How to maintain (prolong) youth and health Secrets of youth and longevity. Whitening gelatin face mask

Themes of eternal youth and the elixir of immortality have been popular for centuries. Russia now ranks 119th in the world in terms of health, and the average Russian lives 60-62 years. It would seem that it is the XXI century, modern technologies, luxurious clinics, pharmacological delights, an abundance of medical and cosmetic services. And the duration and quality of life is decreasing. Why is there an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, oncology, hypertension, memory loss, infertility in the world? Let's figure it out.

During his life, a person learns to drive a car, work on a computer, but forgets that nature has given him a vehicle - in fact, a body. People know more about the state of the computer than about the state of their body. Most people believe that health is provided by a doctor, healer, miracle drug, or device.

The secrets of beauty and youth fit into the concept of health, which was developed and scientifically substantiated by Olga Alekseevna Butakova, academician, founder of the Academy of Health.


Already today, 50 thousand Japanese have crossed the 100-year mark, and in 15 years the number of long-livers in Japan will reach a million. There are no such achievements in life expectancy in any country in the world.
Attention! The secret of Japanese longevity lies in the fact that the Japanese are the only people on earth who, when communicating, try not to spoil the mood of the interlocutor. This is the most positive country in the world. The Japanese were the first to learn to control thoughts, realizing that negative thoughts kill mood and health! Thoughts are the seeds from which the events of our lives sprout.
Positive people are magnetically attracted to success, love, prosperity and luck. In short, you need to want to be a healthy long-liver.

2. Movement.

The human body is an incredible computer with limitless powers. With the help of gymnastics, swimming, blood and lymph are pumped. A person independently removes emotional muscle blocks, pumps energy channels. And he receives a reward - a cheerful mood and well-being after a workout, a toned body, a healthy complexion and attractiveness.
Movement is life. And this is another elixir of youth!

3. Water.

This is a studied and unexplored phenomenon of nature. We remember from school that a person is 80% water. Most centenarians on earth live in areas with living water.
For example, on the Japanese island of Okinawa, the average life expectancy is 87 years, people do not get cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Local, flowing through a coral reef, becomes alkaline, structured, mineralized - alive. The Japanese Health Secret: Start your morning with two glasses of water and drink a glass of water every hour.

Old age is the drying up of a person during life. If you do not water the flower, it will wither. If a person does not drink water, the skin and internal organs dry out and wrinkle like prunes.
The brain is 90% water. Don't drink water, your friends in misfortune are depression, insomnia, irritability and headache.
Fat stores are the storage of water and energy in the body. If you do not drink water, you will not lose weight. We start drinking properly - the fatty "glaciers" are melting.
And remember: tea, soup and other liquids are food!

4. Cleansing the body.

Disease symptoms are the body's response to external and internal toxins. Oncology is the sixth, terminal stage of slagging. This is revenge on the human body for the barbaric attitude towards oneself.

External toxins:

We ate fast food, washed down with Coca-Cola, smeared a cream with parabens on the skin, washed the laundry with powder with phosphates and phosphatides, washed dishes with surfactants, washed our hair with shampoo with lauryl sulfate.

Internal toxins:

This parallel world is dangerous because it loves to eat at someone else's expense and competes with humans for vital energy. Just like there is a struggle for oil and gas in the world.

Health is a vital energy that is so fashionable to talk about.

5. Proper nutrition.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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Hello dear readers!

A woman's natural desire is to be beautiful, well-groomed, to have a fresh look.

Our face is our showcase, so every self-respecting woman must take care of the beauty of her skin in order to maintain youth and health for a long time. And although external factors have a negative impact on her condition, this can be dealt with if you make an effort and take care of your skin at home. Using simple care rules and applying beauty recipes at home, you can keep fresh and youthful for a long time.

So what to do for this purpose? Let's start with the skin of the face.

