Interesting scenarios for the Lyceum's day of the year. Scenario of the Lyceum holiday cherished day.docx - Scenario of the holiday “The Lyceum is a cherished day. A verse is recited behind the scenes

Registration: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, exhibition of books - works of A.S. Pushkin, on the table there is a desk, candlesticks, an inkwell with a quill pen, a complete multivolume collected works for 1936. Presentation is used throughout the holiday<Приложение 1 >.

Portraits of lyceum students:

Pushchin Ivan Ivanovich (1798 - 1859), Big Jeannot, Ivan the Great, friend of Pushkin, Decembrist.

Küchelbecker Wilhelm Karlovich (1797 - 1846), Kühla, friend of Pushkin, Decembrist.

Delvig Anton Antonovich (1798 - 1831), Tosya, a friend of Pushkin. Poet. The hymn of lyceum students was written on his poems "Six years rushed like a dream ..."

Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich (1798 - 1883), Frant. Diplomat. Future Chancellor of Russia.

In one of his poems, Pushkin will say:

Which one of us is the last day of the Lyceum
One will have to triumph ...

The last one will be Gorchakov.

Danzas Konstantin Karlovich (1801 - 1870), Bear, Kabud. Pushkin's second in a duel.

Korf Modest Andreevich (1800-1876), Modinka, Sexton Mordan.

The lyceum students did not like him very much. There were reasons for that. This can be discussed in the following scenarios.

Malinovsky Ivan Vasilievich (1796 - 1873), Cossack. The son of the first director, Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky. A very devoted friend.

Matyushkin Fedor Fedorovich (1799-1872), Federnelka, I want to swim. A friend of Pushkin. Future admiral.

Yakovlev Mikhail Lukyanovich (1798-1868), Payas. A friend of Pushkin. An excellent composer. Many of his romances were written poems by Pushkin. Permanent Lyceum headman. After graduating from the Lyceum, they gathered on October 19 annually at his place.

Holiday progress

Participants of the holiday come out in pairs to the sound of music, sit down in the auditorium, 4 couples go on stage and dance.

1 student:

We are used to honor you since childhood
And your noble image is dear to us.
You fell silent early, but in the memory of the people
You will not die, beloved poet!

2 student:

Immortal is the one whose muse to the end
She did not betray goodness and beauty,
Who could excite people of the heart
And in them to awaken the striving for the ideal.

3 student:

Who is pure in heart in the midst of human vulgarity,
In the midst of lies who remained faithful to the truth
And who has jealously guarded his beacon,
When gloomy gloom descended on the world.

4 student:

And that light still burns for us,
Who is the genius of your way to us;
So that we do not lose heart in the midst of adversity,
He speaks about beauty and truth.

5 student:

All the best impulses to devote
Fatherland you call us to the grave;
In an age for sale, an age of gross lies and power
You call to serve good and truth.

6 student:

That is why, beloved poet,
Your noble image is so dear to us,
This is why an indelible mark
You have left in the memory of the people!

7 student: A.S. Pushkin is the great Russian national poet. He is among such brilliant artists of the word as Shakespeare, Goethe, Leo Tolstoy.

8 student: He is called the sun of Russian poetry, so bright was his talent, so warm and affectionate, so necessary for people.

They go off to the music.

Reader: Pushkin was born on June 6 (new style) 1799. The Pushkin family had 3 children. Alexander was average. The elder sister's name was Olga, the younger brother was Leo ..

Reader: Pushkin's mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, is the granddaughter of the famous Arab Ibrahim Hannibal. She had African blood in her. She was swarthy with black thick curls, dark eyes, a thin aquiline nose, and a proudly set head. She was very beautiful.

Reader: Father - Sergei Lvovich - military man, Lieutenant of the Izmailovsky regiment of the Life Guards. Alexander Pushkin was the second child in the family (the first was his sister Olga), was born in May, grew up as a plump bumpkin with wide-open, not childishly intelligent blue eyes.

Reader: Famous guests often gathered at the parents' house: historians, writers, poets - all witty, clever people (Karamzin N.M., Dmitriev I.I., Batyushkov N.N., Zhukovsky V.A. And uncle, poet Vasily Lvovich Pushkin). Little Sasha calmed down, sat in a corner and eagerly listened to intelligent conversations, he never interfered in the affairs of the big ones, reacted to everything with lightning speed, grabbed everything on the fly.

Reader: When his parents left for the ball, Sasha climbed into his father's study, where there was a large library, sat down in a huge chair and read and read. His eyes were flushed, his face was covered with a dark blush. He did not see or hear anything around him, immersed in reading.

Reader: When Alexander Sergeevich was small, his parents did not foresee any special talent in him.

Reader: On the contrary, it seemed to them that nothing in life would come of him. He was a heavy, plump boy, clumsy and lacking in initiative. Nadezhda Osipovna made little Alexander run and play with his peers, with difficulty defeating both his laziness and his silence. "

Reader: Until the age of 12, he was brought up at home. As a child, Pushkin spoke Russian worse than French. His first teacher of the Russian language was his grandmother Maria Alekseevna. She was an excellent storyteller of interesting stories, loved to tell them, and Pushkin loved to listen to them.

Reader: However, he did not want to study. He had an excellent memory, and he tried to be cunning: he tried to remember the lessons at the moment when his sister answered them to the teacher. Arithmetic seemed inaccessible to him, and he often burst into bitter tears over the first four rules, especially over division.

Reader: From the age of 9, Sasha began to read a lot. He would sneak into his father's library and read for hours on end. From the age of 8 he began to write poetry, of course, in French.

Scene No. 1

A room in the Pushkin house.

Pushkin wakes up. Jumps up with a roar. She bites her nails. Dresses quickly. Runs. On the way, he loses his handkerchief.

MOTHER (is watching it all): Oh my God. Heavy, clumsy. She always loses her scarves. We must tie his hands with a belt.

(He is trying to do this. Pushkin breaks free. He looks at everyone wildly).

Who is this? There is no courtesy in him.

(At this moment, Pushkin, sitting down at the table, accidentally hits his glass. His mother hits him on the cheek).

FATHER: This glass costs money! 15 kopecks! Everything always falls out of your hands!

Mother and father bend over the pieces. Pushkin laughs.

MOTHER: Why are you laughing? What are you grinning your teeth?

FATHER: Sashka, go over there

Pushkin leaves with dignity.

MOTHER: Look, what a proud man! He lifted his head! His honor was insulted.

Pushkin passes by.

Arina secretly shoves him a gingerbread. Presses to his chest. Goes with him. Then he falls behind.

PUSHKIN(Goes to the bookshelves. He takes out a thick one, begins to read, then hides this book).

ARINA (sees this):

Don't take the books from there, Sasha. It's a secret closet! Father will be displeased.

PUSHKIN: The secret cabinet was read during the week. A lot of interesting. That's about love! And this is about honor and dignity.

