How to use compact face powder correctly. How to use face powder correctly. Loose powder Naked Skin, Urban Decay

The face depends on its shape, texture and composition. Let's take a look at what powders can be used for makeup, and how best to handle them.


Modern compact powder is far from the product that our mothers and grandmothers are used to. So, it is able to create a coating of any density: from a thin veil to "creating a second skin", it does not dry out and protects from the negative effects of the external environment. Modern powder is capable of moisturizing and even nourishing.

The method of applying compact powder depends on what you plan to use it for. If your goal is to set your makeup, matte your face, or want to freshen up the make-up throughout the day, use a large brush from top to bottom to smooth out fine lint on your face. Before applying the powder, be sure to wipe off any excess sebum with a matting or wet wipe.

Every time you powder your face during the day, remove excess fat with napkins. If this is not done, the powder will mix with the sebum and may form pimples and forgotten pores. Plus, your makeup will look messy.

In case you need to create a dense coverage, use a special sponge. Pour on the powder and work it into your skin as if you were applying a foundation. It is best if you apply the powder to an unabsorbed day cream, or use a damp sponge. This will give the powdery finish a natural look. Remember to blend the powder well so that no boundaries are visible. From above, you can walk with a large brush to consolidate the result.

If you plan to mask minor imperfections of the face, take a small brush (as for a concealer), moisten it a little with water. After that, apply the product pointwise.


Loose powder is the ideal product for setting makeup. It is easy to apply and easily creates an invisible veil on the face. The main rule of applying loose powder is to wait until the foundation is completely absorbed.

Often girls complain that loose powder leaves spots on the face and lays down unevenly, sinning on the quality of the product. In fact, the reason is that the foundation did not have time to be absorbed. Loose powder does not like layering on wet foods.

Powder can be applied with a classic brush or a special sponge. In the first case, the application scheme is from top to bottom, as if smoothing the hairs. In the second, the powder must be "pressed" into the skin with light movements.

To make the powder "cling" to the brush better, pick it up in a circular motion. Brush off the remnants from the brush, or tap with a hard part on the edge of the powder box.


Mineral powders are very often difficult to apply. Although it has a number of advantages. In particular, its composition is 100% natural, it does not clog pores and even heals acne.

To apply mineral powder, you need a special brush called kabuki. Kabuki must be with natural pile. Mineral powder, just like its loose sister, loves moisturized skin without oily sheen. Therefore, before applying it, it is better to blot excess fat with a napkin.

It is best to collect mineral powder from the packaging in the same way as friable: with circular movements of the brush, removing excess by tapping on the edge of the powder box. Apply mineral powder in small circular motions. First, the contour of the face is worked out, and then the central part. In areas where there are enlarged pores, it is better to change the circular motion to strokes so that the powder does not absorb into the pores.

Mineral powder can be applied in layers until you achieve the desired coverage.


Cream powder is a great product when quality needs to be done as quickly as possible. She also helps out on trips when you don't want to take a lot of jars with you. The powder cream is applied both wet and dry to moisturized skin. Before applying, the remaining powder must be removed with a napkin.

The cream powder should be applied a little, starting from the middle of the forehead, blending it with light movements. Ideal for blending in a circular motion. After applying the product to the forehead, you can move on to the temples, and then to the cheeks and chin. At the very end, the nose is worked out. It is best to use a small brush to apply powder to the eye area. This will allow you to work out every centimeter in this so delicate area.

The best way to complete the application is to use loose powder - this will set the tone for the whole day.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

The transparent texture contains particles of mica and quartz. The mineral base of the powder has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, does not clog the pores. Some types of powder are supplemented with moisturizing components, extracts from medicinal plants.

It is not recommended to use a transparent base for masking significant skin imperfections: acne, acne, expression wrinkles. The powder removes excess sebum from the epidermis, mattifies the skin, and fixes makeup.

