How to help a newborn go big. Psychological constipation in a child: causes and effective methods of treatment. Symptoms and consequences of the disease

Is your child unable to go big? This article offers the most effective ways to help your baby cope with the problem of constipation.

You will learn what to do if the child cannot go big: what medicines, suppositories and microclysters to give, as well as how to cope with the problem without the use of medicines, controlling nutrition, doing homemade enemas and tummy massage.

What to look for when a child can't go big

Constipation is a violation of bowel function, expressed in a decrease in the rhythm of defecation, its difficulty, the presence of incomplete emptying of the intestine, dense or lumpy stools. According to WHO, constipation is considered a disease.

Changes in the frequency of bowel movements

At children over 3 years of stool frequency at least once a day. Other children can walk on the big one and every three or four days. This happens at 3-4 months, when the child begins to absorb literally everything from breast milk, and they simply have nothing to walk on big.

It is not considered abnormal if the stool is not hard, the child passes easily, and does not experience pain. This sign is an indication for the introduction of complementary foods.

Ideally, a child's stool after a year should be daily, or 5 times a week, that is, sometimes a couple of days can fall out.

Child's behavior during bowel movements and time spent

Functional constipation in children often occurs as a result of painful defecation, followed by the child's voluntary refusal to walk on large, wanting to avoid the discomfort of emptying the rectum.

Many situations in life can lead to painful bowel movements. For example:

  • toilet training,
  • changes in diet or insufficient drinking regimen,
  • stress from going to kindergarten or school, the appearance of a second child in the family,
  • unavailability of toilets or delay in bowel movements due to the high employment of the child,
  • the use of drugs with side effects in the form of constipation,
  • endocrine diseases,
  • rickets,
  • worm infestation,
  • allergic reactions

This can cause prolonged fecal stasis in the colon and the formation of enlarged, hardened stools. Passing through the intestine, feces will stretch and injure it, creating unpleasant painful sensations for the child. Subsequently, the child will be afraid of this and refuse to defecate, delaying the stool by compressing the anal sphincter and gluteal muscles.

When children are unable to walk on the big one, they rise on their toes, rock back and forth, twist, fuss, or assume unusual postures, often hiding in a corner behind a curtain.

Because the wall of the rectum is stretched, calculus can occur. Over time, this behavior becomes an automatic reaction, and the desire to go for the most part disappears. The rectum gets used to the pressure of the fecal mass.

In older children, attention should be paid to the sensation of incomplete emptying of the bowel. occurring after defecation. When a child wants to go big, but can't.

Straining during defecation

As a result of stagnation in the intestine, the child's intra-abdominal pressure increases, which leads to a deterioration in appetite, sometimes to nausea and vomiting. If in a child, in addition to nausea and vomiting, you notice a loss or poor weight gain, fever, you need to think about the organic cause of constipation.

The appearance of dense lumpy or fragmented stools

In healthy children of the first year of life, the stool should be in a mushy consistency. In older children, the shape of the feces should correspond to the fourth or third type on the Bristol scale of feces.

How to help without medication

An enema will not harm a child at all if it is not done too often. The attitude towards her is rather biased, you can often hear that if you do an enema all the time, the child will get used to it and will not be able to empty the intestines on his own.

It is better for a child to give an enema when there is no stool for two or three days than to wait until the intestines expand and the urge to defecate disappears and constipation takes on a progressive chronic course. Enema is the lesser of two evils. There is nothing wrong with a cleansing enema. Often this is the best first aid, as laxative pills can cause spasm and colic in the intestines.

How to give an enema to a child

belly massage

Before massage, give your baby a drink of clean drinking water to soften the feces. The massage procedure can be performed up to 5 times a day from 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the age of the child. The younger the baby, the less time you need to massage the tummy.

Massage technique

  • Place your palm on the child's stomach and begin light circular movements clockwise starting from the navel, gradually expanding the circle to the hypochondrium.
  • Grasp the lumbar region with two palms and gently guide them towards each other. The palms should converge at the navel.
  • Place your palm on your stomach and gently run it from your navel to your pubic bone.
  • To achieve maximum effect, you can perform a massage of the sigmoid colon. To find it, imagine the child's abdomen as four squares. The location of the sigmoid colon is in place of the lower left square. On palpation, it looks like a roller and is located diagonally from top to bottom. Slightly press on the intestine, and make light circular movements without leaving the place of pressing.

With strict adherence to the instructions, massaging the child's abdomen with constipation turns out to be an effective remedy, after which the baby feels the urge to empty. All movements should be smooth and light, avoid strong pressure, this can harm the baby.



