How to make chubby lips at home without harm to delicate skin. Lip exercises. Mask for chubby lips

Not to all nature presented such lips as Angelina Jolie. Volumetric, chubby lips - the last squeak of fashion, and every woman probably dreams of how to make lips more. Downloading medical preparations is not always safe. However, there are certain techniques with which they can be visually enlarged.

Radical techniques

A few decades ago, everyone who wishes to increase their lips and have a financial opportunity for this to appeal to the plastic surgeon. The introduction of implants under the skin is quite common and today, but, after many of the sensational stories, the amount of scalpel buddy decreased at times. Especially since there appeared alternative offers to obtain chubby lips.

For example, lipophiling. There are no fat stalls in the tissues of the lips, so when the muscles become flabby and dry, lips as they melt. With the help of lipophiling under the skin of the lips, a small amount of fat cells are introduced, taken from another place of your own body. There is a possibility that this fat is also not attached, or unevenly distributed, forming irregularities. But if everything goes successfully, the result will continue forever.

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid fillers. Special composition is introduced with a thin syringe under the skin of the lips. It will hold a surround form for only a few months, no more than a year. Gradually, the gel is dissolved, and the lips will take the original look. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated with a certain frequency. This method is the least risky from those described.

Decorative cosmetics for visual lips increase

Makeup plays a huge role in the perception of the features of the face and individual details. You can often find such a recommendation: so that the lips seem more simply draw by the contour the form you want. In this case, the contour can take place at some distance from the natural edge of the lips. But even on brightly smeared lips it will be seen that they are drawn. Therefore, try to use such advice: so that your lips visually look more plump, use a light pencil for the contour and light lipstick. If you are more walking dark lipstick, then in the center impose a little glitter with a slightly lighter, thanks to this lips will seem more fully.

Using brilliants with sparkles, you can make lips much volume. Also the use of lipper with ginger, pepper, menthol or other substances that greatly stimulate blood flow. And the presence in the composition of collagen or silicone lipstick will visually increase the lips.

A popular way to make lips luxury is a tattoo. According to the principle of tattoos, the dot contour lip line is drawn. At the request of the client, you can even give a completely new shape of lips, increasing them.

Charging for lip.

With age, the lips dry out and lose volume. To make it not happened, make a special gymnastics:

Pull your lips forward and blow with relaxed lips, as if you bloom the candle. Repeat 30-40 times.

Make a deep breath, inflate the cheeks and exhale, alternately doing slowly exhale over the exhalations. Repeat 15-20 times.

Through the vowels loudly and - o - y, straining lips. Repeat 10-15 times.

Ways to increase lips without leaving home.

You can add volume to your lips without risky procedures. There are many such recipes.

  • Here, for example, the lips look muffled and shiny, use the daily cream "for sensitive skin of the eyelids." It is necessary in the morning the tips of the fingers slightly lift (and not to mint around) into the red border around the lips, without stretching them at the same time.
  • Using a children's soft toothbrush, make a 1-minute lip massage daily. Or twice a day for 30 seconds. Move the brush gently and slowly, not to damage the skin. After the massage, certainly apply the healing moisturizing balm.
  • The skin of the lips also need to be cleaned from dead cells. To do this, you can use your favorite scrub with small abrasive, but it is best to make it from natural products. In a small glass jar, mix two tablespoons of candied honey, on a teaspoon of soda and sesame oil, two drops of mint essential oil. It is necessary to mix with a wooden or ceramic chopstick or spoon. Store scrub certainly in the refrigerator. At its discretion you can use every other day or more often, but at least once a week. After exfoliation to moisten the skin of the lips to the balsam.

Homemade masks for lips

  • Half a teaspoon of cottage cheese mix ropes with any natural juice or milk.
  • Home sour cream, one spoon, mix with 3 drops of lemon juice.
  • Natural honey distribute on lips. It is possible for enhanced skin nutrition to mix honey with swine fat.
  • Apply kefir, and as soon as it gets dry, apply another layer.

