How to save vital energy and not lose strength? Important rules to be healthier. Competent management of vital energy: what is not worth spending energy on

It is impossible to live a fulfilling, happy life if we constantly feel tired and apathetic. Therefore, today we have the beginning of a very important topic about energy for life, or rather, let's talk about how we lose energy.

Everything in this world is much more complicated than we think. Everything has its own meaning and everything is influenced by the most diverse energies. And of course, a person is also absolutely completely imprisoned by energies. This is worth considering.

We will not go into very deep questions and just talk about what takes energy from a person, gradually making him sick. For the most part, these are things that are familiar to an ordinary person.

Through what do we lose strength and energy?

So what causes the loss of energy? Read carefully and note what is taking place in your life. Accordingly, in order to stop losing energy, you will need to remove the found negative moments from your life.

I want to make one warning without fail: treat all recommendations reasonably, without fanaticism... What you cannot accept at the moment, then just skip, and what seems quite acceptable to you, gradually introduce it into your life.

The main thing is to use what you learn in real life, otherwise there will be very little sense from just reading the articles. It is by practicing the necessary useful things in our life that we truly begin to understand and accept them.

14 reasons why we lose energy

  • dissatisfaction with one's fate

It just takes a huge amount of energy from us. When we do not appreciate what we have in life, when we do not know how to accept fate, no matter what it is, then we begin to destroy ourselves.

As a result of dissatisfaction with one's fate, such emotions as anger, despondency, regret and so on arise. They destroy the human psyche (subtle body), and then the physical body.

One of the signs that you are dissatisfied with your fate: you regret the past or are afraid of the future.

For example, a person regrets that 5 years ago he did not invest money somewhere, as a result of which he could be rich now. Or a person is afraid that in the future he may be left without work and will not be able to earn enough money, which is a sign of unbelief and atheism.

  • aimless and meaningless life

Quite frankly, many people live meaningless lives. They have no specific goals in life, they don't really understand what they want from life. Today it is called fashionable: "to live like everyone else."

It also takes a lot of energy, which is spent in emptiness for some unknown reason. And this is a serious problem these days.

Accordingly, it is very important to learn to set goals and achieve them. This helps direct energy in the right direction, and not dissipate it on just about anything. On setting and achieving goals, I recommend that you study the article:

  • setting selfish goals and striving to achieve them

As you can see, it is not enough to learn how to set and achieve a goal. You also need to know what goals should be.

If we have goals that are aimed only at our personal benefit (well, or for the benefit of the family), then these goals are selfish, and we are also the most common selfish. It is even worse if the achievement of our goals brings harm or suffering to at least some living creatures (for example, the meat or alcohol business).

In this case, we turn into a kind of cancerous tumor on the body of the Universe. And as is customary to do with a malignant tumor, we will gradually be "cut out of the body", depriving us of energy and happiness.

Therefore, in order to understand how we lose energy in this regard, it is necessary to analyze our goals and aspirations in life. Unfortunately for us, most of them are selfish.

On this point, the article will be useful:

  • resentment

We often underestimate the harm that resentment can bring. It would seem that he was offended, but okay. But this leaves a deep imprint on our subconsciousness and destiny.

Ayurveda says that as a result of grievances, our mental body is affected, and after a while it begins to manifest itself on the physical body in the form of diseases, which require a lot of energy to fight. By and large, all health problems are the result of problems of a more subtle mental plan.

It is important to learn to forgive everyone and everything, and even better to learn not to be offended that only truly happy people can. This ability comes only as a result of many years of work on oneself, character traits, habits, lifestyle.

  • restless mind

How many problems come from a restless mind, how many stupid things we do because of this. Sages say that any decisions, especially important ones, should be made only when the mind is absolutely calm and we are not influenced by emotions.

When the mind is restless, then it constantly rushes from one object to another, some thoughts, desires, etc. constantly arise in it. Much of this is not destined to become reality, which makes the mind even more restless. This is one of the most important reasons why we lose energy.

It is imperative to learn how to calm the mind. Remember that a restless mind is the enemy of man, and a calm and judicious mind is our friend.

