How to persuade your husband to quit drinking beer. Therapies and advice from a psychologist to get a guy to stop drinking

What to do if the spouse is deeply drinking, and it is impossible to discourage him from alcohol using the usual methods? The desired result can be achieved without his knowledge - alcohol will be removed forever by white magic. The conspiracy so that the husband does not drink can be read at home - it is free and easy to do. The sick person will be healed with salt, a white towel, water and other traditional remedies.

We will tell you how to competently speak artifacts, whisper prayers from drunkenness and drive away evil spirits. The pain will not return to your home, but this requires following our guidelines. Get ready to write it down.

When conducting conspiracies against her husband's drunkenness, a number of features must be taken into account. The phases of the moon, days of the week and general organizational moments affect the successful outcome of a conspiracy from drunkenness. You should pay attention to:

  • men's and women's days (drinking men need to talk on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday);
  • the lunar phase (it is better to treat drunkenness on the full moon);
  • faith in the result (for the husband to stop drinking, do not doubt a favorable outcome).

The most powerful prayers and rituals are done secretly, in distant rooms and under cover of darkness. It will be better for the husband if he continues to be in the dark. For outsiders, everything will look as if the man had stopped drinking out of the blue.

Rite of passage with photography

Among the conspiracies so that husbands do not drink, rituals with photographs occupy a special place. The moon should wane, and the magic is happening in the pre-dusk time. Procedure:

  1. Get some holy water, three wax candles, and a photograph of the sick person.
  2. Light the candles and place them in a row on the table.
  3. Sprinkle holy water on your husband's picture.
  4. Pronounce the conspiracy from alcoholism (three times).
  5. Hide the photo in a secluded place.

This ritual will start to benefit quickly. After a couple of months, you will find that your spouse has stopped kissing the glass. Spell text:

“Help, Lord, to get rid of the dependence of God's servant (husband's name), who began to take alcohol. I want to disaccustom my husband from vodka, bring him back to the family. If he wants to drink, then only well water. Amen".

White cemetery ritual

If a man has been drinking alcohol for a long time, ordinary conspiracies and prayers do not help him. You will have to perform a powerful cemetery ritual and start talking to the bottle of the addict. Throw away any fears - this rite belongs to white magic practices. Procedure:

  1. Get out a bottle of your beloved one’s favorite alcohol.
  2. Hide the bottle in the bag and go to the churchyard.
  3. Wait until the funeral procession overtakes you.
  4. Cast a spell.
  5. Leave the churchyard (you cannot turn around, communicate with passers-by - too).

At home, you need to return the bottle to its usual place and wait until the husband drinks from it. You cannot offer vodka, a man must reach for a glass himself. The magic will begin to work after the first use of the spell. Ritual text:

“The deceased person does not know how to roam the earth, does not bother the living with his appearance. The deceased will not pour vodka for himself, will not bring it to his mouth. I want to make sure that my beloved (called the name) stops using hops. Amen".

Water ritual

Plain water, strengthened by prayers, can be an effective weapon against the green serpent. Just keep in mind: you need to use spring (or well) water. Whispering conspiracy words into the liquid, you can save your husband from drunkenness. Give the beloved one to drink with magic water, add it to tea, coffee and other drinks. Spell text:

“Jesus did not know alcohol, the Mother of God did not drink alcohol for ever. The apostles also saved themselves from drinking. If you drink cold spring water, you will turn away from the bottle. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

Bewitching soap

  • a drinking husband should regularly wash his hands with a made artifact;
  • soap must be completely used;
  • if the patient continues to drink alcohol, the ritual is repeated.

The text of the spell: “You are no longer destined to drink, God's servant (the name of your spouse). I conjure, I speak, I drive out the drunken intoxication, I bring you back to life. As you wash your hands, you will forget your addiction. If a crappy thought appears, you will drive it away, you will hate the glass with all your heart. Amen".

13 days

How to make a powerful conspiracy in 13 days, tells the famous healer Vanga. Buy your husband his favorite alcoholic product, speak the liquid and give the beloved one to drink. Before purchasing a drink, go to an Orthodox church. Here's what you need to do there:

  1. Buy a set of candles (12 pieces).
  2. You cannot be baptized, lean against images, listen attentively to prayers.
  3. When leaving the church, utter a conspiracy.
  4. At home, close yourself in the back room, hide from prying eyes.
  5. After clearing your thoughts, place the spell in front of you.
  6. Concentrate on being a sober husband.
  7. Pronounce the second part of the conspiracy.
  8. Give your husband some enchanted "nectar" to drink.
  9. Enjoy the results after 13 days.
  10. If nothing happened, repeat the ritual actions.

The first part of the conspiracy: “It's cold to live in a bitter frost. From the drunk to my husband it is bad at heart. You drink more, it gets worse. Amen".

