Domomnok do it yourself - a positive charm for the house. How to do dominate your own hands: an ordinary miracle. Sew Domotovenka Kuzu together with Alesa empty

Master class with step-by-step photos of Kuzya Domenenok do it yourself.

Alexander Alexander Alexandrovna, Pedagogue of additional education, MKU to the "Center for Additional Education" Rüsdov Sverdlovsk region.
Description: The master class is addressed for those who wish to make unusual products, teachers, specialists, additional education educators
Purpose: Gift-charm, souvenir-charm

purpose: Making a domain from the cast material.
Educational: To form creativity, the creation of the overag;
Developing: develop a small motorcy, fantasy;
Educational: to educate accuracy, patience.
Required material:
- Cut pipe 15cm
- Tights of any density
- threads with needle, scissors
- Sintepon
- Fabric for sweaters
- Hot pistol
- Universal glue for plinths
- Pikes-1PA
- disposable spoons-1 in
- Burkovina
- Synthetic Len.
- Zhgut
- Wire-20cm.
- Decorative Tape-1M
- Blush with a brush
- Natural material (acorns, cones, fir branches)
- New Year's decoration (beads, snowflakes, New Year's toys.)

Introduction: According to the old legends and legends of the ancient Slavs in every yard and the house there is an invisible, but very mighty owner - the house. Poems wrote about him, poems, gifts were brought to him and served food as a full member of the family. They talked to him and joked. Units claimed to have seen it. But no one heard him say. Why then did people relate to him so well and were very afraid of angry?: Lavian myths say that no one else is like a plaque of the family living in the house. He is a mentor and an assistant endowed with magical strength and opportunities. That is why it depicts it as an elderly, but very stalling and a deft old man.
If none of the people have seen, then he deserved respect for his actions. In actions, they were determined, pleased the domain or not. Domunok was elected the warmest place in the house, such in each hut was a furnace. Thanks to the habitat, it is also called a sunflower or a baked. The invisible assistant is so playful and so loves to lean, that sometimes it is called him - a pitchfire or gentle house.


1. Cut a pipe with a height of 15 cm.
To create a house body, you need to cover the pipe with tights.

2. We are tightening the pipe in two layers of pantyhose, in order not to translucent the pipe and in the further cheeks at the house.

3. We form cheeks. Roll out of the same pieces of synthet circles and put balls in the inside of tights. Top sewing threads.

4. Separately make a ball from the residues of tights and synthesis. Cut the circle, along the edge we pass the threads of the seam forward and tighten the ball. It turned out his nose.

5. Printe the nose between the cheeks, pre-make a small incision in pantyhose so that the nose sticks to the pipe.

6. Glit eyes. Eye trying to arrange above the nose and next to each other.

7. Cut the rectangle of colored tissue, 7 cm high. Purchase the torso with a rectangle. Use glue for plinths.

8. Disposable spoons are needed to us for the legs. Cut half of the spoons, we glue their burlap, the tips are separated into the inside. Experience the finished legs on the body of the house. Use a hot gun.

9. We draw up the bottom of the body of the house. We put on the cardboard of the house and supply a simple pencil. We remove the house, cut out the bottom of the body and glue the glue for the plinths.

10. We draw up the bottom of the body of the house. Cut the three ropes of the harness of the same length. At the end we make a knot, weave the pigtail. Movement stick with a hot pistol along the length of the entire bottom of the body.

11. We sew the handles. In the body on both sides, we make a hole with scissors or sele. Wire a wire, make droplets at the ends so that the handles do not sculp.

12. Thebell a small piece of syntapuha and apply to the droplet of the wire. Over we wear a kapron circle and grab by threads at the base, form your fingers with a needle with threads.

13. Handles volume. Cut from the synthetone a rectangle with a size of 7 * 5cm, we rocate the handle, sew the sizes of the same fabric sizes in the color of the brine.

14. To hide irregularities, we glue a decorative braid on the top of the house shirt, we make cuffs on the handles. Rushes cheeks.

15. We form hair and mustache. Cut from the tape of synthetic flax 7cm, we apply glue for plinths to the entire top of the head and distribute the hair around the whole head, cut out the bangs.
For the mustache, cut out the flax strip 7cm, in the middle we associate a thread and combing, forming a semicircle. If required by pouch with scissors. We glue the mustache mustache.
16. Form the hat. From the burlap cut out the triangle, we begin the part and glit around the head on the hot gun, we form a cap, the tip is lowered down, the hat is obtained.

