How to kiss a guy: girls stories and general guidelines. How to kiss a guy on the lips without a tongue for the first time? Learn to kiss passionately in French (photo and video)

Any girl in her dreams imagines that her beloved young man will always take the initiative into her own hands, she will be the first to hug, kiss, and make an appointment. But these are just dreams. It may happen that the guy who will become your destiny will be calm, timid. Or you are just a little bolder and more determined, so if you decide that this is the same person, then why delay - take the first step. Of course, be careful, he may not appreciate this kind of pressure.

What to do? A good excuse for a kiss is the well-known bottle game. However, this is not exactly what you want. A guy might think that you are an easily accessible girl, especially since such a kiss is not taken seriously. Therefore, you need to think a little, maybe a good idea will come to mind.

There are three types of first kisses:

  • Mutual - in this case, the desire for a kiss arises at the same time in a girl and a guy.
  • One-sided - the fairer sex takes the initiative of the first kiss.
  • One-sided - attraction arises from the young man.

Of course, I would like the guy to take the first step, any girl is pleased. At worst, lead to a mutual kiss, although this is quite difficult to do.

If you are tired of waiting for the first kiss, and decided to take this step first, prepare thoroughly for this event. Be sure that this is not another whim, and the young man is not a moth - a one-day one who will not appreciate your action.

Pay attention to your lips, tidy them up, keep them soft and pleasant. A herpes that jumped up on the eve of a scheduled date should cool your ardor until the next better moment. Take care of a modest make-up, bright lipstick with lots of glitter that looks incredible for you, leave it at home, few young people like to sparkle after a kiss like a Christmas tree.

Good breath is an important part of a successful kiss, as you yourself understand. Therefore, stock up on chewing gum or flavored candies.
Of course, a first date is not a time to experiment, and a kiss on your part can give the wrong impression. After all, it is much more pleasant to be a little inaccessible, mysterious. Take your time, enjoy communication, get to know the person better. Take an interest in his life, interests, habits. Just take a walk in the park, listen to the rustle of grass and birdsong, sit on a bench. Take a walk by the water, the lapping of the waves will set you in a romantic mood, ride a boat on the water surface. In a calm environment, people are drawn to each other. Try from time to time, but very carefully to touch the young man, straighten the collar, shake off a speck of dust from his shoulder, drive away the mosquito, these actions will gradually accustom him to your closeness, so you are now preparing the ground for the first kiss.

If on one of the dates you nevertheless decided to take the first step yourself, then stop, slow down slightly, sit on the bench, because the first kiss should not take place in a hurry and fuss. Choose a place in advance where it is not so crowded, let this event be just for the two of you.

There is no need to throw yourself on your neck trying to kiss a guy, stop, as if by accident just a step away from him. A slight hitch, a slight smile, a look in the eyes. If a guy silently smiling looks at you, then the right moment has come. Move over and kiss him on the cheek. If your actions are correct, then you will get back a kiss on the lips. Now you can relax, hug your loved one, put your hands on his shoulders, stroke his face, and tousle his hair. Tactile contact is very important and will please both of you.

However, if it is important for you that the guy takes the first step himself, then instead of kissing him on the cheek, slightly tilt your head, lower your eyelashes, and open your lips. However, do not forget that this should not happen during the conversation, but when there is a pause.
The first kiss happened, and now what? A long look in the eyes, a little embarrassment, a slight smile. And even after the first one, you will have thousands of pleasant kisses.

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Young people often approach their first kiss with great excitement and anxiety, since they have no experience and do not know how to kiss for the first time. This exciting moment has a chance to become either a successful start in a relationship that is just nascent, or a complete failure.

No one wants to seem like a dilettante on such a serious matter as kissing for the first time. Due to the lack of practice, both partners can expect funny, funny, or even completely unpleasant moments that we would like to avoid. Relationships are always exciting, touching and romantic, and so that this moment leaves only the best memories for many, we will figure out how to get away from mistakes that prevent making a kiss for the first time an indicator of the most serious intentions.

In contact with

Will the first kiss be remembered forever?

Events that were emotionally significant, a person remembers throughout his life.

This has long been proven by psychologists. The more important the action was, the brighter the memory remains. This definition is called emotionally colored brightness. The brighter emotionally the sensation, the longer it will remain in a person's memory, especially if such events occur for the first time. And the first kiss of adolescents is one of the most emotional sensations that can leave a deep imprint on the memory for many years. Moreover, the memory of the first kiss and the pleasant sensations that were experienced can be remembered forever.

