How to get a beautiful tan at sea: effective ways, secrets and recommendations. How to sunbathe in the sun - a quick and correct tan

A greedy person lives in each of us. It is she, sitting in the depths of her soul, hugging a toad, who whispers to us every summer that a luxurious chocolate tan is not necessary to buy in a solarium. One has only to go out into the street in June, spread his arms to the sky, and say in the voice of Thumbelina: "Hello, Swallow, hello, Sunny!" And here it is - a miracle.

A golden, velvety, perfectly even tan will cover our pale, bluish bodies in just a couple of hours, and the only thing left is to wait for a handsome prince. And not for long - he is a prince, and not a fool to miss such beauty.

Maybe, of course, this is not the case. Maybe some other considerations every summer with maniacal persistence push us to the beach in the midday sun. A short vacation, and for a seaside resort we usually have only a week, rarely two.

Therefore, we simply have to squeeze the maximum out of the minimum and take from the sun what we rightfully deserve: warmth, a bucket of vitamin D and a luxurious tan.

Do you know what? This is really possible! Here, the main thing is to approach the issue in an organized and responsible manner, otherwise, as experience shows, instead of a prince on a white horse, three horsemen of the apocalypse will come to you: burn, fever, chills.

Therefore, read and remember how to tan as quickly and, most importantly, correctly.

To begin with, we must honestly admit that our instructions will, alas, not help every girl.

If you are lucky to be born a natural blonde or redhead with blue eyes and milky white skin (that is, with the so-called first type), you can close this article - there will be no useful information for you here.

You just can't sunbathe. A-priory. Do not anger God, you are already beautiful, where do you still need a tan!

If you go to the beach without SPF 40+ sunscreen, the punishment for this sin will be skin burns, blisters and swelling. Do you need it?

If you are a representative of the fourth type - that is, from birth, dark-skinned, black-haired and brown-eyed, then you can also do something more useful than reading these recommendations. To our great envy, the sun is not dangerous to you at all.

Your remedies are moisturizing sprays and oils with SPF 2-10. Rather, to give a certain shade to an already delicious skin color.

But if you are a representative of type 2-3 (with hair color from light blond to dark brown), quickly take out a pencil, write down the instructions. We are running out of time, September is just around the corner.

Beach visit mode

1. Take your time

A very important point: do not use any outdoor tanning booster on the first day or even two at the beach. Let your skin get used to the new temperature and UV exposure.

She herself must tune in to the production of melanin (the very substance thanks to which we darken). Hurry - make the dermatologist laugh. Remember, huh? - burns, fever, chills.

2. Keep track of the clock

Important point number two: as much as I would not want to speed up the processes of turning myself into Naomi Campbell, but as soon as the clock struck 11 in the morning (or even ten, because the sun in the south is more aggressive every year), they put on crystal slippers, sat in a pumpkin - and march home from the ball. Return to the beach at five o'clock. You will have at least three more hours to get the cherished one.

Tanning accelerators

Now let's list the tools that will speed up your tan.

1. Self-tanning

We cannot fail to mention it. If you can't get out to the sea, self-tanning sprays and creams will help. It is better, of course, to contact a specialist in a tanning center, but you can also use home coloring products.

In addition, self-tanning will help you feel more comfortable on the beach if you are embarrassed about your whiteness. Gradually, it will wash off, and the natural one, on the contrary, will appear. When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition. It is good if vitamin E is present in it.

2. Creams and lotions

When buying a tanning product, read the label carefully. It doesn't have to be tanning cream in a tanning bed. On the beach, such a cream will not protect you, and you can get very burned.

What is the difference between tanning accelerators? The fact that they contain components that help the skin to increase the production of melanin. You should select the level of protection SPF (Sun Protection Factor) with an index from 2 to 20, depending on the phototype of your skin and the degree of tan.

You must understand that you cannot get a good result with one bottle for the whole vacation. Therefore, gradually reduce the SPF index. But only gradually. The first time you apply the product at home, before going to the beach.

The cream should not be applied in a greasy layer. This will increase the heating of the skin. Rub in with massage movements until completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure every half hour.

3. Vitamins

If you are planning your vacation in advance, it is worth starting to take medications that increase the production of melanin. Start taking selenium, lycopene, B vitamins, especially AT 10, as well as vitamin complexes with vitamins AND ALL no later than two weeks before the trip.

4. Natural oil

The use of natural oil will help you get an even, beautiful tan. Wild carrot oil and cold-pressed sunflower oil are best. In addition, there are ready-made combination versions of cosmetic oils, which include coconut, avocado, wheat and vitamins.

