Do you add to your pension after 80. Pension at eighty - statutory allowances

The state cares about older people, and many retirees want to know what kind of pension awaits them at 80. The government has developed programs according to which people who have reached the age of 80 are entitled to a supplement to the basic pension payment and other types of benefits. In order to understand what amount of payments awaits an elderly person, you need to refer to the legislation.

Payments for citizens after the age of 80

The increase in pension payments for citizens who have crossed the 80-year mark is determined by the following regulatory framework: Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400 and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2015, No. 249.

What pension will an elderly long-liver have at 80? According to the current legislation, the amount of the accrued payment after the age of eighty is made up of the base part - 4559 rubles and the cumulative part, that is, depending on the length of service. The size of the pension after 80 years assumes that the part fixed by the state will be increased by one hundred percent.

In addition to increasing the pension, other payments are provided for pensioners regarding dependents living with them. Sometimes a retiree has a caregiver and benefits are also relying on him. Each of the dependents is charged one third of the basic part. This benefit applies to a maximum of three dependents. The question of what kind of pension awaits a pensioner at 80 is set by the state. How much the pension will be at 80 years old depends on its basic part.

So, for centenarians, there are three types of charges:

  • 100% supplement to the basic part of the pension;
  • Listing directed to dependents;
  • the accrual of a special type of monetary compensation for those who help an elderly person around the house.

What a pension at 80 years old. The amount of the surcharge for 2017

An elderly citizen after reaching a certain age, that is, eighty years, is added a certain amount, which depends on the base payment. The state makes an additional increase in the payment, which is considered to be fixed twice to the size of the insurance part of the old-age pension.

Attention! According to Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 400 "On Insurance Pensions", the increase in payments is 100% of the fixed part.

What pension at 80 will not be increased? The exception is elderly people with disabilities of group I. For them, payments do not increase, since the state initially assigned such people a payment that was doubled exactly.

The state makes an annual increase in pensions. Thus, starting from 2017, the recalculation consists of the following indicators:

  • the size of the established and fixed amount from the state increased by 5.4% and reached 4805.11 rubles;
  • after the increase, the amount of pension payments for centenarians will be 9610.22 rubles.

Those elderly people who live in special regions are interested to know how much the pension is at 80 years old in the place where they live and whether there is a coefficient for the district. Accruals are subject to summation in relation to it. If a pensioner who previously worked in the Territory Server area for more than fifteen years, then he is entitled to 50% of the new accrued amount, calculated from the number of the increase in the size of the pension.

After working in those areas that belong to the Far North, with a duration of at least twenty years, he is entitled to 30% of the additional payments. The size of the pension after 80 years is fixed, but in some regions there are additional benefits from local authorities. It is they who decide how many additional benefits will be added, and the question of how much pension after 80 years is decided by the state.

What is the 80-year-old pension in 2019? Now it is already known that the indexation of the insurance part of the pension will take place not as usual in February, but already from January 1. It was decided to index the size of the pension by 3.7%.

What is the minimum pension at 80 in 2019?

In 2019, there will be a planned 3.7% in Russia.

Thus, the minimum pension of 80 years will be 9965 rubles .

Where can I go for a copay?

In the Russian Pension Fund (PFR), the amount of payments is formed. Experts calculate it based on information about people living in the region who have reached the age for retirement. In accordance with the personalized registration of citizens, after the elderly person reaches the 80-year-old milestone, the amount of pension payments will be increased starting from the new month following the birthday.

The addition to the pension benefit after 80 years does not require filing an application or submitting documentation to the FIU, since this procedure is carried out automatically and does not require the participation of an elderly person.

What is a pension at 80 years old: payment of a pensioner care allowance

People who have lived up to eighty years of age often lose the opportunity to self-service and fulfill domestic needs. Therefore, they are taken care of by other people and compensated as support.

Important! Any able-bodied citizen can take responsibility for caring. There is no limitation as to whether the helper is a close relative or not.