Face care

Of course, facial skin care is the foundation of everything. Regular cleansing, nutrition, and hydration will do the job. Very good tools for toning and elasticizing the skin are masks made from natural ingredients and vegetable oils. Home beauty recipes do not require large financial resources. It is important to do them regularly and correctly.

Do your cleansing first.

Cleansing the skin of the face from impurities should become a daily ritual. Every day, morning and evening, you should wash your face with soap or with cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, lotions, etc.).

Once a week, you need to do a general cleansing of the face. For this purpose, use scrubs or peels, they effectively remove dead skin cells, open pores, and improve skin breathing. Good scrub and exfoliation products include:

  • a mixture of semolina with honey;
  • crushed oatmeal with honey;
  • salt, soda and honey.

Apply the mixture to face and neck in light circular motions for 1-2 minutes, then rinse.

Now you can moisturize and nourish your face with masks for skin type. Or you can make a universal mask that has a stunning and almost instant rejuvenating effect.

Here's a simple facial beauty recipe:

  • ½ banana;
  • egg white;
  • ginger powder 1 tsp;
  • 2 tsp olive oil.

Spread the mixture on your face in 2.3 layers. Let dry for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Do 3.4 contrast washings, apply your cream.

Useful masks from oatmeal, egg-honey, berry, vegetable, fruit.

Compresses with a decoction of herbs moisturize the skin well, give elasticity and freshness to rubbing the face in the morning with ice cubes with chamomile, green tea.

For mature, tired skin, use anti-aging beauty recipes.

But you should start here with proper nutrition, adherence to sleep, work and rest () and a set of cleansing procedures.

Women try different methods of rejuvenation, which are not difficult to find on the Internet, and apply their own individual techniques that are suitable only for them.

6 herbal slimming teas recipes, which will help remove toxins from the body, increase and strengthen the immune system, purify the body, improve digestion and reduce appetite. Pick up the recipes here !

How to make your hair shiny and silky

Regular masks will give your hair strength and shine.

Recipes for preserving youth and beauty of hair include mainly burdock and castor oil in combination with honey, egg yolk, oat flour.

Wraps with kefir, rye bread, rapeseed oil cleanse and nourish the hair roots well.

Before washing your hair, apply the mask to the scalp and keep it on for an hour. For rinsing, use natural remedies: citric acid, apple cider vinegar, nettle or chamomile tea.

Believe me, after such care, the hair will be silky and denser.

It is very useful to do a head massage after washing. This will increase blood circulation and speed up hair growth.

Also try not to be nervous, avoid stress. Healthy hair needs vitamins and minerals. Eat meat because it contains a lot of iron, which eliminates the problem of hair loss.

Hand and nail care

Hands should also look great, and a mask of boiled potatoes with milk will help with this.

Home beauty recipes for hands.

Apply mashed potatoes to washed hands, wrap in foil and wear gloves for 30 minutes. This mask will leave your hands soft and silky.

Masks made of vegetable oil and carrot juice return velvety and youthfulness to the hands.

And if you regularly wipe your nails with lemon juice, this will make them strong and not brittle. To nourish the nails, it is useful to rub castor, olive, grape, rapeseed oil into the nail plate.

It remains to make a beautiful manicure, hands are ready for this. Well-groomed hands for women of all ages are an indicator of health and self-love.

Bath - body detox

And finally, do not forget about the body, we will pamper ourselves with a useful bath. There are a lot of recipes on how to become vigorous and energetic after taking tonic baths, but we will focus on salt bath, which removes toxins well. Which gives strength and energy.

Salt is able to remove excess intercellular fluid and expel toxic products from the body. In addition, it is an excellent anti-cellulite remedy.

To prepare a bath, 1.5 kg of salt and 4-5 drops of aromatic oil are enough for 1/3 of the bath volume. The water temperature should not be higher than body temperature. The regularity of such a procedure is no more than 1 time per week for 15-20 minutes.

