How to hint a friend on the relationship. Do not be shy: How men hint at sex girls. Let her compliment and blame her for it at the same time

It is sometimes difficult to get courage and tell the girl about what you feel to her, so we will analyze in this article, how to hint the girl that I like her personally or by correspondence in contact, and whether it is worth using a social network while trying to tell her about His emotions.

Like any person, we are inherent to nervous, be afraid to confess in your feelings, but the fear of getting a refusal may not enable you to build a happy relationship. Therefore, you need to collect all the will in the fist and admit to the girl in his sympathy, perhaps she is also afraid to admit to you in their feelings. So, the most necessary in the first stages is to know the girl closer, understand what she likes, and what she wants. And only then look for an approach to it. Do not forget that all the girls are different - one loves when she is talking about her feelings directly, and the other may be afraid of it.

Oh neither twist, and guys often plan for a long time and reflect on how to give to understand the girl that you like it, what to tell her where to say, and when to say. If you have a feeling for the girl, you are crazy about her appearance, then several phrases, from which she will understand what attracts you in it will be able to help you, for example:

  • "You have such beautiful eyes, I just can't break away!";
  • "So cool hair is glittered in the sun, such soft";
  • "It is immediately clear that you are engaged in sports, a beautiful figure."

If you decide to focus on the girl's appearance, you should not tell her, for example, about her chubby brushes, she can start complex and upset because of this or complements about her buttocks and chest, can also disappoint her, and she will consider you a vulgar , a sauna guy.

Build plans for the future, and think about how to give to understand the girl, what do you like to understand using the methods of joint plans? Then it is worth understanding one simple truth - your sincerity with a barely familiar girl will be regarded as a joke, but if you have already talked for a lot of time and already think about how to meet dawns and sunsets together, then these phrases will help you:

  • "You know, next year I want to arrange you an unforgettable Valentine's Day";
  • "Maybe, of course, I am a hurry event, but a joint holiday on the sea at summer vacation, will give us the opportunity to relax and prepare for the new school year. How do you like my offer? "

A compliment is the easiest and most favorable step towards the heart of the girl, so they can be thought of a huge set, and the girl will always be nice. The main thing is not to rearrange and do not translate a compliment to everyday flattery.

If you want to conquer your beloved, you should learn to say compliments correctly. It is not necessary to memorize them, and to make an impression on the girl, do not speak obvious things, for example: "There is no one beautiful in the world," it is quite boring and have come to everyone. Substate to complements creatively:

  • "Having traveled Polimir, I did not meet in the light of such a treasure as you";
  • "Before our meeting I thought I was telling you, but seeing your charming smile, I forgot all the words."

Most importantly, do not forget to be sincere. If she understands that you are really delighted with her, then you will appreciate your perseverance. And if you try to get off the text, it will immediately understand it and get angry. It is not necessary to say very often compliments, let them become unexpected.

If suddenly you are overdoing, and your girlfriend is upset, ask her forgiveness, and that they did not want to offend her.

You do not need long offers, say briefly, clearly and your intonation should not bring you.

If you still cannot overcome yourself or are not a male representative who can constantly fuck and say compliments to girls, but are a serious straight guy, not trouble. It is even good, as the option is suitable for you, speak immediately and the truth about what you still want from the girl.

For example, let it be light, not intricate phrases:

  • "You are very beautiful, smart and I really like you very much!";
  • "I will say honestly, I'm crazy about you!".

Tell the girl about what exactly you attracted in her than it was separated among others. And then she will feel their superiority over other female individuals, that she is extremely pollen.

Speak everything honestly, do not try to invent, because if you begin to hide before the next compliment, it will seem very strange.

Let's imagine that you are already familiar with this girl, study for example in one group or class, work together, or you are at different courses, and now you have met a look, and you realized that this is exactly the girl with which you would like to spend Permanently your time. Then you should not pull, it is time to confess her about your feelings, but should not do this in the crowd. Let you stay one on one. So that you feel more confident, and she was not confused, as well as her answer to be sincere, because in the crowd of surrounding the eyes, it may not alone, so that you cannot be offended or on the contrary.

And if suddenly your privacy took place, take the courage, tell her that you like to spend time with her, communicate, and you want to go to a new level, inviting it to the first date.

In fact, it is easier to invite a girl on a date than then after some time a period of time say that you love her. Immediately begin to come in the head, and suddenly she does not answer reciprocity? Is this love really? What should I do if she also says that he loves me? You need to be prepared as a positive answer and to the negative. And for this you need to prepare.


Practice in your speech. Decide that you say after the words "I love you." Veda girl will surely want to hear some continuation.

Recognition in love must be memorable, therefore, to get more chances that you are not refused, choose a place of date, as well as agree with a girl about time and date in advance.

