How to knit a crossed facial. Crossed and grandmother's loops in knitting. Video: Crossed front and back stitches

Crossed loops are widely used when knitting warm items such as socks, mittens and hats. The advantage of such loops is that the knitted fabric is very dense, wear-resistant and retains its shape well, in contrast to knitting in the classical way. We offer instructions for beginner needlewomen, describing step by step how to knit an elementary crossed loop on the wrong side of the main side, and also consider several basic patterns made with crossed loops.

How to knit a crossed purl loop: basic methods

There are at least two ways to knit such loops. Let's look at both of them step by step.

Required materials and equipment:
  • a small amount of woolen or semi-woolen yarn;
  • straight knitting needles of the appropriate diameter.
Method number 1 - from a broach or cross thread:
  1. In one of the purl rows, we begin to knit crossed loops. To do this, we bring the working knitting needle under the broach between the knitted loop and the next loop, which is still on the left knitting needle.
  2. We put the broach on the left knitting needle and cross it with the working knitting needle for the right leg. From the resulting crossed loop from the broach to the adjacent loop, pull the purl loop.
  3. We design the next loop in the classical way. In this case, the hole between the hinges will be completely invisible.

Broaching is often referred to as a cross-thread, so in some descriptions this method of knitting a crossed purl loop is called cross-thread knitting. Sometimes the name "knitting from the gap" is also used. This is the same knitting method.

Method number 2 - from the yarn:
  1. We knit a small number of loops and knit several rows of garter stitch in the usual way.
  2. In one of the purl rows, we begin to knit crossed loops. To do this, we form one yarn over by throwing a working thread over the right knitting needle.
  3. We throw the yarn over to the left knitting needle, turning the resulting loop clockwise, that is, crossing it. We knit a purl loop from a crochet by analogy with a broach.

The crochet knitting method is used to expand the knitted fabric. If no increments are needed, you need to knit two adjacent stitches after the yarn together.

Consider the popular crossed loop patterns

Crossed loops add extra density to the product, therefore they are often used for knitting warm winter clothes. To make the product look neat, the crossed loops alternate with the classic ones.

"Grandma's" elastic band.

Crossed loops are often called "grandmother's", and elastic bands for socks that are knitted with such loops are called "grandmother's" elastic bands. They turn out to be not as smooth and neat as the classic ones, but they are very warm and elastic.

  1. For an elastic band 1 * 1, we collect an odd number of loops, plus two to form an edge.
  2. We knit the first row and all odd ones with crossed loops, alternating "grandmother's" lp. and etc.
  3. We knit even rows lp. and etc. in the classical way, due to which the rubber bands take the shape of "herringbones".

In the same way, you can knit elastic bands 2 * 2 and 3 * 3 loops.

Small dense "shading" pattern.

The number of loops is even, plus two additional loops for forming the hem. In the first row, after dropping the edge loop, alternate one purl and one crossed front loop. At the end of the row, we knit the edge of the classic I.p.

Thus, we knit the first four rows, then we shift the pattern one loop to the side, as shown in the diagram. It should be remembered that in the purl rows, all loops must be knitted in the traditional way.

Shadow stripe pattern.

We collect the required number of loops for knitting with garter stitch. We begin to knit in the classic way: front rows - with traditional front loops, purl rows - with traditional purl loops.

After a few rows, at our discretion, we knit a whole row with crossed "grandmother's" loops. In this place, a strip is formed, which differs in structure from the rest of the knitted fabric. We repeat such strips at the required interval. Do not do them too often, as the product in this case may not look very neat.

Garter knitting with crossed loops.

Cross-stitches can be used to create garter stitches with more convex stitches and greater density and durability (for example, for a warm ski sweater or winter hat).

We collect the required number of loops and knit the product in one of the following ways:

  • knit front rows with crossed loops, and purl rows with classic ones;
  • We knit the purl rows with crossed loops, and the front rows with classic ones.

It is worth remembering that knitting with crossed loops significantly increases the total operating time due to the fact that each loop that needs to be knitted by the "grandmother" must actually be thrown twice from knitting needle to knitting needle.

Related videos

In order to more clearly demonstrate the order of knitting crossed loops and their difference from classic loops, we suggest watching the following video tutorials.

Knitting is a pleasant and useful leisure time that soothes the nerves and helps to acquire exclusive things: clothes, accessories and interior elements. If you are just learning to knit, concentrate on practicing knitting techniques for the most common patterns.

A kind of basis of the foundations is the front and back loops, but for further development in this direction and the independent production of slightly more complex knitted things (at least scarves or capes), you also need to learn how to make elongated, crossed and edge loops. The above techniques refer to the basic techniques that are mastered at the very beginning of learning the art of knitting.