And remember: when you press lips in a capricious grimace, wrinkles are formed around them. Better smile!

Every third woman dreams of beautiful and volumetric lips. Puffy lips like men and make the face of the Great young and attractive face. But how to be if Nature is not so generously giving you?

Lip massage at home

Practice lip massage with a typical soft toothbrush. You can additionally apply a drop of nutrient cream on the bristle. Thus, you will make lips with bright and more plump, and the contour of the lips is clearer. At the same time, try not to overdo it, the duration of the massage should not exceed 30 seconds, and the brush should not be tough. Give the advantage of hypoallergenic nutritional cream, for example, children. After the implementation of this procedure, blot your lips with a napkin and apply hygienic lipstick.

Massage with ice

An excellent means to increase the lips is ice. It is necessary for 10 seconds to massate the sponges with a piece of ice (for this you can freeze herbs champs or natural juices), then immediately applied to them a napkin moistened in water, the temperature of which is at least 60 degrees. Repeat the procedure until light tingling in the lips appears. It is worth noting that the effect of this procedure lasts up to one hour.

Masks for lip.

Mask with coffee

An excellent natural scrub mask, which perfectly stimulates the bloodstream, perfectly solves several tasks at once: exfoliates, nourishes, moisturizes and enhances blood flow to her lips, you can cook on your own. A little candied honey, add the floor of a teaspoon of oil (olive or cocoa olive or oil), 3 drops of mint essential oil and a pinch of ground coffee. Stir, apply a warm mixture on lips for 10 minutes, after well massage lips with this composition for a couple of minutes and wash off. After such a procedure, the sponge will become gentle, juicy, soft and get welcome.

Mask with cinnamon

Cinnamon in powder or in the form of essential oil is also well affected by the volume and helps make lips plump at home. This spice has a warming and stimulating blood circulation by action. You can prepare such balm with cinnamon in two versions:

The first option (simple): take a teaspoon of vaseline and add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or add cinnamon powder colors tool. To stir thoroughly. Apply such balm as needed. Lips become bright and more plump.

The second option (more complicated): 20 grams of solid cocoa + 10 grams of bee wax + 10 grams of almond oil + 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil + 2 drops of ginger essential oil + 2 drops of mint essential oil. First, on a water bath, you need to melt cocoa butter and beeswax, then add liquid almond oil, mix well and remove with water bath. Add essential oils and mix. Pour the mixture into a suitable mold and put it in the refrigerator. After cooling, you can use balsam on purpose. It causes a strong tide of blood to her lips, as follows, they become juicy and plump, the contour becomes clear, and the sponges themselves will be soft and gentle.

Mask with red pepper

A teaspoon of honey mixed with a teaspoon of ground red pepper, pour the half teaspoon of peach oil (can be replaced with any other cosmetic oil). All components mix each other and dense lips thick. Keep from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then remove the wet woven disc.

Mask with glycerin

In a small container mix 15 g of sugar, lemon juice, vaseline, honey and 8 g of glycerol. All ingredients whip and put on the stove (5 minutes will be enough). After cooling we put the mass on the surface of the lips with a dense layer and we are waiting for 15 minutes. We remove the well-frozen tool and rinse the sponge of cool spring or well water.

Mint to increase lips

It is necessary to take fresh leaves of mint and squeeze juice from them (you just need a few droplets). Then apply the resulting juice on the lips for 10 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, the remnants to remove a cotton disk, moistened in the chamomile brave.

Cosmetics for lip.

Pay attention to the cosmetics to care for lips. If you want to increase your lips with them, choose those in their composition with menthol. It is one of the most efficient and safe methods to increase lips. The secret of menthol is as follows. It increases blood flow to lips, making them more plump. The modern market is rich in the huge variety of brilliance and lipstick with menthol oil, so you have the opportunity to easily choose something suitable for yourself. After applying such lipstick or brilliance, you will feel a little burning or tingling. It is not necessary for these sensations, since such a reaction is normal on the extension of the vessels.