Even if confessed in their feelings, you will not hear the answer, do not start asking questions: "Do you love me?", "Do you want to say something?". The girl may not feel love for you, and could just be confused and indulged. Therefore, before the meeting, you are taking care and sustainability.


Seeing his chosen, it is not necessary to rush at once with the words of recognition in love. Take a walk, enjoy a friend, wait for a suitable romantic moment, and only then tell her: "I love you."

Do not rush a girl, she needs to be aware of what heard.

It is important to remember several tips:

  • Try not to be nervous, and not to build a person who you are not;
  • Before admitting her about his feelings, think well, and do you really love her;
  • In practice, there is nothing shameful, so rehearsed your speech;
  • At the meeting, make your girlfriend all your attention, take care of her;
  • Having admitted to love, do not enter her, she will open to you when she is ready.

You are a cheerful and responsive guy, so it can be your trump card in the sleeve. Try to demonstrate your sympathy for it using positive notes, for example, phrases:

  1. "And I would marry you!";
  2. "I envy your cat's life, maybe you will take me to his place?"

If suddenly, the girl also decided to joke, and even if it did not work very well, you should not criticize it, support and dare together.

Now we will try to give to understand the girl that we liked it, but at the same time you saw her for the first time. Here you have to sweat, the most important thing is to try to bring it to the dialogue, because if it is not interested in you, then it will refuse to talk to you, and you just can not express your feelings.

What do we need to do?

  • Try with the simplest, ask her time or how to go to a certain place;
  • After the answer, you can make it a compliment, and if you get a smile in her face, you can continue to communicate further;
  • Ask, whether it does not want to spend time with you or talk on the phone, online;
  • The girl concerned in you can and herself hints to you that they do not mind to spend time with you, for a detailed acquaintance;
  • If after compliments you saw how her face was embarrassed, or she tries to lead and turn away from you, then you should not spend your time on it.

Now we will deal with hints. They will depend on the type of your beloved, as we would not advise you to use vulgar hints for a modest and intelligent lady, she simply will not understand you correctly, but will also experience disgust for you.

Let's figure it out on the examples. Let the first will be "relaxed", here it is with such a type of women you can throw to bed themes and other topics 18+, and also directly talk about your sympathy, about a beautiful, sexual body, etc.

There is also a "quiet-scrubber", with them you need to choose hints in careful, as such girls usually hide any emotions in themselves.

In order to understand what type of your girl belongs to, let it reveal in the usual general, look at how she dress and behaves with other people, and only then choose an approach for recognition.

We believe that the Internet is not the best place for recognition in love, of course, about it is slightly lower, but if it came to the hints on the Internet, then let's look at how to hint the girl that I like the correspondence, using the most simple ways.

The easiest and most effective way is to write it with direct text that it is not indifferent to you. Of the advantages - she can immediately answer you reciprocating or not, but from the minuses - the girl can just ignore the message, you do not respond to you, since it may come dozens of exactly the same recognition.

Also, as an option, you can sow her musical compositions, which in one degree or another hints at your feelings for the girl. You should not stop on the music, you can also throw the video recordings or simple pictures. The interested girl will answer you reciprocity, and then you can already offer her that is more serious than just hints.

Now we hope that you have no questions left about how to hint the girl that I like it in VC, since the methods described by us are higher, are 100% effective and there or you will receive a refusal, or the continuation where you can already invite Her live date.

If you have not seen a girl before, but tuned to recognition in love or sympathy, then we do not advise you to do it through social networks or other remote methods.

Here are a few reasons why we believe that to recognize in your feelings the Internet is a bad thing:

  • Your beloved can read the message and immediately exit the network, I do not say anything, just ignoring your recognition;
  • On social networks, beautiful girls are often confessed in love and, moreover, several times a day, if you want to be in that company of men who did not answer, then daring;
  • You will not be able to transfer all sincerity and show how important it is for you through messages in VC or SMS, it is best to do it with an eye on your eye at your meeting;
  • Another girl may seem that you are trying to play it or you want to mock it, so it just leaves this message without an answer, or the smiley will throw you.

Recently chatted with friends, came the topic how to give to understand the girl what you like her. I do not know who I think, but you can invite it somewhere just take a walk. Surely she will understand that those girls who do not like the guy will not be invited to walk. But there is a reverse side of the medal - it can resist.

Dear guys! Never hint to girls that you like in VK. Immediately the impression is that you are afraid to say with an eye on the eye. And if so, then why should such communication at all. And how many times the girls do not respond to such messages, just because they do not understand anything.

I think you need some kind of non-standard approach. Surely, if the girl is beautiful, then many she hints on what she likes it, because immunity can work out over time. If a man wants to show, then he needs to show it with all persistence, and not to hint or state the fact.