FATHER: He carries books from me. Reads what is not allowed. It is necessary to cultivate an elegant taste in him - this forms a person.

SOMEONE OF THE GUESTS: Why didn't you send him to the University boarding school?

FATHER: Sasha has grown up. All his peers have been identified. Alone, he loitering about a small man. Well, God bless him, with this boarding house. He prefers ... Petersburg.

VASILY LVOVICH: Near St. Petersburg ... To Tsarskoe Selo ... To the Lyceum ... I myself will take him there. This is a completely new educational institution ... There has never been anything like this in Russia ...

Scene number 2

... The audience is walking in Tsarskoe Selo. Some of the walkers may be with children.

- Something new ... have you heard?
- Yes! They called it the Lyceum.
- What does this Lyceum mean?
- We must find out soon!
- Aristotle taught so.
- He then lived in Athens.
- And, walking along the alleys,
- He thought about Lycea.
- And in the Russian way - the Lyceum.
- And there are enough alleys here.
- They say they won't beat.
- How to teach without it?
- You are a savage! Shame on you?! I'm sorry for Russia!
- Education - 6 years.
- So their teachers' council decided.
- Someone else told me - everyone has a separate dormitory.
- We decided correctly. It's wonderful. Alone to be comfortable.


How did it all begin?
I remember:
With lyceum time
I wish to meet.


Looking sometime at this secret piece of paper,
Once written by me,
Fly away to the Lyceum corner for a while
An all-powerful, sweet dream.
Remember the quick minutes of the first days
Peaceful bondage, six years of connection,
Sorrows, joys, dreams of your soul,
Disagreements of friendship and the joy of reconciliation, -
What was and will not be again ...

Lyceum students enter to the music. It is desirable that there should be at least 8-10 people. Uniform - dark trousers, white shirts. Red ribbons are sewn to the collars. The collars are up.

Reader: In this temple of sciences, honest citizens will be educated. The words and deeds of a statesman should serve as an example for others. Acquire titles and honors only in an honest way, the opposite is worthy of contempt.
The Lyceum brought up students in the spirit of love for the Fatherland, for Russia.

Reader: All lyceum students of the Pushkin edition considered themselves and later showed themselves as truly Russian.

Reader: The whole world is a foreign land to us. Fatherland to us Tsarskoe Selo.


There are 30 of them. Here is the class.
Bakunin, Broglio, Volkhovsky,
Savrasov, Delvig, Korf, Danzas,
Tyrkov, Kornilov, Malinovsky.
Here Kukhlya, Maslov, Esakov,
Komovsky, Guryev. Illichevsky,
Kostensky, Steven, Gorchakov,
Martynov, Myasoedov, Rzhevsky.
Here is Grevenets and Lomonosov,
Here is Yakovlev and Korsakov
But where else is someone wearing it?
Respond to the pipe manager!
We, of course, will not forget them:
Matyushkin, Pushchin, Pushkin, Yudin.

Reader: Yes! The lyceum regime is strict - everyone is called to the lesson

Math lesson

Karpov enters. Distributes sheets to everyone. Everything is decided. Pushkin alone does nothing.

KARPOV: Pushkin, solve the equation.

PUSHKIN: I can not.

KARPOV: Go and decide, and you all hurry!

Pushkin is tormented at the blackboard.

KARPOV: I still stand sadly and look ...

PUSHKIN: But the equation is zero.

KARPOV: You always and everything is equal to zero. Yes! With math you can't do 5. You sit at the last row, compose your poems. Here's your only advice.

The very old Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin appears.


Old man Derzhavin noticed everything.
I did not hide my enthusiasm then.
After all, a miracle in Pushkin was noted
And, going down into the coffin, he blessed.

I want to hear everything again.
Come on, honey, get closer.
Pick up the phone soon, (hearing aid)
And Sasha is a stronger mouthpiece.


Pushkin runs into the garden.

Reader : In the spring of the same 1815 "Memories in Tsarskoe Selo" was published in the magazine "Russian Museum" with a note: "For delivering this gift, we sincerely thank the relatives of the young poet, whose talent promises so much. Publisher "Museum".

Reader: The Lyceum has become a second home and a real family. Here he met people who became his lifelong friends - Pushchin, Kuchelbecker, Delvig. And there was no other poet in Russia for whom friendship would play such a role. His friends were smart, funny, interesting guys who later became famous people in Russia: Matyushkin is a navigator, Yakovlev is a composer, Gorchakov is a diplomat. I continued my studies at the Lyceum for six years, but the friendship remained for the rest of my life.

Before release


“In the summer of 1816, we got the news.

- Count Razumovsky, with the permission of the tsar, ordered to accelerate our graduation by four months.

- What made the authorities rush to graduate?

- I do not know.

- We graduated from the Lyceum three months ahead of schedule. The walls no longer held us.


Six years rushed like a dream
In the arms of sweet silence.
And the fatherland's vocation
Oh mother! We have heeded our calling,
Young blood boils in my chest!
We only have one desire -
Always keep love for you!
We made an oath: all dear,
Everything without division - blood and labor.
Ready to fight unwaveringly
Unwaveringly - the truth to the court ...

Reader: "Farewell Song" was written by Anton Delvig. Wrote excellently. Tepper's music was good too. The king did not listen to the chanting. He left. They didn’t sing for him. They sang as if they swore eternal friendship. They swore to keep the best that the Lyceum gave.


Goodbye brothers! Hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time!
Fate for eternal parting,
Stop each other
You look with a farewell tear!
Store, oh friends, store
That friendship with the same soul.
That is a strong striving for the truth,
The same blood young to glory.
In misery - proud patience

And in happiness - everyone cares about love!
Six years rushed like a dream
In the arms of sweet silence
And the fatherland's vocation
Thunders to us: march, sons!
Goodbye brothers, hand in hand!
Let's hug one last time.
Fate for eternal parting,
Perhaps here she is akin to us!

Celebration scenario

"Avenue of Stars of Lyceum No. 4"

Goals: .Promoting the work, achievements of the Lyceum for ... ..the academic year in the form of a creative report.

    Encouragement of students and their parents who make the greatest contribution to increasing the prestige of the Lyceum.

Preparatory work:

Decoration of the exhibition of achievements and works of students in the foyer, placement of information about the Lyceum (banners, brochures, brochures)

    Stage and hall decoration, balls.

    Preparation of award material

    Technical, musical accompaniment of the event

    Holiday script


    Registration of guests

Holiday script Start:

Dark room, projection onto the screen of the slide "Lyceum with windows into space"

There is an extraordinary country

You won't find it on the map:

It is not visible to everyone ...This country is Lyceum # 4!(A Fairy appears in a ray of light, she walks across the hall to the stage with the words):

Man is born like a star

WITHamid an obscure misty millennium

In infinity begins

And ends at infinity

Generations created

Century after century the Earth is incorruptible

A man like a star is born

To make the universe brighter!