  • stupid and irresponsible attitude to food

You can write a whole book on this point, or even more than one. First, it is worth knowing that a significant part of our body's energy is spent on digesting food. And the more we violate the adequate rules of nutrition, the more energy will go into this area.

How do we waste energy by ignoring sensible eating habits?

I will try to list as briefly as possible the main mistakes in the diet of a modern person:

  1. Overeating, especially at night. Again, Ayurveda advises getting up from the table with a feeling of light satiety and the feeling that you could eat more. Then digestion will take place the best way and drowsiness will not heap.
  2. Use fried or old food. You can study information about fried food on your own if you wish. Food that is cooked more than 3 hours ago is considered old. In such food, the decomposition process has already begun.
  3. Eating food, microwaved or similar electrical devices. The best food is cooked over an open fire (over a fire, but not kebabs, which are of no use), then food cooked in the oven, then on gas, and only then on an electric stove, microwave ovens, etc.
  4. Eating foods grown in artificial conditions or when adding chemical fertilizers containing preservatives and various chemical additives.
  5. Eating food prepared by the person who was experiencing at that moment any negative emotions(anger, resentment, hatred, envy, etc.). Ayurveda says that the emotions of the cook are transferred to the food that he is preparing, therefore it is advised when preparing food to think about something good, better about God.
  6. The use of products such as white sugar, white flour, coffee, black tea, meat, alcohol... Perhaps this is news to you, but these products take a lot of energy from us.
  7. Eating in a hurry or on the run... Meals should be held in a calm atmosphere, without thoughts of something abstract. Better to focus on the food itself, its taste, smell, etc.

By the way, you can take some useful information on this subject.

  • useless idle chatter

Through speech, a person also spends a lot of energy, especially if we conduct empty conversations about anything. It is even worse when we criticize or condemn someone.

One should strive to talk on lofty topics or to speak only to the point. This is more true for men, while women need to speak out periodically, as they relieve mental stress.

  • smoking

Smoking is harmful, this is a fact. I will not write much here, it is better to study the article:

  • being in direct sunlight from 12-00 to 16-00

How do we lose energy by simply interacting with the sun? Very simple: we are under open rays in the middle of the day.

This is especially unfavorable in the desert, so those who like to relax in the south, be careful with excursions in the middle of the day under the scorching rays of the sun. Unfortunately, many people do not know that from 12 to 16 o'clock in the open sun a person loses energy, and they gladly go to sunbathe at this time.

  • wrong breathing

Yogis say that the less often a person breathes, the longer he will live. Try to understand these words intelligently. Breathing should be calm and even. Many oriental practices include elements of pranayama, breathing exercises, thanks to which a person calms the mind and harmonizes processes in the body.

When a person breathes often and at the same time deeply, then he loses a lot of energy, the work of many internal organs can go astray, etc.

  • primitive and stupid attitude towards sex

Frankly speaking, first of all, sex is not a tool for getting pleasure, but an activity aimed at conceiving children. In addition, Ayurveda claims that excessive passion for sex takes up a lot of energy.

Sex must be treated reasonably. The best option is sex with your beloved husband or wife, if there is a mutual desire of both.

When a person has sex with just anyone, in the absence of love for a partner, it will take a lot of energy. Sex without desire and generally promiscuous sexual intercourse is a path not only to a loss of energy, but also to degradation.

  • violation of the daily routine

The wrong attitude to the daily routine is how we waste energy in most cases. This is a very common reason. Many of us break the daily routine all the time, but do not even think about how it affects their health and life in general.

This is a question from which many people start their self-development. And it is really very important. If we sleep very much or very little, then there will be practically no strength for a normal, eventful life. Also, sleeping after 7 in the morning is harmful and does not bring absolutely any benefit.

The article will help you to understand the issues related to the daily routine:

  • unnecessary or unnecessary stress on the mind and body

Often a person wants to get something so badly that he “goes out of his way”. It is a passionate activity that does not bring long-term satisfaction, tranquility, and happiness.

