White Costd Day "Soul Light Drills Darkness" Evening. "Budennovskaya Inter-Sectorate Central Library Events to Promotion White Cane in the Library

"Materials for the activities of the approximate provision on the month of" White ... "

Rostov Regional Special Library

for blind

International Day White Cost

Materials for events

Approximate position

About holding a month "White cane"

In the libraries of the area serving

Disabled victims

I. General provisions Conducting the month "White cane" in many countries of the world, including in the Russian Federation, timed to the birthday of the French enlightener, the founder of typhalplopogs, the creator of the first educational institutions for the blind in France and Russia Valentina Gaiui (11.11.1745 was born) The "White Cost Day" movement arose in the United States at the initiative of the transmission of the Native Federation of Blind (MFS) - a non-governmental organization that unites representatives of the blind organizations. In 1965, MFS in order to attract the attention of the general public to the problems of the blind decided to consider the day on October 15 during the day of white canes. The All-Russian Society of Blind and Special Libraries for Blinds joined the White Costdown Day in 1987. Open the events of the month on this day, and summarize it on November 13 on World Day of Blind.

The municipal libraries of the region, which included in the process of integrated library services for vision disabled people, is given an important role in carrying out activities of contributing to social adaptation of people with disabilities, assisting them in overcoming the abundance of peace and attachment to active public life.

2. The purpose of the month is the formation of a humane relationship and respect for persons with violations of violations and consolidation of state actions from public organizations.

3. Tasks to attract the attention of the public and state structures to the problems of persons with disabilities in vision;

attracting potential readers to the library;

promoting the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in the vision and integration of them into the society of vigorous;

promoting the spread of humane sociocultural values;

stimulation of people with disabilities to active creative life;

4. The procedure for the libraries serving persons with disabilities in vision, activities are carried out (with the involvement of primary organizations of BOS, specialists from the district offices of social protection of the population of rehabilitation centers), promoting the socio-cultural rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in the vision and promotion of integrated library services for this category of population.

Within the month of the "White Cane", the following forms of library work are offered:

Round tables;

Open meetings of clubs;

Master classes;


Mind games;

Meetings with writers, poets, musicians;

Meetings with veterans and other wonderful people;

Book exhibitions;

Exhibitions of needlework creative work library readers;

Other events of cultural and educational nature.

Exemplary Names of Events:

"We take hands, friends, so as not to disappear alone!";

"There are values \u200b\u200bthat no price";

"The Art of Good and Justice";

"Teach your heart to good";

"The island of kindness";

"While the spring is not dried in the soul."

"See each other's eyes";

"Shot a hand of help";

"We should rush with good";

"Holy Science is to hear each other";

"Corner of trusting communication";

"Survive, helping each other";

"Social rehabilitation is a key issue of our time";

"We are not all lost with you";

"Healing without drugs";

"Look at me as an equal one;

"We are like everything, but a little stronger";

"The word wins the blindness";

"On the way to Ere Mercy."

International Day White Cost

October 15, worldwide is celebrated as a white cane day. A white cane has become not only an auxiliary device with an independent orientation in space, and the attribute of blind and blindness.

As a means of determining the path, the cane has been known for a long time, but the history of white cane as a symbol of blindness began only since 1921.

In the UK, in the city of Bristol, a young professional photographer James Bigs lived. As a result of an accident, he lost sight. James was desperate. But one day he met a blinded soldier who returned to his faith in himself and helped tune in to a new life. One of the Soviets of the former Warrior was like this: Developed independence, the bowl go out of the house alone, the more you will go out with the accompanying, the more you will spoil the nerves when you have to leave one.

Bigs began to walk on their own with his usual walking cane and noticed that she does not guarantee him full security. The cane does not pay attention, and imperceptible to everyone, especially in frowning English weather. Then Bigs painted the cane in the white color so that she immediately drew the attention of others. The thought was successful. He advised others to do the same.

But the Best British should have been waiting for another 10 years while the Rotary Club (a common charitable organization in Western countries) from the area Westhem did not give them white canes.

Thanks to the press, this learned the whole country. The BBC radio was proposed so that all the blind were provided with such canes.

In 1932, the Royal National Institute for Blind, which began activities back in 1868, began to formally introduce a white cane among the disabled victims.

In France, the birthplace of Valentina Gajui, the founder of the first school for the blind, and Louis Braille, the inventor of the relief-point font, the beginning of the white cane history dates back to the 1930th year. Her godfather was the Aristocrat of Guilly Dgebeermanman, which was spent a lot of time and personal funds to help blind. She noticed that they were not all perceived by passersby like blind, so they have serious problems with independent movement around the city. And she occurred to her mind, so that the blind was used by a white cane. The prefect of the Paris police supported the idea. With the help of the newspaper managed to deploy the movement for the introduction of white canes throughout France. On February 7, 1931, in special celebrations with the participation of Minister of Enlightenment and Health Guard, Guilly handed white canes to the first president of blinding French veterans of the 1st World War and a representative of civil blind.

In the United States, thanks to the efforts of some outstanding figures of the National Federation of Blinds, a wide campaign for the explanation of the problems of persons with disabilities among American society is unfolding from the 50s-60s. Its result was the adoption by the Congress decision to proclaim on October 15 in the afternoon of safe white cane.

For the first time this day was celebrated on the initiative of President Lindan Johnson in 1964. In the future, this day was recognized by the International Day of Fales for the Assembly of the International Federation of Blind (The Predecessor of the World Union of Blind) in 1969 in Colombo. On a global scale, this day was noted next year.

In 1992, the World Union of Blinds made an initiative to celebrate October 15 as a day of the White Forces of the United Nations, but there is still no positive decision.

Now the International Day of White Cane is celebrated in many countries. Unions of the blind are trying on this day together with healthy people to conduct relevant shares aimed at strengthening the integration of blind in society. They seek first of all to interest the media, public thought, attract the attention of local and power structures to their problems.

History represents us enough examples proving that they are capable of blind, if seriously engaged in their training and education. It is known that in 1260 in Paris, shelter was established for three blind, teaching crafts so that they could work and do, as far as possible, without someone else's help. This institution was opened after the crusades in Palestine and Egypt, from where many Crusaders returned with the only acquisition - blindness ... Although no one, of course, was officially and seriously the problem.

