The day of the spring equinox is the main holiday of all nations: history, traditions, facts and dates. Celebration of the Spring Equinox in different cultures and traditions

The most magical day of the year, which has incredible power!

The day of the spring equinox is a symbol of the arrival of warmth and the end of the winter cold. The ancient holiday has many traditions that are observed to this day.

Spring comes into its own, awakening nature and bringing people out of hibernation. The day of the equinox symbolizes the onset of the long-awaited warm period, when winter completely gives way to fine spring days. This day has a special energy, so many try to coincide with it all kinds of rituals for love, prosperity and getting rid of problems.

When is the equinox

For our ancestors, the spring equinox was a celebration of the arrival of the long-awaited spring. They celebrated this event with noisy festivities, praised the Sun and performed rituals aimed at gaining prosperity.

In fact, the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the transition of the Sun through the equator.

The equinox will come on March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time in 2018. This means that on March 20, the day will be equal in duration to the night, and then it will increase, bringing not only more light, but also a positive mood to people.

Spring equinox in astrology

March 20 marks the start of a new astrological year. The sun will move into the constellation of Aries, renewing the cycle. That is why all horoscopes begin with this sign. On this day, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday, and in several countries they celebrate the New Year.

Not only astrologers, but also psychics consider the spring equinox to be a unique event. At this time, a powerful stream of energy falls on the Earth, which can be used to perform various rites and rituals.

On March 20, you will be able to use the energy of the Sun, attract well-being, prosperity and love into your life. Psychics claim that miracles are sure to happen on such a day, it is only important to believe. Attracting what you want with the power of thought is not difficult if you are confident in your abilities.

Customs, traditions, rituals on the day of the spring equinox

Our ancestors on this day also celebrated a holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring - Ostara, who ensured the balance between night and day. It was believed that during this period the goddess herself is renewed, restoring her virginity and energy. The figurine of the goddess is presented in the form of an immaculate maiden, which is held by the arm of a young man. In Russia, the holiday of the spring equinox was taken seriously. Mass festivities were organized, any person could go to a neighbor and treat himself to any delicacy from his table - this was considered a good sign. People believed that the more people entered the hut for treats, the happier the year would be for the owners of the home.

The hostesses baked rye cakes specially for the holiday, decorated them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. In addition to sweet hearty cakes, women dyed chicken eggs. For this, natural materials were used - onion peel, carrot and beetroot juice. The housewives also baked unleavened cookies in the form of birds. They were treated to fellow villagers, part of the cookies were given to geese, chickens, turkeys to eat. Men made birdhouses and fastened them to tree trunks. Inside the birdhouses, a small amount of crushed unleavened cookies was necessarily placed.

In the evening, as a rule, songs and dances began, the iridescent sounds of the harp and accordion were heard from everywhere. At the end of the holiday, they made a large effigy of straw and burned it. The higher and wider the scarecrow turned out, the brighter and longer it burned, illuminating everything around. People believed that a high, bright and pure flame is the key to a well-fed and happy life in the coming year.

How the Spring Equinox is celebrated in different countries

The spring equinox in India coincides with the local festival of colors. Therefore, the holiday lasts for two days. On the first day, everyone has fun, sings, dances, enjoys traditional treats. In the morning of the next day, the procession of representatives of all castes existing in India begins. People exchange greetings by showering each other with colorful powder made from turmeric, haldi, bilwa, etc. It is believed to bring wealth, love and happiness.

The Germans deify the Dawn and the East direction (part of the world). On this day, it is forbidden to eat any meat, except for a rabbit. A favorite male hobby is hunting for hares. One of the hare carcasses is necessarily sacrificed to the supreme goddess Freya - the patroness of love, marriages, family, children.

In Japan, they carefully prepare for the spring equinox. The day before the holiday, people clean all the premises of their homes. Particular attention is paid to the cleaning of home altars, which are decorated with flowers. Near photographs of deceased ancestors, several small rounded bowls are always placed. Previously, they are filled with illuminated cereals and water.

Do's and Don'ts on the Equinox

This holiday has long been considered magical. Traditions say that even his own thoughts can influence the fate of a person on this day. Therefore, you should think only about the good. Clarification of relationships, quarrels, manifestation of anger, aggression and anger can result in problems. It is not recommended to be sad on a holiday, otherwise the Gods will get angry and will not bestow all sorts of blessings. It is necessary to meet spring as hospitably and cheerfully as possible. The more luxurious the table and the more guests sitting at it, the happier the year will be for the hosts.