Compensation charges are calculated on the following grounds:

  1. A home helper should not receive individual unemployment benefits or a pension from the state.
  2. A person who helps with the housework must be able-bodied, but not a worker in official production. It should be noted here that such a person cannot be an individual entrepreneur. Plus, such a person is obliged to abandon labor relations.
  3. An elderly person cannot work or engage in activities that generate financial income.
  4. Taking care of a pensioner is allowed not only to persons who have reached the age of majority, but also to children who have already turned 14 years old. It can also be people studying at the institute in their free time.

The compensation payment is made from the pension accrued to the pensioner. The elderly person makes the payment independently to the citizen who cares for him.

Rules for registration of care for an elderly person so that seniority is accrued

A person who systematically cares for a pensioner, assisting the latter, has the opportunity to draw up documents so that he will be credited with insurance experience for subsequent pension payments. Such a rule is provided for in Art. 12 Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

Important! A person who cares for a disabled pensioner who has crossed the 80-year mark is credited with insurance experience. In this case, the year is equal to 1.8 pension points.

It should be noted that there is one condition in the legislation, according to which the insurance period will be accrued only to those citizens who were employed before caring for an elderly person, and a certain share of their salary was transferred to the PRF.

To apply for the right to receive work experience, you should contact the institution that makes payments to the eighty-year-old pensioner or the law enforcement agency. The appeal is made by an elderly citizen, or a person to whom he has entrusted this function.

When visiting the Pension Fund, you must present the following documents:

  • a certificate confirming that the caring citizen is not a recipient of a pension and unemployment benefit;
  • passports from two citizens;
  • documents confirming the absence of work activities, that is, work books with no place of employment;
  • a statement from a pensioner and his assistant.

If care is provided for a minor under 14 years of age, then documented consent from his parents and guardianship authorities will be required. This consent will be a confirmation that the teenager can help the elderly person at a time when he is not at school.

Students and full-time students provide a certificate that they are studying at a school or other educational institution.

Amount of compensation payment

The payment is 1200 rubles. To a person who has crossed the line of age, this amount may seem small. In addition, it is not recalculated on an annual basis. This is only a small help from the state during the period when a person helps an elderly pensioner. However, the pensioner can pay for the assistance service as much as he sees fit. This will depend on the mutual agreement of the two parties.

Payments will stop paying in the following cases:

  1. After the termination of the visit and care of the pensioner.
  2. The beginning of the labor activity of an assistant or an elderly person.
  3. Death of an elderly person.
  4. Transfer of pension accruals and unemployment benefits to the caregiver.

Compensation is calculated from the first day of the month when the appeal to the state body was made and the documents were submitted. For citizens who are registered in settlements belonging to the Far North, as well as in areas established by the state (equated to the North), compensation will increase by a certain coefficient.

If, for any reason, the care is terminated, then the pensioner or the applicant must notify the relevant authority of their desire no later than five days before the alleged termination of assistance.

Other preferential conditions for people 80 years old

A person over 80 years old is entitled to a pension payment and other benefits. State benefits include:

  1. Providing separate places in boarding houses, as well as nursing homes. The state can provide assistance in registration in a boarding house or other medical institution.
  2. Medical assistance and social worker.
  3. In case of wear and tear of the housing available to the pensioner, he has the right to provide state square meters.

Social services are provided free of charge. These include:

  • getting warm and fresh food, as well as food;
  • home call of a medical or social worker;
  • services from the medical and psychological service;
  • providing legal assistance free of charge;
  • support and assistance with hygiene items and other household items.

Recently, for the subjects of the Russian Federation, the opportunity has become available to exempt people of eighty years living alone from paying fees for major repairs.

Regional authorities, at their discretion, can introduce additional benefits of free travel or reduced payment for a landline phone, as well as other conditions for an elderly person.


Elderly pensioners are supported by the state. This means an increase in the amount of pension payments after 80 years, as well as other preferential programs for them.

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Old age benefit is paid to all Russians who have reached retirement age. This money allows you to receive assistance from the reserves of the Pension Fund. For some categories, these amounts are enough to provide for themselves and their households.

For others, the accumulated savings seem negligible, but they are making attempts to increase the retirement allowance. One of these ways is to stay in the same place of work and receive additional income in the form of wages.