Reasonable and educated person knows that a lot in our life depends not only on us. If you look around, you can see that there are poor people, and there are rich people, there are smart people, and there are stupid people. Why it happens? Why can't everyone get rich and smart?

The answer is simple: everyone gets in life what they deserve in past lives. And if you are not supposed to become rich, then you at least beat your head against the wall, but you will not succeed. Although it sometimes works outwardly (someone steals, someone cheats, etc.), such wealth does not bring happiness.

Therefore, it is most reasonable to relax and just live. This does not mean that you do not need to strive for anything, but it does mean that you do not need to pay too much attention to it. There are more important things in life. Remember that death makes everyone equal from a material point of view. But with the spiritual - it depends on you ...

  • greed and greed

These are some of the most common vices of our time. It is important to understand this issue not only in order to understand how we lose energy, but also to find out the main way to become healthy, and happy, and successful.

Greed is the desire to receive more than to give. Almost all modern people, with rare exceptions, are greedy in one way or another. This is due to the actively disseminated philosophy of consumption. Adherents of this philosophy believe that the more material wealth a person has, the happier he will be.

In other words, in order to receive something, you need to give something, and in the energy equivalent to give not less than what we want to receive, but rather more. Those who violate this law, God, the universe, nature begins to deprive of energy, so that, in the end, a person understands that he is doing something wrong. Unfortunately, understanding does not come as quickly as we would like.

On the basis of greed, a person develops greed, this irrepressible desire to receive more and more. But remember that it is impossible to satisfy the material senses and the mad mind.

How to restore energy through the natural elements of the universe?

We have examined in some detail how we waste energy. I think it made you think at least.

Now, as a small bonus, you will learn how you can restore energy through the elements of nature. The enlightened yogis of our time tell us about this, so it is worth paying attention to what the sages advise.

  • Energy recovery through the Earth element

This includes eating natural food, living in nature, walking barefoot on the ground, contemplating trees, etc.

  • Filling with vitality through the element of Water

This is drinking water from wells and streams, swimming in the river and the sea, avoiding alcohol, caffeinated drinks, soda.

  • Filling with energy through the element of the Fire element

Being in the sun at a reasonable time of day, eating fruits, grains and other foods that contain sunlight.

  • Restoration of vital energy through the element of Air

Inhalation of clean air in the mountains, forest, by the sea. Avoiding smoking and crowded places.

  • Energy recovery through the element of Ether (space)

This is the basic level that involves cultivating positive thinking, kindness, and good humor.

It is not very favorable to live in cities, especially large ones, but if there is no other way out, then you should know that temples, churches, monasteries are the source of energy there.

How we waste energy: article summary

Let's summarize the article. Now you have information about how we are losing energy and then everything depends on you.

Of course, the best choice is to start working on these issues, gradually getting rid of everything that deprives us of health and energy. This is the choice of a reasonable person. At least now you have no right to say: “I didn’t know about it. They didn't tell me. "

Use the acquired knowledge competently. Let me reiterate 14 reasons why we lose energy:

  1. Dissatisfaction with fate;
  2. Life without goals and without much meaning;
  3. Striving to achieve selfish goals and even simply setting them;
  4. Overt and hidden grievances;
  5. Restless mind;
  6. Violation of reasonable dietary rules;
  7. Empty talk;
  8. Smoking;
  9. Being in the sun from 12:00 to 16:00;
  10. Improper breathing;
  11. Wrong attitude towards sex;
  12. Violation of the daily routine;
  13. Unnecessary tensions of the mind and body; Sergey Yuriev 2017-08-28 05:00:29 2018-10-15 15:40:52 How We Lose Energy: 14 Reasons for Lack of Health

Whatever one may say, but for many of us it makes sense to reconsider our approaches to energy expenditure. Often we spend it on unnecessary people, on unnecessary information and on unnecessary actions, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to invest it in what is really important.

In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to simple principles:

The ability to correctly define goals and desired results is the most important skill of any busy person. It sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and requests from the outside, we forget about the main thing - why we do what we do and what we strive for.

