Characteristics of the main characters. Senior son. "Senior Son.

Always like this: tragedy with comedy elements and comedy with elements of tragedy. The creator of "duck hunting" did not do anything special, he just tried to reproduce life in his works as it was. It does not only happen black and white, the existence of a person is filled with halftons. Our task is to tell about it in the article in which the analysis will be made. Vampilov, "Senior Son" - in focus of attention.

Immediately should make a reservation that a short retelling is necessary (it will contain some analytical observations) of the Vampilian masterpiece. We proceed to him.

Failed party on four

Everything begins with the fact that two young guys (Vladimir Busygin and Semyon of the Courtships) a little in 20 spent the girls and counted on a pleasant evening, but the girls turned out to be "not so" what they were informed about the yard. Of course, the guys for the form argued a little, but there is nothing to do, on the side of the girls always a keyword in a romantic issue. They stayed on the outskirts of the city, without a shelter, and on the street it is cold, the last train left.

In this area there are two zones: the private sector (there are houses of a rustic type) and right on the contrary - a small stone house (floors in three embroidering) with an arch.

Friends decide to divide: one goes look out for the night in the Stammer, and the other handles the private sector. Busygin knocks on the house to a 25-year-old worker of the local court Natalia Makarskaya. She spent some time ago with a 10-grader Vassenka, who apparently long and hopelessly in love with her. She thought it came again a young man, but no. Makarskaya with bushigine is broken for some time, but the girl's outdoor in the night, naturally, does not get.

Semeno Semenu (Silva) refuses a resident of the house opposite. Young people turn out where they were on the street.

And suddenly they observe as an elderly man - Sarafanov Andrei Grigorievich - Clarnetist, who serves in the orchestra, according to the official version, and in fact, playing at the funeral and dance, he knocks on Natasha and asks him to give him a few minutes. Young people think that this is a date, and decide to break into the apartment of Sarafanov under any pretext, they don't want to freeze on the street.

Our task is an analysis: Vampilov ("Senior Son", his play) - his object, so it should be noted that the characters of Busygin and Silva first seem to be perfectly superficial, frivolous, but in the process of developing the plot, one of them changes in front of the reader's eyes: acquires The depth of character and even some attractiveness. Who, learn later.

Remembering the goal, I also need to say that Busygin - a non-trap and medical student, his mother lives in Chelyabinsk with an elder brother. What Silva does, it does not matter in the context of our design.

Unexpected family replenishment

Young people are not mistaken: really the door to the apartment of Sarafanov remains open, and the Valenka's upset recent Love failure is going to escape from the house, as it turns out a little later, his goal is Taiga. The daughter of Sarafanova (Nina) will not leave Sakhalin tomorrow, the other day she marries the pilot. In other words, at home reigns, and its inhabitants are not up to guests, at least expected, and even though no, so the aliens have successfully chose a moment. This is also useful to us to analyze. Vampilov ("Senior Son") Pieces wrote Filigree, all characters perform their parties flawless and realistic.

Busygin pretends to be familiar with the father of Varenki and says such a phrase: "We are all, people, - brothers." Silva begins to unwind this idea and brings it to the point that Vladimir is an unexpectedly acquired vassenkum's consolidated brother. The young man in shock, Busygin, too, from the bumps of a comrade slightly, shook, what to do, I don't want to sleep on the street. They play this performance in front of the sarafanov. As the analysis shows, Vampilov ("Senior Son") played with a draw. At the base of the drama he lies a joke, and the whole play seems to be something like a comedy, but it is only at first glance.

Vasya is looking for what to drink. Young people, including 10-graders, use. Then the sundresses appear, and unfortunate escorrents are hidden in the kitchen. Vasya tells the Father all the history of his eldest son. The old man begins to remember the details of the meeting with a possible mother of Vladimir and unwittingly gives the prudence all the necessary information, and they greedily catch every word: the name of a woman, the city (Chernihiv), the right age of the eldest son, if he were.

Then Vladimir appears, responds to all the questions of the Father correctly. The house is overwhelmed by universal education, and a booze continues, but now Srophanov senior joined it.

Nina comes to the noise and requires explanation. At first, the girl does not believe the eldest brother, then she penetrates him with confidence.