But what about those pensioners who, for health reasons, cannot work? Yes, they are called centenarians. Yes, they are respected by colleagues at work. But vision, hearing is already failing. Diseases are progressing.

It would seem, what prevents you from retiring for old age finally and irrevocably? Nothing. On the contrary, the legislators have done everything to make the "exit" painless.

We are talking about people whose age is 80 years. On their birthday, these pensioners receive "good news" from the Pension Fund. The fact is that the fixed value of the pension is increasing. What is the increase, who is assigned, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Normative acts

After 80 years, life goes on. The rule has been in effect since Soviet times and is fully approved by the modern public. A number of recent laws regulate pension supplements for seniors with great grandchildren.

Among them:

  • Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013.
  • Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001.
  • Government Decree No. 249 of 03/18/2015.

So, in paragraph 2 of Article 17 No. 173-FZ, it is prescribed that the supplement to the pension after 80 years in 2019 depends on the value of the fixed insurance pension. As you know, the basic part of the pension allowance at the moment is equal to 4 thousand 805 rubles 11 kopecks.

So it is precisely it that doubles. The increase is made automatically, without being present at the territorial department of the Pension Fund. According to preliminary calculations, its size is 4 805.11 * 2 = 9 610.22


Presence in the PF RF is not required.

Doubling of the pension base is organized in absentia only for 2 groups:

  • Persons who have reached the age of 80 (verified by passport data):
  • Disabled person of the first group.

For the last group, recalculation can be carried out at an earlier date. In any case, this operation is one-time. If the fixed value of the pension for a disabled person has already been doubled until the age of 80, then there are no plans to double it again.

The same rule applies to disabled people of groups 2 and 3. Until January 1, 2010, they were equated to the first group. They could have obtained a double recalculation in advance, and therefore in 80 years a repeated increase is not planned.

Pension and price indexation

Pensions will also increase due to indexation payments. Each year, the Government plans to analyze the rise in prices due to inflationary processes and, on the basis of this, make a recalculation. So, in 2019, the percentage increase was about 5 points.

Implemented indexation plan for 2019:

Video: Increase Payments

Who doesn't get a doubling of their pension?

Some citizens who have good support from the state do not expect an increase even at 80 years old. What is the reason? Obviously, they receive social guarantees, the size of which allows them to lead a comfortable existence.

To get a raise, you need to switch to an insurance benefit. To do this, you need to go to the territorial office of the Pension Fund and draw up an appropriate application.

Double payout does not apply to those who receive:

  • survivor's pension;
  • other social compensation.
But they have the right to switch to a fixed base size upon reaching 80 years of age.

Other additional supplements to pension after 80 years

Reaching the 80-year milestone actually means not only a double increase in pension coverage, but also the receipt of a number of additional guarantees.

They apply to the following population groups:

  • those pensioners whose place of registration is considered the northern latitudes of Russia.

Their charges will increase due to the multiplication of the increased regional coefficients.

  • those senior citizens who have dependents.

The PF RF allows financial assistance to three dependent relatives, but no more. The co-pay for each person is 1/3 of the fixed benefit amount. The final amount of the increase depends on the number of relatives in care.

An example calculation looks like this:

  • Those elderly people who are constantly looked after by close people, friends, relatives.

Age - already 80, and a person is hardly able to fully take care of himself. But, if there are those volunteers who decided to help, then the Pension Fund is ready to pay for these initiatives. Since caring for an elderly person requires dismissal from a permanent job, compensation is paid monthly.

Amount of compensation payments

The fixed amount of compensation payments in most cases is 1200 rubles. The regional coefficient is added to it.

Other cases from practice:

  • 5500 rubles are ready to pay when looking after people with disabilities from childhood of the first group, provided that the care is carried out by close relatives;
  • 1200 rubles is assigned when caring for a disabled person of the first group, if he is under 80 years old, but he is not able to serve himself.

Requirements for a citizen caring

Who is entitled to payment is determined by the competent authorities. They consider the applicant's documents and make an appropriate decision. Registration takes place quickly, within 10 days after submitting the application.