Many people still honor the traditions of the holiday and bake gingerbread in the form of birds on the day of the spring equinox. They must be distributed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. To check what kind of health awaits in the coming year, people went out into the street, and each tossed his gingerbread into the sky. Whose treat soared higher, he could not worry about his own health throughout the year. Thanks to this sign, gingerbread is called "lark".

Suppose you decide to follow the tradition described above and bake gingerbread in the form of larks. When you eat pastries, do not eat the head of the bird, eat only the body. It is believed that by doing this you protect yourself and your family from accidents and illnesses. The heads must be given to the cattle. Even fierce enemies and offenders on the Day of the vernal equinox cannot be wished for evil. Experts assure that seditious thoughts and bad words spoken about a person can cause him serious trouble. Moreover, all the bad things sent to others will definitely return in double quantity.

Divination and magic on the day of the vernal equinox

Some girls and guys on this day, after sunset, started fortune telling. Someone wanted to know about marriage (marriage), someone wanted to improve their external attractiveness, and some just wanted to find out what awaits them in the near future.

So, when baking gingerbread-larks, the girls put small objects into the raw dough. Each of them had their own prediction. For example:

♦ ring - get ready for the wedding;
♦ carnation - there will be a reason for sadness;
♦ coin - you will live in abundance;
♦ key - inheritance, profit, you will become the owner of a new home;
♦ bead - long-awaited pregnancy will come soon;
♦ button - numerous updates are coming;
♦ earring - to meet with the narrowed (narrowed).

In the evening, each in turn took one gingerbread and broke it. According to the found subject, they judged the future.

At sunrise or sunset on the Day of the vernal equinox, you can perform a ritual for well-being. To do this, you need to prepare two candles - white and black. They will symbolize light and darkness. Also prepare a pot of earth and seeds, pre-soaked in water. Light candles, place a pot and seeds next to you. Concentrate and begin to mentally tell the seeds what kind of life you want to have, what you want to change in your destiny. Visualize your happy existence as clearly as possible. Then plant the seeds in the ground and water. As the seeds germinate, your life will begin to change in the direction you want.

A unique meditation practice will help to make dreams come true. The lesson should be carried out in complete solitude, creating for yourself a cozy atmosphere in the room. Light a candle. Sit in a chair or lie down on a sofa. Close your eyes. For deep relaxation, you can use breathing exercises. Start playing situations in your imagination, taking into account the fact that your dream has already come true. For example, imagine how you live, what kind of car you have, what you wear, who you communicate with, what you eat, what places you visit, etc. It is necessary to plunge as deeply as possible into the inner world and be imbued with your desire.

Now imagine that a large translucent ball of golden color materialized in front of you in the air. Come into it and by force of will rush up. Next, try to mentally dissolve in the universe. After some time, you should feel a surge of strength. This means that the positive cosmic energy has had a powerful effect on your subconscious. From that moment on, changes will begin to take place in your life.

The spring equinox is one of the most amazing natural phenomena. It is good that those bits of information about what traditions were honored and how the spring festival was celebrated in antiquity have survived to this day. On this day, everyone can drink from the inexhaustible source of cosmic energy, improve health, improve their financial situation and, getting up in the morning, say: “Hello, Sun!”

The day of the Spring Equinox is one of the ancient pagan holidays, which was celebrated by many nations. This is one of the eight days of power in the year, revered by sorcerers and magicians. At this time, nature awakens, the gods of the sun and spring descend to earth, conspiracies and rituals are filled with special power.

What happens on the Spring Festival

On the day of the Spring Equinox, nature freezes for several hours, balancing between darkness and light, winter and spring. This is the time of the awakening of the earth after the winter cold, when day equals night. Equal becomes darkness and light.

A similar holiday was or is in almost every country in the world. It occurs on the 20th of March, usually on the 20th-23rd days of the month. In the Gregorian calendar, the equinox and solstice fall on approximately the same dates from year to year.

For many nations, the day was associated not only with the arrival of spring, but with the struggle between the forces of darkness and light. The bright gods or spirits always won, bringing spring warmth and sunlight as a victorious trophy.

In many countries, the New Year is celebrated on March 20-23, closely associated with the onset of spring. These are practically all the states that stand on the Silk Road - Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and many others. The equinox was celebrated by the Slavs, Celts, Germans, and also, presumably, the Egyptians and the Mayans.

