How to add shine to natural blonde hair. Natural remedies to add shine to hair. Do hair lamination

To dry and dull hair to give shine at home, they use all kinds of rinses that are prepared on the basis of herbs and plants and are used after shampooing. So, how to make hair shine? The simplest remedy is hair rinse from lemon juice. To prepare it, mix the juice of one lemon with 0.5 l. Warm water. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with this (pre-strained) mixture, and then rinse it again with water. This product will give your hair a healthy shine.

To prepare the next rinse to add shine to hair, take a small handful of dried rosemary, nasturtium and marigolds and pour them into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for no more than 20 minutes, then strain and refrigerate. Use this hair rinse it is necessary in the same way as the previous one.

An equally effective means of giving hair shine is apple cider vinegar. Mix 1 liter of warm water with 250 ml of apple cider vinegar. Apply this product to clean hair and keep it on for 1 hour, then rinse with water.

For the next preparation, you will need white wine. Take in equal proportions the herb of rosemary, marjoram, chamomile and add the resulting mixture to the wine. Insist for one week. Dissolve two tablespoons of the resulting tincture in a glass of warm water, and rinse your hair with this product after shampooing. Using this folk remedy will give your hair a shine, and it will be great to comb.

How to make your hair shine. Hair masks

In addition to rinses, to give hair shine, at home you can use all kinds of masks. To make hair shine use a mask prepared as follows. In a ceramic bowl, mix 1 teaspoon (flat) of chopped nutmeg and the same amount of cinnamon. Grind 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal into flour and mix with nutmeg and cinnamon. Add warm boiled water to the resulting mixture until a creamy mixture is formed and mix everything thoroughly.

This mixture is rubbed into the scalp and lubricated along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with a towel and keep hair mask at least 30 minutes. Then the hair must be washed with shampoo and rinsed with acidified water. The use of such a mask will give your hair a healthy look, shine and silkiness.

Same to give hair shine use a mask of butter, banana and yogurt. Take 1st tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, 1 banana (prematurely mashed) and 1 tbsp. spoon of yogurt - mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied along the entire length to slightly damp hair and cured for 25 minutes. After that, the hair is rinsed with warm water, washed with shampoo and dried naturally.

How to make your hair shine. Dark and blonde hair

For those who have dark hair, a mask prepared as follows will help to give it shine and restore color. Take 3 teaspoons of ground natural coffee and pour 3 tbsp. boiling water. Keep the resulting mixture on low heat for about seven minutes. After cooling, strain and use as a rinse after shampooing.

Same for dark hair you can make a sage rinse. Take 0.5 tbsp. fresh sage leaves, and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. After cooling, strain and use as a rinse aid.

For shine to blonde hair you can use a linden blossom infusion or a warm chamomile decoction, which are also used as rinses. Also, for owners of light hair, to give it shine, you can use a mint and tea rinse. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of mint, the same amount of tea and pour 1 liter of boiling water. After 15 minutes, cool the infusion and strain. Use this hair shine like a rinse aid.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Almost every woman sooner or later wonders how to restore shine to her hair at home. Of course, today women have just a million opportunities to be beautiful, and they do not miss this opportunity, trying all the opportunities in turn.

Salons today offer hundreds of hair treatments, ranging from regular dyeing to long-term styling, allowing you to get out of bed and go to work without the distraction of your hair.

Over time, all this leads to the fact that the hair becomes lifeless, brittle, split ends, they lose shine, which means a loss of naturalness and liveliness. And here the question arises of what to do, how to restore the natural shine of the hair?

Of course, you can go to the salon again for all the same chemically developed procedures to restore the hair structure. However, many, having lost confidence in chemistry, want to restore shine to their hair at home.

When the hair shines

Only healthy natural curls can shine. Painted ones lose this property. If you want to add shine to colored strands, you just need to buy an artificial shine agent and use it, but this is not natural and will aggravate the situation over time.

