separately combine the flour and baking powder, add the slightly chilled honey mass and egg, and knead the dough using a hook mixer. Cover the dough and place in a cool place overnight. The next day, roll out the dough on a floured table into a 5 mm thick layer and cut out the cookie cutters. Don't forget the thread holes! Place the gingerbread cookies on a greased baking sheet and bake at 175 ° C for 15 minutes. Let cool, decorate.

200 g honey
100 g sugar
500 g flour
1 egg,
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder.

Combine honey, butter, sugar and cinnamon, heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, and add 1 tbsp. water. Stir and cool. Preheat the oven to 220 ° С, grease a baking sheet with oil. In an almost cooled mass, add flour with baking powder, an egg and knead the dough. Roll on a floured table into a layer 5 mm thick. Cut the Christmas trees with cookie cutters, make holes for the thread. Bake for 15 minutes. Cool and decorate.

In addition to cookies, you can hang candies bought in a store or made with your own hands on the tree. The second option is, of course, preferable. You don't need to decorate sweets, but you can wrap them in bright candy wrappers made of wrapping paper and tie bows, it will be so elegant!

1 pack of butter
7-9 tbsp cocoa powder
500 g "Baby",
150 g milk
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack ground nuts (hazelnuts),
1-2 sheets of waffles.

Combine butter, cocoa, sugar in a saucepan and stir until smooth. Pour in boiling milk and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, add "Baby" and chopped nuts and mix thoroughly. Cool, mold into balls or cones, roll in ground waffles and refrigerate.

100 g sugar
100 g crushed almonds
1 egg white
2 tsp lemon juice.

Combine almonds and sugar. Whisk the protein and lemon juice until soft peaks. Put half of the protein mixture in a bowl with almonds and stir. Gradually add the remaining proteins, stirring constantly, to form a homogeneous plastic mass. Divide into several pieces and color them with food colors. Edible "plasticine" is ready! You and your children can use it to sculpt any toys you want, most importantly, do not forget about the strings for hanging! Make, for example, the head of Santa Claus: flatten a ball of pink marzipan, glue a chocolate dragee (eyes), a red dragee (nose), make a mouth from a strip of red marzipan and cut out a triangle (hat). Make a pompom for a hat, mustache and beard from unpainted marzipan.

If you don't like messing around with dough, then use sheets of ready-made waffles to make edible Christmas tree decorations. Just buy waffles with a small cell. Using a toothpick, break the waffles along the contour of future toys (they must be cut out of thick paper in advance). Punch holes and thread. Apply a layer of white glaze, straighten the thread and let dry. Glaze the reverse side in the same way. Dry and paint! Or glue the finished decorations onto the wet glaze.

Walnuts wrapped in silver and gold foil have long become classics of the genre. Wrap whole, not chopped nuts in foil, tie red or blue ribbons, tie a bow - and the bright toy is ready! But these nuts are not for everyone's teeth, so we modify the recipe. Buy good shelled walnuts that have been preserved in halves or, at worst, quarters. In a water bath, melt high-quality milk chocolate and, using it as glue, mold whole nuts from the halves. Let it set and brush over the surface of the nuts with a brush, moistening it in chocolate. It is not necessary to completely cover the nuts, and it is impossible, the chocolate is quite thick. Dry and wrap in foil or pieces of wrapping paper. Tie a large bow from a packing tape, tie 2-3 nuts under it - beauty!

Give magic to your family. Happy New Year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Hello dear readers! Probably, you have seen many times in shops souvenir pendants on a Christmas tree in the form of sweets, which in fact can be made quite easily at home. As part of this review, the "Comfort in the House" site intends to tell you how to make a candy for a Christmas tree with your own hands, and the quite accessible material of a tube (sleeve) from paper towels will be taken as a basis.

What you need to work:

  • Paper towel sleeve.
  • A sheet of white paper.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Glue the gel moment.
  • Thin red packing tape.
  • Transparent packaging film (you can take a file or a baking bag).
  • Scissors and ruler.

