How the face is changing in pregnant women. Person during pregnancy: possible changes and how to deal with them

The fact is that there are significant hormone fluctuations during pregnancy in the body. The level of female sex hormones - estrogen increases. Among other actions, estrogens affect the work of the root glands of the body, reducing their secretion (precisely for the treatment of acne is sometimes used oral contraceptives containing estrogens). This leads to the fact that fewer skin salts are released on the skin surface. Another, no less important, hormone is progesterone - can reduce the elasticity of the skin, make it more thin and sensitive. However, the fluctuations in the level of progesterone can cause the opposite effect - provoke the appearance or enhancement of acne. In this case, the best advice is a visit to a dermatotologist. Currently, there are many drugs for the treatment of acne. There are among them and those who can safely use pregnant women. But the expectation of the child is a period in life when it is particularly strictly necessary to refrain from self-medication, since the doctor's qualification is required to assess the balance between benefits and potential harm.

If your skin has been fat (or even problematic), then, most likely, pregnancy will be favorable on it. The skin will become less oily, the greasy shine will disappear, the amount of acne rams will be reduced or they will disappear at all. You may notice that during the day an obsessive desire does not appear to wash off a fatty film from the face, peelings and scrubs, as well as antiseptic means, began to be used less often, and about the powder you remember not more than once to init. All this is a favorable result of the action of estrogen on the skin.

For owner of dry and normal skin, the toddler waiting period can become more complex. Their skin, and without the amount of skin sebum, will become more dry. Peeling, itching, the appearance of allergic reactions is possible.

What is your skin?

The most important thing is to understand what type is your skin at the moment. How to determine? What are the parameters? And what types are there anyway?

To put a "diagnosis" of your skin, you will be afraid of a face with soap (it is in order to diagnose: in other cases, washing with soap is unacceptable). Not applying any cosmetics, look at the skin in an hour after washing.

If there is a sense of depression, there are peeling in some zones, and the skin is thin, matte, pores are practically not visible and, perhaps, shine capillaries - you have dry skin.

For oily skin, a pronounced greasy brilliance is characterized, the pores are large, the comments may be present (the fact that in the source is called "black dots"). There may be inflamed acute elements or pigment stains left after acne.

Normal (or combined) leather - Intermediate, most favorable option. In general, this skin does not cause special problems. After washing, she feels comfortable enough, in an hour a light shine in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) may appear, in the same zone, the presence of comedones. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek, the skin is smooth, there may be a small peeling and a feeling of the depth.

If you are not quite determined, apply fat cream on the skin and watch it. Dry skin, like a sponge, instantly absorbs such a cream and feels very comfortable. If you apply such a cream on the fatty skin, the sensations will not be the most pleasant: it may be the impression that on the face of an unpleasant and heavy oil film, a desire will appear to wash. If you apply such a cream to normal skin, then in dry zones, the cream is well absorbed, but in more fat, it will remain. Most likely, you will want to get into the face with a napkin, after which the characteristic fat triangle will remain on it (the chin, nose and forehead zones do not absorb cream).

Whatever the skin changes, you will have to adapt to them. What is needed for this?

Right choice

It is possible that during pregnancy will have to significantly change the arsenal of leather care products. Choose tools focusing on a new skin condition. Since during pregnancy, the skin becomes more gentle and vulnerable, start with sensitivity test (apply the cream on the elbow fold or for the ear, after a few minutes, make sure that there is no redness, burning). If everything is safely - ask for a consultant trial products that you can use at home. Sometimes cosmetics cause irritation, after which it follows: "This cosmetics does not fit me." In fact, the reaction could not arise for a separate cosmetic product, but on their unsuccessful combination. Therefore, if you decide to start trying a new cosmetics, make sure that well-being, try not to eat new, unfamiliar products. The perfect option is the simultaneous use of several means of one series (milk, tonic, cream). Some brands produce mini-sets of their cosmetics. Ask the seller to pick up suitable probes.

After you decide on the skin type, it should be noted which components should pay attention to. Since ancient times, natural vegetable extracts have proven themselves well. For dry skin, the means containing a lip, a series, chamomile, aloe, primura and ginkgo are perfectly suitable. They will help you soften, moisturize the skin, get rid of irritation and peeling. Overalls of oily skin will celebrate the effective anti-inflammatory and regulating work of the sebaceous glands, the effects of gammamemelis, calendula, green tea and licorice. Plants from both groups are suitable for combined leather, just need to decide which problems are worried about your skin. If more troubles delivers dryness and depths in some zones - choose plants suitable for dry skin. If you are unpleasant fat shine in the T-zone, use cosmetics containing vegetable extracts from a group of fatty skin.