The curtain opens, in the background is a starry sky with planets. (the fairy disappears)

The presenters come out - a boy and a girl.

NS : Who is a man-star?

D : I think the Star Man is a person who has achieved significant success, became famous, lit up in the sky with his achievements, illuminating for other people the path of hope for their own success.

NS : And what do you think there are such people in our lyceum?

D: Of course, new stars will light up in our sky today, because today is an unusual day for everyone who has gathered in this hall. In a few minutes, those who this year were able to achieve success in the field of sports, studies, science and creativity, as well as those who contributed to the development and prestige of the Lyceum, will appear on the stage.

NS: We are glad now to welcome you all to the festival "Alley of stars of the Lyceum 2015". The right to open the event is given to the director of the lyceum, respected Rinat Fazylyanovich Ilyasov.( Director's speech ) D: Celebration "Alley of Lyceum Stars - 2015" is considered open!( the anthem sounds everyone gets up ) D : Our holiday is attended by guests - the head of the department of education ………………………

Let's welcome them and give them the floor.NS : For our guests today are the owners of the competition "Pearls of Bashkortostan" folklore studio "Miras"Yu.A. - In the galaxy we have discovered a new constellation today- "Constellation -25 th ». These are dozens of stars. Some shine brighter, others longer. There are those that we will see in 5-10 years, and there are those that are shining brightly now. These are winners and prize-winners of Olympiads, contests and competitions of the All-Russian, regional level. We invite our legendary basketball team “Storm” to the stage. Gold medal winnersv
First World Games of Young Compatriots - International sports competitions among children of compatriots living abroad, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
winners of the IES-Basket school basketball league in the Volga Federal District, prize-winners of the 8th All-Russian IES-Basket basketball league championship in Ulyanovsk... We invite to the stage the prize-winner of the Championship of the Russian Student Sports Union in boxing "Heroes of Russia" Alibaev Roman, a student of the 9th grade.

Ruslan Markelov, student of 1st grade took part in the Championship of Russia in Russian drafts in Kostroma and entered the top 10 players. We invite the winners of the regional Olympiad in IKB Safiullin Zulkhiza, student of grade 9a and student of grade 8c Yulbarisova Lia. We invite to the stage the winner of the regional technical Olympiad Robert Sultanov, a student of grade 11a. It is with great pleasure that we invite the winner of the competition "Waste a second life", a student of the 8a grade, Iskuzhina Aliya, and the winner of the same competition, Safina Adelya, a student of the 5b grade. We invitewinners of the Grand Prix of the regional folklore competition "Pearls of Bashkortostan" folklore studio "Miras", a team of Akhmetov Gaziz, Gubaidullin Azamat, Rakhmatullin Rail, Mambetova Dinara - winners of the regional competition of young storytellers of the epic "Ural Batyr". "Safe wheel" Galina Vadim, Hasanov Ildar, Yarmukhametova Liana, pupils of 6b grade.Let's applaud them from the bottom of our hearts, well done! You are certainly worthy of the awards and they are yours.

The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs is invited to the stage for rewarding -( awarding)

NS : Winners of the Grand Prix of the regional folklore competition "Pearls of Bashkortostan" folklore studio "Miras"D: - Who raises you to heaven?Yu: - Only myself.D: - Who throws you down from a height?Yu: - Only you.D: - Where are the keys to your happy destiny forged?Yu: - Only in you.D: - How will you pay for a victorious battle?Yu: - Only by myself

D: For the presentation of awards to the winners in the nomination "Winners" The head of the school scientific society "Integral" is invited to the stage -.

( awarding the winners of the Olympiads and competitionsNS: On stage the ensemble "Kapelka", winners of the zonal competition for young talents "Spring drops"D:

Long live reason!

Let knowledge be famous

How the sun burns in the distance!

NS: Let the darkness of ignorance

The torment will take hold

The fire of the intellect - you burn forever!

D : Let these words become your motto for your whole life! AND

for awarding in the nomination "Intellectual Rainbow" the floor is given to the responsible coordinator of the conduct and organization of the All-Russian competitions at the boarding school -Buryanina Yulia Aleksandrovna

( awards for victories in competitions ) NS: And for you, dear viewers, the winner of the Grand Prix of the television competition "Baik" Rail Rakhmatullin is speaking.D: “Turn on the light in the hall!” The spectator shouted. “I'm scared!NS : - I do not believe!D: -If two are talking, and the third is listening to their conversation, this is already a theater.Yu: Attention to the screen, and on the stage for the award in the nomination "Mask" we invite the head of the theatrical association "Balagan" -Kasinenko Natalia Borisovna. (rewarding theater groups) D :

concert number
NS : Be ahead, say and do,

D : Serve an idea, think boldly,

NS : To be able to take all responsibility

D : And help school life,

NS : For everyone to become more interesting,

D : Become a leader in your constellation!

NS : We continue the awards ceremony and present the fifth category "Leaders"

D: The teacher-organizer Liskovich Yulia Vasilievna is invited to the stage.

(award for social activities)


D : Today finalists of regional and Russian competitions in sports - ballroom dancing from Bratsk, Irkutsk, Ust-Ilimsk-Titova Taisiya and Smirnov Vladislav are performing for you.

NS: We live in the world of music

And we sing in the shower every day.

D : And if the voice allows,

then the song warms the heart!

For the award ceremony in the nomination "Silver Voices" invited the head of the vocal and instrumental association "Domisolka" - Natalya Anatolyevna Korol

( rewarding vocalist v)

D: On stage, the laureate of the All-Russian competitions in the cities of Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk Dosontseva Diana with the song "Adagio »

NS : Oh, sport, you are the world!

Oh, sport, you are life!

The path to longevity, health!

It is always prestige to be an athlete!

D : And the physical education teacher - Martynenko V.I. is invited to the stage for rewarding in the nomination "Olympian".

( Rewarding athletes )

NS: For you, a quartet of young men of 7-9 grades, winners of city competitions and festivals, are singing. Song "Birches"

Yu.A. : And how not to remember here about dancing?

They are both a sport and an art form,

Movement, music and feelings!

NS : The head of the choreographic association "Style" - Irina Mikhailovna Illarionova is invited to be awarded in the "Crystal Shoe" nomination.

(Awarding talented performers )

NS: We greet the older group of girls of the choreographic association "Style" with the composition "Helicopter"Yu.A: If I don't burn

If you don’t burn,

If we don't burn

Who will see the light then?
NS: We continue our ceremony and the librarian of the school, Ekaterina Viktorovna Akulich, is invited to be awarded in the "Readers of the Year" nomination.

(rewarding readers )

NS: The graduates sing for you - Kalmynina Rada, Dyatlova Alena and Slobodchikova Anna.
D: Lovers and connoisseurs of music are not born, but become ... To love music, you must first of all listen to it. (Dmitry Shostakovich)

NS: With a musical composition, we welcome the ensemble of kuraists, winners of the regional competition of kuraists for the Karim Diyarov Prize
Yu.A: Know yourself - it's interesting!