Of the persons influenced the development of special education, there was no more powerful than the brilliant and paradoxical Denis Didro. Reflecting on the natural right, he, in fact, was the first to guessed to draw attention to the problems of people with the violated perception of the world.

In 1749, his essay appeared "Letter of the Blinds in the edification of Smeachim", in which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability of persons with disabilities to training was expressed.

This treatise not only caused the wide interest of readers, but also served as an incentive to a number of special scientific research. Didro reflected observations, which subsequently become the basis for working with deaf and dark and blind people.

Contemporaries with delight marked his filing of philanthropic ideas.

The philosopher organized a circle where progressively thinking young researchers tried to analyze the psychology of the inner world of the blind.

Until the initiatives of the famous encyclopedist and teacher Valentin Gajui, who deeply outraged the pitiful and humiliating position of the lay-puff in France.

Valentin Gajui (more correctly Ayu, Nayu) was born on November 13, 1745. It is called the founder of typhalplopedaging. It owns the priority of creating a system of teaching blind reading, writing, arithmetic and music. And he first managed to achieve the opening of educational institutions for disabled victims in France, Germany and Russia.

Although the opportunity to embody his ideas was only thirty-four years after the publication of the Didro treatise. Moreover, the impetus, oddly enough, served the Walves of Johann Strauss-Sr. ...

In 1783, the famous blind Vienna Pianist Teresia Paradis gave a concert in Paris. Valentin was among the delighted listeners. Unlike Melomanians, he was amazed not so much by the virtuosity of the performer, how much the level of skill reached a blind person. In the letter, he noted that "became close to the artist for the purpose of pedagogical: to trace the process of mental and musical development of the blind from birth in this talented personality." And already a year later, Valenitin Gayui offered his theory of teaching blind, thereby putting the beginning of the science of typhalplopedaging. And immediately tried his developments to implement.

He releases the books "Essay on teaching blind" and "birth, development and the current state of educating the blind", which were the first attempt to clearly define the tasks, content and methods of teaching the blind.

In 1784, a typhalplopedagogue without any support of the government and charitable societies, on their personal funds, in her own home in Paris opens a school for the blind.

The first student was chosen on church papers of the boy Francois de Lezeuur. Then the school received another eleven of his street peers.

Training and upbringing blind children Valentin Gajui put on the scientific basis. He developed the relief-line font "Unzial". This font was called from the Latin word, meaning "equal to the length of one oz." These were large smooth letters made by relief on thick paper. The main advantage of Unzial was that when he was able to teach blind children to read and print books for them.

To compile Words Valentin Gajui used the cut letters of the Latin alphabet, which were a relief designation of capital letters of an ordinary font for moays. The font was mobile, and it helped blind children to make a set of the desired text. For this, the letters were inserted into the nests done in the board.

In addition, the GAYUA designed devices for blind and matrices for making relief visual aids, geographical maps and globes. He trained this craft and his pupils.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating books for the blind also belongs to Valentina Gajui. He constantly pointed to "the need for reading for the blind, without which in the mind of the blind only indiscriminate pile of vague concepts and ideas."

Despite the tremendous material difficulties, Valentin Gajui built a typography at school, which printed his works and manuals for students. For example, "brief French grammar", "Latin grammar tutorial" and others. According to Valentine's books, the blindness was trained up until the invention Louis Brown Relief Sixcoming.

Special attention in working with the blind children of GAYUs paid for musical education. Children were taught by playing musical instruments: clasesis, keychairds, piano, as well as choral singing.

Fame came. The achievements of the French Typhalplopedagog reported on the print pages. However, the school continued its existence at home, which no longer satisfied the growing needs.

Valentin Gajui began to collect funds for its expansion. He managed to organize the publy performances of his wards before the members of the Paris Academy, in charitable societies and simply on the streets and boulevards. On the assembled funds, he opened Schco for thirty blind children on Saint-Victor Street. The school provided an old and dilapidated building, although the Royal Institute was already called.

In France - Revolution! Her ideas were first inspired by Gaiui, and the Convention supported his undertaking, giving the institute the status of the national and, moreover (!), Allocated one hundred and twenty scholarship scholarships from its score. The blind students together with their teacher have repeatedly demonstrated devotion to the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity ...

For what, as usual, cruelly paid and at the peak of the fame of the revolution, and after her defeat. In 1800, by order of Napoleon, the institute for blind children was closed under the pretext of saving public funds, and his pupils were translated into the allest. And the founder forced the institute to leave. He tried to organize a private school, but this undertaking of the great typhalopal support was not found in his homeland. The only way out for him with his wife became emigration.

In Russia, the first messages about the Paris Institute of the Blind were published in 1792 by the Russian traveler N.M. Karamzin in the Moscow Journal.

The government of Catherine II "Miracle of the Century" ignored. But Emperor Alexander I, having learned about the removal of traffic police from office, wished to invite him to St. Petersburg for the establishment of the Russian Institute of Blind.

The information is preserved that the emperor Alexander generally differed a lot of love for science and art and actively conducted reforms in the field of education and enlightenment. Like a hard to leave his beloved France, Gayui understands that it is just stupid to refuse the highest sentence.

Hearing Earth is full. Return to lead about the trip Valentina Gajui to Russia and to Germany. King Prussian Friedrich-Wilhelm III does not want to lag behind the Russian monarch and his own letter calls him to the city of Charlottenburg, and the Berlin Academy of Sciences invites you to his meeting. Gayui agrees for these visits. In Germany, he will meet with the teacher Johann Augustus Tsein, will help him. And on October 13, 1806, Tsein will open the first Prussian Institute for Blind Children, invested in it (following the example of the French colleague) all its state ...

Moving the Russian border, Valentin Gajui went to the city of Mitava, where the future king of France Louis XVIII was inhabit.