17. Decorating the houses. You can make a bag and fill it with different natural materials: acorns, cones, beans. You can give a Christmas tree in another handle, a bump or a new year toy. We also decorate the hat with both natural materials and the New Year's decorative elements: snowflakes, beads, New Year's toys. Your domain is ready !!!

The house is an ancient keeper of wealth and calm in the house. He will become your assistant in domestic affairs and just decorate your interior.

In order to fromdo domian Svomi hands We need:

  • - Cotton fabric (white for calf and color for clothing);
  • - material for packing (syntheps or holofiber);
  • - Mochrome threads for knitting (for hair production);
  • - Hook or knitting needles, a hemp rope (for the manufacture of laps);
  • - tape, tapes;
  • - Buttons for the hinge joint of the handles and legs;
  • - acrylic paints, brushes, foam sponge;
  • - Adhesive gun with hot glue.

And now, download the free pattern of the house,

print it and we start sewing

our home kuzyu!

So, from white cotton fabric, we cut out all the details of the Taurus doll.

All patterns of dolls, except for the head, stitch together, turn and stuff filler. On the handles and legs, we sew holes for packing. We have the following workpieces of dolls:

- Doming Taurus,

- 2 puppet palms,

- 6 "sausages" - these are handles and legs of our doll,

- 2 "semi-sausages" - details of the feet of the legs.

Ladoshka while postponing.

To make the bottom of our house, we connect one leg with the feet and sew them to each other with secret stitches, as shown in the figure.

Now we collect the caller and the legs of the doll together, using buttons. In the knee joint, the buttons are sewn on both sides.

From colored cloth, we cut out, and then sew pants for our house.

We dress the pants and sew them straight to the calf. Excess the width of the trousers at the bottom edge will be collected in the fold.

On the legs of the house - Onuchi.

For the manufacture of onset of white x / b fabrics, cut the rectangles with a length of 50 cm and 5 cm wide, we cut at an angle of 45 degrees to the base of the base. These strips are watched around the legs of the doll and fasten them in several places by secret stitches.

It's time to think about the head of the doll. EVERY pat. Heads, we collect on the thread so that this is such a basket. Apply a simple seam through the edge.

Then, both baskets fold the front sides inside, sew each other, leaving the hole for turning and packing.

After stuffing the filler, we sew my head to the doll-dom.

The front side should be primed up with a solution of PVA and water glue in a 1: 1 ratio.

On the already dried head of the doll, the pencil will be scheduled to determine the place where to glue the nose.

The spout is a circle, a diameter of 5-6 cm, assembled along the edge of a seam through the edge and stuffed with filler.

Using any fast drying glue, glue the spout on the face of the doll. Covered face and nose acrylic paint of corporal color. The same tint, with the help of a foam sponge, painting homemade palms. After that, the same paints draw the face of our interior doll.

When the face dried, finish collecting our house. With the help of buttons, connect the parts of the handles between yourself and sew them to the calf.

Now you can finish with clothing. Dispress and cross the shirt. Rubah decorate braid, ribbons, embroidery.

When the shirt is ready, dress it on the house.

Our house doll is almost ready. Kuzya will be a real house, when he guess a thick chapel and beard!

In order to make a doll hair , Take yarn for knitting.

We apply a mohair thread with pieces with a length of 13-14 cm, we collect in the bundles of 6-8 threads, and in the middle we will tying the nodule. With the help of a glue gun on this nodule we will apply glue and glue the head.

bundles of yarn, glued close to each other, form a chic champper. On the back of the head you can use beams of more threads. The closer to the face - the threads in the beams are smaller. The nodules are fine and quiet.

Well, hair is ready.

Just as we made hair on the head of the doll , Making a mustache and beard.

Now cut the idiot, cutting all the sticking threads.

Domunic need to be laid in Russian folk shoes - Napti.

With the help of a hook (or spokes) from the hemp rope, you associate two rectangles with a size of 15 x 8 cm. Bend the sock of the blank is approximately half and scratched on the sides. With the help of the same rope, fasten the lapties on the legs, binding the rope Cross-cross.

So that the lapties do not fall down, the back of the lapotychki attach to the heel dolls.

Well, here is your keeper at home.

You can add the houses' attributes:

  • - Wooden spoon, so the owners were always full,
  • - The key from home - so that the world was in the house,
  • - Pouch with a crop-pro reserve,
  • - Coins - to the house there are money.