Yu: Create yourself - it's necessary!

Yu.A: Affirm yourself - it is possible!

Yu: Show yourself - it's real!

Yu.A: We are moving on to the next nomination "Golden Hands". And we invite the head of the creative association “The Amazing World of the Skin of the Head of the Association” to the stage.

(rewarding masters )

NS: And on stage
Yu.A. And we continue our award ceremony and the head of the creative association "Rainbow" - Anzhelika Vladimirovna Fedorova, nomination "Magic Brush" is invited to the stage

(rewarding artists)

NS: A contestant of city and district sings for you

D: If a daughter grows up to the joy of others,
Clever, sportswoman and artist,
So it was mom who tried -
And she was a mentor and a close friend.

If the son is the first everywhere,

The stars from the sky are easily enough

It's all parenting nerves

The heavens are moving towards him!


Here they are - beloved children:
your boys and your girls,
your little children, your bloods.
There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.

D: How many sleepless nights and days
given for daughters and sons!
How many hard and long years
given to daughters and sons!

NS : The director of the school Ivanovskas T.N. is invited to the stage. and deputy director for educational work - Alexandrova V.I. (rewarding parents )
D: Dear parents dancing for you

NS : On our holiday we collected

We are the pride of the school, the school light!

And what, tell me, would you name those

Who has already achieved several victories?
D: Those who don't just go to school

Does he teach, think and create?

And who is the scientific basis-

Will Russia retain its prestige?

NS: We have come to the most important and crucial moment - the last nomination "Student of the Year -2015"

The right to award is given to the director of the lyceum, honorary education worker of the Russian Federation Rinat Fazylyanovich Ilyasov.

On the stage, the younger group of the choreographic association "Style", we meet - "Kalinka"

Yu: You can only learn for yourself,

Go on stage, not loving the theater,

You can play lazily as a team

But you are used to winning!

D: You won for the honor of the school

For the honor of the school, he shone with talent,

You were the best again!

NS: Olympiad, competition, tournament.

And the WORLD admires you.

You became the best by winning the fight.

The school is proud of you
D: The teacher was there, the teacher is happy:

You deserve mountains of awards -

Cups and prizes sparkle on the shelves.

In soul and heart - a call:

Yu: For the honor of the school! Full speed ahead!

Perseverance leads to a high goal.

And in honor of the school - excitement and success.

We believe in you more than anyone!

D: And we invite the teachers and leaders of all today's nominees to step onto the stage,

everyone who received awards!

Fairy appears:

- So the stars lit up once again in our sky. We have got an amazing garland of dazzling stars, The radiance from our stars spreads to the entire hall.

So someone wants them to be! You have the opportunity to become a "star" during the year so that you will be noticed too!

I believe that our alley of stars of the Lyceum will grow into a blossoming garden of Russia

Fairy: We say goodbye to you not for long, until the next academic year, and we believe that in the next academic year the number of stars will double! Goodbye "Avenue of Stars 2015"!

1. The student performs an excerpt from the poem by A.S. Pushkin "October 19" 1825

My friends, our union is wonderful!
He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal -
Unwavering, free and carefree
It grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.
Wherever fate throws us
And happiness wherever it would lead
We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us;
Fatherland to us Tsarskoe Selo.

2. Leading word.

At the beginning of my life I remember school;
There were many of us, careless children;
An uneven and playful family ...

These poetic lines will be written by an adult, wise A.S. Pushkin, recalling the years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - the school that has become his home.

At the beginning of my life I remember school ...

Today, October 19, marks 198 years since the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. For everyone who studied with A.S. Pushkin and in subsequent years, this day became one of the main holidays. And the poet spoke about October 19: “Lyceum cherished day”.

That is how we called today's holiday, which is doubly a holiday, because October 19 is the opening day of the Pushkin School. And even, I think that for all those who have gathered here, this is a triple holiday, for today students of several grades can rightfully call themselves young Pushkinists. Indeed, today, in a solemn and festive atmosphere, your dedication will take place.

Fanfare sounds.
On the screen - slides with views of Tsarskoe Selo.

3. Leading word

The place for the Lyceum was chosen in Tsarskoe Selo, a city of beautiful gardens and parks, not far from the capital - St. Petersburg.

Boys from noble families who passed the exam were admitted to the Lyceum. There are thirty of them - just one class. They are not the same age. The smallest is eleven years old, the oldest is fifteen. They are called "undergrowths". Is it a shame? No! They are really not yet mature enough to serve in the state or military, and therefore must study.

And the best teachers will teach them! Educated and well-read, they specially prepared to teach in the new school! They are called not teachers, but professors or assistant professors. They dream that their students become honest and noble people, bring benefit and glory to their Fatherland. And they look forward to the start of classes with the same impatience as the boys.

... So we were looking forward to this first big festive meeting with you, young Pushkinists, with impatience and excitement. From now on you can call yourself students of the Pushkin School. And I think you would be very interested to know what the Pushkin School is and what the children who are brought up here learn ...

We will try to answer your questions. So…

4. Slide presentation

(A story about the history of the Pushkin School, its traditions, holidays, competitions, trips, about the infrastructure of connections ...)

The first Pushkin school in Russia was opened in the glorious Tula land, in the city of chemists, where Pushkin, of course, has never been - a city hundreds of kilometers far from Pushkin's museums and from the centers of Pushkin studies. Opened in “Lyceum cherished day” in 1996.

You see a photograph of the teaching staff of the Pushkin School - “mentors who keep youth”. Some of them have been working at the school since the day it was founded. We cannot but be proud of our wonderful teaching staff. Under the canopy of the Pushkin school gathered the best language teachers of the city of Novomoskovsk and the Novomoskovsk region.

Our teachers are, first of all, spiritualized people, full of creative fervor. Able to teach and educate Pushkin, “without bothering with strict morality,” without preaching. Able, with the help of the “amazing Alexander Sergeevich”, to light up the light in the souls of their pupils.

Our special pride is the library - the best Pushkin library in the Tula region. Today it contains more than four thousand books on Pushkin themes, a richest collection of magazine and newspaper publications about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin.

This collage helps us remember the varied and wonderful events in our history. Many of them took place here, in the Pushkin drawing room. This is, for example:

  • reading contests,
  • a variety of living rooms,
  • holiday-competition "Natalie",
  • Pushkin readings.

In this photo, you can see how the family readings go. By the way, parents are frequent guests at our school. It has become a good tradition for parents to perform together with their children.

One of the forms of work of the Pushkin School is excursions. In what Pushkin places our students have visited! We are happy that we were able to organize more than sixty trips for pupils to Pushkin places (and this, undoubtedly, is one of the most effective forms of instilling interest in studying Pushkin!)