And now some tips for maintaining health and female beauty:

  • give up bad habits;
  • eat right, include antioxidants in the menu, about them;
  • sleep for at least 7-8 hours;
  • observe the drinking regime;
  • ventilate the room before bed. Read more about the benefits of ventilation.
  • do sports, walk in the fresh air;
  • use sunscreen to keep your skin from aging;
  • use cosmetics according to age.

As you can see, dear readers, self-care does not require much effort and significant cash costs. Everything depends on us. A healthy lifestyle and self-love are the components of our beauty and attractiveness.

Beauty, beauty, how much ... beauty in this word. And how many magazines, books, programs, websites, etc. dedicated to the beauty and health of women. If you want, you will find hundreds of beauty recipes with face masks, if you want, you will find hundreds of recipes with hair masks, including at home. And if you want, here are recipes for beauty and secrets of youth from famous stars. Secrets and recipes on how to maintain the beauty of the body, how to take care of your hands, how to stay slim and fit, as always to be collected, graceful, well-groomed, in general, beautiful, fashionable and young.

But, despite all this abundance of special literature, there are few places where you can read about what actually lies at the heart of a woman's true beauty. What is the basis of beauty, eternal youth and attractiveness of a true woman? Indeed, in fact, there are not so many women for ..., about whom one can say: “How beautiful she is! How young she looks. As long as I know her, you will never give her so many years! "

And such a state of beauty, health and youth cannot be obtained by using only advertised cosmetics, creams, or by dressing in fashionable clothes "from ..." (By the way, you can see various models of stylish clothes). No, you will not find beauty recipes and secrets of youth on store shelves, even the most expensive ones. You rarely read the secrets of youth and beauty recipes in fashion, glossy magazines and rarely hear from those women who, in their 50s, 60s, 70s, look 30 or 40, and at most 50.

Oddly enough, the secrets of youth and beauty recipes are not sold anywhere, we can say that they are distributed for free.

These secrets and recipes are passed by word of mouth from those Women who have learned to prolong their youth and always look beautiful regardless of the season, the amount of money in the wallet, life situations and conditions - in general, regardless of situations, circumstances and living conditions ...

Here are some recipes shared by my girlfriends, girlfriends and just acquaintances Women who know how to look much younger than their age.

The secret of youth, it is also a recipe for the beauty and health of a woman, the first:

Monitor your diet. How we eat depends not only on the volume of our body, but also on the condition of the skin on the face, the condition of our hair, our physical well-being and the health of internal organs, and even our mood.

Pay attention to how you feel when you eat a delicious fruit salad, and vegetables (rice, buckwheat) and some fish as a side dish? And how do you feel after eating a salad dressed with mayonnaise, followed by fried potatoes and a slice of fried pork, and then a slice of cake topped with artificial cream?

Is there a difference in well-being and even in mood after you eat a light, but healthy food or after dinner from fatty, fried and flour foods? There is a difference and it is undeniable. But many, especially in their youth, eat this way. A lot of fried and starchy foods, a lot of sweets, including various chocolates, carbonated drinks and similar garbage for our body (Read the composition of those foods that you "snack" on every day, as my husband says: "As many letters" E "are not in the alphabet as there are in similar products").

And here's the strange thing, if every day we throw garbage out of the house, then why, then, do so many of us litter our bodies with garbage with such excitement and pleasure? Indeed, our health largely depends on what we eat.

If you eat fried and spicy foods every day, then sooner or later your liver and stomach will start to bother you.

If every day you "intercept" buns, sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, chocolates for lunch, then here you are overweight, which negatively affects the heart and the same stomach problems.

Also, not only health depends on our nutrition, but also the very beauty of the body, its harmony and elasticity. After all, if every day you consume fried, flour, canned food, plus seize it all with chocolate, ice cream and wash it down with various lemonades, what will happen to our body in a couple of years? I think you can understand. And what kind of beauty, what kind of youth and vigor can we talk about if a person is overweight?

Do not think, no one encourages you to go on diets, God forbid. Like my friends, who look much younger than their years, so myself, I am categorically against all kinds of diets, including those advertised and even supposedly useful. But it is simply necessary to limit yourself in nutrition.

