How to attract customers to a pedicure at home. How to attract clients to a novice master in manicure. Examples of nucleons of manicure salons

You did it! Opened his own manicure office or rented a place in the cabin. The next stage is the work of the Customer base, attracting new and retention already existing ones.

First of all, it is necessary to understand and accept that attraction and promotion is another profession - a marketer, which is also necessary to master, like the manicure masters, pedicure, extension.

Where to begin? From the simplest for you at this stage, gradually learning and introducing new ways of promotion.

Consider the most popular and efficient ways, how to attract new customers, as well as how to keep them and turn them into constant. You can implement each item of the list of stages, combine several approaches, take only what is acceptable and suitable at this stage. I hope that after reading you will have a promotion ideas.

The main thing is to introduce and try new options for expanding the base systemically, to work on it purposefully and constantly, evaluate the results to remove ineffective and start testing new promotion methods. If the budget allows, you can attract a specialist with experience in promoting beauty businesses, and work with regard to its recommendations.

1. Site

Requires investment and is more suitable for a manicure cabinet or a manicure salon. The master will be easier and more efficiently to conduct a personal blog and pages in social networks. For the site, you will need to purchase a domain - the site name and order hosting for him.

The advantages of the site is the ability to promote in search engines and social networks by keywords, geolocation. The presence of the site raises the level of the cabin or manicure studio, adds prestige.

On the site you can place information about the institution, address, contacts. Describe the experience of workshops, photo certificates, diplomas. Place a photo of workplaces, describe the conditions. Specify prices for services in the price list. Place the feedback form, callback, the ability to record or application online, the ability to communicate with an online consultant.

Learn to communicate and find a common language with people. If the wizard allows you to make a lot of errors (cuts, inaccurate coating), then the anti-advertising will be inevitable. Take an advertisement to the newspaper. Not all women and men use the Internet. Pay attention to older people.

  1. Quality materials.

The more reliable the coating or material for extension (gel varnish, acrylic, gel), the longer the client passes with well-kept hands. Coating or nail extension by poor-quality materials that crack or erased, will not bring the master of good reviews and new customers.

  1. Customer comfort.

It is important that the client comes to the master to the house, felt comfortable. Highlight the houses a separate area to work so that no one interfere. The client comes to the manicure to relax. During the work, do not be distracted by children, husband or animals.

20 ways to attract customers without investing

In general, the page looks very stylish and has to himself, and it is extremely important when it comes to beauty. After the fold line, the user sees a lid form. Stimulating factor of urgency (20% discount on any service) is designed to increase conversion. The next window introduces a user with a list of services provided by the Company and Specialist.

An obvious advantage is the opportunity to add "live" photos of your work. After you can see the benefits of the company (or wizard, depending on your needs). Another attractive block - customer reviews (and this is a sarafined radio).

At the end, the map with the location of the office and contacts. Interested in the template? You can buy it here.

How to find customers for manicure at home?

Offer existing customers the opportunity to get a discount:

  • If they bring a girlfriend or relative. The cost difference will cover the reduction of time spent on the preparation of the meeting.
  • When performing a pre-recording. Future expenses are not tangible and customers will gladly want to take advantage of such a discount, but in the future it will be more difficult for them to refuse to meet.

    It will also allow you to more rationally plan your working hours and increase the efficiency of work.

  • When performing a certain type of manicure. For example, in the fall, when the active wedding period comes, you can provide a discount on the wedding manicure for the bride, while all the other ladies (mom and girlfriends) compensate the difference of full payment of services.
  • Offer a package of services.

How to dial customer mast manicure at home?

Ordinary manicurers are full, good - deficit. I started from scratch, Avito posts ads first. You can give ads on social networks. Or to expose ads on the entrances of nearby houses. The best advertising is a srangian radio, offer the service to friends, and they, in turn, will share information with their familiar, unless of course be satisfied.