We are proud that the pupils of our creative studios - theater, music, studio of expressive reading - have performed with great success on the "highest" stages:

  • and in the famous Parade Hall of the RFK,
  • and in the Central House of Scientists;
  • and in the Central House of Artists,
  • on the famous poetic glade (the main Pushkin stage in Russia!),
  • in living rooms, halls, at the memorial sites of Pushkin museums in Moscow, Moscow, Pskov, Kaluga regions;
  • performed in the apartment of the descendants of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow - in the family of G.A. Galina,
  • on "People's Radio".

We hope that you will support the many traditions laid down in the past years.

5. Leading word

Today is a special day. And on days like this, everything you want turns out. Oh, how you want to be in Tsarskoe Selo on October 19, 1811 and see what they were like - lyceum students of Pushkin's time. Let's listen, maybe we can hear their voices !?

6. There is a knock on the front door. The voices of young lyceum students can be heard from the corridor:

- It's great that today, on the opening day of the Lyceum, it snowed!
- A-ah-ah! - a shout is heard, several cotton snowballs are flying into the hall.
- No, you won't get away, Kyukhlya!
- Guys, catch up with him! Behind me! - run through the living room to the library.

7. Leading word

This or something like this ended this day on October 19 in 1811 for the lyceum students of the first Pushkin graduation. Yes, they became pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, they had to prepare for state service ... But we will not blame them for their pranks, for today, October 19, 1811, they are just children.

8. The heads of lyceum students peep out of the library into the living room. Conversation:

- It is a holiday today!
- You feel: the professors are worried, even the director Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky is worried!
- Friends, carriages are approaching the building. Parents have arrived!
- Look: chairs have already been arranged for the guests.
- Everyone is here?
- No! The Tsar is awaited!

On the screen - the Great Hall of the Lyceum.

The lyceum students appear in the living room.
The presenter announces, addressing those present:

- Ladies and gentlemen, His Imperial Majesty Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich!

Fanfare sounds.
An actor who plays Alexander the First enters, takes pride of place.

On the screen - the Charter of the Lyceum.

9. Leading word

On the opening day of the Lyceum, the Lyceum students saw the Charter for the first time - a large red book in an elegant binding. On the cover the letter “A” is the monogram of Emperor Alexander. The Charter contains all the responsibilities of the pupils and their rights. Let's give an example of these:

  • All pupils are equal, like children of one father or family!
  • It is forbidden for pupils to shout at the ministers or scold them, even if they were their serfs!
  • Corporal punishment is prohibited!

(With each new rule, the “lyceum students” whisper, comment on them.)

Pay attention to one of the teachers. How he gazes intently at future pupils. This is Professor Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn. Years will pass, and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin will remember his beloved teacher and the solemn moment in this way:

Do you remember when the Lyceum was founded,
As a tsar, he opened the palace of tsaritsyn for us.
And we came. And Kunitsyn met us
Greetings between the royal guests ...

Fanfare sounds.

10. Leading word

- Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn.

11. Kunitsyn comes out and addresses the lyceum students:

I appeal to you, young pets, future pillars of the Fatherland! From the embrace of your parents, you now walk under the roof of this sacred temple of sciences. Time will pass, and you will have an impact on the good of the whole society ... The roads of honor and glory are open before you. Always remember that there is no higher rank than the high rank of a citizen. Love for glory and Fatherland should always be your only leader!

12. The students perform an excerpt from the poem by A.S. Pushkin "October 19" 1825

Bless, jubilant muse
Bless: long live the Lyceum!
To the mentors who kept our youth,
To all honor, both dead and alive,
Raising a cup of gratitude to his lips,
Not remembering evil, we will reward for the good.

13. An excellent student of public education, the founder of the Pushkin school, a teacher who was awarded a state award - the Pushkin medal, N.Ya. Borodin.

Fanfare sounds.

14. Leading word

October 19 became a special day for all lyceum students for the rest of their lives. “Lyceum is a cherished day” - this is how A.S. Pushkin, and after him his friends. So we call it, and those who will live after us.

Years will pass, fate will scatter around the world those who studied with Pushkin, but every year on October 19 they, bound by the bonds of friendship, lyceum brotherhood, will strive to meet their narrow circle. Now let's name only six of them ...

Scene: the names of Pushkin's lyceum students are heard, each of them approaches the emperor, bowing, and greets him. At the same time, accompanying each name, a brief historical note about the lyceum student sounds.

Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin is one of Pushkin's closest friends. “My first friend, my friend is invaluable” - this is what Pushkin called Pushchin. Became a judge of the Moscow court court, Decembrist, sentenced to eternal hard labor. Author of "Notes on Pushkin" - one of the most reliable memoir sources about the young Pushkin.

Anton Antonovich Delvig is a baron, a wonderful poet, one of three lyceum students who visited Pushkin in Mikhailovskaya exile.

Konstantin Karlovich Danzas, a lyceum comrade who became a second in Pushkin's last duel, rose to the rank of major general.

Wilhelm Karlovich Küchelbecker is a lyceum friend to whom Pushkin will devote the following lines: “my brother is dear to his muse, by fate”. A remarkable poet, literary critic, almanac publisher, Decembrist, participant in the uprising on Senate Square, sentenced to 20 years in hard labor.

Volkhovsky Vladimir Dmitrievich - "suvorochka", the best student of Pushkin's graduation, graduated from the Lyceum with a large gold medal, chose a military career, rose to the rank of major general, was involved in the case of the Decembrists.

- Ladies and gentlemen, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin!

The Emperor withdraws.

15. Slide presentation(the story is a brief reference about some of the graduates of the Pushkin school).

16. A gift from graduates of the Pushkin School to young Pushkinists: they perform the poems of A.S. Pushkin.

17. Graduates of the Pushkin School, present at the celebration, address the young Pushkin scholars with parting words.

18. Solemn moment of dedication.

The name of each student of the Pushkin class is read out by name, the class is being built in the center of the living room, the graduates present them with badges.

19. The anthem of the Pushkin school is being performed.

20. All participants of the holiday are invited to Pushkin Square to the monument to the poet.

Poems are sung, flowers are laid.

The assembly hall is festively decorated: ceiling garlands of balls. Backdrop: lanterns, sailboat decorated with electric garlands. A curtain with an applique inscription: "Lyceum is 5 years old!" On the wings, 2 screens are reinforced, 2 slide projectors are charged, a light source for the ball, a colored frame. Scene harlequin - a framing of electric garlands. At the central staircase there are flowerpots with flower arrangements. In front of the stage there is a coffee table, 2 microphones, 1 - on the far stage, in the same place: flowers on the backdrop, 30 chairs.

In the room: tables are placed according to the plan, chairs, epidiascope. Places have been prepared for grades 10, 11, guests, teachers, parents. The paths are spread with the letter "T".