Second part: “A candle melts and burns, the drinker (husband's name) is crying. I will not send my beloved into the heat, but I will twist the dependence with the lapel. Will begin to dislike the potion, you will vomit from one type of alcohol. If you do not want to go to noisy companies, you will sit at home, take care of your wife and children. Empty bottles stand, God's servant (name) is not ordered to drink. Amen".

Dead man's ropes

  1. Find out the name of the deceased.
  2. Fill a pot of spring water.
  3. Wash the dead man's ropes in this water.
  4. Whisper the plot into the pot.
  5. Try to give your husband a drink of this liquid.

The last point is rather difficult because alcoholics are skeptical about magic. Keep the ritual a secret by using little tricks. You can treat your husband to tea from enchanted water or make a delicious soup. Spell text:

“As a dead man (name) cannot drink vodka, so you give up alcohol. As God's servant (your husband's name) reaches for a glass, so he will feel bad. He will feel sick from vodka and wine, he will want to drink spring water. Amen".

Conspiracy Towel

Applying room (household) magic, you can use any available means. One of the most powerful artifacts is the towel. Ritual progress:

  1. Wait for the full moon, get a brand new towel at the store.
  2. Cast a spell.
  3. Have the alcoholic dry off with a charmed towel.
  4. Tie a magic item in a knot and hide it away (no one else should wipe it off).
  5. The knot cannot be untied.

When the spouse refuses alcohol, take the magic item and go to the nearest cemetery. Bury a towel next to the grave of a dead person whose name matches your spouse's. Go home without turning around or entering into dialogues with other people. Spell text:

“I bought a beautiful and clean towel, I want to dissuade an evil attack, to heal God's servant (name). As you wipe your hands with this towel, your new life will begin. Harmful addictions will go away, light forces will drive away evil, they will not give you offense. May your thoughts be pure, alcohol will leave the body, health and strength will return. From now on, you will not turn off the righteous path, you will not bring a glass to your mouth. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

Rite of passage with a broom

A broom serves as a symbol of cleanliness and order in the house, which sweeps out the addictions and evil intrigues of ill-wishers. With the help of this artifact, you can cure a drinking husband, the main thing is to believe in the end result. The ceremony is held in the strictest confidence, and you need to prepare for it in advance. Procedure:

  1. Go to the forest.
  2. Collect twigs of "male" trees (ash, oak, maple).
  3. Tie a broom by adding sprigs of "male" herbs.
  4. Return home and sweep the debris in the corners.
  5. Pronounce the conspiracy.
  6. Bury the trash in your yard by digging a small hole for it.
  7. There should be a broom in the same hole.
  8. When the buried artifact decays, the spouse will refuse alcohol.

Spell text: “Green trees, grass-ants, you are fragrant and strong. You will not see the sun in the future, you will not be fed with rain. Your leaves will not rustle, flowers will not bloom. So my husband (the name is called) will stop drinking forever, he will not return to his dashing habit. Amen".

28 . 04.2018

This tale is about how to help your husband stop drinking. What can you do yourself at home to turn your spouse away from drunkenness? Are there really quick folk remedies to cure an alcoholic and make him feel aversion to alcohol? Is the result of any treatment guaranteed without the consent of the drinker himself, or are we doomed to failure by helping the husband to stop drinking in secret?

Hello friends! A lot of scientific and pseudo-scientific works are devoted to the problem of alcoholism. Someone may ask me: "What can you tell us new?" But in healing any disease, the main thing is not to invent something hitherto unseen, but to help get rid of the disease to those who really want it. Especially if he does not have the willpower to cope on his own.

I will tell you how to help your husband quit drinking and what steps you need to take and meet the conditions for this.

What to do with a drinking husband?

When the husband drinks, the whole family suffers. This habit can be especially detrimental to children: they are forced to look at the drunken dad every day and listen to the scandals of their parents. How all this will affect their fragile psyche is impossible to predict.

What to do? How can I help my husband to stop drinking?

Four indispensable conditions

  • there is no need to scandalize while the spouse is drunk, anyway he does not understand anything at such moments and can only get angry and start behaving aggressively;
  • never let him "get drunk", do not bring alcohol in the morning, no matter how bad it may be for him - this is his problem;
  • do not make excuses for his behavior, admit that he is an alcoholic and insist on treatment;
  • in cases where your children and you yourself begin to suffer from his antics - get divorced, leave, do not tolerate, because it may end badly.

These tips should definitely be taken into account.

