How to make a beautiful dress for an autumn ball with your own hands. Creativity of children. Presentation of a costume at the "Autumn Ball! Presentation of vegetables

One of the most beloved children's matinees, which are held in kindergarten, is the autumn ball, so at the end of summer many mothers are asking the question “ autumn ball: dresses with your own hands. "

Of course, a costume for a holiday, like you can rent or buy in a store, but you must admit that an outfit sewn by your mother will surely turn out not only beautiful, but also will be unique.

How to sew for the Autumn Ball: DIY dresses

First of all, clothes for such a holiday should correspond to its theme, as well as be beautiful and effective. When choosing the style of the outfit, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the child is comfortable in it, since uncomfortable or tight clothes are unlikely to add a good mood to the child and a desire to participate in various music competitions and outdoor games.

With suits for boys, everything is pretty simple. For the basis of a suit for the fall holiday, you can take any suit or trousers with a shirt that match the color and simply complement them with appropriate decor elements, appliqués, a hat or just autumn leaves.

With girls, everything is much more complicated, because every girl wants to be a little beautiful princess, and the ball is a very suitable event for this.

Autumn ball: DIY dresses. Master Class for sewing an outfit for a girl.

It will not be difficult for you to sew such an outfit, since any old dress of a suitable color can become the basis for it, which can be supplemented with a fluffy skirt and accessories.

The base should preferably be yellow, brown or orange, and a fluffy skirt for it can be sewn from green or orange fabric.

If there is no suitable dress in the baby's wardrobe, instead of it, you can pick up a sleeveless blouse and complement it with a fluffy tulle skirt. If you have some experience in sewing things, you can easily sew a tulle skirt in just an hour and a half, and you don't even need a sewing machine.

If you have never sewed anything yourself, it is better to work with a pattern that can be easily found on the Internet. To do this, just type in the search box " autumn ball: dresses with their own hands patterns ", and then choose from among many options the one that suits you best and feel free to get to work.

As a decoration, you can use natural or fabric flowers or just leaves, you can even make them. An original addition to such a festive outfit will be a crown of leaves, which you can make with your daughter. It just takes a little time and a bunch of colorful leaves that you can collect while walking.

Lay the collected leaves in a row in several layers so that there are no gaps between them, and then carefully sew with a thread of a suitable color. When the crown has reached the desired length, sew it neatly.

A very beautiful crown can be sewn from felt. To do this, first cut out the base of the crown of the desired length and shape, and then decorate it by sewing on colorful leaves, flowers and berries cut out of felt. After that, wash the elastic from the seamy side of the base, wash a strip of felt over it (so that the elastic does not interfere with the baby) and carefully sew everything by hand or on a sewing machine.

For the smallest girls, a plastic headband decorated with leaves and flowers made of dense fabric is suitable. To do this, first cut out the required number of parts from dense fabric, and then attach them to the rim with a glue gun.

For babies, you can also sew a costume in the form of a vegetable. For example, orange fabric is suitable for sewing a carrot dress, and a hat in orange-green tones will become an original addition to it.

If your little one wants to wear a long, fluffy dress, sew it from some lightweight fabric. For example, tulle is suitable in this case. Be sure to stick to the fall color scheme and take care of the right accessories. It can be a lush wreath or a bracelet that will harmoniously complement the look.

Recently, the autumn ball has become popular not only in kindergartens, but even in schools and universities.

In this case, the dress for the ball, of course, should be somewhat different. But in any case, it should be not only effective, but also comfortable.

For a girl, you can sew a very beautiful dress decorated with colorful leaves.

Beautiful autumn ball: DIY dresses from leaves

Leaves can be not only of different colors, but also of different shapes. You can also make such a spectacular outfit using dried leaves, only in this case they must be dried correctly. To do this, simply spread the pieces of paper between the pages of the book and leave them for a few days. You can also place the leaves between the pages of the newspaper and iron them with an iron.

As a basis, you can use any old dress, which is simply decorated with leaves. You can also take ordinary fabric, which is generously pasted over with colorful leaves. It is most convenient to attach leaves to the fabric with a glue gun, and this must be done evenly so that all parts of the fabric are completely covered with leaves. Try to attach the leaves close to each other so that the fabric between them does not show through. To do this, you will need a lot of leaflets, so take care of this in advance.

