How to bring down the temperature in a dog at home. What should be the normal temperature in dogs and what to do if it differs from the norm

Today, many families have pets, and dogs are no exception. Most importantly, do not forget to provide them with proper care and comfortable living conditions.

Many pet owners are interested in how to understand that their pet is sick and needs the help of a qualified doctor. What is the normal temperature for dogs? How to properly measure it to a dog? What if the values ​​obtained are far from optimal? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

How to determine?

What temperature is considered normal for a dog? It can vary depending on the breed and range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. There are certain patterns that relate to the age of the animal and its size. For adult dogs of large breeds, indicators from 37.4 to 38.3 degrees are considered normal, for medium - 37.5-39, for small - 38.5-39 degrees. For puppies, the temperature will be slightly different. In large breeds, it can range from 38.2 to 39, in medium breeds - from 38.3 to 39.1, in small breeds - from 38.6 to 39.3.

When to pay attention?

Temperature measurement in a pet should be carried out in case of the following symptoms:

  • refusal of water and food;
  • blanching of the tongue and mucous membranes;
  • dry and warm nose;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions.

It is important.


What should be used for this purpose? A mercury or electronic thermometer is usually used. The latter is much easier to use, and the temperature measurement process itself takes less time - about half a minute. The thermometer must be individual. After carrying out all the manipulations, it must be disinfected. You should also thoroughly wash and treat your hands with a disinfectant composition.


Before measuring the temperature of a dog, you need to perform a few simple operations. First, the thermometer must be disinfected and lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Then the dog should be laid on its side. You can measure the temperature in a standing position, if the animal calmly responds to manipulations. Lift the tail at the base and insert a thermometer into the rectum. The insertion depth should be no more than 2 cm. After that, wait a certain period of time (if we are talking about an electronic thermometer, until a sound signal occurs). Then carefully pull out the device. If you did everything right, then your pet will not experience any discomfort.

To facilitate the procedure, you can use a few simple tips:

  1. It is better to accustom the animal to temperature measurement at an early age. Then this process will not cause you much trouble.
  2. You can train the animal to stand still.
  3. During the procedure, the main thing is not to be afraid and behave naturally and calmly.
  4. After completing this process, the pet must be rewarded with some goodies.

Causes of fever

The temperature of a healthy dog ​​can rise with physical exertion, fear, emotional shock. Also, fever occurs as a result of a reaction to vaccination, with various diseases and inflammatory processes in the body. In bitches, one day before giving birth, a decrease in this indicator by 1-2 degrees can be observed.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a fever? This can happen not only as a result of physical and psychological factors. A temperature in an animal can be a sign of a serious illness. Fever is observed with such terrible infections as piroplasmosis, diarrhea, distemper. In addition, rat poisoning can also cause similar symptoms. If you have excluded the influence of external factors, then you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The specialist will be able to conduct an initial examination, diagnose a particular disease in a dog and prescribe treatment. If the temperature rises above 40 degrees, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. If the causes of fever are associated with natural physiological processes, such as teething, then you can give the animal one crushed tablet of Analgin. If there is no result in the case of using this method, you can try to inject the dog intramuscularly with a mixture of "No-shpy", "Analgin" and "Dimedrol".

With a sharp drop in temperature, if it is not associated with childbirth, the pet needs to be warmed up using a warm blanket or heating pad. The animal must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home.

Temperature in dogs before childbirth

It is especially important to monitor the condition of pregnant bitches. For 12-24 hours, the temperature of the dog before childbirth can drop by 1-2 degrees and fall below the mark of 37 degrees. For this reason, in animals in this condition, it is recommended to measure this indicator twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Immediately during childbirth, the animal may begin to have a fever. If you carefully observe the condition of the dog, then do not miss the onset of labor. The main thing is not to fuss. The bitch may start to whine, worry, breathe often.

The temperature before and after childbirth is the main indicator of the condition of the dog. When approaching the moment of birth of puppies, measurements should be taken regularly. If a veterinarian is present at the birth, be sure to tell him this information. Normal temperature in large dogs before starting this process is approximately 37.4-36.6 degrees. Try closer to the 60th day of the term not to leave the dog alone. In the first stage of labor, contractions appear. At this time, there is staggering when walking, shortness of breath, refusal to eat, vomiting. This stage lasts approximately 12 hours. Throughout the time, try to monitor the temperature of the animal. If it remains a little below normal, then everything goes well.

