Money days for a haircut in April

At first glance, a visit to the hairdresser to change the image, or to maintain it, is the most common thing that is always included in the organizer of any lady who monitors her appearance. However, the healthy appearance of hair and their role is influenced by the phases of the moon and what constellation it is in. To many, this may seem like something mystical, it may even be superstition. But, if you remember what our ancestors looked like, who trusted the lunar calendar, you can see that their hair was unusually beautiful. Their hair was thick, long, shiny, and all this without expensive newfangled procedures.

The fact is that the ancestors believed in the haircut calendar and auspicious days, and tried to do all hair manipulations only using the lunar calendar. And what does the moon tell us for April 2016, what favorable days does it allocate for the long-awaited trip to the beauty salon? To begin with, it is worth understanding how and why the moon affects the vitality of our hair?

The influence of the moon on hair growth and health

As already mentioned, the phases in which the moon is located greatly affect the hair. The first two phases affect mainly hair growth and growth rate. Therefore, for those ladies who are eager to grow long hair, it is better to pay attention to the first days of the month, when the moon is in these phases.

But as for the last two phases of the moon, they have a greater effect on the strength of the hair. That is, cutting hair during this period will help strengthen hair follicles, restore or improve hair structure. It is at this time that women and girls who are concerned, first of all, with the health of their hair, should choose a haircut at this time.

Also, when choosing the most suitable day for a haircut, it is important to monitor not only in what phase the eternal satellite of the Earth is, but also in which constellation it arrives on a given day.

For a haircut (which does not include coloring or trimming) that would drastically change the appearance, the best time is when the Moon arrives in the constellation of Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. A haircut during this period will not only turn out to be chic in appearance, but the hair will also be fluffy, strong, will not tangle, and the ends will break less.

When the constellation Virgo influences the moon, you can not only get haircuts in a beauty salon, but even dare to perm and cardinal.

Still, it should be noted that the constellation Leo has a beneficial effect on the hair, but it can also affect a person’s life. What character this influence bears, even experienced astrologers cannot predict. Therefore, if you don’t want any changes in your life, then it’s better to wait until the Moon leaves the constellation Leo and transfer the trip to the beauty salon.

The following constellations have no effect and effect on the hair:
Scorpio and Aries.

Here, the constellation of scorpio should be singled out, since it can cause a change in relationships in personal life, both in a positive and negative direction.

If you get a haircut during the period when the Moon is in the constellation Sagittarius, then you should not worry about your hair. But there can be a rise up the career ladder and success in business affairs. Aries, just like Sagittarius, does not have any effect on the hair, but can lead to a weakening of the immune system.

It remains to mention only the constellations of Cancer, Pisces and Aquarius. The period when the Moon is in these constellations is very unfavorable for visits to the hairdresser for virtually any reason.

Cancer brings unruly hair. Aquarius is able to destroy the structure of the hair and wrap all past wellness procedures in failure. Fish can cause dandruff, irritation of the scalp. Many astrologers warn: when the Moon is in the constellations of this unfavorable trinity, it is better even to refuse to comb and wash your hair.

The most important! When choosing a day for a haircut, it is always important to pay attention to the phase of the moon, and in which constellation it arrives. These are the two factors that have this or that effect on the hair.

To be sure that a visit to the hairdresser does not harm either the condition of the hair, or life plans and health, you should pay attention to the significance of each of their days according to the haircut calendar for April 2016 and the most favorable days for changing the image.
Days when you can cut your hair

So, start with the pleasant. According to the oracle, what auspicious days does the haircut calendar for April 2016 show?

04/11/2016 - this date opens a string of favorable days for visiting a hairdressing chair. The moon is in the first phase, and already after 9 o'clock in the morning to be in the constellation of Gemini. A haircut at this time will make it more voluminous, silky. Moreover, astrologers note that changes in hairstyles on this day can also lead to changes in material terms, of course, only for the better.

04/14/2016 is the day when the Moon enters the second phase and enters the constellation Leo. It is better to plan your visit to the beauty salon in the evening, this is the most optimal time for hair changes, which will entail healthy hair, strengthen hair follicles and add volume to the hair.

04/17/2016 - The moon continues to be in the second phase, but already under the influence of the constellation Virgo. Going to the hairdresser on this day will bring only the most positive effect.