What's most interesting and reassuring about this whole situation is that healthy eating has a lot of advantages and benefits.

Firstly, thanks to a healthy diet, your skin (face and body skin) will remain firm, clean and youthful for a long time. Not a single cream, not a single cosmetic procedure will help you look young and beautiful if you do not watch your diet. For many people, after they begin to monitor their diet, exclude fatty and sweet foods, the skin becomes clean and firm.

Secondly, no matter what they say, it is much cheaper to eat healthy and wholesome food (two, and sometimes even three or four times) than to eat semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, cookies, buns, etc. food.

Judge for yourself how much rice, buckwheat, dried fruits, vegetables and regular meat cost, and how much do dumplings, sausages, canned food, cakes and chocolates cost?

For example, let's take 1 kg. dried apricots, which on average costs 130 rubles per kilogram and 1 chocolate bar, which costs 30-40 rubles on average. At first glance, a chocolate bar is cheaper. But this is only for the first time. A kilogram of dried apricots for your family (of course, depends on the number of people), on average, will be enough for a couple of weeks. Chocolate, as a rule, is eaten in one go. Well, and to talk about the benefits of one and the "benefits" of the other - everything is said above. Or read "Product Composition" on the product that you buy, everything will immediately become clear.

And so you can compare ad infinitum. And no matter how you compare, rice, buckwheat, beets, carrots in any case will be much cheaper than sausages, dumplings, dumplings, canned food sandwiches, purchased salads, etc. Well, we have already talked about the benefits of those and other products.

Also, limit your consumption of meat and meat products. Meat is quite difficult for the body to digest. After eating a meat dish, you always want to take a nap for an hour or two, for a while the energy seems to leave you, a kind of "full unwillingness to do anything" appears. This is especially noticeable in people who eat meat every day.

And once you give up meat and meat products in favor of eggs, cottage cheese, sometimes fish, nuts, beans, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. The desire to do something will wake up in you again, to conquer new heights and to realize goals and desires. This will also increase sexual desire, the absence of which many men complain about after 40 years.

If you cannot completely give up meat, then at least stop eating it every day. Eat once or twice a week, and on other days replace meat with fish, eggs, and cottage cheese.

So, a healthy diet is the first step towards youth and beauty. And in the next article we will talk about the second secret of youth and beauty, movement (whether dancing school or everyday charging at home, this is no longer so important), an active lifestyle and an easy attitude to events.

Best regards, Anastasia Guy.

Fri, 15/06/2018 - 16:14

Trying to preserve youth and blooming appearance, many women resort to salon remedies, which not only cost a lot of money, but also are not always effective. In fact, you can look good without injections or surgery. First you need to clean the food and go in for sports. Well, then what? Of course, no one cancels the proper care of your face and much more, as the main beauties of Russia and Hollywood will tell you about.

Irina Allegrova, 66 years old

Singer Irina Allegrova is already over 60, but you can't tell right away, right?

The artist admits that she actively monitors herself and her diet - she eats only vegetables, fruits and seafood. She is sure that meat does not contribute to rejuvenation at all. But the main principle of the star is no stress and more positive emotions! The use of quality cosmetics and cosmetic procedures will also not hurt. Allegrova is sure that radiant, rested eyes and a cheerful smile are much more important than braces and silicone. The singer considers massage to be an important point in self-care - 2-3 times a week. “It is massage that helps me maintain the elasticity of my body,” the artist admits. By the way, from sports activities, Irina Allegrova, like Meryl Streep, prefers the pool. The pop singer considers the sauna to be an equally important attribute of her beauty life, where she regularly spends her free time. Remember the no stress rule? So, the sauna is a great method for relaxation!

Laima Vaikule, 64 years old

Always smiling and cheerful Laima Vaikule only grows prettier over the years! The artist claims that her appearance is the result of discipline. The star has a clearly scheduled life, in which there is a place for creativity, and for a healthy lifestyle, and for proper nutrition.