All the famous cartoon about Domoenka Kuzyu is one of my favorite. Therefore, I could not pass by such a wonderful master class Alases empty. Look at this toy - Kuzya is just like from the cartoon! Well, how not to sew such a charming domain?

To work, we will need: Cotton Fabric - For Body Calculation White Colorful Additional Singry Training Or Syntheup Color Fabric - For Shirts Dark Fabric - For Strong Pancakes - For Mospitsa For Knitting Paste Pastel Chalk Tassels, Simple Pencil Acrylic Painting Machine and Sewing Supplies
First of all, it takes a pattern for sewing domain Kuzu.

Print the pattern in A4 format.

Cut the details.

We fold the cloth twice. We will cover according to the equity, except for the parts of the head, their crumbings on the oblique each item separately (for the heads of the head we make a letter of 5 mm). For the legs, we take a white fabric or completely sewing from white fabric and then toning (coffee, tea) upper part.

We carry the pattern on the fabric.

Details are spinning pin.

We do on a sewing machine Length Stitch 1.5.

We sew the details along the contour.

We sew all parts of the head, leaving a small hole for turning.

After stitching, we make small bandy, so the head will be smaller.

Cut the detail with scissors Zig zag if there is, if not, you can also make small heads.

Soak with a stick or needles.

Put, handles legs and torso is not very tight, leaving a few space for the convenience of stitching, head tightly, so it turns out evenly. Special attention should be paid to the neck, you need to knock very tightly, you can also insert a wand (so as not to be broken).

Pin pens and legs pins and legs to the body, as shown in the photo.


We make spout, as shown in the photo. First we guarantee around the edge.

Put with filler.

And tighten the thread.

Send the nose to the head.

That's what we did.

Now you can take a little rest, drink tea and start painting the face.

Simple pencil draw eyes, mouth and brow.

Pain with white paint eyes.

Next, paint the iris blue paint.

Draw pupils with black acrylic.

Give your eyes realism. Add a little black to the blue paint and darken the top of the iris.

The top of the protein is darkened with gray.

Weigh the lower part of the iris white paint, add the glare.

We take brown paint, make the contour around the eyes, draw the cilia, supply the brow and mouth.

Tinging the area around the eye with pastel shallow, rudiment cheeks and spout.

Do not sew your head!

Now we need to "wear" our domain.
We carry the pattern of the shirt on the fabric, folded twice, make the allowances on the seams of 0.7 mm.

Fix pins and cut out.

We transfer the pattern of the pants to the folded twice the dark fabric. Details cut two together allocrooms. Shem pants without letters.

We put the size stitch on the sewing machine by 2.5.

Stitch your shoulder top sections. We do not forget to leave the neck holes (2.5 - 3 cm). Bringing the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt, we rock pins.

We pave the line.

We rock and make side seams.

We make small cuts with scissors, so as not to tighten.

In order not to crumble, the edges are processed by scissors Zig-knocked.

Turn the shirt and sew a button.

We sew lateral sections.

We rock stepper sections, flash.

Do not forget to make cuts.


We dress the pants, we make on the front of the folds. We put the cut inside, we rock and manually sewn to the body.

We like the bottom of the pants (we are tightened, we peel into and sew the secret seam).

Pants are ready.

Now we knit our Lapti curz of the twine. We recruit 7 loops on the spokes, insert 20 rows and close.

Knit two identical rectangles.

Send 1/3 part of the rectangle, stitching on the sides, slightly exciting corners so that the lapties get round.

Soak. We are tightened in a circle.

We dress up onto the leg, fix.

We do the same with the second lapties. Put the legs with a piece of rope.

Send your head to the trunk of a secret seam.

Now our Kuzya is almost ready, only the chapels are missing.

We wake on the book the yarn is not too thick (a book of 22 * \u200b\u200b14.5 cm).

Gently remove on the sheet format A4.

And exactly in the middle laying the seam on the sewing machine.

For reliability we go through this seam two more times so that the hair from our domain is strong and did not fall out.

We deposit the line in the middle of one of the halves, also twice.

Next to it on the width of the paws we lay another line, also twice.

Cut the edges. It should turn out in the photo.

Cut again.

We remove the paper.

Thin strands cut in half.

Send the first strand to the bottom of the head. Next, the remaining three strands are sewn at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.

And now we will sew the biggest and long strand

We will be sewed in a circle, starting with bangs.

We clicze the circle, you comb all the back, then we make samples. Having unreleased irregularities, you cut off too much.