Bindish student of Gaju Charles Fournier introduced Louis with Tyfomethodology and wrote an appeal to the royal person with relief and flat printing font, mentioning that "... In his reign, the establishment of the blinders will reach full development; Already many state trucks are in a hurry to assist the execution of this prediction. "

The autocratic exile welcomed the teacher and the student with the words: "I followed the newspaper information for the services provided by you to humanity. In whatever position I was, I will not forget you. "

In the meantime, there was a quick arrival in the Northern Capital of Valentina Gajui - the founder of the world's first school for blind children. Journalists tried to all the frets, and the hopped valentine is going on - into an unfamiliar and incomprehensible country. To Russia.

But in Russia it was expected deep disappointment.

Politics intervened. On September 9, 1806, Gayui arrived in St. Petersburg. The emperor, for something hacked at Napoleon, invitations did not confirm.

And, as a result, the room for an educational institution was not prepared, the lists of students did not compile, the personnel did not pick up.

Then he gives an ad set to school in the metropolitan press. Soil took place. His first student became a blind boy from Kronstadt - On February 10, 1807, a poor woman led her son from a smith monastery alm.

The Smolny Laddle contains more than one hundred of the same children. From the traffic police, this fact was hidden, since the competition was deadly feared on his part. Being in complete uncertainty about Russian blind children, he decides not to waste time and organizes teaching of blind adults. They were brought to him every day every day, and after classes were taken back (no one objected against adults, as it was believed that they were impossible to teach them). A few more adults from poor families responded to the ad themselves.

Program Valentina Gajui was taught by grades, crafts, typographic cases, music and singing. Breakfast and dinner Gaiui fed his students at his own expense.

Finally, on March 12, 1807, the institute for adults was established officially. And his staff was approved for twenty-five pupils. On May 5, 1807, Valentina Gayui provides to occupy the House of the merchant Ramentsov on Vasilyevsky Island.

Thus was founded by the Institute for Adults Blinds in St. Petersburg, the first in Russia and the third in the world.

Light not without good people. In St. Petersburg, Valentin Gayui met a mumulatory. In October 1806, it came to him and offered his services - to train blind literature, i.e. reading, writing and grammar - a student of the Pedagogical Institute Galich. At the same time, the separated Frenchman Lue came, who was agreed to teach blind music.

In general difficulty, the teacher with a world name had to achieve the fulfillment of all its claims of eleven years.

Well, okay, Russia is a foreign country! But native France ...

In 1817, Valentin Gayui and his wife and Charl, Fournier returned to Paris. The teacher could not not appear in the institute, who at his time gave the whole soul ...

Now turned into a wilderness, he threw a rather pitiful existence. Gayui did not expect ... the matter of his life is in such a state! He decides to meet with the current dialect of the Helier and seriously do this problem.

Gayui in the building of the institute was simply not allowed. Little of.

The Guillae published the "Essay of the History of the History" brochure, printed and ordinary typographic font - for the chosen public, and - RTSH. In the "essay ..." he argued that the merit of the occurrence of an educational institution for the blind in France belongs not to Louis XVI, not the other "public relations" society.

A word about the founder of the world's first official institution for blind children in the "essay ..." was not found. He was very hard for the situation. Sick.

The justice will be restored only after his death. And his life will end on March 19, 1822.

In 1855, the model of the monument to the Great Typhlopedagogue were presented at the Paris Art Exhibition. The young sculptor Baunt de la Tronsh won.

The composition demonstrates Valentine Gaiui to the whole growth, his eyes turned to Francois de Lezerauer, who is sitting on the bench, reads the words written by convex letters: "Valenodin Gajui." The left hand of the teacher lies on his student's head.

The solemn discovery of this bronze monument, which was gathered by teachers, pupils and graduates of the Institute, who came from all the ends of France and from other European countries, took place on August 10, 1861.

It was installed before the main facade of the building of the Paris Institute of Blind.

There were a lot of speeches of Pupils of GAYUI, but they especially remember the listeners of the words of gratitude to Belgian Alexander Rodenbach. Having received economic education, he participated in the creation of many laws aimed at improving the welfare of the inhabitants of Belgium. Thirty years of Rodenbach entered the ward of deputies of the country.

On January 15, 1883, the first issue of Valentin Gajui magazine was published in Paris. His founder was Maurice De La Sizeran. On the first page of the first number it was said: "It is necessary to familiarize blind and friends of the blind with the fact that it is useful to improve the life of the blind, both in France and abroad." The magazine covered the training, upbringing and charity of the blind. Maurice Oplex himself is in the eleven age. He studied at the Paris National Institute of Blind. This person actively participated in the creation of the Valentine Gaiui Museum. The museum was discovered at the library "Valentin Gajui" in 1883.

There are various benefits for teaching blind. Sizeran founded the name of Valentine Gajui to carry out charitable purposes aimed at improving the life of blind.

On May 14, 1884, France solemnly celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first school of the first school for blind children. The touching description of this event has been preserved.

"The monument to the founder was decorated with tropical plants and flowers. In the assembly hall of the Institute of Blinds was installed on a high pedestal Marble bust of traffic police of the Dalon sculptor - a gift for this day of the Minister of Enlightenment and Arts.

The celebration began worship-service under the sound of the authority, the choir of pupils and pupils of the Blind Institute sang. Then everyone went to the Cemetery of Per Lachez to worship the Great Man's Praho.

Surrounding Valentina Gaiui's grave, all the blind in turn went around the tombstone in the form of a parallelepiped, touched by his hands. Wreaths and flowers were assigned to the monument. Then the blind teacher Gilbo said the heartfelt speech: "We

Children of your creative thought. We brought to yours, Valentin Gaiui, the deep grave of our infirmized love and our eternal appreciation to you who discovered the world spiritual and moral. You dedicated all your life and all your strength on our revival; You, the cycle of bitter disappointments and endowed so many offensive and insults, you made it ...

Now the hour of the glory of yours; The bright glory that puts you high among the outstanding creators of spiritual began, in the environment of the benefactors of the human race.