Required papers:

  • Passport of a person planning to take care of the well-being and health of an elderly person.
  • Employment record of the new trustee (if he does not work, then the document must be on hand).
  • A statement from a citizen, which indicates a specific date for the start of caring for a pensioner.
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which states that the person-trustee does not receive a pension from the state.
  • A certificate from the employment service that the citizen is not registered and is not a recipient of unemployment benefits.
  • Work book of a pensioner.
  • A statement from a disabled citizen, where he agrees to take care of him.

For the purpose of the grant, it does not matter whether there are family ties or not, whether both interested persons live together or not. Hypothetically, it could be any neighbor, friend and acquaintance. Even adolescents who are 14.15 years old are eligible for the compensation program with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority.

From the point of view of legislators, being under age is not a hindrance to the manifestation of humanism and helping old people.

So, the basic requirements for a caregiver are as follows:

  • A citizen must be able to work.
  • He is not entitled to receive a pension.
  • He cannot be an entrepreneur.
  • He does not have the right to be at the same time a recipient of unemployment benefits.

If a person "on whose shoulders" is entrusted with caring for an elderly person, has gone to a permanent place of employment or organized an individual enterprise, then the recipient of compensation payments informs the PF about this fact within 5 days. The surcharge is removed.

By region

Even Crimeans who have reached their "first gray hairs" are counting on an increase in their pension. And they have a legal right. In this case, charges are regularly adjusted upward.

When determining the amount of a pension, a number of factors are taken into account:

  • the level of the minimum wage in the region;
  • living wage based on the cost of the consumer basket at the place of residence (for the quarter and in monetary terms);
  • the level of decline (growth) of the national currency;
  • the level of price growth due to inflationary processes on a Russian scale.

The level of pension benefits varies by region. For example, in Moscow it is more than 30 thousand. In Murmansk, it is set at a decent level thanks to the regional coefficient of 18 points. But on average in Russia, the level of pensions after 80 remains at a low level - about 20 thousand rubles.

By age 80, the pension is doubled. Pensioners who have lived to this age need to continue to live and pass on their invaluable experience to the next generations. Legislators want to pay tribute to older people with this gesture. And so far they have been doing quite well.

To improve the quality of life of people of old age, various measures have been developed for their state support. The legislation of the Russian Federation for this category of persons provides for the provision of material and other assistance:

Not all retirees 80 years and older at this age are able to serve themselves on their own without outside help. Seniors who need ongoing care can benefit from support relatives or outsiders.

At the same time, due to the need to care for a person in need, the caregiver is not able to go to work. In order to financially support such citizens, a pensioner who has taken care of himself is established to pay for the caretaker's services.

What payments are due to citizens who have reached eighty years of age?

Upon reaching the age of 80, receiving citizens acquire the right to additional financial assistance provided for by legislation for this category of persons:

Any able-bodied person can take care of an 80-year-old pensioner regardless of the presence of family relations with him... The fact of their cohabitation also does not matter.

Compensation payment is made under the following conditions:

  • The caregiver must be able-bodied but unemployed: he cannot have an employment relationship, be an individual entrepreneur, engage in private practice (conduct advocacy, detective, security, etc.), perform work under civil law contracts.
  • Caring should not be a recipient of retirement benefits as well as unemployment benefits.
  • The retired person who is being cared for should also not be engaged in work or other income-generating activities.
  • Not only adults can take care of an elderly person, but also children who have reached the age of 14, as well as full-time students in their free time.

Payment of compensation is made monthly and is transferred to the citizen who is being looked after along with his pension. Payment for services to the person who provides assistance is made by the pensioner himself, who is being cared for.

How to arrange care for an 80-year-old pensioner to have seniority?

For a person caring for an elderly disabled citizen, such periods of activity can increase his insurance record for the appointment of a pension. This possibility is provided for in Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions".

Periods of care for a person who has reached 80 years of age, included in the insurance period caregiver. For each year of care for a disabled caregiver, 1.8 retirement points.