Try visually to increase your lips using competent makeup. First use balsam-care, which will moisturize the lips and smooth out small wrinkles. Bright corrector Apply along the contour of the lips to add volume. Then a light pencil of the skin color Draw a line just above the lip contour, starting from the corner in the center of the upper lip. Lift lip tips, connecting external angles with the center of the upper lip. It will make the face younger. Starting from the middle of the lips, the contour does not blame. Use light lipstick and gloss with the effect of wet lips. The more flickering particles, the more fully the lips look. Dark, bright shades are not for you - it will reduce the lips and emphasize the nasolabial folds.

Simulator for lips

If you want to add a volume to your lips, then try using a special simulator. This novelty in the beauty industry is rapidly gaining momentum. Fullips is a plastic cap specially designed form. Simple movements are created by a vacuum that allows you to pump up the lips and significantly increase their volume.

Exercises for lips

Be careful, performing exercises, try not to stretch the skin around the lips so that unnecessary wrinkles are not formed.

Women of any age impediment of centuries worry about the preservation of their beauty, make a lot of effort for this. Hair, nails, leather - everything should be well-groomed and blooming. Lips are no exception. Women wish to keep their softness and tenderness, beautiful healthy color, youth and smoothness as long as possible. And for this, the methods listed below are suitable.

Softness of the lips from the application of shop

Manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceutical agents for women's beauty regularly offer creams, balms, masks, scrubs, sparkles, special lipsticks that have a softening effect on the lips. And the result is usually achieved quickly. Your lips are softened, but losing their natural color. Therefore, you are tied to cosmetics and can no longer afford every day without it.

Nevertheless, sometimes you can save Vaseline, applied on dry lips per night.

Folk recipes to make lips soft

Knowing the properties of food, you can easily care for your sponges, cook cream, scrubs, balsams for them, and enrich your cosmetic products with the latest.

  • For example, in pure form, apply olive oil, sesame oil on the lips. It is better to do it for the night, but without excessive diligence - a layer of oil should not capture the skin around the lips and be too thick. It is permissible to enrich gloss and balms with ready-made oil mixtures. So you achieve the effect of soft and healthy lips even faster.
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits cut out slices and massaging lips for 5-10 minutes. Apples are suitable without peel, watermelons, bananas, kiwi, cucumbers, gooseberries, strawberries, carrots, lemon. Also mix them with each other, having previously grinding, and apply like a mask on the lips.
  • Honey - natural sweet humidifier and softener. Especially useful for lipov lip it type.
  • Creamy butter or cashem with fat cottage cheese with any of the components - with sour cream, cream, honey in equal proportions quickly return softness dry cracked sponges.
  • If you practice cooking for yourself cosmetics yourself, then mix Lanolin or foam pork fat with essential oil roses and apply a thin layer on the lips for the night. Store the prepared mixture in the glass container in the refrigerator.

Make lips soft with a toothbrush

Choose a brush with soft bristles and very carefully arraying lip circular motions.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, moisturize the brush with honey, butter or any other to the tool like.

It is enough 1-2 times a day for 4-5 minutes to perform these lip manipulations to return and save their softness and beauty.

Healthy nutrition - pity of the softness of the lips

External masking of problems of female beauty extremely zybank. If you regularly use moisturizing lipstick, then after its removal, your lips no longer look attractive. And it means that people with them will not show without special "armor". However, think about - if you eat fast food, harmful food, ignoring fresh greens, fruits and vegetables, then what external health can we talk about? No beauty magazine will write that to return softness, the lips need to be lubricated with ketchup or mayonnaise.

Therefore, love fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits and regularly eat them!