Now your name is surrounded by halo of fame; His honored and spread overlap, thanks to you, mind and heart. Respect and love for you will grow from generation to generation. This centenary anniversary of the idea that revived and saved us from endless humiliation and suffering, and there is the first step to the immortality of yours, Valentin Gajui! "

At eight o'clock in the evening, a solemn meeting began, at which the representatives of many countries of Europe had occurred. From Russia arrived with his wife A. I. Szrebutsky. He presented as a gift his book "V. Gayui in St. Petersburg. " Then there was a big concert, which was the execution of Cantata Valentin Gaiui. In the competition for the best essay on the topic: "Valentina Gajui's coming word" won Bernis - the blind teacher of the Paris Institute of Blind. "

So Valentin Gajui for the first time in the history of mankind proved that the blind capable of becoming mental and productive labor.

Simple points

On January 4, 1809, Louis Brill was born in France.

The name of Louis (Louis) Braille, as the most expensive and close, pronounce millions of inappropriate people in all countries of the world. This name entered their everyday life in the same way as the names of Darwin, Fedorov, Pavlov and many other wonderful people who brought their discoveries and inventions included in the life of all of humanity.

"Brile" is a universal, simplest and most convenient and - therefore - still unsurpassed relief-point (RTSH) writing system for the blind. These are books, notes, mathematical and other designations that provide the blind opportunity to master all the values \u200b\u200bof the spiritual culture of mankind. Braille system is the greatest stimulus in the form of the blind to socio-useful work.

And yet, few people are not only of moant, but even from the blind, he knows about the life and activities of Louis Braille - a talented inventor and a wonderful person. And he himself, and others considered him an ordinary worker, an ordinary teacher of the Paris National Institute of Blind. That is why even on Brile's homeland, in France, it is known about it so little.

No one wrote his portrait. Available sculptural and graphic images are made with a posthumous mask. He died a little famous person, the invention was not recognized in life ... and only 30 years after death, his system received citizenship rights.

Spouses Brail had four children. 3 girls and the youngest - Louis. Father was a rustic girl. In the workshop of Father, the 3-year-old Louis somehow hurt her eyes.

Local Medic could not have the necessary help. The inflammation began, and the boy is blind. Parents managed to make a courage and entered the struggle for improving the fate of their little pet.

When the son has grown a little, the mother invited a rustic music of Kant to him. Father trained his skill.

And by the time of arrival at school, Louis knew how to play the violin, the plenu is a fringe for harness and sew homemade shoes. Parents have achieved a boy's reception to a local school.

As a blind boy studied at school with vigorous, why was forced to leave her about this information was not preserved. A visit to the invalid of an ordinary school was for the time of time the phenomenon is very rare, if not single. In January 1819, thanks to the persistent troubles, Louis, Louis took to the Paris Institute of Blind.

And now, for 33 years, his fate will be associated with this institution. In these walls, the process of creating a new embossed alphabet for the blind began. Before Broyle, there were samples of various types - linear, needle, plumbing. He himself, with the convex letters of an ordinary alphabet, became acquainted with the touch long before entering the institute: the father began to teach his diploma from 6 years. On smoothly ground skippers, he stuck furniture cloves with round hats along the outlines of the letters. Round hatches of small carnations immediately felt under the pillows of the fingers. The child diligently fell convex signs and soon learned to distinguish the letters in shape.

Louis Brill had already thought about the development of a universal relief-point writing system for the blind and for 12 years it improved it.

Saving in its system a relief "nail" point, created alphabetic signs from a combination of 6 points, which were easily read with the help of consciousness. Simultaneously with the end of the Institute, the work of Brülle over the creation of this 6-point letter system was completed.

In 1925, he first proposed the system created by him for practice. But against the vile teachers of the institute.

Only in 1837 at the insistence of blind pupils and blind other ages, the institute council reviewed Braille's proposal again. This time was allowed to print the first book "Brief History of France". And a year later, Brill made up and printed a textbook on mathematics.

In 1835, Brill fell ill with tuberculosis, but the consciousness that his writing wins, put his strength, he continued the pedagogical activity;

ruzhodil the work of the circles to study its system; did not leave the case of making relief-point printing. About the pedagogical activity of Brülle of freshness has been preserved. It is only known that Brill was a supporter of visual teaching methods. Many benefits for their disciples he made himself.

He did not have a family, and devoted his life to pedagogical work, improving the system of the letter for the blind and everyday care of his blind comrades. In 1840, health began to deteriorate sharply, and he lived in a parental home for a long time.

The tide of the new forces brought him and the next year when he learned that his system was introduced into training students of the Paris Institute for Blind Children.

The official recognition of the Brile system in France was confirmed only at the International Congress of Typhrontaggas in Paris in 1878.

Soon he will be 43 years old. Of course, he is waiting for this day, but even more wants to wait for the moment when the fruit of his creation will be the fruit of his creation - the Brown Book, printed in the present, which is about to open, typography. It has arrived on January 4, 1852. Birthday Louis Braille.

And on January 6, he left his strength. The relief-point book, which he was so waited, leaves the institutional printing house in 1852 after his death. On the means of friends, students and teachers of the Institute, his bust was ordered, which was established in the lobby of the Paris Institute of Blind. In May 1887, a monument was opened in Braille. It should be noted that the funds for its structure were collected on the subscription among blind.

With his discovery, Louis Brail made a huge contribution to the reorganization of the social and cultural life of the blind not only of France, but also in the whole world, to deserve the infinite appreciation of these people who felt the value of the Great Invention.

For the blind, braille writing system is the main and reliable key on all treasures of the human mind.

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Scenario "Soul Light Drills Darkness"

Evening dedicated to the day of white cane

1st lead (Against the background of quiet music):

In life, you can live in different ways -
It is possible in trouble, and you can - in joy,
On time there is to drink on time
In time to make nasty.
And so possible:
| At dawn, get up -
And, thinking about the miracle,
Hand cut the sun
And give it to people.

2-y. leading:

Hello, dear friends, dear guests on October 15 - this is a day of respect, help and mercy to blind and visually impaired people. This day is noted in the reminder of the possibilities and rights of blind people. So why is it white?

The events that preceded this day began in 1921 when in the UK with a well-known young artist James Biggs there was an accident and he was blind. He had to start life from a new sheet. He began to learn to walk, but only with a cane. She was black and soon James realized that no one sees her, especially drivers when he had to move the road. James had difficulty. And then, the idea came to him to make her noticeable and he repainted it into white. This idea was picked up first by the British, and then white canes appeared in Europe and the United States.