When the preparatory work is completed, fasten the entire structure in the form of a dress and fix everything with threads. This must be done carefully so that you can then freely put it on.

Since dried leaves are a rather fragile material, there is one simple way that will help preserve the beauty of your outfit for a long time.

To do this, simply place it on a hanger or mannequin and then gently apply a coat of water-based varnish. When the polish is dry, try the outfit with your hand. If it hasn't become too hard, you can apply another coat of varnish. As an accessory, you can also make a multi-colored crown of leaves with your own hands. You will see, in such a spectacular outfit, everyone's attention and admiration is guaranteed!

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Autumn Festival and Autumn Ball are two traditional holidays in schools and kindergartens, dedicated to the beginning of the most colorful time of the year. As a rule, such festive events are not complete without theatrical concerts and masquerade balls. And on such holidays, you can't do without a themed costume or dress! Moreover, it is not at all difficult for a boy or a girl to sew an original costume for the Autumn Ball with his own hands. In this case, you can use absolutely accessible materials at hand, for example, autumn leaves or even garbage bags. Next, you will find a selection of original and interesting master classes with photos of costumes for the Autumn Ball and Autumn Festival, which are easy to sew at home.

Costume for the Autumn ball in kindergarten, ideas with photos

As a rule, in kindergartens, the Autumn Ball and the Autumn Festival are one and the same concert dedicated to the arrival of autumn. Usually it takes place in the format of a thematic matinee with elements of a masquerade ball. Traditionally, the costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten is chosen based on the theme of the matinee. As a rule, children's costumes correspond to the images of popular characters and heroes of fairy tales. For example, you can sew an Autumn costume for a girl for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten. As a basis, you can take a red or orange dress, which should be sheathed with dry autumn leaves, acorns or other natural materials. In addition to the Autumn look, themed decorations should be made - a crown of leaves and rowan beads. Among the current costumes for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten for girls, you can also name: a forest fairy, a squirrel, a bird, a mushroom, a flower. As for the suits for boys, it is also easy to sew them with your own hands at home. Excellent options for this holiday can be: straw stuffed animal, autumn tree, sunflower, bunny, owl. It is quite simple for a boy to sew a suit and an autumn fruit or vegetable with his own hands. For example, to get a tomato costume, you need to pick up a jacket and red pants. The image should be supplemented with a simple red cap with an imitation of a stalk on the top of the head or a cardboard mask in the form of a tomato.

DIY costume for the Autumn ball for a girl, ideas with a photo

If we are talking about costumes for the Autumn Ball with their own hands for a girl to school, then there are also many interesting options. In elementary school, for the Autumn Ball, the images that we mentioned in the subheading above will be quite appropriate. But for middle and high school students, you will have to come up with more original options for costumes for the Autumn Ball, which will correspond to both the age and the theme of the evening. For example, a very simple, but at the same time, original "Leaf Fall" costume can be made with your own hands, armed with an ordinary umbrella, double-sided tape and colored paper. Autumn leaves of different sizes and colors are cut from colored paper, which are then attached to the umbrella with tape or a stapler. It remains only to complement the image with a bright raincoat and rubber boots. You can also simply make the “Queen of Autumn” costume according to the following master class: embroider a long light dress with paper leaves, make a mask from dry autumn leaves and add a veil decorated with rowan embroidery.

Unusual costumes for the Autumn Ball with your own hands for girls, master classes

Options for more unusual costumes for girls are also suitable for the Autumn Ball. For example, it is quite easy to sew a forest fairy or flower queen costume at home. In both the first and second versions, this will require a basic dress of a light shade and a little improvised material in the form of leaves, cones, dried flowers and leaves, acorns, nuts. You can fix such a natural decor with threads, tape, stapler. Be sure to add thematic details to the image. For example, a forest fairy cannot do without tulle air wings and a magic wand. An interesting costume for a girl can also be created from ordinary blue garbage bags. Such material will be an excellent basis for a cloud costume master class. The bags should be cut into wide strips, after cutting off the upper part with ties. Then the strips are tightly fixed on a wide elastic band - the cloud skirt is ready. A blue or blue jacket is suitable as the top of the suit. You can complement the image with an umbrella with stripes from bags that imitate raindrops.