Whatever your skin, check if there are no components that once caused an allergic reaction. A presence in cosmetics of vitamins (especially vitamins C and E) and trace elements will be very useful. The exception is vitamin A, which is not recommended to be used during pregnancy, even as part of cosmetics. Mandatory component of any cream must be humidifiers - for example, hyaluronic acid or seaweed extract.

Many good words can be said about thermal water. Water from thermal sources is rich in microelements, well moisturizes and soothes sensitive skin. There are whole cosmetic lines based on thermal water - pay attention to them.

How to care for the skin?

Daily skin care consists of three main stages. This cleansing of the skin, tonization and applying cream.

For washing during pregnancy, it is advisable to use a delicate milk or gel. After sure to apply on the skin tonic (which in no case should not contain alcohol) - it will eliminate the adverse effect of tap water and prepare the skin to apply the cream. Instead of tonic, you can use thermal or mineral water, decoction of herbs. Apply the tonic after washing, and also during the day - thereby you will provide your skin with a long moistening and a constant sensation of comfort. Then occurs the period of applying cream. Day cream, except moisturizing and nutrient, should be a defender of your skin. This cream must include UV filters with an indicator of SPF at least 15. And for the skin prone to pigmentation, the sunscrete factor must be significantly higher, up to the full blocking of the sun's rays. Night cream should have a moisturizing, nutritious and soothing effect on the skin. During pregnancy, it is necessary to use cream for the age, as the skin in this zone is thinner thin and sensitive.

From the means of additional care, do not forget about the peels (perhaps they will need less frequently, but once every 10-14 days, a slight exfoliating agent is simply necessary), masks (moisturizing, nutritious), which can be used 1-2 times a week, depending on your needs. You can purchase appropriate funds, and some masks are cooked independently: for example, from yolk, cream, boiled potatoes - for dry skin; For oily, masks from cucumber, egg protein, unsweetened yogurt and white clay are suitable. These are one-component masks - the listed products are applied on the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which they wash them off with cool water. But the berry masks during this period is not the best choice: they can easily cause irritation.

Can meet such a problem as dryness and peeling lips. In this case, regularly make a massage with a toothbrush. Moisten a soft toothbrush with cool water. Not pressing, light circular movements massaging the surface of the lips. If there are no cracks, you can spend the same massage with lemon crust. After sure to apply nutrients on the lips. It may be honey, cream, olive oil, or special nutritious creams, balms, lipstick. Be sure to use sunscreen lips balms, it is possible with the content of vitamins E, F.

During pregnancy, try to avoid cosmetics with brightly expressed perfumed fragrances, be careful with essential oils - not all of them are useful for pregnant women. Refrain from the use of intensive rejuvenating and bleaching agents - unwanted components may be cracked among them; In no case do not use retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives used to treat acne rashes).

As for the salon procedures, the question is solved in each case individually.

Facial care (gentle peelings, masks), a relaxing face massage is definitely allowed. Especially if you have a desire to go to the beauty salon and relax at the hands of an extremely expert. But from the hardware techniques it is better to refuse - most of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. Be that as it may, certainly warn the masters that you are waiting for the baby.

Health plus beauty

Many women do not represent their lives without decorative cosmetics. Well, the period of waiting for the child is not at all reason to refuse makeup. On the contrary, successful makeup will raise the mood and give confidence. You can easily use decorative cosmetics, you just need to take into account that:

  • the skin becomes more sensitive, and some of the funds can cause irritation;
  • pregnancy is not the time of experiments, and it is better to use long-proven funds, taking into account the change in the condition of the skin;
  • during the day, spray the face with thermal water or tonic from the spray to moisturize and calm the skin, and refresh the makeup;
  • during pregnancy, the face "tired" from makeup faster, so I try to wash it right away at home, apply a moisturizing cream on the face;
  • try to avoid particularly resistant tools - they more often cause problems (lip peeling, itching and eyelids).

Do not forget about the diet!