For the application of large diameter cosmetic products made from natural fibers. When applying powder with a sponge or applicator, white patches may appear on the skin.

How to choose powder: basic rules

It is not recommended to buy powder without testing it. In professional cosmetics departments, sellers suggest using testers. To determine the desired shade, you need to apply the tester to the chin area and evaluate the result in daylight. To do this, you can go outside and look at your reflection in the mirror.
Do not test the cosmetic product on the skin of your hands. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, melanin is intensively produced in the skin, the shade of the hands changes faster than on the face.
Before buying, you need to carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product. Powder for problem skin should be mineral based.
The powder should not contain carcinogens, harmful dyes.
It is recommended to select a cosmetic product according to your skin type. For skin with excess sebum, matting powder is suitable; for skin with a lack of moisture - powder with moisturizing ingredients; all types of cosmetic products are suitable for a normal face type.
it is recommended to purchase two types of powder: compact and loose.
For daytime makeup, you need to purchase half-tone powder lighter than your natural skin tone.
It is not recommended to buy a powder with fluids for daytime makeup.

January 11, 2014 3:39 pm

The article “How to Become an Expert in Choosing a Powder”, dear reader, you learned why and how to choose high-quality compact face powder.

Now it's time to learn use powder correctly.

Because choosing a quality powder is not enough, it is important to apply it correctly.

It is the powder that allows -

  • even out skin tone,
  • give the skin a beautiful radiant shade,
  • look flawless.

But all these effects are possible only if you correctly picked up the powder and applied it correctly on the face.

Otherwise, there is a risk of looking like a white-faced Japanese porcelain doll in the sunlight or like someone who has incorrectly used a self-tanner.

How to choose the right powder

considering the peculiarities of the skin

a specific woman or girl?

1) The first step is to determine your skin type.

2) If you have oily or combination skin, choose a mattifying powder.

3) The modern powder contains fatty acids and is recommended for women with dry skin. Therefore, there is no need to “be afraid” of powder.

4) Powder tone it is allowed to choose "plus or minus tone", that is, a tone lighter or a tone darker than your skin tone.

5) But if you are over 40 then always choose a powder one shade lighter than your skin tone.
6) When choosing powder colors focus on your natural skin tone.

The powder replicates the natural tones of human skin. There are four of them -

  • olive,
  • yellow,
  • pink
  • ivory.

In this case, the powder can smooth out the predominance of one or another pigment in the skin. For example, a yellow-beige powder will remove excessive redness, while an olive shade will hide the predominance of yellow pigment.

How to apply powder correctly

# Powder is applied not on massage lines, like caring creams, and from top to bottom along the growth of facial hair, or from the center of the face to the sides.

# It is better to apply the powder with a large fluffy brush with natural bristles.
# The ideal option is to use loose powders when making up, and use a compact powder to maintain the makeup outside the home.

But if there is no friable, then you can do only with a compact one, the main thing is to apply it with a powder brush.

# Remember the basic rule: Tone cream and powder in color should be as close as possible to your complexion.

# If your skin starts to shine during the day, first apply a cosmetic napkin (or a special matting napkin) to your face.

Then use a sponge or puff in small portions to collect a compact powder and gently press into the skin. But do not rub in any way! Only thanks to such actions, the tone and layer of powder on the face will remain intact.
# Front eye makeup Apply the powder all over the eyelids and all over the eye area. Then your makeup will last longer and keep the color saturation for a long time.
# Do the same before lip makeup.

  1. Powder your lips
  2. line up the lips with a pencil,
  3. shade your lips a little
  4. and blend it into the center of the lips.
  5. Apply lipstick to lips with a brush.
  6. Blot with paper towel
  7. and reapply the lipstick with a brush.

Your lip makeup will last longer and better.
# The face powder can be fixed with a thermal spray.

# Shimmering powder is applied only to the cheekbones, arms and décolleté.

Now look at the promised 10 minute video, which will help you to better assimilate and consolidate what you read in both articles about powder:

It is interesting to hear your opinion, dear reader! Write in the comments, ask questions!