How to knit edge loops

The first or last loop of the row is called the edge loop. Almost every time you start knitting, you will knit them, with the exception of products, the pattern of which involves circular knitting.

Therefore, remember: you cannot do without edge loops - this time, they must be extremely neat - these are two, since it is with them that any row begins and ends on them.

There are several different ways to process edges, in each case the most suitable technique is selected, depending on the general chosen knitting technique.

If you want to get the edge of the product in the form of a neat thin "braid", the first loop of each new row must be knitted as a front loop (in this case, the last loop of the row is removed, not knitted). You can also just throw the first hem stitch over the second knitting needle without changes, and knit the last one as a standard purl: in this case, you will get the so-called "knot" edge.

How to knit a simple front and back stitch

To begin with, we collect a small row of stitches (a little, because in the learning process, it is not quantity, but quality that is important) and we work out the basic techniques - we learn to make the front and back loops using the simplest methods of the existing ones.

To tie the "face":

  • we lower the working thread down the product and put it on the index finger of the left hand (if you are right-handed);
  • now we pry on the formed loop with the right knitting needle, moving from left to right;
  • in a similar way, we grab the working thread on the left, holding the back wall of the loop (through it we pull the loop located on the left knitting needle).

To knit a seamy loop (based on the name, it is clear that in most cases it is on the seamy side of the finished product), we adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • we put the thread on the left knitting needle;
  • on the right we pass the knitting needle (right) under the front wall of the loop;
  • carefully adjust the working thread with the free thumb of the hand (it should be located in front of the loop);
  • with the right knitting needle, lift the loop up, at the same time grab the working thread in the clockwise direction and drag it over the wall of the loop formed.

Even if now it is difficult for you to immediately grasp the essence and remember the sequence, with experience you will learn to knit a standard base fabric with a "face" and "wrong side".

How to knit an elongated loop with knitting needles

With the help of elongated loops, the product can be given a more elegant and delicate look. Knitting such a loop as a whole is not difficult, but several rules should be followed. The first of these: elongated loops can have different lengths, and this should be remembered. So, to get a short version (1-2 rows) from the right knitting needle, remove the loop untied and tighten it a little.

A long version is made in a similar, but slightly different way: the knitting needle is wound behind the loop wall (from left to right), while the working thread is thrown over the edge in a row a number of times to form turns. Their number is determined by the desired length of the extended loop - the higher it is, the more turns. Now we pull out the future elongated loop through the loop of the previous row.

How to knit a front and back crossed stitch

The popularity of the crossed loops technique is simply explained: the things that you knit with this method practically do not stretch, and the canvas itself turns out to be very dense and not prone to deformation, therefore it remains presentable for a long time. To take full advantage of this technique, you need to know how to knit crossed purls and knit stitches.

We knit the purl loops as follows:

  • we put a working thread on the index finger of the left hand from above (for right-handers), while the thread should be under the desired loop;
  • pry on the back wall of the purl loop from right to left from below with the right knitting needle;
  • we grab the working thread from right to left and pull out the crossed loop.

It is even easier to knit a front crossed loop, but you need to take into account the location of its walls.

Good day, my dear girls - needlework. Glad to see you after ... Well, let's assume that after the vacation)))) Teachers go on vacation, An ???
And so ... The topic of our today's lecture is crossing loops. For the completely ignorant - the manipulation of ent is needed in order to depict the incredible beauty called arana
Since the technical information today will be just an unrealistic minimum (just a couple of lines in total), I want to tell the story of these mesmerizing interweaving ...
Aran is the name given to three islands located on the west coast of Ireland. Arans, or Aran knitting, which is an old Irish technique of this type of needlework, also began to be called.

The history of the origin of the Arans
The islanders were farming, but mostly fishing. The harsh environment has also left its mark on the nature of knitters. Here a special type of sweater was born, which was called fishermen's. The patterns on them are a kind of secret writing that only representatives of one clan can decipher. They can tell them a lot.

The fishing trade is fraught with considerable dangers, and often the bodies of the wrecked fishermen, washed ashore by the waves, could only be determined by the patterns on the sweater - which family, which village belongs to the deceased.

The secret of the samples was sacredly kept in the depths of the family, passed down from generation to generation, moreover, orally.

Each pattern from the Irish craftswomen contains a specific symbol. So, knitted on a sweater, arans with knitting needles seem to describe the ropes of a fisherman and wish a good catch.