Kissing the first time and the second, and the third is good for your health. It improves mood, burns calories, strengthens the immune system, and increases physical and mental performance. Psychologists believe that kissing means finding peace of mind and harmony between the outer and inner world.

How to kiss for the first time so that it will be remembered forever? It's important to know:

  • you need to kiss for the first time with someone who is desirable for you, someone who causes your heart to sink even at a glance; it is important that sympathy is mutual;
  • you should not kiss for the first time in the absence of desire, if the situation does not correspond at all to the expected event;
  • you should forget about alcohol for courage - it is able to dull the senses, and the liberation created in this way will not help make the kiss memorable.

The main mistake made by those who decided to kiss for the first time in their lives is to do it just for their own pleasure. It is advisable to try to feel his (or her) desires and support them. This will help you get a unique experience from your first kiss.

How old is it?

Are you worried about how old you can kiss for the first time? In this case, most likely, you are experiencing love and the desire to get closer to the object of sighing. A certain age is not important, since:

  • someone had a kissing experience for the first time in kindergarten;
  • others were lucky at the age of 20;
  • teenagers start kissing at the age of 12-16, there is nothing reprehensible and strange in this.

There is no critical age limit. This cannot be blamed or ridiculed. Girls, unlike boys, develop faster, so they often want to kiss a high school student for the first time more than a peer.

Choose a partner responsibly. There will be no second attempt, you need to act sincerely and tenderly. Girls should not kiss solely because all the girlfriends already have this practice, and the guys should not kiss in order to look cooler in the eyes of others.

It is important for a girl that her feelings are not clouded by feelings of insincerity and mistrust. Therefore, before taking a step towards the first kiss, you need to be sure that this is exactly the guy you need. Only then will the first kiss remain in the memory forever.

How to deal with a guy?

You are a young lady, which means that you are worried about the thought of first contact with a member of the opposite sex. How to kiss correctly the first time so that the sensations are not spoiled by wrong actions? What to do if he seems to show signs of attention, but he still does not dare to make such tactile contact? Well, you have to take the initiative and take the first step yourself.

To find out the secret of how to properly kiss a guy for the first time, you will need:

  • an object of the opposite sex;
  • your lips and his;
  • appropriate setting;
  • if possible, no witnesses.

The recipe is simple - maximum naturalness, minimum stress. All of us were inexperienced and literally understood nothing about the art of love. However, overcoming shyness and fear, some manage to find a person for life. But what if the lucky one who likes so much is fate?

So the long-awaited first date has come. How to kiss without a tongue for the first time?

  1. Don't rush things.
  2. You have nice conversations, talk about various topics, laugh, and the time for the meeting is slowly coming to an end.
  3. There are two options: he looks in the eyes, without looking away, or he behaves at ease, and in his future plans to accompany him home, as a result - to carry out his plans.

Be that as it may, be relaxed, open and smile more. A smile always disposes the interlocutor.


  • look at him and playfully lower your eyes down;
  • playing with hair - easily winding a strand on your finger, correcting your hair is always perceived as flirting;
  • do not overdo it, so as not to frighten off.

There should be a measure in everything, the so-called "golden mean".

The less nerves, the more chances that the meeting will be crowned with success, and you yourself will understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, as it almost always looks natural and at ease if sincere feelings appear between you. Nothing terrible will happen if something does not go according to plan, there is nothing shameful about it. And for you it will be a lesson and experience for the future.

How to make your first kiss unforgettable

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

The moment is approaching when the first kiss will take place. How to kiss a young man you like?

Only lips are involved in this process, the initiative is in the hands of the lady. How to kiss without a tongue for the first time? You can gently kiss him, saying goodbye at the end of the date:

  1. Standing facing the young man, smile at him and thank him for a pleasant evening.
  2. Step up to him or stand on tiptoes to be close to his face.
  3. Close your lips, lower your eyelids, touch your lips to his lips and press down, just lingering in this position for a second.
  4. After that, the most correct decision for you is to leave. After such an act, he will think of you, eagerly plan the next meeting.