However, it will not be very convenient to use oil on a sandy beach. As you can imagine, the skin covered with oil will become oily and the grains of sand will stick strongly. Remember to reapply it after water treatments.

There are synthetic oils, but be careful with them - they can cause an allergic reaction. Test on a small area of ​​skin such as the wrist before applying.

5. Diet

Is there a tanning diet? Our answer is yes. Eating foods containing beta-carotene can increase your tan. Eat more red and orange fruits and vegetables, and the production of melanin will begin to increase.

Pumpkin, watermelon, pear, carrots and apricots are your best friends on vacation.

Also get into the habit of drinking natural juices on the beach. Of course, a glass of cold beer with bubbles is great refreshing in the heat, but we are not just lying there, we have an important mission with you - to get tanned.

Alternatively, indulge in liver, red fish, tuna, avocado and almond on vacation. They contain amino acid tyrosine which will help us with the production of melanin.

6. Creams with tingle effect

These are creams that increase the blood circulation in the skin, as a result of which the blood is supplied with oxygen faster and the tan lays down better.

They are mainly used in tanning salons, but for our purposes they are also suitable. With this cream we fix the tanning intensity.

Never apply it on unburned skin and never use it on your face. Also, test it on your wrist beforehand. Because the likelihood of allergies is also high.

7. Securing the tan

Well, last but not least.

Remember that chocolate tanning is not the healthiest thing that can happen to your skin. If beauty still requires sacrifices, we try to reduce them to a reasonable minimum.

Moisturize your skin constantly. After the beach, take a shower, wash off the salt from your skin. Then apply after-sun products right away. Gel, cream, milk - it doesn't matter, but the packaging should indicate that this product is AFTER sunburn.

The main thing is that the skin is hydrated and regularly receives useful vitamins and oils.

Then our radiant, delicate, velvety, milk-chocolate color will cause a storm of admiration in the eyes of our prince, and an ocean of envy in the eyes of our pale-faced friends. That is what we were trying to achieve.

Have a great vacation, may your tan be with you!

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How many people dream of going out into the countryside for a weekend, sunbathing on the nearest beach for one day, and showing up to work on Monday to show the envious gaze of employees a perfect bronze tan. Usually, such a process of accelerated application of tanning on a white office body ends with a habit of painful skin burns and the appearance of a boiled cancer ... It was like that before. After reading this article, you will learn how to tan painlessly in just 1 day to the maximum possible level.

Absolute tan

Of course, you will have to work hard, or rather, you will need to allocate time for the procedures for taking dosed sunbathing and carefully observe the duration of alternating intervals of being in the sun and in the shade. Only in this case is the correct result guaranteed.

Absolute compensation principle

Our body is so arranged that if we make a load, and then give it a rest, then it begins to recover. However, the main nuance is that at the beginning there is not just recovery, but a sharp activation of recovery processes with a short-term excess of the previous state level - usually 20-30% higher.

This process is called absolute compensation. It allows the body with the next load to withstand a stronger impact than that received in the load. This property of any living tissue, acting on the biochemical structure and bioenergetic potential of the cell, - after a strong load, a short interval occurs when the life potential rises to 30%. The only pity is that it ends quickly.

Tan. Absolute compensation principle

In the case of sunburn, melanin plays a key role.
The process is the same as described above.
What is melanin?
It is an intracellular pigment that protects against ultraviolet radiation. He also determines the degree of tanning.

So the very secret, thanks to which you can tan in one day, and get a tan color, as if you spent a whole month on the beach.

The main secret of tanning

If, during the period of absolute compensation, the load is again given, then a new round of recovery will occur - another 20-30% of the already increased one. This means that by correctly repeating exercise-rest cycles, you raise the body's capabilities to the maximum possible. This also applies to physical exertion, and mental, and stress from the sun.
By applying this principle to increase the level of melanin in skin cells, we get an ultra-fast, absolute tan, which is the utmost possible for our skin type. The main thing is to know the correct cycle interval and adhere strictly to them.

Goltis technique

After a metered stay in a space open to sunlight, you need to hide in the shade every time, also for a certain time. Moreover, the shadow should be deep, from a canopy or a large umbrella, completely covering from the sky, and not light shading from the branches.

Going out in the sun the next time is when the melanin levels are in the super-recovery phase. Thus, if this is repeated many times, then you can very quickly increase the permissible time intervals for being under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and thereby increase the tan.