To make the child go big, you can use lactulose syrup, which is sold in pharmacies. The dose of this drug should be 1 ml. per 1 kg. weight of the child, otherwise it will not have a laxative effect. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide, its main advantage is that it leaves the body unchanged, that is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. And also does not cause addiction of the intestine, which allows it to be used to treat constipation in newborns.

Lactulose is a safe substance with practically no side effects. Preparations based on it have a slight laxative effect, favorably affect the conditions for the growth of beneficial microflora, and have a positive effect on the intestinal biocenosis. Disaccharide - the active substance of the following suspensions:

  • duphalac;
  • good luck
  • prelax;
  • normase;
  • portalak;
  • dinolac;
  • slack and so on.

Probiotics and prebiotics

To normalize a child's stool, drugs are often prescribed, which are based on live cultures of beneficial bacteria. Course treatment with prebiotics helps not only to get rid of constipation, but also to restore the intestinal microflora, normalizes peristalsis. Commonly prescribed drugs:

  • bifiform;
  • acipol;
  • lactobacterin;
  • linex for children;
  • bifidumbacterin and so on.

Candles and microclysters

Rectal suppositories help well in the fight against children's constipation. At the pharmacy, you can ask for glycelax or glycerin suppositories. The main thing is to make sure that the dosage of the drug is designed for use by children.

Not so long ago, Microlax microclysters appeared on the shelves, which are suitable for newborns. They are produced in compact enemas for one application, they consist of natural ingredients. The thick contents of the microclyster softens the stool and makes the child easily go down large.

These drugs are not absorbed, do not irritate the skin and intestines, they stimulate intestinal motility and act as a lubricant at the exit. Safe, convenient and efficient.


Babies under 3 months often have bloating. Flatulence symptoms are more common in breastfed infants. To eliminate colic, pediatricians often prescribe a suspension of espumizan baby or bobotik. Simethicone is the active ingredient of drugs, it collapses gas bubbles, stops seething. With intestinal obstruction, the use of drugs is prohibited.

What Not to Do

With laxatives, you need to be very careful. There is an opinion that herbal laxatives are less strong and harmless.

Herbal preparations, such as senna, contain glycosides, which reduce intestinal sensitivity and may aggravate constipation in a child. This is a one-time help only.

You can often hear advice to introduce a piece of soap or a little vegetable oil into the anus, lubricate the ear stick with baby cream, insert its tip into the anus by half a centimeter.

The listed procedures, of course, can help, perhaps there will be no big trouble, although there is a possibility of injuring the rectum, irritation can be caused. Why use such "grandmother's ways" when the pharmacy sells safe remedies for constipation in children.

Nutrition for constipation

There is an opinion that constipation requires a sparing diet, liquid cereals, mashed potatoes, etc. With constipation, it is not acceptable to break vegetables and fruits with a blender, they should be pieces; this will improve intestinal motility. Pears, grapes, bananas are not recommended. It is unacceptable to give fruit purees and juices - this will not save you from constipation.

It is bifidobacteria that form the basis of the intestinal microflora of babies up to one year old, they are present mainly in the large intestine.

Bacteria in the course of their life activity produce organic acids, which provide a normal acid-base balance of the intestinal environment. This ensures normal intestinal peristalsis, promotes the rapid promotion and withdrawal of contents.

Consequences of frequent constipation

Stool retention leads to malabsorption of vitamins and microelements, the amount of pathogenic microflora increases and the amount of normal microflora decreases. An inflammatory process in the intestines may develop, and the contents of the intestines stagnate for several days, accumulate toxins and begin to poison the entire body.

If constipation is repeated systematically, then this is chronic constipation. It can also be associated with congenital pathologies - lengthening of the intestine, Hirschsprung's disease.

The dense tuberculous nature of the feces injures the intestinal wall quite severely and causes cracks in the anus. This is how a vicious circle develops - constipation, anal fissure, painful defecation, constipation.

If this circle is not broken in a timely manner, then complications appear that require more conservative, and sometimes surgical treatment.

If you see that the child cannot go big, contact a gastroenterologist who will be able to expertly assess the condition of the child. You should not bring the situation to the appearance of acute intestinal obstruction.

The following situations should alert parents:

  • child shows anxiety
  • afraid to go big, it hurts him,
  • the abdomen is hard to the touch, palpation causes the baby to cry,
  • a month old child often touches with his legs raised up,
  • hardly farts
  • observed weight loss,
  • the child came down with blood.

Types of constipation

If the child constantly goes to the toilet for a long time, you should contact the pediatrician to find out the reason. In order to properly organize the treatment, you need to know why the child has constipation.


Difficulties with bowel movements here are associated with malnutrition. To treat this type of constipation, medications are not needed, it is enough to review the child's diet, exclude chips, crackers, and muffins from it. Include as many vegetables and fresh fruits as possible on your menu.