A little trick: Before kissing your tongue with a guy for the first time, apply lipstick at home. If that moment comes, erase it discreetly. This will be a clear sign for him to take the decisive action that you are waiting for.

How to kiss the tongue with a guy for the first time? This technique is called - the most common. France is considered the homeland of love, lovers often come here and confess their feelings.

  • a man should start kissing, a girl should follow him;
  • although sometimes ladies can take over this initiative if the guy cannot make up his mind;
  • trust your beloved, come closer, do not hide your hands;
  • movements are smooth, calm;
  • surrender to the moment, everything will happen by itself.

Here are some tips on how to kiss properly for the first time with your tongue:

  1. Lick your lips, slightly moisturize them.
  2. Approach your face to the man, bow your head to avoid collision with your nose, cover your eyelids.
  3. To kiss for the first time in this way, you need to start, first closing and gradually opening your lips, doing it as slowly as possible.
  4. If he does not mind the "French kiss", slightly open and relax your lips, make him press his lips slightly against one of your lips.
  5. Open and close your mouth again, sticking out your tongue, making movements similar to licking a lollipop.
  6. The movements of the tongue should be smooth, soft.

And how can a guy kiss a girl with a tongue for the first time and breathe? Your breathing should be through your nose. If your tongue is in your partner's mouth, you can fantasize: move it across the sky, touch his teeth, tongue. A responsive man will make the first French kiss the most sensual and will give both of them an unforgettable experience.

Every young man who wants to impress a girl he likes should feel confident and be able to kiss - beautifully, correctly and very romantic.

To match the image of a confident man and leave a lasting impression of the first kiss, you need to know how to behave on the first date and how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips.

What and what not to do on a date?

The first kiss with a girl is a wonderful event. Most young men get too busy about this. Only the right attitude can control the situation.

Remember, this is not an A-grade exam. Flawless results are achieved only by testing.

You will understand when you can kiss a girl for the first time, from the following:

  1. Do not rush things and do not act against her will, otherwise a good slap in the face and the end of communication is guaranteed. Her high spirits, sparkle in her eyes - the "green light" of approval.
  2. The fair half of the sex adores when a man smells "delicious". The perfume should not be harsh and cloying. A refreshing, light scent is the perfect solution, especially in summer.
  3. Show gentlemanly qualities: give your hand, open the door, move a chair in a cafe for the first time and in subsequent meetings. In short, do everything to make her feel protected.
  4. Present flowers, not necessarily a large and expensive bouquet. He will be a manifestation of tenderness and feelings.

What is the right way to kiss a girl for the first time so that it will be remembered forever? To understand how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips, you need to create tactile contact. But if a lady removes, crosses her arms, moves away or asks in plain text not to touch her, you urgently need to stop and apologize. You didn't like it, it happens. It is impossible to please everyone, this is normal. Jokes, sharp remarks regarding her appearance, hobbies, friends, family are in any case unacceptable, this is not the best option for conversations.

The list of common incidents on a date for the first time should include:

  • the question of the possibility of a kiss;
  • unnecessary touching;
  • distracted conversations after what is happening;
  • ridiculous phrases and comments.

How to kiss a girl on the lips?

Many magazines touch on the topic "How to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time." It will always be relevant, nothing changes from year to year.

To properly kiss a girl for the first time, you must:

  • avoid a large crowd of people, as there is a great risk of meeting acquaintances; what if she doesn't want anyone to know about it yet - such an atmosphere stifles, does not allow to fully open up, enjoy each other;
  • a look and an unobtrusive smile decide a lot, if not all; touch her hair, gently running behind the ear; if she does not turn away, you are on the right track;
  • gently reach for her lips, lightly touch them with your mouth;
  • start kissing the first time tenderly, watch her reaction.

If the young lady reciprocates, do not stop. Hug your shoulders, stroke your chin and cheeks a little.

How to kiss the tongue?

How to kiss the tongue with a girl for the first time? Start with the traditional option:

  1. Without opening your lips, kiss a couple of times in a row.
  2. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips, as if licking.
  3. After that, your partner should reciprocate, that is, open her lips.
  4. If this does not happen, stick your tongue in your mouth a little.

Did not help? Do not continue, so she did not have the desire to kiss "in French" the first time.

If for the first time everything goes as planned, continue to "explore" the mouth of your beloved, going over the teeth with your tongue. It is possible to approach such a moment if people trust each other, there are no physical barriers between them in order to kiss for the first time. Kissing for her is a magical feeling of "butterflies in the stomach", a bright, incomparable feeling.

