Baby does not take chest crying. The child does not take the chest - why does this happen? What if the baby refuses the chest. How to solve the listed reasons

Breastfeeding is an integral part of the full and healthy development of each child.

But, due to problems with lactation, with which today you have to face every third woman, the feeding process turns into real torment for both mom and baby that does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients. It's one thing when the problem is in a shortage of milk, but what to take if the baby himself refuses to take the chest and remains hungry?

The child does not take the chest: Mom's problems

Often the process of breast feeding is broken due to the special structure of the Mother of Mother. If the nipple is very big, flat or rotten, the baby is hard to take and keep it in the mouth. Such feeding is very tired of the crumb and in the end the child remains hungry. If with time the baby did not adhere to such an anatomical features of the mother, it is worth using special silicone linings. In some cases, a woman may have a blockage of a duct mile or a compatibility of milk, which cause a seal and puffiness of the nipple, which greatly complicates the process of breastfeeding. In this case, the usual stirring helps.

Sometimes the breastfeeding process is violated due to the fact that a nursing woman takes certain drugs that give milk with a specific taste. Young mother should closely follow her health. Incorrect applying to the chest can bring tangible discomfort as a baby and a nursing woman. One of the most important problems - the cracks of the nipples, which cause terrible pain.

To get rid of this defect, use Lanonin-based specialized funds. Do not use any means of traditional medicine, vasiline and vegetable oil - these substances can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. In addition, the outstanding smell and taste can cause the baby will not take the chest. If you detect any breast pathologies, timely treatment should be held and regularly examine the specialist.

If a lactating woman has a failure of the menstrual cycle or has come a new pregnancy, a child may refuse the breast due to the change of the emotional state of the mother. Be sure to follow your diet, completely eliminating food with caffeine, oily and fried food from the daily menu. A nursing woman should not be abused by all sorts of food additives and vitamin complexes.

If you feel the need for their admission, first of all consult your doctor. It is also worth being extremely neat when using cosmetics, avoiding products with a sharp specific smell that can be unpleasant to your child.

In some cases, the problem may be in all a well-known postpartum depression, when mom may not respond to the crying of the baby, often leaving him one in the room, roughly and inadequately drawn with his chance. Children, despite their small age, very thinly feel rudeness and cruelty, so they begin to remove themselves from the mother. In this case, it is necessary to stock up not only with a huge excerpt, but also the help of an experienced psychologist who will help painlessly solve this situation.

The reasons for which the child himself refuses the chest:

1. A sucking reflex is not developed enough - it is necessary to work on this problem, more often applying baby to the chest;

2. With intrauterine development or during childbirth, the kid had hypoxia;

3. Feeding from the bottle is one of the most common factors why the child refuses the mother's breast. Sucking from the bottle is much easier, but to get milk from the nipple you need to make efforts. Pediatricians recommend to limit the child from bottles and nipples until six months, because this is a very important period when all the forces must be sent to the preservation of breastfeeding. By giving a mixture several times a mixture or water from the bottle, be prepared to face the protest and attack patience to teach the baby to the chest. Even if there is a need to introduce lures, better let's eat food from a spoon or syringe.

4. Incorrect pose during feeding - perhaps the baby is inconvenient lying, it is not tired very quickly and is not fully eaten. Optimum position - the head is slightly thrown back so that the nose is at the nipple level.

5. Short sublated bridle - a defect that requires operational intervention. In the presence of such pathology, the kid may not refuse feeding categorically, but to do it very slowly.

What if the child refuses the breast?

Does your baby cry again, turns away from the chest, causing irritation and nervousness? It is not necessary to despair and begin to introduce lures, if desired, natural feeding can always be normalized, ensuring full-fledged development to your baby. First of all, you need to create a body contact with each other, creating a favorable atmosphere for feeding. Try to spend as much time as possible with a crumb, hug, kiss the baby so that he can feel maternal love and care. During feeding in the room, you can enable beautiful relaxing music, make a more muted light. It is better if in this quiet moment in the room there will be no one except mom and baby. Try to create a favorable friendly atmosphere in the house, avoid quarrels and family scandals that can cause unnecessary unrest in the infant. Do not refuse night feedings and sharing sleep is the best way to improve psychological contact.