Busygin begins to believe in his own game. Point of rebirth character

Between the bushigine and the elderly, contact is instantly promoted, and his father opens the whole soul in front of the prodigal son. They spoke all night. From the night communication, Vladimir learns the details of the life of Sarafanov, for example, the fact that Nina is coming to marry the pilot, as well as the spiritual flour of the Father himself. How hard the family lived. Under the impression of the night conversation, after the Father went to sleep, Vladimir wakes seeds and stacked him quickly leave, but the doors will find them Andrei Grigorievich. He asks the Elder Son to take the family relic - silver tobacco. And here with Vladimir there is a spiritual coup. Whether he became very sorry for the old man, or he did not know his father. Busygin imagined that he in front of all these people in debt. He believed that he had a relatives. This is a very important moment in the study, and the analysis of the play of Vampilov "Elder Son" moves on.

Love as unifying power

When the holiday has got up, it was necessary to remove from the table and generally put in order kitchen. It was caused to do two - Busygin and Nina. During collaboration, which, as you know, unites, love reached its own and pierced the heart of each of the young people. Further narrative only follows from such a sign event. This conclusion brings us an analysis of the play of Vampilova "Senior Son"

By the end of the cleaning, Busygin, for example, allows himself very caustic and prick comments against five minutes of her husband Nina. She is not her who rejects them, but also not too opposed the poison of Brother. This suggests that "relatives" is already on friendly leg with each other, and for the rapid development of trust relationships in a short time, only strong mutual sympathy may be responsible.

Spontaneously emerging love between Vladimir and Nina builds the entire further plot and is the force that the family of Sarafanovy is solved again.

Discrepancy on different areas of Busgin and Sevostyanov

Thus, having remembered about the recently buried love, the reader understands that Vladimir is now not illusory, but really becomes his srafanov family. An unexpected guest becomes the nail that does not give native people to lose the relationship between themselves, he connects them, becomes the center. Silva, on the contrary, it turns out to be more and more strangers Breygina and the house where they are raised by chance, so Semyon tries at least to extract something from the current situation and tries to spin the novel with Natasha Makarskaya. Wonderful play wrote Vampilov - "Senior Son" (analysis and summary continues).

Phenomenon of groom

A significant event should happen on the day of cleaning the kitchen: Nina plans to acquaint his father with his fiance - the cadet of the flight school Mikhail Kudimov.

Between the morning and in the evening there is a whole chain of events, which is worth mentioning at least briefly: Makarska changes his attitude to Vassenka with anger to mercy and invites him to the movies. He rushes to buy tickets, without suspecting that Silva is already wearing his web collage. He expects to catch Natasha. That readily, naturally, is inferior to a lover of women, because Semyon is more suitable for her age. Silva and Natasha should meet exactly at 22:00. At the same time, inspired by the boy takes tickets to Kinosteans. Natasha with him to go refuses and reveals the secret that Andrei Grigorievich came to her at night for Vasyatka.

Flaming young man in despair, he again runs to collect a backpack to get away from the house in the arms of the taiga. Some characters in the limit nervous tension are waiting for the evening and arrival of the groom.

The representation of the parties somehow immediately goes around and so. The new older brother and Silva rushes over a cadet, he does not take offense, as "loves fun guys." Kudimov himself all the time is afraid to be late in a military hostel, and in general, see him in a burden.

Here appears the father of the family. Having become acquainted with Sarafanov, the groom begins to suffer from the fact that he cannot recall, where he saw the face of the future test. The elderly man, in turn, says that he is an artist, so, probably, his face saw a pilot either in Philharmonic, or in the theater, but he will mark it all. And suddenly, like a thunder among the clear sky, the cadet says: "I remembered, I saw you at the funeral!" Sarafanov is forced to confess that yes, indeed, it has not been working in the orchestra for 6 months.

After the disclosure of the mystery, which was no longer a secret for anyone, as children were a long time ago, another scandal is played out: with screams and moans leaves the house of Vasya, the full determination to get to Taiga. The groom also, seeing enough, is in a hurry to return to the military hostel before its closure. Silva goes to the movies. The father's father occurs hysteria: he also wants to go somewhere. His soothes Busygin and Nina, the musician gives care. All this is very important, as it is directly related to climax. Masterfully made Vampilov. "The Senior Son" (analysis of the work we give) continues.


Then Vladimir is recognized by Nina that he is not a brother and, that even worse, he loves her. At the moment, probably, as an idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, Catharsis must occur with the reader, but this is not quite a disconnement. To all other things in the apartment runs by Vasska and admits that he settled the apartment of Makarskaya just at the time when she was with Silva there. The latter came into disrepair of trousers because of the Julian hooligan. For the completeness of the picture from their room, an unfortunate father with a suitcase, ready to go to Chernigov to Mother Vladimir.

