Raccoon care and maintenance at home. Home Raccoon Stroskun: All about animal care

The inhabitants of wildlife at all times caused genuine interest in humans. One of the attractive forest animals is a raccoon. An unusual coloring of his face creates a deceptive impression of unprotected. He seems so harmless. However, it is impossible to forget that this is a small predator, accustomed to take care of his impregnation. And his natural instincts can manifest themselves at any time, even if he was brought up by man from birth.

Raccoon in the house: what should be fear

Raccoon, born in the nursery, unlike his wild fellow, has a friendly and sociable character. It is better to take it better in one and a half-two-month old. During this period, it adapts to new conditions faster. At first, the freedom of moving the animal can not be limited. He will take part in children's games, having delivered a lot of pleasure.

But in the future, he needs to highlight a special place. In a private house, you can equip the aviary, creating the conditions close to natural. In the urban apartment, it is desirable to allocate a room for raccoon, putting a house and building a bars. The animal loves to climb on the trees, and it will have to do it by moral. Raccoon can not contain in the cell. From this he becomes aggressive.

In the raccoon room, you must install a toilet tray and be sure to put the container with clean water. It is necessary to change it often. This animal is not in vain, the name "Raccoon-Polsky". This is a clean animal, which is before taking something in the mouth, must necessarily rinse it in water. In addition, he is not off and snew himself in a basin. To avoid dampness in the room, it is recommended to provide him with such an opportunity in the bath.

In animals, the nature itself laid down that they become the most active at night. Raccoon is no exception. When the owners are tightly sleeping, he has instincts, and it begins "hunting" - goes back in search of food. This is usually happening in two or three hours in the morning. In search of food, he begins to open the boxes, drawers of tables, doors of lockers. Reaching the refrigerator, Raccoon suits the real feast. It can completely empty the contents of the refrigerator, drinking even beer. Open the bottle, he manages its tenacious legs.

Raccoon feed is better than natural food. From cat or dog feed, he can get sick. These animals love to hide food about the reserve. To avoid unpleasant odors, you should get rid of hidden "treasures".

The aggressiveness of raccoons is manifested during sexual maturation. Men's individuals become egoistic, jealous and closed, showing stubbornness when guests come to the house. They do not tolerate the presence of another animal in the house. The female rans are more points. They will continue to communicate with the owners, even if another fluffy favorite appears in the house. But the birds and small rodents do not stand together with raccats, as in nature they are their natural food.

Raccoon education - a delicate matter

It is believed that raccoons are poorly amenable to upbringing. Indeed, it is difficult to make something to do. But fix some animal habits are quite possible. For example, during communication with a person, he seeks to bite it. This animarian shows signs of their attention or is trying to prove their leader's right.

The owner from the first moments of the appearance of an animal in the house should show that he is the main thing here. With a bad behavior of the animal, you need to take for a shkir and make a reprimand with a quiet voice. So he feels his helplessness and human leadership. In no case cannot be punctured by the nanice of beating. It causes his breathtone. He can hide offense and show aggression at any suitable moment.

Where to buy raccas

For the purchase of raccas, it is better to go to a specialized pet store. Sombs from the sole nursery in Russia are delivered in Russia, located in the Krasnodar Territory. They are fully adapted to collaborate with man. Behind their health, veterinarians and zootechnics are followed. Buy animals with hands risky. They may be aggressive. And instead of pleasure from communication with this funny animal you can get frustrated.

Now it is fashionable to keep raccoons at home - they became an exotic alternative to homemade dogs, but few people know that the beast is still a predator, and the pet is almost impossible to tame. The animals from the family of raccoon are known for cunning, dexterity and ingenuity. They are not so kind as a character in a cartoon singing about a smile. You can start their homes, but you need to know what you need to be ready, in what conditions to keep the raccoon and what to feed.