We often consume information too reactively. We check mail on our smartphone first thing in the morning, while still in bed, then we check social networks while we go to work. At work, we also sit down to email and spend an entire hour answering emails and processing someone's requests. Then we go to a meeting and by lunchtime, usually, we are already overloaded with the information that comes from outside. The information consumed in this mode is an energy absorber. It is not surprising that there is no energy left to do something really important and coincide with our own goals and objectives. In order to avoid this, we can strongly recommend check emails and social media no earlier than lunchtime, freeing up time in the morning solely to work on your own goals and desired results.

It is good practice to schedule time slots on your calendar to address specific strategic objectives. A task is twice as likely to be completed if it is not only on the to-do list for the day, but also on the calendar. If you firmly know that you are working on the formation of requirements for a new version of the product from 9 to 11 in the morning, then it will be easier for you to give up the temptation to check your e-mail at this time and spend internal energy thinking like “I’ll answer a colleague now and then sit down for the requirements ". Plus, having such a calendar entry will make it easier for you to plan a 15-minute break from 11 am to 11:15 am to recharge and move on to your next task.

A very large energy absorber - the need to meet the high expectations of others. Moreover, we often fall into the simplest trap - we promise someone something that we should not have asked for, and that we should not have promised. And after that, this promise hangs like a dead weight around our neck, making us think about ourselves and feel guilty if we cannot fulfill it. The problem is that many of us are too eager to please others, taking on unnecessary obligations. To avoid this, you need to promise less and do more. And, of course, the fulfillment of the obligations assumed is the basis of a personal brand. It is important to be aware of this.

Usually, when people understand the need to manage their energy (and time), it turns out that they need to develop a range of habits aimed at changing their lives for the better. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier, play sports, read in the evenings, call family and friends more often, practice playing the guitar, go to events, etc. There is nothing more pointless than trying to develop all of these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. This is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed earlier, go to the gym and engage in self-education, everything not only returns to square one, but also there is a feeling that the usual way of life cannot be changed.

In fact, anything is possible, just habits need to be developed one at a time... Start by breaking your addiction to social media, for example. After that, develop a habit of going to bed earlier. Then, let go of the need to check your email in the morning. Each of these steps generates a huge surge of energy, which inevitably translates into results and satisfaction from them.

Productivity is based on energy, motivation, and the will to achieve goals. In order to do something meaningful and feel normal at the same time, it is worth paying attention to our habits, as well as to what, on whom and how we spend our energy. This is ultimately what separates successful people from unhappy people.

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In this article I will tell you where your energy goes and how to stop wasting your energy. Energy in a person's life plays a huge role, since it depends on its presence how a person will live, how effectively he can achieve his goals, his perseverance, willpower and cheerfulness depend on energy. Energy stimulates the brain, improves metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of organs, improves mood, and helps prevent and get rid of many diseases. The presence of a sufficient amount of energy in the body speaks of a healthy and happy person who has the strength to achieve success in life. At the same time, various failures in a person's energy and leaks of this energy lead to mental and physical decline. If a person has a constant lack of energy, then he may develop various diseases of the body, which, if left untreated, can turn into chronic diseases. Also, a person may develop various mental disorders. To avoid this, you need to know where the energy goes.

I have highlighted several of the highest priority areas where our energy goes:

1. Negative emotions and thoughts.

Negative thoughts and emotions consume a lot of human energy. Just remember the person who is depressed. What is his facial expression? What is his gait, what is his posture? The expression on the face of such a person is usually sad and drooping, the gait is slow, the head is lowered, and the shoulders and back are hunched over. Depression took all the strength out of this body. Negative emotions are energy vampires of their own. The more you experience them, the more they take energy from you. Therefore, it is necessary in life to try to rejoice more, to look for your sources of happiness and joy.