Constipation is caused by taking medications: antispasmodics, acetylsalicylic acid, antibiotics, diuretics. To normalize the child's stool, prebiotics are prescribed.


The cause of constipation in this case is stress or a strong emotional shock. Perhaps this is a trip to kindergarten, school, the death of one of the close relatives, or vice versa, the appearance of a second child in the family. Herbal sedatives are prescribed to help the child go to the toilet.


This constipation occurs as a result of reduced activity, with prolonged sitting, often occurs in children with disabilities, or in patients who are on bed rest. Lactulose or prokinetics are prescribed as therapy.


The development of constipation is often influenced by problems with hormones. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a pediatric endocrinologist. Etiotropic and complex symptomatic therapy is prescribed.


Constipation in this case is provoked by mechanical injuries, severe bruises, compression, malignant and benign neoplasms on the anus. In such cases, an urgent need to consult a doctor for medical treatment or surgery.


When a child is poisoned by chemicals, medications, poisons of various origins. The child urgently needs detoxification therapy as well as treatment with prokinetics, eubiotics and defoamers.

If your child is unable to go big, a doctor's consultation makes a significant contribution to treatment. But the correction of functional constipation is impossible without the participation of parents. The most important prevention is the control of the child's stool and a balanced diet. The best time to have a bowel movement is after breakfast. Now you know what to do to make the child go big. Let's end on a lyrical note.

“Blessed are those who have a chair in the morning without compulsion,

Then the food is to your liking and all pleasures are available.

The diaper is dry, feeding at the first cry, the mother is nearby, but the child is still crying, acting up, pressing her legs to her stomach and pulling her arms. The cause of this behavior may be colic, flatulence or constipation. It is constipation that occurs most often in babies. To help a newborn or baby go to the toilet, you can give him a massage - this is the softest, safest and most painless way to stimulate intestinal motility.

In what cases is the procedure necessary?

Before taking any action: doing a massage, giving enemas or running to the doctor, you need to find out if the baby really has constipation or a problem in another. The frequency of emptying depends on what the baby eats:

If the stool occurs less frequently than the indicated periods, and during the bowel movement the baby pushes hard and cries, this is a clear cause for concern. In addition to the behavior of the child, you need to pay attention to the condition of the feces: it should be soft, moist and not lumpy.

If constipation is suspected, the baby needs to be given a gentle massage and see what has changed. Most often, if the situation is not complicated, massage helps and bowel function is restored immediately or after several sessions.

Massage from gaziki is indicated not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes, when:

  • new complementary foods are introduced into the children's menu;
  • the baby drinks little water;
  • mother starts taking medications or completely changes her diet;
  • diagnosed with lactose intolerance;
  • the child was prescribed iron-containing drugs (they can provoke constipation).

ATTENTION! In all these situations, you need to especially carefully monitor the behavior of the baby, note any changes and try to prevent the occurrence of constipation. Massage in this case will be the best assistant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Baby massage, which is done for constipation and for its prevention, has many advantages:

  • this is a very simple tool that does not require special skills;
  • safe, unlike laxatives, enemas and suppositories;
  • affects the entire body as a whole: eliminates constipation, colic, improves blood supply to organs, normalizes sleep;
  • helps with hypertonicity of the abdominal muscles;
  • reduces the risk of umbilical hernia;
  • strengthens the emotional bond between parent and child.

This method has a number of disadvantages:

How to massage the belly of the baby?

In order for parents to quickly learn the simple technique of children's abdominal massage, the process is divided into 3 stages:

  • preparatory;
  • the massage itself;
  • final.

Preparatory stage

Without preparation, you cannot start a massage. Before you start, you need:

  1. wash and warm (rub) your hands well - they must be warm;
  2. check the length of the nails - if they are too long, they need to be cut so as not to accidentally scratch the delicate baby skin;
  3. apply a little oil or cream on the palms;
  4. take the child in your arms and hold it in a “column” so that excess air comes out of the stomach;
  5. lay the baby on a hard surface, such that the back lies flat and does not sag.

IMPORTANT! Massage should be done strictly 1-1.5 hours after eating, but not earlier. Otherwise, pressing and stimulating strokes can cause vomiting and pain in the baby.

Step by step scheme

After everything is ready: the room, hands and bed are warm, and the baby is rid of excess air in the stomach, you can start the massage. It runs like this:

REFERENCE. If the baby starts crying during the massage, you can try to calm him down by massaging the earlobes a little: there are a lot of nerve endings, their stimulation will help to stop crying.

What to do after?

After the massage is over, you need to remove the diaper or remove the disposable diaper and give the baby a little rest. After rest, you can wash off the cream, oil or other product that was used as a lubricant.

In order not to harm the baby with a massage, you need to carefully monitor his behavior. If he starts to cry a lot when he touches his tummy or there is a strong muscle tension and bloating, it is better to try other methods.