Manicure at home: 5 secrets of successful business

When identifying the client of nail diseases, it is quite possible to politely refuse him to provide services and advise to consult a doctor;

  • Never be forced at one level, you need to develop, try new services, materials, images, lining, etc.
  • Several Tips Masters Manicure
  • To adequately evaluate your skills, even if the courses were finished with honors, it does not make a novice professional, so it costs to throw thoughts about earning and focus on experience.
  • A closed circle occurs, customers needed for experience, you need experience for customers.

How to attract customers to the manicure master?

Well-groomed hands are a necessity, because they give the true age! Women and men pay money for a beautiful manicure, but finding a good wizard is difficult. The manicure master is the perfect work for moms on maternity leave and for those who want to do an interesting business without leaving home. Manicure is in demand at any time of the year, so I studied and after working out the client base, the master will be in demand.
Earnings Master Manicure at home Before you start earning the art of manicure, you will have to take training and buy tools. Attachments are required, but they will quickly pay off. Training skill learning lasts from week to month. It depends on the level of the training master and the training program.
The lessons on acquaintance or a friend will be minimal for investments, but also a certificate at the end of the courses you will not receive.

Find a common language, to be polite and located to communicate, without neglect, panibrates, familiarities - will increase the probability of the return of the client next time;

  • Remember their customers (at least as long as they are a bit) will be a rule of good tone, the client will definitely appreciate that the wizard remembers his preference to drink black tea, or coffee with milk, etc. In order not to keep everything in the head, you can write some moments after a session in notepad;
  • It is necessary to observe the perfect order at its workplace, the man who came to the manicure session should be confident in the purity and safety of the procedure. Therefore, you need to thoroughly clean the tool, make timely cleaning.

How to attract customers to manicure at home

If you want to work with elite customers for high payment, be prepared to go to the house at any time of the day. In detail about how much you can make money on a manicure at home you can learn here - how much they earn on the manicure at home: calculation of income. How to find customers for an elite manicure at home If you are using expensive materials and equipment, the price of your services will be high.

Accordingly, you must present yourself to customers as a serious master. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Creating your own website with a description of technology and materials used. Do not skimp on the right implementation and promotion of the resource.
  • Publication of advertising in newspapers and glossy magazines.
  • Participation in contests and championships.

    This method will improve their skills and attract new customers.

At the very beginning, it is generally possible to establish the cost of the equivalent value of materials or with a minimum markup, should not be chased for money, there will be experience, satisfied customers, will be money. In the meantime, it is necessary to work for experience. How to attract customers to a manicure at home, other effective methods are a good way to declare yourself - to tell others about your new profession, it may be uncomfortable, between the case or directly. Portfolio is another great way, for example, you can create a page in social.

networks told about itself as a master, services and prices. It is worth distributing information about yourself through friends, publish all your work, arrange draws. All this will bring good results. Watch the video on how to find customers for manicure.

How to gain customers on a manicure at home

Creativity in the design of the design will attract customers who know the lot in fashion. Be a flexible master. In no salon, the master will not accept the client in the early morning or late evening. In this plus a homemade master. You can adapt to the client.

The possibility of leaving the client to the house will be a big plus in the work. As a novice master to attract customers, profit depends on the number of customers and from the quality of the service provided. The more people and positive feedback, the higher the income.


Customers who visited the Master - also advertising. If a person like the Master's approach to work, he will tell friends about it.

Work at home manicure customer database

It can be a birthday discount, cumulative bonuses, "preferential" nail correction, free visit (for example, every fifth), etc. Try, experiment with marketing policies, watch your visitors respond to it. Based on this, plan a further strategy. Back to the content of LP STORE LPGEnerator Lepgenerator Landing Store offers its answer to the question, how to attract the client to pedicure and manicure.


A good output is a relevant template for the target page of a small beauty salon or a homemade master. Short, but despite this, informative lending is inferred to the user already in the main window. Tender color gamut (blue, gray, white pink) is great for a page with beauty services.