Temperature difference between large and small dogs

Representatives of different breeds of basic vital signs may differ. To determine their individual values ​​for your pet, you need to regularly measure. What temperature is considered normal for a dog? For an adult animal, the optimal values ​​\u200b\u200bare from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees.

For a puppy, a value of 39 degrees is considered normal. The breed of the animal also matters. The bigger the dog, the colder it is. The normal temperature for small breed dogs is between 38.5 and 39 degrees.

Dog fever: what to do?

Many owners want to know how to help their pet with an increase in body temperature. First you need to determine what caused it. The best place to start is by looking at the animal. Pay attention to the behavior of the dog. Aggression, fear or nervous overexcitation can affect the temperature. In dry and warm weather, the pet may experience discomfort. Older dogs and representatives of large breeds do not tolerate heat well. A value up to 39 degrees is the normal temperature for an adult dog. But it should be borne in mind that here everything can be determined by the individual characteristics of the animal.

Schedule maintenance

If you decide to take your pet to exhibitions, then you should definitely know how to measure the temperature of a dog. In this case, you will need to maintain a special schedule. If during regular measurements you suddenly find a deviation from the norm, try to establish the cause. A significant decrease or increase in temperature may be associated with a pet's illness. In this case, you should definitely visit a veterinary office or call a specialist at home. This vital sign should also be monitored in pregnant bitches.

Another case where constant temperature measurement is required is the period before and after vaccinations. In this situation, attention should be paid to factors such as increased thirst, refusal to eat, pallor of mucous membranes, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions.

Some owners think that the normal temperature in dogs can be determined by touching the nose. However, whether it is cold or hot, this is not an indicator at all. To find out the temperature, you need to measure it. If the dog is sick, the results should be recorded in the morning and evening.

Temperature in a dog: what does it mean?

If you notice a fever in your pet, this does not mean that he is sick. The temperature in dogs can rise for a short time in warm weather or as a result of intense exercise. In addition, fever can be associated with fear and excitement. In females, an increase in temperature is observed during estrus. However, a gradual increase of 1-2 degrees should cause alertness, but with an increase to 40, emergency measures can be taken. The reasons can be different, ranging from heat stroke to serious diseases such as piroplasmosis and endometritis. In puppies, fever can occur due to teething. Often the temperature rises with inflammation of the joints. Low rates can be with such ailments as Also, in some cases, a decrease in body temperature may be the result of an operation. When such symptoms appear, the dog should be wrapped up warmer. The condition of the animal must be reported to the veterinarian.

What to do when the temperature appears?

If a dog develops symptoms such as lethargy, refusal to eat, frequent urge to urinate, you should immediately determine if the animal has a fever. It should be borne in mind that in some cases it occurs for completely natural reasons. It is believed that 39.3 is a normal temperature in dogs that have recently gone through childbirth. After the appearance of puppies, the first time it is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal. With a significant increase in temperature, the appearance of seals in the mammary glands and discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately. Perhaps the fever is caused by mastitis or inflammation of the uterus.

If you are faced with the appearance of a fever in a dog, be sure to keep in mind that this is a clear symptom of some internal problems in the animal's body. Many are interested in what to give the dog from the temperature. It is worth remembering that by removing the fever, you do not solve the main problem. In no case do not do home treatment, but take the animal to the veterinarian. Only in the case of a rapid deterioration in the condition of the dog, you can resort to methods of emergency lowering the temperature. While waiting for the doctor, you can give the animal "Analgin". But in any case, not potent drugs.

If the high temperature is associated with teething or stress, then you can try to inject Analgin, Dimedrol and No-shpy. When using other drugs that relieve fever, you can get a blurred clinical picture. In this case, it will be difficult for the doctor to diagnose. The treatment prescribed by the veterinarian must be strictly followed. In no case can you cancel the drugs at your own discretion.