Another contraindication to home massage is rashes on the skin and its various injuries, as well as feces mixed with blood and severe pallor of the face. With such symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

The best treatment is prevention. To prevent constipation, you need to put the baby on the tummy after each feeding or keep it in an upright position - “column”.

In extreme cases, when massage does not help at all, other methods can be tried. For example, mechanical stimulation of the intestines with a cotton swab lubricated with cream, or a special gas outlet tube. You can try glycerin suppositories, enemas, or laxatives. But these methods should be used only in cases where nothing helps.

It is forbidden to give laxatives to a child under 1 year old. The exception is Duphalac syrup and other drugs based on lactulose. 5 ml of Dufalac will help speed up bowel movements.

If the baby has constipation, you can try to cope with the problem yourself even before visiting the doctor. Massaging the tummy helps a lot with this. You need to do it 2-3 times a day, and after doing light gymnastics - it will only benefit the intestines, especially in the first year of life, when the work of the baby's gastrointestinal tract is only regulated.

Useful video

Watch a video about massage for constipation in infants:

What should a mother do if a baby cannot go to the toilet? The formation of the baby's digestive system is the basis for the development of a healthy body, and any problems in this are a reason for consultation with the local pediatrician.

How many times does a baby go to the toilet per day? There is no single answer to this. However, there are significant differences between babies on natural and artificial nutrition. So, a newborn baby can walk on the large as many times as there were meals.

A one-month-old bottle-fed baby empties up to two times a day, although this is not a standard. The process of defecation of the baby is directly related to the nutrition of a mixture of one kind or another. If the mixture is suitable, the newborn baby can walk on large and every other day. The main thing is that the tummy is soft, and the baby is cheerful and healthy.

Causes of stool retention

Constipation is caused by a violation of intestinal motility. In other words, a decrease in its activity and motor functions. Causes of delayed stool in infants can be:

  1. various types of pathology;
  2. improper nutrition.

Pathological disorders in the body should be diagnosed by a pediatrician. Functional causes (malnutrition) include:

  • a sharp change in the type of food;
  • inappropriate milk formula;
  • improper diet of the mother;
  • insufficient drinking regime;
  • too early complementary foods;
  • lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestines;
  • insufficient physical activity of the baby.

The formation of an autonomous digestive system is a complex and lengthy process. During the development of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, some deviations of the stool from the norm may be observed. When should you not worry and prepare an enema? In the event that the baby is cheerful, eats well, does not suffer from bloating and gas.

A breast-fed one-month-old baby can also suffer from constipation. It's called hungry. Such constipation is formed with an insufficient portion of the milk received, which is completely absorbed by the baby's body and leaves no waste.

Mom should monitor the weight gain of the crumbs: 130 grams per day. If the weight does not come, then there is not enough milk.

Cause for alarm

Many babies of the first month of life have a temporary delay in stool. If a newborn one day did not go big, there is nothing to worry about. A one-month-old baby on artificial mixtures can walk every other day. An alarm should be sounded when:

  • bloating;
  • very hard stool;
  • poor appetite;
  • stool in the form of a thin ribbon or stream.

If a monthly baby empties rarely, with difficulty, with pain syndromes and gas retention, this should alert the mother. It is bad when the tummy is compacted and becomes tense. A nursing mother should reconsider her diet, and the mother of an artificial person - the mixtures taken. A pediatrician's consultation is a must.

How to help the baby?

If the baby was examined by a pediatrician and did not find pathologies, it is necessary to eliminate the functional causes of delayed defecation. They are listed above. What help can a baby get from mom? You should immediately warn: do not conduct "wild" experiments on the body of a small child - do not insert bars of soap and cotton swabs into the ass! Help must be appropriate.

Constipation prevention measures include:

  • laying the baby on the tummy before feeding;
  • free movements of the limbs during feeding;
  • selection of a suitable mixture;
  • sufficient drinking regime.

A month old baby should be able to move his arms and legs freely while eating. Do not swaddle him tightly and deprive him of the opportunity to move! Active body movements will help the intestines to work more actively. Laying out on the tummy trains the baby's muscles, activates the tone of the intestines. Let the baby lie down before eating for 5-10 minutes on the tummy and twitch its legs.

An unsuitable mixture, a sharp transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, an unexpected replacement for the child's body from one mixture to another - can cause temporary constipation.

A nursing baby should take a sufficient amount of plain drinking water per day. Also consider how much water you are preparing dry formula for your baby. Perhaps the amount of fluid needs to be increased.

Check with your pediatrician about when to introduce fermented milk products to your baby's diet. Perhaps he will prescribe you a reception of bifidobacteria to normalize the stool.