Most lovers believe that a tongue stuck in full length for the first time only causes disgust. Do not forget about saliva, at first, its excess causes negative emotions.

Useful video


  1. Goosebumps, accelerated heartbeat, pleasant tremors - the first kiss is to blame. How to kiss correctly for the first time, to present yourself, you already know. The main thing is to gather courage, nerves - into a fist, not to be shy, to give vent to feelings. Love is a wonderful state that knows no barriers, no matter how it is explained from a medical point of view. Kissing is the best way to express feelings without words. If you want to confess your love - start kissing.
  2. The fairer sex should not forget that it is not advisable to take the initiative and start kissing for the first time with a young man on your initiative. All the same, kissing is, perhaps, an expression of feelings towards you of exactly “that, your” person.
  3. A young man who has a desire to kiss should react to how she perceives his initiative, and if she is unpleasant to her, you need to stop in time. A lady will definitely appreciate such an act.

Let the process itself, taking place for the first time, bring only positive emotions, kiss your health! And the question of how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips no longer bothers you. Everything comes with experience, after a while you both will not be equal.

Having met a boyfriend of her own, every girl wants him to take the initiative and kiss her first. However, in our time, often guys come across timid, and the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have to do everything themselves. And there is nothing shameful in this, why hesitate if you are sure that this is exactly the person who is worthy of your kiss?

The first kiss is a pleasant and exciting event, so you need to prepare very well for it. We have prepared instructions on how to kiss a guy first.

How to kiss a guy for the first time?

The best time to start kissing is after a few dates. Take your time to drown in the arms of someone you don't know at all. First, you need to get close enough, find common interests and topics for, and then, when you feel that you are ready, you can try to kiss the guy on the lips, and we will tell you how to do this below:

  1. Make sure your breath is fresh. Before kissing, be sure to freshen it up, you can chew gum or use mint tablets. Do you want your chosen one to continue kissing you with pleasure?
  2. Always look your best! If you look good, you will become more confident and more relaxed. Don't forget to pamper yourself with beautiful things, cosmetics and perfumes.
  3. Physical contact is equally important. Before you can start kissing, you need to break the tangential barrier. Touch your loved one, take his hand, put your hands on your shoulders, etc.
  4. And it is equally important to choose the right moment. Before kissing a guy, make sure he isn't nervous. Create a relaxed environment. Don't try to show him how passionate you are for the first time. For the first time, it is enough to lightly touch your lips.

To learn to kiss a guy passionately, as is usually shown to us in films, you need to practice and try different types of kissing. Practice is important here, no one can teach you better than yourself.

Men don't read our minds. But they read our actions! How to tactfully and delicately nudge a guy to the first kiss? We will tell you how to correctly hint a guy about a kiss: how to behave, what to do, look, touch. You will also learn how to choose the right place and time for a kiss and whether it is worth taking the initiative and kissing a guy first.

It is so accepted that the initiative in a relationship should come from the guy. He should be the first to come up and get to know you, he should be the first to ask you out, he should kiss you first.

But this does not mean that you have to humbly await his decisions. There are many tricks in the women's arsenal that will help nudge it and steer it in the right direction.

How to nudge a guy for the first kiss

Do you think it's time for your first kiss? Did he hesitate? You need to make him want to kiss you. Hint to him that you do not mind, and then he will definitely take the next step. Here are some proven tricks to help you.


The guy doesn’t take the first step because he’s not sure if you want to. Show him with your behavior that you like him: flirt, smile, compliment him, laugh at his jokes.

It is important that the atmosphere is warm and friendly. Don't be too proud or act like a touchy person. If a young man feels comfortable next to you, he will soon decide to kiss.

How to learn to give good compliments.


The best hint is touch. Join hands. Or fix his hair. Choose for yourself. Touches indicate your sympathy. They break down a certain barrier between lovers, bringing them closer to each other.


Get as close to him as possible, feel his breathing and heart rate. Take a look into his eyes. Hold in them for a few seconds, move your gaze to the lips and back. Can you feel your hearts beating to the beat?

If the guy turned out to be very modest, then show a little initiative. For example, run your hand over your face or hug it around the neck. In this situation, touching will act as an electric shock, and he will no longer be able to control himself.