Undoubtedly, the skin is affected and what we eat. Those who suffer from excessive dry skin should be eaten products rich in omega-3 and omega-6 acids (their name is polyunsaturated fatty acids). The main functions of these acids are the construction of cell membranes, the accumulation of energy, protection against dryness and peeling, as well as skin aging. Rich with fatty acids Seafood, seeds and nuts, cold spin vegetable oils. True, during pregnancy, especially in the second half, from the listed list you can use only oils without regard, because other products have significant allergenic potential, that is, they can cause allergies from the future mother and the predisposition to her baby. Do not forget that dryness and peeling may appear due to the water deficit in the body. With the normal course of pregnancy daily need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid. If the edema appeared, report this to the doctor and follow its instructions.

Those who have faced the problem of oily skin during pregnancy, it should be noted that the work of the sebaceous glands is activated fried, sharp, spicy products, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate. The limitation of these products in the diet will benefit not only in the state of the skin, but also during pregnancy.

Be that as it may, for nine months, the body can present a lot of surprises - both pleasant and not very. But so I want the toddle's waiting time to be one of the happiest periods in life. How to achieve this? Remember that during this period of life, your body needs to pay more attention and reckon with its features. And be prepared to ask questions. Most likely, new problems for you have already worried about someone.

Thank you

Changes in the state of the skin during pregnancy, all women notice. Someone these changes occur to a greater extent, and someone is in less.
The most noticeable condition of the skin is changing in the second three months of pregnancy.

Why are changes in the skin of the skin during pregnancy?

This happens, of course, due to the activity of pregnancy hormones. Changes and blood circulation. It is a change in blood circulation that you are obliged by the surprising, luminous color of the face, which is characteristic of pregnant women. According to other pregnancy, salted and sweat glands work. They are activated, so many women notice that they sweat harder, and the skin during pregnancy has become fat. The mechanism responsible for pigmentation of the skin works more intensively. Moreover, if you and from the nature of the darkness, then such surprises, like pigment spots, freckles will be more, and they will be brighter. The girls with pale skin can almost not be afraid of pigment spots. Do not be afraid as soon as your baby appears, the hormonal background will start coming back and skin color is aligned again.

Pigment spots on the face

The greatest experiences deliver to women during pregnancy a pigment spots on the face. This is the so-called mask of pregnant women. The mask of pregnant women appears closer to the middle of pregnancy. It happens suddenly. Once in the morning you suddenly find these brownish spots on your face. This is the reaction of skin cells to the effect of progesterone and estrogen. Cells begin to produce melanin hardeningly, but this is spontaneously, therefore the skin does not darken uniformly. If you are a brunette or brown, try less to substitute your face with sunshine. Then the mask of pregnant women if it appears, it will not be so bright.

Acne on her face

During pregnancy you may have long forgotten acne on the face. Skin care technique at acne is no different from what you did when you were fifteen. Do not use scrubics and peeling creams. Maximum than you can clean the face is a scrub based on oat flakes. In no way attempt to drink any acne medications, they can damage the baby.

Other skin problems during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your palms and feet can become brighter coloring and sometimes hide. This is also connected with the changed hormonal background. The unpleasant feelings will be immediately after delivery.

A vascular mesh may appear on the skin or even on the eye proteins. Especially often it happens during childbirth. These defects sometimes pass by themselves, and in some cases, to remove a vascular grid from the skin of the face, you have to seek help from a specialist.

During pregnancy, you can visit such a skin attack as papillomas. These are very small warts of the elongated shape, which most often appear under mouses, under the breast or on the neck. If papillomas appeared during pregnancy, they will be held as soon as the baby will be born.

And a strange sore, which happens in pregnant women is a passenger. A little later, you will familiarize yourself in detail with this problem on the example of your baby, but now your turn. As mentioned above, sweat and sebaceous glands work more active during pregnancy. The body sweats and in some places under the influence of friction appear small red pimples. They can cause itch. Itching sometimes appears in those places where the skin is exposed to strong stretching.