When to do an enema?

If a month-old baby cannot go to the toilet for the second day in a row, and at the same time there are signs of anxiety, an enema should be given. Prolonged stool retention does not lead to good: toxins from the rectum are absorbed into the bloodstream and harm the body.

Some mothers may answer that the monthly baby did not empty for five days, and they did not do any enema. However, self-poisoning of the body is bad!

  • the volume of an enema for a monthly baby is 30 ml;
  • for a three-month-old baby - 60 ml;
  • from six months - 90 ml.

Enema water should be slightly cooler than body temperature so that it does not soak into the intestinal wall. The tip of the syringe must certainly be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream!

Important! Do not self-medicate constipation. The pediatrician must prescribe the medicine, as well as indicate the dose of admission.

After adding complementary foods to the baby's diet, the child's stool gradually begins to change, and by the age of two it passes from a mushy state to a formalized one. Many parents associate this time with potty training the baby. If up to a year their child could not ask to “go to the toilet”, then after a year and a half the child already often reports his needs to adults. Problems arising from delayed defecation occur at different intervals in some children and require an appropriate solution: dietary and lifestyle adjustments or treatment. But even here it is not so simple. Sometimes constipation is not directly related to the physiological processes in the body, but has a psychological background. The kid… is afraid to poop.

Is it constipation?

If a mother encounters difficult bowel movements for the first time in a child, this can cause her many questions. First you need to understand: what is constipation, and under what conditions can it occur?

Constipation (in other words, constipation) is a slow, difficult or systematically insufficient defecation (calorie).

Obstipation - more severe constipation, with the formation of dense, hardened stools. In this case, independent bowel movements are often so difficult that medical intervention is necessary.

To eliminate constipation, it is necessary to determine its cause.

Symptoms of constipation that can be observed in a child:

  • stool retention 3 days or more;
  • small amount and dense consistency of feces;
  • long straining and sitting on the potty;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen and / or during bowel movements;
  • flatulence;
  • there may be superficial bright traces of blood on feces or toilet paper due to cracks in the anus;
  • with prolonged constipation, lethargy and fatigue are often observed.

If faint traces of blood are found in the feces, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

Do not sound the alarm if the baby did not go to the pot "in a big way" for 1-2 days, up to three days the absence of stool can be a variant of the norm. But when the child does not give out the desired portion on the fourth day, parents need to take action.

An episodic delay in bowel movements can occur when moving to another place, a sudden change in diet, the introduction of a new food product, changes in water quality, and stress. But even in these cases, the chair should not be absent for more than four days, otherwise the accumulated feces can cause discomfort and pain to the child.

The delay in defecation itself is only a consequence of physiological or psychological processes in the body. To fix a problem, you need to determine its cause.

Constipation "physiological" or "psychological" - how to determine

The reasons for the lack of stool are different:

  • reflex (for diseases of the digestive system);
  • alimentary (the food consumed contains little fiber);
  • endocrine (due to inhibition of the functions of the endocrine glands);
  • toxic (in case of poisoning with various substances);
  • mechanical (due to the narrowing of the large intestine associated with the disease);
  • hypokinetic (with weak physical activity of the child);
  • neurogenic (due to damage or disorder of the central nervous system).

The so-called psychological constipation is precisely the result of causes related to the nervous system. It is necessary to understand the origins of the delay in defecation, since the absence of a stool can be the result of an incorrect lifestyle, a psychological problem, or some kind of disease. To help their child, parents should watch him and, if possible, find out if something is bothering him and what the baby is complaining about.

Tension and anxiety when going to the toilet are the main indicators of psychological constipation in a child.

Psychological constipation - the child is afraid to poop and deliberately restrains this process due to unpleasant experiences in the past. Most often, this problem appears at the age of 2-3 years, but it can occur later.

Symptoms of constipations of various etiologies (origins) are very similar, but constipation, which is a consequence of fear, in addition, there are some specific signs:

  • delayed bowel movement occurs during stress or immediately after it and lasts more than three days;
  • the absence of a chair occurs against the background of changes in life or a change from a baby pot to an adult toilet;
  • when the urge arises, the child restrains himself, refuses to sit down to poop or seeks support from his mother;
  • the baby may get nervous or burst into tears if the parent asks to go "in a big way", does not allow himself to be seated on the potty.

Situations that can provoke the occurrence of psychological constipation

  1. The child had a negative experience associated with constipation: it was difficult to poop, pain appeared due to anal fissures. Subsequently, he tries with all his might to avoid a similar situation.
  2. Adults are intolerant and inconsistent in potty training: they can scream or express their dissatisfaction if the baby could not restrain himself and soiled his pants.
  3. The parents sent their child to school. The conditions associated with going to the toilet seemed uncomfortable to the first grader, or the teacher categorically forbade taking time off from the lesson. Similar reasons may arise when visiting a kindergarten (did not like the potty, the environment or the strict teacher).
  4. Some children after the incident diarrhea are trying with all their might to prevent the act of defecation, fearing the resumption of frequent unpleasant stools.
  5. Parents transplant the child to a large toilet, causing him negative emotions or even fear.