Suit for the Autumn ball for a boy with his own hands, ideas with a photo

It is even easier for a boy to make an original costume for the Autumn Ball with his own hands. It is enough to choose trousers and a jacket of the desired color and complement the image with thematic details. For example, by sewing a cardboard beak to the hood of a black hoodie and thread fringes to its sleeves, you can get a great version of a raven suit. Another simple and at the same time original costume for a boy with your own hands for the Autumn Ball can be made from ordinary foam. To do this, you need a thick piece of foam, from which you should cut the base for the mushroom cap. Then, inside such a base, a recess is made in diameter, coinciding with the head of the child, an elastic band is attached. It remains only to paint the hat, for example, in the color of the fly agaric, and choose a light T-shirt and pants. For even more interesting DIY costume ideas for the Autumn Ball for boys, see our selection of photos.

Evening dresses for the Autumn ball to school for high school girls, photo

I would like to pay special attention to evening dresses for the Autumn Ball at school for high school girls. We are talking about outfits for classical and masquerade balls, on which the traditional costume for the Autumn Ball does not look entirely appropriate. As a rule, high school students choose long evening dresses in traditional autumn shades for such an Autumn Ball to school. But as an exception, you can pick up a more original version. For example, decorate a ready-made dress with your own hands with stand-alone garlands, bright feathers or artificial twigs and leaves. Many girls choose more unusual materials at hand for decoration, for example, the same garbage bags. But it is better to implement such fashionable experiments strictly according to step-by-step master classes with photos, otherwise the costume for the Autumn Ball can not be decorated, but spoiled.

One of the most mysterious and unpredictable seasons of the year is autumn. So much has been written about her by famous poets and writers ... But not only they love and adore this time.

In all schools and preschool institutions, various events are held dedicated to the golden time, the last glimpse of the warmth and joy of summer.

Our script is for Autumn ball at school for high school students, but, it is perfectly adaptable for holding events in the middle classes of a comprehensive school.
The script contains an interesting literary scene, contests, games and amateur performances.

The guys participating in the performance will be able to show their talents, reveal and demonstrate their artistic abilities to their peers and teachers.

Ball decoration

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

1. Screensavers for contests: children's laughter (club), Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven, Paul Pritchard - Amazing Butterflies.

2. Moose dance screensaver: Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

3. Recording "Vienna Waltz".

It is necessary to prepare several dance numbers in advance.... The very first one, the opening of the Autumn Ball, is a composition from "Vienna Waltz" that turns into Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Prepare several performances of amateur performances... It can be songs about autumn, magic tricks, sports numbers, acrobatic sketches and so on. The guys themselves have to think over a mini-concert for the "Autumn Ball".

For Queens and King of Autumn you will need signed ribbons and crowns.

Props and decorations

The autumn ball is traditionally held either in the assembly hall of the school or in the sports hall. The room must be decorated in the colors and motives of the theme of autumn.

Garlands of flowers and colorful leaves are hung along the walls and backdrop of the stage. In a whirlwind of yellow maple leaves, the poster "Autumn mood!"

On the sides there are candelabra, the legs of which are also entwined with multi-colored garlands of flowers, interspersed with bunches of mountain ash.


1. Leading... The girl is dressed in a light top, a dark bottom.

2. Leading... The boy is wearing dark trousers, a light shirt.

3. A.S. Pushkin... Dressed in a tailcoat. There is a cylinder on the head. Whiskers.

4. A. Tolstoy... Dressed in traditional costume with a bow tie. In the hands of a smoking pipe.

5. S.Ya. Marshak... Round glasses on the nose. Hairstyle with a straight part.

6. A. Tvardovsky... Dressed in a military uniform from the times of the Great Patriotic War and a sword belt.

7. N. Nekrasov... Long jacket. Butterfly with pointed ends. Characteristic elongated beard.

8. M.Yu. Lermontov... Dressed in the uniform of an officer of the tsarist army.

9. F. Tyutchev... Dressed in a tailcoat. Instead of a tie - a dark bow. Glasses are on the nose.

10. S. Yesenin... Dressed in a gray suit. The shirt is open with a couple of buttons. On the head is a checkered cap or hat.