2. Bad and unhealthy food and overeating.

Food carries nutrients. And in my opinion, food is divided into natural and non-natural. The stomach and digestive organs spend a huge amount of energy in order to digest food. And if you consume non-natural food or overeat, then your body will simply spend a lot of energy in order to process food, and in return there will be little biological substances from food. Therefore, it is necessary to consume natural food (by natural food I mean healthy food, natural meat, soups, vegetables, fruits, cereals, honey, etc.), and by not natural, I mean various chips, fast foods, sausages, noodles instant cooking, etc.). It is also necessary to control food intake, that is, do not overeat, but eat in moderation. Imagine that your digestive organs consume a large amount of energy to process food, and if you overeat, then you are forcing your body to expend a huge amount of energy. Personally, if I eat too much at a time, then I have a strong feeling of weakness.

3. Excessive TV viewing.

Watching TV really takes a lot of effort and time if you do it all the time. Excessive daily TV viewing can lead to depression and mental disorders. And if you also watch all kinds of negativity on TV, then it takes even more energy from you. So don't watch too much TV. Preferably no more than 2 hours a day.

4. Sedentary lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a breakdown because physical activity increases energy production. When you are constantly sitting or lying, then your body and organs of the whole body do not receive energy. Physical activity fills the entire organism and body with energy. The organs and body begin to work better. And since our body and mind are interconnected, this is automatically reflected in well-being.

5. Doubt and uncertainty. Wandering in the clouds.

Doubt and hovering in the clouds absorb a lot of energy. Because while a person ponders what to do, he loses a huge amount of energy, begins to strain, constantly return to these thoughts, loses concentration. If you are constantly in doubt, then you are wasting your energy in constant reflection. Doubt is taking away your energy. Learn to make decisions quickly and close questions.

P.S. Learn for FREE how to transform your mindset and change your life with effective techniques for working with the subconscious:

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Of course he didn't say that. According to the majority, he said, "You know, I just don't pay attention to what's going on," but he could say this and that. It seems to me that the devil-may-care concept is closer to the majority. I apologize in advance for the rudeness of this phrase - and I will use it here often - but nothing conveys this truth so well. When you say to someone “don't pay attention”, that someone will most likely look at you strangely - but not the one who came to Krishnamurti's lecture. At the same time, everyone understands that sometimes such unpleasant moments happen in life, which are best just to score / do not give a damn. Not to score is to think about what happened. For example, someone was rude to you on the phone, and you replay what happened in your head, you can't give a damn so easily. And if you just hung up the phone, shrugged your shoulders and calmly went for a bike ride, then you are good at scoring.

If you are worried, this does not mean that you are doing something useful, although it may seem that this is so. It seems quite natural that every time, getting worn out over something, we thereby approach some kind of answer. But this is not so, because the constant scrolling in the head is a thought process, and a thought process that is not aimed at finding a solution is useless.

This sheds light on one of our most ineradicable and narrow-minded ideas about human thinking: we are sure that most thoughts are valuable in themselves, that they will lead to something. But most of our thoughts just fill our head and shield us from real life. They do not lead to any important decisions or analytical conclusions, they simply consume us and, perhaps, also make our life shorter.

We usually think that our reflections perform some function simply because they are caused by strong emotion or because they are directed to a subject that is important to us: it could be justice, respect, or the current state of society.

No. Reflections are only meaningful if they make your body move and do something useful. This does not mean that any grievance, rudeness or injustice should be immediately responded to with action. Quite the opposite. Usually there is nothing you can do about it, or you just don't feel like doing it. And that's okay. In most cases, it's best to do nothing at all, just score.

This concept may seem apathetic. In fact, this is not the case. It's just giving up on wasting your energy and time on thoughts that will lead nowhere. So if you decide to get worried about something, make sure that it will lead to some kind of feedback on what happened, and then move on to action. Here is a pictorial diagram of the action.

It's not so easy to learn how to score. It takes practice. The ability to score should be among the vital skills we teach children as well as counting, tying shoelaces and staying away from strangers. I was out for a run not long ago and someone yelled at me from a passing truck. I think he called me a fagot (or maybe Edik?). It scared me a lot, I even seemed to jump a little from surprise. They probably laughed there in their booth and gave each other a five or whatever such assholes usually do after yelling out of the car.