However, there is a reservation in the law: such periods are included in the insurance experience only if, before and after them, the caregiver had a labor or other activity in which they were credited and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In order to apply for a subsidy for caring for an 80-year-old person, you must contact the authority that pays him the pension. These are the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or law enforcement agencies. The pensioner himself can apply there personally or through a trusted person. When applying, you will need to submit documents:

  1. Applications from a caregiver and from a retired person over 80 years of age to be cared for.
  2. Certificates stating that the caregiver is not receiving pension benefits and is not a recipient of unemployment benefits.
  3. Documents confirming the fact that the applicants have no work activity (their work books).
  4. Passports of both citizens.

If a disabled citizen, for whom care is planned, receives pensions both through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and, then you can apply to any of these bodies. In this case, when contacting one of them from the other, you will need to obtain a certificate stating that the compensation payment for care has not been assigned by this body.

Elderly care can also be done on the face, over 14 years old, in this case it will be necessary to present parental consent or permission and a guardianship and trusteeship agency for out-of-hours care.

Nursing students or full-time students will need to additionally submit a certificate from the educational institution.

Compensation payment amount

The compensation payment for the care of an 80 year old pensioner is legally established in the amount of 1200 rubles... Unfortunately she not subject to annual indexation... Of course, for an able-bodied person, this is a very small amount, but this is only a small help from the state for the period of caring for the needy. In fact, the retired person who is being cared for can pay for the services to the person taking care of him in the amount that they agree among themselves.

Compensation payment is established one person for each citizen which he cares about:

  • The subsidy is appointed from the first day of the month in which the application for it was received with the presentation of all the required documents and is set for the entire period specified in the application.
  • Citizens who live in regions of the Far North, localities equated to it, or other regions in which the regional coefficient is used to determine the size of pension benefits, the size of the compensation payment is increased by the corresponding coefficient.

In the event of the occurrence of circumstances in which caring for a needy person is terminated obligated within 5 days report this to the authority in which the compensation was drawn up.

The following circumstances may serve to terminate the payment of compensation benefits:

  • death of the person being looked after;
  • the exit to work of a caregiver or a person being looked after;
  • granting a caregiver a pension or unemployment benefit;
  • termination of care.

Other benefits for seniors over 80

In addition to material assistance, the state provides 80-year-old pensioners with various benefits:

  • free medical care and social services;
  • provision of places in nursing homes, boarding houses for the elderly, boarding houses and other public medical institutions;
  • if the housing available to the pensioner is unsuitable for living, if there are supporting documents, it is possible to resolve the issue of providing state housing.

Elderly citizens can take advantage of the provision of such social services as:

  • free legal aid;
  • receiving a one-time hot meal or a set of products;
  • medical and psychological assistance;
  • home visit of a medical or social worker;
  • receiving targeted assistance in the form of hygiene products, clothing, shoes, and basic necessities.

With the entry into force of amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, older people have the opportunity to receive additional benefits.

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to make a decision about complete release lonely citizens 80 years of age and older from the payment of contributions for major repairs common property in an apartment building.

Besides? at the regional level, this category of citizens may be provided with such benefits as free travel in public city transport, compensation for using the telephone, discounts on utility bills, and others.

According to Russian law, citizens who have gone on a well-deserved rest, have received a disability or have lost their breadwinner, have the right to apply for a monthly pension. Additional benefits and co-payments are due to persons over 80 years of age.

What additional payments are due to pensioners after 80 years in 2019

Benefits for people over 80 are provided through the Pension Fund and social protection authorities. Regional authorities have the right to independently establish pension supplements. Federal surcharges are required for all regions and are paid monthly. Among the main ones are:

  • an increase in the fixed part of the pension;
  • additional payment for the care of an old man.

Legal regulation

The pension is not awarded automatically upon reaching the age limit, disability or loss of a breadwinner, but on an application basis. Paid monthly. The pension is calculated by the specialists of the Pension Fund or the security department (for the military).

Depending on the social status of the elderly person or other criteria, additional payments may be assigned to it. Pension allowances after 80 years are additional help from the state, since at such an old age, few of the elderly continue to work, and some of them even need outside help. Copies are fixed and regulated by the following federal laws:

  • No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" (17.12.2001);
  • No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" (28.12.2013).