In European paganism, the Spring Equinox is dedicated to the ancient Germanic goddess of spring Ostara. Ostara is called by adherents of Wiccan neo-paganism. In honor of the goddess, eggs were dyed and buns similar to pasca were baked. It is believed that the Christian Easter tradition takes its roots from here. And the date of Easter, by the way, to this day is counted from the date of veneration of Ostara. More precisely, Christians celebrate it on the first Sunday after the full moon following the Equinox.

Slavic traditions of the Equinox

The later Slavs called this holiday Magpies. In the old days, it was associated with the arrival of birds, and it was believed that exactly forty birds returned at the end of March - hence the name. The main symbol was the lark, as this bird is the first to return. Ritual cookies were baked in the form of it, which was treated to those who saw the lark.

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In pagan times, the sun was of great importance for the Slavs. According to legend, when day equals night, solar deities come to the world of people and check how their affairs are going. Yarilo was associated with the arrival of spring. Various rituals and offerings are dedicated to him. Glorified his victory over winter. According to Slavic legends, at the end of March, he knocks off the horns of winter, and she goes home.

The day of the Spring Equinox among the Slavs was a noisy holiday. Mass celebrations, generous and noisy feasts were arranged. Pancakes, which symbolized the sun, occupied a special place on the latter. They were prepared more often by unmarried girls who guessed about marriage from pancakes. The first pancake is lumpy - there will be no wedding this year.

Serving pancakes on the table, it is worth taking a closer look at who will take the very first of them. If a man, the first child will be a boy. If a woman, a daughter will be born. Pregnant women can do the same. As well as at Christmas time, they guessed at the betrothed in various ways - from cards to calling on a mirror.

Burning effigy

An obligatory element of folk festivals is a scarecrow symbolizing winter, or Morena, the goddess of winter. He was solemnly burned on a huge fire. After burning, they jumped over the fire to cleanse themselves of the negative accumulated over the winter. Echoes of this tradition can be seen in modern Shrovetide traditions.

On the tops of mountains and hills, songs were sung, calling for spring and calling for birds to return from warm countries. Vesnyanki - so called these chants. Wheels were lowered from the mountains, which symbolized the movement of the sun-Yarilo across the sky. The distant ancestors did not forget to honor the dead by leaving treats for them and visiting the graves.

It was not customary to sleep at night, the people froze in anticipation of the sound of the "breaking year" - the arrival of spring among the Slavs was similar to the modern New Year. Their way of life was closely connected with agriculture, and the new year began at the same time as work on the ground. However, according to some reports, the Slavs celebrated the new year in autumn or late spring.

Equinox - signs

Pre-holiday cleaning is an obligatory part of any pagan holiday. A day or two before the onset of the Spring Equinox, it was customary for the Slavs and other peoples to cleanse their homes of physical and energetic dirt.

The first one is easier, it is general cleaning, and there are several ways to clean the house of negativity. Simplest - visualization during cleaning. Imagine removing traces of negative emotions from guests and household members along with dust and debris. If you were planning to throw away old trash, the eve of the Spring Equinox holiday is the best time to do this.

After cleaning, sprinkle the house with holy water or saline. You can use herbal infusions. Wormwood, basil, thyme are well suited. Then - personal cleansing. Take a bath with herbs, essential oils and sea salt. Imagine how negative energy, evil eyes and traces of envy leave your biofield.

One of the rituals of the Equinox is the burning of lists of what one would like to get rid of. If possible, the paper should be thrown into the fire. In the absence of it, use a candle.

There is an old sign - the magic of the day of the Spring Equinox will help everyone earn forgiveness. Take time to forgive those who offended you, correct your bad deeds. The 20th of March is the best time for reconciliation.

Ostara is the day of signs and symbols. Pay attention to all the events of the day. They tell the future for the whole year. All dreams seen on the Equinox will turn out to be prophetic.

It's bad luck to find a rotten egg in the food supply this time. She portends the loss of the patronage of the Gods, the illness of one of the household members. To neutralize the negative value, you should hold your breath and go around the whole house salting (clockwise). Another sign on Ostara is to harm, even unintentionally, a black cat or cat. If this happened, be in trouble.

As on New Year, during the holiday, do not allow negative thoughts and actions, otherwise they will haunt you for another year. Almost every holiday is a day of power, when thoughts are more likely to materialize than usual.

Ceremonies, rituals, offerings

Followers of Slavic traditions honor Yarilo and the goddess of spring and youth Lelya, Wiccans - Ostara. Consider the Slavic version of the rite in honor of the gods on the day of the Spring Equinox.