Of all the above, medcollegia site can conclude that, whatever character had skin problems that appear during pregnancy, one thing is clear. The skin of a pregnant woman requires a more careful care. Spend a few extra minutes per day to rub special cosmetics or face masks. Then pregnancy will go to your skin only.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

And I have a skin on my hands and legs since 30 weeks the dry thing was terribly, no cream helps ((I hope that it will pass after delivery

And I have acne all over the face and every day there are more and more and more and more such gifts do not know what to do with them

I was very pale was very pregnancy. I did not notice any unusual state of my face, and other girls too. Pigment stains were not any of my girlfriends. The color of some particularly beautiful is also the fiction of the people. There was no color. Leather like leather. I just say that there was a pale. The means used the same as always. Nothing special and new did not purchase. They are well suited to me, why then change, because new can not come up.

My colleague gave birth hard to his firstborn, he had a large lancher, and she had a lot of giving birth for a long time. So she has all the eyes of the eyes were coated vessels covered. And on the neck, too, the vessels flooded. Then everything passed over time. The skin was again white and beautiful. And the eyes did not suffer at all. Therefore, no need to be afraid of such things. It all passes, everything is temporarily. The main thing is that the child is born healthy, and you will not suffer seriously. And the skin will come to himself.

Pregnancy for skin condition did not have too influenced. What kind of skin was, so remained. But at the time of breastfeeding, I really came to the skin. Near the corners of the eye, the wrinkles appeared, and from the corner of the eye and immediately in the temple. Do not notice near it is not possible. And no more change noted. Although generally the body seemed to be matured. There are many new. Much of this I would not take myself. But the body does not ask what we want.

It seems to me that all the conversations about skin changes during pregnancy are too exaggerated. I did not notice them at all. Leather like leather. I am not dark, so there have never been problems with pigmentation. No special leather care products used. Girls all chased dear stretch marks, and I used simple body cream. Nothing expensive and special. The result is the same that I have that they have. Stretch marks still appear.

Papillomas were a little bit before. But during pregnancy they appeared a lot and in those places where there were no before. I think that this virus in the blood lives, and when pregnant, so immunity falls. Here are all sorts of hardness and bloom in lush color. I'm fighting with papillomas very simple - I cut off their nail bearings. Previously, of course, disinfecting the nippers and cut off right under the root. Sometimes blood is a little. But usually easily heals. Only this can be done with small papillomas.

My friend during pregnancy, the whole face was covered with freckles and stains. She did not know the poor fellow what to do with it. Tormented all the pregnancy, smeared face with cucumbers. I would at least tell her what kind of man said that how he would give birth to all. And then she thought that for life there would be a ripple such. But in fact, everything went two months after childbirth. The face has become a normal color. So do not worry from whom these stains appear.

I sweat became much stronger after childbirth. During pregnancy, it was somehow not so noticeable. Yes, and the skin also did not change much. But the sweat during breastfeeding has become more caustic, it smells stronger. By quantity is produced like as much, no more. But those deodorants that have previously helped, now completely not effective steel. Probably hormonal changes some.

In my last trimesters on the skin appeared rash some. Type of urticaria. Initially, everything was fine, toxicosis did not torment especially. And at the end of the skin spoiled. Doctors said that this is such an individual reaction of the body. This is all ended. I did not drink any drugs and, in the end, after childbirth, all the rashes went through themselves. For this, probably, the doctors were counted that it would pass. Here it has passed.

Today there are so many different skin care products, which, for sure, the manufacturers take care of the clients in an interesting position. I saw from the creams only from stretch marks. There are a lot of such funds. I specifically did not buy cream from stretch marks, but used a children's cream. I read that it also helps. Stretching on my stomach was formed, but not very noticeable and not very big. Therefore, I do not worry. Already do not cure.

I have no spots during pregnancy on the face, they write that they can be, but my pregnancy passed in the fall and a little bit in the spring, so there were not many sun and the stains were not. To say that some changes with the skin were - I can not. Everything seems to be as usual. Used all the usual skin care products and nothing else. Allergies, too, did not have anything, even hair painted with its usual drug.

Regarding the condition of the skin during pregnancy, I can not say anything. Neither for me, nor one of my friends has no changes with skin during pregnancy. What she was, so remained. But after childbirth really significant changes. During the year from the moment of the child's birth, I noticed the appearance of goose paws from the eye, the same story happened and with my girlfriend, which, by the way, will be the same. And wrinkles have already appeared. In addition, the hair became more fat, and I felt stronger. This was especially in the period until the periods were recovered.