How much does the pension increase after 80 years

The size of the pension after 80 years will increase due to the calculation of a fixed payment in an increased amount. The insurance part of the pension is not revised and remains the same, since the individual pension coefficient is used for the calculation. This component can be increased if the citizen continues to work. On August 1, a recalculation takes place for all working pensioners, taking into account the earned pension points.

The fixed amount is revised annually. This means that the pension benefits of the elderly person will continue to increase by a certain percentage annually. From 2019, the indexation will be carried out annually, and the basis for the increase will be taken not by the inflation rate, as it was before, but by a certain value established by the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • 2019 – 7,03%;
  • 2020 – 6,60%;
  • 2021 – 6,30%.

Surcharge amount

Pension insurance consists of two main parts: a fixed payment and an individual part. Those who have formed a funded pension are entitled to monthly allowances to old-age pensions from existing savings formed in the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or a non-state pension fund. The formula looks like this:

SPS = 2FV x K1 + IPK x SPB x K2 + SNChP, where:

  • ATP is the amount of a citizen's insurance pension in 2019;
  • 2FV - a fixed payment calculated in double amount (for 2019 the FV is set at the value of 5,334.19 rubles);
  • K1 - multiplying coefficient to PV for each full year of postponed rest;
  • IPK - the number of retirement points earned by a pensioner over 80 years old for his labor activity;
  • SPB - the cost of one point (in 2019 - 87.24 rubles);
  • K2 - multiplying coefficient to the insurance part for each full year of deferred retirement;
  • SNPC - the sum of the funded part of the pension.

Please note that if K1, K2 and SNPC are not applicable to a person, they are not taken into account in the calculation.

In this case, the formula will have a simplified form:

  • SPS = 2FV + IPK x SPB.

District coefficient

The size of the pension after 80 years can be increased if a citizen lives in areas with difficult climatic conditions. In this case, the district coefficient is applied to the PV. Its size depends on the locality (not the subject of the Federation!) In which the recipient lives. When moving to another area, the value of the regional coefficient is subject to revision or will be canceled altogether.

It should be noted that for some categories of citizens over 80 years old who have the required amount of experience in the Far North (RKS) and Equivalent Locations (PCS), a fixed payment is paid in an increased amount (plus the regional coefficient) and is retained even when moving to another area (the district coefficient is being revised or canceled).

The pension at 80 years old is increased by the regional coefficient, subject to the following conditions:

  • Men need to have a general experience of 25 years or more, of which 20 years have been worked in the PKS or 15 in the RCC.
  • Women need to have a general experience of 20 years or more, of which 20 years have been worked in the PCS or 15 years in the CSW.

Are there allowances for disabled people and for the loss of a breadwinner?

Pension supplements after 80 years of age in 2019 are only possible for recipients of insurance pensions. The fixed payment is doubled upon reaching the age of 80 or the establishment of 1 disability group. This means that if a disabled person of group 1 has reached 80 years of age, his EF will not increase.

If an elderly person was dependent on a citizen who died, then the old person may be assigned a separate type of support - a survivor's pension. It is calculated using a different method and may be:

  • insurance;
  • state;
  • social.

80-year-old pensioner care supplement in 2019

Citizens who have reached the age of 80 have the opportunity to receive compensation payments for care. It is intended for the person caring for the elderly. The main conditions for receiving - a pensioner must not work, and the caregiver must be able to work, but not work and not be at the labor exchange. Only one person can take care of an old man, and the carer himself has the right to look after several people at the same time.

The amount of the surcharge is equal to 1,200 rubles. It is paid extra during the entire time of leaving once a month. It is received not by a citizen caring for a person who has reached the age of 80, but by the pensioner himself as a supplement to his pension. After the elderly person then independently transfers this money to the caregiver, if the latter has fulfilled all his duties.