A unique pagan temple of the 10th century, recreated in the Senno region

The Slavs glorified the gods at temples - sacred places equipped in their honor. If you have the opportunity to go to such a sanctuary where there is an idol of Yarilo, do it. Offerings for this deity in the old days were left right next to him. They are escorted praise- pagan prayer:

God Yarilo, our bright sun, you ride across the sky on a white horse, you bring spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Java has its face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You are more, our God, the Father of the brave and victorious, you are a mighty knight, who creates a man from a young man. I beg you, Father, drive the Bashurs away from my family, light up the house and bless the relatives! May I be in unity, Yarile, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by You, I step along my path, boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

It is better to choose daylight hours, from sunrise to sunset. If there is no opportunity to leave a demand, or there is no offering to a deity, you can do it on any hill - a hill, for example. Clearings and forest edges are also suitable for this purpose. Offerings to the solar deity should be left facing the sun.

As for the offering itself, the best option is pancakes, which served our ancestors as both a symbol of the sun and a traditional dish of the Equinox. But any other pastry is also suitable - pies, cookies, homemade bread, gingerbread. It is better if it is made by you personally. Another traditional spring offering to the deity is scrambled eggs, which, like pancakes, symbolize the sun. As a symbol of the future harvest of the new season, the Slavs also brought grain to Yarila. Along with the treat, you should also leave a drink. Usually it is beer or kvass.

In honor of the coming of spring and in honor of the goddess Lelya, our ancestors left treats for her under young birch trees. Do it early in the morning. Festive colored eggs, pastries, honey, milk can be offered as offerings. The text of praise is:

Maiden Lelya, spring is red,
Become clear now in the light.
Wake the water clean jets.
Break the spell of Mary!

Goy-ma! Glory!

The rites and rituals of the Spring Equinox may include various conspiracies to achieve a certain goal. At this time, appeals to the aforementioned gods are most effective.

Conspiracies for the Spring Equinox

Conspiracy appeals to the gods, which are traditionally revered on the Equinox, will be especially effective on this day. They are read after offering treats and praises - first you should show your respect, and then ask for help.

Magic against damage and the evil eye

You can turn to Yarilo for protection from the witchcraft of enemies, as well as with a request to get rid of spoilage or evil eye. Before putting protection, you should remove all existing negative. To do this, after offering and reading the glorification, you need to say:

Yarilo stands under the blue sky,
He covered himself with a tent, propped himself up with a spear.
The stars often fell from the sky,
And with (name) all the bites were asleep! Goy!

After cleansing, you should put protection from further magical attacks. A plot corresponding to this goal can be read immediately after the previous one. The text is like this:

Yarilo-sun is red, put a wall of fire around me, not pierced by any sorcery. Protect your son (name) from any witchcraft now and forever and ever.

In the text, you can change the words "your son" to "your daughter" if a woman reads it. You can put such protection on a loved one, then you need to mention his name in the text.

Love witchcraft of the ancient Slavs

Spring Equinox magic is good for love witchcraft. In the old days at this time they were expelled from home stagnant spirit- according to popular belief, it is because of him that the relationship of the spouses is cooled. Our ancestors believed that instead of him, Yarilo, known for his violent and passionate character, would come to the house.

For such a conspiracy, you will need a broom, preferably from natural materials - wood, branches. A woman should sit on a broomstick and “go around” the whole house like that. The working part of the broom should slide on the floor. You need to move counterclockwise, starting from the front door. While speaking:

Yarilo ran out of the stove column. He began, began to yell at the woman, only the stick knocks. The stick knocks and beats the ogul.

Read without interruption until you have gone around the whole house and come back to the front door. Then place the broom upside down next to it. The spouse with whom you want to establish a relationship should not be at home at this time.

If you have been unable to establish a personal life for a long time, it is likely that you are crown of celibacy. According to Slavic beliefs, the goddess Lelya put it on those who did not live according to conscience, violated the covenants of their ancestors. The magic of the day of the Spring Equinox will help get rid of punishment. To do this, you need to contact Lele just before sunrise.