Significant changes in temperature in dogs can be caused by diseases such as distemper, endometritis, enteritis, and piroplasmosis. Fever is a consequence of serious wounds, allergic reactions and vaccinations. Normal temperature in small breed dogs can range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. As a rule, it is determined by the age, breed and individual characteristics of the animal. An attentive owner can always determine that the dog is not in order. With symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, you should definitely take the temperature. To carry out this procedure, you can use both a conventional mercury thermometer and a modern electronic thermometer.

If you decide to get a dog, then do not forget that you are responsible for its health. Therefore, try to provide all the conditions for a carefree life of the pet.

Depends on the sex of the animal, its breed, physical condition and other individual characteristics. It is important to measure the temperature in a dog in a normal state. Knowing the temperature in an animal helps to identify health problems in a dog.

What is normal body temperature?

Temperature measurements can be taken with the animal on its side or when the dog is standing.

The cannula of the thermometer must be lubricated with any cream, then we take the tail to the side, and insert it 1-2 cm into the rectum. After measuring the temperature, the thermometer must be washed with warm water and disinfected with an alcohol solution.

An elevated temperature may indicate inflammatory processes in the body or the onset of an infectious disease. In this case, the dog can accept food or refuse it.

Vaccinating a dog will prevent and protect its body from contracting dangerous infections that can be transmitted to humans. These infections include leptospirosis and

By determining that your dog has a fever, you can start treatment in time and prevent further deterioration of his condition. Although the only reliable way to measure a dog's body temperature is with a rectal thermometer, knowing how to quickly determine a dog's temperature without using a thermometer can be of enormous benefit.


Part 1

Estimating a dog's body temperature

    Feel the dog's ears and paws. A dog with a high fever usually has very hot ears and paws. You can assess its temperature by touching your pet's ears and paws with sensitive areas of your body - your cheek or the back of your hand. Is your dog's skin warmer than yours? A healthy dog ​​has a slightly higher body temperature than a human.

    • There are a lot of blood vessels in a dog's ears and paws, and when she has a fever, these parts of the body become hot due to the movement of immune system cells to those areas where there is an infection. Increasing the circulation of these cells in the blood leads to the release of additional heat in the blood vessels.
    • If the right and left ear have a different temperature, this is a deviation from the norm. Usually, if one ear is warmer than the other, this is a sign of local inflammation of the ear rather than a general fever.
  1. Feel the dog's nose. If he has a greenish or yellowish discharge from his nose, the dog probably has a fever and an infection. Such discharge may mean that your dog's body is fighting a respiratory infection, although this only becomes clear in more severe cases. Certain diseases, such as canine distemper and adenovirus (so-called kennel cough), also have similar clinical signs. Therefore, if you notice a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge in your dog, take him to the veterinarian immediately.

    • The temperature and humidity in the body of a healthy dog ​​vary within certain limits. It is a myth that dogs always have a cold and wet nose. In fact, the nose can be dry for several reasons: for example, if the dog is lying in the sun, after sleeping near the battery or after exercise, or when his body is dehydrated. What nose does your dog usually have? Did she do any of the above that could cause her nose to become dry and hot?
  2. Feel the armpits and groin area of ​​the dog. With fever and infection, these areas are usually swollen and hot. You can test with the back of your hand for hot lymph nodes in your armpits and groin area. But in order for you to feel the temperature correctly, your hands must be at a normal temperature and not cold or hot.

    • The lymph nodes contain cells of the immune system that fight bacteria and viruses. They protect the blood by filtering out infection-causing microorganisms: when an infection enters the body, the lymph nodes prevent it from spreading. At the same time, they are filled with cells of the immune system, which secrete various substances that, when they enter the brain, initiate an increase in temperature. As a result of the simultaneous occurrence of various protective reactions, the lymph nodes become inflamed, swelling and heating up at the same time.
    • Since dogs have very little hair in the armpit and groin area, you can easily check whether they are hot or not.
  3. Examine the dog's gums. If she has a fever, her gums may be warm and dry to the touch. Another important sign is reddening of the gums, especially if they are brick red. This may indicate a high temperature or even sepsis.