Girls almost never make the first step, only brave can. They are afraid to get a refusal. Therefore, a man will have to take everything into their hands. If he sees it he likes, then why not make a decisive step? What is empty hints, neither to take them nor give.

Hint of a girl about sympathy - a difficult matter. Especially if it is very modest. Now I do not know how and what to talk to her. I'm afraid to pass a stick and offend. I read the article, but there are enough methods that apply. And for sure the VK write I will not be about it.

I thought I was thinking how to hint that I like her. The girl was ahead, said everything herself, that is, wrote VK. You know what? Here I don't want to be so confirmed in sympathy. It is not very pleasant, and I myself will not do that. It is better to hint somehow eyes, smile, fool together.

I once saw a girl in the subway, I liked it very much. I did not know how to speak with her. He went after her, good did not think that I was some kind of maniac. Ran up, asked how much time, said that I forgot the phone at home. Talked, decided to exchange numbers. Pulled out the phone, began to record. Awkward happened ...

Recently asked the same girl, does she want to continue communication in a cafe. She said so categorically "no". What a twist. Therefore, at first I try to find out if I like a girl at least a drop, otherwise learn all the ways and stay in fools.

And I just said right, without hints. What is the extra television, if you can say everything in the face. I do not regret it, you do not need to be afraid. Then you will only regret. Therefore, gain courage, the annual stock of compliments and into battle!

damn I like the girl and I see her rarely and every time I'm glad that I didn't give the knei today and today I got the strength and gives Knei and you advise you to take the first step of the ATO Waiting for not admitted

Before you actively want to turn your acquaintance in a serious relationship, answer myself two questions. First: Is it good enough Do you know this guy, his habits and nuances of character? Perhaps, when he was first acquaintance, he seemed to you a fabulous prince, and during the subsequent communication would be gross, unwanted and "non-smile." The second question: Do you really want to reduce the distance between you, becoming his girlfriend? Imagine that the development of relations took place, you became a couple, everyone had at least minimal responsibilities in relation to each other, the responsibility of each other. Are you sure that this guy is what you need, and exactly do not want to wait for the next prince? Then it's time to act.

What guys need hints to close relationships

Usually guys are active and the first to offer serious and closer relationships. But there are exceptions:

  • He also is not indifferent to you, but it is afraid to take the first step towards rapprochement (kiss, write a letter, send Valentinku or talk to you directly) Because it does not want to lose you and afraid to scare away. Usually he is cute and kindly communicating with you, not against going somewhere together, always ready to help himself actively sets topics for conversation and he has no good girl. If all this is about your potential guy, then you can safely take the first step myself, and then he will make sure that you are prettier, and will take the initiative to your hands. Note: The guys of this type are afraid to scare away the girl because of sympathy for her and strong attraction, to be afraid of losing "their only one", since the nature itself is romantic and faithful. Therefore, hints on the relationship easily and delicately (it will be discussed below), avoid open presne, so that it is not afraid of you and did not think that you want to "eat" him and not the girl's dreams at all. Act carefully and stay with the princess.
  • "Brakes in life." This is the saddest type. Music-podcabli, husbands that are not able to take responsibility for their family are obtained from such guys. All the time you need someone to push them and often hope that everything will break and work out by itself, prefer to sail downstream. Often they are addicted to the opinions of relatives, friends and their mother, who protects them all his life and does not let go away from herself.

Indecisive guys are often looking for a girl - "Mommy", ready to surround them with care, so that they can continue to lead their measured existence. If you feel that your potential guy from those, then think about, are you ready all my life or the period of your relationship act in the role "I and Baba, and a man"?

From relationship with what guys you need to stay away

There are three types of guys who are feared and whom not worth the relationship to the relationship, but it is useless. He "hunts" completely behind other girls than you, so I still have not taken any active actions:

  • The guy loves to "pour and quit." No girl perceives as a future companion or wife. His goal is to seduce and disappear with minimal losses for yourself and without falling into the dirt in front of common familiar. In your side there is no action because it doubts, does not know how to approach you, it is afraid that having learned about the frivolousness of his intentions, you humiliate him before friends, leave in fools. Alert if you know that now he has no girl, but literally recently he broke up from the 20th.
  • These guys love to "torment", to have a meaningful look, sometimes take the hand and build a "modest", which is not solved for more. And it is worthwhile to take the first step to the girl (and he is just waiting for it!), He will immediately say that you didn't understand that he did not expect such a turn. You will feel humiliated. And the moral of this fable: all girls hang on him, he is a king and king, well, you are one of 100. These are very egocentric types.
  • He communicates with you often and in a friendly, but will never offer relationships and you should not hint at them, because his interest is a caring. This guy for the love "by calculation", and you are not his field of berry. Unfortunately, such a type is not uncommon. Look attentively: if he often talks about money, about his expenses, about inheritance, real estate, loves to mention his influential relatives, acquaintances, then you make a reason to think about it.