The well-fledged play on a wave of frustration from spoiled clothes, Semyon lays beadigin and says that Vladimir is the same son Sarafanov, as he is a niece, and goes away.

Sarafanov does not want to believe and approve the opposite. Moreover, even offers Volodya to move from a student hostel to them. In the intricant all these events, Busygin discovers that he was late for the train. All laugh. All satisfied. So the play ends, which Alexander Vampilov wrote. "Senior Son" (analysis also shows it) - an extremely difficult and ambiguous work for evaluation. We still have to sum up.


Now, when we know the whole story, you can reflect on those who performed in all this the stories of the "Senior Son".

Obviously, the family was falling apart: the father lost his job, began to drink. The walls of loneliness began to converge, he was desperate. The daughters tired of pulling the whole family (she was forced to work, so she looked older than his 19 years), it seemed to her that his serving of a military pilot was a wonderful way out. Still better than such life. Vassenka also searched for the exit and did not find, so I decided to leave in Taiga, once to go to a more experienced woman (Natasha Makarska) did not succeed.

During the night conversation, when his father devoted his son into details of his life and details of his family of his family, he very accurately described the situation, it could be fit into one phrase: "Everyone is running, sighting a huge tragedy, who has hung over them." Only Andrei Grigorievich run nowhere.

Busygin as a savior

The elder brother came exactly when he was needed to everyone. Vladimir restored the balance and harmony of the family. Their love with Nina filled the unfilled tanks of marital grace, and did not want to run anyone anywhere.

Father felt that he had a son, the eldest son on which you can rely on. Nina realized that the island was not necessary to go, and the brother was able to defeat his painful attachment to the girl much older than himself. Naturally, the global longing for mother, a sense of security and comfort, was hidden by Vasya's love to Natasha.

The only play of the play, which remained in the absolute loss, is Silva, since all other major characters formed some inner circle. It was excluded only Semen.

Of course, Vladimir Busygin won in the end: he had a father that he had so dreamed of childhood. In other words, the play ends with a scene of common family harmony. This I want to finish a brief analysis. The "eldest son" Vampilov written brilliantly, and this is not only a wonderful, but also a deep work that makes serious questions in front of the reader.

Vladimir Busygin studied at the Irkutsk Medical Institute and lived a hostel. A little plowing on his day off, Busygin met the seed and two girls. The guys spent the girls to the house (they lived in Novo-Soulnikovo) and were late for the train. They opened a gloomy perspective overnight stay on the street (it was cold). And here the desperate worships saw an elderly person (Sarafanov), heading to a visit to a young woman living nearby.

Busigina's mother threw her husband and Vladimir grew up without his father. Seeing Sarafonov Andrei Grigorievich, the idea came to him in his head to go to his apartment and to give himself for his son born on the side "(he wanted to take revenge on all the wrong fathers). Busygin and Semen went and met with the son of Sarafanov Vassenka, and then with the head of the family.

The deception was a success, but Busygin, having acquainted with Sarafanov closer, found out that he was the "holy" man (he walked for her neighbor for the sake of his son). In addition, he really liked the daughter of Sarafanov. The conscientious busgin was hard to continue his deception and he wanted to escape from his "new family" in the morning. But, his "caught" Sarafanov. Busygin, seeing that it was very hard to part with him, decided to stay at Sarafanov another day.

The Sarafanov family at that time experienced the crisis and the arrival of the "Senior Son" supported Andrei Grigorievich. In just a day, he loved Busigin all the souls and no longer understood how he lived without him before.

At this time, Busina tormented internal doubts. He did not know what to do. On the one hand, he understood that it was impossible to deceive the old man, but on the other - he was afraid, then the truth would just kill him. In addition, he fell in love with his "sister" Nina and did not want to be her "brother".

When the groom came to Nina, a family scandal began in the house. Busygin poured oil into the fire from jealousy, making a full fool from the bride and he was).

As a result, everything ended well. When it turned out that Busygin is an impostor, Sarafanov forgave him and asked him to come to visit them and feel him a real son. Nina, disappointed in his groom was not against.

Quotes Busygin

God forbid God to deceive whoever believes to every word.

Why should I linger?
- That's right, why should he linger?