Advice: in order not to "drill" the guy with a glance, look into his eyes, for a while long enough to distinguish their color. It only takes the few seconds it takes and doesn't make the guy feel uncomfortable.

By the look of a man, you can determine how he feels in you. Don't believe me? Then .

Perhaps he already wants to kiss you and is just waiting for the right moment. How do guys even hint at a kiss? Everything .


It is worth drawing his attention to the main object - the lips. This can intuitively provoke a man into kissing you.

For example, if you lightly bite or touch your lower lip, then the young man will not lose sight of this. Remember, your lips are the most attractive, especially at times like these.


Take a little time. If the guy takes you home, then you should not immediately run to the apartment. To get started, stop at the entrance / entrance to the house and talk. Play the keys a little in your hands, remembering to look your beloved in the eye. He already understood everything for sure.


Hold your next meeting or date at the cinema. This is such a little feminine trick. If you go to the "horror", then you can often touch it, arguing this with "fear".

And an interesting melodrama or comedy with a happy ending will become a call to action, especially if you comment on the ending of the film with the words: "Oh, how romantic."


Scientists have proven that the most memorable and enjoyable first kiss is when a girl kisses a guy. But how not to be rejected and rejected? Let's consider all the nuances.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexei Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep him attached for years to come.

The video course is free. To view, go to this page, leave your e-mail and a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to the video.

Is it worth kissing a man first: when is it allowed and when it is not?

Let's say you failed to seduce a guy into a kiss. What to do in such a situation? Should you take the initiative into your own hands?

To avoid getting into an awkward situation and not getting rejected, watch his behavior. Guys give out their emotions in the same way as we do, so it is quite possible to determine that he likes you.

More information about being in you can be here.

Don't be in a hurry. It may turn out that your beloved is not at all modest. Suddenly he wants to take this step in a different environment or is still figuring out whether he made the right choice. If the guy first called you out on a date, give him the initiative. He himself will dare to kiss you, but do not forget about the advice above so that he does not think that you are indifferent to you.

If you do decide to take this courageous step, be gentle. Walk up to him, look into his eyes and slowly, slowly, approach his lips. When you are a couple of centimeters from the target, stop for a few seconds. At this moment, the young man can take the initiative into his own hands.

Let the kiss be not persistent, timid, and last only a few seconds. Then look at his reaction. If he didn't run away from you and said that it was superfluous, if he looks at you with love (this is noticeable), then stay in the same position and look into his eyes, smiling slightly. Most likely, he will want to continue, and this time he will kiss you.

Interesting video on the topic:

  1. Don't overdo it with makeup. A guy might not kiss you because of bright red lipstick or too shiny gloss. He doesn't want all this to be on his lips too. Going out on a date - use a colorless balm that will leave your lips soft and / or give them a pleasant scent.
  2. Fresh breath. No matter how long we brush our teeth in the morning, they won't be clean at lunchtime. Kissing a person whose mouth smells bad is a terrible "pleasure." Therefore, always carry gum or mints with you and use one before meeting your lover.
  3. Consider if it is right for you. If you want to kiss a guy as quickly as possible, because his indecision and shyness annoy you, then think about whether you need to start a serious relationship with him at all. His character will not change over time, most likely, he will be like that all his life. But even in this case, there are exceptions.
  4. Don't kiss him in public places. Perhaps the young man does not want others to know about your relationship, or does not want everyone to see his indecision. Choose a setting that is more intimate than a university corridor or a backyard.
  5. Do you want to touch him? Suggest to measure your hands! Then, if the guy doesn't mind, just leave your palm in his.
  6. Don't think about the outsider. During a kiss, you should not bother with questions like: "What is he thinking about now?" or "How do I look?" If this kiss is mutual, then now he only thinks about how beautiful you are, and the same answer is suitable for the second question.
  7. Tell him. If a guy talks very quickly and talks a lot, then most likely he plans to kiss you, but does not know when to kiss you. Help him - tell him with a playful smile on your face that he talks too much and put your finger or palm to his lips. He will kiss you. Important: it shouldn't sound like a rebuke. He may be offended, be careful.
  8. Smile. A smile, like politeness, conquers cities.
  9. Control the situation. If the kiss turns out to be different from what you imagined, try to correct the situation. When you like what he does, tell him about it, or rather show your pleasure. You can hug him tighter or soften in his arms. He will learn!