If you want to restore shine to your hair, it is necessary to stop dyeing and significantly reduce (if it is not possible to completely stop) thermal and other loads: curling irons, irons, hair dryers, tongs, etc. If necessary, use special protective equipment to prevent overheating.

There are a number of home remedies for restoring shine to your hair.

Proper home care

The most important thing is systematic daily procedures that must be performed so that there is no accumulation effect with improper care:

  1. Daily shampooing greatly dries the skin, thereby enhancing the work of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, the curls become dry and brittle, oily at the roots, which clearly does not add either beauty or shine. In advanced cases, even loss is possible.
  2. The mandatory procedure after washing should include the application of a balm or rinse, preferably of natural origin.
  3. You need to wash your hair in warm water, and rinse in cool water. What happens when washing with hot water? The scales open and remain in this state, especially if you do not use a balm, the strands will be very difficult to comb, hot water naturally also increases the production of subcutaneous fat. And the cool water closes the scales, making the curls silky and shiny.
  4. When combing, it is good to use a wooden combs.
  5. It is important to eat healthy foods and live a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary that the products consumed daily contain all the necessary elements for healthy shiny strands (in particular, vitamins C and B5). It is worth getting rid of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse. A healthy lifestyle also includes active physical activity in the fresh air, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

For the speedy recovery of the curls and so that they have a healthy natural shine, it is possible to use masks, decoctions at home.

Shine masks

There are many recipes, here are some of them:

  1. Stir 3 tablespoons. rum and 1 small egg, apply on the scalp, wrap with a towel and leave for half an hour. Then rinse well with water.
  2. The miraculous properties of castor oil have long been known. Going to the bath, you can use the following mask: egg, castor oil - 2 tablespoons, vinegar - 1 tsp, glycerin - 1 tsp. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the ingredients, apply to the head, put on a hat and wrap everything with a towel, thereby keeping warm, which is very important for this mask. Immediately after the first application, the strands will become shinier and easier to style.
  3. Honey is also essential for shining hair. Mix 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. natural shampoo with onion juice (2 tablespoons). Apply to roots and leave for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse thoroughly with water acidified with apple cider vinegar. A course of procedures is required. Do the mask once a month and a half.
  4. Aloe juice also adds shine. It can be simply applied to the scalp and left on for 15-20 minutes.

Rinse for shine

When rinsing, you can use herbal tinctures, natural juices, coffee grounds. The color of the strands is of great importance here, since different natural rinses have some coloring properties, and with regular use, they can have a long-lasting effect.

For blondes, decoctions, infusions of nettle and chamomile are suitable for a healthy natural shine of hair.

You can either collect the herbs yourself, or buy at the pharmacy and brew 2 tablespoons each. for 1 liter of boiling water. After the solution has completely cooled down, the infusion is ready for use. After washing your hair, you need to rinse the strands, then wrap them with cling film and stand for 15-20 minutes, after which the film can be removed. You do not need to wash off the infusion.

For dark-haired beauties, there is nothing better than coffee grounds for shiny hair.

If a brunette loves coffee, then she is very lucky! After brewing natural coffee, coffee grounds remain, which are no longer suitable for use. However, it is precisely this that can be used to add shine. You need 2 to 4 tablespoons. in a glass of boiling water.

After it is infused and cooled, you can add some more cool water. Then rinse your hair and use cling film. After 15 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with boiled cool water to remove coffee residues from your hair.

For owners of red hair, there is nothing better than vegetable juices of carrots and beets. They can be used both together and separately. You need to use freshly squeezed juice, and immediately apply to the hair using cling film, as described above. In the air, most of the useful elements lose their properties. Therefore, the faster the smearing is done, the better the effect, the more shiny and healthy the hair will be.

Guided by the above rules, at home you can make your hair shiny for a long time.

The article tells about the best ways to find shine and silkiness of hair, as well as an overview and comparison of salon and home treatments.

Shiny, smooth and well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of a beautiful woman. But sometimes, in conditions of constant negative impact, it is difficult to maintain a healthy and pristine appearance of hair, and among the many methods for their restoration it is difficult to determine effective and optimal ones.