Vaikule admits that the main secret of her harmony and beauty is fasting. She is sure that thanks to this, the body gets rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, and the diseases recede. The singer does not drink, does not smoke and tries to exercise regularly and, of course, get enough sleep. “They say that until the age of 30 we live on loan from our own body, and we have it for the rest of the century. At a time when my peers were actively spending internal resources, I saved my strength, ”says Laima. Take note!

Meryl Streep, 68

Meryl Streep has never been a classic beauty, but that did not stop the actress from becoming the idol of millions. Today the Oscar-winning star is well over 60, but can you tell? Amazing, like glowing skin, a disarming smile, incredible energy - and this despite the fact that Meryl is an ardent opponent of plastic surgery and anti-aging injections. How does she do it?

Streep admits that since his youth he has been taking good care of the skin, never tanning or leaving the house without SPF cream. But Meryl is indifferent to the gym and intense training - the actress prefers swimming. The 68-year-old star swims several miles a day! The Hollywood star takes aging for granted and appreciates every wrinkle that appears, because it is in them that part of her life, part of herself and her happy past. Meryl is not a fan of surgical methods of rejuvenation, like her peers. “I think people look funny when their faces“ freeze, ”explains Streep.“ Spend as much time as possible in nature, eat right and find joy in every little thing. ”Maybe we will listen to the recommendations of the great actress?

Christie Brinkley, 64

Who would have thought that this attractive blonde is already 64 years old ?! Supermodel of the 90s Christie Brinkley never ceases to delight everyone with her incredible beauty and inexhaustible youth! Remember the "star" secrets!

Brinkley's main rule is no diets. Model for complete and balanced nutrition. She starts each morning with a glass of water with lemon, manuka honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. “It helps me to recharge my energy for the whole day,” the beauty admits. For breakfast, Christie prefers yogurt with berries and nuts in goat milk or toast with avocado. And if she wants more protein, then the star of the 90s prepares her favorite scrambled eggs with spinach. Then the supermodel starts her daily workout. “I try to do up to 100 push-ups every day,” the beauty admits. She also does yoga and often goes out for her morning run. For lunch, Brinkley usually eats a light bean salad, which is complemented by a cocktail of fresh kale, lime, orange and avocado juices, and for dinner, brown rice with lentils, baked colorful peppers, fennel and sweet potatoes. Do you think that the supermodel bypasses the sweet? No matter how it is! She will never refuse a piece of chocolate. The main thing is that this "sweet drug" is raw food. "And no meat!" - that's what Christie Brinkley is promoting.

Sharon Stone, 60

This famous beauty does not hide her real age and admits: “Over the years I am only getting better”. Sharon Stone publicly declares that she resorted to a variety of methods of skin rejuvenation - leeches, all kinds of masks, but never went under the knife of a plastic surgeon! Many disagree with the last statement, but Stone is ready to sue anyone who doubts her "naturalness."

The actress believes that naturalness is something that all girls should be proud of, without exception. And even such an innocent female trick as corrective underwear causes her strong condemnation: "Either take care of yourself, or love yourself as you are!" But Sharon still considers iron discipline to be his main secret. Stone never goes to bed with makeup. "Lying in bed" in full dress "is unacceptable," says the star. Sharon is sure that the best thing for the skin is to support it "from the inside." After all, these products accelerate skin aging and contribute to the appearance of unnecessary “folds.” But cheese, oatmeal, chicken meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish are regular guests on the celebrity's table. Also, the star loves to pamper her skin with creams with a lifting effect, vegetable masks and ice baths.As for makeup, here the actress also has her own rules: the less makeup on the face, the better. And, finally, catch the main advice from the film star: “Love this life! Enjoy every day, smile, play the fool, flirt, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, and then another birthday will not spoil your mood and add years! "

Demi Moore, 55

A toned body and no wrinkles - it seems that Demi Moore's beauty is not subject to time. But famous surgeons unanimously declare: "She is not natural!" In their opinion, Moore has repeatedly done Botox injections, liposuction, knee lifting, and used face fillers. For a long time, the actress herself stubbornly denied all rumors about plastic surgery and assured fans that hirudotherapy is the only procedure she uses.