04/19/2016 - The moon in the second phase enters the constellation Libra. After dinner, you can safely plan a haircut, which will help attract good luck and improve health.

04/20/2016 - The moon continues to grow in the second phase, and everything is also in the power of Libra. On this day, not only a haircut will be successful, but also a perm, and a change in hair color.

04/21/2016 - the position of the moon remains unchanged, also a good day for various hair manipulations.

04/26/2016 - The moon entered the third phase, being in the constellation Sagittarius. You should not refuse a haircut on this day, because changes in appearance will attract health and good luck.

04/28/2016 - the period when the Moon is in the third phase under the influence of Capricorn. This day promises not only pleasant changes, but also the restoration of mental strength. A haircut on this day will have a positive effect on the financial situation and on the state of health.

04/29/2016 - the moon continues to decrease, being in the third phase under the auspices of the constellation Aquarius. On this day, it is better to plan a trip to the hairdresser in the morning until noon.

Why You Shouldn't Get a Haircut on Unfavorable Days

It is interesting to know for what reasons it is better to postpone visits to a beauty salon on those days that are designated as unfavorable. Always cheer up.

04/01/2016 - a change in hairstyle on this day can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

04/02/2016 - The moon is still in the fourth phase, but is already moving into the influence of Aquarius. It is better to forget about various manipulations with hair if you do not want to find unruly hair and problems with the visual organs.

04/03/2016 - The moon in the fourth phase continues to move in Aquarius. A haircut on this day can contribute to intense hair loss.

04/04/2016 - the moon continues to decrease under the influence of Pisces. The string of bad days for haircuts continues.

04/05/2016 - the position of the moon remains unchanged, and therefore manipulations with hair remain prohibited.

04/06/2016 - The moon in the fourth phase passes into the constellation Aries, a haircut on this day can lead to a loss of vitality and energy.

04/07/2016 - on this day the lunar month ends under the influence of the constellation Aries. Going to a beauty salon can bring health problems and other misfortunes.

04/08/2016 - The moon entered the first phase under the influence of Taurus. A haircut on this day can lead to quarrels and conflicts.

04/09/2016 - the position of the moon remains unchanged, going to the hairdresser is still undesirable, especially if you want to avoid large material costs as a consequence.

04/10/2016 - the growing moon leaves Taurus and passes into the constellation Gemini. Anxiety and longing will befall those who dare to have a haircut on this unfavorable day.

04/12/2016 - the growing Moon in the first phase and under the influence of Cancer. Another string of bad haircut days opens.

04/13/2016 - The moon does not change its position, a haircut on this day can attract conflicts and health problems.

04/15/2016 and 04/16/2016 - The moon in the second phase under the auspices of Leo. It cannot be said that these days are favorable for a haircut. If you cut your hair during this period, it is unlikely that they will grow faster, and even more so look healthy.

04/18/2016 - being in the second phase, the Moon moves into the constellation Virgo, a haircut on this day will have a bad effect on hair growth.

04/22/2016-04/25/2016 - another period when you should not visit a hairdresser and put
hair experiments.

You can believe, or you can not believe the haircut calendar for April 2016, and ignore the favorable and unfavorable days. But astrologers still recommend postponing a visit to the hairdresser if the day is not suitable for this. After all, there are a lot of favorable days in the month for this business, so why ignore them? In addition, one should not underestimate how the lunar cycle affects our lives in general, not only in terms of haircuts and image changes.

As you know, hair is one of the main attributes of beauty. Did you know that all procedures related to changing the length and color of hair directly affect the energy potential of a person. And even the most ordinary haircut or hairstyle can determine the course of current events, attract positive or negative energy. So, on which days of this month it is best to cut your hair, the lunar calendar will tell you from PEOPLETALK.

It's a great Friday to start over. Cutting the ends of your hair will only benefit you. With them, bad habits and unnecessary hobbies will go away.

Saturday - which means it's time for experiments. On this day, you can radically change the haircut and hair color.

Today will not bring positive or negative changes.

It's time to treat your hair at home.

On this day, it is better to abandon any manipulation of the hair.

Today, too, it is better to refrain from going to the salon. So go do something else.

And again, it is better to refuse any manipulations with the hair.

On this day, it is better to save yourself from a haircut.