How to help your hair become shiny and smooth and what procedures will help you quickly restore your hair at home, and what is best to do in the salon - this will be discussed in the article.

What are the main causes of fading hair?

Hair that has lost its natural shine is a sure sign of a certain disease or lack of care. Among the main causes of hair dullness are the following factors:

  • lack of vitamins in the diet due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • intense exposure to sunlight
  • the presence of a number of diseases of internal organs (including problems with the liver and intestines)
  • the use of care products that are not suitable for a particular type of hair;
  • frequent dyeing, perm
  • using irons, tongs, hair dryers, which dry the hair and draw out moisture

Also, hair loses its shine and healthy appearance with insufficient sebum secretion and poor blood circulation, which can be caused by a number of metabolic disorders, frequent stress and strong nervous tension.

Why does hair become dull and lifeless?

The upper layer of the epidermis is covered with the thinnest hydrolipidic film, which performs a protective function and prevents moisture loss when exposed to negative factors. The same film covers not only the scalp, but also the surface of the hair. With the correct work of the sebaceous-sweat glands and sufficient secretion, the hydrolipid film is renewed over time.

With severe overdrying, frequent staining, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or the use of low-quality care products, the hydrolipid layer collapses and the hair loses its physical properties: keratin scales rise, shine, elasticity are lost, hair becomes lifeless, split and brittle.

How to properly care for your hair to give it shine?

Proper hair care presupposes, first of all, healthy and nutritious nutrition, because if the body does not receive enough substances and vitamins necessary for vital activity, then even the most careful care will not provide the hair with healthy shine and beauty.

As for the care itself, in this, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  • the selection of care products must match your hair type
  • washing your hair should not be frequent (you should definitely refuse to wash your hair every day)
  • water for washing hair should not be hot (up to 38 ° - 39 °)
  • shampoo should be used without silicones and parabens, lauryl sulfate;
  • after washing, it is advisable to use a conditioner and do a mask twice a week
  • give preference to natural drying over a hairdryer
  • use a professional hairbrush made of natural bristles

Top 5 homemade mask recipes for shine and smooth hair

The use of hair masks is an indispensable condition for high-quality and complete hair care. Today there are countless professional products and the so-called "masmarket" that can offer a mask for every taste and wallet.

But one has to judge about their positive influence only by trying the remedy on oneself, and sometimes these experiments do not have a positive effect.

It is good that there is a great alternative - homemade masks, prepared by yourself and containing only healthy and high-quality ingredients. For shine and smooth hair, the following are most effective:

  • egg mask
  • honey mask
  • hair mask with cognac
  • home hair lamination with gelatin
  • hair lamination with coconut milk

Egg mask for hair shine

Chicken eggs are a real storehouse of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. They contain cholesterol, amino acids, vitamins B and D, as well as proteins, which are the building blocks for the hair shaft.

Therefore, a mask made from eggs will not only give your hair shine, silkiness and elasticity, but will also help in the process of restoring damaged hair.

It is very simple to prepare a mask, it requires the following ingredients:

  • 3-5 egg yolks (depending on hair length)
  • 2 teaspoons olive or burdock oil
  • 5 drops of lemon juice

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to dry hair (the mask will “flow” on wet hair) and to the scalp. After applying the mask, the head should be wrapped in cling film and wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes of exposure, the mask must be washed off with warm water.

Honey mask for shine and smooth hair

The benefits of honey for the body are well known, but not everyone knows that it is also a very useful remedy for hair. There are many recipes for honey masks, both one-component and containing several ingredients. The easiest to prepare and therefore the most popular is the recipe containing:

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

The components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to clean, damp hair, and rinsed after 30 minutes. After that, you should thoroughly rinse your head with shampoo.

Hair mask with cognac for shine

The cognac mask was invented by the beautiful Elisabeth of Austria, who was famous for her gorgeous hair. And the crowned lady was absolutely right in her choice, because cognac contains a large amount of tannins, alcohol, acids, which increase blood circulation in the scalp and provide a large amount of oxygen to the hair follicles.