Girls with chubby lips look extremely flirtary and sensually, they want to kiss them. Modern aesthetic cosmetology offers excellent ladies to increase the lips by the injections of Botex or hyaluronic acid, but not everyone is ready to go. Consider the most effective ways to increase lips at home.

Masks for increasing lips at home

The effect of masks is achieved quickly, but it lasts long. Choose the recipe you like and prepare the composition directly in front of an important event. You can also combine masks among themselves to achieve a longer result.

Lemon Mask

  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • apricot oil - 5 ml.
  • gelatin - 4 gr.
  • vitamin A (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin E (in ampoules) - 1 pc.

Drip to finger vitamin A and spread lips. Do the same with Vitamin E. Singing the juice from Lemon to get 10 ml., Pour it gelatin, add apricot oil (optionally can be replaced with peach). Insist the composition of 15 minutes, during which time wipe the lips with lemon zest. When the mixture wakes up, place it on the lips, cover on top of the food film. Going around to rest for 1 hour.

Vaseline-based mask

  • grapefruit juice - 5 ml.
  • olive oil - 6 ml.
  • vaseline - 30 grams.
  • potato starch - 6 grams.
  • cane sugar - 10 gr.
  • honey - 15 gr.

Mix potato starch, grapefruit juice and olive oil, pour 10 ml. hot water. Connect Vaseline with sugar and honey, put in the microwave for 20 seconds. After time, prepare a homogeneous composition, mixing all the components, heated for another 20 seconds. The mask is applied to the lips in a warm form and withstands half an hour. After that, use balm, then blot it with a cotton cloth and cover the lips with glitter.

Mask from Musthers

  • mustard dry - 10 gr.
  • vaseline - 10 gr.
  • rEPIA oil - 5 ml.
  • lemon juice - 7 ml.
  • honey - 15 gr.

Mix the honey with a vaseline, warm in the microwave to a viscous consistency. Fill the mustard with oil and lemon juice, wait 10 minutes. Mix the 2 composition among themselves, cover the lip mixture and put the nutritional film on top. Keep 20 minutes, if not a pluglet - then more. The mask will not only increase the lips in the amount, but also will make the contour of the reinforcement.

Honey mask

  • honey - 30 grams.
  • glycerin - 10 gr.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • apple vinegar - 5 gr.

Mix the components, melt them in a water bath and insist 30 minutes. Essay the lips makeup, after which pull them out the tube forward, then return to its original position. Mask is effective in a complex with exercise. Continue the procedure for 15 minutes. After the time expires, remove the composition with a paper napkin, wipe the lips with cosmetic ice from Melissa and start pin them.

Sour cream-based mask

  • sour cream in fat from 25% - 20 grams.
  • honey - 10 gr.
  • groom cottage cheese - 15 gr.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • rosemary essential oil - 4 drops

Add lemon juice to the honey and heat the microwave to a liquid state. Drip essential oil, add sour cream, cottage cheese and mix well. Cover the lips makeup, keep 1 hour.

Oat mask

  • oatmeal of medium grinding - 15 gr.
  • coffee thickness - 10 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • creamy oil - 10 grams.
  • dry mustard - 5 gr.

Fill flakes, coffee thick and mustard 30 ml. Boiling water, wait 25 minutes. Heat the mixture if it cooled, add the butter and mix the fork to a homogeneous consistency. In the last stage, lower your finger in olive oil, carefully spread the lips, and the rest is pouring the mask. Apply and hold 50 minutes. Do not wash off at once, after the procedure, massage another 10 minutes. Remove the mixture with a rigid napkin or ice water.

Chili pepper mask

  • pepper chili ground - 15 gr.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  • grape oil - 30 ml.
  • vaseline - 15 gr.
  • lanolin - 10 gr.
  • glycerin - 15 gr.
  • rice flour - 20 gr.
  • olive oil - 3 ml.