It will take a lot of candles that should be placed around you. In the old days, instead of candles, bonfires were lit, and then they stood in the center of the fiery circle. Prepare a tray on which there will also be candles - as many as will fit. Light all the candles, stand in the center of the circle, hold the tray above your head with outstretched arms. Now it is supposed to spin counterclockwise, reading the plot:

Oh, Lelya vehemently chosen power
Decorated with a good red thread, a miracle
Oh, shining Lelya, a miracle
Oh, Lelya is glorious, as you marvel at all who see and give.
Oh, Lelya, your deeds are good in my house
Oh, Lelya, you are loved and delighted by everyone
Oh, Lelya is mischievous, come into my body to the prophetic cry
Dress up in new clothes, give yourself a penny
Darisya in the soul, looking at the world
Through my eyes, through my hands
Yes, connect my thoughts with being elected
And let this light up in the share of the living
Selected semi-precious stones
Oh, Lelya, bind the power of sweet cover over me
With a spring native belly
Oh, Lelya, Lala vehemently, the power is chosen.

You need to read without counting until the morning sun appears completely above the horizon. Read this conspiracy for the Spring Equinox, as well as six more days after it. On the eighth day before sunrise, you need to weave a wreath of white flowers and decorate it with bright ribbons. Looking at the sunrise through a wreath, read the plot for another forty days. On the forty-first, hang it on a young birch and leave it to the goddess - pastries, milk, honey.

Conspiracies for money

There are special conspiracies on the day of the Spring Equinox that attract money. For one of them you need to make a big fire. Looking at the flame, read:

Sparks are gold, ashes are silver.
All year be good in my house!
I have full bins
I will always live in wealth and prosperity!

Wait for the fire to burn out. Ashes, ashes need to be collected and stored in the house. A year later, blow it to the wind and read these words on the fire again.

If it is possible to go to the forest during a pagan solar holiday, you can conduct a strong rite for money with an appeal to Yarilo. To do this, you need to find a clearing and stand so that the sun fully illuminates you. Raise your hands to the daylight and say three times:

The sun Yarilo shone in the sky, helped everyone, illuminated everyone. There is enough for everyone, in abundance, in order, not too much, not too little, but as much as you need!

Now turn three times counterclockwise, and then say, looking at the sun:

Now and forever I have light of gold, plenty of money, not a lot, not a little, but as much as I need!

Leave an offering to the deity in the form of pancakes, pastries, and kvass or beer. After that, the rite is considered completed. Your business will quickly go uphill, your financial situation will improve.

How to make a wish to make it come true

Druids on the Equinox made wishes under the sacred patron tree. From him, they were charged with energy for the future. They believed that with the awakening of the earth, the trees, more than at other times of the year, are ready to share power. The Slavs believed that on the day of the arrival of spring, all wishes come true.

On this day of power, even the most incredible dreams are highly likely to come true, the main thing is to believe in it. How to make a wish on the day of the Spring Equinox? Make a list of your wishes on paper. Describe what you want as clearly as possible. If this is a house - write the number of rooms, floors, total area and other details that matter to you. Hide the list, and burn it a year later.

Many Slavic and European pagan traditions and beliefs are associated with the Spring Equinox. On this holiday, our ancestors especially revered the gods of spring and the sun - Yarilo and Lelya. The rites have bestowed their blessing, and the conspiracies addressed to them on the Equinox work much more effectively than at any other time.

On March 20 at 19:15 astronomical spring begins, not calendar. On this day, the Sun will cross the equator, and spring will finally come into its own. Earlier, at this time, our ancestors celebrated the day of the vernal equinox, and in some countries they still do it.

The spring equinox always falls in March, but its number can vary - March 19, 20 or 21. For the next few years, it will fall on March 20. What is so special about this day?

The actual equalization "in length" of day and night occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. These are the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Spring equinox in the world

Our ancestors believed that the day of the equinox should be met only in a good mood. On this day, you need to do good deeds. And this is no accident: the day of the vernal equinox was considered mystical, and all wishes made on this day can be fulfilled.

In some countries, on the day of the equinox, it is customary to celebrate the New Year. It is celebrated in Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, etc.

In addition, in some countries they believed that unclean forces were outrageous on this day, so they had to be more careful. Magicians, sorcerers and witches organized covens and rituals on this day. Energetically, the day was considered very suitable for speaking talismans and curing diseases.

Celebration traditions among the Slavs

The main character of this day is the Sun. These days it was supposed to sing hymns to him. In pre-Christian times, Komoyeditsa was celebrated on this day, that is, they said goodbye to winter by burning its effigy (then the tradition smoothly flowed into Maslenitsa).

On this day, the housewives baked pies, shaped like birds, larks. It was believed that health was added from such pies. In addition, they baked cookies - birds.