Powder is a very tricky thing. It can accentuate any fine wrinkles and even enhance the oily sheen of the skin if applied incorrectly. We have identified the 5 most common mistakes when using powder and tell you how to avoid them.

Mistakes when using powder

Mistake # 1: dusting your face before makeup

There is such a common myth that you need to lightly powder your face before applying makeup. We do not know exactly where many girls got this strange delusion from, but we warn you - it is definitely not worth covering the skin with a layer of powder before applying the make-up. You will only achieve the opposite effect - very soon the face will begin to shine due to the fact that the layer of powder and subsequent makeup simply do not allow the skin to breathe.

To avoid an oily sheen, use a mattifying liquid primer or foundation serum before applying makeup. Powder can only be the finishing touch of a make-up, but not the first step!

Mistake # 2: you powder your face powder immediately after completing your makeup

If you saw how make-up artists work before filming, then you probably took a note - immediately after completing the make-up, powder your entire face. Great, but only professional models spend a maximum of a couple of hours in makeup, and even then their make-up is constantly being corrected. Makeup artists use a large amount of powder for only one purpose - so that the face does not shine in front of the camera.

In everyday make-up, things are different: a generous layer of powder will highlight all the imperfections, and small mimic wrinkles will immediately become noticeable, even if you have not noticed them before!


How to use powder correctly: after you have finished painting, let the skin "take" all the means. Wait literally 5-10 minutes, then dab your face with a napkin - the skin itself will give away excess tonal products. Well, now you can powder the T-zone with a large soft brush - forehead, nose and chin. It is not at all necessary to apply a loose product on your cheeks, especially since you have probably already used blush or highlighter.

Mistake # 3: masking oily skin with powder

During the day, you noticed that your nose or forehead began to shine. Your actions? Well, of course, you open the powder box and mask all the flaws. Until half an hour later the skin shines again ... And then what - another layer? And then you will wonder where the acne came from!

How to use powder correctly: Before applying powder to hide the shine, you need to get rid of the sebum. For this you need a matting napkin or at least some paper handkerchiefs. Make sure that you dab your face thoroughly and it no longer shines, and only now can you lightly powder. The effect will last for several hours, and you will not unnecessarily clog your pores!

Mistake # 4: choosing the wrong powder color

Little secret: the shade of the powder should be half a tone-tone lighter than the color of your foundation or skin (if you are not using concealer products). It is this difference that allows you to create the most natural makeup and refresh your face.

A yellowish-beige powder is suitable for girls with olive skin, which has a subtle green undertone.

If you have light, almost white skin, then avoid any sandy and yellow shades. It is better to give preference to a beige color with a grayish undertone - do not be afraid of such light, silvery shades, they look perfect on white skin.

The best option for everyone is a pink-beige shade of powder, which, however, must be applied with care to the forehead and nose areas.

And a word about shimmering powder with reflective particles: you need to be very careful with it. This tool can even slightly rejuvenate the face and make it fresher, but the excess of such powder, firstly, can emphasize wrinkles, and secondly, it can make the face look like a mask - the extra flicker will only add to you the resemblance to a bronze statue, and not beauty. Plus, reflective particles just look awful on flash - if you're going to be photographed, go for regular matte powder. Just remember those creepy photos of stars with white spots on their faces! They, too, thought they would shine, and not seem sprinkled with flour ...

Mistake # 5: applying powder with a powder puff out of the box

Let us reveal to you a terrible secret: most of the puffs, sponges and brushes from the standard packages of powder are not suitable for anything. You can throw them away right away, seriously! In addition, few people wash these puffs, and you can use them for years - as a result, you get a real breeding ground for bacteria in your cosmetic bag.