There have been times in my life when I would spend a tremendous amount of energy worrying about such injustices. But that day I was not going to do it, and it passed me by. I still felt the initial burst of rage and adrenaline, but decided to just skip this five-second event, rather than reflect on it for another half day, and then tell everyone about it.

I continued to run and noticed that just a few seconds later everything on the street was quiet and peaceful again. There was not even the slightest trace of what happened simply because I didn’t revive it in my head, I didn’t give a damn about it.

I knew people who told whole stories, and more than once, about some not very pleasant twenty-second incident that happened to them many years ago and which they cannot forget. I think you have met such people too. Don't fall into the same madness. Follow the chosen course: just score.

Photo: David Stewart.

Knowing how to score on time does not mean that you will always score on everything. It only means that you are doing it consciously. You have a reason. The main thing is to catch yourself reacting. It all starts with anger and outrageous words in your head, usually in the form of a witty response or an internal sermon about decency and respect. You can start to scroll through several possible scenarios in which you show the abuser who is in charge here. It is also very easy to get carried away by a vengeful fantasy in which (for example) you, like a tank / Terminator, rush after a truck, which eventually crashes into a tree, and now you are already standing and laughing, patting yourself on the sides.

When you find yourself thinking these things, remind yourself that you don't really care about these things, and turn your full attention back to the material world. What did you have next according to plan after this negligible incident occurred? Listen to your body: what does it need to move on?

So hang up. Dial the next number, run another kilometer, mix drinks, jump on a bike ... everything that logically follows in the life of a person who does not pay attention to the little things of life. And if you can't wait to think about something once again, then you better think about it.

It has long been proven, not only by esotericists, but also by scientists, that people live in two dimensions at once - physical and energy.

That is why it is important to take care of your protection in both directions and be able to defend your integrity, but how not to give your energy to another person? We will look for answers to this and other questions in this article, and also consider the very nature of energy vampirism.

Man and his energy body

Now it is difficult to find people who would not know about the structure of the physical component of their body. From childhood, we are instilled in a culture of hygiene and taking care of our health. Even a small child can easily name the basic rules that allow you to avoid all kinds of diseases and health problems.

But what about bioenergetic integrity and how to protect yourself at this level? After all, it is no longer news that our world is entirely composed of energy, it surrounds us, permeates the body and is invisibly present absolutely everywhere, in every living and inanimate object. Even people themselves are a complex system consisting of two main components - the material body and the mental body.

We are a kind of bioenergy batteries that have such a powerful charge that it lasts for many years of life.

Of course, this would be impossible without constant energy regeneration, but our body's ability to accumulate energy is truly colossal.

But let's not focus on the physical component of a person, since a lot is already known about it and this topic is constantly covered by both the media and other sources, but let's talk in detail about the energy body. The only thing I would like to note, so as not to return to this later, is that the material and energy bodies are very tightly connected to each other.

This means that even the smallest change in one of them is instantly reflected in the state of the second. That is why we quite often encounter such a phenomenon as, for example, illness for no apparent reason. That is, we see the result in the form of a disease, but because of what it arose, we do not understand. In such a situation, bioenergetic ignorance plays a bad joke with us, since the reason is usually literally before our eyes, but we do not notice it due to our blindness.

We all know that people have an energy field called the aura. This phenomenon is described in many teachings and is even part of some religions. But what is this force field? In fact, the aura plays the role of a kind of shield that protects us from any negative influences from the outside world. For this reason, it is incredibly important that its integrity be one hundred percent.

Any, even the most insignificant gap contributes to the penetration inside not only positive energy, but also all kinds of negativity, as well as essences. It is through such holes that energy outflow occurs.

In general, the bioenergy field looks like a cocoon, the walls of which rotate. It is formed by the constant flow of energy. Its circulation is provided by seven energy centers, also called chakras. If you remember the school physics course, then you will understand the nature of this phenomenon.

As you know, any conductor creates a vortex-like electromagnetic field around itself when an electric current is passed through it. Electricity is energy in its purest form, only when we talk about a person and his aura, then the energy body directly plays the role of a conductor.