Mix the honey, chili and flour, pour grape oil and send to the microwave for 20 seconds. In the warm mass, place Vaseline, Glycerin and Lanolin, immediately begin to interfere. If the last added components were badly melted, warm the mixture. It is important that during the application on the lips the mass was hot (within reasonable). Will leaving the midst of half an hour, will pinch. If you can endure - tolerate, if not, remove with a rigid cloth or hot water. After that, immediately lubricate your lips with olive oil.

Mask from menthol

  • mint fresh - 25 gr.
  • liquid menthol - 20 ml.
  • soluble coffee (dry) - 10 gr.
  • corn oil - 15 ml.

Grind mint in a blender to get porridge, pour oil and liquid menthol. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, add coffee and mix thoroughly. Cover the lips makeup, put the nutritional film on top and keep 1 hour. You will feel the cold and pinching. After the procedure, wipe the lips with ice for 15 minutes.

Mask from radish and garlic

  • radish - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 teeth
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.
  • repeated oil - 10 ml.
  • cucumber - 3 slices

Grind garlic in d'avka, soda slices of cucumber and radishes on a shallow grater, mix with garlic. Heat the mixture in the microwave, pour juice and oil. Apply the composition on the lips, hold 40 minutes. Do not worry about garlic odor, it suppresses lemon juice.

Bee wax mask

  • cosmetic beeswax - 15 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 15 gr.
  • peach oil - 4 drops
  • marinated ginger - 20 gr.
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

Pour the gelatin and cocoa 30 ml. Hot water, drip peach oil and wait 25 minutes. Grind the ginger in the blender, melt the beeswax in the microwave, connect all the ingredients. Cover the lips with a mixture, wait half an hour, then start massaging them intensively. Smile and delay the lips down, then pull them out with a tube, as if you wish someone to kiss.

Lip Increase Exercises

The complex is designed for 1.5 months under the condition of daily execution. Do not reduce the number of repetitions, do not change the position of the lips and follow all the recommendations.

  1. Type in your mouth and inflate the cheeks, protrude your lips forward. Press the palms on the cheeks and render resistance, while the lips are still in the highest position. Make an exercise 3 minutes, then rest 30 seconds and repeat another 5 times.
  2. Open the widespread mouth, touch the tongue and set the lips with a tube. Consider up to 40, then return to the starting position. Make 12 repetitions.
  3. Type air into your mouth, inflate the lips, start rolling the invisible ball first behind the cheeks, then under the top and bottom lip. Exercise for 10 minutes, sitting on a laptop or TV.
  4. Type air in your mouth and breathe it sharply, barely open the lip. Make so 50 times.
  5. Compact lips, squeeze your teeth so that the tension in the jaw was felt. Pull out the bottom lip, then the upper, closer to them and make movements left and right, up and down for 15 minutes.
  6. If you know how to whistle, do it daily for 15 minutes. Ladies that whistle do not like, it is recommended to produce air from the mouth, only imitating whistle.
  7. If you have a cavalier, more often you kiss it. It is desirable that the guy at the same time take your lips. This method is the most effective of all the exercises provided.

Other ways to increase lips at home

  1. Order the simulator on the Internet called "Full Lip", which means "chubby sponges". The form of the device resembles a nipple, you take it into your mouth, pull the air and a vacuum is formed, which pulls the sponge forward. The result will be amazed, the effect is saved by more than 6 hours. The cost varies from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the country of the manufacturer.
  2. Increase the lips will help a simple method of a sharp temperature drop, which will restore blood flow. Water with a handkerchief or a hot water towel, attach to the lips on half a minute. Next, take a cosmetic ice cube from chamomile and wipe your lips for 1 minute. Repeat steam actions 15-20 times and voila, you are a happy winner of the sexy lips!

Is it planned an important event or an incendiary party? Need to quickly increase lips at home? Make a mustard, honey, sour cream or pepper mask, then create a sharp contrast of temperatures. Purchase the simulator "Full Lips" on the Internet with delivery on the day of the order or make a daily set of exercises.