  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • egg yolk
  • 3-4 spoons of milk
  • 8 drops of wheat germ oil
  • 15 gr. brewer's yeast

To prepare a cognac mask, you should warm up the milk and dissolve the yeast in it, and then leave it to "come up" for a few minutes. At this time, you should mix the egg yolk, wheat germ oil and brandy. After the milk is covered with a characteristic foam, all components can be mixed and the mask is ready for use.

Apply the mask, preferably on dry hair, spreading and thoroughly massaging the scalp. After application, it is recommended to wrap the hair with cling film and insulate with a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask can be washed off with a mild shampoo and warm water.

Homemade hair lamination with gelatin. Gelatin lamination recipe

Hair lamination has become a real revolutionary method of restoring hair and giving it a natural shine, but the high cost of a salon procedure makes it elite, inaccessible to the general public. If you can't afford salon lamination, don't despair. There is a reliable, effective and, most importantly, cheap method of hair lamination at home.

Edible gelatin contains a large amount of collagen, a natural component that is able to cover the hair with a specific protective film. Thanks to this, the hair shaft becomes thicker and the structure smoother, which provides shine, silkiness and volume.

The gelatin lamination procedure is very easy to carry out at home - it does not require special equipment, knowledge or expensive components. For lamination you will need:

  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • any hair balm or mask

  • If all the components are available at home, then you can start preparing the gelatinous mass. To do this, boil a small amount of water and let it cool slightly. Pour a spoonful of gelatin into a small container, then add 3 tablespoons of warm water. For long hair, the dose of ingredients can be increased in a 1: 3 ratio.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly, then cover and stand for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you need to wash your hair, apply conditioner and dry with a towel. After these manipulations, add half a spoonful of balm or mask to the gelatin mixture and stir well until a homogeneous consistency

  • The gelatinous mass is applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the hair roots, evenly distributing along their entire length. After full application, the hair should be wrapped in plastic wrap, a towel and thoroughly heated with a hairdryer in hot mode for 15 minutes. The procedure does not end there - the mixture is kept on the hair for another 45 minutes and only then washed off.

  • Lamination with gelatin will not give a stunning result after the first application - it will appear after several repeated procedures. It is advisable to carry out such lamination 2-3 times a week and then the beauty and health of your hair will be the subject of universal admiration.

Hair lamination with coconut milk at home

Asian beauties have been using coconut milk for the beauty of their hair for a long time, while in our country this product is just beginning to enter the everyday life of beauty salons. This truly healing remedy is also used for hair lamination.

Coconut milk is a product that is obtained from the pulp of coconuts. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, macro- and microelements and perfectly nourishes the hair shaft, restoring the structure and ensuring the beauty of the hair.

You can buy coconut milk in any supermarket, the price for it is quite affordable, but you can make it at home. To do this, the pulp of the coconut is grated and poured with water, and after infusion for 30 minutes, the liquid is ready for use.

For lamination of hair with coconut milk you need:

  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (burdock can also be used)
  • juice of half a lemon

  • The coconut milk must be heated, after which the rest of the ingredients are added there.
  • The mass should be constantly stirred until it thickens, but preventing boiling.
  • When the mixture cools down a little and becomes warm, you can safely apply it to your hair.
  • You will have to keep the coconut mass for 1.5 hours, so it is recommended to wear a hat to avoid possible discomfort
  • The mixture can be easily washed off with regular shampoo

After the very first lamination procedure with coconut milk, you will see a positive result, and with the further procedure, the effect will increase.

Salon treatments for hair shine

For women who do not want to bother with various homemade masks and who own sufficient funds, salons offer a number of procedures designed to heal their hair and improve its appearance.

Salon procedures have a lot of advantages, because while you enjoy your rest, a qualified and experienced specialist will work on the health of your hair.