The Ghost Star regularly purifies the blood with medicinal leeches. However, in one of the interviews, she nevertheless blabbed: “Yes, I injected with Botox. At my age, this is quite normal. I want to be beautiful at any age, and so far my reflection in the mirror makes me happy. " However, injections of this "miracle cure" are not a panacea for aging, so Moore takes care of his body and promotes a healthy lifestyle. And proper nutrition plays a key role here. The Hollywood star will never refuse an unusual cocktail of water with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Demi also carefully monitors the condition of the skin: “My skin is very sensitive, so I only use simple products without fragrances. And I moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! This is the most important lesson that I learned thanks to my mother and now I always tell my daughters about it. If you focus on regular skin care, then you won't need a lot of cosmetics afterwards. " By the way, great advice! Take it into service! The better you take care of your skin now, the less "problems" you will get later. "And put aside your hair dryer, curling iron and iron if you want healthy hair!" - Demi calls us. The actress does not, in principle, do thermal styling. She also never dyes her hair and regularly uses moisturizers. This beauty has a lot to learn!

Julianne Moore, 57

Julianne Moore is another Hollywood beauty whose real age is given only by a passport. The actress promotes proper nutrition. But no strict diets, Moore excluded only three products from her diet: milk, sugar and alcohol.

"Oh sport, you are life!" - one of the life mottos of Julianne Moore. She carefully monitors her figure and selects workouts taking into account her age. The Hollywood star admits that after 40 it becomes more and more difficult to keep the body in good physical shape. The actress practices yoga and does strength and aerobic training with a personal trainer. But Julianne does not share the love of the famous namesake for Botox. She believes that each of us should love and accept ourselves for real. And we completely agree with that!

Michelle Pfeiffer, 60

Michelle Pfeiffer claims that she does not seek to "look younger than her age", she chooses another option - "to look great in her age." It seems to us that the actress is a little cunning, because the fact that Pfeiffer is 60 is hard to believe! Hollywood surgeons have repeatedly accused Pfeiffer of abuse of plastic surgery and "rejuvenating" injections. But the star does not respond to attacks. However, even if the beauty of the actress is the result of the work of surgeons, it is impressive: at 60 she looks very natural. So we personally doubt the "surgical" dependence of this beautiful woman!

Michelle is an ardent opponent of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Bad habits are the "killers" of clear skin, smooth hair, a snow-white smile and a slender, toned body, says the actress. Perfect skin is Pfeiffer's greatest treasure. The star just loves acid peels. Especially for her, experts create individual care programs that include facial massage and moisturizing masks. Staying in star shape is also helped by daily jogging in the fresh air and proper, balanced nutrition.

Halle Berry, 51

Attractive appearance and slender figure - nature has awarded Halle Berry with excellent genetics. It would seem, what can this beauty be worried about? But no matter how it is! At the age of 19, the actress found out that she had diabetes and completely gave up refined sugar, fried foods and bread.

By the way, if you are also thinking about eliminating sugar from your diet, then try sugar substitutes - the Oscar-winning actress taught her children to them. Berry is a real workaholic, and it is difficult for her to find time for a full lunch or dinner. But, as you understand, the actress pays special attention to proper nutrition, so she tries to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. And if there is no time for a snack at all, the beauty drinks a glass of a protein shake. Holly regularly plays sports, with a preference for cardio training and strength training. And traditionally - thorough skin care! Every time before applying makeup, she wipes her face with rose water, and in her daily care she highlights face cleansing, toning and moisturizing with a cream. "And don't ever forget about sunscreen!" - calls on the actress.