The child does not take the chest in late infant age

Your baby from birth with pleasure took the chest and now suddenly began to refuse the mother's milk? The problem here is not lured in the physiology of the mother and the peculiarities of the child's body. The reason may be in an ARZ, when, with a strong rhino, the child is very difficult to breathe, stress when changing the situation, various diseases with pronounced pain syndrome. Also kids are often refused to eat during teeth growth. Again, the problem of refusing the maternal milk can be the beginning of feeding from a bottle. The kid will understand that it is much easier to suck and will require a nipple, snapped out of the chest.

According to pediatricians, there are often cases when children refuse to take the chest after a long lack of mother. For example, you urgently left for several days on business or fell into the hospital, at this time the child is experiencing stress caused by separation with mom. If such a situation takes place in your life, after returning, try to spend a maximum of time with the baby.

After half a year, children react very sensitively to extraneous noises. Pay attention, perhaps some sound in the house annoys the child and he is constantly distracted by him and cannot eat normally.

The child does not take the breast - in what cases there is no reason for panic

Very often, young mothers exaggerate and exacerbate the situation, especially if it concerns their beloved Chad. If your child refuses to take the breast, maybe he was just not hungry?

Fix the time between feeding and, if only 2-3 hours passed, the child is cheating and not crying, do not have to suffer and give the chest forcibly. It happens that the kid sucks one breast more than another, which causes anxiety in mom. There is nothing terrible in this, perhaps the child is so more convenient or you yourself did not notice, they gave most often this particular chest.

The child does not take his breasts - three main mistakes of young mothers:

1. When a child at the age of 4-6 months begins to refuse breast, many mothers perceive it as natural excommunication and calmly go to artificial blends. In no case cannot do it! The physiologically, the body of the baby and the mother is ready for the completion of breastfeeding to 1.5-2 years.

2. Let the problem on samonek - if for a long time it is impossible to restore breast feeding and the child also categorically refuses the chest, enlist the support of specialists, girlfriends, relatives, who will certainly help you with a useful advice. For many moms, breastfeeding problems become a real problem and cause for stress. Do not closure in yourself - so you only aggravate the situation. Read the blogs of specialists, communicate on specialized forums with girlfriends in misfortune, but, in no case do not lower your hands!

3. Never insist and do not pass on the baby if he does not want to take the chest. It did not work, try in time and if the attempt was crowned with success, do not take the chest until the baby is bumping and will not release it himself.

If you fail to independently establish natural feeding, you should not lower your hands and blame yourself in all failures. Contact your breastfeeding specialist that will not only give valuable recommendations, but also will provide valuable support during the entire period of combating this problem.

Pregnancy - a wonderful period in the life of every woman, which is filled with amazing moments of experiences, expectations, preparation for something truly incredible. To a greater extent, it really is so, because every future motley almost from the first days begins to actively mean with all the upcoming events with the help of special literature, in the classroom for pregnant women or on the Internet.

After childbirth, as a rule, there is a question about whether the child is on breastfeeding or on artificial. Although, it is necessary to remember that it is breastfeeding an integral part of the full and healthy development of each crumb. Therefore, in the absence of any health problems from the mother, it is best to stay at this option.

Why does the child want to take the breast

It happens that even at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman unequivocally decided that it would be only GW, but the situation was not in the root of the right - from the first days the newborn does not take the chest and crying. Why does this happen?

The reasons may be several, for example:

  • mom Health Problems;
  • sufficiently developed sucking reflex in the kid;
  • use the bottle from the first days;
  • the use of pacifiers without need.

So, about everything in order. What are the most common problems in mom? Most often it is a special structure of the mammary glands. That is, the nipple is either very large, or flat, or at all rotten. In such situations, crumbs are extremely inconvenient and hard to take it and even more so to keep in the mouth. Of course, as a result, feeding for the baby becomes tedious and, as a rule, it remains hungry. In such cases, if the child still failed to adapt to the anatomical features of mommies, you need use special lines on silicone nipples. They will be able to help maximize this issue.