    • If a dog has healthy gums, they should be moist, shiny, and almost as pink as human gums. Lift the dog's upper lip at the upper canine and touch the gum with the tip of your index finger, tasting how hot and moist it is. Is its color, temperature and humidity almost the same as yours? If not, then the dog may have an infection.
  4. The dog may also have a fever. If she has health problems or is going through shock, her body temperature may be lowered. In addition, she may experience physiological adaptations to this temperature, such as shivering and goosebumps. An animal with excessively low body temperature can be very lethargic and very weak. In this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    • Keep in mind that a dog's shivering does not always mean that its body temperature is low; it may be a response to stress, fear, or pain. If you don't know why your dog is shaking, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Part 2

    Assessment of the appearance of the dog
    1. Look for other signs of a fever. In addition to body temperature, the dog may show other physical signs of a fever. It is important to be alert and notice changes in normal behavior and physiological processes, from difficulty passing a bowel movement to coughing and sneezing, as these signs may indicate an infection. Possible symptoms include:

      • poor appetite
      • Lethargy, sluggishness and passivity
      • Weakness
      • Vomit
      • Stomach upset
      • Sleep throughout the day
      • Desire to be away from other dogs
    2. Observe the appearance and behavior of the dog. If the dog has a very high temperature, you will be able to feel the heat emanating from his body, being at a distance of about half a meter from him and without even touching him. You may notice a number of other symptoms listed below.

      • The dog may have long periods of shortness of breath, and you will feel his hot breath against your cheek.
      • The animal may be thirsty and drink more than usual as it loses large amounts of fluid when panting.
      • Fever can cause joint pain. This is manifested in the fact that the dog avoids physical activity, it is difficult for her to get up, she walks slowly and awkwardly, or even limps.
      • At high temperatures, your pet will be withdrawn, quiet and lethargic. Feeling uncomfortable and irritated, the dog may also show unusual aggression when touched.
      • The dog does not want to take care of his appearance, and his coat seems disheveled and unkempt, too dry or greasy.
    3. Pet the dog, play with it a little, trying to get it involved in the game. Remember how your pet looks when he healthy. Is his body warmer than usual? Are your eyes dull? Wool less silky? Is your dog less active and responsive than usual? These changes in physical condition and behavior may indicate illness.

      If your dog seems to be fine, check back in an hour. If her body is hot, but she does not show any signs of illness, and her behavior is normal, let her rest in a cool place for an hour and then check the temperature again. Since a fever is a natural defensive reaction of the body, it may be enough to simply wait it out if there is nothing serious.

      • Remember, if the temperature of the extremities rises and the animal behaves unnaturally, this is more serious than a fever in an otherwise seemingly healthy dog. In this case, you should not worry about a high temperature, but about an infection.

      Part 3

      Causes of fever in dogs
      1. Fever is a normal protective reaction of the body. In most cases, it does not pose much of a threat. On the contrary, an elevated temperature often indicates that the body is fighting infection or recovering. However, in some cases, a fever can be a sign of a bacterial infection. If your dog shows any unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

        When in doubt, contact your veterinarian to get a diagnosis from a professional. If symptoms are present, action must be taken; fever should be taken especially seriously if it persists for more than 24 hours. Perhaps the veterinarian will prescribe an antipyretic that will bring the temperature down very quickly.

      2. Take into account other ailments that cause fever. If your dog's fever is related to another, often more serious condition, you'll notice a set of symptoms associated with it. It could be a serious respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. Keep the following in mind:

        • In the case of a respiratory infection, dogs tend to cough and sneeze, have a runny nose and watery eyes. Often this negatively affects the activity of the animal and its sleep.
        • With a gastrointestinal infection or inflammation, the dog may not have an appetite and often suffer from vomiting or indigestion. If you suspect your dog has a gastrointestinal infection, take him outside when he wants to go to the bathroom to monitor his stool and urine. Does she have an upset stomach? Is there blood in her urine?
        • If you notice any of the above disorders, consult your veterinarian immediately. There is a possibility that the animal's body is infected; Fever is just one of many symptoms to look out for.

There is nothing worse than having a pet sick. After all, it cannot tell about its symptoms, cannot complain and show where it hurts. Therefore, it is very important for the owners to carefully observe their pet and note everything unusual in his behavior. In this article, we will talk about a high temperature, the signs and causes of it, and how to bring down a high temperature in a dog.