Who is this raccoon

This is a predatory mammal with a size of the dog of the middle breed, refers to the raccoon family. Rota-Polsky (Procyon Lotor) come from Central and North America, in Europe fell in early 20th century. The smart animal is found in many corners of the planet, including in the North Caucasus and the Far East. An animal leads the night lifestyle, and in the afternoon hiding. For the housing, the raccoon is chosen by the heap, other people's holes or small structures from the branches from the tree, which "steal" from other animals. Breed early in spring.

What looks like

Raccoon-bars (or American raccoon) is a dying creation, an externally resembling a dog or a fox. The predator of the medium size (weight from 6 to 9 kg, the diluted animal reaches 16 kg), the body length: 50-60 cm, the tail is on average 25 cm. Machine individuals are larger than females, with a strong and authentic body. The appearance has the following features:

  • Head. The muzzle is wide, pointed, resembles a mask (the illusion creates a color: around the black nose of white wool, an eye area and forehead is also black, around the eyes wide black lines with white edging, which stretch to the neck), the ears are small, rounded shape.
  • Limbs. Short, but your fingers are well developed. The paw is like a human hand: there are no partitions between your fingers and a finely developed small motorcy. These properties help the animal well manage with small details. On the Internet there are rollers, like cunnings open beats with beer, sneak into refrigerators. Paw finger ends with a pointed long claws so that they can climb on trees to the top.
  • Feet. Movable, rotate 180 degrees. This physiological feature allows animals to tumble and perform tricks on the trees.
  • Wool. Thick, differs in length in different parts of the body, from two sides of the head - longer (forms "tanks"). Color: gray-brown. Bloodstock is dense.
  • Tail. Fluffy, with dark brown or black rings, which is up to 10 pieces.


Raccoon Polish prefers to settle in the mixed forest (avoids coniferous). The animals cannot do without water, so there is a river, swamp or lake near their habitat. "Houses" of the Raccoon-Polsky loves to organize at an altitude of 20-30 meters above the ground, in the dupex. The individuals living in the southern edges often arrange a dwelling on the coast. An animal is not afraid, so it settles next to the city. In the US, predators make raids on farms in suburbs, and this is a problem for local residents who are fighting with animals.

Distribution area

Raccoon is a rode from North America, where still dwells from Panama Iron to the southern provinces of Canada. To Europe and Asia predators were brought in the 20th century. Polsky acclimatized in the forests of Azerbaijan, Belarus (Polesie), on Islands of Ost-India, in Germany, France and the Netherlands. In the USSR, the young barns were brought in 1936, where they had taken root. Animals are found in the Far East, the Caucasus.

Character and lifestyle

Raccoon rods, like a predator, leads a nightlife, preferring to hide in the lair. After sunset, the animal goes to hunt. They are loners, they need a personal space. The radius of the territory reaches two kilometers if another representative of the species appears in the possessions of the fluffy animal, it begins "war" - everyone defends the right to control the territory.

In winter, the raccoon rod, living in the northern regions, flows into the hibernation, is the only representative of the rammer family, which has such a feature. The hibernation lasts up to five months, but the processes of vital activity do not slow down, as the dream of the animals is shallow. An animal often wakes up and goes to a short walk, when heat, but physical activity in winter is low. The beast during hibernation does not starve, the body consumes a stock of fatty sediments, and their animal has about three centimeters. Wintering in the voupel can up to ten individuals.

Rassengers prefer to settle in mixed, dumpy forests, near the reservoir. They often become a victim of large predators: wolves, fish, alligators. Dangerous snakes are dangerous. Animals are able to stand up for themselves - being in a critical situation, they make throws, try to bite the enemy and grow frightly. When the beast feels danger, it can escape, developing speed up to 30 km / h. If the hopeless situation, the animal falls like a dead, deceiving enemy.

Relationship with man

Strascans are brave and brave, they are ready to fight against predators and ruin the sockets, but when communicating with a man, the animal becomes friendly and friendly. On such a debris, he goes intentionally to charm, hoping to get something tasty. Rassengers keep as pets, as they are easily getting used to people, but the owners should not relax, be deceived by the cute tricks of the pet, because fluffy predators are distinguished by stubbornness and curiosity, creating problems. The aggressive individuals often become aggressive and uncommunicable.