Careless hints after which the guy will run away

There are three important items that you should a priori observe if you want to make a serious relationship with a guy, and not hesitate to:

  • Do not talk to him about his past or real (potential real) girls. If he himself starts such conversations, then they are not at all, avoid. If you are supporting the topic of his "personal life", give advice as he behave with that and on the other, then he will only take you as a friend.
  • Do not tell him in all the colors about what a loving husband you dream about the future of your five children, what kind of wedding dress do you want and in what country you want to go to the wedding trip. The guy can simply be afraid of your premature attempt to marry him or think that you are not in love with him, but consider it as an option in order to get married quickly, and ABE is not important for anyone.
  • Not familiar with your parents. Before the explanation in high senses will occur between you two, familiarity with parents is taboo. It is not appropriate and will be perceived as "hitting complaints", even if your parents are very soft and fun in nature.
  • Do not climb into open, showing your stormy feelings and open sexuality. A normal guy will not build a serious relationship with a "sex bomb", ready for everything and immediately, because he is such a "nurse".

Remember that your boyfriend must conquer you yourself. Your task is to gently and delicately hint at what you are ready for this, wait for it steps to rapprochement and he is very sympathetic to you.

  • Not "Tryndi" without silent. Learn to listen to the guy, but also not silent in a conversation, support a conversation. At the same time, do not interrupt the interlocutor, let him speak out, show the genuine interest in everything that the guy tells. Girls who are too much saying without celebrity, make the impression of hyperactive, non-permanent specimens, not everyone can be with which there will be no long time.
  • Do not pursue him. Walking "on the heels" and "Like a shadow" will only lead to the fact that he will avoid you.

10 ways to hint guy on the relationship

  • Smile more often in conversation with him. No No, do not complain about life. Let him sees a "light" in your eyes, joy, express sympathy and ease. Smile and positive attitude - the most effective way to place a person to yourself.
  • Unobtrusively recognize: "How are you?". No need to ask this question daily, literally and "in the forehead". Cross with him and learn "News" from his life. The main thing is to give him to understand that you are not indifferent to his life, his affairs, well-being, mood.
  • Try to spend with him as much time as possible. Recording the same sports club as he, talk to him, find common interests, themes to continue the conversation. Each your meeting should be more interesting than the previous one.
  • More humor: "In joke" invite a date - what if you agree? Try to laugh, joke (but not all the time, of course, feel measure). With "additives" it will be easier to break it on a joint pastime, and there to serve hand to the candidately bakery stage.
  • During your joint goal, somewhere (in the amusement park, just a walk, in the museum) will not be taken by hand. You can start with light short touches "At the event": it helps you to put on a coat, passes the glass, supports the hand in cold weather when the ice goal.
  • Code campaign together somewhere. If you do not decide to invite him, you beat everything as if you are not alone. Allegedly, this will be a joint trip to the movies, and the most closely to the case your friends will refuse - they will suddenly appear emergency affairs (agree in advance with friends / acquaintances). And so you will find yourself in the cinema together, and after the session, you slowly walk through the park, perhaps he will offer you home.
  • Good joint departure to nature, you can in the company of friends. The main thing is that you have the opportunity to talk with him alone and so that he saw you in an unusual, romantic and mysterious image: a long dress, a wreath of wildflowers ... Perhaps after communication in such an informal atmosphere, a guy will take steps to approximate and hint No longer have to.
  • Through his friend. This is a very effective way. We need good and confidential communication with a friend of the guy. Tell him about my sympathy and, perhaps, a friend will give your potential guy to understand that it is time to act and the ears are discovered about what you are "Cool Girl". Only in advance, they are killed that a friend is adequate and definitely will not raise you on laughter.
  • Hike on a disco. As an option - invite it to dance and charm. But Ideally, let everything work out by itself: the incendiary dance on the disco or party will flow into the "white" dance, and after the waltz, which you "suddenly" dance at the wedding from the best friends, he will not want to let go of your hand.
  • Constantly hold yourself "in Tonus": a tidy look, a well-kept face, beautiful makeup (the latter is not necessary - looking in the situation). Let notify that you always look beautifully, then he will flasher the thought that you may be trying so for him.
  • "Zamri" at the showcase with beautiful flowers during your joint walk. This hint is very thin, but perhaps the guy guess and will soon give you a bouquet and will suggest to meet.
  • Tell him about his girlfriend / familiar, whom her young man presented "Taaaaku bouquetche!" Tell me about the "unforgettable" friend of friends, about the romantic wedding of the girlfriend, on which you visited. Also the hint is thin, but you can guess the subtext.
  • Show that you are not cozy / scary somewhere else. Demonstrate that you are looking for protection and support: Dark park, slippery path, strong shower or suggest, you see a bad one and literally an hour ago broke points (any preposition is good). It is necessary to show that you need to "protect": to cover the jacket, take your hand, spend, cover with your umbrella ..
  • Give a gift made by your own hands: Tie a scarf, mittens, cap, bake cookies and tapping a box of beautiful ribbon, giving a day in love. Just in advance, carefully find out what color the guy prefers, whether he can wear knitted things and is sweet. Well, if you do not eat sweet - you can also find a way out, make, for example, grazing apples without sugar or giving dried fruits.
  • Remember that the eyes - the soul mirror. Look at the guy in the eye, and they will tell everyone for you: about feelings, about your sympathy for it. But the glance must necessarily be supported by common interests, regular communication. If you just look at "letting the eyes", it will be perceived so that you "slept in it and stall."
  • Ask him to help you, for example, with a computer (something else is in advance in advance). He will come to your home, treats him with the fact that you are baked myself. Let him gradually get used to you, to your business, to the fact that you are near. If he likes this state of affairs, he will make further steps.