1-y. leading: In France, the Motherland Valentina Gajui, the founder of the first school for the blind and Louis Braille of the inventor of the relief-point font - the beginning of the history of white cane will reach 1930. Her godfather was the Aristocrat of Guilly D "Yerbemon, which was spent a lot of time and personal funds to help blind. Having numerous contacts with blind, she noticed that they were not always perceived by passersby as blind, so they have serious concerns with independent movement in the city. And she took the idea to be blind to use a white cane. Prefect of the Paris police supported this idea. With The help of the newspaper was able to deploy a movement for the introduction of white canes throughout France. On February 7, 1931 at special celebrations with the participation of Military Minister of Enlightenment and Health Guillery, Gwilli handed white canes for the first president of the blind French veterans of the 1st World War and the representative of civil blind.

2-y. leading:
After World War II, a white cane acquired a new look: Richard Hover, who was engaged in the rehabilitation of American war veterans who lost sight, drew attention to the fact that a longer cane can be studied obstacles that are on the way of a blind person and, thus, he can move more Confident and safe.
In some countries, for example, in England, the additional color of the cane is of particular importance. There is a striped red-white cane enjoy only the tender.
1-y. leading:
Technical progress is not standing in place and in the future, blind in orientation will help more technological devices. This, for example, laser canes that discover obstacles that are in front and warn about them a blind person with a sound signal or vibration. In addition, in perspective navigation based on satellite technology. Together with a white cane, it will ensure the blind opportunity more independent and safe movement. Despite the rapid development of science and technology, the effective device has not yet been created, which would allow blind to abandon the use of canes in the space orientation. This simplest thing when moving around the city gives information more than an ultrasonic echo locator and other modern, but still not perfect technical means.

2-y. leading:
I'm better than a friend's canes not to find
She accompanies me everywhere
And about obstacles on my way
Carefully warns me.
We daily go with her together,
Winding heat, and rain and blizzard.
I often rely on her
On a thin, faithful girlfriend.
But no matter how fate did not break us
We do not break off with a cane, do not go.
Assistant to me right
And we never part with her.
My friends, I want to say: "Who is constantly with a white cane friendly,
That less often will be in the pits. Let him serve as a cane in life. "

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Zayger "White cane" /

White Cost Day It was proclaimed international in the United States in 1964, and since 1987, it was also celebrated in Russia. Since then, this is a memory of the history of white canes not only as a tool to help blind people, but also as a symbol of blindness.

1-y. leading:
Disabled in vision - people who have found the strength to live, work, be useful society and families. Their eyes do not see or see very little, but the souls are distinguished by a special look, and the hearts stretch to creative communication, the beauty of the surrounding world. This gives them the strength to deal with the ailment and even serve as a source of optimism for others. People with the problems of view, compensating their drawback, seek to realize themselves in various creative ideas, and today we have the opportunity to make sure that.
People with disabilities achieve their goal and the fulfillment of the dream, despite the disability. Famous people of the world who were born blind or lost sight in childhood. Homer, who gave us the wonderful "oriad" and "Odyssey"; Polina Gorenstein - Ballerina in youth, lost sight and became a famous sculptor; Andrea Bocelley is a famous musician and a opera singer, blind since childhood; Lola Walters - blind American gymnast, achieving high results; Eric Viyhenmayer - the world's first blind climber who conquered Everest; A 10-year-old boy from the Buryatia Landuba of Operira, who is blind from birth, composer, musician and singer, as well as many others. They say "they see the world of heart"; "Their fingers are their vision."

2nd lead

It seems to us that everyone lives like us
Looking at the world with the same eyes.
We do not think we are at all, alas,
About those, not sees whoever, no days or nights.

We do not understand people sometimes,
Who do not see the sun of light.
They live the medium of us with their misfortune
Thinking the shadows without distinguishing colors.

However, do not accept the inattention,
Those who do not see the sun bright light.
Let life be subject to suffering,
In their lives, let the dawn come again!

1-y. leading:

Every day we encounter something new: hopes, opportunities, experience, knowledge. Only beauty will remain unchanged both external and internal. As adults and children remember that people are blind and visually impaired, meeting every day with obstacles and difficulties, they really need support, helping the feeling of the beautiful side. Give a little heat, to provide all of us to any of us. This thought you must try to instill with children daily, and especially on such a day as International Day White Cost And other days dedicated to people with disabilities.

2-y. leading:

When a person hurts ...
Someone should climb him
Someone must
be easy
To kiss in the top.
When a person is bad ...
And the whole world in half
Someone should be except God,
To give my soul.
When a person is lost ...
And does not know how to do,
Someone should be wiser,
Advise, but not to learn.
When a man is scared ...
Under the pillow he headed
Someone nearby gives the cast:
"You are not afraid, because I'm with you."

1-y. leading: Traditionally, by October 15, public organizations are attempting seminars and meetings, trainings and short lectures, popularly telling everyone about who such blind, why do they need a white cane and how they can help if you suddenly meet the blind on your way. "Tolerance, equality, integration" - these are the most common white canes from the mottos of the International Day. The cane for the blind is not just a tool. And not only the identification mark for conditionally healthy, but also his "eyes".

2 -y. Leading

The task of this day is to make people remember that next to them, sometimes staying unnoticed, those who do not see all colors live
Somewhere there far away where wind is walking
There is a wonderful place - the valley of good.
Looking for many way, but can not find
Only the heart with good can lead to it.
Scream clouds: "Hi!" - Laughter and tears are pouring.
We will touch the raindrops ... and they drown ...
And on the rainbow strings you can play,
A bright warm beam will caress the sun.
The bells of happiness in the valley sound.
They are affectionate sound and hope.
You're in a free good door open
And feel smirch, peace of mind.
Do not look for the bottom in the sands of Ile Snow.
Believe, you will find it ... Everything is in your hands!

1st presenter:

Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. The idea of \u200b\u200bclose unity of humanity, kindness and human happiness permeates the views of many outstanding thinkers.
Already in the XIV century. BC e. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato claimed: "Trying about the happiness of others, we find our own happiness."