Thin aristocratic skin without any signs of wrinkles, oily sheen, pimples and comedones, thick shiny hair, a girlish silhouette at any age - all this strikingly distinguishes Japanese women from representatives of European nationalities. Sometimes it seems that Japanese women do not have age, they look so good after 50 or even 60 years. What is the secret of this amazing beauty?

Eat right!

Let's remember the saying: we are what we are. It is with various foods and drinks that the most important nutrients, minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements enter our body. If you look closely at the Japanese diet, you will understand the first component of the natural beauty of women of this wonderful nation, longevity and harmony.

The Japanese menu consists of healthy foods. It is traditionally based on rice, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits. Europeans who are constantly on diets understand what opportunities are fraught with such a correct, balanced diet, rich in "correct" long and vegetable carbohydrates, high-quality easily digestible protein, essential saturated fatty acids.

What in Russia, for example, is considered a food restriction, is applied during the period of a weight-loss diet, for Japan a completely natural, habitual daily diet.

Japanese women do not eat butter, animal fats, refined, overly sweet foods. All this unhealthy food variety will be replaced by soy sauce, natural sugary foods. Seafood is eaten raw in Japan, which increases its nutritional value.

The first simple secret of a beautiful figure, perfectly clear skin, fresh breath is proper nutrition. Nothing complicated!

Nutrition principles

Speaking about proper nutrition, it is imperative to touch upon its basic principles, which Japanese women adhere to from birth.

Drinking regime. For Japanese women, the taboo on carbonated drinks is not a restriction, but the norm. It is customary here to drink clean drinking water without gas. It has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, helps to properly, fully remove the decay products of food substances, toxins, that is, it prevents slagging of the digestive tract.

Instead of coffee, Japanese women drink green, white tea... It is a real elixir of health, beauty and youth, consisting of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.

Serving size is important. The Japanese traditionally eat from small plates, but each meal includes several dishes. The result is a varied table rich in healthy dishes that meets the Japanese philosophy of delighting in the beautiful. Having eaten a little of each dish, Japanese women do not overeat, but they get pleasure and benefit.

These are all pluses for the Japanese food style. The second secret of harmony and youth of Japanese beauties is proper nutrition.

Self love

Most of all Europeans are surprised by the ability of Japanese women to look very young at any age. Until thirty, they look like teenage girls. Women in their forties cannot be more than 25; 60-year-olds look forty. The secret is that Japanese women love themselves, devoting at least an hour daily to daily care.

A special procedure is oil washing. On dry skin, you need to apply oil (you can take a high-quality olive or pharmacy peach), gently massage your face for three minutes. Gradually go down from the forehead to the neck, collecting dirt, dead cells, decorative cosmetics. Then, without rinsing off the oil, apply an airy foam for washing, massage your face for another minute, and then rinse and rub the skin with a tonic.

This daily ritual says a lot about self-love, revealing the secret of the long-term youth and beauty of Japanese women. But we are talking only about washing - one of the daily care procedures! This is what Europeans need to think about, who are constantly complaining about the lack of time.

Causes and consequences

For Japanese women, the truth is obvious: natural beauty should be protected from a young age, and not trying to fix the irreparable after thirty, forty, fifty. Wrinkles, double chin, swollen oval, acne, deep nasolabial folds and other sad signs of age do not appear overnight. You need to deal with yourself before a cosmetic problem appears, and not when only a radical method can cope with it.

The simplest example is the white, porcelain skin of Japanese women. The secret is also very simple: they carefully protect it from ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to the skin and ages it quickly. But it is very simple to prevent aging: do not expose the skin to UV radiation, use protective creams. No age spots, no early wrinkles, no dangerous skin diseases - and all this is due to elementary prevention! And hats, sun umbrellas are very beautiful, they look feminine.

It's about self-love again. It is not about masking skin problems, but about preventing them.