Signs and rituals for the spring equinox

On this day, people used to count the thawed patches on the road. It was necessary to count forty of them - then you will certainly be happy. Happiness was also promised by jumping over the ritual fire. What is important - it was necessary to light such a fire precisely from the sun, through a glass or a magnifying glass.

Hello, friends!

Do you want me to show you a photo that shows how one of the most ancient gods of Mexico descends to Earth? Not? But I'll show you anyway (found on the National Geographic website). Here it is, on the left. See the snake crawling up the steps of the pyramid? Take a closer look - this is Kukulkan (the Mayan solar deity).

Twice a year Kukulkan descends from heaven, this happens on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. So it was thousands of years ago, and so it is to this day. You say - I deceived you and there is nothing there but the play of light and shadow? What is it just the rays of the sun on the ancient pyramid?

Exactly. Rays. Sun. The topic of this article is the day of the vernal equinox, its symbolism, traditions and history. After all, not only the Mayans emphasized the “behavior of the Sun” these days, but almost all nationalities.

And the traditions of celebrating the equinoxes (as well as the solstices) are still alive (however, I already wrote about the Celtic holidays of the Wheel of the Year, which are tied to these astronomical phenomena). But why were these events so important to people?

What is the spring equinox

I would like to start with a definition. Well, probably everyone knows that the equinox (any) is such a period in the life of our planet when day and night become almost equal to each other (but the day is still a little longer). Have you ever wondered what is actually happening at this moment?

Yes, in everything, as always, the Sun is “guilty”. Without this star, there would be NOTHING. Not only day and night, winter and summer, but, in general, nothing alive. Including the person. So here it is:

The sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment crosses the celestial equator and passes from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern one. Since that time, astronomical spring has come there, and autumn has come to the Southern Hemisphere.

And now it becomes clear why people took the vernal equinox so seriously - this is the beginning of spring. Already the actual start. From this moment the snow melts, the buds swell, the animals wake up and the birds return. This day is considered the Day of the awakening of the bear, symbolizing the forces of nature. The goddess Spring comes into the world, nature awakens. A new agricultural year and a new life cycle begins.

By the way, many people still celebrate the days of equinoxes and solstices. For example, crowds of people gather at Stonehenge and Chichen Itza to greet the sun.

Equinox Dates (March)

Like the solstices, the equinoxes do not always occur on the same day. This is due to errors in the calendar. The numbers fluctuate from March 19 to March 22, however, the “official” day was, after all, March 21 (literally “12th day before the April kalends”). But in practice, everything is different - the dates for each year have already been calculated, up to hours and minutes, we just have to look at this data.

Celebration traditions

In the traditions of the ancient peoples, this is the brightest holiday of the year. Very often this day acted as the day of the New Year. However, this is still the case in some countries. For example, in:

  • Afghanistan



    Practically in all countries of the Silk Road, etc.

Since everything is just being laid on this day, a person should try to arrange everything the way he would like in the future. If this is not possible literally, then it is done at least symbolically. Then the desire will strive to be realized.

  1. It was necessary to get rid of dirt and debris so that nothing would interfere during the year.
  2. It was necessary to be generous and distribute gifts and treats. Then material well-being will not disappear.
  3. But the most important thing that this day can give is love and joy. Therefore, our ancestors tried to spend this time having fun:

      arranged fairs or carnivals;

      sang, danced;

  4. They also told fortunes and made love wishes. It was believed that they must certainly be fulfilled.
  5. Well, of course, follow the signs.

In many places, the traditional dish of this holiday is round-shaped food. As a rule, tortillas, pancakes and eggs. In Japan, red rice balls. And the Slavs, of course, have pancakes. This emphasizes the special solar nature of this time. And the egg is considered the birth of a new stage of life.

The world tree of this day is the birch, and the flower is the snowdrop.. People tried to bring birch branches and snowdrop flowers into the house, this would attract special luck for the whole year. And if on March 20 they didn’t have time to do all the things, then the next week was just right for this.

Spring equinox in different nations

Different nations call this holiday differently, but it is always filled with the same meaning.

  • ancient monuments

    The spring equinox is one of the four days of the year when magic can come into our lives. It is no coincidence that all peoples throughout the earth believed in this, as evidenced by the ancient monuments of megalithic culture and not only them.

    In fact, there are many. But I chose from the Wonders of the World (or almost miracles, both ancient and new). To emphasize the full scale of the worship of the Sun.