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Effect of pregnancy on skin and skin care during pregnancy

In the body of a woman there is no none body, not a single cell, for which pregnancy would not have affects. And the skin is subjected to such an influence of one of the first, because this is an organ with many functions, which is closely connected with all the systems of the body.

The content of the article:

What is the main reason for skin changes during pregnancy?

Of course, these are hormones. Hormonal background dramatically changes polarity. If earlier, before conception, estrogens, which are called hormones of femininity, ensured the youth, beauty and radiance of girlish skin, then from the moment of fertilization they are inferior to the principle of progesterone - hormone, preserving pregnancy. And he mobilizes all the resources of the female organism to ensure the safety of the life and health of the future kid, perhaps somewhere even to the damage to mother's beauty.

How does the skin change during pregnancy?

Estrogens have a comprehensive effect on the skin of a woman:

Regulation of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands
Skin update
Protection against free radicals
Maintain optimal skin hydrobalance
Regulation of skin immunity - resistance to the penetration of bacteria and fungi

Now imagine that all this stopped working, because estrogen is not enough. Of course, compensatory capabilities of the skin are available, but for their triggering it will take some time. Therefore, "troubles" arise:

  • Excessive solidity and greasy shine, or, on the contrary, dryness and peeling of the skin.
  • Change the skin elasticity and the appearance of stretch marks.
  • The strengthened operation of cells producing pigment, and, as a result, hyperpigmentation, ugly spots, including on the skin of the face; Growth of papilloma, moles and warts.
  • Excessive sweating.

Toxicosis, varicose veins and other pregnancy problems

Such a problem as early toxicosis of pregnant women, especially if it is pronounced, also not in the best way reflected in the state of the skin of the future mother. Enhanced salivation and vomiting lead to dehydration (dehydration). The skin is thinned, acquires a grayish shade, sometimes with light yellowness. Under the eyes there are dark circles, since the skin is the most thin and does not have a subcutaneous fat layer at all.

Because of the poor appetite, the body pregnant lands the necessary vitamins, which, in turn, also affects the state of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails). Peeling may appear, excessive dry skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth (snaps), irritation, increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet, skin itching, hair loss and nail fragility.

With late toxicosis, the first place is resetting the fluid in the body and the appearance of edema. The skin becomes loose "water-", signs of cellulite are manifested, when injuries it is possible to develop injury site infection, since immunity is reduced.

Many women, especially with repeated pregnancies, suffer from varicose veins - and vascular meshes on the legs, and ugly protruding convolutions, and the same swelling.

Skin it can also be a problem, which worries a woman in recent months of pregnancy. This is usually itching palms, stop and abdomen. At the same time, no rashes in the seasons are not observed, but itch itself can bring significant discomfort. In addition, breaks can be infected. This skin itching is associated with the fact that the liver of the future mother works with an increased load and produces substances that irritate skin receptors.

Mammary gland

Milk glands during pregnancy are actively branched and increased in size. The dream of many girls - have a big beautiful breast - embodied. However, there is a very important nuance here - without proper care, the beauty and shape of the chest at the end of the breastfeeding may be hopelessly lost. Judging by how many women are forced to contact specialists in plastic surgery and how many different "miraculous breast restoration means" and relieving stretch marks offers a modern beauty industry, a problem needs to be engaged from the first day of pregnancy.

General recommendations for choosing and decorative cosmetics during pregnancy

  • Cosmetics for a pregnant woman should be neutral and hypoallergenic, do not include perfume fragrances and dyes. Often because of the increased sensitivity of pregnant women to smells, even tested and favorite creams can smell like as before, and cause irritation and discomfort when applied.
  • The main task of caring cosmetics for pregnant women is to moisten, calm the skin, protect it from ultraviolet, increase its elasticity and extensibility.
  • Skin care products should not contain pharmacological components, such as hormones, antibiotics, retinoids, etc., especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the bookmark and the formation of the kid organs occurs. This, in particular, concerns the means to treat acne. It is known that many drugs, even applied locally, can have a systematic effect, sucking through the skin and mucous membranes, thereby damaging the health of the future child. Therefore, with a pronounced problem, acne should be addressed to a specialist in dermatocosmetology.
  • Pregnancy is not a disease, so you can make makeup and use ornamental cosmetics. It is always nice to be beautiful and well-groomed, it improves the mood and creates a positive look at the world around us, increases self-esteem. If the skin during pregnancy has not changed its susceptibility to the previously used decorative cosmetics, it is safely used to apply it. It is only necessary to refrain from using particularly resistant tools, for example, a waterproof mascara or lipstick carcass, since they often cause irritation, dryness and peeling of the skin.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason to give up a visit to the cosmetology cabinet or salon. Massage, masks and lightweight peelings are quite acceptable. Only hardware cosmetology and procedures that may be painful, such as injection, epilation, manual leather cleaning, etc. are not allowed. The pain threshold is changing during pregnancy, it can both rise, so fall, and in pursuit of beauty you can leave the cosmetic salon directly to the maternity hospital. It is necessary to prevent the cosmetologist about their condition so that it picks up a special cargoing program for pregnant women.
  • Pregnancy is also not the time to try cosmetology innovations, no matter how attractive and tempting they did not seem.