Move your entry to tomorrow.

A good day to visit your favorite salon and change your look. So you can realize your desires to the fullest.

With today's haircut, you can attract the attention of important people. And it is better to dye your hair in dark shades.

The day is very successful for a haircut, especially if you decide to make a bang.

You can change dramatically - cut your hair short or dye it in a bright color, or maybe both. It will bring only positive changes.

But today, postpone experiments with hair for a more appropriate time.

A good day to pay a visit to your favorite master.

Auspicious day for hair manipulation. After today's haircut, your hair will grow faster and become even stronger.

It is better to focus on work and leave the trip to the salon for later.

Today you can not do anything with hair.

Let's go to the hairdresser! Changing your image today will bring good luck, and a feeling of joy will not leave you throughout the day.

Any procedure for the hair will be successful and will favorably affect your well-being. Changing your image will give you confidence and a sense of irresistibility.

Be sure to cut your hair today, because after that they will be beautiful, lush and healthy. And coloring and perm will bring a good mood.

So that the color when dyeing your hair lies evenly, lasts a long time, and the result does not upset you, take a look at the lunar calendar. Considering the phase of the moon and its effect on hair, you will be able to choose the best time.

April 1: The Moon will be in Capricorn. Coloring, highlighting or painting over gray hair will be successful, you will be pleased with the result after visiting the salon, and the color will lie evenly and last long enough.

April 2 and 3: under the influence of Aquarius, you can do all the most extravagant, and this applies not only to haircuts. If you would like to tint or completely paint in a color that is unusual for you, do it during this period.

April 4 and 5: in order not to damage the hair, it is best to refuse any chemical exposure to them during the strong influence of the constellation Pisces. The day is not favorable for staining.

April 6 and 7: the staining will be quite successful, as the Moon will move into the sign of Aries. Firming procedures will also have a strong effect: they will charge you with success for the whole of April.

April 8 and 9: The Moon is in Taurus, which will favorably affect any actions with hair. It is best to paint with natural paints. Painting over gray hair and toning will also be successful.

April 10 and 11: The Earth's satellite will be in the constellation Gemini. If you would like to color, give preference to natural dyes: this will help to strengthen your position at work.

April 12, 13 and 14: the influence of the Sign Cancer will increase. These days are not the best choice for hair coloring, as there may be discord with loved ones and friends.

April 15 and 16: The moon will move into the constellation Leo. This is very good for cutting hair, as the curls will become thicker. Coloring, lightening, toning and highlighting - everything will be successful, and you will be happy with the result.

April 17, 18 and 19: the beneficial effect of the Virgo constellation will help the color to last a long time, and the paint to lie flat. Highlighting and painting over gray hair will also not entail negative changes in Destiny.

April 20 and 21: you should not change your hair color to the opposite or choose shades that are unusual for you. You will probably be disappointed with the result. But during the period of influence of Libra, wellness procedures can be effectively carried out.

April 22, 23 and 24: The moon will move into the constellation Scorpio. This is not the best time for dyeing, as the hair can be severely damaged, and the energy will decline.

April 25 and 26: the influence of the constellation Sagittarius will also not be reflected in the best way on coloring: the color is unlikely to last long and be dull, and even bring dullness and monotony to life.

April 27 and 28: Capricorn will have a strong influence on the Moon. The lunar calendar advises to paint in tones darker than yours. This will help to arouse interest in the opposite sex.

April 29 and 30: Moon in Aquarius. Use these days to experiment with hair color and haircut.

31.03.2016 00:20

According to astrologers, each of the Signs of the Zodiac corresponds to certain external features. Hair color chosen in...

To keep your hair always healthy and strong, and your hairstyle to keep its shape for a long time, we suggest paying attention to the lunar haircut calendar for April 2016. With the help of this calendar, you will always be aware of when a haircut in April 2016 will be favorable and successful, and when you should not start experimenting with your hair.

Please note that all the time in the lunar calendar of haircuts is indicated in Moscow. Therefore, consider this fact when planning the time of the haircut.