The following procedures will help restore shine and strength to hair:

  1. Keratinization
  2. Elumination
  3. Glazing
  4. Shielding
  5. Keraterization
  6. Haircut with hot scissors

Video: Doctor about lamination

Silk hair glazing, before and after photos

Hair glazing is a salon procedure that involves applying a special mixture to the hair, which contains large amounts of ceramides.

The glaze applied to the hair turns into a thin film that has protective and aesthetic properties. Distinguish between colorless and colored glaze, which can change the shade of the hair.

After the very first procedure, the effect is noticeable: the hair becomes shiny, resilient and elastic. Due to the fact that the hair scales are smoothed, they become more manageable, strong and silky. The effect of the procedure will delight the eye for 4-6 consecutive weeks.

Screening procedure for damaged hair, before and after photos

Hair shielding is a relatively new procedure aimed at improving the appearance of hair and protecting it from negative external factors. The hair is covered with a glossy film, which helps to retain moisture inside the hair, preventing it from drying out. The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, thanks to the shiny layer, the hair becomes incredibly beautiful and delights with its shine.

As a result of the procedure, the hair becomes thicker and harder, which allows you to gain additional volume and elasticity. The effect of the procedure will persist for 3-5 weeks.

Keratin hair restoration procedure, before and after photos

Keratinization allows you to permanently improve the condition of the hair. During the procedure, the specialist applies a keratin-enriched mixture to the hair. Since keratin is a natural substance that is included in the hair structure, it forms a protein film around the hair, which results in a dazzling shine and silkiness of the hair.

Also, the active substances allow you to smooth out the cuticles and protect them from static electricity. Hair after keratinization will become manageable, even and acquire a healthy shine that will last for several months.

Hair kerathermia. The benefits and harms of kerathermia. Before and after photos

Kerathermia differs from keratin restoration in that the procedure focuses on improving the aesthetic qualities of the hair, rather than improving its condition.

As with keratinization, a rich protein blend is used that is applied to the hair, but it usually contains formaldehyde. After the formation of the protective film, the hair is smoothed with an iron.

The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, it becomes shiny and smooth. But the formaldehyde in the lamination product is a carcinogen that can cause cancer. Also, an inexperienced specialist may not apply the keratin mixture very thoroughly, because of which some areas of the hair may suffer from the hot effects of the iron.

Hair elumination. Before and after photos

Hair elumination is a revolutionary procedure that consists in “beneficial coloring”. This is provided by a special dye that not only does not have a negative effect on the hair, but also heals and strengthens it.

Elumination is indicated for owners of porous and dull hair who want to renew their natural color or radically transform without harming their hair.

Staining with Elumen paint allows you to obtain a dazzling shine and the desired color. In addition, the hair becomes elastic and easy to comb throughout the month.

Haircut with hot scissors. Truth and myths about this procedure

Conventional haircuts are not relevant for a long time - specialized haircuts with hot scissors are on the crest of popularity. The essence of such a procedure is to use scissors with a cutting surface, which is heated to a high temperature, during a haircut. This allows you to "seal" the ends of the cut hair shaft and retain all the beneficial trace elements and moisture inside it.

This technology allows you to prevent the ingress of various harmful substances from the outside into the hair. Thanks to this, the hair becomes shiny, healthier, and the problem of split hairs is solved.

The widespread opinion that high thermal exposure is harmful to hair is wrong, because the heating surface is in contact only with the end of the hair shaft and does not have a destructive effect on the hair structure.

It is also wrong to think that a single hot scissor cut will solve the problem of dull and damaged hair.

Performing the procedure itself, which lasts about 1.5 hours, cannot allow each hair to be trimmed, since the hair has different lengths and grows in layers. Therefore, for an obvious result, it is necessary to complete a course of three procedures.

How to make hair smooth and shiny quickly?

If there is no time for long-term events and courses of salon procedures, and you need to get shiny hair instantly, then there are some tricks that will help transform your hair in a matter of minutes. Wonderful recipes that have come down to us from distant times are simple and cheap.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are incredibly beneficial for the appearance of hair. Thanks to the unique components of these substances, it is possible to solve not only the problem of dull hair, but also dandruff, hair loss and excess sebum secretion.