Features of behavior in the natural environment

Raccoon lives long in the wild, up to 20 years (in captivity - about 16 years). Having good eyesight, animals distinguish the smallest details in the dark. They have no worse hearing, which makes them great predators. Animals can quickly climb on trees, helps tenacious paws with long claws. Raccoon rods are resistant to viruses, and a dense skin and fur protect against insect bites.

When the danger is brewing, the fluffy beast shows a dexterity, he saves either pretending to be dead. Raccoon-rod - a night mammal, he sees in the dark, vibrassas help. In the afternoon, a predator sleeps in a hollow or closer in someone else's Nora. Raccoon-bars can worry on the trees, climbing on the tops, likes to perform acrobatic tricks on the branches, jumping down his head even from a 12-meter height.

Why raccoon is called poloskun

The name of the beast with Sanskrit is translated as "scratching with his own hands", but the prefix "Poloskun" did not just attached to the mind. They dip in the water pieces of food, taking paws, it seems that the beast erases underwear. Reflex is not associated with the desire to consume pure food. The behavior is explained by the fact that the omnivorous animal in the wild catches prey in water, turning through Tin and algae with clever legs. This night animal, touch helps to seek food, search for food goes to the touch.

What the raccoons eat

Fluffy beast is omnivorous: prefers animal and vegetable food. In the spring, the summer of prey are small rodents, beetles. Taking deftly on the trees, they rob nests, eating chicks and eggs. Animals can enjoy a small snake, do not refuse chickens. Cracks and frogs are also included in the diet if you manage to catch. The mammal lowers the paws into the water and begins to "scan" the bottom of the reservoir.

Stumbled upon cherished prey, the "hunter" is enough and begins to rinse. If I'm caught cancer, then he splits him: strikes the stones, and then puts into the water to determine if mining is alive. In the fall, animals are taped with nuts, berries, like acorns. Strascans are arrogant animals, they can climb inside the person's house and eat the supplies. Do not break the beasts of garbage, for this they dig in tanks with garbage.

Reproduction and upbringing offspring

Already by year reach puberty, the males take more time, they become fathers to two years. The marriage comes from the cold. The males try to fertilize the maximum number of females, because they are polygamins. Pregnancy flows 9 weeks, the light appears at once 3-4 young. First, after birth, the puppies are helpless and blind, they need a few weeks to become independent, then they cease to fed Mother's milk.

It has become fashionable to start exotic and wild animals. Enotics often appears in ordinary apartments, replacing the dog and pleased with their direct behavior of people. You can keep the animal at home, but you have to be ready for the appearance of a predator. Deciding to acquire an unusual family member, examine the nature of the animal, nutrition and content requirements, evaluate the readiness for this step.

  • Unpretentious. Feed natural products or dry food.
  • Small, inventive, smart. Copy the habits of a person imitate that amuses and falls.
  • Sociable and curious. They don't have to miss the owners, pets are ready to play and have fun, coming to delight from ordinary rattles.
  • Cure They monitor and do not smell like dogs.
  • Long-livers. An animal has a strong health, on average survives up to 16 years.
  • Night lifestyle. The beast will break the sleep of the host.
  • The need to rinse. This feature leaves sideways if the racoon includes technical devices, valuable items and paper.
  • Almost do not give in training. This is the wild beast, whose instincts prevail.
  • Not always friendly. Animals can start fighting, biting and scratching.
  • Stubborn. Do not love banners, do the way they want.
  • Aggressive in the married period.
  • It will not work with other small pets: rodents, birds. They will be the prey of the beast.
  • Difficulties with a teaching to the tray - marks territory.

How to equip housing

Fluffy pet needs its own space, and he needs to create conditions, equip the home. The cell must be high and spacious. The little and cramped pet cat will not like it, the animal can spoil the mood, right up to the manifestation of aggression. The accommodation must be in several floors, each tier is filled with toys or swings. Sleep a soft. You need to still create an improvised hollow from the squiggle, where the beast will hide.