How to help your child overcome the psychological barrier and facilitate the process of defecation

When the baby systematically restrains his urges, feces accumulate in his rectum and contribute to an increase in internal space, stretching the walls of the intestine. The consistency of the stool is thickened. All this makes the process of emptying more difficult, again causing pain. To solve the problem, parents need to take a set of measures:

  1. The atmosphere in the family should be calm and friendly.
  2. Adults do not need to put pressure on the child or tell him about the dire consequences of constipation. It is necessary to explain the benefits of "pooping" from a positive point of view.
  3. You need to convince the baby that his mother is nearby, and she will certainly help him cope with a difficult task for him.
  4. It is useful to maintain a daily routine. It is better to eat at the same time. It contributes to the regulation of the digestive processes in the body.
  5. If the child does not like the potty (children's toilet seat), or it is associated with negative aspects, it is advisable to replace it with another one. The kid can choose the one he likes in the store.
  6. Parents must provide physical activity to their child. It is recommended to do joint exercises in the morning. The more movement, the better the intestines work.
  7. Water is needed in sufficient quantity. It prevents the compaction of feces and promotes their removal from the body. It is good to drink a glass of water after sleep on an empty stomach.
  8. Potassium is very important for normal bowel function. With its shortage in the body, peristalsis sharply weakens.
  9. Food should be rich in fiber. Dietary fiber is an indispensable component for constipation. They support beneficial microflora in the body, also normalize bowel contractions and contribute to its timely emptying.
  10. You can use safe medicines that facilitate the process of defecation.

If the mother does not know how to help the child calm down, relax and not be afraid of going to the toilet, it is necessary to seek advice from a child psychotherapist. After all, the calmness and positive attitude of the child and his family is very important in solving this problem.

Proper nutrition is essential for the process of digestion and getting rid of unnecessary substances. There are foods that are recommended for constipation and foods that you want to limit. Properly selected diet therapy can not only stabilize bowel function, but also prevent problems with stool in the future.

It is recommended to use It is advisable to limit
Dried fruits rich in potassium: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs.Foods rich in protein: cottage cheese, nuts.
Dishes containing a large amount of liquid: vegetable soups, juices.Sweets: chocolate, cookies, cakes.
Fermented milk products with bifidumbacteria: natural yogurt, curdled milk, bifidok.Baking: white bread, buns
Dishes rich in fiber: bran, cabbage, young green peas, apples, cucumbers, cereals, beets, Brussels sprouts (contain a lot of coarse insoluble fibers); carrots, oranges, potatoes, oatmeal (contain a large amount of soluble fiber).
Black bread (preferably with bran)

Vegetable soups help prevent bowel problems

The value of fiber for the human body:

  • dietary fiber supports beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • fiber is a prophylactic against colon cancer;
  • fibers promote bowel movements, normalize blood sugar levels;
  • Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables are low in calories.

The use of medicines

Sometimes, with all the measures taken by conscientious parents, going to the toilet for a child remains a difficult task. This happens due to the fact that the constipation has dragged on, or there are cracks in the anus that create painful sensations when emptying the intestines. In these cases, adults can use the means recommended for use in children.

Laxative - lactulose syrup. It is a synthetically produced disaccharide. A safe remedy with a good laxative effect. Lactulose preparations are pleasant to taste for children, completely non-toxic, have no side effects, except for individual intolerance and gas formation in the intestines. As a result, they can be used for a long time without harm to the health of the child. The action of the drug begins 1-2 days after administration. Due to increased gas formation, which may be accompanied by discomfort in the baby's tummy, they start with small doses, gradually increasing the volume to the age norm.

An agent that enhances intestinal motility - rectal suppositories with glycerin. Local drug. It can be used from infancy. After the introduction of a candle into the rectum, the effect appears immediately or after a few hours. This remedy should not be used in case of damage to the intestinal mucosa, cracks in the anus or intolerance to the components of the drug.

With cracks in the anus - rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. Suppositories act locally. The tool eliminates inflammation, promotes healing, relieves swelling and itching, reduces pain. Sea buckthorn oil can affect the pathogenic intestinal microflora. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If constipation in a child lasts more than 5-7 days, it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with the problem on your own. The longer the feces are in the intestines, the harder it is for the baby to go "in a big way." In this case, you need to seek help from a pediatrician or gastroenterologist to solve the problem.