1. Tanning table in minutes

1 1: 3O1: 3O1: OO1: OO3: OO
2 2: OO2: OO1: OO1: OO3: OO
3 3: OO3: OO1: 3O1: 3O5: OO
4 5: OO5: OO2: 3O2: 3O5: OO
5 7: OO7: OO3: OO3: OO7: OO
6 9: OO9: OO5: OO5: OO1O: OO
7 12: OO12: OO7: OO7: OO1O: OO
8 15: OO15: OO1O: OO1O: OO1O: OO
9 2O: OO2O: OO15: OO15: OO15: OO
10 25: OO25: OO2O: OO2O: OO2O: OO
11 35: OO35: OO25: OO25: OO3O: OO
12 45: OO45: OO3O: OO3O: OO4O: OO

This is how you step by step raise the level of melanin to the maximum. And without any side effects such as sunburn, redness and headaches.

The apparent complexity of the process disappears as soon as you start to apply the scheme in practice.

How to tan in 1 day

So you have the opportunity to make yourself a very powerful bronze tan in one day. What is noteworthy is that this tan will be natural, that is, for a long time, in contrast to the temporary, which is given by tanning creams. And of course, you will be able to spend a long time painlessly in the sun, since the amount of melanin produced will provide natural protection at the highest possible level.

You can print the table and mark the steps taken. It is convenient to time the time on the phone's stopwatch.

Attention! For very sensitive and burnt skin, the periods are different. The swing of the absolute compensation pendulum should be started at 10-second intervals.

2. Tanning table for sensitive and burnt skin

1 A: 15A: 15О: 1ОО: 1ОО: 3О
2 О: 2ОО: 2ОО: 1ОО: 1ОО: 3О
3 О: 3ОО: 3ОA: 15A: 15О: 5О
4 О: 5ОО: 5ОA: 25A: 25О: 5О
5 1: 1O1: 1OО: 3ОО: 3О1: 1O
6 1: 3O1: 3OО: 5ОО: 5О1: 4O
7 2: OO2: OO1: 1O1: 1O1: 4O
8 2: 3O2: 3O1: 4O1: 4O1: 4O
9 3: 2O3: 2O2: 3O2: 3O2: 3O
10 4: 5O4: 5O3: 2O3: 2O3: 2O
11 5: 5O5: 5O4: 5O4: 5O5: OO
12 7: 3O7: 3O5: OO5: OO6: 4O

The complete daily tanning process consists of 12 steps.
Each step consists of 5 stages:

  1. We turn to the sun's rays with our chest.
  2. We turn our backs.
  3. We turn left side.
  4. We turn right side.
  5. We hide in the shadows.

See the video for more details.

Please note that the shadow should be deep. After all, ultraviolet rays are reflected in the atmosphere and their irradiation comes from the entire sector of the sky.

Attention! This scheme is not allowed to be used in a tanning bed.

Use cases for absolute compensation

super extreme tan (in 1 day)

We go through all the cycles in one day, from dawn to dusk. This ultra-fast option is only acceptable for perfectly healthy skin, which also needs to have at least some initial impulse of natural tanning. Albinos and equated white-skinned office workers who do not see the sun's rays for months are prohibited from using the super-extreme method!

extreme tanning (in 2 days)

We go through all the steps of Table 1 in a couple of days.

An important point: the option is used when you need to rush to sunbathe, but at the same time we skip the hours of active sun. From 12 to 15 o'clock, it is advisable to take a break and after it take 2 steps back. This means that if before lunch, for example, you have completely passed 5 rows of the table, then after the break you start a new countdown from the beginning of 4 rows.

From the number of the step at which the last day ended, we also subtract 2 - this will be the initial step of today.

Likewise, do a rollback by two with breaks of more than two hours.

normal tan (up to 1 week)

We go through the whole cycle without fanaticism, in a few days.

We take obligatory breaks for the period of increased sun activity, from about 12 to 15 (check on the spot), and after lunch we roll back two steps from the last phase according to the table. For example, if 4 rows have passed in the first half of the day, then the second half begins to sunbathe from the beginning of the 3 rows of the table (4-2 = 2).

We start each next day according to the formula: add two to the number of the step from which the previous day began. For example, yesterday we started the morning at 1 and ended at 8 in the evening. Then today we start with step 3 (1 + 2 = 3).


Bathing time should be counted in tanning mode with your back to the sun. It is advisable to observe the interval required according to the schedule, since in water, the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet radiation practically does not differ from ordinary sunbathing in the open air.


Now, knowing the technology of absolute tanning, you can enjoy the process of getting sunbathing regardless of your skin color, even if you did not leave the premises around the clock and all year round. Forget about white skin syndrome, protective creams and sour cream after sunburn.