Another reason may be the blockage of the milk of the duct, that is, the stagnation of milk. Such a situation is not uncommon especially among the primordial, causes a strong puffiness of the nipple and seal. In this case, it is necessary to use the fitting technique, while you can make an independent massage, use breastsos or contact a specialist.

How does the proper nutrition affect the milk

If the child does not take his breasts, he wins and cry, then very often it can say that he just does not like the taste of milk. Note for pregnant and young mommies: the use of any drugs, as well as improper nutrition leads to a change in taste and consistency of milk. That is why with breast feeding it is necessary carefully read the instructionsharad use even seemed to be the most harmless drugs.

As for the nutrition of a nursing mother, the diet should be compiled in such a way that its body receives all the necessary vitamins and substances and the prohibited products causing an allergic reaction in the crumbs of the crumbs.

Psychological attitude of nursing mom

It is also very important not to get into the network to all the well-known postpartum depression. Indeed, in such a state, the newborn is given the minimum amount of time, even if it begins to cry. There are such situations when in a state of depression Mom begins inadequately and roughly behave with his child and, naturally, the newborn begins to remove it from her. In this case, it will not be surprising why the child does not take the chest.

There are such situations in which the child deliberately refuses to take the chest, for example:

  • if it was fed from the bottle - after all, it is much easier to suck out of it, you do not need to make a lot of effort. Therefore, if possible (and most importantly, in the absence of a need for an additional discoccation), it is best to limit the use of bottles to six months;
  • an uncomfortable or improper calender's posture during feeding - perhaps in such a situation, the crumb is strongly tired and as a result is not fought;
  • using dust - as in the first case, the child begins to understand that there are alternatives and do not need to strain so much;
  • poorly developed sucking reflex, but it is easily solved thanks to the frequent applying.

What to do if the child refuses guv

Your child again begins to cry, categorically does not want to take the chest, turns away and becomes very nervous and capricious. What to do? First of all, do not despair and do not start in a panic to enter the lore. After all, with a huge desire, natural feeding can be easily normalized and turn into a pleasant occupation, both for you and baby.

The very first action on the part of the mamm must be maximum creation of utza and a favorable atmosphere, bodily contact should also be adjusted. It is necessary to talk to his bluer, stroke it. And also make sure that he can be as comfortable and comfortable.

Outside periods of feeding more often kiss your child, hug, wear on hand. He needs to feel maternal care and love. In addition, such actions as nothing else brings you closer. During feeding, you can include slow pleasant music, muffle the light and stay with the Chad alone if possible.

What to do if the child refuses the breast in late infant age

It also happens that from the first days of Kroch, he gladly rummaged with breast milk, and then sharply stopped taking the chest. There may be several reasons:

  • due to a strong runny nose or nasal congestion - in this case, the baby is simply inconvenient and it is very difficult to breathe;
  • due to stress caused by, for example, changing the situation;
  • due to cutting toys.

It often also happens that the child flatly refuses the chest, if there was no long time before this mom, for example, left somewhere for several days or went to the hospital. During this period, the child begins to experience stress and on returning home you need the maximum amount of time to pay the crude.

When you should not panic

Very often, this is characteristic of young mothers love to exacerbate the situation and make a panic on a scratch. If no reason is detected, then the whole reason why the child does not take the chest, it comes down to the fact that it is simply not hungry. This also often happens.

In order to understand that your child is bestisfied. fix feeding time and compare the data. If only a few hours (2-3) and the baby does not want to eat, then it is quite possible not yet appetite. He will definitely notify you about the need to eat.

If there is a problem with the impossibility of breastfeeding - never let it on samonek. Everything can be solved if it does not work independently, you can always contact a breastfeeding specialist. The most important thing is, if something does not work, never go across this reason on the baby. Remember, the children grow very quickly - and very soon you will be insanely much to miss these the most beautiful and unforgettable moments of life.

When the baby sucks the chest badly, it becomes a real problem for a nursing mother. What to do, if the baby sucks very long and quickly falls asleep? Or vice versa, just attached to the chest, begins to remove and capricious? Are there always reasons in the amount of milk from the mother, or there are some problems with the child himself - it's time to deal with these questions.