The process of emptying the bowels can be facilitated by giving the baby a laxative or using rectal suppositories.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion: why is the baby afraid to poop

It should always be remembered that through individual labor activity, that is, without the help of a doctor, it is rather difficult to establish the cause of constipation. In the end, constipation is often not an independent disease, but only a symptom of another disease - peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, thyroid dysfunction, etc. At the same time, and this happens quite often, the most in-depth examination does not reveal the cause of constipation. By the way, this very reason is much more often not detected than it is detected. But when trying to treat constipation - whether it's a special diet, enemas or laxatives - you should always be sure that there is nothing more serious. Hence, a completely logical conclusion: an appeal to a specialist doctor (gastroenterologist) will always be useful.

Doctor Komarovsky

Cause of constipation in children. Doctor Komarovsky - video

Castor oil at this age is not allowed. All you can do is lactulose syrup (the Dufalac you mentioned), as well as glycerin suppositories. In any case, a child's stool depends not only on how much and what kind of medicines you give. If the child overheats, if he does not have enough fluid, if he overeats, then naturally, problems with the stomach are possible. Duphalac in such a situation definitely makes sense to give, just don't give a lot at once, start with small amounts, for example, 1 ml per day, after 3 days increase to 2 ml, etc. If the situation stabilizes at a certain dose, then you can give this dose for a long time - 2-3 months.

Doctor Komarovsky

What to do if the child refuses to go to the toilet in a big way? - Doctor Komarovsky - video

Blood in the feces is, with the highest possible probability, a crack in the mucous membrane in the anus. Ideal remedy for constipation in this case - candles with glycerin. Ideal healing agent - sea ​​buckthorn oil candles. It is quite possible to use, for accelerated healing and pain relief, high-quality anti-hemorrhoidal suppositories, for example, the "Relief" series "Health Life" by Bayer.

Doctor Komarovsky

Love, understanding and care of loved ones are important components for overcoming any problem. And “psychological constipation” indicates unresolved fears and anxieties of the baby. Parents need to show their child with emotions and actions that he is loved and can always count on support, and all difficulties will certainly be left behind. And then by independent forces or with the help of a specialist, the problem will definitely be solved!

Constipation can be one of the reasons for the constant crying of a newborn. Since the child's digestive system is just beginning to function, it reacts sharply to all changes coming from outside. It is believed that such a process is temporary, and by about 3-4 months the baby's stool will become regular. In fact, everything is somewhat different, and in most cases, newly-born parents, after a few days after returning from the hospital to their native land, are faced with intestinal colic, gaziki and constipation.

Therefore, many mothers and fathers are beginning to be interested in the question of what to do if the child cannot go big. Of course, you should not panic right away, but it is also not recommended to let the situation take its course.

Let's try to figure out how to help a child go to the toilet in a big way to help in the best possible way, avoiding drugs and all sorts of manipulations

Constipation symptoms. What to look out for

The first thing to be clear. The stool of a breastfed baby is significantly different from the bowel movements of a formula-fed baby. In the first case, the infant will poop as many times as he eats (well, or two through three), and in the second, constipation may form. This happens because artificial nutrition in the stomach of an infant is absorbed worse than natural mother's. And, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the frequency of the stool more strictly.

There is always a "but": if a monthly baby does not poop, but at the same time maintains a good appetite, sleep and mood, there is no need to panic. It is allowed, subject to the above conditions, that the child may not poop for up to 3 days, or 1 time per day, or 1-2 times in three days. This means that these are the individual characteristics of his body and mother's milk is well absorbed.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately take action, sometimes even turn to a pediatrician. Do not bring the situation to the appearance of acute intestinal obstruction. Therefore, parents should be alert:

  • if the child shows anxiety (and it’s still too early for the teeth),
  • the stomach is hard on palpation and touching causes the baby to cry,
  • a month-old child often touches with his legs raised up (this happens at the level of reflexes),
  • farts a little
  • weight loss is observed.
  • Older children can still push and raise their shoulders to the neck, as if shrinking into a ball.
  • Causes of childhood constipation

    Quite often, the number of bowel movements in a child is affected by:

  • unbalanced diet of the mother (in the case of breastfeeding),
  • violations in the water balance, especially among artificial people,
  • early introduction of complementary foods,
  • frequent transitions from one mixture to another,
  • reduced tone of the baby's muscular system,
  • development of rickets
  • disorders in the thyroid gland,
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood,
  • Availability ,
  • frequent manifestations of allergies,
  • long-term use of drugs (which not only cause constipation, but also "kill" the microflora of the children's gastrointestinal tract).
  • Congenital pathologies and the presence of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract can also lead to constipation in an infant.