2nd presenter:

This thought continues in I.N. e. The Roman philosopher Seneca: "A person who thinks only about himself is looking for all his benefits, can not be happy. Want to live for yourself, live for others. "
English writer Isaac Bentam (XVIII century) argues: "A person increases his happiness to the extent that he gives it to others."
1st presenter:

Recall the words of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy: "There is only one undoubted happiness in life - life for others."
A person who makes others who knows how to empathize, feels happy, and the self and egoist is unhappy. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote: "selflessness - suicide. Arably man dries out, like a lonely fruitless tree. " If a person loves himself only himself, he has no comrades, nor friends, and when heavier life tests come, one remains, it is experiencing a feeling of despair, suffering.

The human humanity is determined by the attitude towards children, old people, the most defenseless to our brothers smaller, to their own nature, the desire to help people in misfortune. Of course, we do not always have the opportunity to help, but it is necessary to strive for this.
Now the concepts such as kindness, mercy, goodwill, attention to each other are reborn.
A kindness is a man's desire to give full happiness to all people, all of humanity.
1st presenter:

On the planet the land is restless.
Yes, and was it calm on it?
Terminated discord and war
Only, again saddled horses.

So the space is already on commemorate
Becoming over the precipice, in the abyss we look.
How land unreasonable children
Rubym bitch, on which we sit.

No compartment womb will save
Neither deep in depths of housing
Man, love man,
Only in this saving yours!
P. Kardkov

2nd presenter.

Create good on the whole earth!
Create good others for the benefit!

Everyone must live in the sphere of good and create it around himself. A kindness connects, unites, relatives, causes sympathy, friendship. In Russian, very many words are the beginning of the word "good". These are goodwill, and Dobrolya, and kindness, conscientiousness, and many other words. Go to people only with good.
Man is the most perfect, the most reasonable creature on Earth. As he is beautiful when grateful, honest, creates good, with his actions decorates our land. But such people live among us.

1st presenter:

Today, our guest has people who, despite employment and serious affairs, came to our meeting and brought us a part of their kindness, responsiveness, love and mercy.

The word is provided _____________________________________

2nd presenter:

Today, only kind words will sound in our meeting, because they will sound from the mouth of people who give us the sparkles of heat, good and ability to rejoice in every day, lived with good intentions. The word is provided ____________________________

We are very grateful to you for your kindness ... and sincerely wish you a great mood, fun and joy.

1st lead: Kindness ... What old word! No century already, and millennia people argue about whether it needs or not, it is useful or harmful, worthy of respect or is funny. Disputes go, and people suffer from the fact that kindness in their life is missing. Kindness lives in the house where you were born where you love. I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents, older, sick people.

Be affectionate, good, attentive sons and daughters worthy of good people. Show love and gratitude, protect them peace, be kind assistants.

2nd lead:

Let's worship kindness!

Let's live about kindness with the Duma:

All in blue and star beauty,

Land of good. She gives us bread,

Live water and wood in bloom.

Under this forever restless sky

Let's fight for kindness!


1st presenter:

Mercy, kindness, sincerity, compassion, empathy ... Recently, we often began to contact these words. As if Narrev, we began to realize that we were the most acute deficit of our human warmth and care of the neighbor.

2nd presenter.

Do not hide your kindness
Open the heart to all out.
What you have, generous
Share, swipe the soul.

Give only warmth:
Child, woman and friend,
And push the void.
Life will return everything in a circle.

1st presenter. On the life path of each person there are people who carry such a charge of positive energy in themselves, that, even having a little talking to them, feel like something in a special inspisitably, joyful.

And you know, there are good people in the world:
There are people-smiles and hearts,
So, probably will still be.
We only need to live from the soul, to the end,

Meeting the dawns with the hope of a miracle
Pursuing with love dream of another,
That tomorrow you will certainly wake
And in the joyful world will behave.

And you know, there are good people in the world:
There are people-postcards with an open soul.
And only they know the secret of the miracle.
There are few of them, and the world is infinitely big !!!

And you know, there are good people in the world .. Lyudmila Sopin

2nd lead.

Kindness is able to compassion, empathize, sympathize. Yes, it is difficult to always be ready to console the neighbor, divide whose grief, rush to the aid. But a person should strive to be kind always.

Cannot demolish it impossible!
It kills it sometimes.
Lie and pain survive is very difficult
When trouble comes to the house.
Doodness distribute to handles.
She echoes back in trouble.
Forever, say goodbye friends,
Indifferent to your fate.


1st presenter.

We live every day without noticing
That he is alone that he is unique.
Involuntarily we pass by happiness,
But happiness is near, here it is inside!

You decide, among the roads, what to choose
You want to dream and wait for you
You strive for the purpose of long, long,
You look for and find yourself!

2nd presenter.
In the University of Ozhegova, "kindness is responsiveness, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good." Never, it seems, we never felt the deficit of good and mercy, as now.

Not only the medicine, but also a good word helps to recover a person. No wonder they say: a good word, that a clear day! Good words are the flowers of the human soul.

- Good day! - you were told
- Good day! - You answered.
How two threads tied
Warm and kindness.
We wish you "Good Path!"
- It will be easier to go and go.
- Hello! - You will tell you
- Hello! - He will tell us in response.
And, probably, won't go to the pharmacy,
And healthy will be many years.

1-y. Leading
Why do we say "Thank you"?
For everything you do for us.
And we could not remember
Who said how many times.

Reader: Words Wonderful these
Hear everyone is very happy
Dobrety adults and children
And you rush to smile.

2nd presenter. Humanity must be disturbed, realize that the main thing in life is human warmth and kindness to neighbor! In each of us there is a small sun, kindness. Kindness, the ability to feel the pain of the other and makes man a man.

Why do I accept everything so close to your heart?
Why never happen indifferent?
It's hard for me to look at the pain wounded.
It is hard to understand that they are involuntarily involved.

If you need help do everything that is possible.
Your hand is a detach, who cannot climb.
In this life, there is nothing accident!
Our minds and thoughts of life in fate climbs.