There are many ways to attract the attention of the guy. Sometimes he simply does not understand that your communication can go beyond friendship, and sometimes it does not pay attention to you. Give an answer to the question of how to hint the guy on the relationship is very difficult. There is no template, following whom you can attract the guy's attention and cause it sympathy. Tell how to hint the guy on the relationship.

How to understand that the guy sympathizes you

Before making active actions, it is necessary to make sure that the man is ready to develop relations. Experts offer to use the body language to understand the intention of the representative of a strong sex:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to follow the housing. A person who manifests sympathy regardless of the floor, completely unconsciously turns to his interlocutor of interest and sometimes even slightly leans in his direction.
  2. One of the components of flirting is views. Ensimizing men quickly dismissed their eyes if they were noticed. Self-confident personality look closely at the woman, and only then begin to look in the other side.
  3. Body contacts (light touches) are one of the signs of emerging sympathy.

If you notice these signs, it is worth trying happiness and give to understand the guy you like that you are also not indifferent to him.

How to show your personality interest

There are several simple techniques that will help you show your interest to a man as a person:

  1. It is important to learn to listen without interrupting. In addition, it is desirable to have common interests to have topics for conversation.
  2. Try to smile more often to him, completely sincere.
  3. Take a conversation about the hobbies of youth to learn about its preferences. At the same time, it is important not to overtake the stick and do not strive to know everything in one conversation. Excessive annoying can be frightened by a guy, so try to be your interest in natural and restrained. Talk about yourself.
  4. Laugh over jokes.
  5. Do not join the quarrel with the chosen one. At first, it is not necessary to defend your point of view too zealo, so as not to lock the smoking special. Communication should not bear any negative.
  6. Despite the ban on a quarrel, you can support the spirit of rivalry. To do this, you can watch competitions together or go online games.
  7. Learn to accept and give gifts. If the prospects for your communication are still incomprehensible, it can be small symbolic presents.

At the initial stages, you need to get close to the chosen as possible, to spend time and friendly to communicate. So that the man understands that you are waiting for your Union more - actively flirt with him.

Remember that strong sex representatives are generally not always understood by subtle hints, so if all your attempts do not bring the desired result, it is worth talking directly. For example, ask: "Do you want to go to a friendly date?". It is quite difficult to decide on the conversation, but even a negative outcome is also the result. If the chosen is not in reciprocity, you will not lose the precious time.

Use the reception of contrasting communication: Kokesette and at the same time do not forget about the presence of own affairs, periodically hold on with removal. Do not impose if the guy frankly avoids you. In this case, you need to forget about its existence for a while that if there is even a small sympathy, I will include the "Hunter" instinct in the young man.

How best to use correspondence

Nowadays, the correspondence is very important. Often it is extremely difficult to lead it, but it can help you make several hints on the development of relationships. If you use social networks, such as "VKontakte", then be prepared for the fact that the young man may be not alone at the computer, so you should not lead too frank correspondence and send ambiguous phrases. In social networks, it is best to keep an interesting communication on neutral topics.

On the Internet for Flirt, you can use the ability to give gifts or successfully comment on photos. Remember that any phrase must be carefully thought out. Well, if you make the chosen compliments. The obvious advantage of social networks is that with their help you can learn more about a person. To do this, it is enough to see the list of communities in which the chosen is.

More personal questions can be affected in the correspondence with the help of short messages in the phone, since in this case you will be able to exclude the presence of third parties behind your beloved. This is also important not to be annoying. If communication goes quite vividly, it is advisable to hint the guy to your feelings by a simple message: "I can not stop thinking about you ...".