Causes of breast cancellation in newborns

Form of nipples

Only born kid may not take the breast over a number of reasons. Most often their whole complex. Women's breasts can have a variety of sizes and shape of nipples. If the nipples are very flat or impossible, the baby is more difficult to drink milk, but most often the kids do not have special inconvenience during power. In rare cases, the shape of the nipples can become a truly serious obstacle to feeding.

Anesthesia during childbirth

If the mother gave birth with anesthetic, the drugs penetrate into the blood of the baby, because of what the kids first are sluggish and sleepy. Narcotic substances included in the anesthesia are completely derived from the Baby's body only in a few days. Even relatively weak (compared to other modern painkillers) Morphine causes the sluggishness of the child for several days.

Mucus in respiratory tract

If the child at birth was too strongly suckling the mucus from the respiratory tract, it can have a negative impact on his desire to suck the chest. If the baby was born completely healthy and docking, no suction mucus is not needed.

The structure of the oral cavity

Sometimes children are born with the congenital anomalies of the mouth of the oral cavity, the people in the people called the "Hare Lip". Often it looks like a splitting of a snob with a lip, which can be seen immediately. But in some cases, only the paws in the depths of the mouth are cleaved, which is not always possible to detect during primary inspection.

Wrong breast grip

Why does a child badly sucking breasts? One of the reasons is its inability to correct the chest. It does not depend on the forms of breast and nipples. If the newborn takes the chest incorrectly, then the milk is worse than the child, the child quickly gets tired and begins to capricious. Nursing mom must be followed by the correct capture and, if necessary, consult with a breastfeeding consultant.

Short bridle language

The first reason is purely physiological - short bridle of the toddler language. In this case, the language is not devoted sufficiently, the baby is inconvenient to suck. The problem is eliminated immediately after birth, it is enough to show the baby dentist or surgeon to make an incision on the bridle.

Bottle, Dummy

The problem may occur if dummy and nipple bottles are used. The fact is that during the sucking of milk from the bottle and mother breast, various muscle groups are involved. The difference and the fact that milk bottles are poured freely, you do not need to apply no effort to get it. Breast milk has to be mined. In this case, you will have to re-train the baby to take the chest.


Kids may begin to fuss during feeding due to poor well-being. For example, feeding is complicated if the child has rubble, sore throat, candidiasis Or inflated ears. If there are suspicion of malaise, you need to call a doctor to the house. You can feed the baby with a squeezed milk. But in no case do not use the bottle for these purposes, it is better to take mugs or syringe.

Colic in stomach

Todders aged up to 2-4 months can be disturbed by colic - the child will begin to be capricious, to trim down, he has a rumbling in the tummy. Kroch will become very restless and shrieking. Most often, such anxiety attacks are at one time, for example, every evening. To avoid an intestinal spasm, you need to ensure that the baby does not swallow air when feeding. If the child starts to worry, you need to warm his tummy or swim in the warm bath. These actions will help to remove spasms.

False refusal

At the age of 2 months and up to 4 months. Children can start turning away from the chest during feeding, they are ready to be distracted by any trifle, but not to eat. In such behavior there is nothing terrible when the baby is already about 4 months, it changes the power regimen - most often it starts to suck milk before and after sleep. The baby may eat in half a state, the main thing is to ensure that it does not grumble.

How can I fix the situation?

So, what if the child began to be capricious when feeding?

Frequency feedings

Cake a kid as often as possible - newborns, especially under the age of 2-4 months, should eat at least every two hours. If the child fell asleep, wake him up, he should not sleep more than 2 hours. You will be kid and at night - at least 1 time.

It is mistaken to think that the child when the need necessarily needs it. Children with a calmer temperament may not show desires so often, as needed if the mother does not remind them of this. If your baby belongs to such calm children, please offer breasts yourself, including at night.

Feeding time

Increase feeding time, do not need to count the minutes when the baby takes the chest. Let the baby completely squinting at first one breast and only then applied to another. The fact is that the most nutrient milk is the last, it is more fatty and calorie. If you change the chest too soon, the child will not receive a sufficient calorie, sucked only liquid milk.


Do not Kunt the child when feeding it, on the contrary - contact with the skin of the mother will help him wake up. This method is especially good for sleepy consumers. Remove some of the clothes and with yourself, and so that the baby is not cold, cover it from the back with a blanket.