How to make a candy for a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Cut off a tube 8 cm long from the roll of paper towels with a clerical knife.

Cut a 10 * 10 cm square from a sheet of white paper. We put the tube in the center of this sheet, put marks along the edges of the tube. We draw vertical lines along these marks. We bend the wings to the inside. We cut the wings into a fringe.

We apply glue along the edge of this sheet.

We wrap a tube with it, and bend the fringed edges inward.

We take the red tape, cut off a piece from it according to the circumference of the tube.

We put glue on the ribbon and glue it to the center of the wrapped tube.

Along the edges of the central tape we glue one more tape.

We lay the prepared film on a flat surface. We wrap candy with it.

We tie thin ribbons along the edges, cut off from the main ribbon.

You can tie a fishing line or thread to the top of the "candy", on which to hang the product on the Christmas tree.

Well, now you know how to make a candy for a Christmas tree, as you can see, there is nothing complicated, everything is done quickly, simply and even elementary!

It has long been a custom in Russia to decorate Christmas trees with real gingerbread and sweets. And candy wrappers are shiny, and you can eat between games and dances. And all you need to do is tie a loop of thread to the yummy.

Today we will try to fit three children's pleasures in one craft: a toy, a sweet treat, and a New Year's gift. All this is contained in a large handmade paper candy placed under a Christmas tree sparkling with lights.

  1. Prepare wrapping paper, tape, toilet roll, clear tape, and scissors.
  2. Cut a piece of wrapping paper about 30cm by 30cm
  3. Place the sleeve in the middle of the edge of the piece of wrapping paper, stepping back a couple of centimeters, and fix the sleeve with tape as shown in the photo.
  4. Wrap the sleeve in wrapping paper and secure the seam with tape.
  5. Tie the edges of the wrapping paper near the core on both sides with pieces of tape at least 40 cm long.
  6. Curl the ends of the tape on both sides with the other side of the scissors.

Here you have a wonderful candy!


  • To decorate the tree - make a loop on one side of the ribbon.
  • You can use the candy as a small gift wrapping.
  • You can also make several of these sweets, put souvenirs in them and play among the guests.

It does not have to be made from a sheet of cardboard 21x38 cm in size. Enlarge the drawing 1.5-2 times and you can put any gifts, doll or car inside.

These New Year's paper candies can be hung on the tree, like any other crafts, toys and garlands.

  1. To make this craft, take a rectangular piece of colored paper or cardboard and with your own hands trace it along 7 identical strips. Step back from the edge and outline 4 lines B and two A. Try to keep the circuits symmetrical.
  2. Cut 12 diamonds and teeth around the edges of the craft. Bend the workpiece along 6 axes and across lines B and A.
  3. Roll up a hexagonal candy, tie it with a pretty string and hang it on the tree.

Today we are making delicious New Year's crafts that can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Gifts don't just need to be invented, made or bought. As the experience and research of psychologists show, 30% of positive emotions are experienced by their recipients, not yet opening, from an interesting festive package. Wise people have long assured us that the path to the goal is more important than the goal itself.

This means that if your gifts, crafts, sweets or something else placed under the tree are packed beautifully and in an original way, the effect will increase by a third. This is not difficult to verify. Let's make such a huge candy.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • a piece of silk;
  • satin ribbon or braid;
  • sequins.

The order of the work

  1. Line the cardboard into equal 7 strips and fold the cardboard over them.
  2. Make a hex by stapling or glueing the cardboard.
  3. Tie it with a cloth, pulling together on one side.
  4. Place your gift inside the tube and tie the ribbon on the other side of the candy.
  5. Now you can decorate it. Glue on satin ribbon or braid, attach sequins.
  6. Place a huge candy under the tree.