April 1 - 24 lunar day The day is favorable for cutting hair. You can change your appearance for the better and make your complexion more even. Today you can dye your hair in absolutely any color.
April 2 - 25 lunar day Reschedule your haircut for another day if you don't want to attract eye health problems. Today it is not recommended to dye your hair.
April 3 - 26 lunar day Waning Moon in Aquarius This is a very auspicious day for cutting hair. Haircut today will bring you only joy. On this day, it is recommended to dye your hair in their natural color, this will allow you to find a common language with others.
April 4 - 27 lunar day Waning Moon in Pisces This is a great day to change your look, so any haircut is possible. Also on this day you can dye your hair in any color.
April 5 - 28 lunar day Waning Moon in Pisces If you cut your hair today, you will attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, it is not recommended to dye your hair on this day.
April 6 - 29 lunar day Waning Moon in Aries On this day, you can not cut your hair in any case. This threatens with unpleasant consequences for you. Hair coloring on this day is not recommended, it can lead to financial instability.
April 7 - 30th and 1st lunar day Moon in Aries The New Moon is coming at 14:24 If today you decide to cut your hair, then the day may end in some kind of grief. Coloring your hair today can increase your vulnerability to trouble.
April 8 - 2 lunar day Waxing Moon in Taurus You should not cut your hair on this day, as a haircut may adversely affect your relationships with others. Hair can be dyed with natural dyes. You can also use tinted foams and mousses.
April 9 - 3 lunar day Waxing Moon in Taurus Cutting your hair today can be hazardous to your health. You can't bleach your hair today. You can only paint with natural paints.
April 10 - 4 lunar day If you cut your hair on this day, you can feel baseless fears all day. Hair can be dyed, but for a radical change in color, it is better to choose another day.
April 11 - 5 lunar day Waxing Moon in Gemini Today is a good day for cutting hair. After a haircut, you can significantly get rich. Dye your hair in a light color - this will increase your attractiveness and make it possible to conclude a lucrative contract.
April 12 - 6 lunar day Waxing Moon in Cancer This day is considered unfavorable for cutting hair, as health problems may arise. Hair on this day is also not recommended to be dyed.
April 13 - 7 lunar day Waxing Moon in Cancer A haircut on this day will bring you good luck and cheer you up. This day is suitable for changing the color of your hair. It will enhance your sexuality.
April 14 - 8 lunar day Waxing Moon in Leo The first quarter is coming at 06:59 If you cut your hair today, you can quarrel with your like-minded people. You can't dye your hair today. Coloring can negatively affect your reputation.
April 15 - 9 lunar day Waxing Moon in Leo Do not cut your hair on this day if you do not want to attract new diseases to yourself. To avoid most failures, it is worth dyeing your hair blonde today.
April 16 - 10 lunar day Waxing Moon in Leo After cutting your hair on this day, luck may turn away from you. Dye your hair with natural dyes, so you can strengthen your immunity.
April 17 - 11 lunar day Waxing Moon in Virgo If you cut your hair on this day, then your life should become more fun and brighter. Dye your hair in gold or copper shades - this way you can make a profit soon.
April 18 - 12 lunar day Waxing Moon in Virgo Cutting your hair today can adversely affect your fate. If you dye your hair with natural dyes, then success awaits you.
April 19 - 13 lunar day Waxing Moon in Libra Haircut on this day will give health to you and your hair. In addition, your external attractiveness will increase. However, dyeing hair today is not recommended.
April 20 - 14 lunar day Waxing Moon in Libra If you cut your hair today, it may bring you good luck. Hair can only be dyed with gentle dyes.
April 21 - 15 lunar day Waxing Moon in Libra This day is unfavorable for cutting hair. Haircut can attract headaches. Dye your hair dark so you can make the right decision.
April 22 - 16 lunar day Moon in Scorpio
Full Moon arrives at 08:23
Cutting your hair today can cause you health problems. You can dye your hair only in a dark color and only with natural dyes.
April 23 - 17 lunar day Waning Moon in Scorpio On this day, cutting hair can cause minor injuries. To maintain normal relationships with others, dye your hair in blond or red shades.
April 24 - 18 lunar day Do not cut your hair on this day - this is fraught with the loss of a large amount of money or valuables. You can dye your hair only in the color that affects you positively.
April 25 - 18 lunar day Waning Moon in Sagittarius After cutting your hair today, one of your family members may get sick. Hair can only be dyed with natural dyes.
April 26 - 19 lunar day Waning Moon in Sagittarius Today, cutting your hair can have a beneficial effect on your life expectancy. Dye your hair today in their natural color - so you will attract the right people to you.
April 27 - 20 lunar day Waning Moon in Capricorn Cutting hair on this day is not recommended. It is also not recommended to dye your hair.
April 28 - 21 lunar days Waning Moon in Capricorn Cutting your hair on this day will bring you good luck and prosperity. Dye your hair light colors if you want to attract "bright" people.
April 29 - 22 lunar day Waning Moon in Aquarius Today, by cutting your hair, you can not only change your image, but also make your complexion more even. You can dye your hair any color you want.
April 30 - 23 lunar days Waning Moon in Aquarius The last quarter is coming at 06:29 On this day, cutting your hair is not recommended if you do not want to attract “extra” kilograms to your weight. Dyeing hair today is recommended only in their natural color.