Video: how to increase lips

Thin lips not so long ago were considered a symbol of aristocratism, noble origin. However, the mod is changeable. Today, preference is given to plump, smooth, soft and clearly defined lips. Is it possible to increase them at home with makeup, as well as there are proven recipes without injection - this article will be devoted to this.

Cosmetic homemade tools for increasing volume

The most efficient, safe and useful way to make lips more is a massage. It will provide a tide of blood to the skin and increase them. It is necessary to perform it with a brush with a soft bristle. During the daily cleaning of the teeth, we simply massate the lips with circular movements. It will take quite a bit of time, and the result will exceed your expectations. Toothpaste in this case will perform as an abrasive composition. To power and soften on the brush instead of pasta, apply honey.

However, massage to increase the lips cannot be carried out during damage, wounds, inflammatory elements or herpetic rashes. It should be refracted from this method with allergies to beekeeping products. There is no contraindications for the treatment of ice cube. To enhance the effect, freeze herbs.

Make more lips without injection possible if you use the following recipes with essential oils.

1. The pepper mint enhances blood circulation, because of what the influx of blood to the surface of the skin is increasing. The volume of lips becomes more, and the color becomes naturally red shade.

2. Cinnamon is one of the most popular oils, which is added to the lipstick, brilliance and balms, designed to increase lip volume. The natural agent also has a stimulating effect on blood circulation.

3. Houses for increasing lips Many women apply Cayenne pepper ester. In this recipe, the main thing is to comply with the dosage. Not more than 1-2 drops need to be added to balm or base oil (almond, peach, grape). Diluted apply is not recommended. This method will help not only make chubby lips, but also smooth them, reduce wrinkles.

The most simple variant will be the preparation of scrub mask at home. The increase in lips after its use is visually noticeable at almost immediately take some oil, add sugar and water. Must get the middle density homogeneous mass. Apply it on the lips, slightly massage, leave for 10 minutes, wash.

All listed methods give a rather short-term effect, a maximum of a couple of hours. How to increase the lips at home for a longer time, tells the next mask recipe. Nicotinic acid purchased in the pharmacy is capable of not only make lips more, but also to maintain the result throughout the day. From Vaseline, 8 acid tablets (pre-grind) and 2 drops of pepper (Cayensky) Make the mixture and place it in the jar. In order to avoid strong burning in front of the mask, moisturize the lips with oil (olive), stocking the napkin and apply the resulting mixture on half a minute. Then rush and proceed to make up makeup on the already enlarged lips with a beautiful contour.

How to make lips more with gymnastics?

An excellent assistant in a desire to have a seductive smile and smooth skin in the ocular zone will be a complex of special exercises. It is aimed at eliminating wrinkles and strengthening those muscles that are poorly involved in the facial facial. Especially such charging is recommended by the owners of lowered corners. To get large lip exercises to do it every day for 1.5 months.

  • Watching (not singing) your favorite melody, you can not only improve the mood, but also make beautiful lips. In action, corners will slightly catch up, and the volume will visually become more.
  • Operate the mouth, as if to speaking the letter "O". Language should be launched and lined in this position for 15 seconds. The number of repetitions is at least 10.
  • Increase the volume of lips will help the exercise "Broad smile" and "Kiss". Their names themselves talk about the execution technique. Important: With a smile, the lips should be in a closer condition. In the same time it should be measured by 5-10 seconds.
  • Increasing the lips and their strengthening contribute to the movement (tightly compressed) in different directions, as well as in a circle. First do clockwise, and then against.

These are the easiest exercise options that will not take a long time. However, the result you will not get worse than using fast cabinets.

We make lips big with makeup

At home, resorting to cosmetics, you can also quickly give lips seductive volume, increase the contour and make visually imperceptible asymmetry. For this purpose, various appliances are applied to makeup, but there are basic principles that are always relevant.