Night feedings

To make milk produced more, and the baby with a big appetite was applied to the chest, you can try feeding at night. Take the baby to myself in the bed during sleep, so relax and you, and the child. In this state, the hormone levels affecting the breeding increases. Prolactin is actively produced at night, so such late feeding is considered the most productive. Also, according to the latest research on the amount of milk in the chest affects human growth hormone, which is also produced in a dream.

The proximity of the mother

Adults hard to control himself in a meal when they sit behind a rich table - the hand constantly stretches towards plates with goodies. With the kids, it is working the same rule, constantly being near my mother's chest, children want more often. Take the habit of carrying the baby in the sling, so he will constantly be with you. Some children wake up appetite on the go when the mother is in motion. In addition, constant walking will not give the baby to fall asleep during sucking.


Restar more. From constant rush of milk will not definitely not add. Pay yourself a biggest time, walk, sleep in the afternoon, use every free minute to relax yourself. Of course, it's good when you help with your household chores.

Full sleep and rest blocks the development of stress hormones, which in turn accelerates the processes of breeding. Do not break and do not seek to remake all things per day. Kid fell asleep? Squeeze with him, let your man help you with household chores.

Refusal of pacifiers and bottles

Up to 7 months, when there has not yet begun active lore, the baby is powered by milk only. If you want it to grow faster and develop, give up dumbfounds and bottles - the child should be applied only to the chest. Artificial blends are better not to enter the kid's diet, unless there is no medical testimony.

Consult with a specialist, feeding consultant will be able to observe how the kid takes the chest, and will give the necessary advice and recommendations.

How to regulate the flow of milk?

In the first 2-4 months. Life baby Some mommies may encounter the fact that during feeding the baby begins to cough and turn away from the nipple. Someone may seem that the child even began to roam. Often, such behavior can be confused with coliki.But the only thing that unites these two situations is a kid's cry. Despite the fact that the baby grows well, this behavior is concerned. This happens when milk becomes too much.

This is an unpleasant moment, but the situation can be corrected:

  1. Feed the baby with small portions, but as often as possible, so milk will not be stated in the chest. The baby should not feel hungry, otherwise it will drink too actively, which will again provoke the emission of too much milk.
  2. Shortly before feeding, avoid hot baths and a soul, and also do not sing a hot fluid - an increase in body temperature will also provoke excessive breeding.
  3. Milk stream can be reduced if during feeding to lie on the side or back.
  4. If it happened so that the sausage milk kid chokes, be calm, just hold it with one hand it so that it is pulled out, and the second neatly praise on the back.
  5. The pressure of milk is not permanent, so the baby is important to learn to suck not only when the tide. The breast child should suck milk completely, including the "rear", which has increased dense and fatness.

The "front" milk contains much less nutrients in itself, it almost completely consists of water. This milk to drink is quite easy, because it goes quite actively. Breast is better not to change, while all the milk will not be drunk. So that the child can suck as much dairy fluid as possible, the special technique of "breast compression" should be used.

Drinking a more liquid milk, the child can fall asleep, falling asleep at this time is quite normal. In a dream, he will quietly suck out a more fat "rear". At this time, inexperienced moms make a big mistake, changing the left chest on the right and vice versa. Because of this, the kid tends to drink only liquid milk and gets used to it.

In such a situation, you will have to move the kid. Start the next feeding with the same chest, with which the previous one finished. Try to feed the baby in an extremely calm atmosphere, better even in a slightly darkened room. If the baby begins to be capricious, change the pose - it will calm it a little. When a child starts angry, drinking liquid milk, squeeze my chest at the base to help the baby drink further.

Lyudmila, hello!

Daughter 1 month, but some incomprehensible things began with feeding. I begin to give the chest - it takes and sucks, but then it throws sharply, it cries and rebel no longer.

Sometimes it sometimes licks the nipple, but does not take the chest. What if the child does not want to take the breast? How to fix it?

First of all, I want you to express my respect - it is very nice that you feed and want to continue to do it. Not always breastfeeding is easy, there are difficulties at the beginning of the way, but breast milk is the perfect option for your child.