How to use apple cider vinegar to add shine to your hair. The benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair

Traditionally, various masks do not use store-bought apple cider vinegar, but ordinary fermented apple juice. It is used as a part of various masks, balms, as a rinse and vitamin supplement to food.

The use of such a beneficial product contributes to the transformation of hair: they acquire a delightful brilliant shine, strength and smoothness. It is easy to comb your hair after the procedure, as well as to style it into your hair.

Lemon juice is an instant relief for dull hair. Applying lemon juice to shine your hair

Lemon is a fruit widely used for health inside and out. It not only fills the body with vitamins and amino acids, but is also known as a wonderful remedy for the skin. In addition, you can use this magical product for the benefit of your hair.

  • 3 tbsp. lemon spoons
  • 1 chicken egg yolk
  • 1 spoonful of honey
  • a few tablespoons of nettle decoction

By mixing the ingredients and using the mask 2 times a week, you can get a natural shine, silkiness and dandruff.

Vitamins and nutrition for hair health and beauty

Vitamins can also strengthen and transform hair. As a rule, B vitamins are used for this purpose: B1, B6 and B12.

These substances actively affect the hair, saturate with nutrients, enhance metabolic processes and growth, and saturate with oxygen. As a result of the application of the vitamin complex, the hair becomes healthy and shiny like a magazine cover.

To saturate the hair with vitamins, 2 ampoules of B vitamins per 400 ml are added to a regular shampoo or mask. shampoo. The addition of vitamins to various hair sprays is also justified.

How to make silky and shiny hair at home: tips and reviews

Numerous reviews on the use of various products for making hair shine indicate that even expensive salon procedures will not have the desired effect if the body is not provided with adequate nutrition and careful hair care. Then your hairstyle will delight you with its beauty and will cause everyone's admiration.

Video: How to make your hair shiny at home

Every woman tries to carefully care for her hair so that it is always healthy, strong and beautiful. But what to do if the hair suddenly becomes dry, brittle, dull, it is difficult to comb, the ends are split?

Every day, the health of our hair is undermined by the influence of various factors on it. Procedures such as perm or dyeing, sun or cold weather, frequent hot styling. How to restore hair to its former elasticity, thickness and shine?

Eat the right foods.
If you have colored hair, you should use shampoo, conditioner, and colored hair mask. They take care of your hair, retain color for as long as possible and make your hair shiny. Be sure to use balm after washing your hair. 2-in-1 shampoos don't really help. To care for colored hair, use special products for colored hair containing extracts of honey, milk and oil.

Diet change.
A one-sided diet will definitely affect the condition of your hair, skin and nails. On the other hand, a diet rich in unhealthy fats does not make your hair the crown of beauty. The best way to restore lost hair shine is through dietary changes. Enjoy fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (tuna, salmon, mackerel), pumpkin seeds, nuts, olive oil, avocado. Getting the nourishment it needs from the inside out, your hair will soon delight you with its beauty and vitality.

You can take zinc-containing vitamins as a dietary supplement to strengthen your nails.

Be sure to do hair masks. This mask helps to give shine to the hair very well: Mix 100 grams of olive oil with 1 yolk, apply the mixture to the ends of the hair, wrap it in cellophane and leave for one hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. It is also good to mix the pulp of one avocado with olive oil and apply to hair for one hour, then rinse. Masks make hair soft, manageable and shiny.

Beware of heat.
We mean not only temperature changes, but also the use of various devices for straightening, drying and styling hair. To begin with, you need to limit the use of various tongs and a hair dryer. If you cannot do without drying and styling, use the minimum temperature regimes and thermal protective sprays and creams.

In addition to changing the diet, you can use various gels, sprays and other cosmetics to shine your hair. Today there is a wide range of products on sale designed to increase the shine of hair. Shampoos, conditioners, masks, foams, aerosols and varnishes that make your hair simply shine. Buy alcohol-free products. The presence of alcohol in the care products dries out hair and makes it brittle.