A subtle organization always comes out sideways.

Dad, what are you sad? People need music when they are having fun and whip. Where else to be a musician, if not on dancing and funeral? In my opinion, you are on the right track.

People have thick skin, and it is not so easy to break through it. It is necessary to lie as it should, only then will turn you and sympathize. They need to scare or split.

"Senior Son", which has emerged on the screens in 1975, which participated a lot of popular actors. It turns out that this film was removed based on the well-known work. The author of the comedy "Senior Son" and Vampilov. A summary will help the reader not only to familiarize himself with the narration of the writer, but also remember the fragments of the favorite movie.

Start of work, or acquaintance with characters

What does the "Senior Son" of Vampilov start starting his comedy? A brief content introduces the reader with two one named Semyon. He was and nicknamed Silva. The second young man, Busygin, studied for a physician. This evening, they met with two pretty girls and caused them to be held to the house. Of course, in secret hoping that the evening will be continued.

But girls did not let them, and the guys stayed on the street. Moreover, they discovered that they were late for the train. So you need to come up with where to spend the night. On the street is cold, dark and uncomfortable. Young guys, who up to this point were barely familiar, get married noticeably. Both have a wonderful sense of humor, no one has the habit of falling in spirit. So, the play of Vampilova "Senior Son" describes two fun guys. They are really truth and untrue, with humor and the game are looking for any ways to find a night shelter.

Pupil in love, or searches for overnight

Next, in the work of the "Senior Son" Vampilov continues to talk about the adventures of two perky guys and their draw. Without losing hope to find a place to sleep, they saw the house of the thirty-year-old Makarskaya. Observing the scene as she groaned the boy in love with Vasya, the student of the tenth class, they also decided in turn to try their happiness. But the woman drove them.

The guys are completely outstanding and do not know where to go. And then they noticed how Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov went to Makarskaya, who lived in a nearby house. Guys thought this is a date. Finally, a convenient case to use the housing Andrei Grigorievich to at least relax and warm up.

But having come to him home, they see that Vassenka himself. The boy was pretty awesome to such a visit. And here in his comedy "Senior Son" Vampilov - a short content of the actions will try as soon as possible to convey these events - invented a sufficiently unusual turn of the plot.

I am your brother, or draw frozen guys

Busygin stakes Vasya for mistrust to people, and Silva already realized that his friend came up with a cunning plan in order to deceive the boy. And, of course, begins to play it. He tries to convince Vassenka that Busygin is his consolidated brother who finally decided to find his father. Not only Vasya, but also a new relative. He was not configured to play the boy.

But Silva has already begun to develop the success of his plan and persuades Vasya that it would be necessary to celebrate such an event. And sends a boy to check the home reserves. The kitchen covers the table and the celebration begins. And then the father of the Sarafanov family, who walked to Makarskaya only to ask to be a little softer with his son.

And then Andrei Grigorievich learns that he had a senior son. Vampilov (a summary of the comedy will continue to acquaint the reader with further events) pulls all his characters in this draw.

When it was, or memories of Sarafanov

When drunk Vassenka told his father about a new brother, naturally, Sarafanov is not just surprised, at first he does not believe in it. Begins to remember when it was, and it comes to the conclusion that such a situation is quite possible. At the time when the war ended only, he met a girl named Galina. And from her, just and could be this child.

All of these reasoning Sarafanov heard Busygin. Now the guy feels absolutely confident. Andrei Grigorievich, asking the new son about the details of his life, gradually he himself convinced himself that this young man was his offspring. Moreover, loving father. And Sarafanov at that moment was very necessary for the love of this guy, who introduced himself as his eldest son. Vampilov content keeps his comedy continues to twist around this fictional story.

Family malfunctions, and draw continues

It was at that moment that everything went to the family in the family. Vasya walked to adult female and becomes unmanaged, the daughter of Nina got married and will soon leave. Yes, and at work at the father's problem. Threw to play in the orchestra. Now Muizitsy at the funeral or dance flooring. But carefully hides it from his children. But those and they knew about it, they just did not want to upset the father.

The daughter of Andrei Grigorievich wakes up and also learns about a new relative. The girl reacted very incredulously to such a statement. But Busygin is so masterfully plays this comedy that Nina is also gradually inclined on his side. All night of Sarafanov and his so unexpectedly appeared son spend in endless conversations. The man told him about his life. About how his spouse threw him, and about the musical career.