Our Kuzya is ready!

Where is my big spoon?

Optionally, you can invest in Kuzka's handles "Bag of Happiness", a chest or small broom.

Many thanks to Ales empty for a wonderful idea and a wonderful master class!

All excellent mood and creative success!

Quote Messages Melissa Sew Domotovenka Kuzu together with Alesa empty

All the famous cartoon about Domoenka Kuzyu is one of my favorite. Therefore, I could not pass by such a wonderful master class Alases empty. Look at this toy - Kuzya is just like from the cartoon! Well, how not to sew such a charming domain?

To work, we will need:

Cotton fabric - for body

White calico

Filler Singry Training or Syntput

Colored fabric - for shirt

Dark fabric - for pants

Bright yarn - for hair

Knitting needles

Pastel chalks

Tassels, simple pencil

Acrylic paints

Sewing machine and sewing supplies

First of all, it takes a pattern for sewing domain Kuzu.

Print the pattern in A4 format.

Cut the details.

We fold the cloth twice. We will cover according to the equity, except for the parts of the head, their crumbings on the oblique each item separately (for the heads of the head we make a letter of 5 mm). For the legs, we take a white fabric or completely sewing from white fabric and then toning (coffee, tea) upper part.

We carry the pattern on the fabric.

Details are spinning pin.

We do on a sewing machine Length Stitch 1.5.

We sew the details along the contour.

We sew all parts of the head, leaving a small hole for turning.

After stitching, we make small bandy, so the head will be smaller.

Cut the detail with scissors Zig zag if there is, if not, you can also make small heads.

Soak with a stick or needles.

Put, handles legs and torso is not very tight, leaving a few space for the convenience of stitching, head tightly, so it turns out evenly. Special attention should be paid to the neck, you need to knock very tightly, you can also insert a wand (so as not to be broken).

Pin pens and legs pins and legs to the body, as shown in the photo.


We make spout, as shown in the photo. First we guarantee around the edge.

Put with filler.

And tighten the thread.

Send the nose to the head.

That's what we did.

Now you can take a little rest, drink tea and start painting the face.

Simple pencil draw eyes, mouth and brow.

Pain with white paint eyes.

Next, paint the iris blue paint.

Draw pupils with black acrylic.

Give your eyes realism. Add a little black to the blue paint and darken the top of the iris.

The top of the protein is darkened with gray.

Weigh the lower part of the iris white paint, add the glare.

We take brown paint, make the contour around the eyes, draw the cilia, supply the brow and mouth.

Tinging the area around the eye with pastel shallow, rudiment cheeks and spout.

Do not sew your head!

Now we need to "wear" our domain.
We carry the pattern of the shirt on the fabric, folded twice, make the allowances on the seams of 0.7 mm.

Fix pins and cut out.

We transfer the pattern of the pants to the folded twice the dark fabric. Details cut two together allocrooms. Shem pants without letters.

We put the size stitch on the sewing machine by 2.5.

Stitch your shoulder top sections. Do not forget to leave the neck holes (2.5-3 cm).

Conduct the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt, we rock pins.

We pave the line.

We rock and make side seams.

We make small cuts with scissors, so as not to tighten.

In order not to crumble, the edges are processed by scissors Zig-knocked.

Turn the shirt and sew a button.

We sew lateral sections.

We rock stepper sections, flash.

Do not forget to make cuts.


We wear pants, make on the front of the folds.

We bring the cut inside, we rock and manually sewn to the body.

We like the bottom of the pants (we are tightened, we peel into and sew the secret seam).

Pants are ready.

Now we knit our Lapti curz of the twine. We recruit 7 loops on the spokes, insert 20 rows and close.

Knit two identical rectangles.

Send 1/3 part of the rectangle, stitching on the sides, slightly exciting corners so that the lapties get round.

Soak. We are tightened in a circle.

We dress up onto the leg, fix.

We do the same with the second lapties.

Tinging the legs with a piece of rope.

Send your head to the trunk of a secret seam.

Now our Kuzya is almost ready, only the chapels are missing.

We wake on the book the yarn is not too thick (a book of 22 * \u200b\u200b14.5 cm).

Gently remove on the sheet format A4.

And exactly in the middle laying the seam on the sewing machine.

For reliability we go through this seam two more times so that the hair from our domain is strong and did not fall out.

We deposit the line in the middle of one of the halves, also twice.

Next to it on the width of the paws we lay another line, also twice.