  • Make lips more for longer periods will help preliminary applying a special leveling basis (Clarins Eclat Minute). External remnants remove a napkin.
  • The imposition of makeup on the drinking lips also contributes to the consolidation of cosmetics.
  • Slightly dink the area under the bottom lip. It will make the volume a little more. Use a softer eyebrow pencil. Do not forget to carefully grow tops.
  • Makeup To increase the volume of lips, it must necessarily include lipstick of light bodily shades. Dark red, chocolate usually narrow lips, and this is not exactly the result you need.
  • A good option to increase the upper lip with the help of cosmetics will be the use of light (white) pencil. They need to draw eyed, slightly leaving the contour of the upper lip. She should not touch the Cupid Arch.
  • The glitter drop in the middle is also capable of visually making lips plump and large.

To increase the volume of makeup artists use 2 techniques. For their development requires only practice and some patience. The first method is called "3D effect". The initial stage will be cleansing the scrub so that cosmetics lay more. For this technique, there will be a nursing (light ton) pencil. Draw the contour, after we apply to the entire area of \u200b\u200bliquid lipstick. Tint take a little darker of your natural. We again limit the contour, but only now a pencil with a lipstick. Lightly blocked the napkin. Enlarge visually lips will help the pearl gloss, which is superimposed at the next stage. On top of it already paint the lipstick chosen color. This requires a very clear, neat contour.

You can increase the lips of the makeup using the Ombre technique. It lies in the fact that you first need to be correlated or any tonal agent for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lips. The contour make a little more natural line with a pencil of dark shades. The center is blurred with light color, and closer to the corners a little darkened. Lip compression equalize makeup. At the end, we smear a colorless shine (for example, Pupa Glossy Lips, Mac Lipglass Lip Gloss) to impart the effect of "humidity".

With the help of makeup, you can make lips in plump in a short time and without special financial costs. Improve the result possible if you use the following recommendations:

  • Choosing a nude pencil, its color should be as close as possible to your natural shade.
  • Choose only high-quality decorative agents.
  • It will be possible to achieve an ideal increase in lip volume with makeup only with permanent practice.
  • Do not use too much cosmetics. The main secret is the right and phased application, and not in quantity.
  • Mother lips help pearl lipsticks. Stop your choice is better on them.
  • Use a novelty in makeup - lip varnish (Wonder Glace from Divage, Yves Saint from Laurent). It has a special mirror glitter, which will effortlessly make your lips big and seductive.

Makeup is able to make big lips and slightly change their shape, but the effect will disappear as soon as you remove the cosmetics. There are methods of increasing with a longer validity period.

Salon Methods

Long-term makeup with the ability to decorate the lips over several years, is called a tattoo. Usually it is enough for an average of 3 years, during which the brightness of the color pigment is reduced. You can only limit the contour. It is difficult to get rid of it, so now it is used not so often.

Contour plastic is considered the most modern cabin procedure to increase the lips. It is carried out by introducing fillers (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid. The effect lasts from six months to several years, depending on the increase and the selected composition. The longest result gives the use of biodegradable gel - up to 5 years. If the injection is desired, they repeat after resorption of the drug and reduce the volume.

The increase in lips is carried out in cosmetology and with the help of electroporation. This relates more to physiotherapeutic methods than to the contour plastics. It is safe and most importantly - there are no painful sensations. A relatively young method, which is already very popular. The essence lies in the fact that the conductor of special gels in the skin is not an injection, but a nozzle with a current. True, the result lasts up to 1 year.

Another unique method to acquire large lips is the use of biodegradable mezzenines. They create an internal frame, which contributes to the increase in lips and maintain volume. Such a procedure is carried out only in clinics and is considered an operation. The volume will keep up to 3 years. There are contraindications, so the doctor's consultation is necessary. Allowed to combine with contour plastic.

Realizing your desire about large and beautiful lips, do not forget about security and health. The main rule that should be adhered to is not harming. Using small tricks when overlapping makeup at home, you can change your image every day and looks natural.