How to arrange

Compensation payment for caring for a non-working pensioner is assigned on a declarative basis. The registration procedure consists of several sequential steps:

  • Prepare the necessary documents.
  • Contact the authority that calculates the pension for an elderly person. If a pensioner who has reached 80 years of age receives two types of security (through the Pension Fund and the law enforcement agency), you can apply for an additional payment only in one of them.
  • Draw up an application in the prescribed form. You can get it directly from a specialist or download it in advance on the PFR website.
  • Attach a list of required documents.
  • Wait for the decision. The supplement is added to the pension from the month of the citizen's appeal and the provision of the entire package of documents, but not earlier than the day the right to compensation payment arises.

Appointment documents

An employee of the authorized body is provided with a number of documents from both the caregiver and the pensioner over 80 years old. If the necessary papers are available in the payment file of an elderly person, you do not need to present them. An approximate list of documentation looks like this:

  • Application of the citizen to be cared for. Provided that a pensioner is recognized by a court as incompetent, a legal representative submits an application for him. It is imperative to attach documents confirming the status of the guardian.
  • Application from a citizen who will look after a non-working pensioner. When drawing up, it is required to indicate the place of residence and the date from which the person will start working.
  • A certificate from the employment service issued at the territorial office at the place of residence of the caregiver. It states that the citizen is not registered and does not receive unemployment benefits.
  • The work record of an elderly person who is assigned an increase in pension.
  • Identity document (passport, residence permit), SNILS and work record book (if any) of the person who plans to provide care.
  • Written consent from one of the parents or adoptive parents and guardianship authorities that care for a person who has reached the age of 80, in his free time from school, will be carried out by a person under the age of 14.
  • Certificate from the educational institution that the applicant is studying full-time.

Compensation payments for dependents

If an 80-year-old pensioner has dependents (for example, minor grandchildren, whose parents have died), add to his pension:

  • for one dependent - 1/3 PV;
  • for two - 2/3 FV;
  • for three - 1 FV.

Please note that the pension supplement is calculated on the basis of the generally established fixed payment (in 2019 - 5,334.19 rubles), and not on the amount of PF that is due to a pensioner. The increase will be:

  • for one ward - 1,778.06 rubles;
  • for two - 3,556.13 rubles;
  • for three - 5,334.19 rubles.

Benefits after 80 years in Russia

Please note that if a citizen's pension does not reach the subsistence minimum (LW) established for the region of residence, the old man is entitled to an additional payment. Depending on the amount of the subsistence allowance, the surcharge is calculated from different sources:

  • Federal budget. It is assumed if the subsistence level in the region does not exceed the established average for Russia. The federal social supplement to the pension is made through the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Regional budget. It is carried out if the PM in the region exceeds the federal one. The increase to the pension is carried out through the bodies of social protection of the population.

In addition to pension, citizens after 80 years of age in 2019 are entitled to a number of benefits. Federal rely on all retirees, without exception, regardless of place of residence. Regional preferences apply only to beneficiaries living in a single entity. Among the main benefits are:

  • Subsidies for housing and communal services. If 22% or more of the income of a lonely pensioner over 80 years old (in case of cohabitation - average per capita income) goes to pay for utilities, he can apply for compensation. For some regions, the figures may be different, for example, in Moscow - 10%, St. Petersburg - 14%.
  • Compensation when paying for major repairs. Pensioners over 80 years old who live in apartment buildings are exempted from paying the overhaul fee. Non-working pensioners living alone or families in which both spouses are pensioners are eligible to apply for the benefit. Since January 2019, those families where the second spouse is a disabled person of 1 or 2 groups can also take advantage of the privilege.
  • Additional vacation. Working pensioners over 80 years of age are granted additional unpaid leave of up to 2 weeks. Since 2019, elderly people have the right to receive two working days a year with salary retention for undergoing medical examination.
  • Tax incentives for retirees. Citizens over 80 years old in 2019 can take advantage of the exemption and not pay property tax on one property. For owners of land plots, a tax deduction is provided in the amount of the cadastral value of 6 acres. In some regions, pensioners, depending on the capacity of the car, do not pay or are partially exempt from transport tax.
  • Medical preferences. This includes the free distribution of drugs and medication (according to the list of the Ministry of Health) according to a doctor's prescription, health improvement and rehabilitation in sanatoriums, accommodation in institutions of permanent residence (nursing homes, boarding schools) on a temporary or permanent basis, dental prosthetics (with the exception of expensive materials).