Cell place in a bright room, just not on the balcony so that the animal does not die from the heat. Attributes for the house: Capacity for feed, drinking bowl and water basin, where the pet will rinse his food. Toys are better to give rubber, because he and they will "bathe" in a basin. The cage will have to lock the animal at night because it becomes active. In the afternoon, the pet can freely walk around the apartment. If he lives in a private house, then the aviary can be built on the street.

Than feeding racca-bands at home

Since the beast is omnivorous, the diet should be diverse and include: dairy products (cottage cheese), meat, fish, seafood, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, berries (raspberry, currants, cherry, strawberries), even cookies. Natural homemade food is preferable, but you should not exclude ready-made granules, if the animal lacks vitamins and minerals. Suitable like dog and cat food. Eats a fluffy animal 3-4 times a day.

Care for animals

These are unpretentious animals, do not require much care. They must be regularly breeded, occasionally bathe, periodically walk away. They are clean, they themselves care for wool, so you need to bathe the animal 2-3 times a year. You can use shampoo for cats or dogs. Often you will have to remove inside the cell. Enotics love walks, but walking it only on a leash, otherwise runs away. There are a number of rules for care:

Freshly funny and funny, but do not be deceived, they always remain predators. Games with fluffy pets can end with scratches or bite. The beast attacks not because of aggressiveness, but playing, because he does not perceive a person as a host, so it is important to be careful. In the marriage period, the animal can become uncommunicative, even aggressive.

The wild beast is practically not amenable to teaching it to do something hard, only if he himself does not show curiosity and is not interested in the task. Get ready that raccoons may not get along with other pets. Getting better with the presence of a cat or a dog's houses can still, but the parrot or guinea pig will become prey, the Polsky will find the opportunity to get to the victim.

Polyspanny striped and prefers to protect the need for a tray, but in the marriage, he is ready to mark the territory everywhere, which will add hostess. The night resident will wake up the owner for any reason, so the day of a fluffy pet must be pulled out by games. Raccoon is very restless, so it is better to look after it. He is always ready to arrange a mess and even spoil things, will find a lot of fascinating classes: it can open the cranes and begin to erase the technique or documents, checking the neighbors, ready to spoil the furniture, break the dishes, cut the wallpaper.

Where can one buy

There are nuances when buying an exotic animal. It is important not to purchase an animal, "stolen" poachers from wildlife, up to one and a half months puppies need maternal milk, without which they will die. There is also a chance to get a sick animal or not a riverpan, but a raccoon dog. In order not to be deceived, it is better to acquire a puppy in the nursery (there is guarantees to get a healthy animal), or demand from the private seller all documents for a person. Special nurseries are breeding black and silvery, gray-silver and white rocks.

How much is the raccoon rod

Sale animals are engaged in both dealers and nurseries. On the puppy market costs 5000-10000 rubles, but there is a chance to get a patient and an aggressive animal, in a pet store or nursery, the price of a puppy varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. It is more expensive than the individuals of black and silver color.

Photo raccoon-rod


Today, fashion for exotic animals is gaining all the big turns. Along with such unusual pets, like Dugu, Capybara, Chameleon, Varan, began to use the raccoon very popular.

At home, this animal feels good, but some features of its content should be considered.

Raccoon at home: pros and cons

Before buying a raccoon, we have all "for" and "against"

Before you have a racca at home, you need to study its character, requirements for the conditions of content and estimate the possible consequences of such a decision. After all, these animals were chosen by those still passes. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly weigh all the "for" and "against", given the habits of the raccoon.