Many samples are represented by all kinds of grids - it is as if a mapping of small island areas. The nets can be filled with patterns depicting Irish moss - this seaweed was used as fertilizer for a good harvest, so its weaving into the net pattern symbolized the wish for wealth and good luck.

Harness- the simplest and most popular Irish knitting motif. As a component, it is included in countless other, more complex patterns. Harnesses, as their name suggests, are similar to twisted laces. The smallest of them is knitted on 2 front loops, crossing in each front row and called “cord” (from the French corde - rope).

The loops of the harness are crossed in one direction. A plait crossed from left to right is a symmetrical reflection of a plait crossed from right to left.

The appearance of the bundle primarily depends on how many rows its loops cross. With an increase in the number of rows in the rapport, the harness becomes wider, and the knitting fabric is softer and more plastic. And vice versa (fig. 13). The number of loops in the harness can also vary. However, this factor affects its shape to a lesser extent. In fig. 14 shows braids crossing at the same height, but connected from a different number of loops.

The butterfly motif is formed by two plaits crossed in different directions. From two symmetrical snakes it turns out "chain"... Placing several identical "chains" of a simple form next to each other, simple mesh ornaments are obtained. On the islands, these ornaments are called "Honeycomb"... They are believed to bring well-being to the home and to the hardworking sweater wearer.

For example, a simple honeycomb pattern:

"Snakes" differ from the bundles of topics. that the loops do not cross in one direction, but alternately - to the right and to the left. Therefore, the wavy line of the pattern is always on top of the loops with which it intersects. It is believed that snakes denote a natural succession of good and bad periods in the life of a married couple and the whole family.

Braids- one of the main elements when knitting arans with knitting needles. Most often, braids are "weaved" from three lines, but their number can increase to 4, 5 and even 6. Just like with bundles, the pattern tension and knitting density decreases with an increase in the number of rows in the rapport. Unlike other patterns, the braid has a top as well. It can be turned upside down to change the pattern.

Braids are a self-sufficient pattern in itself, but when knitting aran with knitting needles, the braids are connected with braids, rhombuses, knobs, snakes and create a unique and complex picture of the aran.

The oblique line formed by the front loops on a contrasting background is one of the main expressive means of Irish knitting. Zigzags, rhombuses, braids and other motifs with a complex shape consist of segments of such lines. The line can have a different angle of inclination, depending on whether one or two loops of the background are involved in the operation of crossing the loops. A broken line can turn into a wavy line if the corner is “rounded”. that is, in the place of its break, tie 2-4 rows without changing the loop.

Zigzags, broken lines, chains, plaits, bumps in the aranas are like tangled paths leading around the lonely cliffs.

The unique pattern represents the "tree of life" - this is like a generic sign of a clan, a wish for its unity, longevity to ancestors and strength - to descendants.

It is not difficult to knit arans with knitting needles if you know the basics of knitting technique. In this knitting style, the pattern is formed by intertwined braids and crossed loops. A technique is often used when the order in knitting loops is changed. Because of this, they turn out to be oblique.

When knitting arans with knitting needles do not "calculate" the required amount of yarn. You just need to take into account, based on experience, that it will be needed much more than when simple embossed patterns are knitted, since when changing the order in knitting loops, the knitted fabric is pulled together. But due to this, the products made using the Aran knitting technique are very warm and capable of protecting in any bad weather.

All)))) Plagiarized finished)))) Now only on my own))))

As it was written above - plaits, braids and all that kind of things STRONGLY pull the canvas together. This is the main thing to consider when choosing these patterns. The degree of tightness depends on the number of loops in the braids and on the frequency of weaving. A braid or snake 1 * 1 your canvas in cm is eaten in the same way as an elastic band approximately, or even less. The density of knitting, as always, is also at the head here. But the 5/5 tourniquet will eat the size noticeably narrower. Sometimes, switching to a plait canvas (oblique hats with a shadow, for example), you need to add 80 percent to the initial set. What will help us with this?)))) Yeah))) Sample))) But more on that later)))) In another lecture in the sense))))

And the seisas ... Well, let's move on to two lines of technique or something ...

Actually, there is nothing special to say)))) Braids and plaits weave either to the right or to the left ... Well, we are not mutants yet)))) So the third is not given))))

The required number of loops is removed on an additional knitting needle / pin / marker and folded either for work or in front of it. By the way, about the tools for removing loops. And HTO is vaaaasche)))) Yes, you want)))

Well, in the first rows, of course, a special tool - knitting needles for tying braids - are like metal

So are plastic

Personal impressions: I have such a metal spoke. I didn’t like it at all. I feel uncomfortable. I suspect that plastic will give the same effect. I mainly use a needle for sewing knitwear. Here is such

There are also ordinary markers - pins, if you need to remove ... well, loops 4, probably ... I have not tried them again

Well, if there are more than 4 loops, you can, logically, use ordinary pins and pins to reset the loops

Well, now 2 lines of the promised technical information)))

To cross the loops, remove the required number of loops on the selected tool and leave:

to the right we leave the removed loops At work.
To cross the loops to the left we leave the removed loops Before work.