Spiritual beauty

Taking care of spiritual beauty for Japanese women is as natural as taking care of beauty, youthfulness of body and face. Japanese women go through life without haste, fuss, tension, desire to prove something to the whole world, sometimes in spite of everything and everyone. They never upset the balance of harmony between the external and the internal, they try to avoid everything negative that carries negative energy.

Such a spiritual ecology is instantly reflected in the appearance. Japanese women necessarily practice meditation, adhere to the principles of high morality and restraint. The fifth secret of women in Japan is carefully maintained spiritual beauty, purity of thoughts, clarity of feelings.

The energy of life

Japanese women are characterized by a respectful attitude towards their bodies. In many ways, it manifests itself in the desire to constantly maintain excellent physical shape. They move actively and with sincere pleasure, develop flexibility and endurance.

A prerequisite is gymnastics not only for the body, but also for the face. Effective complexes, invented for the facial muscles, prolong youth. Japanese women are not lazy to do exercises every day, so in Japan there are practically no women with sagging cheeks, a floating oval, mournful wrinkles between the eyebrows and ugly nasolabial folds.

Famous massage

Almost everyone has heard about Japanese facial massage today. But how many people do it regularly, every day, even realizing the full effectiveness of this technique? But she actually works wonders, contributes to the maintenance and return of youth and beauty. - the favorite method of body and face care by Japanese women. It has a number of important advantages:

  • restores health;
  • prolongs youth;
  • relaxes, strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases muscle tone, elasticity;
  • brings the state of mind into harmony.

The massage technique perfectly restores the face, taking only five minutes a day. It is very easy to master it, the sensations during the procedure are pleasant. Moreover, massage not only tightens the skin, but also heals the body by stimulating active points.

Natural cosmetic

From cosmetics, Japanese women prefer care products, they do not like to overload the skin with decorative masking agents. And there is no particular need for them, since the skin does not deteriorate with proper care, nutrition, and regimen. For women, the main thing is to preserve the whiteness, tenderness of the skin, so they spend a lot of money on whitening and sunscreens.

Japanese women attach great importance to the naturalness of cosmetics, care or decorative. For this reason, natural Japanese cosmetics are valued all over the world: they are hypoallergenic, odorless, and contain no chemical dyes or preservatives. The cost is impressive, but the natural cosmetics are worth it.

Special tricks

Japanese women know many beauty secrets. One of them is mandatory face steaming. More slags and toxins are released through the open pores. Clean skin shines with health, acne disappears, comedones disappear. Nourishing cosmetic procedures become more effective, as through the open pores, nourishing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory substances penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.

Steaming is carried out in a special way. First, the face is treated with hot steam, then rubbed with a natural cotton cloth dipped in hot rice broth. The final stage is the application of two to three drops of cosmetic oil mixed with a drop of essential oil.

The peculiarity of Japanese skin care is the use of certain products and substances in order to preserve beauty.

White rice is used to prepare a cosmetic decoction for skin whitening, prevention of hyperpigmentation, giving the skin a matte, velvety effect.

Heated camellia oil perfectly copes with the problem of dry skin and the formation of wrinkles. It strengthens hair follicles, claws, restores volume, natural vibrant shine to curls. The product should be rubbed into the scalp, wrapped in a towel, and after twenty minutes wash your hair with the usual shampoo.

Natural pearl powder mixed with yolk, honey and water makes a great face mask. The result of its application is an even tone, removal of inflammation, irritation, oily sheen.

Sea salt is used to get rid of cellulite, deep cleansing. It must be mixed with seaweed, aloe juice.

White clay with the addition of rice bran, natural oats ground into powder, seaweed, jojoba oil, chamomile decoction whitens the skin, gives it a special tenderness, youthful glow.

Apple cider vinegar for Japanese women is an essential ingredient in shampoos and hair rinses. The product strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff and increased oiliness, makes hair grow faster.

For Japanese women, beauty is not just a pretty face. This is a special philosophy that requires an integrated approach. This is the main secret that allows them to keep their soul and body youthful throughout their lives.

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