Remember that kissing often marks the beginning of a relationship. Take this seriously. Love you!

So what is the best course of action and when can you kiss a guy for the first time? Well, first, you need to monitor his behavior and reactions. If a young man likes you, then he. Most likely. It may be surprising, but even now there are young people who may be shy and not in a hurry to take the first step. With a guy like that, sometimes you need to take the initiative into your own hands. But of course, there is no need to rush. First, let's decide: did he go on a date with you, or do you just notice that he cares? If he did invite you, then you shouldn't rush things. He may need a couple of meetings to understand how he treats you. There are such detailed people who do not take any steps until they decide that they are going to have a serious relationship with the girl. So don't rush him. If you understand that such indecision annoys you too much, then think about whether it is worth starting such a relationship. You should understand that, most likely, the young man will think in this way every action he does towards you. And if you already understand that all this does not fit your principles and habits, then you should immediately explain to the young man that nothing will work out so as not to give him meaningless and empty hopes. If you still want to be with him, then try to hint slightly with your behavior, flirt with him. Still, men, as you know, are not made of iron and if you can show yourself correctly, the guy will not be able to resist a kiss.

How to kiss a guy for the first time

The main thing is not to behave vulgarly and do not go too far. In general, on the first date, you don't need to kiss. It all depends on how interesting you are with each other, how comfortable. Life principles and morals also play an important role. They are different for all people, which is why everything also happens in different ways for everyone.

If a guy just shows interest in you, but clearly hesitates to come up and invite you on a date, then you can try to take the initiative yourself. Perhaps he simply does not believe that a girl like you can be attracted to. In this case, you have to prove to him that it is not. Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to kiss him right away, or if you can get by with words. Your behavior should completely depend on and correspond to the situation in which you find yourself. Remember: there is no one single right decision for everyone. Therefore, it is better to act according to the circumstances. The main thing is that your kiss does not look like a hysterical gesture or a mockery. After all, there are times when, after a kiss, seeing that they are looking at her, the girl simply disappears or says that it was all a joke. This behavior brings pain and misunderstanding, therefore it is completely unacceptable. Before you decide to kiss a guy, think carefully about whether you really want to be with him and whether you will change your mind later. Yes, a kiss is essentially innocent, but it’s where it all starts. Therefore, if a kiss for you is not just a kiss, but the beginning of a relationship, you should not treat it lightly, do it first, and then regret your act.

Another question that can worry a girl: is it worth kissing a guy if you are not sure of his feelings? Here, of course, everything is even more complicated. The fact is that young people cannot always understand and accept our feelings. That is why it may happen that the guy just laughs or embarrasses people. Therefore, before taking such a step, you need to more or less objectively evaluate the young man and think about how he will react if he does not like you. And the reaction will be in any case. It's just that if a young man treats you friendly, he will try to simply explain to you that your relationship can only be friendly and this kiss is best to forget and pretend that nothing happened. Of course, it is painful and unpleasant, but in this case, no one will offend or humiliate you. It is worse when a young man angrily pushes the girl away or makes fun of her in public. In this case, you will be ashamed not only in front of him and in front of yourself. In addition, there will be a feeling of one's own shame, which is very difficult to overcome. Therefore, consider whether you are ready to make a sacrifice in case of failure. Always remember that in a state of love we tend to idealize young people and see only the best in them.

In fact, the real picture often does not look so rosy. Our object of sighing may turn out to be not at all as kind and sweet as it seems from the outside. That is why, before taking radical steps, you need to try, no matter how difficult it may be, to throw away emotions and think a little rationally. You should honestly answer yourself these questions: do I have a real chance with him? Does he have any sympathy for me? Is this guy the right guy for me at all? Sometimes, loving the forbidden fruit, we think only that it is cherished and forbidden, completely forgetting about the realities of life. That is why, before starting to act, decide for yourself whether you want a real relationship with him, if this young man accepts your feelings.

A kiss is both very simple and very serious. In some situations, it does not mean anything, and in others it solves almost everything. That is why, if you feel that kissing is going to be a serious step, think carefully before making a decision. And most importantly, listen to yourself. No one will ever be as good an advisor as your own mind, intuition, and, of course, your heart - only they will tell you exactly when you can kiss a guy for the first time ..