We left the loops before work. Forgot about them and knit the following. We knitted as much as the drawing requires. We returned the removed ones and now we knit them.

In the same way, we actually fold back the hinges and get to work.

Well, as it seems to me, that's all))))

DZ today decided to complicate it)))) I was picking and picking the Internet ... Now one is not, then the other)))) As a result, I came up with the scheme myself)))) I drew in tamiq. You all know her badly already. And you know - some designations are not printed there ... But we have already passed a lecture on designations a long time ago and successfully. And we know - sometimes diagrams require you to read yourself at the level of intuition))) This is how it is today - we work with a minimum of designations. Life situation. You liked the diagram, but you are not aware of the notation.

DZ wait until 23.03 (Friday). Another lecture on Monday 26.03.
We knit girls))))

In the light of recent events ... I dare to assume that the ratings now do not matter))))
Therefore, a reasonable question is - do we need them ???
To be honest, it's very hard for me to evaluate you ... I can tell you where it is wrong, where it is bad, where it did not work out ... But put triplets ... It's not mine, like that ...

You always said that time frames stimulate, assessments stimulate ... This is not about me, apparently)))) I do not observe the time frames)))) I ALWAYS allow me to retake ... I put it ... If only the person's hands are not beaten off ... To be honest, because of this I was most nervous ... Estimates, assessments, assessments ... We are not professionals at all ... We a priori have no right to assess. ..

My goal is to teach you how to knit ... The rest is a matter of technique and desire. If you succeed, I will squeak for joy)))) More precisely, food from some comments)))) And if it doesn’t work, then I’m not explaining well. Ask a hundred thousand questions. I signed up for this. I MUST explain everything to you))))

... Moreover, despite the seeming simplicity of the question, plus a sufficient amount of various material on this topic on the Internet, it was personally quite difficult for me to “enter” all this. I still have not fully understood all the nuances ... In general, there is still something to work on :)

I always adhere to the principle that the best way to understand is to try to do ...

I'll start with what many call crossed loops - grandmother's loops, but is this really so? ...

An interesting question ... and the answer is not unambiguous ... Although if you understand thoroughly, then grandma's loops are also crossed :)

But, only for them, with my method of knitting, the appearance is lame ...

Here, look, two patterns of knitting with grandma's loops, ...

First: the front side - grandmother's front side, the wrong side - the usual purl loops

Second: front side - grandmother's front loops, purl - purl crossed loops

Let's see everything clearly ...

How to knit grandma's loops with knitting needles

To begin with, in my understanding, grandmother's loops can only be facial loops ... it's so easy for me to think so as not to get confused completely, yes, and to be honest, I just can't imagine a grandmother who “twists her hands” for knitting purl crossed ... ... but vice versa ...

This is done as follows.

Try this method of knitting a crossed knit stitch. As a result, in combination with crossed purl loops, you get exactly what you need ...
The loops come out even, dense and well-defined. It is this method of knitting the front loop that I will later call the crossed front loop in articles on this blog.

Friends, it is clear that crossed loops, exactly like grandma's loops, are used in knitting to create various patterns. Today I knitted the simplest patterns of the usual front surface, but with crossed loops only in order to figure out how these same loops need to be knitted in one case or another. And I was quite pleased with the result. I hope this material will be useful for you as well. And also, I would really like to know how you knit crossed loops with knitting needles :)

And don't forget to leave your comment. Your opinion is important to me!

If you liked the article, then share this information with your friends by clicking the social media buttons! Only, a huge request! - do not copy the entire material, please use the social buttons! Do not be shy! I will help you as much as I can :) I got an idea - Share it! If you find errors - write, we will fix it! There was a desire to somehow help the blog - I will only be glad! Hosting costs money, and the materials are not cheap these days ... So, if possible, help financially)))

The subtleties and methods of knitting front crossed loops

The subtleties and methods of knitting front crossed loops

In the descriptions of various knitting patterns, it is quite common to find an indication of the need to knit crossed loops. In this article, we will not provide diagrams or descriptions of all kinds of patterns in which they are used, but we will tell you how to knit such loops and what they are for.
Beginner knitters, faced with this designation, often cannot understand their purpose, start looking for descriptions or videos to get to the bottom of the truth - what is the difference between the function of such a loop from the usual one - maybe you should not bother, but knit them all, as usual? It's easier and more familiar. In fact, if the scheme requires it, it is worth bothering, and the indication of the need to cross the walls of the loop is always justified by the specific purpose of the crossed loops.