How to tell if your dog has a fever

The normal temperature of a dog is 37-39 degrees. Moreover, puppies have a slightly higher temperature than adult dogs. Large breed dogs have a lower body temperature than their smaller counterparts. Body temperature also depends on the time of year - in summer it is higher than in winter.

Many mistakenly believe that body temperature can be determined by the nose of an animal. This is not true. A dog's sense of smell works best when the nose is moist. Therefore, the dog often licks it with his tongue. And when the dog is sleeping, she does not need the scent, at the moment she relies more on hearing. Therefore, the nose becomes dry. It is for this reason that it is impossible to draw a conclusion about an elevated temperature only by the nose. But how do you know if a dog has a fever? What signs should alert the owner?

  1. If the dog is looking for a cold spot in the house. It can be a wet rag on the threshold, a tiled floor in a toilet, a basement. The dog tries in this way to lower its body temperature on its own.
  2. If the dog drinks a lot. At a temperature, the body burns and, in order to make up for the loss of fluid, the dog tries to drink a lot.
  3. The condition of the dog is changing. She becomes lethargic, she loses her appetite, refuses to play, tries to retire. When a pet behaves this way, you need to understand why this is happening.
  4. Feel your dog. When the temperature is high, his nose and ears become unusually hot. At the same time, the heart beats faster, and breathing becomes frequent.
  5. And the surest way to determine the temperature is to measure it. To do this, place the tip of the thermometer in the anus of the animal and wait a bit. It is best to use an electronic thermometer - it works faster and makes a sound when the measurement is completed. If the animal's body temperature is 40-41 degrees, urgent action must be taken.

Causes of an increase in body temperature in a dog

As you know, body temperature in humans and animals rises due to heat stroke. This can happen during the hot season, when the dog has been playing in the sun for a long time or simply overheated. In dogs, this happens quite often and does not require special treatment. You just need to water the dog and leave it in a cool place.

Another common cause of fever in dogs is nervous experiences. If the dog is given to a new home, if he has changed his place of residence or owner, and also if he is in a crowded and noisy place, this can provoke a fever. In this case, it is necessary to relieve the animal of stress and everything will work out.

Sometimes body temperature can be caused by local inflammation. If the dog has painful injuries or open wounds, they can cause fever. It is necessary to treat the wounds with an antiseptic composition. Sometimes the temperature rises due to a reaction to a particular vaccine. So the first day after vaccination, the dog must be carefully monitored.

The most common cause of an increase in the body in an animal is a protective reaction of the body to a virus, bacterium, infection. This means that your pet is sick. Here it is very important to show the dog to a veterinarian who can diagnose the animal. Pay attention to other dog symptoms. He may have had vomiting or diarrhea, blood in the stool or urine.

Most often, the dog's temperature rises at night, and it is impossible to get to the veterinarian in the next few hours. In this case, you need to know how to bring down the temperature of a dog at home on your own.

  1. First you need to provide a cool room. If the dog lies down in a cool place, do not chase him. In the cold season, open the windows, ventilate the room. In the hot season, on the contrary, draw the curtains from the sun and turn on the air conditioner.
  2. Provide your pet with free access to clean drinking water. If necessary, solder the dog with a syringe without a needle.
  3. Use contact cooling techniques. Wet a towel and cover the animal's back with it. You can also just wet the dog's coat. Place wet rags on the inside of the thighs.
  4. If the dog's temperature is above 40 degrees, you need to use medication. The temperature in dogs is brought down by the same drugs as in adults. To do this, use Paracetamol, Ibufen, Nurofen - that is, any antipyretic drugs.
  5. It is best to give antipyretics in the form of syrup. If the dog refuses to drink it, you can put half a tablet on the back of the tongue - the animal will certainly swallow it.
  6. When the temperature is too high, antipyretic suppositories, such as Cefekon, can be used to quickly reduce it. It is best to use children's candles. If you only have an adult dosage at hand, you can simply cut the candle in half with a knife.
  7. When you have a small breed dog or puppy in front of you, any antipyretic drug should be in a children's dosage. One teaspoon of baby syrup is usually sufficient.

After an antipyretic, relief and a decrease in temperature come quickly, within half an hour. But this does not mean that you should not find out the cause of the fever. After the incident, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out serious illness. Take care of your pets, and they will repay you with kindness and love!