And for you, if you say tricky.

The situation, as you usually require a very detailed analysis. Ideal would be a consultation (for example, on Skype) and, having communicated personally, we would definitely have found the cause of such behavior under the breast.

But I will try to list here the main reasons, and you already try to find that very much.

Physiological reasons why the child does not take the chest

The reasons why the child does not want to take the chest, many. It is necessary to take into account his age and physical condition.

Condition of baby

The perfect picture is when a child after 10-20 minutes after the birth put to the chest and he greedily sucks it for 40 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes sucks another breast.

These moments are essential for subsequent trouble-free breastfeeding.

If the newborn child does not want to take the breast, then, most often, the fault or the wrong time of applying (too early and the baby has not yet rested from childbirth) or its physiological state:

  1. Complex labor;
  2. The appearance of a baby to light ahead of time;
  3. The campus of umbilical cord and oxygen starvation can also affect the child's sucking reflex;
  4. He may refuse his weakness when the baby simply lacks his strength to get a breast milk.

For such a baby, you need to very gently care for helping him to quickly recover after childbirth and feel good.

You will find all the necessary answers to questions about the care of the baby from 0 to 3 months aware of the happy motherhood \u003e\u003e\u003e

If such a situation was in your childbirth, the child can periodically arrange strikes in his chest. He literally shows that he could not capture his breasts, it was difficult for him to suck, and .... It needs to be learned.

Anatomical breast structure

If the baby kid refuses from the chest, the state of which is estimated from 8 balls on the apgar scale, the reason may be in the form of nipples.

In my practice there were cases when the child does not want to take the chest, hesitates, and wines everything: not very pronounced nipples.

There are flat nipples, there are drawn.

Know! In fact, if you put the baby to the chest together with an experienced midwife or breastfeeding consultant, then it will suck. He will succeed.

But the mother itself is complicated.

The child does not open his mouth wide, captures the nipple shallow and he constantly falls out of his mouth. The child is pushing, mom nervous - feeding did not take place.

In this case, the problem, in the literal sense of the word, in your hands. It is possible to build a little nipples so that they become more pronounced. For more details, look in the video:

Although I do not like lining on the chest, but some moms are just saved by them. It is important to keep in mind that it is necessary to get gradually from the linings. Otherwise, the child may not refuse to suck the chest without them.

Tight chest

In the first months, milk feeding can come more than required.

By the way! If the breast of swelling and became stone, the baby is hard to capture it and he can also give up feeding. It is necessary to send a little milk and massage the chest, it will become softer and the child will be able to take it.

This may be connected with this and the fact that the child does not want to take the second breasts. In a nursing mother, they can differ somewhat in the sizes of the chest, the shape of the nipples, it flows easily from one milk, and above the second you need to work hard.

The baby estimates this difference immediately and refuses tight chest.

Important! If the child refuses the second breast, I always ask mom, was the baby in the maternity hospital attached to her? More often I hear the answer is not.

The child did not capture this breast at that very important moment of the first 40 minutes after childbirth. And this chest him can say is not familiar. Alien. Therefore, he can harm.

Pose for feeding

The reason why the child does not want to take the chest, there may be even a feeding caustment.

For example, if you have a good lactation and milk easily follows, then in a sedent pose for feeding pressure on the mammary glands only intensifies and the child is simply chopped up with milk. Try the feeding lying on the side, perhaps such rearrangements of infants will appreciate.

Please note how the baby captures the nipple. When the baby does not want to take the chest correctly, cracks can form on the nipples (read: cracks on nipples when feeding \u003e\u003e\u003e) or the stool.

Important! During feeding, the nipple should be completely in the mouth, the lower sponge of the baby turned out, the child's head lie in the same plane with the body of the baby, should not be clamging sounds.

It is important that you feel comfortably while feeding, relaxed if you chose the pose sitting, set up in the chair or put the pillow under your arm.


If the child does not want to take the chest, at the same time, check, check whether it is healthy.

The first thing to be done is to measure the temperature.