If you have to spend a lot under the tropical sun, it is also advisable to devote 1-2 days to tanning, but then you can safely walk even under the equatorial rays.

Even if your vacation is at the end of summer, you can still get a tan over the weekend, because nature has prudently provided the body with tools for processing the sun's rays for good. In addition, a proper tan improves immunity.
Print the spreadsheet and have fun in full.

Absolute health and excellent tanning.


Absolute tan or how to tan in 1 day.

With the onset of summer, every woman begins to think about her appearance. And usually the skin turned pale during the winter spoils the mood. Therefore, with the beginning of warm days, most rush to the beaches and tanning beds to get rid of the winter pallor.

Many people believe that the more time they spend in a tanning bed or on the beach, the faster they will tan. However, this thought is not correct.

After all, for the formation of tanning, at least a week is required, during which melanin is produced and accumulated in the skin.

Hence, we can conclude that get a quick and beautiful tan, too intense sun exposure will not work. In this case, you will simply burn, and the skin will turn red, not tanned.

But what to do when you want to tan quickly? Fortunately, there are tons of ways to help your skin acquire the golden hue it wants in a short time.

(in 1 hour)?

You can get a beautiful quick tan in a beauty salon. Today, instant tanning procedures are very popular - self-tanning showers and hand showers. The special agent is sprayed manually by the master or in the booth.

The procedure takes about an hour, but the result appears instantly.

This tanning method is suitable for cases when you need to tan quickly, but not for a long time. Its disadvantage is that it is washed off very unevenly.

(in 2 hours)?

One way to get a quick tan is with self-tanning. This product is specially formulated to achieve a safe and almost instant tan. Self-tanning is very simple and effective to use, and quickly gives the skin a delicious rich tone. Of course, this is not quite a real tan, but it is absolutely safe for the skin, unlike the sun's rays. These products do not cause skin aging and, on the contrary, take care of it.

The composition of these products contains a substance called dihydroxyacetone, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, combines with the proteins of the skin, causing it to darken.

Auto bronzer takes effect 2-3 hours after application, and the resulting tan will last at least three days.

By the way, the earlier the effect appears, the faster the tan is washed off.

Dermatologists consider this method of tanning to be one of the best, since the substances work only on the surface of the skin, without getting into the body. Self-tanning also doubles as a body lotion, moisturizing the skin. These products can be produced in the form of sprays, creams, gels and can be purchased at any store at an affordable price.

However, this method has its drawbacks. These products can stain clothes, can stain your skin, and have a specific odor. Sometimes it can turn out to be too yellow an unnatural shade. Self-tanning is not suitable for people with skin diseases and hormonal diseases.

How to tan quickly with pills?

A more reliable way to get a quick tan is with tanning pills. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the composition. Those containing canthaxanthin, while effective, are not safe. This substance, entering the body, stains the skin and other tissues and organs of the human body. It can accumulate in the retina and cause visual impairment. Therefore, tablets with this substance are prohibited in many European countries and the United States.

Products with beta-carotene and lycopene are considered harmless food additives that can speed up the onset of sunburn and intensify it.

These ingredients are extremely beneficial for our skin. They not only color the skin, but also enhance the production of melanin, have antioxidant properties and to some extent protect the skin from burns.

How to get tanned quickly in a solarium?

Tanning in the solarium t You can also make it faster by using special creams containing tanning activators and accelerators.

These products allow you to achieve a darker shade, reducing the duration of your tanning procedure. And this is not unimportant for our skin, because a solarium, like the sun, causes photoaging.

Among the world's innovations in the field of quick tanning, one can single out a solarium with a shower. It allows you to sunbathe and shower at the same time, making your tan smoother. Wet skin tans much faster and the tone is natural.

How to quickly tan in the sun with nutrition?

Certain foods also help to get a fast and long-lasting tan.... Therefore, you can switch to a special diet before vacation. It is mainly composed of fruits and vegetables, which promote the production of melanin and protect the skin.

The best tanning product is, of course, carrots and carrot juice.

Carrots perfectly fix and strengthen the tan obtained in the solarium and naturally. Melon, spinach, peaches, tomatoes, asparagus and broccoli also contribute to the rapid onset of sunburn.

These fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins, making our skin more beautiful, allowing the tan to last longer. If you include these foods in your daily diet, then you will not only get a quick and even tan, but also benefit for the whole body.

How to tan quickly with tanning oil?

For natural tanning in the sun, it is best to choose special tanning oils, which will allow you to get a tan much faster. However, the time spent on the beach should be dosed so as not to burn the skin.