Note: If it is difficult to find clothes for poets, you can simply make either badges or attach inscriptions on costumes explaining who is who.

Scene 1

Dance and musical composition "Autumn Waltz". Recording of "Vienna Waltz" and Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we are at a real Autumn Ball of the last century, where, believe me, it will be very interesting for you!

Leading: And as you know, it was in those very times that all our great poets lived. Well, not all, of course, but many!

Leading: And so, we decided to gather at our ball everyone who gave us, their descendants, the most beautiful poems dedicated to this amazing time of the year - Golden Autumn!

Leading: Let's imagine, guys, while our teachers in different classes select poems for us to learn, what a dispute can occur between the great poets who wrote them!

Scene "Poetic battles of great poets about autumn!"

Appearing on the stage in turn: A.S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S. Ya. Marshak, A. Tvardovsky, N. Nekrasov, M.Yu. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin.

Poets prove to each other who is the best among them to write about autumn.

A.S. Pushkin:

"The sky was breathing in autumn ..."

I'm alone here! One by right!

I have never seen competition!

In Russian literature, I am a Star!

A. Tolstoy:

"Autumn. The whole poor garden is sprinkled ... "

Sorry my friend, but I am not to blame!

What about this time,

I'll give all the poets a head start!

It's better not to write about autumn!

I am a Star - no need to compose!

S.Ya. Marshak:

"In October, in October!"

I wrote on the table!

And about the leaves falling leaves,

I'm always happy to compose!

So, fellow writers,

You are not leaders at all!

I wrote about the rain -

I have become a Star long ago!

A. Tvardovsky:

"Blue appeared between the thinning tops!"

These are all my poems! Come to your senses, you lads!

N. Nekrasov:

My syllable will stop you

I will say in contrast.

"The mournful wind drives

Clouds flock to the edge of heaven! "

F. Tyutchev:

Stop arguing immediately, friends!

I write about golden autumn better!

And everyone owes you, in unison, in unison,

To say short: YET!

“There is in the initial autumn,

A short but wonderful time! "

A. Tvardovsky:

"The cobwebs are floating

Over the sleepy stubble ... "

Disperse guys

So far alive!

M.Yu. Lermontov:

“The leaves in the field have turned yellow!

And they spin and fly! "

Children at school from all the poems,

Only mine want to teach!

S. Yesenin:

“The golden foliage has spun,

In the pinkish water on the pond ... "

Well, why swear like that? Do not know…

I can't find better lines anyway!

Indignant screams are heard behind the stage. Knock on the door.

Pushkin: And this, in fact, who else wants to get into our already very "friendly" and large company?

Lermontov: So these are other poets who also wrote about autumn! Oh, how many there are!

(The soundtrack "Amazing Butterflies" sounds. The poets are all frightened, grabbing their heads, someone gets into a boxing stance. They freeze in such poses, then bow and leave.
This is followed by numbers of amateur performances).

Scene # 3

Leading: Our Autumn Ball is in full swing! It's time to play!

Leading: Are you ready to show your ingenuity, speed and sense of humor if you need it?

All in unison: Yes!

Leading: Well, then let's start! Our first competition is called ...

Contest No. 1 "Mixed Leaves"

For the competition, you need real or cut out from multi-colored paper forms of leaves: oak, birch, poplar, apple and willow. These leaves are scattered randomly on the floor of the hall.

1. 10 people are divided into teams of 2 participants.

2. Each team is given the name of the tree whose leaves they need to collect.

3. The winner is the team that has collected all its leaves correctly and quickly.

Prizes in all contests can be autumn items and things: umbrellas, raincoats, hats, scarves.

Competition No. 2 "Autumn Gifts"

1. 3 desks are placed in a row, 6 chairs to them.

2. 6 participants sit on chairs at their desks. The guys are blindfolded.