A noticeable CTA-button "Get Consultation" has a favorable location.

Well-groomed hands are a necessity, because they give the true age! Women and men pay money for a beautiful manicure, but finding a good wizard is difficult.

The manicure master is the perfect work for moms on maternity leave and for those who want to do an interesting business without leaving home. Manicure is in demand at any time of the year, so I studied and after working out the client base, the master will be in demand.

Earnings Master Manicure at home

Before starting to make money by the art of manicure, you will have to go through and buy tools. Attachments are required, but they will quickly pay off.

Training skill

Training lasts from week to month. It depends on the level of the training master and the training program. The lessons on acquaintance or a friend will be minimal for investments, but also a certificate at the end of the courses you will not receive.

Customers will be interested in where the master studied and whether he should trust him. The level of confidence is more from certified masters. The training certificate is obtained in the training center. Choose centers where preference is given to practical classes.

Buying equipment

The next attachment is to buy tools and materials. Choose proven manufacturers, then the result will be high quality.

Financial aspect

After passing the training and purchase of the necessary, train. Attract girlfriends and acquaintances. Cut the interior temporarily. In the cabin, experience and customers are purchased, which will then leave the master to the house. At this stage it is important to get a maximum experience.

Receive profits by working at home will help:

  • Regular advanced training.
  • A variety of services provided.

Engage in nail, design. Learn fashion trends. Creativity in the design of the design will attract customers who know the lot in fashion.

Be a flexible master. In no salon, the master will not accept the client in the early morning or late evening. In this plus a homemade master. You can adapt to the client.

The possibility of leaving the client to the house will be a big plus in the work.

As a beginner master to attract customers

Profit depends on the number of customers and the quality of the services provided. The more people and positive feedback, the higher the income. Here are 4 ways to attract customers:

  1. Advertising

Create a group or page and fill in profile photos of work. In the same place, provide prices for services. It will save from unnecessary questions.

Customers who visited the Master - also advertising. If a person like the Master's approach to work, he will tell friends about it. Learn to communicate and find a common language with people. If the wizard allows you to make a lot of errors (cuts, inaccurate coating), then the anti-advertising will be inevitable.

Take an advertisement to the newspaper. Not all women and men use the Internet. Pay attention to older people.

  1. Quality materials.

The more reliable the coating or material for extension (gel varnish, acrylic, gel), the longer the client passes with well-kept hands. Coating or nail extension by poor-quality materials that crack or erased, will not bring the master of good reviews and new customers.

  1. Customer comfort.

It is important that the client comes to the master to the house, felt comfortable. Highlight the houses a separate area to work so that no one interfere. The client comes to the manicure to relax. During the work, do not be distracted by children, husband or animals.

  1. The ability of the master is adjusted for the customer's desire.

Try to fulfill all customer requests. From how much a person will be pleased with the procedure, further visits and profits depend.

Earnings Master Manicure in major cities of Russia

Depending on the place of residence, the price of the service will change. Moscow will have to pay more than, for example, in Krasnodar.

According to the data for 2016, the manicure master earns a month:

  • Moscow 33-34 t. R.
  • St. Petersburg 30 t. R.
  • Ekaterinburg 27-28 tons.
  • Novosibirsk 15 t. R.
  • Rostov - on - Don 18-19 tons.
  • Krasnodar 17-18 t. R.
  • Tyumen 15-16 tons.

This is the average data. The price of manicure depends on the location of cities and wages of residents.

A good master earns more average figures. Everything is based on professionalism and efficiency.

At the beginning of a manicure wizard career to attract more customers, offer people bonuses, discounts or gifts.

  • providing discounts to birthday women or school graduates. To 10%;
  • promotion "Bring a friend." A person who will lead a friend with him to manicure will receive a discount on his next procedure;
  • every tenth visit nail design as a gift;
  • competitions on the Internet.