It is not bad to apply bluff and pretend that you were mistaken and send him a message that allegedly intended to other guy. Text may be like this: "Sorry, glory, I love the other." Then you will only remain extremely truthfully to play embarrassment and explain. It is important that the name of the fictional guy does not coincide with the fact that wears your chosen one.

What you need to avoid

Serious relationship is difficult to build if you do the following errors when communicating:

  • do not stay for the young man in a mystery;
  • actively interested in the financial situation of a young man;
  • at the initial stage of communication, talk to intimate topics;
  • brag;
  • often complain and whine;
  • be annoying
  • criticize guy's hobbies or not be interested in them;
  • do not withstand pauses when communicating (few people can spend a few hours on correspondence daily, do not seek the boyfriend to the day to do not let the phone from the hands or did not move away from the computer).

As a preface, I will note that I am always against learned patterns and harvested material. Therefore, do not use the material of this article as a magic tablet.

Always learn to generate the necessary words yourself.

1. Initially, it is better not to hint, but to say as it is (a girl is not a telepath)

The best thing is to always say right and as it is.

For example, tell her: " You are cool. You are super! I like you!»

  • Tell her why you chose it among the other ladies. And then then she will feel chosen by you! And then she will feel special for you! And it is super attractive and strong.
  • It is better not to hint, and speak straight! The girl is not a telepath and does not know how to read thoughts.
  • So you remind you yourself why you have every reason to be with her near, and what she clings you. From here, motivation and confidence appear.

This is the first point on how to tell the girl, what I like her.

2. If you really cling to her appearance (hairstyle), voice it

For example, you can make a compliment to her hairstyle if she is really cool:

  1. « I like your hair».
  2. « Wow, I like your hairstyle!».

3. Hints for a joint future where you are already in love with a couple

You can use phrases for the projection of your joint future, where you are already in love with a couple:

  • « What are you doing on February 14?».
  • « What are you doing for Valentine's Day next year?».

These are such subtle hints on the sympathy of the girl.

4. You can give compliments about its pretty, if it really cute

Compliments on what kind of girl is cute, you can come up with different and very much.

If it is really cute, there should be no problems with this.

If only because she reads his femininity charm from your face.

For example: " You are so cute. I'll give you a gift for the new year».

So I do not worry about how to hint the girl that I like her.

5. Give her to understand what is happening with you inside because of her

You can tell her implicitly, thereby creating some kind of intrigue.

« Why do you do it with me?"- Ask her, thereby you will understand that it is very attractive for you.

6. Hints about her style at the beginning of dating

« Hi, I like your style"- You can start familiarizing from these words.

I am talking about the case when the beauty is quite unfamiliar to you, and you make the first approach to it.

7. Suggest playing funny roles as in the novel, voice your scenario

« Let's play a novel where you get pregnant from me and then we will have to marry"- This phrase you suggest to play different roles on funny topics.

Having said such words, I am no longer asking questions on how to give to understand the girl that I like her.

8. Use this phrase to manifest sympathy for it and mental intimacy.

« Want to be my second half?"- the phrase of sympathy for it and spiritual proximity (an example of an extractor to start a conversation with a stranger).

In no case do not say these words from the position that you cannot live without it, and she supposedly somehow completed you.

9. Let her compliment and blame her for it at the same time

« You are so cool and pretty. What are you doing with me?"- I make it a compliment and I blame her at the same time.

For example, these words closes a dilemma on how to admit to the girl that I like her.

10. Be to her as close as possible.

« I want to be closer next to a pleasant girl"- Say it, if she does not understand what is happening, and you are climbing her closer.

Thus, she better feels your condition, it is transmitted to it. It also happens in cases where the guy knows everything about that.

11. In case you want to offer her to meet

We will analyze the question of how to hint the girl on the relationship correctly.

  1. Do not need to not necessarily hint about a serious relationship.
  2. Relationships will start only when you spend the night in bed together. And think about them only after that. Not before.
    Therefore, it makes sense to meet before that - zero!
  3. I liked the girl, I usually say that I want to see it more often. Optional word to copy my words into the word.

This is something like this: "Listen, you're cool, and I feel good with you. Let's see more often and cool time together! "

Then I usually ask, what days it is more often free.

I never have any problems with how to tell the girl that I like her and suggest to meet.

For those who want to admit to her love

For those guys who ask questions on how to tell the girl that I love her.

To begin with, ask yourself:

  • Have you slept together before this or have you had nothing? If not, it is stupid to hurry with such statements.
  • Do you want to tell her because you feel not self-sufficient and think that the girl will somehow complement you?
    If the answer is "yes", it is most likely sooner or later she will throw you.
  • Is this a feeling of your feelings?
    If the answer is "no", then why hurry with such statements? It is better to say approximate words as in the 11th point just above or running and choose the words suitable for you from all 23 points.