It's time to return home, or an unexpected gift

Further in the comedy "Senior Son" Vampilov continues to tell about their gullible characters and playing their guys. Sarafanov went to bed, and Busygin, with his companion, they wanted to slowly leave hospitable owners. But Andrei Grigorievich wakes up and is noticeably frustrated because of their unexpected care.

Busygin promised to return, and then Sarafanov announced that he had to make him a gift. He gives a guy tobacquacke made from silver, which, according to him, in their family always moves to the eldest son. The young man was touched and decides to stay for another day. For this there is another reason - he liked the daughter of Sarafanova.

Neonic relations begin to occur between Nina and Busygin. On the one hand, they, like, as relatives, and on the other hand, began to feel their mutual interest. How else will the events in the work of the "Senior Son"? Vampilov (a summary of the comedy continues to follow his story) finally configured all his characters in their raging emotions.

New explosion of emotions, or phenomenon of groom

Makarskaya, talking to Andrei Grigorievich, decides to go with Vasya to the movies. But he learns that after that she will have a meeting with Silva. The boy is indignant, and the woman tells that he agreed to go with him only because she asked Sarafanov. Vasya is again upset and going to leave the hometown. Finally, the junction of the comedy "Senior Son" should come.

Vampilov (summary follows the progress of the author's presentation) introduces the reader with the fiance of Nina. The usual guy is the pilot of Kudimov. Good-natured and straightforward. Busygin with his friend constantly fool over the future husband of Nina. The whole company gathered at the table to celebrate acquaintance. And here Kudimov recalls, from where he is so familiar with the face of Andrei Grigorievich. He met him at the funeral. Sarafanov in everything recognized to their children.

"Senior Son", Vampilov. Summary by chapters, or how it all ends

Busygin tries to reassure Sarafanov. The pilot leaves him to return to the barracks. Vassenka still runs away from the house. Nina reproaches Busigin that he incorrectly appealed with her fiance. And then the guy does not withstand, tells her not only about his feelings, but that he is not brother. Suddenly returns to Silva semi-consuming clothing, and with him Makarskaya and Vasya.

It turns out that the boy settled the housing of a woman during her dating with a new boyfriend. Silva is outraged. The guy requires new clothes and soon, by gathering, leaves the house of Sarafanov. But already in the door it reports that Busigin is no relative. Andrei Grigorievich is upset and does not want to believe it.

He knows that this is his son. Moreover, Sarafanov had already managed to love the guy and offers him to move to them to the house. Nina is trying to object. And Busygin, calming all the promise to constantly visit them, discovered that he was late for the last electric train. So ends the comedy "Senior Son".

Two young people - a medical student Busygin and a sales agent Semen, on Silva nicknamed, - fell for unfamiliar girls. After conducting those to the house, but without met further hospitality, which was calculated, they discover that they were late for the train. Time later, it's cold outside, and they are forced to look for a bed in someone else's area. Young people themselves are barely familiar, but the misfortune brings. Both are guys with humor, they have a lot of misstit and games, they do not fall in spirit and are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to warm up.

They knock on the house with a lonely thirty-year-old woman of Makarskaya, who have just struck the ten-grader in love with her, but she sews them. Soon, do not know where the guys see how her elderly man gets gray out of his neighboring house, called Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov. They think this is a date, and decide to take advantage of the convenient opportunity so that in the absence of Sarafanov to visit him and to warm up a little. At home, they find a frustrated Vassenka, Sarafanov's son, who is experiencing his love failure. Busygin pretends his father for a long time. Vassenka keeps very wary, and Busygin is trying to put it up, saying that all people are brothers and must trust each other. It brings in helicastful strongness to the idea that Busygin wants to play a guy, introducing himself to the son of Sarafanov, a consolidated brother Vassenki. Inspired by this idea, he immediately guides the buddler, and dumbfounded Busygin, who did not mean it at all in mind, is Vassenka as his unknown elder brother, who finally decided to find his father. Silva is not averse to develop success and inclined the Vassenka to mark the event - find something from alcohol in home bodies and drink on the occasion of the brother.