  1. Raccoons are extremely unpretentious. Power consists of the most ordinary products: fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, as well as standard feed for dogs or cats.
  2. These animals are smart and intelligent. They easily copy the habits with ease, imitate the actions of the owner. Such traits of character fall by many breeders.
  3. The animals are curious and sociable. You will not miss such a pet. They are not alien to Empathy, the animals will gladly play with the owner. In particular, they love rattles, from the sound of which come to the true delight.
  4. All raccoons - clean, so you will not feel extraneous smells from them.
  5. In the wild, animals can live an average of up to 6-10 years. At home, this indicator reaches 13-20 years, since the animal is very strong health. Under favorable conditions, you can also extend the average life expectancy of your favorite.


  1. Raccoons - Night Animals, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the beast will interfere with the calm sleep of the owners.
  2. The name "Poloskun" was obtained by no wonder. This animal will wash everything that will fall on his way. Often suffer valuable subjects and techniques.
  3. This pet is extremely difficult to fully tame. Do not forget that the raccoon is a wild beast, the instincts and the habits of which cannot be eradicated.
  4. Dracle animals, hurt and scratch even during games.
  5. Poloskun does not recognize the prohibitions and will do everything exactly as he wants himself.
  6. During puberty, the raccoon becomes extremely aggressive.
  7. Pet can not contain in a house with small animals - feathers, rodents, kittens and others. He gladly enjoy such "prey". The same goes and houseplants.
  8. Poloskun marks its territory. To teach this animal to the toilet is almost impossible.

Features of behavior and character

Raccoons - freedom-loving and curious creatures

Raccoons are not intended to be home. Therefore, by nature, they significantly differ from the familiar dogs and cats. Rassengers - wayward, nimble, cunning, freedom-loving and moving animals, which are distinguished by irrepressible curiosity and foulness. The latter often leads to the damage of property and nerves of the owner. However, if you decide to make this exotic pet at home, you should come to terms with the habits of the animal and take it with all the shortcomings. Therefore, do not resort to physical punishments, instead, make more time to raise the animal.

Beautiful, intelligent and cheerful raccoons deserve a good relationship. The struggle for existence led to the fact that the poloskunov is extremely developed dexterity. In addition, these animals belong to the night: they are sleeping in the afternoon, and in the dark time they grow in search of food and interesting adventures.

By type of raccoon temperament - choleric, which quickly react to potential dangers around themselves. It should be taken into account when the animal is kept in the house, sharp movements and noises can cause a response protective reaction of the raccoon. And do not think that these animals are completely harmless - raccoons are not afraid to show their temper. They know how to fight and do it with enviable constancy.

Important! In the case when the rod feels a real danger, he deftly pretends dead. Do not be afraid if you see a similar picture.

Try not to offend your pet, because these cute fluffy lumps are actually quite vigorous. Only one moment, and a cute babe will turn into an aggressive beast. So do not provoke a pet for a demonstration of such a habit.

The raccoons are very unpretentious in food: meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts - everything will go into move. In the field where cereal cultures grow, they are at all expanded. And because of its addiction to fruit, these animals often become unwanted guests in garden sites.

If the difficulties are not frightened, and you want to make the houses of this cute wayward animal, then it will be useful to learn about the conditions of the content of raccoon.

Wolter must be free and safe

If you live in a private house, then you can build an aviary right in the yard. So you can avoid the devastating consequences and damage to the property from raccoon pranks. But if you have an apartment, you should select a separate angle for pet, where he can live comfortably.

In the street aviary, it is necessary to provide windows with lattices and tightly closing doors so that the pet does not escape. Also get comfortable about nothing inside there is nothing that might harm the health of the band.

The dwelling should be a comfortable temperature in winter (not lower than -3 ° C), and in the summer in the aviary should not be hot. Ensure that there is a scattered light, without direct ingestion of sun rays. For raccoon, it is also necessary to install an improvised hollow from the squiggle, where he can hide.

The apartment aviary must be spacious. It is usually built by a standard cabinet size (1.5 * 0.75 * 1.2 m). The framework frame is made from the bars with a cross section of 50 * 50 mm, and the lateral and rear walls are squeezed with moisture-resistant plywood, the thickness of which is 10 mm. Inside the enclosure you need to provide several shelves. The front wall is made from the grid. Her cells should be of such a diameter so that the raccoon could not reach them with their paws to the objects of interest to it (curtains, furniture, wallpaper). Wood sawdust is suitable as a filler for aviary.