For those who want to confess to the love of their passion, it should be remembered and realize the following.

A woman does not want to be an adventure, she wants to go to an adventure with you. She wants to go to a more significant and greater event than she herself. Otherwise, if your focus is completely only on it, it loses interest to you, and you become in need of her eyes.

Remember this, so you won't need the phrases on how to hint the girl that you want to meet with her, and remove all doubts.

12. Invite her to the adventure with you

« Want to go on a date? Do you want to stir my novel with me?"- It is better to speak unfamiliar beauty when you just saw her.

Thus, you invite it to an adventure.

And I say it is not even with the goal to invite or call it somewhere, but I just find any reason to start a conversation with her.

This is all done playfully and words must correspond to your state, that is, it should be.

In the opposite case, this item will not suit you.

Then you can continue to communicate, changing the topic to any other topic.

13. We use jokes with hints of bed

« I just posted on Facebook that we were engaged in love"- rapprochement through positive emotions and humor.

Ideally should not be filters at all. Know everything about being in communication and in life as a whole.

14. Be choosing, and not those who choose

« I choose you, I like to communicate with you"- You show this phrase that you choose her.

15. If you see it for the first time

« I just saw you and could not come"- Use when approaching a stranger.

You do not need to be megaharismatical to know everything about.

16. Tell her that she is better than all other women who around

"I like you more than those girls" - And show on any random girls near.

Another word as an addition to the discussion of the topic on how to say to the girl, what I need her, beautifully.

This can be done like in the club, if you just met her and on a date.

17. Jokes on the topic of weddings and her mom

"Can I call my mother and say that I met my wife?" - Hints on your marriage in a joke.

18. We voicate your feelings and feeling to her with humor

There is such a strong chemistry between us, as in the series "In all grave" - Jump what you feel to her with humor.

It is always better to talk about your feelings for her in your own words without learned text.

Thus, you pump this ability in yourself, you will not need some prepared material and you will know everything about.

19. It is not necessary to call the reason why you pull to her

"I really pull to you. I do not know why"- voiced your strong attraction to her.

20. Let her know what exactly I want to be now the most

"I like to be in the company with you more than with friends" "You chose her among others and you want to be most."

21. Kiss Her.

To the question of how to hint the girl on a kiss:

  • Proceed from the position that you give a kiss, and do not take.
  • Usually I kiss myself and it is verbally i do not ask permission.
  • If initially you positioned itself correctly, then the resistance will not be a kiss.

How did I do

I had a case when one woman intentionally began to pass away from my kiss. Initially, I did everything right and did not see the reasons for resistance.

I did not want to play these cats and immediately said right: " I want to kiss you".

What she answered: " And if I do not know how to kiss?"(And everything became immediately clear).

What I answered: " I will teach you".

And the resistance was no longer. So easily without any games and other nonsense, you can hint at the girl for the first kiss.

Video with my approach

In addition to the topic, I decided to show my video, where I get into the shopping center with a hot woman.

In it, you can clearly see what I wrote about this article.

It can also find answers to the topic of how to tell the girl that she is beautiful, in his own words.

About finding the topic for conversation with women on dates I am site.

22. We use role change chip

Cleaning the roles between you and hooks for a joint future:

  • "If you take me on a date, where are you driving me?".
  • "Where will you tell me on our date with you?".
  • "Enough to seduce me" - The tricky phrase with the change of roles with which you remove responsibility.

Let even she seduces you, and you, but it will remind you that you are a man and a woman.

23. Thin not repulsive words about her figure and face at the same time

"Remove your breasts, hide it from me, I want to see only your beautiful face."

Here is such a compliment to her figure and appearance at the same time, helps to confess in sympathy in the girl can be given.

Key important points about which it is worth remembering

  • You give her to understand that you allocate her among others and why do you like it.
  • When you say a girl about his sympathy, looking straight in the eye.
    It is stupid to get a glance, look aside and talking to nowhere.
  • Be as simple as possible!
  • Be foolish, do not be serious about everything.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • Expressing yourself, do not try to impress.
  • Do not be afraid to touch her and touch it. She herself waits for this.
  • Never consider your openness in sympathy for a girl as weakness. It is always plus and it's strong. But at the same time do not think that she immediately floats after your words and wants you.
  • Be honest and congruent. Say what you think (do not forget about adequacy).
  • Let your emotions go out, and they will attract it.
  • Do not focus on harvested words! Let them yourself say ugly, but from the soul.
    And it will be your best words than borrowed from someone or prepared in advance.
  • Do not try to mow under James Bond or another film hero from the film, voicing his steep phrases.
    It turns out to be only a cheaper and unnatural copy of the kinherman, whose life you can still live.
  • The best thing you get is to be the best.
  • It should be understood that many of the phrases were spoken in a state of flow, and no need to wait after these phrases of unreal reactions from women and rapid adoption.
    In any case, you need to continue to communicate and do not depend on the harvested phrases.
  • The sooner you give her to understand that you feel about it, the better.
    The longer you pull with how to show sympathy for the girl, the more awkward it will be later.
  • Speak about your sympathy in those places where there is no social pressure and unnecessary condemning views of people. Better - alone.