You can make a gift wrapping in the form of a candy of a different shape. To do this, simply take an ordinary Bylina or Alyonushka candy, unfold it and transfer all the fold lines to a sheet of cardboard, but at the same time increasing all sizes by 10 times. The warehouse of such huge sweets under the Christmas tree will in itself cause a storm of positive emotions in the kids.

The anticipation of the New Year holidays is always exciting. Of course, this is not only because of the most fabulous New Year, but also because of the upcoming "holidays", which both adults and children are waiting for. Many people go for festivities on the night of December 31 to January 1; an event next to a beautiful Christmas tree is also a must. Usually it is placed somewhere in the city center or in several places where the main celebrations will take place. Street trees are usually decorated in advance, but you can contribute to the decoration and make a big toy for the city tree with your own hands.

At the same time, it is not necessary to spend a lot, look for some expensive materials in stores, you can only show imagination and do everything from improvised means, which are often lying around unnecessarily in almost every home. It is especially interesting to do this with children. This fun will help develop imagination, improve motor skills and just have fun with the family.

Big Christmas toy - "Angel"

Option number 1 - a toy made of tubes and a disc

You will need:

  • a computer disk - now there are few who use them, so you probably have 1-2 unnecessary ones,
  • cocktail tubes (it is better to use those that are thicker) - from 16 pieces,
  • hot glue,
  • aluminum wire (thick wire is possible),
  • 2 mug made of thick cardboard,
  • thick thread.


  1. One of the tubes must be strengthened. To do this, insert a wire prepared in advance along the length inside it. This is to prevent the tube from breaking. It will be the basis of the entire frame.
  2. Prepare in advance 2 "washers" of cardboard with a cut out hole in the middle, so that you can insert the tube there so that it is kept inside.
  3. Glue both circles on both sides of the disc in the middle, where there is a hole.
  4. Next, we put the disc on a reinforced tube and grease it with hot glue so that the structure holds. When it is dry, you can continue working.
  5. Pass a strong thread through a straw with a disk, string 2 more straws on it and make a triangle from this structure.
  6. Add 2 more straws with thread. You get 2 triangles with one side in common.
  7. Then continue in the same order, as a result you get a polyhedron.

If desired, you can use more tubes, as long as there are opportunities and your imagination to create a figure

The joints between the tubes and the core, where the cardboard mugs are glued, can be sealed with tinsel or something else in the New Year's theme.

Option number 2 - a ball of packages

This version of a large DIY Christmas tree toy for a street tree is suitable even for the smallest. The instructions are simple, and the bags can be found in any home.

Christmas tree toy "Ball"

You will need:

  • paper (any),
  • colored shiny bags,
  • ropes from cake or gift bags,
  • PVA glue.


  1. The insides of the ball will be crumpled paper. To do this, take absolutely any paper, you can even use old newspapers. Crumple them one by one, gradually "winding" the next one onto the already obtained ball. To keep the layers better, they can be periodically lubricated with PVA glue. Surely he will be found in a student's portfolio, this is a necessary thing at school.

When the ball is already large enough, of the right size for a street tree, then elegant bags will already be used. It can also be wrapping paper, which is usually wrapped in boxes with gifts.

  1. Wrap the paper ball with wrapping paper or colored bags, secure with glue.
  2. Tie the resulting shiny ball with fancy colored ropes and make a loop at the top so that the toy can be easily hung on the city tree.

If desired, the ball can be additionally decorated with beads, beautiful hair clips, bows, snowflakes.

Option number 3 - a Christmas tree toy from a plastic bottle

This option is suitable for people who are creative and can draw. Although children can leave their "kalyak-malyak" on this simple subject. After all, the main thing is creative imagination and the joy of the work done!

You will need:

  • plastic bottle (any volume),
  • paints for decoupage.

Action plan:

We do not take into account a glass bottle, although it would look more spectacular, but for a Christmas tree this object is too heavy, it can break branches, so we sweep it aside right away.