Cosmetic problems of pregnant women and methods for their solution

Hyperpigmentation - manifests itself in the form of pigment spots on the skin of the face and some parts of the body, especially those that receive regular contact with ultraviolet irradiation. Therefore, all caring funds must contain sunscreen filters, and not chemical, but physical, so as not to cause allergies. In the period from April to September, when solar activity is particularly strong, the protection factor (SPF) must be from 30 and higher, and in the winter SPF 10-15 will be enough.

Natural cosmetic products of homemade can be at all worse than proper factory with their undoubted plus - they are completely harmless. So, hyperpigmentation with dry and sensitive skin of the face will significantly decrease after regular rubbing it twice a day with a decoction of parsley. This plant has bleaching properties and contains beta-carotene and vitamin C. If the skin is fat and "prone to the appearance of imperfections", the problem of pigment stains will help solve the processing of lemon sliced \u200b\u200b1-2 times a day.

Pregnant's chloasmas - yellowish brown spots, symmetrically located on the forehead, on both sides of the nose, on the cheekbones and the nose. Prevent the appearance of "pregnant masks", as sometimes calling this unpleasant aesthetic drawback is almost impossible, although he appears far from every future mother. Gradually, after delivery, it will disappear independently, but if this process is delayed, it will be possible to effectively deal with it only at the end of breastfeeding, since special bleaching creams may contain components harmful to the kid.

Stretching or stria remain in places undergoing the greatest changes in the volume - belly, dairy glands, hips, buttocks. On the stomach stretching looks particularly unattractive - at the beginning they are crimson-shiny, over time become whitish. They arise not all, here a considerable role is played by hereditary predisposition.

In the subcutaneous fat layer due to low tensile tissues, micraisers occur, which are subsequently transformed into stretching slabs. This cosmetic defect is easier to prevent if you immediately begin using special means containing elastin, collagen, moisturizing components. Then the skin will be more elastic, and subsequently when the volumes will return to the original, it will happen without prejudice to the appearance of the young mammy.

It should be selected for the care of the breasts so that it does not lose their shape and beauty at the end of the lactation period. In addition to ordinary hygienic procedures (washing warm water with baby soap), a contrasting shower for the mammary glands and exercise to strengthen the chest muscles is recommended. In addition, to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it should be used as early as possible to the use of care products for breasts, which improve the elasticity and extensibility of the skin in this delicate zone. An important point is also selection and wearing a bra from natural fabric with wide straps, which will not allow chest to sign.

Acne, or angry rash, especially if the woman suffered from this disease before the start of pregnancy, tends to exacerbate and strengthen the symptoms. Periods of exacerbation usually fall on early dates - 4-8 weeks and for the interval from 13 to 20 weeks. This is due to the vibrations of the hormonal background and the strengthening of the product of direct stimulants of skin saline.

The problem of acne, in addition to the damage to aesthetic, inflicts a pregnant woman and psychological damage, since most of the funds used to treat acne, during pregnancy is prohibited. Therefore, to give effective recommendations for the care of the face of a pregnant patient with acne should a dermatotologist. Usually, these recommendations are to carry out a thorough daily skin care of the face with the use of permitted outdoor. Systemic preparations, such as antibiotics, hormones, retinoids, during pregnancy and breastfeeding are prohibited.