Why the Internet or SMS is the worst ways of manifestations of sympathy and feelings

If you want to confess the girl about your sympathy and intentions for the first time, then never do it online.

It is better to ask yourself: "What prevented this to do in your first minutes of dating when meeting?".

What prevented hinting a girl about what you likeed, when did you see her for the first time?

Why the Internet is so bad for this:

  1. Girl can read your message and just get out From the online mode, even without answering your deep lines of insane love.
  2. On the Internet very beautiful women On social networks they write letters of recognition in love sometimes several dozen men per day.
    Do you want to be one of these gray fans?
  3. All sincerity and honesty of your sympathy, the whole openness of a woman can be transferred only through your eyes when meeting with an eye on the eyes. But not through the monitor.
  4. Woman might think you are shivering Or just throw up, after reading your message. And there is no wrong positioning and misunderstanding you.

You see him in my dreams, all your dreams only of him, he sees you in each counter, you dream about the turbulent love affair, but did not find the strength to take the first step.

Yeah, the situation is still! But do not lose heart! Today we will tell how to hint guy on the relationship and translate them to a new romantic level.

10 ways to draw attention guy

  1. Flirt - The main female weapon. Feel free to ogle, mani and lures, winking and cute clap eyelashes, caught his eye and a few seconds look straight in the eye. If the guy is not a full twirl, he will definitely respond to your game.
  2. Smile - It is impossible to resist. Smile at a meeting, laugh at his jokes, be cheerful and cheerful, men love carefree and happy women.
  1. Be defenseless and weak, give him to feel like a real macho. Men stretch to those women next to which they feel strong and brave. Taking a walk in the park or returning from work late at night, ask him to escort you to the house, show that you need his care and protection. Never miss the chance to show my courage. And then he will like this feeling that he will look for any reason in order to survive him again. As a result, you will kill two hares at once with one shot - you will demonstrate your interest to the guy and make him look at yourself with other eyes.
  2. Be in the center of his attention. Understand your young man you like, it will expand the scope of your opportunities and triples the chances of reciprocity.
  3. Invite him on a date! Why not? Who said the girl can not do it first? Are you afraid of failure? We present everything in a comic form, do not gather a man with serious relationships. Such an approach will provide you with 100% success. For the first date, choose the amusement park or 5D cinema. There you can spend unforgettable moments in your life, which will undoubtedly bring you closer even more.
  4. Find common interests. The object of your adoration likes to spend the weekend for playing chess? Make him a company! Is he a fierce fan of football? Tense and learn the names of several of the most famous football players. Did your dream man visits German courses? Why don't you expand your horizons!
  5. Hawva and do compliments. With the lowest opportunity, express your guy's admiration for his skills and abilities. From this he will receive a lot of pleasure and will certainly want to learn more about you.
  6. Be a good interlocutor. The man also needs to be spoken, here and become for him exactly the person with whom you can spend a light and relaxed conversation. In the process of the conversation, you will probably touch the love topics, then you can finely hint guy about your feelings.
  7. Do not forget about tactile contact. In the era of total hurry and permanent employment, people stopped hugging and hold hands. But in this case, it will play on our hand, because the man simply will not be able to not notice the girl who, as if by chance, constantly touches him.
  8. Tell me about your feelings right. This method is great for those girls who are accustomed to "take a bull for horns." You can write a note and give it to Valentine's Day, put it in the morning press or just shove into the jacket pocket.

We hint at the relationship - work on errors

Very often, girls admit rude oversities that bring all their efforts to zero. What is categorically impossible to do?

  • Do not be misalified in a conversation with a young man you like;
  • Do not open entirely and completely. It is quite subtly hinting about your feelings. But to demonstrate hot love and hike a guy on the neck is not worth it;
  • Do not be obsessive. Continue to live your life, go to parties, meet with friends, spend the weekend outside the city. No need to turn into a hawk and relentlessly follow the object of its lusts. Do not call him too often, do not get the SMS constant, it is very rapidly bored;
  • Do not use in the love affairs intermediaries;
  • Not flirting with other guys in his presence;
  • Do not become just a friend. You are a woman, you have to emphasize every way.

Fight for your happiness. Want to get closer to the cherished dream - act, do not be afraid to take the initiative. Well, if the guy does not understand the hints - say right and what will happen!