The need for crossed loops

And they have several appointments. They make arans more expressive - patterns with moving pet. using the third knitting needle. In this case, the crossed loops are knitted along the contour of the intertwined sections - the first and the last. Then the weaves are more contoured, and the braids, rhombuses and plaits are more neat, convex and embossed. Experienced knitters know about this feature and use it, even if it is not specifically mentioned in the schemes.

More elastic, less elastic, so they keep their shape much better when knitting elastic bands. Products with such elastic bands are less deformed when worn and, accordingly, last longer. However, another nuance should be taken into account here: such elastic bands have a higher knitting density than ordinary ones. Therefore, when calculating the number of pet. for a set, as a control sample, it is an elastic band from crossed stitches that is knitted. When performing additions, when holes from yarns are not needed, the latter are knitted with crossed loops. This method allows you to fill the void due to their special structure.

Flowers, stems, leaves are made clear and outlined (when various openwork patterns from the front and back loops are knitted with knitting needles).
The latter function is especially widely used in schemes of Japanese patterns with complex openwork, when it is necessary to more clearly distinguish the texture of a leaf, veins, etc. on a common canvas.

True, it must be remembered that such loops are knitted with knitting needles as an exception, a special option, which, as you already understood, has its clearly defined purposes of use, although it is used quite often. Therefore, ordinary patterns should not be knitted in this way - this can greatly change and even ruin the appearance of the pattern, and the result will be completely different from what is needed. Although, if on the front surface some contour is knitted with crossed loops, then this texture will still stand out against the background of the hosiery. In this way, you can, for example, knit a canvas with your initials - they will not make the thing too intrusive, but, nevertheless, they will create a certain accent.

How to fit a front crossed loop

An ordinary, classic front crossed is obtained if you knit it by the front wall, located on the needle on the right: the loop is pulled in such a way that the thread lies down "along the way of knitting", evenly and naturally. This method is used for knitting, for example, stocking fabric - without a pattern or with a colored pattern, ornaments. Then, in the purl row, all purls are knitted, and the colors of the thread change, depending on the pattern of the ornament.

To cross the loop, you need to swap the front and back walls in places, "unscrew" the loop so that it goes to the right knitting needle with the front wall located on the left. To do this, knit the front one behind the back wall. (the needle is inserted into the loop not from above, but as if from the inside).

However, depending on the situation in which loop crossing is used, there are two ways to cross the front one. You need to know about this so as not to spoil the impression of the drawing in one case or another.
The first option is the usual one, which is used, for example, to form a closed increase (without a hole). Or in the first row, if the patterns from the front and back loops require knitting them in several rows. Then in int. row you will have to knit this loop, too, crossed. The purl loop is crossed in the same way - by knitting behind the back wall. This is not very convenient, because the thread is in front of work: you need to try very hard to put it on the knitting needle threaded through the back wall, and then still bring the knitting needle back without lowering the loop. But if the scheme requires it, you have to adapt, otherwise your pattern will differ from what you intended. Sometimes in the description for the pattern it is additionally specified whether this loop is knitted to the wrong side. a number of ordinary worn out. or with crossing.

The second option is when the front loop is knitted crossed after the purl loop in the previous row was crossed in its place (or it was knitted in the "grandmother's" way). In this case, the back wall of the loop is on the spoke to the left, that is, in front. And so that the front one does not "unwind" back the loop of the previous row (then the pigtail will be uneven and ugly, as if "jumping"), but lies in the same direction and also crossed, the front one is crossed, knitting behind the left wall. In more detail and visually, you can watch this process in this video.
Video: How to knit crossed loops
Look at this photo: on the right is a beautiful braid made of crossed front loops, on the left is an uneven, dancing chain. Because the front one was tied to the right wall and turned the underlying wrong side to the other side.

As you can see, knitting crossed knit stitches is easy enough. But if this technique appears in your arsenal, it will allow you to significantly expand the possibilities of knitting various patterns. By showing attentiveness and patience when reading diagrams (especially with complex openwork segments), you can please yourself and your loved ones with a large number of beautiful things. True, for knitting openwork patterns, you also need to master yarns and knitting loops together. But you can read about this in other lessons on our website.

Video: The original pattern of crossed loops


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