As long as they celebrate in the kitchen, Sundars suddenly appear, which went to Makarskaya asking for a son drying from love. The asked Vassenka sobs his stunning news. Having confused Sarafanov at first does not believe, but, remembering the past, after all, it allows such an opportunity - then only the war ended, he "was a soldier, not a vegetarian." So his son could have been twenty-one year, and his mother was called ... Her name was Galina. These details hear the looks out of the kitchen bushigin. Now he is more confident when meeting with an imaginary father. Sarafanov, asking the newly new son, more and more assured that he really had his offspring, sincerely loving father. And Sarafanov is just very necessary such love: the youngest son fell in love and strives to beat off his hands, his daughter marries and going to Sakhalin. He himself left the symphony orchestra and plays dancing and at the funeral, which proudly hides from children who nevertheless know and only pretend that they do not know anything. Busygin plays his role well, so even an adult daughter of Sarafanova Nina, at first the brother met very incredulously, ready to believe.

Night of Sarafanov and Busygin are carried out in a confidential conversation. Sarafanov tells him all his life, opens the soul: the wife left him, because it seemed to her that he was playing clarin in the evenings too long. But Sarafanov is proud: he did not allow himself to dissolve in fuss, he composes music.

In the morning, Busygin and Silva make an attempt to imperceptibly slip away, but face Sarafanov. Having learned about their departure, he was discouraged and upset, he gives Busygin to Memory Silver Tabakcoqu, as, according to him, in their family she always belonged to the eldest son. The touched self-director declares her decision to stay on the day. He helps Nina to get into the apartment. There are strange relations between him and Nina. It seems they would have brother and sister, but their mutual interest and sympathy of each other clearly do not fit into the related frameworks. Busygin asks Nina about the bridegroom, unwittingly leaking jealous knife in his address, so that there is something like a lamination between them. A little later, Nina also jealously respond to Busygin's interest to Makarskaya. In addition, they are constantly referring to the conversation about Sarafanov. Busygin reproaches Nina for the fact that she is going to leave the father of one. The brother Vassenka is also bothering them, which is also doing attempts to escape from the house, considering that no one is needed here.

Meanwhile, Vassenka, encouraged by the unexpected attention of the Makarskaya, agreed to go with him in the cinema (after talking with Sarafanov), comes to life and is no longer going to leave anywhere. However, his joy lasts long. Makarskaya for ten o'clock appointed a date with a silv who visited her. Having learned that Vassenka bought a ticket at the same time, she refuses to go, and on Vasnikino, naive persistence indignantly admits that her unexpected kindness is obliged to his dad. In desperation, Vassenka collects a backpack, and the sensitive busygin, who had just intended to serve, is forced to stay again.

In the evening, it appears with two bottles of the champagne bridegroom of Nina Pilshchik Kudimov. He is a simple and open guy, unlobs and all perceiving too straightly than even proud. Busygin and Silva, then and then fool over it, to which he is only good-naturedly smiles and offers a drink, so as not to waste time. He has him in a clip, he, the cadet, does not want to be late, because he gave himself a word to never be late, and his own word for him is the law. Sorrefans and Nina appear soon. The whole company drinks for acquaintance. Kudimov unexpectedly begins to remember where he saw Sarafanov, although Busygin and Nina

trying to prevent him, convincing that nowhere he could see him or saw in the Philharmonic. Nevertheless, the pilot with its inherent principalness persists and eventually recalls: he saw Sarafanov at the funeral. Sarafanov with bitterness is forced to admit this.

Busygin soothes him: people need music and when they are having fun and when they jealous. At this time, Vassenka with a backpack, despite the attempts to stop him, leaves the native home. Nina's bridegroom, despite her persuasion, also rushes away, fearing to be late in the barracks. When he leaves, Nina reproaches the vigorous fraternity that he walked around with her fiance. In the end, Busygin does not withstand and admits that he is at all brother he is Nina. Moreover - he seems to be in love with her. Meanwhile, offended Sarafanov collects a suitcase to go along with the eldest son. Suddenly runs up with a frightened-solemn view of Vassenka, and after him Silva in a pollen clothing, with an evaporated soot, accompanied by Makarskaya. It turns out that Vassenka fastened her apartment. The outrageous Silva requires pants and, before leaving, in the doorway virtually reports that Busygin is not at all Sarafan son. All this makes a big impression, but Sarafanov firmly declares that he does not believe. He does not want to know anything: Busygin his son, and moreover, beloved. He offers Busygin to move from a hostel to them, although it meets Nina's objection. Busygin soothes him: he will visit them. And immediately discovers that he was late for the train.