- a trend that is always at the peak of popularity. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired gloss. Here are some professional tips to surprise those around you with the glossy sheen of your hair.

What is glitter? This is the reflection of light from a flat surface. That is why straight hair seems more shiny than curly hair, and on dark hair the shine is brighter than on light hair. But modern cosmetics will help even a curly blonde achieve dazzling shine of her hair.

In order to make your hair shiny, you first need to make its structure even. The first assistant in this business is conditioners, balms and masks. Masks eliminate deep damage to the hair, fill in damaged areas. Conditioners and balms act on the surface - they cover the keratin scales, which gives the hair a well-groomed and healthy look.

All products must be chosen according to your hair type. Porous and dry ones need sufficient moisture, so products with extracts of aloe vera and seaweed are suitable. Severely damaged hair (after blonding) must be restored with therapeutic agents with lipids, minerals and amino acids. Shine and shine are provided by: chamomile, soy proteins, rosemary, coconut and jojoba oil. Shampoo or conditioner with these ingredients will quickly achieve the desired result.

To enhance the effect, along with the usual conditioner, use a spray conditioner based on biocomponents. It will be a great addition and will significantly enhance the shine of your hair.

If you prefer traditional recipes, then use special recipes that will make your hair strong, beautiful and shiny.

To achieve shine at home:
1. Wash your hair with warm water. Hot temperatures can damage the hair structure and make the hair look dull. Rinse your head with cool water.
2. Be sure to use an air conditioner. It is advisable to apply it to the hair while taking a hot bath. Steam improves the penetration of nutrients into the hair and scalp.
3. Wash your hair every 2 days. If you do wash daily, remember to dilute the shampoo with water and preferably use one type of shampoo.
4. Deep nutrition and recovery with the help of masks should be regular - at least 1 time per week.
5. Try to limit the use of high-temperature styling devices - this dries the hair a lot, making it weak and dull.
6. Check the temperature of the air from the hair dryer by directing the jet into the palm of your hand. If it is hot for the skin, then it is hot for the hair. In this case, it is worth reducing the power of the hair dryer.
7. Use styling lotions and mousses - they protect hair from harmful effects.
8. Split ends of your hair look dull and unkempt, so remember to cut regularly.
9. Be sure to rinse or wash your hair after bathing in chlorinated or salt water.
10. Monitor the condition of your brushes and hairbrushes. Mechanical damage to the comb can damage your hair.
It is better to pick up a brush for combing in a professional store and preferably from natural bristles. These bristles distribute the natural oil evenly from the hair shaft to the tip, giving the hair a healthy shine.

Reduces the appearance of shine:
1. Frequent use of hair dryers and other high temperature styling devices.
2. Careless handling of hair (especially when wet), as well as frequent combing, damages the surface and structure of the hair.
3. Insufficient rinsing after washing.
4. Curling, bleaching, dyeing.
5. Bright sun rays.
6. Excessive or inappropriate use of hair styling products.
7. Incorrectly matched, damaged or dirty hair brushes and combs.
8. Dry warm air damages hair, so get a humidifier if possible.

To add shine to your hair, remember

Hair health is directly dependent on a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables.

You must drink at least 6-7 glasses of water per day. The water washes out the internal organs and makes the skin and hair look healthy.

Exercising regularly, especially shaping and swimming, improves blood circulation and makes your hair shine.

If you are deficient in vitamins, try vitamin supplements. Seaweed (kelp) is extremely beneficial for hair. They are sold in pill form at the pharmacy.

Vitamin B is essential for the beauty and health of hair. Contained in eggs, yeast products, liver, grains. Or you can buy it in pill form at the pharmacy.

Do not forget about head massage. Regular massage improves blood circulation, which means it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

Do not get carried away with sweets, because this destroys the B vitamin needed for hair.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and hair care are essential ingredients for a healthy shine.