Any deviation in the work of any chakra causes problems with the aura. First, its thinning occurs in a certain area, and then a rupture follows, which is fraught with the consequences described above. It is these situations that are favorable for energy vampires who, on a subconscious level, feel people with a hole in their cocoon.

For example, some of them behave very noisy and aggressive, while others, on the contrary, are very quiet and undermine your biofield through constant complaints and whipping up negativity. It should be noted that there are a number of all kinds of protection methods, but if the integrity of the shell is one hundred percent, then their use is not even required.

If a person states the fact that people are drawing energy from me, this means that he intuitively realizes the presence of problems with his aura.

It should be remembered that energy vampires are in close proximity to us, quite often even in the family.

The fact is that when we consider the family, then we are not talking about the energy of each individual member. When a person is connected by family ties with other people, then their energy becomes common.

Power currents are constantly circulating inside the house, so any leak is reflected in every family member.

You've probably noticed that if a person gets sick, then his whole family begins to feel bad, and not just him. This happens because the rest of the family members give their energy to the patient so that he gets better. This complex system always tries to balance the energy level inside the house.

For the same reason, relatives of people who have ailments such as drug addiction, alcoholism or gambling addiction suffer so much. These are also diseases that lead to a strong outflow of human energy. Replenishment of the lost bioenergy again occurs at the expense of unfortunate relatives.

Depending on what kind of energy loss is diagnosed in a person, special actions are selected against.

There are a large number of various methods of struggle from the suction of energy from a person, but we will consider the most popular and effective ones.

How to stop the outflow of energy from a person

To begin with, it should be noted that the best option, which with one hundred percent probability will protect your energy supply from the fence, is the normalization of the operation of all energy centers. The same rule works here as with physical health - it is not the one who avoids diseases that is sick, but the one who has good immunity.

It is a stable biofield that acts as immunity at the energy level.

Currently, there are many techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently cleanse all the chakras, normalize their work and even open the slammed ones.

Cosmoenergy, as well as classical yoga, copes most successfully with the task of not giving energy to people through the restoration of the biofield. In the first case, the human energy body is influenced with the help of special energy-informational cosmic streams, which, in addition to a number of useful functions, also have a healing effect.

When we talk about classical yoga, we first of all mean the technique of meditation. Correct work in this direction allows not only to qualitatively influence all chakras, but also to stabilize the circulation of energy flows within the body. Also, this method is very convenient for use as a fast and extremely mobile bioenergy recharge.

Mental protective barrier

Quite often, the unfortunate relatives of the energy vampire wonder how to stop so that a person feeds on my energy. In this case, the installation of a mental protective barrier helps a lot. What is it?

Imagine that an invisible wall arises between you and the vampire, through which he is not able to pass or suck energy. Of course, this is a very crude formulation and this barrier is, in fact, another layer of your cocoon, only it was created artificially. By the way, visualization of the process of the appearance of the wall has a very good effect on the protective functions of the energy barrier, since mental confidence makes it much stronger.

In order to form this type of protection, you must first of all achieve harmony and balance within yourself. Try to distance yourself from the reality around you, feel how cozy and warm it is to be inside your bioenergetic cocoon. Inside it, no one can touch you or in any way hurt you.

As soon as you clearly understand this and literally feel it, a barrier will be built. It is necessary to ensure that it is displayed automatically already at a subconscious level, and this is achieved as a result of constant developments and practices.

The result of such work will be a very powerful defense, which almost immediately makes it clear to any vampire that he has nothing to do here.


Another way how not to give your energy to another person is to read prayers. The fact is that higher forces have an extremely powerful protective function, they do an excellent job of protecting the energy body from any negative.

In the event that the reading of the prayer is also accompanied by great faith, then the previous method is also connected here - building a barrier. It turns out a kind of double defense, inside which there is a third line of defense - your personal cocoon, which also receives reinforcement.

This layering allows you to resist not only energy vampires, but also the effects of dark energies. It is for this reason that prayers are one of the most universal and effective methods, and absolutely all people can use this tool, regardless of religion or belief. The main condition is that you need to sincerely believe in what you are asking about. Only in this case you will get a really strong protective effect.