In this version of toys for a street tree, you only need imagination. You can depict whatever you want on the bottle. It is better if it concerns the New Year theme. For example, this is a fabulous hut covered with snow. Or the face of Santa Claus, or maybe the depicted figures of the grandfather along with the Snow Maiden. It can be an elegant Christmas tree, a drawing of a beautiful ball toy, a snowman. Yes, whatever your heart desires!

The main rule when working with such a toy is to first completely sketch the plastic with one general background color.

Option number 4 - "tasty" candy

This toy is one of the simplest and most standard ones in terms of making it with your own hands for a Christmas tree. It is very easy to do. You will need paper or something soft, for example, cotton wool or foam rubber, synthetic winterizer. This will serve as the inside of the candy. Make the "filler" in the shape of a thick sausage of the desired size. Wrap the top with glitter colored gift wrapping paper. Roll the paper tightly on the sides and tie it with bows. Don't forget to attach the eyelet.

Large Christmas tree toy "Candy"

Option number 5 - penguins from a burnt out light bulb

Surely burned out incandescent bulbs are accumulating in your house. You collect them, and then all at once carry them into a special urn for such things. But do not rush to do this, because the New Year is coming soon, and it is imperative to make a toy for the Christmas tree. For making, you will need ordinary incandescent light bulbs and decoupage paints. In fact, you don't need any special artistic skills to draw a penguin, it's very simple. On the front, paint the light bulb white. Make, as it were, 2 circles - on the top of the bulb (below the base) and on the bottom, the most convex one. As an association, mentally imagine the number 8, and you need to paint it with white paint in front. The top will be the face, the bottom will be the belly. Paint the rest of the unpainted light bulb with black paint. It remains to make only a cute penguin face: eyes and a beak, everything is ready! Glue the loop to the base. Alternatively, you can wrap the base with rope or twine.


Show your imagination, create, and then the New Year holiday will be remembered by you with bright moments. If you want to do something more unusual and intricate, then look on the Internet for a photo of a toy on a street tree. There are a lot of options, and these five do not need to be limited. You can use papier-mâché, soccer balls, and even hats as a base!

New Year is a time of tangerines, miracles and sweet gifts. These are the associations that this holiday evokes. Everyone in a hurry to decorate your home for the holiday in order to create a festive atmosphere in it. To decorate the tree, special toys are usually used, which can be bought at any store on the eve of the holiday. What if you want to create jewelry with your own hands? You should not deny yourself this pleasure, the more so that it is not at all difficult. Consider how to make a candy for a Christmas tree with your own hands from paper.

How to make candies for decorating a Christmas tree?

Such a fake can be used not only to decorate a Christmas tree, but also to decorate the whole house. If you want to go further, put some small gifts or tasks for the competition inside.

This idea is very simple, therefore, you can implement it yourself or with the support of a child. It will be a fun and productive time together.

It will be necessary to prepare some materials, most likely, they are already in your home:

  1. Colored paper, an interesting decoration will be corrugated paper.
  2. A simple pencil and scissors, you can use a stationery knife.
  3. Plain thread.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Take a colored A4 sheet of paper and fold it along the long side (across) 6 times.

REFERENCE. From a sheet of A4 paper you will get a candy with a length of 12.5 cm (this is without taking into account the tails), and from an A5 sheet you will get a candy with a size of 9.5 cm.

  • It is necessary to make markings on both sides. Then cut along its contour and unfold the workpiece.

  • Now it is necessary to bend the workpiece upwards at both ends of the workpiece, in the narrowest place. Next, do the same in the opposite direction, but only at the widest point.

  • Now you need to fold the blank so that you get a paper candy. You can put the contents inside and tie the ponytails.

In front of you lies a beautiful and neat candy that was made by our own efforts. You can show your child the algorithm for creating such a decoration once, and then he will be able to cope on his own. In this simple way, you can make the required amount of paper candies to decorate the Christmas tree and for guests.