In the cell you need to put a sleeping place, the tray in which the pet will go to the toilet, a feeder and a bowl with water. The latter is better to choose a dealer so that the pet can rinse his toys in it. Please note that you will need to clean the dwelling in such a dwelling and change the water every day.

Safety of raccoon and households

Raccoons can spoil things and welcome themselves

  1. Stroskun is zealously refer to other pets. Therefore, friendship with a cat or a dog may be destructive in nature, and in relation to smaller pets and to be destructive. Raccoons do not endure competitors.
  2. Often, the owners themselves suffer from selfishly in the same way. Being a baby, this animal can quietly study the world around us, sharpen to your hands and be very affectionate. But with the approach of puberty from a cute friendly pet, the raccoon can turn into an aggressive beast. The usual caress for him will seem challenge to battle. Therefore, it is worth carefully follow the changes of the nature of your pet and fear of bites.
  3. In order to secure the strioskun itself, it is necessary to foresee all the gap and gaps available in the habitat. Raccoon will certainly sue your curious nose in every corner. Besides the fact that it will spoil all available things, the animal can be bored or pleased into electrical wires. Protect your home and favorite from such consequences. Hide everything that should not get caught in its tenacious paws.

Walking: Is it worth it and how often

Walking - Special joy for raccoon

One of the most favorite classes of rods are walks. Raccoon can be released at any time of the year. If you hold the animal in the apartment, then take into account the change of temperature conditions. Try to walk so that the pet gradually get used to the street.

Important! Raccoon needs to walk only on a leash. Corcel is used for small breeds of dogs.

If you do not want to produce a pet beyond the home area, he will need to give will in an apartment. Try to let him down every day, having previously removed from the way all the items that the rod can spoil. Also get comfortable that all windows are closed. The same must be done with the doors of cabinets and bedside tables, if you do not want all the contents to be on the floor.

Important! Do not miss the raccoon, so that he does not please in a dangerous situation.

Caring for animals

In the care of raccoons is very unpretentious. You will only need regular pet feeding and performing hygienic procedures as needed. Consider the features of the care in more detail.

Than feed and how often

In power, raccoon is very non-additive

In nature, the raccoon life cycle is divided by period of activity, and in the winter it falls into the hibernation, so in the spring period (sometimes until the summer), its diet needs to fill the food of animal origin, and closer to the autumn-winter to translate into vegetable food. Please note that at this time the pet's appetite increases several times.

Important! At home, the raccoon does not flow into the winter hibernation, but simply becomes less active. At this time, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed.

So, in the ration of the raccoon you need to include: vegetables and fruits (in large quantities), seafood, fish (all but red), meat (bird, veal, rabbit), porridge. Carefully treat the choice of croup, feed the animal only with buckwheat and oatmeal. The manka does not saturate the body of the pollinist at all, after half an hour he will again be hungry. Rice consumption leads to constipation, barley and pesh cause diarrhea, and wheat and corn cereals are poorly absorbed.

Also raccoons can be eaten by the usual feed intended for a cat or dog. But experts advise not to rush with such a decision and leave a natural diet.

As a delicacy, the river can produce such products:

  • nuts (cedar, hazelnut, almonds, cashews, walnuts, brazilian);
  • quail eggs;
  • dried fruits (dotnikov, tuts, raisins, figs);
  • grapes.

Gastronomic addictions have every little animal different. Carefully watch your pet, and he will tell you what ingredients and how much he needs to eat during a certain period of the year.

Frequency feed depends on appetite. As a rule, the raccoon eats 3-4 times a day, starting in the evening and until the morning. It is also important not to forget about clean water - it should always stand in reach of the pet.

  • flour;
  • acute, first;
  • sweet (except honey);
  • smoked;
  • salty.