From 16.30 - music in sound recording. Meeting and accommodation of guests.

17.00. Musical signal "Glory!"

Speaker(behind the scenes). "Dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the economic lyceum!"

Music. Ballroom couples move along the central aisle. Stop mise-en-scene.

1st presenter... From the decree of His Imperial Majesty Alexander I: "The establishment of the Lyceum is aimed at the education of youth, especially those destined for important parts of the public service."

2nd leader.

Do you remember when the Lyceum was founded?

How did the tsar open the palace of Tsaritsyn for us?

And we came, and Kunitsyn met us

Greetings between the royal guests.

1st presenter.

Kunitsyn is a tribute to heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our flame.

The cornerstone was set by him,

They lit a clean lamp ...

2nd leader. Do we remember? Yes, we remember! October 19, 1911 - the grand opening of the 1st Russian Lyceum took place. This date has become the "Day of the Lyceum Brotherhood"!

Change the picture.

1st presenter.

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal -

Unwavering, free and carefree

It grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

2nd leader.

Wherever fate throws us,

And happiness wherever it takes

We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us;

Fatherland to us Tsarskoe Selo!

Change the picture.

1st presenter... What names! What personalities were brought up, given to the Fatherland by the 1st Russian Lyceum!

2nd presenter... Poets, pupils of muses: Alexander Pushkin, Anton Delvig, Ivan Pushchin ... Outstanding statesmen: Alexander Gorchakov, Modest Korf.

1st presenter.

Hello, young tribe, unfamiliar, not me

I will see your mighty late age

When you outgrow my acquaintances

And you will overshadow their old chapter ...

I anticipate a gratifying meeting;

Remember the poet's prediction:

Years will fly by - I am with you again!

The poet's prediction has come true - years, decades have passed, and we are together again, "we are celebrating the cherished Day of the Lyceum!"

2nd leader. And therefore - hello, Lyceum Brotherhood Day!

Everything. Hello Lyceum!

Musical signal "Gaudeamus". Full light on stage.

1st presenter. Good evening, gentlemen! And again on the calendar - October 19, Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Day ...

2nd leader. And again, under the roof of our house, gathered friends, brothers in the lyceum brotherhood, guests of our traditional holiday.

1st presenter."The parterre is already full - the boxes shine ..."

2nd presenter... And the lyceum students are all in awe ...

1st presenter... I don’t know about you, but you and I for sure are in awe. Because today is not just a holiday, not just a tribute to tradition: today is a historical date. We are celebrating the birthday of our lyceum.

2nd presenter... We are years old today. (The number of years that have passed since the creation of the lyceum is indicated.)

1st presenter... Modesty, of course, beautifies a person. Especially if he is a lyceum student, but, nevertheless, we have something and someone to be proud of. The names of the future pride of Russia are already inscribed in the annals of our lyceum.

Light on the far stage.

2nd leader. ____ years of life - this is ___ graduation of lyceum students, ____ pupils of our lyceum received a ticket to an independent life here. _____ became students of higher educational institutions of the country. _____ graduated from the Lyceum with gold and silver medals.

1st presenter... Today, those who are the pride of our lyceum came to the holiday.


The represented stand up. Applause.

2nd presenter... And we are happy that you are here with us today, that you remember our good tradition. We ask you to perform a solemn act - to raise the flag of our state!

Music - Anthem of Russia. Raising the flag. Turning off the light.

1st presenter... And now ... now are some memories.

2nd presenter... Light and joyful

1st presenter. Sad and gentle.

2nd presenter... Because these are memories of the past childhood - the childhood of our common lyceum home!

Turning off the general light. Beam leads the soloist. The projector is working - photomontage on the screen.

A song by the Time Machine group is being performed.

I. Do you remember how it all began?

Everything was for the first time and again.

How boats were built

And the boats were called "Vera", "Hope", "Love".

How the ropes were chopped together,

And the land went into the distance.

And the waves sang to us

And one in five, as a rule, was at the helm.


We remember those who went to sea

All those who are loved by the wave

All those who are lucky.

He will find his land.

II. The storms frightened us in vain.

Any sailor will tell you

That we should hardly be afraid of the storm,

After all, in essence, a storm is a trifle.

In a storm only hands are stronger

And the sail will help you go.

It's much harder not to go crazy out of boredom

And withstand the complete calm.


On the last chorus - turning off the lights on the stage.

2nd leader.

And if the goal is the same in joy and sorrow,

The one who did not shy away and did not give up cheerful,

He will find his land!

Lyceum students ____ years are busy looking for their land.

1st presenter. First, let's jump into the world of the beautiful and eternal.

2nd leader. Do you love theater? The way I love him - that is, with all the strength of my soul ?! A? I can see in my eyes that you love. And how can you not love him if Shakespeare once said: "The whole world is a theater and we are all actors in it!"

1st presenter... Well, if William Shakespeare himself ... Actors, on stage!

Musical signal.

Dolls are shown from behind the curtain. This is Parsley.

1st Parsley.

Hey son!

Make the first call!

The show begins!

Here, here everyone is invited!

Stop, passer-by! Stop!

Marvel at our miracle!

Push from the back rows

Go to the checkout.

Buy a ticket for a dime

And enter the booth as soon as possible!

2nd Parsley.

Come on, son,

Give the 2nd call!


Prepare the scars.

Stock up on a ticket


Performance for yat!

More interesting to find!

1st Parsley.

Move, son,

Make the 3rd call!

Come on, come on! Fly in!

Grab your tickets!

Behold miracles -

You don't want to go to America.

Let's go get started

Please play music!

During the invitations - the exit of the singer with the guitar.

Song "Dolls" from the repertoire of the group "Time Machine".

I. Faces are erased, colors are dull -

Whether people, or dolls.

A look is like a look

And the shadow on the shadow.

I'm tired and, while resting, I invite you to the booth,

Where dolls look so much like people.

On repeat - the curtain opens. Stop-mise-en-scene "Dolls".

II. Harlequins and pirates

Circus performers and acrobats.

And the villain instills fear in us all.

The wolf and the hare, the tigers in the cage -

They are all puppets

In dexterous and hard-working hands.

Repeat - change of mise-en-scène "Doll".

III. Puppets are pulled by the strings

They have smiles on their faces.

And the clown plays the trumpet.

And in the process of being presented

The impression is created

That the dolls dance by themselves!

On a loss, the dolls came to life.

1st doll. Pa-pa, I taught! Pa-pa, I taught!

2nd doll(sings). I do not believe! I do not believe!

3rd doll(sings). Now I am a first grader.

And every pooch

When they meet, he immediately gives his paw.

4th doll... Woof! Woof! Woof!

5th doll(fighter). Mikhail Vasilievich! I have a physical education exemption.

6th doll. Why? Why?

5th doll(fighter). Head wound.

1st doll... Mama! I taught! Mama! I taught!

7th doll... I do not believe! I do not believe!