A new haircut can not only create an interesting look for you, but also affect certain areas of your life. By following the recommendations of the lunar calendar, you will attract abundance and avoid trouble.

April 1- It is better not to resort to the services of a stylist. Otherwise, it can negatively affect your health.

April 3- perfect for changing the image and for a new hairstyle. If you have been dreaming of positive changes in your life for a long time, then today is the time to start your transformation.

April, 4- an auspicious day to freshen up your hair. However, if you want to attract well-being and success, the lunar calendar advises you to radically change your image.

April 5- there is a high probability of various quarrels out of the blue. To avoid such negativity, reschedule the trip to the stylist for another day.

April 6- you should limit yourself to light styling, this will be enough for a good day. But cutting your hair or even trimming split ends is not worth it, as this can cause depression and self-doubt.

April 7- owners of long curls are strictly forbidden to shorten them. The shorter you cut your hair, the faster your life will be.

April 8- it is better to postpone haircuts, as this can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings. If you want to maintain a trusting relationship with your significant other, schedule a trip to the hairdresser on another day.

April 9- a new hairstyle and styling will help activate monetary energy. Today you can not only improve your appearance, but also attract wealth in the future.

April 10th- entrusting your hair to a professional, you thereby get rid of brittle and split ends, as well as strengthen your immunity. And if you are in excellent physical shape, then any task will be up to you.

April 11- by turning to a stylist for help on this day, you will emphasize your chic look, as well as increase your cash income several times. That is why today you do not need to save on a hairstyle.

April 12th- A new hairstyle will give confidence in its attractiveness. We all know that when we love ourselves, we attract the opposite sex into our lives.

April 13- it is better to postpone the planned visit to the stylist for a couple of days. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of superiors and higher authorities.

14th of April- you can affect not only the condition of your hair, but also longevity. If you refresh your hair on this day, you will increase your life for many years.

April 15- a visit to a beauty salon will relieve nervous tension and remove all the accumulated negativity. You will also strengthen your health both on the physical and energy levels.

April 16- a new haircut today will not only cheer you up. Being in a good mood, you will thereby attract happiness.

April 17- will reveal your abilities and sharpen your intuition. To do this, just visit your hairdresser and put your hair in order.

April 18th- the best solution would be to refuse to visit any beauty salons. This can lead to injury and poor health.

April 19- by deciding to experiment with a hairstyle, you will enlist the support of the Higher Forces and attract good luck. On this day, any manipulation of the hair will bring only positive emotions.

20 April- if you have long dreamed of your own home, feel free to go not to the bank, but to the hairdresser. A beautiful and well-designed hairstyle will attract new opportunities and the right people to you.

The 21st of April- boldly part with the past, whether it be negative thoughts or relationships that have long outlived themselves. Start an interesting life with an unusual haircut.

April 28- a new haircut will not bring any benefit, but will only cause a lot of ailments. Take care of your health and pamper your hair with a nourishing mask.

April 29- by trimming your hair, you will get rid of negative programs and open up your personal cash flow. With a new haircut and a positive mindset, you can tackle any challenge.

April 30- a visit to the stylist will not only bring you pleasure from a new image and a great hairstyle. With a haircut on this day, you will lay an excellent foundation for wealth and abundance.

It takes very little to be happy. By caring for your hair, you show love for yourself and for the universe. And it has already been proven that if we radiate goodness, then it returns to us multiplied. Enjoy life, find harmony with yourself and the world and don't forget to press the buttons and