Remember that the client is always right. Best patience and exhaust the skills in dealing with people. Tips and help with the choice. Follow the main advice, and the business at home will flourish.

Competent advertising of the nail salon involves the integrated use of various ways of promotion, including outdoor advertising, promotion on the Internet and even in the media. However, if the owners of such studios become thoughtlessly invest in all possible marketing resources, the interior just risks to fire. That is why it is important to understand which methods of promotion are relevant and effective, and from what of which it is still better to refuse. This article is designed to help entrepreneurs understand this issue and develop a profitable marketing strategy.

Point design



You can use one of several options for design display cases. So, they can be closed with adhesive posters with thematic photos of models, nails, images of varnishes, etc., or leave the showcases open so that each passerby can estimate the interior and interior interior and look at the workshops. However, even in the latter case, it is better not to leave showcases absolutely "bare" - they can be decorate with beautiful light patterns, place several small promotional images and / or inscriptions.

Outdoor advertising



The pillar is needed regardless of the location of the manicure salon. It perfectly performs the role of an additional pointer and is well attracted to passersby. However, one should not order pillar with a detailed description of the range of services and even the price list - hardly passersby stop to read the text written by a small unintelligible font. Try to do so that seeing the pillar, information about a specific service and price for it, a person immediately became interested in you.

Advertising in elevathas

You can also place your promotional posters in house elevators. The advantage of this method of advertising is that it sees a lot of women living nearby (give such advertisements only in nearby areas). Try to develop such a design so that your ad is highlighted against other promotional images. It is also worth remembering that information about some very attractive shares should be indicated on such a poster - so you significantly increase the likelihood of interest. Just as a description of the salon, its address and the phone will not definitely have such an effect.


The pointer is a unique tool that performs a useful function, namely indicates the road to your manicure salon and at the same time it is an attractive decorative element.

Internet advertising


The site is a necessary advertising tool. Do not try to save and abandon this crucial resource - the creation of a business card will cost you inexpensive, but will allow you to widely promote your manicure interior on the network. Of course, it is desirable that the site is optimized for search queries, because so, the person introducing the name of the city's "manicure salon" the name of the city "will see your reference one of the first. You can do easier, and give ads in the most popular search engines, Yandex and Google. And remember, the site should be interesting, and useful. Post photos of the best works of masters, publish interesting articles about manicure, pedicure, nail care and, of course, make sure that this information can be easily understood due to the clear menu. You can also place the announcement of a discount on the most prominent site site, which can be obtained by simply printing it.

If you decide to create a site by our own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we posted our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you just need to be needed in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and maximize quickly profit from the site.

Banner advertising

Banner advertising is a good means of promoting a manicure salon, but it is not worth giving it on an ongoing basis, but, for example, before the holidays. So you optimize your expenses and attract new customers to the salon, which, with the proper quality of services rendered, will definitely return to your masters.

Groups in social networks

Groups in the most popular social networks, namely instagram, VKontakte, Twitter and Facebook can do to promote the cabin almost more than all of the above advertising tools. After laying out the photos of the work done and accompanying them with respective hashtags, you can conquer the sympathy of a huge number of potential customers, not even investing in the promotion of any serious funds. Moreover, you can count on the reposit of our visitors, thanks to which their friends and subscribers will see where the manicure was made. Moreover, the presence of such pages will allow you to maintain a direct connection with buyers and, of course, notify them about all sorts of promotions.

Ads on ad sites

Explore free advertisements of your city. Place information about yourself and services provided there. Of course, this kind of advertising will lead to you less customers than the same social networks, but this does not mean that this resource should not be used. Also visit the city forums, and try to leave there unobtrusive, disguised as a real revocation advertising. Most likely, even such a hidden ad will be removed by the moderator, but it will stay on the site a certain time, and this is already a good business bonus.