  • With a cold, the rejection of food is quite common, especially when the nose is laid. Baby is hard to breathe, and during feeding, oxygen access is generally stopped, so it refuses meals;
  • Otitis or pain in the ear - another reason for which children are often shouting when feeding and refuse to breast;
  • Breastfish can also turn away from the chest when it has colic or gases. You see the tense tummy, twitching with legs and bunches.

How to help the baby cope with colic and soda, look in the Internet course soft tummy \u003e\u003e\u003e

It is not necessary to give a child dill water or drugs, for example, espumizan, this will lead to a violation of the intestinal work and can only strengthen the problems.

External factors

Your baby from birth is very susceptible to external stimuli. Smells, a new decor or even your excitement can cause the child that the child does not want to take the chest. What to do? Find and eliminate stimulus.

New flavors

One of the reasons for the failure of breast milk can be a change of smells.

Know! It is enough for you to buy with a gel for a shower with an expressive aroma and baby will turn off the nose from the chest, not catching familiar mother's smell.

Therefore, experiments with spirits, deodorants and other smelling cosmetics leave for the period when the kid will grow up.


Moving, new sounds, the setting can adversely affect the baby. All this for a newborn - stress, in such a mood it can refuse from the chest.

If you had to move to a new place or you went to visit, do not break the usual day of the day, choose a comfortable place for feeding, protected from sharp sounds and expressive smells.

Breast substitutes

Acquaintance with a nipple or a bottle can become a turning point in your relationship with infants. Even after several feedings from the bottle, the baby can start protesting in his chest.

Attention! If you need to give a medicine or you want to read the baby with a reclining milk, then give it from the spoon.

Situations when the child does not want to take the breast after the bottle, very frequent. Here you will need patience and re-toddler to sucking the chest.

And remember, you can always return the baby on the chest and deal with it and refuses. Main: Do not stay alone with problems.

Write your questions in the comments, see and listen to the teaching Internet courses for the care of the baby and then your motherhood will be calm and joyful!

Lyudmila Sharov, Consultant for breastfeeding and children's sleep

Some kids, despite hunger, refuse breast milk. It happens that the child does not take the chest, pursuant and crying. Then the mother is forced to go to feeding with bought mixtures. In fact, you need to look for in organizing feeding, care methods.

Mother's milk contains all the necessary children's digestion proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates. Breasts do not need additional sources of nutrients. An important emotional connection is important, which arises between mother and child during breastfeeding period.

The composition of breast milk does not remain constant. It changes to meet the needs. Masha at certain periods of his mature. In recent days, before childbirth and up to five after, a browse is distinguished from the chest glands: a thick yellowish liquid, which is easily absorbed by the digestion of the newborn, prepares it to the transition to mature milk. The colostrum contains a large number of phosphatides, components that facilitate digestion. The colostrum contains a little liquid, protects the kidney kid from overload. It helps newborn to get rid of meconia, reduces signs of manifestation of physiological jaundice.

Approximately for the fifth day after delivery, instead of the colostrum, transitional milk begins to stand out: the intermediate stage between the colostrum and ripe milk. The yellowish color is gradually replaced by white, the amount of proteins decreases, fats and carbohydrates - increases. Two weeks after the birth, the baby becomes mature milk, contains all substances for the full development of the children's body.

Frequent causes of baby failure from chest

Many baby moms take a temporary refusal for the natural completion of breastfeeding, stop it. Others are bodied to a panic on an empty place, trying to understand why the child spits his chest and pursuant. They see that during feeding the infants, turned away, focused on something else. But this is not at all the refusal of milk: the baby listens to the surrounding atmosphere or is preparing to jump. The causes of such behavior may be many.

For example, the baby may not be able to immediately seek the chest. He shake his head, turns away, licks the nipple, but it does not work. It is necessary to help the baby need to get the chest.

Breastfish can simply do not feel appetite or capricious due to overwork, illness. The baby can be starved due to painful feeding due to infection with infection, cutting teeth, thrush. Refer to the doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

The behavior of children is significantly affected by the state of the mother and the surrounding environment. The newborn feels the ailment of the mother, the change in the emotional state (the mother was perhaps, she had a monthly cycle or she became pregnant). It can be removed by motion mothers, stress, sharp changes in weather, a strong response to action near (inspection of the doctor, the arrival of the guests, moving to a new place, the accumulation of people).