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov

"Senior Son"

Two young people - a medical student Busygin and a sales agent Semen, on Silva nicknamed, - fell for unfamiliar girls. After conducting those to the house, but without met further hospitality, which was calculated, they discover that they were late for the train. Time later, it's cold outside, and they are forced to look for a bed in someone else's area. Young people themselves are barely familiar, but the misfortune brings. Both are guys with humor, they have a lot of misstit and games, they do not fall in spirit and are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to warm up.

They knock on the house with a lonely thirty-year-old woman of Makarskaya, who have just struck the ten-grader in love with her, but she sews them. Soon, do not know where the guys see how her elderly man gets gray out of his neighboring house, called Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov. They think this is a date, and decide to take advantage of the convenient opportunity so that in the absence of Sarafanov to visit him and to warm up a little. At home, they find a frustrated Vassenka, Sarafanov's son, who is experiencing his love failure. Busygin pretends his father for a long time. Vassenka keeps very wary, and Busygin is trying to put it up, saying that all people are brothers and must trust each other. It brings in helicastful strongness to the idea that Busygin wants to play a guy, introducing himself to the son of Sarafanov, a consolidated brother Vassenki. Inspired by this idea, he immediately guides the buddler, and dumbfounded Busygin, who did not mean it at all in mind, is Vassenka as his unknown elder brother, who finally decided to find his father. Silva is not averse to develop success and inclined the Vassenka to mark the event - find something from alcohol in home bodies and drink on the occasion of the brother.

As long as they celebrate in the kitchen, Sundars suddenly appear, which went to Makarskaya asking for a son drying from love. The asked Vassenka sobs his stunning news. Having confused Sarafanov at first does not believe, but, remembering the past, after all, it allows such an opportunity - then only the war ended, he "was a soldier, not a vegetarian." So his son could have been twenty-one year, and his mother was called ... Her name was Galina. These details hear the looks out of the kitchen bushigin. Now he is more confident when meeting with an imaginary father. Sarafanov, asking the newly new son, more and more assured that he really had his offspring, sincerely loving father. And Sarafanov is just very necessary such love: the youngest son fell in love and strives to beat off his hands, his daughter marries and going to Sakhalin. He himself left the symphony orchestra and plays dancing and at the funeral, which proudly hides from children who nevertheless know and only pretend that they do not know anything. Busygin plays his role well, so even an adult daughter of Sarafanova Nina, at first the brother met very incredulously, ready to believe.

Night of Sarafanov and Busygin are carried out in a confidential conversation. Sarafanov tells him all his life, opens the soul: the wife left him, because it seemed to her that he was playing clarin in the evenings too long. But Sarafanov is proud: he did not allow himself to dissolve in fuss, he composes music.

In the morning, Busygin and Silva make an attempt to imperceptibly slip away, but face Sarafanov. Having learned about their departure, he was discouraged and upset, he gives Busygin to Memory Silver Tabakcoqu, as, according to him, in their family she always belonged to the eldest son. The touched self-director declares her decision to stay on the day. He helps Nina to get into the apartment. There are strange relations between him and Nina. It seems they would have brother and sister, but their mutual interest and sympathy of each other clearly do not fit into the related frameworks. Busygin asks Nina about the bridegroom, unwittingly leaking jealous knife in his address, so that there is something like a lamination between them. A little later, Nina also jealously respond to Busygin's interest to Makarskaya. In addition, they are constantly referring to the conversation about Sarafanov. Busygin reproaches Nina for the fact that she is going to leave the father of one. The brother Vassenka is also bothering them, which is also doing attempts to escape from the house, considering that no one is needed here.

Meanwhile, Vassenka, encouraged by the unexpected attention of the Makarskaya, agreed to go with him in the cinema (after talking with Sarafanov), comes to life and is no longer going to leave anywhere. However, his joy lasts long. Makarskaya for ten o'clock appointed a date with a silv who visited her. Having learned that Vassenka bought a ticket at the same time, she refuses to go, and on Vasnikino, naive persistence indignantly admits that her unexpected kindness is obliged to his dad. In desperation, Vassenka collects a backpack, and the sensitive busygin, who had just intended to serve, is forced to stay again.