3. On the table, in front of each player, put on an autumn gift (vegetables, fruits, nuts, cones, etc.).

(For example: to distribute to the participants (1 item each) a potato, onion, pine cone, mushroom, pear, apple. In the next round, swap them or replace them with other autumn gifts).

4. The task of each player: to determine by touch what he got.

5. Whoever guesses the object accurately from time to time wins.

Competition No. 3 "Ballroom autumn outfits"

This is a massive competition. Fits perfectly into the script if the holiday is celebrated together in all classes at once. You will need a lot of colorful leaves, strings, cones, twigs and other autumn attributes.

Each class chooses its own Queen and its King of the Fall... The task of each class is to create outfits for them from the prepared autumn materials. For example, boys dress up the king, and girls dress up the queen. Time for preparation is given: 15-20 minutes.

At the end of the time, a competition for the best outfits is held between all pairs of kings and queens.
The winner is selected by audience applause and comments.
Ribbons and crowns are awarded to the winners.

Competition-game №4 "Autumn associations"

The presenter names the words, and the guys should name the autumn association for this word.

Examples of words that the presenter sets in turn:

1. Wood.

4. Vegetable garden.

Possible answers of the guys to the words of the presenter:

1. Leaves.

2. Rain or puddles.

3. Day of knowledge or study.

4. Harvest.

5. Rye, wheat.

7. Red, yellow.

8. Wet.

9. Leaf fall.

10. Halloween.

Scene 4

Favorite Game The King and Queen of Autumn open the Autumn Disco!

Students dance, communicate in a free style.

Disco should not exceed 2 hours in time.

At the discretion of the school management, you can arrange a "sweet table" with tea.

A few words about costumes

Kids are delighted with the costumed events, it can be both balls and masquerades, as this is a great opportunity to show their new image. In addition, at the time of such festivities, various competitions are held in a friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

In the form of a masquerade, autumn holidays are also organized, which requires the creation of an appropriate costume: smart, bright, unusual and memorable.

Costumes for girls

So let's start with the girls. On them, traditionally, the costume is made easier and faster. The undoubted hit of the season is the use of fluffy tulle skirts (tutu skirt) in costumes. It's a win-win and versatile option. Such a skirt can be made of multi-colored strips of fabric or be monochromatic, decorated with leaves, flowers, acorns, cones, chestnuts. Tulle can be easily painted with paints (ordinary gouache), creating spectacular variegated feathers. In addition, you will not find a girl who would refuse to wear such a fluffy skirt.

The next attribute of a beautiful autumn costume is wings. They can look like dragonflies, and then the costume will be the fairies of the autumn forest. The wings can be like a butterfly, like a bee. Most importantly, the base - the wings on the frame - can be purchased at any gift shop. And it is very easy and simple to decorate them to match your suit using paints, beads, leaves, ribbons.

Also, don't forget about accessories. With the help of a regular headband, silicone glue and autumn attributes, beautiful hats are obtained.

Using these three simple ideas, you can make a huge number of costumes for girls: pumpkin, fairy, autumn, witch, chanterelle, flower and more.

Costumes for boys

For boys, too, there are several ideas on how to make a costume simply and beautifully. Let's start with the original mushroom costume. The most laborious thing here is to make a hat. Someone makes it from papier-mâché, someone sews from fabric, someone glues it from paper. But there is an easier option. An old, wide-brimmed hat covered in fabric makes a great mushroom.

And as a mushroom leg, you can wear a simple white suit made of shorts and a T-shirt, or you can work a little more and build a spacious hoodie.

It's very easy to make a goblin costume. One has only to sew on any clothes threads, scraps of fabric, ribbons imitating grass, leaves, cones - and the costume is ready. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the kid himself does not get scared and agrees to put on an outfit for the matinee.

The ladybug costume is very colorful and interesting. You will need a black shirt, black pants or shorts, and a piece of red cloth for your raincoat. The pattern of the cloak can be curly, or it can be of the simplest, rectangular shape. You need to sew black circles on your cloak and think over a headdress. A red and black pea shawl tied in the manner of a bandana and a headband with beetle horns, which are easy to buy in a gift shop, are quite suitable for giving modernity.