Skin beauty and proper diet during pregnancy

It is no secret that pregnant women are often good for exotic products, eat chalk, sauer cabbage, salt cucumbers, pepper, herring, etc. Often, these taste addiction "get out of the outside" in the form of amplification of acne rams and simply banal allergic dermatitis. Often, skin problems are solved by the correction of diet and the reception of a special vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women (type "Prognavit", "Vitrum Prenatal", etc.)

Dry skin helps to eliminate sufficient fluid intake (if there are no contraindications - then at least two liters of pure water per day) and consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (red fish, nuts, seeds, olive and corn oil of cold spin).

Sweets, chocolate, soda, snob, roasted and fat, enhances the products of the skin, causing additional problems with the tendency to acne, so it is better to refuse these products.

Be sure to include low-fat cottage cheese in the diet, fermented milk products, cheese, fresh vegetables, greens and fruits - as a source of amino acids, vitamins and calcium - the first is necessary for synthesis

Facial skin: care during pregnancy

On the channel "Home" from Monday to Thursday there is a new one, in which they took part and the spouse Dmitry Dibrova . Star heroines tell about how they are preparing for childbirth, as relaxing, with what problems are faced and how they care for themselves.

It is no secret that hormonal restructuring occurring in the body during pregnancy, He strongly affects the condition of the skin of the face: it can become more dry or, on the contrary, more fat. Perhaps the appearance of pigmentation and various inflammation. However, as practice shows, facial skin problems arise not only because of changes in hormonal status, but also due to a banal lack of vitamins. The appearance of pigment stains may indicate a shortage of vitamin C, excessive dry skin - on the absence of vitamins A and E. That is why the future mother is desirable throughout the pregnancy take a special complex of vitamins. In addition, it is important to be balanced to eat, including more dishes from low-fat meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

The appearance of pigment spots during pregnancy- It's quite usual, and also associated with changes in the hormonal background. As a rule, after childbirth, they pass without additional intervention. However, in order not to exacerbate the problem of pigmentation, starting from the first trimester it is worth using a face cream with sunscreen filters. In the summer, the defense factor must be maximum: SPF 30 and above, in winter there will be enough SPF 10-15.

If pigment stains still appeared, you can try slightly whiten them at home, with the help of safe natural cosmetics. For example, twice a day, wipe the face with a decoction of parsley (with a normal, dry and sensitive skin) or a lemon sliced \u200b\u200b1-2 times a day (with oily and problem skin). But with bleaching creams should be neat: they may contain undesirable for pregnant ingredients (for example, hydroquinone). Other popular whitening ingredients (for example, cell acid or vitamin C) can cause skin irritation: during pregnancy, its sensitivity rises.

Oksana Pavlenko

dermotoko-optologist clinic of aesthetic medicine "Treacive", k. m. n.

During pregnancy, the pain threshold changes - it can both increase and decrease, so painful procedures (for example, the manual cleaning of the skin) during this period are undesirable. All procedures are prohibited by leather injuries: injections, many peelings, laser and photoconders, epilation, etc. Skin care products should not contain antibiotics, hormones, retinoids and any pharmacological ingredients. From April to the end of September, it is necessary to use sunscreen creams with a factor of protection not lower than 30. The chloaism of pregnant women is an unpleasant and persistent aesthetic drawback, to deal with which it is possible only after the end of lactation.

Sometimes during pregnancy the skin becomes dehydrated and dry(In this case, do not forget to provide the body due amount of water), but most often due to increasing the level of progesterone Shan glands begin to work more active, already in the first trimester on the face acne may appear. Keep in mind that many popular funds for the treatment of acne rash during this period are not suitable, as they can negatively affect the fruit. This is primarily funds with antibiotics, benzoyl with pyroxide, retinoids.

As during pregnancy the skin becomes more sensitiveTherefore, the usual creams can cause irritation and allergies. In this case, it is worth moving to the means with a mark "for sensitive skin", which do not contain the main irritant ingredients - fruit acids, alcohol, perfumes, spindles, parabens, essential oils.

By the way, do not forget that most essential oils during pregnancy are contraindicated. Some of them can increase the tone of the uterus or even cause miscarriage. Therefore, it should be taken to organic cosmetics with caution, which often includes a large number of essential oils and to so-called cosmetic oils (usually this mixtures of vegetable - avocado, wheat germs, carite, etc.) - they may also contain essential oils. Despite the fact that there are few enough them there, most aromatherapists still advise not to risk, especially if earlier you did not use cosmetics with essential oils.