Cut the edges. It should turn out in the photo.

Cut again.

We remove the paper.

Thin strands cut in half.

Send the first strand to the bottom of the head. Next, the remaining three strands are sewn at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.

And now we will sew the biggest and long strand

We will be sewed in a circle, starting with bangs.

Remember the charming home kuzu from the Soviet cartoons series? Probably, many children would like to meet with such a domain in real life. And make friends with him.

Master class on the sewing House of Kuzu helps parents to realize children's dreams of life.

Master Class:

Materials that we need:

  • linen fabric (torso); Cotton fabric (clothing);
  • hollofiber (Syntipuch, Siptepon, etc.) - Nutting. Sale in handwelded stores and furniture production salons. In the extreme case, you can use children's soft toys (do not forget to finish them!);
  • yarn - "grass" (hair);
  • acrylic paints (better special paints on fabric);

1. Pattern

On the Internet you can find many options on the request "Kuzya Doming Domain". Choose any.

We took as a basis the pattern of Irina wisp and simply simplified it.

2. Torso

A) Fabric fold the front side inside.

B) Combede in the pattern of the body, handles, legs. Head details do not take. Do not forget to leave points on the seams.

C) Practice, leaving a place to turn out.

D) cut out (it is better to use special scissors "zigzag").

3. Head

A) cut the head details.

Attention! Face - 1 detail, back head - 2 parts.

B) We sew the details of the back of the head.

C) sew face detail with the back of the head.

Head (rear). The seam will be closed with hair.

4. Turn the details

In the field of bend, do a couple of cuts on the allowance, not reaching the seam of several millimeters.

5. Putting

A) Tip: Do not seek to immediately fill every detail very tight. Irregularities may appear, "lumps". To get rid of them, you will have to completely remove the package and start all over again.

Therefore, at first every detail of the "middle-proper", but evenly. The main thing is to give a form.

B) Put tightly. Pay special attention to the head. It should be elastic, tight.

Passed details.

6. Send legs and hands to the body

Do not sew your head!

Seving manually, secret seam.

For beginner masters - the place of connection of hands and legs with the torso will be hidden under clothing, so the seam can be not perfect!

7. Clothes

You can carve "on the eye", you can use the options from the Internet.

A) cut up pants. These are 2 parts in the form of the letter "P". Size in accordance with the size of the body.

B) Cut the shirt - 2 parts in the form of the letter "T" + collar (see in the photo below).

C) sew details. Do not forget about the edges of the pants and shirt: we add and spend.

D) turn out.

Homemaking clothing.

E) put on pants and multiple stitches fix them on the torso.

E) Wear a shirt.

Torchish, dressed in pants and shirt.

8. Sevive your head

Previously, it was impossible to do this: we could not wear a shirt.

Homemock with head.

9. Face. Nose

A) Cut the circle of flax. The size is arbitrary, at the discretion of the masters.

B) in a circle we flash the circle with a steady joint ("dotted line").

C) tighten and stitch.

D) the resulting "potatoes" sew a secret seam to face.

Sefed nose.

10. Face. Eyes and Roth

A) We make a draft pencil version.

B) We draw acrylic paints (ideally - with special fabric paints).

C) pencils "Rudy" dominion of cheeks and spout. You can use verified decorative cosmetics (rush, shadow).

Already a little man!

11. Hair

A) yarn- "grass" winding on a notebook (notepad, cardboard cover from under shoes, etc.)

The length of each strand depends on the sizes of the head and the desired length of the hairstyle at home.

Billet for hairstyle.

B) Gotately remove the workpiece, put on a sheet of ordinary paper and flashing on a typewriter. The paper is needed so that the yarn is not confused and did not cling to the teeth.

Stitched blank on a sheet of paper.

C) we remove the paper.

D) Send your hair to the head. Watch that there was no "propelin".

E) we give the hairstyle with a neat look.

Homemaking with hair.

12. Shoes

A) Cut out two rectangles from flax of rough texture.

You can use burlap.

B) wrapping the legs with a cloth, give the form of "boots".

C) fix pins.

D) sew a secret seam.

Homemade shoes.

13. Decor

We are tapping a canvas rope of a shirt and crosswise the bottom of the stanner.

By the way, the ropes, which were tied to the leg, were called in Russia earls.What you just do not know, doing handicrafts!

You can sew a decorative heart on the shirt.

The domain is ready to bring good luck to the house where they will settle.

The work of Elena Feldman.