    1. ancient temples of Osiris at Giza, indicate sunset at the equinox, temples of Isis(ibid.), point to the rising of the sun at the equinox.
    2. BUT Great sphinx, looks exactly at sunrise on that day.
    3. The temple in Jerusalem is somewhat similar to the temples in Giza, where sunlight on the equinox fell freely through an open passage and eventually fell into the holy of holies.
    4. AT St. Peter's Basilica in Rome at sunrise on the spring equinox, the rays of the rising sun penetrated through all the doors and illuminated the high altar.
    5. "Sun hitching post" (a strange granite structure, presumably an ancient clock) in Machu Picchu also reflected the days of the equinoxes in a special way.
    6. Well, of course pyramid at Chichen Itza which I mentioned at the very beginning of the article.

    Some more facts

    Before finishing the article, I will tell you a few more facts about the Spring Equinox. And at the same time, I note that we will talk about Slavic and Celtic holidays separately. There will be articles, and in order not to miss them, subscribe to site updates.

      Easter (one of the main Christian holidays) is calculated from the date of the spring equinox.

      Astrologers celebrate their professional holiday on the Spring Equinox.

      And March 20th is World Earth Day, which reminds us that our little planet is a common home that needs to be protected.

    That's all for today. Take care of yourself. And ... with spring to you, friends!

    P.S. For those interested in astronomy and its manifestations in ancient architecture, I highly recommend Joseph Norman Lockyer's The Dawn of Astronomy. Planets and stars in the myths of ancient peoples. While writing the article, I read it.

The day of the vernal equinox is one of the key dates of the Wheel of the Year among the Slavs and Celts.
Among the Slavs, this day was called "Great Day" or "Komoeditsa", and among the Celts "Ostara"

and now in more detail:

On March 21, the Majestic Sun announces the coming of the astrological New Year. The day of the spring equinox is a truly great holiday of Earthlings.

This day is significant in that the Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west.
The transition of the Sun from the southern hemisphere to the northern one marks not only a new astronomical year, but also the arrival of spring. From an astronomical point of view, spring begins on March 21 and continues until June 22 - the day of the summer solstice.

This day has long been endowed with special magical properties.

It was the Equinox Day that astrologers and esotericists even chose as their unofficial professional holiday.

On this day, the paths of the Earth and the Sun intersect, creating a kind of "stairway to heaven." The vernal equinox is the intersection point of the equatorial plane with the ecliptic plane.

Only on the days of the equinoxes, the rays of the Sun fall on the Earth at a right angle to the axis of its rotation. At these moments relative to the Earth, the energy of a person changes like water in a vessel in which they put electric wires and applied voltage. The human body is filled with strength and heat. It is important at the same time that the water and the vessel are clean - therefore, fasting is recommended on the eve of the holiday.

In many countries of the world, the vernal equinox is celebrated with a solemn holiday, calling it by different names. Among the Ostar Celts, in Asian countries, for example, this is Navruz holiday, Vedic India also honors this period as a special festival.

What is the name of the holiday of the spring equinox among the Slavs?

Historians have found several options for the name of the spring equinox holiday:
- Komoyeditsa
- Great Day;
- Red hill;
- Great day;
- Krasnogor.

On the week of the vernal equinox, it was customary to dance, glorifying the gods with songs and dances, feasting at tables where dough figurines of larks, pancakes and dishes with the symbolism of the sun were an indispensable treat, and intoxicating drinks were completely absent. Both the old and the young fed grain and dry bread to the birds that flocked to the Red Hill, personifying the souls of their dead ancestors, rolled into the winter hand a burning wheel, decorated with bright ribbons as a symbol of the new Sun and the coming to earth of the goddess of spring Vesta.

One of the favorite pastimes of the Slavs was riding a rope swing and burning straw pupae in a fire with the wishes of long years, prosperity, a rich harvest and happiness in the year. With dolls, they threw grain into the fire as an offering to the gods in their favor to the people, and to purify the soul, special daredevils jumped over a smaller fire.

In ancient times, the holiday was also called Komoyeditsa, and it was celebrated exactly when the sun passed from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern - on March 20-21.
The holiday had not only ritual significance, but also helped people “wake up” after a difficult winter, and prepare for the hard work of farmers - they celebrated it for 2 weeks, and then they immediately began to work in order to live the next winter in warmth and relative satiety.