Video: Behavior of the rod during eating

Swimming and cleaning wool

Bathing for raccoon Rather entertainment than the need

Racoses independently care for their wool, so you need to bathe a pet 2-3 times a year. To do this, you can use ordinary shampoo for dogs or cats. During the rest of the year, you need to direct all the strength and time for frequent cleaning in the aviary.

How to make friends with pet and wean him bite?

You can tame a raccoon from little age

If you want to tame a raccoon or at least as much as much as possible to this result, try to take it with a little one while the age of the animal has not reached up to 4 months. The younger puppy, the easier it to raise it. However, do not share, thinking that it will happen quickly.

Raccoons are not only smart, but also wayward. Therefore, when training, you need to convey to the pet that the cavalous owner of the situation here is you. Also note that females always claim the championship more than males.

Important! When raising the raccoons, keep in mind that in no way they accept physical ways of punishment. An animal regards it as an attack and attacks in response.

When raising, the poloskun must be based on its behavioral factors. If the animal behaves obedient, respond to caress and encourage delicate. Work out this strategy as clear as possible, since other methods will be less effective.

Some owners use a special clicker, which can be purchased at the pet shop. With this simple device, you can develop a causal relationship between the action of the raccoon and the punishment by the audio signal. As a bustling of unwanted action, the command "Cannot!".

Important! Raccoons aggressively perceive high-frequency sounds. Try to communicate with animal low voice.

By the way, the rods are very loved to bite. Thus, they communicate with the "interlocutor." To wean a pet from this habel is almost impossible. If your animal is too aggressively biting and does not understand the teams, then you can wear gloves during games with him.

Sometimes it is impossible to pacify the raffled racca. In this case, you can use a plastic bottle. Just knock out the blank tair near the pet and immediately say the team "Cannot" in a low voice. The sound from the blow is obtained volumetric and loud, which distracts the attention of the rod. Over time, for educational moments there will be enough words.

Caring for health

Raccoons differ strong health

Raccoons as pets are used not so long ago. Therefore, information about how to take care of the health of the pet, not so much. In any case, if you intend to make this fluffy firm, do not be lazy to take it to the vet to make a number of vaccinations (including rabies).

Important! Make sure that your pet does not swallow a unmarried subject.

If you are watching apatic behavior, the deterioration of the appetite, then take the raccoon to the veterinarian, which can diagnose the cause of such a state and provide timely assistance to the animal.

As you can see, the content of raccoon at home is a fairly difficult lesson, which has both pros and cons. Before you buy this fluffy exotic pet, make sure that you are really ready for such responsibility. Apart from irrepressible curiosity and waybirth, the raccoons are completely unpretentious in the content. Pay more attention and envelop your favorite care, and he will answer the same.

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Raccoons-rods seem to be cute animals with funny habits. They are familiar to us on fairy tales and cartoons and always cause sympathy. Is it really? Is it possible to keep these animals at home? Let's try to figure it out.

Wonderful raccoon settled in our house

Choosing a new pet is a serious and responsible business. Moreover, when it comes to a cat or a dog, but about the beast, which is essentially wild. It is better to take a small raccoon, and not an adulthy, the cub is easier to upbringing and training. It is desirable that his parents are home. And, of course, do not forget that fur pet is not a toy, but a living being!

Racing is unpretentious, but require special conditions of content. They need a fairly spacious cell or aviary, and even better - a separate room with a small bedroom, a tray and a basin with clean water. These are predators, behind which "Eye YES Need". In addition, raccoats with their tenacins can open any box or door.

Oh, hard work - raise "from scratch" raccoon

According to the famous saying, the first half a year with a pet will be difficult. Friendly and childish raccoon can deliver a lot of trouble with their leprosy. His energy beats through the edge, but matures the animal only to two years. Therefore, you will have to gain patience.

However, it is possible to teach racca to order. He must understand that the main thing in the house is, and not he. Talking with a pet is a muffled low voice, the sounds of such a tone and a tonality are better perceived.