Printable advertisement


The leaflets should be distributed in the most crowded places near the manicure salon and leave in the mailboxes of nearby houses. Such shares should be carried out regularly, desirable once a month. Remember, the text on the leaflet should be concise and report an attractive promotion and / or service spectrum. It will not be superfluous to offer a small discount of the Flyer's bearer.

Pleasant bonuses

Offer your customers drinks, broadcast interesting films and programs, give small gifts. Such bonuses will not hit your budget, but will make a visit to your manicure salon a very pleasant event.

Conducting price stocks

Try to regularly make discounts on certain types of manicure and design. So you will fill in the schedule of your masters and significantly increase profits.

Placing data in electronic reference books

Specify information about yourself on such resources as 2GIS and 2GEO. A similar service is free, and is able to promote business well. However, you should not post paid advertising there - experience shows that such costs do not pay off its effectiveness.

What advertising is not suitable for manicure salons

  1. Billboards and other costly outdoor advertising methods. The placement of advertising shields in the city will require serious material costs from you. As a rule, such spending are catastrophic for nail studios. That is why entrepreneurs should be focused on less expensive, but more efficient ways of promotion.
  2. Advertising on radio and TV. Even broadcasting on local TV channels and radio stations will not benefit you. It should also be emphasized that the audio ring on the radio can well promote a solid network of manicure salons, but not only the new studio has no longer.
  3. Advertising in print editions. Publication of advertising modules in magazines theoretically is a good idea. However, in practice, such a method is too expensive and ineffective.

Examples of nucleons of manicure salons

  1. The territory of pleasure.
  2. Feeling a flight on the tips of the fingers.
  3. Friends meeting place.
  4. Habit for the better with young nails.
  5. Beauty is the work of human hands.
  6. Trust a professional!
  7. You do not have to hide your hands.
  8. We create individuality.
  9. Your hands are worthy of a good wizard!
  10. Art on your hands.
  11. Feel perfect.

The number of manicure salons and private offices is growing at such a speed that it is not amenable to count. This is a profitable business: it requires minimal starting attachments and enjoys great demand. The cost of manicure is from 800 to 1500 rubles. If the master is able to form a database of regular customers, it will provide himself with a stable income of significantly higher than the average salary. One way to do it is advertising. We tell how the manicure advertising will help attract customers, earn more and take their own niche in the market.

Customer attraction has for manicure masters is of fundamental importance. Most of them provide services in approximately one level, so you cannot attract visitors to quality. For part of customers, the cabinet place is important: they are looking for an option next to home or work. Others during the procedure love to communicate, so they choose the communicable master. However, most customers regularly try the services from different masters: they are looking for the best option for themselves, use the advice of acquaintances or try a new place.

The number of proposals on the market is growing at such a speed that it is practically impossible to calculate them. These are large beauty shop salons, small local studios, express points in shopping centers, private masters who are at home or coming home to customers.

Each of them fights for the same audience: women aged 18 to 60 years. Masters working for several years is easier, because they have already formed a base of regular customers. It is more difficult for beginners, because it is necessary to compete more actively. The best way to attract customers is advertising. There are several promising options, how to find customers for manicure:

  • social networks;
  • sites of free ads;
  • sarafanny Radio;
  • leaflets.

The novice master should not only take care of the quality of services, but also to actively advertise himself

Through social networks

How to find customers a novice manicure master? The best way is to develop social networks. Most potential customers actively leads profiles in VK, Instagram and Facebook. They not only read news there and publish photos, but also solve domestic issues - order clothes, recorded on a haircut and manicure.

Develop accounts should be in all mentioned social networks to cover more people. Registration and maintaining pages are absolutely free, which makes the promotion option very beneficial for the beginner.

The pages are registered almost all, but only a small share of masters turns them into a source of regular customers. Pages are not so difficult, but most lacking discipline and ideas for publications. Here are some useful recommendations.