This tool is called - oil for quick tanning, you can find it in any store.

It is important to remember that it does not protect the skin from UV radiation or has a minimum SPF2.

How to tan quickly with walnut leaves?

You can get a quick tan using folk remedies. For example, boil walnut leaves to the desired shade and mix with water.

Dissolve the infusion in the bathroom and immerse in it for a few minutes. After a while, the skin will take on a tan tone. This tan will last 4-5 days.

  1. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliation daily for a week or two before your trip to the sun. Dead skin cells on the surface of the skin cause the tan to become uneven.
  2. Start drinking vitamins A and E, in combination or separately. Vitamin A stimulates the production of melanin, and you become chocolate faster, and vitamin E softens and moisturizes the skin, which will make it look great.
  3. Drink carrot juice, which is rich in beta-carotene, which is also needed for melanin production. Remember that beta-carotene is fat-soluble, which means that fats are needed for its absorption. Add cream or a spoonful of vegetable oil to the juice.
  4. To get a tan quickly, you do not need to lie (stand) for an hour, turning one side to the sun, then the other. The tan lays down better and faster when you are in motion. Play, run, have fun, and the sun will do its job.
  5. If you remember that tanning should not only be fast, but also beautiful and healthy, stay in the sun until 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon and after 16. And be sure to use sunscreen!
  6. A bronzer can help you get a tan in the sun quickly. This is not a self-tanner, but a special lotion or cream with ingredients that stimulate the production of melatonin.
  7. While sunbathing, drink! Water, of course. Increase your daily allowance per liter, your skin will thank you and will be firm and smooth, despite the dehydrating effect of ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Before going to bed, be sure to apply a nourishing cream from the "After the Sun" line or any emollient and soothing cream. This will give the skin a rest and recover by the next day.
  9. When you get back from the sea, my body is coffee grounds. Do not rub! Coffee is often recommended as a scrub, which is a really great idea, but not if you want to keep your skin dark. Simply lightly apply the coffee grounds to your body and rinse with warm water. Coffee will intensify pigmentation.
  10. Wash yourself with tea. Sleeping tea leaves are an excellent antiseptic, prevent inflammation and acne, tea extract tightens and refreshes the skin and helps to maintain its dark complexion.
  11. Apply a light auto bronzer once a week. You do not run the risk of becoming orange or mottled, because the skin is already tanned! Support her with a self-tanner and enjoy the effect for months.
  12. Do not go to the sauna and bathhouse, do not rub your skin with a towel. More careful, more tender!
  13. Eat the salmon! Fatty fish help the skin retain the dark pigment for longer.
  14. Take a cool shower. By toning blood vessels and skin, you will slow down the process of exfoliation of the pigmented layers.
  15. Weather permitting, you can go outdoors and sunbathe in your free time or on weekends, thereby refreshing your tan and strengthening it. Tanned skin "absorbs" the sun's rays well, and an hour or two a week is enough.

With the approach of summer days, there is more and more a desire to acquire an even golden tan, because it gives even more attractiveness and makes you pay the attention of others. In addition, a tan is able to visually hide a couple of kilograms from others.

And when it comes time to relax on the beach, we in no way spare ourselves and try with all our happiness and misfortune to get an even golden tan in a week, but in the end we get burns on the first day, and on the remaining days we sit in the shade, moaning in pain.

In fact, you can get rid of pallor of the skin and get a beautiful, even, and most importantly safe tan in a week. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right time to tan. The most dangerous tanning hours are between eleven and sixteen hours. The most optimal hours are morning and evening hours, they do not negatively affect the health of the skin.

In addition, I would like to note that a day in the sun should be no more than two hours. But if you are tanning for the first time, then the time should be reduced to twenty minutes, then gradually increase it. This is necessary so that your skin gets used to the sun's rays, so that your tan is even.

You should always wear a hat and sunglasses on the beach. These accessories should be worn both on an ordinary sultry day, and when, it seems, the sky is overcast. After all, even in the shade, you can get sunburn.

After bathing in water, before going to sunbathe, you should thoroughly wipe off, because water droplets are like small lenses, concentrating sun rays, and this can also contribute to the occurrence of a burn.

In order to get a golden even tan in a week, you should use sunscreen, which should be selected based on the type of skin. The cream should be applied in a thin layer, spreading it evenly over the entire skin. There are creams with different degrees of protection: 10, 15, 30, 40, etc. Apply the product thirty minutes before going to the beach. But if you are already a little tanned and you want to get a quick tan in a week, then you can use a special tanning oil.