8th doll(clown). Brothers in Mind! Puff me up I'm dying of mental exhaustion.

4th doll... Woof! Woof!

2-7th dolls. We do not believe! We do not believe!

6th doll. Why? Why?

5th doll... Where to blow, friend?

8th doll(clown). To the head. Just be careful - this is the most painful place!

Blowing is a musical accent. The clown straightens, and now he sings - the dolls beat the rhythm. Song of the group "Bravo" "Late Hour".

I. Late hour - half past twelve,

I sit and write again.

At the eyelashes - scraps of sleep.

Outside the window, the clouds are white

In heavenly silence

My life floats away.


II. Outside the window, the sky is getting darker. The common people are sleeping.

It must be raining down there.

The night is long, but the journey is even longer, how long is my flight

To release.

Everything... If you live!


Secret movement of thoughts in the head

Doesn't give rest to you and me;

You are far from me, my dear session,

But I know for sure: time will not save me.

A month or two rushed, my head will completely swell,

And then either a cut or an offset will be announced!

At the last chorus, it begins to "deflate" - the last convulsions-movements. The dolls froze. The curtain has closed.

1st Parsley.

To our torment

Have you all looked?

Try it yourself

Didn't want to?

2nd Parsley.

Hey, don't listen to him.

He's lying to everyone in spite.

Himself rushing to the board first,

And if they don't ask, he'll die!

1st Parsley.

Now let me give you our deepest respect,

Thank you for visiting!

1st presenter... Yes, the source of lyceum creativity is inexhaustible.

That's what it means - graduates, jack of all trades, not out of boredom.

And we went to football - worried,

And they looked into the lyceum!

2nd presenter... What people! Human beings! I wonder what the new generation can add to what has already been said?

A groan is heard.

1st presenter... Yes, it is strongly said! Let's see how it will be shown!

Music - "From Beyond the Island ..."

2nd presenter... The gateway is wonderful in calm weather, when the waves of Mother Volga gently beat on the coast of their native Zakanalye. (Landscape sketching may be adapted to the local area.)

1st presenter. The heels of high school students who are late for the 0th lesson are wonderfully tapping. Even more weird is the lyceum student, who managed to arrive in time at this pre-dawn hour ...

2nd presenter... And the most wonderful thing is that he came not only on time, but also to the right place - to our "Miracle Lyceum"!

Musical signal. The curtain has gone. Freeze.

1st lyceum student. And what, lads, recruits, shouldn't you write us a letter to the Lyceum Sultan?

2nd lyceum student... To the pedagogical council of ibn a scientist?

1st lyceum student... Him, his dear!

3rd lyceum student... Yes, you can't write a yak, if they are ... the teachers are harsh, through the curriculum and the great load on the beat call us!

4th lyceum student... And they poke our mug with a credit glove!

5th lyceum student... Ryatuige, good people!

1st lyceum student. Get out, lads! Write to my son!

4th lyceum student... What did you do there? Hands-off ... But pass-run ...

1st lyceum student. Oh, you bisov children, sho tse take: "but pasaran"?

2nd lyceum student. That neither will "slip through" the same!

3rd lyceum student. That is in Spanish, dad! 1st lyceum student. What are you teaching?

3rd lyceum student... English ...

4th lyceum student... Ah, then - "But a tuxedo!" In!

1st lyceum student. Who writes that, you start from afar ... From the stove!

3rd lyceum student. Diplomat! Everything. Storyteller! Music as background.

2nd lyceum student.

The monument has a green slope,

There is a lyceum on a slope.

3rd lyceum student.

Both day and night people are a scientist

Everything goes around in a chain.

4th lyceum student.

Will go to the right - there are offsets,

To the left - they threaten with slices.

Electives are held in high esteem here.

The child will be completely killed!

There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts.

There are offices along the windows,

Where children are tortured wildly!

There lyceum students in passing

They gnaw on granite and the salt of the sciences.

To the teachers' council in front of the people

We are being dragged for terrible agony.

The lessons there are full of visions.

In the morning there are lyceum students

Will rush into the empty lobby.

And ____ unfortunate knights,

And ___ beautiful girls

One by one they go in a crowd at the door.

They do not grieve at recess.

And all the bison, all the service.

1st presenter.

And I was there, and I crammed.

Two years have passed since then,

And a new change has come!

2nd leader. And it remains for us, after the first student of the 1st Russian Lyceum, to exclaim:

"Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!"

Musical signal - 2 times. The tenth graders take their seats in the center of the hall.

1st presenter... Attention! By the decision of the Presidential Council of Lyceum ____, the honor of conducting the ritual of initiation into the Lyceum was entrusted to the presidents of the 11th grade!

Musical signal! Three presidents come out to the microphones with a scroll.

Presidents. Today, October 19, the year since Christmas of Lyceum No. ____ in the district of _____, we, his hope and support, joining the glorious Lyceum brotherhood, in front of our teachers, relatives and friends, the elders of Lyceum No. ___, solemnly swear:

1. From now on and forever and ever on weekdays and holidays, in large and small, be guided in their actions by love for the Fatherland! We swear!

Everything... We swear!

2. To devote all the forces of mind and heart to the establishment and development of the power of our Motherland. We swear!

Everything. We swear!

3. Sparing no effort and time, every day we have lived, to strengthen the holy lyceum brotherhood in the wake of our great predecessors - pupils of the 1st Russian Lyceum! We swear!

Everything. We swear!

4. To increase the economic power of Russia in the best traditions of domestic and foreign entrepreneurs. We swear!

Everything. We swear!

5. By their diligence and success in their studies, to multiply the glory of the Lyceum, to prevent actions that offend the honor and dignity of our Lyceum brotherhood. We swear!

Everything. We swear!

6. It is sacred to honor the code of honor of the lyceum student, to bear the name of the lyceum student with pride and dignity. Remember the precepts of the first lyceum students: "While we are burning with freedom, while hearts are alive for honor, my friend, we will devote our souls to our Fatherland beautiful impulses!" We swear!

Everything... We swear!

Transfer of the fire of knowledge from the bowl through the chain of candles of lyceum students. At the end of the oath - raising the candles up.

Musical signal "Gaudeamus"

2nd presenter... It is finished! There are more of us on the lyceum, which means that our family has become stronger, smarter, kinder.

Candles on tables. Music in the background "Until the lights go out."

2nd presenter(against the background of music).

There are days when you drop your hands

And there are no words, no music, no strength.

1st presenter.

And these days I was apart from myself

And I didn't ask anyone to help me.

And I wanted to go anywhere, close my house

And not find the key ...

2nd leader.

But I believed - not everything is lost,

Until the light goes out, while the candle burns!

Let the warm light of these candle lights warm the hearts and souls of all the participants of our holiday - new lyceum students ____ year of birth wish you and yourself!

1st leading th. Gentlemen, newborns! The director of the Lyceum # ___ (called the surname, name, patronymic of the director of the MOU) addresses you.