Material not only money and things.
Materials are all thoughts that your heart tromit.
So let's be merciful to each other,
Do not hesitate to apply, even a pure hand.


1st presenter.

Walked, mercy, joy and experience for others create the basis of human happiness. Give everyone good
Throw it into the sea
It will not disappear
And you will be back to you soon!
Comfort and warm
And maybe a smile,
Magic, sweet sleep,
Corrected error ...
Happy children,
Success in work ...
Wildlightened days I.
Sun - on Saturday.
Will come to you anyway -
Can not be otherwise
Give everyone good
And to you - good luck!

2nd lead.

A man who does good others feel happy, selflessness is unhappy. A person who loves only herself who has no friends, remains alone when heavier life tests come.

You can't indulge in Handre,
We do not benefit it
After all, even in sad December
There is a turn for the summer.

1st presenter.Cut the palm

"God sends rain and on bad and good ..."

Water lively everyone gives a sip.

So the sun warms the soul mournful

And even the smallest flower.

And we can not pass your way differently.

After all, the world is great and everyone is a wanderer in it.

Do you hear? Someone has a road crying ...

Cut the palm - and Odari warm! "God sends rain and on evil, and in good ..." Bible

1st presenter:

Kindness, first of all, should live in your hearts.
Good hearts are gardens.
Good words - roots. Good thoughts - flowers.
Good deeds - fruit.

So take care of your garden, do not let him overgrow

Song __________________________________________________________

2nd lead

We must joy to each other to give

So that our days have become lighter without it, like without the sun, you can not live us, even in a fierce frost with it, people warmer. In every house, let the joy live like a song, knocks on the heart. If the laughter on earth does not die, it means that there will be no end of life. Create good - there is no greater joy. And the life of the sacrifice, and hurry is not for the sake of glory or sweets, but at the order of the soul.

1st leading

When you kit, the fate is humiliated, you are from Besalie and shame, do not let the soul of an offended this minute court.

Today, speaking about such feelings as kindness, friendship, mercy, it is impossible not to recall such a concept as tolerance, which, in my opinion, includes a lot of feelings.

2nd lead

Tolerance is not a simple feeling, you will not get it at times: how much should the nobility and sympathy need to show, only then will you understand all this. Tolerant to be - this is an art, firmly in this we are convinced: Russian and Ukrainians, Bashkirs and Tatars, will answer each other with a feeling of high and fragile world, we will be able to save each other.


"The kindness, willingness to protect the weak and defenseless is primarily the courage, fearlessness of the souls" (V.Sushelinsky).

"While you live, you are doing good, only the path of good is the salvation of the soul," the folk wisdom says. And why today a person carries another person sometimes more evil than good? Probably because the kindness is such a state of the soul when a person is able to come to the aid to others, give a good advice, and sometimes just regret.

2nd lead

Not everyone is able to feel someone else's mountain as its own, sacrifice something for people, and without this there is no mercy, no compassion. A kind person attracts to himself as a magnet, he gives a particle of his heart, his warmly surrounding people.
That is why each of us need a lot of love, justice, sensitivity to be that to give another. Life is Surov. Many human qualities of some people have been trial. Some in the process of these tests were lost among vices and evil. But the main thing is that among vulgarity, dirt and debauchery, some were able to preserve, perhaps the most important human quality - mercy.

1st lead

Do not live beautifully live
And with God's help perhaps
You somewhere, to win something,
I know God will help you!

He will help you love
Be kind, honest and fearless,
Good on the whole earth to give
And live in harmony, in our world!

I know a lot of everything,
What would you like to see.
I know there is good and evil,
There are those whom you can offend!

There are those who offended you
The whole world you can blame.
Believe me, everyone needs to live loving.
Believe me, you need to be able to forgive!

Alexey Nedrodov

2nd lead

Since ancient times in Russia, the wise people had a wonderful tradition - to invest in business, bringing people joy, leaving a trace in life, giving the right to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren to be proud of their ancestors. That is why in Russia the names of Morozov, Alekseev, Mamontov, Vavilovy Brothers, Tretyakov, remember. They were not only manufacturers and entrepreneurs. These were people of huge intellectual potential, loved the land on which they were born, which raised them and learned. And they did everything to be their homeland better, richer, so that her descendants could be proud of. The rich, intelligent intelligentsia gave money for the construction and content of libraries, universities, hospitals for poor, shelters, schools for peasant children. With their help, Russian culture, science, education and medicine developed. And "the hand of the giving no one." Now is the time to remember the example of those who proved all the completeness of the word "charity" - to do benefit.

Mercy - Traditional trait of Russians.

1st lead

Charity in numbers.

"Let's come back" in the century ago. Here are some facts.

In 1890 - 1894 In Russia, they spent the cases of merciful for the year:

In St. Petersburg - 1981327 rubles;

In Moscow - 1813060 rubles;

In Odessa - 709863 rubles;

In Riga - 504556 rubles.

In 1896, charitable societies, fraternities and guardianship numbered throughout Russia 3555.

2nd lead

And in our time, is it necessary to be merciful?

What for? After all, the merciful man does not get anything in return? Making good deeds on his own initiative, many people expect praise, thanks, but, without receiving the latter, they begin to repent of what they did. Happens? It happens!

They have the right to wait for praise and thanks for their good actions, because no one asked us about it?

Just making good, never need to expect thanks. Good because they do not care (benefits), but from love to neighbor. Help for which we do not require a reward for yourself is called disinterested. And the person or act is called disinterested. Without love for people, we can we make a disinterested deed?

1st lead

Do we know examples of such love? The highest example of such a merciful and non-saying attitude towards people is described in Holy History - this is the godpan of Jesus Christ. For him, all people were equal. And even for those people who tormented him, he prayed on the cross and asked for their forgiveness: "I'm sorry for the Lord, for they do not know (do not understand) what they do!" Cossacks sacred performed the commandments of Christians, where they say "Love the Middle, as Himself." And even to those who hate us should belong to the neighbor.