  • If the baby remains hungry, that is, does not receive the right amount of milk, this can also provoke constipation.
  • Varieties of childhood constipation

    If the motor activity of the intestine is impaired, the child may develop constipation. Distinguish:

    Atonic constipation- when there is severe bloating and large fecal masses come out (as in adults). This process is caused by insufficient contractile activity of the intestine.

    Spasmodic constipation- occurs when the contractile activity of the digestive tract is increased. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms: high stool density and the manifestation of sharp pain during bowel movements. You can find out about this if you carefully observe the expression on the face (and even body) of the child.

    If a one-month-old baby does not poop for a long period of time, and his stool in rare cases looks like a ribbon, one can judge the occurrence of rectal pathology. In this case, an urgent consultation with a surgeon is necessary.

    What to do with constipation in a child

    Do not force your child to "go to the toilet". Otherwise, the thought of what is happening will be fixed in his subconscious and his negative attitude towards the process will increase. How to help your child go to the toilet for the most part?

    Try to do without treatment. This means to do a gentle belly massage. To do this, put the baby on the back and with the fingers of one hand lightly, very gently and gently, press on both sides of the navel. Then lower your hand to the pubis - it will turn out like you are drawing a “smiley face”. By the way, this exercise is recommended by surgeons when an umbilical hernia develops in children (of course, in a mild degree).

    Good for dealing with constipation children's gymnastics. It is desirable to perform it every morning, and some exercises - during the day, according to the principle "the more often the better."

    Laying the baby on the tummy can be that life anchor when exercise and massage are not acceptable. After all, not all children have a positive attitude towards various kinds of manipulations with their bodies, but everyone, without exception, loves the “lying on their stomach” position. A good aid can be a fitball (the main thing is not to drop the child while riding) and a warm diaper that is placed on the baby's tummy.

    Mom's diet changes help to improve the functioning of the intestines of the child. For example, prunes can be introduced into the diet, which will enter the baby’s stomach through milk and help him cope with constipation. You can simply buy ready-made prune puree or cook it yourself. To do this, take 4-5 pieces of prunes and steam them with boiling water. Let cool (during the process, the dried fruit will infuse and steam out) and eat (and drink).

    If the child is bottle-fed, he can be given a drink of prune water (just remember to strain it well, even through several layers of gauze). In the case when the child’s diet already contains prunes puree, as well as plums, pumpkins, carrots in combination with an apple or pumpkin, it should be constantly present in the children’s menu. Also useful is "compote" from dried apricots (prepared according to the same principle as prunes) and oatmeal broth. It is enough to pour 60 grams of oatmeal with one glass of water and boil over low heat. When the broth is infused, strain and give the child a drink.

    We are treated with folk remedies

    If you are advised to resort to grandmother's methods of treating constipation - carefully consider the proposed options. After all, there were no special candles or mild laxatives before. And our mothers / grandmothers had no choice but, for example, to use children's or laundry soap in treatment, from which candles were made. They also inserted a thermometer or a cotton swab smeared with petroleum jelly into the ass. Of course, this may have been considered effective methods, but those who tried to repeat at least one of them know how the child reacts to such experiments and how much the mucous membrane irritates him, which then also has to be treated.

    Of modern drugs, various types of oils and preparations that include senna have a good laxative effect. Pediatricians also recommend using lactose-free mixtures in the artificial diet, and lactose-containing probiotics in treatment. But it is possible to give laxatives to a child only when the cause of constipation is found and, as far as possible, eliminated.

    At home, you can also give the child an enema by pouring warm water mixed with one teaspoon of glycerin. The dose is selected based on the age of the baby:

    ✓ for a month old baby - 30 ml.,

    ✓ from three to six months - 60 ml.,

    ✓ after 6 months - 90 ml.

    However, the frequent use of enemas can lead to addiction, and the child will forget how to go to the toilet on his own.

    Pediatricians are sometimes advised to undergo a course of treatment with duphalac (if constipation is repeated with an enviable frequency). This is a drug that has a laxative effect, at least as stated in the instructions for the drug. In fact, the reviews are very different, therefore, whether to drink or not, each parent decides for himself. In any case, you should know that the drug has an analogue - the drug "Normaze".

    And, finally, from personal experience, tested on the tummies of at least 6 kids, I can advise the drug "Babinos". Do not be afraid that he is on alcohol - in small doses it is not scary. You should drink it for only three days and strictly according to the instructions. And the undoubted advantage is that in the open form this remedy can be stored for a year, which means that you can always help your baby.

    When the child grows up a little, it is necessary to introduce foods containing fiber, as well as vegetables and fruits, into his diet. It is they who help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and, therefore, prevent the appearance of unwanted delays with the stool.

    Remember that all the methods of dealing with children's constipation proposed in the article are advisory in nature, so if necessary, contact a specialist.