Musical accent. Speech, presentation of grade books to the 10th grade presidents. Musical accent. He talks about one more replenishment - class teachers of 10 grades - and invites 10-graders, in turn, to initiate them as teachers of Lyceum No. ____.

1st presenter. The director's proposal is met with thunderous applause, and the class teachers of the 10th grade come out to the ritual site. (Surnames, names, patronymics of teachers - class teachers.)

Musical accent.

10 classes read the text of the oath:

The tenth grader. I, the class teacher of the 10th grade of Lyceum No. ___, solemnly swear before the noble meeting of the members of the lyceum brotherhood:

1. Everywhere and always, night and day, remember the high honor and responsibility of being a mentor, assistant, friend of your pupils.

Cool teachers. We swear!

2. It is sacred to honor and firmly follow the commandments of the teacher's code of honor:

To love children! Protect them with love and truth!

Class teachers... We swear!

Look for the good in children!

Cool teachers. We swear!

Be not "above", but near!

Class teachers... We swear!

Be guided in everything by the rule:

"All without compulsion,

Not a day without novelty! "

Class teachers... We swear!

Remember: "The teacher has the right to teach others as long as he learns himself!"

Cool teachers. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Musical signal. Presidents tie ribbons to class teachers.

1st presenter. We ask you, dear mentors, to return to your charges. And do not let your vow today remain just words spoken out loud.

2nd presenter... Let your pets remember with love and joy every day, every moment warmed by communication with you, their faithful friends and defenders!

The musical theme "Alexandra" from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" sounded.

2nd leader. Oh, how you want this evening of the lyceum brotherhood to go on and on ...

1st presenter... So that this piece of our life called "lyceum" always lives in our hearts.

2nd presenter... To ... to ...

1st presenter. When there are no words, but feelings overwhelm, the great Pushkin comes to the rescue again:

2nd leader.

Bless, jubilant muse

Bless. Long live the Lyceum!

Insert song.

1st presenter(to lose). We thank everyone who met with us today our Day!

2nd presenter... I don't want to end this "ordinary miracle", but these are the rules of the game: everything is good that ends well! Thank you all for being! Once again:

Together... Happy birthday, lyceum!

Organization: GBOU Lyceum 1537 UK 2704

Locality: Moscow

Children are invited to an elegant music hall.


Hello guys! Do you like how the hall is decorated?

Why do you think it was decorated? (children's assumptions)

Now we will listen to the anthem and, according to its content, we will try to guess in honor of what holiday we have gathered here (children listen to the Lyceum Anthem, discuss its content, suggest the name of the holiday).

(based on the presentation, children get acquainted with the history of the first Lyceum)

Slide number 2

250 years ago, the first Lyceum in Russia was opened in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg. It was an educational institution for the preparation of noble children for public service.

The first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky.

Let's take a look at the image of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 250 years ago and today? Can someone please find the differences? Why do you think there have been or have not been changes in the appearance of the building? (children's answers)

Slide number 3

Only boys from noble families studied at the Lyceum.

Do you think that noble families are rich, wealthy families or not? (children's answers)

Did the children of the poor and ordinary people study? (children's assumptions)

The boys studied and lived in the Lyceum for 6 years, they were not allowed to go home, their relatives could visit them only on holidays.

Slide number 4

Let's climb the twisted stairs and take a walk through the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The second floor houses the Great Hall, library, newspaper room and classrooms.

Slide number 5

We ended up in a classroom in which lyceum students spent 6-7 hours every day studying various sciences.

What do you think boys might have studied 250 years ago? (children's assumptions).

The following disciplines were studied: the law of God, ethics, logic, jurisprudence, Russian, Latin, French, German literature and languages; Russian and general history, geography; mathematics, the beginning of physics; calligraphy, drawing, dancing, fencing, horse riding, swimming.

The desks here stood in three rows, in a semicircle, gradually rising from the pulpit ..

Pupils were seated at their desks, according to their progress. Excellent students sat in the front rows, those who studied worst of all - in the back. Only the ratings were the other way around. The best mark was - 1; 4 - like we have a three, instead of two they put - 0.

Slide 6

The desks at that time looked like this. Look, carefully, how you think, how they are similar and different from modern desks. Consider why they are more comfortable or inconvenient than modern desks. Can you tell from this photo what writing utensils the students used? (children's answers).

Slide 7

Indeed, feathers were used at that time. They were sharpened in a special way, dipped in ink and written. Which pens do you think you could have used for writing? Why? Would you like to write more with modern pens or with such nibs? Why?

Slide 8

What do you think it is? What did they serve? Why did the boys practice fencing? What qualities did it develop? Do modern boys need these qualities? What games do you play to develop agility, accuracy, quickness? (children's answers).

Slide 9

You and I found ourselves in the newspaper room. Why do you think it was called that? (children's assumptions).

Think, what else could you do in this room? (children's assumptions)

Slide 10

We are moving to the most interesting part of the Lyceum. What do you think it is?

(children's assumptions). Why do you think so? (children's answers).

When the Lyceum first opened, the library contained only books by teachers and pupils. But almost immediately Alexander the First presented the lyceum with his library, which he used in his youth. At the same time, various foreign publications also came here.

Slide 11

These are the books that lyceum students read 250 years ago, they have survived to our time.

Let's remember the rules for handling a book. If the rule needs to be followed, then you clap your hands, if you cannot do this, you shake your finger.

  • the book can be torn, thrown
  • the book needs to be respected
  • so that she does not get worn out, the book needs to be dressed in a cover
  • you can draw in the book
  • the book can be read

Have everyone remembered how to relate to the book? Well done!

Slide 12

Where do you think we got to? (Children's assumptions)

This is a residential building. Each door leads to the room in which the lyceum student lives.

Lyceum students lived very modestly and their whole life was subject to a strict schedule.

Slide 13

The great Russian poet lived in one of these rooms. (children are looking at the slide)

Who can name him?

That's right, this is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Pushkin entered the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum when he was 12 years old. This was the first enrollment of lyceum students, where, in addition to him, 29 children from old noble families were included.

Slide 14

Pushkin occupied bedroom number 14. In each room of the lyceum student there were: an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a chair, a table for washing. It did not differ in decoration and was just as strict and the teacher's room, before it was called the governor.

Slide 15

The lyceum students wore uniforms: a dark blue double-breasted frock coat with a standing collar, with a red piping on the cuffs, shiny smooth buttons, a blue cloth vest, blue long straight pantaloons, ankle boots.

Education at the Lyceum lasted 6 years. There, the boys not only learned a lot, but also learned to be close friends. This friendship lasted all my life.

Slide 16

What educational institution do you attend? (Children's answers)

Yes, now you go to kindergarten, but this is part of the lyceum. Therefore, you can also be called Lyceum students. Let's wear this title with pride!

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