Another reason why the child spits his breasts is poured and turns away, it may become his sensitivity to food and medicines Mom. He may also not like the nipple cream, drugs, new shower gels, other detergents. The temporary refusal of milk in this consequence is the only way to make it knows that he does not like any actions or smells.

The problem may be a short bridle of the language or the improper structure of the oral cavity. As they grow up, they will come to normal.

The last reason for the failure of the kid can be a bottle or dummy.

Nipple is one of the problems with GW

When for some reason the child does not take the chest, crying and pursuing, many moms are trying to calm him with the help of a pacifier. The problem is that the mechanisms of sucking nipples and pacifiers vary greatly. He works predominantly to the breast, to a bottle and a nipple - cheeks. After the kid tries both options, it chooses easier. Someone combines the sucking of a pacifier with breastfeeding, other kids choose only the chest, but mostly infants abandon breasts in favor of bottles and nipples.

Than children younger, the easier it is to wean them from sucking a pacifier or a bottle, return to breastfeeding. If the child cries loudly, turns away from the chest and, then it is only a habit that you can overcome.

At the time when you try to return to breastfeeding, you can not feed from the bottle, give the nipple. You can also give only a doctor from a spoon or pipette.

Important! If you ignore the Council, it will negatively affect the attitude of the child to breastfeeding. May cause a complete refusal of it, lead to disunity of mother and child, loss of close emotional communications. In addition, breastfeed problems begin: cracks, lactose ,.

Proper mother behavior: how to overcome the crisis of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding crisis affects both baby and mother. She may have a lactation crisis (temporary lack of milk). The reasons may be unreasonable discuster mixture, insufficient stimulation of the chest glands. Because of this, the woman's body begins to produce a smaller amount of milk.

Such actions can help a woman with a lactation crisis:

  1. Each hour .
  2. The exclusion of the doctorate of the baby with mixtures with mandatory weight control, eliminate dopping with water. Doctors can cause diarrhea.
  3. Increase feeding duration.
  4. During feeding, take turns to give both chest.
  5. Massage will strengthen the health of the mother, circulatory stimulation will increase lactation.
  6. Avoid overworking the mother, free it from home duties.
  7. Drink at least 2.5 liters per day, use more hot drinks. The diet is rich in proteins, highly calorie.
  8. Load the support of relatives, friends.

In relation to the infant, the action should be as follows:

  1. Mother should be near him not only during feeding. It is necessary to enjoy communication with your child, to ensure the contact "skin to the skin." So the confidence of the baby to the mother will increase.
  2. Find a convenient place for feeding, provide free access to the chest. Mothers should relax, not nervous during feeding, because her irritation is transmitted to the baby.
  3. Try to put the baby to the chest on its first requirement or every one and a half hours.
  4. Joint sleep.
  5. Eliminate contacts with unfamiliar people.
  6. An unpleasant infant procedure is to entrust the father or grandmother.
  7. Fully eliminate contact with a pacifier.
  8. You can try to see a few drops of milk to a child in a tongue. When he feels a familiar taste, maybe you may be happy for the nipple.

Even if no of the listed ways does not help, the mother can not be nervous, scream. It must remain patient and neat, but at the same time persistent in his helping baby. If a child throws his breasts, fucks and crying during feeding, mother should not raise a voice in response. You need to calm the baby, turn on slow music, sing a song to him.

Value, the composition and taste of breast milk dependely depend on the supply of mothers during feeding period. The postpartum diet should include all product groups, but mainly healthy food.

Most mothers should limit themselves in such products:

  • strong coffee and tea that actively act on the nervous system both mother and baby;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • legumes, oily, fried and smoked food.

The nutrition of a nursing mother will differ little from the usual balanced nutrition of a woman. The only difference is that it is necessary to consume about 500-600 more calories than before delivery.

This does not apply to the nutritioner with a child-allergy. They need to exclude all allergenic products from the diet, to introduce them gradually small portions, following the toddler's reaction.


If after a long attempt to return the baby (over 9 months) to breastfeeding all efforts and remain in vain, then he is simply ready to go to a new level of growing up. Do not be nervous: this is a completely natural process.