Now there is a little bit like snowdrops after winter, good and mercy sprouts make their way. And it pleases. Mercy, goodwill, write about it, say. We can remember examples of mercy: help veterans, Georgievskaya ribbon, children with disabilities; having their children, some take on education from d

Report on the month "White cane" for 2015.
On October 15, the annual regional campaign "White cane" started on October 15, which the Stavropol Territory Library was held 12 times for the blind and visually impaired name V. Mayakovsky (SCBS) together with the Stavropol Regional Public Organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind (Night VSS). In 2015, the month passes under the motto "from accessibility to equality." In 2015, the implementation of the State Program "Affordable Wednesday" is completed. The purpose of the "Available Wednesday" program is the formation of conditions by 2015 to ensure equal access of persons with disabilities, along with others, to the physical environment, to transport, information and communication, as well as objects and services open or provided to the public. Events to ensure the availability of cultural and art institutions have the goal of harmonious development of the personality of persons with disabilities and small groups of the population, as well as the establishment of equal rights of all citizens of access to institutions and activities of this sphere. Implementing the State Program "Affordable Wednesday" in the Central Library for Multi-Complex Populations Parleus and Canopy is built.

In accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, under low-friendly groups include:
. Disabled with the lesion of the musculoskeletal system
. (including people with disabilities using chairs - strollers);
. Disabled in violation of vision and hearing;
. Faces of old age (60 years and older);
. Temporarily disabled;
. Pregnant women;
. People with children's wheelchairs;
. Children of preschool age.
As we see, to small groups of the population, in addition to the disabled, there are still a large number of social groups, so everything that is being done convenient for the disabled will be convenient for all other library users, even if they do not have physical limitations.

To orient the visually impaired users of the library of the movement paths inside the building are marked with a contrast tape. Application of these characters improves user navigation, and they can easily find the right path.

The activities of the Central Library on the social integration of visually impaired users also includes the provision of their books of various formats. This is helped by the Stavropol Regional Library for the Blind and Conditional Names of V. Mayakovsky (SCBS) with which a contract for utilization is concluded. The visually impaired readers of the central library can enjoy special literature of a large-party format and written by Brülle in their requests. For 2015, 51 copies were obtained. The received books have different topics and are intended both adults and children. The subscription for visually impaired users is constantly drawn up exhibitions with books of a large-party format: "Books with a large font", "new items for the visually impaired." In total, in the Central Library, there are 12 disabled 8 of them with weakened vision. The bookstart readers of this category amounted to 202 copies. Of these, large-party books are 104 copies.

Delivery of literature on the house with disabilities, elderly users and other people who, for health, cannot attend the library independently. For the first 9 months of 2015, 22 visits at home 4 people with disabilities of a bookman readers made up - 82 copies. Of these, 48 with an enlarged font. Reference and bibliographic services were carried out at user requests, including by phone. Performed -81 certificates, including using electronic resources - 48 references.
The central library seeks to become the place of interpersonal communication and cultural leisure of the disabled. This work is especially activated in the days of the month "White cane", the day of the disabled, the Day of the Elderly.

Employees of the library conduct literary and musical compositions, rehabilitation evenings. Not only visually impaired, but also the pupils of the correctional school and patients of the psychoneurological boarding school are invited to events.

10/15/15 In the reading room of the Central Library, within the month of the "White Cant", a literary and musical composition "The world was visible through the heart was visible. Pupils of music school, high school students MKOU SOSH No. 2, Patients of the psychoneurological boarding school, disabled victims and library readers. Leading Events Librarian V.P. Plusinina at the beginning of the meeting introduced the gathered with the history of the "white cane" - the symbol of the blind people, about Louis Brown - the inventor of letters for the blind. In the future, the conversation continued on the problems of persons with disabilities and the special needs of people with disabilities, in particular, devoid of view; On the attitude of society towards these categories of citizens, about their struggle with the ailment for their place in life. Lecturer of Music School No. 1 I. V. Mnatsakanova told about the fate of Johanna Sebastian Baha, who, blinding, continued to work, relying on "inner hearing." Students and teachers of the music school performed works by Russian, foreign composers and folk melodies. During the event, it was possible to familiarize themselves with the book exhibition "I see the heart" dedicated to famous blind people: composers, artists, writers, poets and singers, past and modernity.

10.26.15 For disabled people, visually impaired, school students were held a lesson of good words "let's talk to each other compliments", timed to the month "White cane". Under the song B.Okuzhava, the librarian Central Bank V.P. Plussnina told about the meaning of the word "compliment", the tradition of its use from a long time. He brought examples from the classics of world literature, folklore and everyday communication, called on to be more tolerant, to show more participation and do not regret the good word for loved ones, friends, especially for people with disabilities, always remembering the strength of the word. The audience saw the staging on the Basne I. Krylov "Crow and Fox", participated in the competition games "Say to a friend:" Hello "and" Chamomile Compliment ", met with a book exhibition" Tell me a good word. "

11.11.15. The central library passed the hour of poetry "Our life - as a flashlight a narrow mark" - about the work of a wonderful poet, the Hero of the Soviet Union Eduard Asadov. Eduard Asadov is one of those courageous people who have not surrendered to the terrible fear of themselves, but they continued to fight and managed to fully realize themselves, their talent in practice. On the life and creative path of the blind poet of students of the 10th grades of School No. 2, pupils of the psychoneurological boarding school, disabled, retirees told the Librarian of the subscription V.P. Plusnin. Book exhibition "I see the heart" included collections of poems E. Asadov, works of Homer, J. Milton, E. Bazen, A. Marshalla, D.Kusak, Y.Nagina and others - about the fight against the ailment, about those who do not surrender And fights. The books caused the readers a great interest, several collections of the poems Asadov they were taken directly from the exhibition stand.

Readers with disabilities are actively involved in creative contests: quizzes, readers, exhibitions of creative works. During the month, the "white cane" on the subscription operated an exhibition of decorative and applied creativity of the disabled "Talents of our city".

The goal of the round table was to consider the peculiarities of working with the tender citizens in the conditions of the library and discussing topical issues of interaction with users who have other health restrictions. Head of Service Department G.A. Reminina took part in this event.

All this in the complex allows you to include in public life as much as possible people with disabilities.