How to use powder correctly: it is best to apply the powder with special natural bristle brushes. It is important that the brush is soft and not too thick and that you can easily shake off excess powder for the most subtle application. The kabuki brush (we talked about it in detail in the brush review) is ideal - round, small, very fluffy and compact. You can safely carry it with you in your purse, just do not forget to wash your tool regularly! And don't make the mistakes we talked about when using the powder.

Powder application is the final stage in the makeup process. It allows you to hide excess shine, make the complexion brighter, and make imperfections less noticeable. There are different types of cosmetics that can not only even out skin tone, but also darken, lighten, matte or give a healthy glow. In her quest to look her most attractive, every woman should know how to properly apply face powder to keep her skin looking natural and refreshed all day long.

The structure of the powder, its advantages and disadvantages

A cosmetic product is a fine powder composed of a variety of ingredients. Thanks to them, the product is able to adhere well to the skin, giving the face a velvety and beautiful shade.

The composition of the decorative agent

Today, the basis of leather decor includes mineral components, moisturizing ingredients, various fragrances and preservatives that can extend the shelf life of the product. Modern powders usually contain the following substances:

These components give all the necessary qualities to decorative cosmetics and are completely safe for health. Usually, each manufacturer produces its product according to its individual composition, and therefore powders can differ from each other in durability, variety of shades, method of application and price.

Pros and cons of a cosmetic product

The powder is very convenient to use, as in a matter of minutes it can give a healthy complexion to the face and hide small flaws. In addition, it contains special ingredients that allow the powdery substance not to crumble, but to beautify the skin for a long time. Therefore, this tool is quite popular among all consumers of cosmetic products.

The main advantages of using a decorative product are as follows:

Unfortunately, cosmetic decor has some disadvantages:

Basically, a decorative make-up product always helps to achieve the desired result. You just need to buy the right product, as well as know how to properly use powder for the face, and as a result, you can get well-groomed, silky skin of the perfect shade.

Types of means and devices for application

On sale there is a huge selection of decorative cosmetics for every taste and wallet. Thereby, you can easily find the right product for yourself that matches the type of epidermis and helps to create a gorgeous look.

The main types of face decor

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a cosmetic product, you must have an idea of ​​its varieties, features and rules of use. Powder is of the following types:

The quality of the powder always depends on its composition, therefore, at the time of purchase, it is recommended to choose those products that do not contain chemical additives and harmful dyes. And you should also carefully choose the appropriate tone of the decorative coating, which will practically not differ from the main complexion.

Makeup Tools

In order for the cosmetic base to cover the skin with a beautiful and even layer, it is necessary to apply the powder with special devices suitable for this procedure. They must be selected depending on the type of product. It is recommended to have a set of different tools that you may need when doing daytime, evening or unusual makeup. These include:

After working with any tool, you must always put it in order - wash well with warm water and soap, then dry thoroughly and then store until next use.

Rules for the use of a cosmetic product

Surely every woman wants her makeup to look perfect, highlight her dignity, make her prettier and younger. But the basis of a successful look is perfect skin, which can be achieved with a decorative face coating and its competent application.

To find out how to properly paint with powder, you need to study the recommendations of makeup artists:

Observing these rules, you can easily achieve the desired result, the main thing is not to apply too much funds and try to distribute it evenly over the surface of the skin.

Instructions for applying powder

Many women do not know if it is possible to apply powder without foundation and therefore apply it only after a colored foundation for the face. But if the skin is naturally clean, fresh and free of noticeable imperfections, hydration and a few layers of powder will be enough for it, which will help create the perfect tone and emphasize the beauty of the face.

It is necessary to properly cover the skin with decorative agents of different types as follows:

To get the maximum effect from the use of cosmetic decor, you need to apply the products very carefully, taking into account their texture and purpose. Only in this case the makeup will look complete, and the face will shine with health and beauty.

Each lady must perfectly master the technique of applying powder correctly. After all, even and fresh skin obtained with the help of decorative correction will beautify a woman of any age, increase self-esteem and give self-confidence.