Compensation payment after 80 years for each resident of the Russian Federation consists of several parts - a fixed payment, which for 2018 is 4,824 rubles and the amount accumulated during the period of official employment.

If a pensioner reaches the age of 80, then the fixed part of the monthly payment is doubled. It should be noted that in 2018, such a monthly compensation increases independently using a special accounting program. It is not required to apply to the Pension Fund for the subsequent appointment of a pension.

If the pensioner has dependents, then each disabled person receives 33 percent of the standard amount. However, there can be no more than three persons.

About what the basic pension is in 2018, the amount in rubles, the features of payment - in the article at the link.

Additional payments to pension after 80 years

When a pensioner reaches the age of eighty, the bodies of the Pension Fund automatically recalculate. As mentioned above, the fixed payment increases to one hundred percent.

The exception is pensioners who have received the first group of disability. Their fixed payment was already initially doubled.

  • The amount of compensation increased to 5.4 percent. As a result, it is 4806 rubles;
  • Persons who have reached the age of eighty receive a pension in the amount of 9612 rubles.

If retirees who have reached the age of eighty live in harsh climatic conditions or in the Far North, then the indexing coefficient will be different. For the entire period of registration in one of these areas, the corresponding coefficient is used for the calculation.

If pensioners have reached the age of 80, but worked in the Far North or in other difficult conditions, in addition to a monthly increase in payments by 100 percent, the following increases additionally:

  • 50 percent if the citizen has worked in the Far North for at least 50 years;
  • 30 percent of the total amount to persons who have worked for at least 20 years in areas whose conditions are equated to areas of the Far North.

How to apply for an increase in pension after 80 years?

To apply for an increase after 80 years, contact the district office of the Pension Fund. The pensioner and the person caring for him must write a statement. If a relative is applying for a pension, several conditions must be met:

  • He must be over the age of 14;
  • He is not considered employed;
  • Not a recipient of a pension.

Also, for the appointment of a certain pension, it is necessary that the pensioner has an identity card, a work record book and other additional documents requested by the Pension Fund.

If, in addition, a full-time student is looking after the pensioner, you need to take the corresponding extract from the dean's office and attach it to the main package of documents.

Supplement to pension after 80 years in 2018 - what documents to provide?

The recalculation process is carried out by people. Therefore, in any case, the human factor plays an equally important role. Because of this, it is rare, but mistakes are made in the accrual of a certain amount of money.

Additionally attach certain documents:

  • A statement that you want to understand the calculations made;
  • Identity document;
  • Insurance certificate (SNILS).

Today, the amount of payment upon reaching the age of 80 is increased by 100 percent to everyone, without any exceptions.

Pension calculation after 80 years in 2018

At the beginning of this year, the overall indexation of pension compensation was 5.4 percent. In April, social benefits increased by an additional 2.6 percent.

Below is an example calculation:

Alexander Petrov lived and was officially employed in the Murmansk region. After reaching retirement age, he began to receive payments in the amount of 14 thousand rubles.

Upon reaching the age of 80, his allowance increased automatically. He began to receive an additional 5,000 rubles.

After some time, he found out that his pension payment was not calculated correctly. He turned to the FIU for maximum clarification. The employees of this institution saw their mistake, as a result of which they recalculated taking into account an additional coefficient of 1.8.

5000 * 1.8 = 9 thousand rubles - a fixed part of the payment together with the coefficient;

9000 * 2 = 18 thousand rubles - double the size of the fixed payment.

The insurance part of the pension compensation consists of two parts: 120 * 80 (the price of one point) = 9 600 rubles.

As a result, Alexander Petrov began to receive:

18 thousand rubles + 9 600 rubles = 27 600 rubles.

In this situation, it should be taken into account that pensioners who worked in the Northern Regions can claim not only a double increase in compensation, but also additional benefits according to the regional coefficient. This issue is addressed in