If the words do not help, put an empty plastic bottle. Of course, the animal does not need to beat her! It is enough just to clap the floor next to the shaggy chalub. The "noise effect" should be supported by words so that the raccoon reacted exactly on them.

In addition, the "Gingerbread Method" is useful. For obedience, you can give pet favorite delicacy.

The raccoons are very restless, constantly moving, run, climb. Like any predators, can bite, this is a normal style of behavior for them. From the owners will need an excerpt and perseverance, which, however, are compensated by a positive from communicating with these animals.

What to feed?

The ration of the raccoon must be diverse, because in nature this animal is omnivorous. But there are no special problems. An animal can give eggs, fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cottage cheese.

Well, if the menu is approximate to the natural, but sometimes you can pamper a pet "human" food - for example, cookies. Experiments are welcome to find out that the racoon to taste. It is suitable for high-quality cats for cats and dogs, in which, as a rule, a balanced complex of beneficial substances and trace elements will restrain.

Is it tolerant of raccoon?

Many concerns the question, is it seated by raccoon with other pets? It all depends on the neighborhood. Cats and dogs are quite cooked with the raccoon, just not standing for a long time to leave them together. But for birds and small rodents, the meeting may turn out to be fatal: a predator just enjoyed them.

Like any living being, the raccoon can exercise egoism and require personal highlights. He is even able to jealous the owners to the guests.

Hygiene for Chiorelush

The raccoon is not in vain called the "striped", he loves to splash in the water, perched in her food and the things that fell into his paws. It needs a basin with water, which, of course, must be changed regularly.

Raccoon is a clean animal and his hygiene cares himself. This is its unconditional plus compared to many pets. The animal is enough to arrange several times a year "Bunny days", going around without detergents, so as not to disturb the naturally alkaline balance of the skin. But combing thick wool - it is necessary, otherwise it will fall apart with lumps.

Retrootes distinguishes sociability and friendliness, but it is worth remembering that they were and remain wild animals. From the owners, special adequacy is required and caution so that it is not for nothing to suffer from a beloved pet.

You will need

  • - a house or a box lined with soft blankets;
  • - a basin with clean water;
  • - a bottle with a nipple (if the raccoon is still small);
  • - Bowls for food and water.


Before making a decision on acquisition, remember: this beast is much more active than, for example,. And the peak of this activity falls on the night hours. In addition, the raccoon has more chain and agile fingers, almost like. These little handles are capable of such practices that cat or dog will not even mind. After all, raccoons are very curious and inventive. The animal will be happy to open the lockers, pull them out their contents and study it, eating everything that seems to him appetizing. It does not circulate and research the contents of the garbage bucket, if such a case becomes. So be prepared for the fact that you will not have to miss after purchasing Yenotics, and the locks will have to hang on the doors of the cabinets.

Buying a little enotyka, prepare for him a warm and cozy nest. You can buy a suitable house or a bed in a pet store, either in soft materials, a cardboard box. Enotics will also be glad with warm water. The kid can be fed diluted and sweetened cow or goat milk from the bottle. Baby Nutrition Mixtures can also be given to the graceful nourishing mixture.

As soon as the animal becomes older, start feeding it with raw and boiled eggs, pieces of boiled meat, fruits, nuts. Favorite raccoon delicacy - cookies. Because these animals are lovers of cleanliness, everything they are going to eat, they first try to wash. Provide your ENOTIC for this special water container. And treats it with cookies, choose varieties that do not immediately turn around. The raccoons are not picky in food, so you follow the animal to do not harm and did not eat anything roasted, salty, sharp or too - such products are harmful.

The grown raccoon must be launched for a walk so that he climbs into his pleasure by. Very good, if you can walk the animal in the garden or near the country area. It would also be nice to provide special ladders or ropes for which the animal could climb by realizing its natural natural need.

Be prepared for the fact that the activity of your pet will decrease. In the cold season, the raccoon prefers to fall in. Sleep at the raccoon shallow, body temperature and pulse frequency does not decrease. An animal can wake up and wait for a while, and then fall asleep again.