Video: how to measure the temperature of an animal

Since any pet can have a fever, it will not be superfluous to know how to act in such a case, what to look for and how you can help at home before the veterinarian arrives.

You should not self-medicate, as only an experienced veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and suggest the correct treatment regimen for a puppy or an adult dog. Alas, in the case of self-treatment, veterinarians say that today the statistics of deaths are increasing, so this solution is not optimal.

The temperature in dogs, puppies, kittens and cats is normal, after vaccination and for small breeds, during and on the day of childbirth, a week and an hour before and after childbirth, false pregnancy

If a temperature of 36.6 is considered normal for people, then in dogs its values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be in the range of 37.5-39 degrees, puppies and small breeds of dogs - 38.5-39.2, kittens - 38.5-39.5, adult cats and cats - 38-39 degrees.

After vaccination, the body temperature in animals may rise slightly. This is acceptable and is considered normal - the body is struggling with the introduced strain. A week before giving birth, the dog should have a normal temperature, before giving birth there is a decrease, and after giving birth, on the contrary, an increase. Then everything is back to normal. With a false pregnancy, the body temperature of the bitch will be slightly elevated.

The temperature of the dog vomited does not eat, does not drink what to do at home

Ideally, if the dog has a fever, vomited, or the animal has completely lost its appetite, then you need to see a doctor. If the condition of the dog does not cause fear for her life, then you can leave the animal alone for a while, placing a bowl of water next to it. If after a day the dog's health has not stabilized, then you need to find an opportunity to get an appointment with a veterinarian.

What is considered the normal temperature in dogs in the summer in the heat and how to measure it and how much to measure

Normal body temperature in dogs is 37.5-39 degrees. To take measurements, you need to have a separate thermometer.

Mercury thermometers have become the property of the last century. Using such a thermometer, the owner will need to keep his pet in a very uncomfortable position for at least 3-5 minutes, because temperature measurements are taken in the anus. The modern type of thermometers is electric. With it, the temperature measurement procedure will take 20-30 seconds, and the thermometer itself will give a signal when it can be taken out.

In the summer heat, the dog's temperature may slightly rise by 0.5-1.5 degrees from the norm.

The temperature of the dog without vomiting and diarrhea, it grows and we cannot bring down, how to treat

An increase in temperature is a signal for the presence or exacerbation of a disease. Just by lowering the temperature, the disease cannot be cured, so you should not delay the time - if the dog's body temperature rises, you need to contact the veterinarians.

Temperature in a dog symptoms treatment at home

The symptoms of high fever are:
- chills and trembling;
- weakness;
- lack or decrease in appetite;
- increased heartbeat;
- rapid breathing;
- noticed odd behaviors.

You can bring down the temperature in a dog at home if:
- put a cold compress or ice on the inner thighs or neck. In the summer, you can put the animal in a cooler place or cool the room with an air conditioner;
- give antipyretics;
by making the dog drink a lot.

Temperature in a dog from injections, a dog bite, a tick, for no apparent reason, medication

If the dog has a fever after the injection, then this nuance must be reported to the doctor who prescribed the drug for injection - it is possible that the medicine should be urgently canceled, otherwise the body's subsequent reaction to its administration may become unpredictable.

If the dog has a fever after being bitten by another dog, then there is a high probability of developing phlegmon at the site of the bite. If no measures are taken, purulent inflammation can cause purulent-resorptive fever and the animal may die. An increase in temperature after a tick bite is a symptom of piroplasmosis. Mortality from this disease is very high.

An increase in temperature for no apparent reason does not happen. The simplest of them, if the dog is hot. Worse if the temperature is due to illness. In any case, help should not be sought on the Internet, but from a qualified veterinarian.

Temperature in a dog during estrus

A slight increase in body temperature in a dog during estrus is considered normal and does not require any intervention.

Temperature in a dog

The temperature of a healthy dog ​​is 38-39 degrees. If these figures have reached 40 degrees and above, then this is a clear symptom of a serious infection or viral disease. It is also dangerous and lowering the temperature below normal - hypothermia. This condition occurs as a result of poisoning, loss of strength, hypothermia, dehydration or blood loss.

A corneal ulcer causes pain and suffering to the animal. It can occur in a dog or cat of any age and any breed. Regardless of the cause...