In the evening, it appears with two bottles of the champagne bridegroom of Nina Pilshchik Kudimov. He is a simple and open guy, unlobs and all perceiving too straightly than even proud. Busygin and Silva, then and then fool over it, to which he is only good-naturedly smiles and offers a drink, so as not to waste time. He has him in a clip, he, the cadet, does not want to be late, because he gave himself a word to never be late, and his own word for him is the law. Sorrefans and Nina appear soon. The whole company drinks for acquaintance. Kudimov unexpectedly begins to remember where he saw Sarafanov, although Busygin and Nina

trying to prevent him, convincing that nowhere he could see him or saw in the Philharmonic. Nevertheless, the pilot with its inherent principalness persists and eventually recalls: he saw Sarafanov at the funeral. Sarafanov with bitterness is forced to admit this.

Busygin soothes him: people need music and when they are having fun and when they jealous. At this time, Vassenka with a backpack, despite the attempts to stop him, leaves the native home. Nina's bridegroom, despite her persuasion, also rushes away, fearing to be late in the barracks. When he leaves, Nina reproaches the vigorous fraternity that he walked around with her fiance. In the end, Busygin does not withstand and admits that he is at all brother he is Nina. Moreover - he seems to be in love with her. Meanwhile, offended Sarafanov collects a suitcase to go along with the eldest son. Suddenly runs up with a frightened-solemn view of Vassenka, and after him Silva in a pollen clothing, with an evaporated soot, accompanied by Makarskaya. It turns out that Vassenka fastened her apartment. The outrageous Silva requires pants and, before leaving, in the doorway virtually reports that Busygin is not at all Sarafan son. All this makes a big impression, but Sarafanov firmly declares that he does not believe. He does not want to know anything: Busygin his son, and moreover, beloved. He offers Busygin to move from a hostel to them, although it meets Nina's objection. Busygin soothes him: he will visit them. And immediately discovers that he was late for the train.

Two young guys are one Busygin, and the other Semen Silva, met with two girls. After spending them home, the guys did not achieve reciprocity. Suddenly they remembered that they were late for the last train and decided to spend the night in one of the random homes. The guys began to knock on the windows of the house of one woman, by the name of Makarskaya, but she did not let them.

Soon they found shelter in the neighboring house from Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanova. Here they saw Vasya, who recently moved bitter separation with his neighbor Makarskaya. They begin to play Vassenka, introducing himself to relatives. Silva, who introduced himself as a consolidated brother Vassenki, asks to find something from the alcohol in the house. The case was introduced, because Vasya found his brother.

While the guys are conveniently located in the kitchen, celebrating the meeting, the father of Vassenki appears, who was at first dumbfounded by the son. However, starting to remember his past, he more and more believes that Busygin is really his son. Sarfanov, remembered the post-war years when he could really be with the mother of Busgin. He asks that the mother should be called Galina. Busygin was so good in his role that Sarafanov's daughter, too, began to believe that her brother was found.

At night, the guys listen from Sarafanova's mental story that his wife left him, for a long lack of the house. He played in the evenings on the clarinet. But Sarafanov remained proud, as it began to compose music.

The next morning Busygin and Silva try to quietly leave the house, but he saw the Sarafanov, and the guys decided to stay. Sarafanov presented the impostor - the son of a silver tobaccochka, who, according to him, should belong to the eldest son. Busygin remains another day. He helps to get out of his new sister in the apartment and they have incomprehensible relationships. Busygin tries to admit to Nina in Love, but can not, as it should play the role of brother. Nina also feels craving for Busygin. She begins to jealous him in Makarskaya, to which Busgin began to manifest interest. In addition, they are constantly talking about their father and about Vassenka, who is trying to escape from the house. Busygin says Nina should not leave his father.

In the evening, the groom Nina appeared. He was a cadet in a flying school. Busygin and Silva begin to make fun of him, but Kudimov is not paying attention to the knuckle, invites them to drink. Nina and Sundars appear soon. Kudimov recalls that he saw Sarafanov playing a funeral. He is embarrassed that his secret work revealed. Sarafanov goes to collect a suitcase to leave home.

Collecting things, leaves the house of Vasya, and after him and Kudimov, who should not be late for classes. Busygin is recognized by Nina that he was not brother to her at all. In addition, he is in love with Nina.

Meanwhile, Sarafanov gathered a suitcase to leave the eldest son. But it turns out that Busygin is not at all the son of Sarafanov. This news has shocked in Sarafanov shock. The latter does not want to believe in it, and Busygin promises to visit him. At the same time, Busygin understands that he was late for the train.


A.V. Vampilov and his play "Senior Son" Moral issues in the play A. Vampilova "Senior Son"