How to keep a page about manicure to attract customers

  1. In information about yourself (description of the group VK and Facebook, profile hat in Instagram) Specify addresses, phone numbers, links to all social networks. The client must immediately understand how to contact it. You can accompany the information call to "call" and "sign up".
  2. Regularity - the key to success. Do at least one post per day in the ribbon and 1-2 stories.
  3. Make a page aesthetically attractive. Publish only beautiful professional photos and videos, do not be lazy to handle pictures. Choose several corporate angles and color filters so that the page looks uniformly.
  4. Always answer comments and messages, thank and put the huskies. So you will show that they are located to communicate and carefully treat the opinion of customers.
  1. Successful examples of work. After the manicure is completed, take the client nails (with permission). Remove in several angles so that you can do several publications.
  2. Equipment and materials. For example, tell me what new shades of the varnishes appeared at your disposal.
  3. Own photos, notes and thoughts about work and life. Such publications will make the profile more alive, will definitely cause sympathy from the audience.
  4. News and urgent announcements. For example, about new promotions and discounts. Also, do not forget to prevent subscribers about changing the schedule or leave.
  5. Useful tips. Write about nail and skin care, share observations and recommendations. Such content must be own, that is, it is impossible to copy it and issue yours.

Sites of free ads

Another source of new customers can be free classified ads:

  • Avito;
  • Yandex services;
  • Yandex district;
  • Daily;
  • From hand to hand;
  • In your hands;
  • Sbagri;
  • Rydo.

The advantage of ads is that they do not need to pay for them. True, on some sites they will act for only a month, and then require updates. However, it is enough to attract a couple of dozen new customers.

To ad attract users, make a literate description and specify a low price. For example, "Manicure gel-varnish from 1000 rubles" or "turnkey manicure services" at a fixed price of 800 rubles. "

At such sites, it is the cost of services that often is a decisive factor.

Sarafan radio

How to master manicure to attract customers? Well works "Sarafanny Radio" - when you have visited customers recommended services to your friends. The method is good because it does not require any investments: success is completely dependent on the professionalism of the master. Do you make a good manicure at an affordable price? You will definitely recommend.

So that the "sarafined radio" worked, it is necessary to follow the quality of services from the first days of work, to look for an individual approach to each. For example, someone is important communication during a session, others prefer silence, others like listening to music or watch movies in the process. Some masters even record habits and wishes of standing customers to provide them with maximum comfort. Do not hesitate to ask for your guests to talk about you, including social networks.


Another way to attract customers to manicure in the cabin is to distribute flyers. This method is traditional, easy to perform. The cost of design and printing of leaflets will be required. It is desirable to make them color and glossy. So they will attract more attention. Black and white leaflets printed on the usual printer, without pictures and photos, will rather cause rejection. If there is no possibility to order a professional seal, it is better to give up from leaflets.

Flyers can be handed out on the street, decompose on the stand in the shopping center or in public catering nearby. Leaflets are relevant when you have promotions and have the opportunity to receive services at a reduced price.

The minus is that most people regularly receive leaflets on the street, perceive them as trash, and without reading the content, throw away. To prevent this and increase the efficiency of the advertising campaign, try to specify on it that its bearer is supposed to be discount.

Sample Manicure and Pedicure Advertising

Advertising text must be brief and clearly describe the benefit of the buyer. It is perfectly suitable for a list of services indicating prices: "Classic manicure - 400 rubles", "Shellac coverage - 800 rubles". Visual images in this case work more efficiently, so use the most attractive and professional photos.

The leaflet should clearly formulate the benefits of the sentence

Do not forget about the stylish decoration of pages in social networks - they are also advertising and can both attract and push customers.

Publish high-quality photos of your work (you can't take someone else's photo) and accompany them with hashtags


A novice manicure master to attract customers must be advertising, otherwise he will not be able to attract the attention of the audience. Some effective ways to promote services, for example, social networks and bulletin boards are completely free, so allow you to save on the start. Since we are talking about the sphere of beauty, it is important to make advertising aesthetically attractive.