On the same day, the Slavs revered the Bear God - the first pancakes baked on the holiday were taken to the forest. Every Russian person has heard the expression “the first pancake is lumpy”, but few people know that it was not “lump”, but “comam” - bears were called lumps in Russia, and they were considered sacred animals. A real ancient proverb sounds like this: “The first pancake is for comrades, the second for acquaintances, the third for distant relatives, and the fourth for me.”

It is known that many modern church holidays - including Easter - are closely intertwined with the traditions of paganism, but their ancient essence is either lost or changed beyond recognition.

So, instead of Komoyeditsa, it was decided to allow celebrating Maslenitsa: in another way, it is called Cheese Week, and is celebrated before Great Lent. Many Shrovetide rites seem so incomprehensible that no one even tries to explain them: people just celebrate, and almost do not remember where this holiday came from in this form - especially since today it is really difficult to understand.

Easter eggs were also not always Easter: they also have another meaning, much more ancient - among the peoples of Northern Europe and Asia, even in pre-Christian times, painted eggs meant resurrection and rebirth - they were often placed in burial places. Many ancient games are also associated with eggs - the same as those played by Christians: eggs were beaten against each other, rolled, presented to each other, etc.

It was not in vain that our ancestors considered the day of the vernal equinox to be a great holiday: the beginning of spring is the awakening of all living things to a new life, but we also always look forward to spring, and we are very happy when it comes after the winter cold. Let's celebrate the arrival of spring with joy and smiles, and then the sun will always be gentle and warm for us, and life will be abundant and rich.

Ancient Slavic prayer

“Oh Great Sun!

Revive me with the light of Your beneficial rays!

May clear thoughts awaken in my soul!

Let the strength rise in my chest and lead me there,

where the eternal light of Thy unsunsetal triumph burns.

The magical meaning of the vernal equinox

Ever since pagan times, magical properties have been attributed to the day of the vernal equinox. This is the only time of the year when winter meets spring, and the day is equal in length to the night.

According to legend, on this day the Sun God himself descends to Earth in order to check how his earthly sons and daughters are doing and to help them carry out all their good undertakings.

Fortune telling and conspiracies on the day of the vernal equinox

The day of the spring equinox is great for divination and rituals for the fulfillment of desires. Since this holiday is the historical "predecessor" of Maslenitsa, you can safely use carnival divination and conspiracies: for example, try to find out in the form of a pancake what awaits you in the new year.

There is also a very simple plot for the fulfillment of desires, which “works” perfectly on the night of the spring equinox: on the eve of the holiday, bake a cheesecake (among the ancient Slavs, it is a symbol of the Sun and prosperity) and until it has cooled down, tell her your desire. At night, eat a cheesecake, pinching off small pieces from it and mentally repeating what you wished.

It is better to carry out the ritual alone, by candlelight.

What is the magical power of the vernal equinox?
March 20 is a unique event - the Sun and the Earth will be in absolute balance and harmony.

The sun will be centered between the northern and southern hemispheres exactly in the center between heaven and earth. This will create the Sacred Cross, which will balance all energies and lead to complete harmony all living things around. According to esotericists, the equinox point is a powerful time for the realization of desires, a strong day for the transformation of thoughts and words. Rituals to attract well-being on the day of the vernal equinox The most important advice is to think and talk only about the good and pleasant on March 20th.

Evil thoughts, anxieties, swear words, quarrels and negativity will lead to the fact that everything that you talked about and thought about that day is realized. So esotericists recommend spending this day only with positive emotions. Cleansing ritual. On the day of the spring equinox, it is recommended to perform a cleansing ritual. Do a general cleaning, throw out all the old and unnecessary things from the house. While sweeping out the garbage, imagine that you are getting rid of failures, illnesses, negative emotions. Ventilate the room, fumigate it with herbs, take a shower. At the end of the day, write down on a piece of paper everything you want to clear your life of.

Reread what you have written and burn it in the fire. Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish. On the Day of the vernal equinox, all words and desires are material, which means it's time to tell the Universe about your dreams. On this unique day, everything you wish becomes a reality! Retire in a room where no one will disturb you, light a candle, breathe deeply, relax. Close your eyes and imagine your deepest desire as if it had already come true. Feel it, feel the joy of its realization.

The most important thing is to feel the positive energy from the picture in your head. Then mentally place the image of your desire in the pink sphere. Let it rise up - so you release your desire to the will, to the Universe. Let it fly up to become your reality very soon. Open your eyes and breathe lightly and joyfully - now everything will be fine. Use the power of the Spring Equinox to your advantage, change your life for the better!

March 20-21 is a holiday for the Celts