Another option for a boy is an autumn tree. There are two attributes - a hoodie of "wooden" color and a crown of leaves on the head. You can embroider such a costume with oak or maple leaves, and even "put" a toy bird somewhere on your shoulder.

Take the time to prepare a costume for the autumn ball with your child. Let him choose colors, cut and paint leaves and colors with you, look for acorns and chestnuts on the street. This time will then be remembered with joy and happy smiles. It is so easy to show imagination and dress up a child if there is a desire and a little patience.

The autumn ball at school is an important event for both students and teachers. There are no trifles here, because you need to create an interesting script and think over the costumes so that the holiday really is a success.

Ideas, ideas, ideas

How and what should be the costumes for the autumn ball? You can create literally everything with your own hands. The main thing is to choose a suitable idea and be able to implement it. And, of course, have various materials at hand. Let's think about what exactly we can offer our participants.

Both girls and boys can do it with their own hands. Of course, it's easier for girls. Get your hair done, put on an elegant fluffy dress of the appropriate colors - and that's it, you're a queen! It is a little more difficult for boys to express the idea of ​​a holiday through an outfit. But they will cope with the task, especially if mothers or grandmothers come to their aid. So, what ideas come to your mind to create your own autumn ball costumes?

Talk about details

First, the colors. For girlish dresses, bright, juicy shades of red, cherry, yellow, golden, fawn, ocher, piercing blue are suitable. They are associated with the color of autumn foliage, festive, elegant, as well as a clear sky on a fine sunny day. Or calm, muted, resting nature - olive, transparent gray, soft bluish and others. The choice is great, and the main thing is that the costumes for the autumn ball, sewn with our own hands, are our beauties to face. Secondly, the fabrics. Silk, batiste, chiffon, organza and other lightweight, flowing, lush materials will suit you. Thirdly, accessories that will so successfully complement your costumes for the autumn ball. You can make them with your own hands. Handy materials can be beads, sparkling Christmas tree rain collected in the park alleys, dried flower stalks, bunches of mountain ash or viburnum and other plant material.

Styles and details

For example, a costume for an autumn ball for a girl might look like this. Long, airy dress made of transparent fabric with a fluffy skirt embroidered with colorful leaves. Rowan berry beads and necklaces, earrings, threads woven into the hair, or a crown, an elegant hat or a wreath of leaves and spikelets will help to create the very image of a luxurious queen who commands “nature to wither”. Wired gloves to the elbows, shoes decorated with foil will also come in handy. A lush hairstyle with fluttering curls will organically fit into a costume for an autumn ball. Everything should shine, flow, shimmer, like nature in a light autumn drizzle. Ladies usually take elegant handbags and fans to the ball. And the queens of the autumn holiday can hold in their hands a "bouquet" of real wheat ears tied with a ribbon. Just don't forget about such an important detail as convenience. After all, girls will want, and maybe need to dance according to the script. Therefore, the dress should be such that it does not hinder movements and allows you to do the most intricate steps.

Ideas for boys

Do not forget the boys, who will also attend the autumn ball at school. Unusual, memorable, festive costumes can be thought up for them too. The outfits may resemble medieval knightly images. For example, the Wind costume for the autumn ball. with feathers, a gray or bluish silk shirt or blouse with puffy sleeves, a turn-down collar and always with a fringe, embroidered with silver rain, with lace cuffs and the same breeches or pantaloons with frills at the bottom will be a very good option. In general, a wind suit must be airy, light, elegant. You should choose either light colors, typical for a light breath on a fine autumn day, or, conversely, dark, gloomy, reminiscent of the storms and bad weather of the pre-winter. Clothing details such as a chiffon or organza cape will do. Or make a poncho cloak, preferably with a fringe. It is important that the edges of the cape flutter, creating the effect of movement, wobble, wind wings. You can put on a vest and sew on it many pieces of white and light blue fabric of different lengths. And make a similar hat on the head. By the way, for boys, as well as for girls, the issue of shoes is very important. The wind flies soundlessly, and therefore use light Czech shoes of light shades.

In a word, fantasize, craft, good luck!