Different views on the problem of alcoholism

Various psychologists give advice, often exactly the opposite. For example:

  1. There is no need to drive the drunkard out of the house. // No, on the contrary, you need to kick him out of the house.
  1. Close your eyes to the harmful passion of your spouse and try to understand why he drinks, maybe you can guess and be able to fix it. // No, think about yourself first of all, you still won't find a reason.
  1. Decorate your home, prepare delicious dinners so that it reaches home, not the bottle. // No, stop cooking and serving him altogether, feed only yourself and your children.
  1. In the evenings, force the man into a dialogue, ask about how he spent the day, what he ate and with whom he met. // No, ignore him and don't talk to him at all, as if you can't see him.
  1. Find a faithful hobby so that he does not get bored, arrange trips to nature and other cultural events. // No, take care of yourself, arrange your life, letting him know that he does not interest you until he is cured of alcoholism ...

What to do and who to listen to? It all depends on the specific situation and it is difficult to answer unequivocally what can and cannot be done. Of course, there are strong women and weak-willed men who must be constantly "entertained and found a hobby for them." Another question: why do we need a weak-tempered spouse who starts drinking out of boredom?

Folk remedies for hard drinking and alcoholism

There is a strong belief that it is possible to cure an alcoholic secretly from him. To do this, it is advised to mix infusions and decoctions into his food, which will instill in him an aversion to drinking. Here are examples of such formulations:

  1. Pour boiling water over one and a half kilograms of oats and leave for two hours, then add mint and calendula and simmer for another half hour. Strain and let stand for three days, then drink a glass to the faithful before meals. Of course, if he wants to drink this sour drink.
  1. Pour mineral water without gas into a saucepan and add thirty grams of ram-ram herb. Give your spouse a drink, after half an hour offer half a glass of vodka. Enjoy being turned inside out by the poisonous herb and vodka and hope he gets aversion for the vodka and not for you.
  1. Feed your husband honey, forcing him to eat a tablespoon every 10-15 minutes for four hours. Maybe after sweet he will not be drawn to alcohol.
  1. Brew thyme, wild rose and St. John's wort, leave for two days, and then drink your faithful person before each meal. In theory, such a combination of herbs should turn him away from alcohol. Especially if the herb has time to turn sour, while it is infused and will cause gastrointestinal upset.

There are many more such "remedies" that are often dangerous for the body. Some are presented as "proven over the years" and the advisers assure that the result will certainly be there. There are even pills and powders that you can secretly put on your spouse's food to cause negative reactions to drinking.

Can this be cured? Unlikely. Rather, the spouse will be poisoned or understand that you are slipping something on him. The reaction on his part may turn out to be natural and very aggressive.

First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude to what is happening. This is as follows:

  • you cannot ignore the problem, turn away and hope that "it will happen by accident and by itself";
  • do not believe if he claims that "everything is in order" or "under control";
  • try to understand that if the next morning after a spree he asks for forgiveness and promises not to do this again, this is a lie that he himself may not be aware of;
  • do not drink it yourself, do not participate in his drinking, even "for the sake of appearance";
  • beer every day seems to a woman to be "less evil" than vodka, but you must remember that this is not so: beer alcoholism is no less terrible;
  • if someone tells you that your spouse is drinking because "you are doing something wrong" - do not believe it, because this statement is tantamount to admitting that there is a rag next to you, for which you should not risk yourself or children;
  • do not touch him, if he fell drunk in the middle of the road and fell asleep, let him lie on the floor;
  • do not enter his position in the morning, let him suffer from a hangover - he quickly realizes that he needs to be treated;
  • stop blaming and swearing, try to objectively assess the situation and explain to your husband why you do not like his behavior;
  • film him drunk and let the sober one watch;
  • if he does not come to the conclusion about the need for treatment, go away, get a divorce, do not make yourself a heroine;
  • if he is really ready to be treated, take him to a doctor immediately.

Only the spouse's voluntary desire to get rid of the addiction will help the trouble. Realizing your illness is half the road to success.

What to do next?

The main thing is determination. As with any disease, alcoholism must be fought using proven methods. But most importantly, remember: as long as you are ready to endure - he will drink.

The question of how to help your husband quit drinking, how to make him change his view of alcohol, for you should be reduced to two components:

  • can you help him to realize his illness;
  • whether he really wants to be cured.

If in both cases the answer is yes, you need to go to the doctor. But don't rely on advice from forums and books by random authors. It will not be superfluous to study the problem comprehensively, but you need to act using traditional, proven methods. There are centers for Alcoholics Anonymous, where you can get hung up on cravings for alcohol, undergo psychological trainings and a course of drug therapy.

If the question “How can I help my husband to stop drinking?” Is acutely before you, then there is another proven way, which was developed for all suffering by a wonderful Soviet doctor - A.R. Dovzhenko. I am one of its successors. His method is based on hypnotic coding, thanks to which an alcohol barrier is created in the mind. For an hour's session, during which I talk with a patient, the patient develops a mindset for a sober lifestyle, for a period of at least a year. Preferably forever.

This method has been tested in practice countless times. You can read more about this in my article.

The number of people who quit drinking alcohol is already more than one hundred and I am ready to help those who sincerely wish to recover and return to normal life.

That's all for today.
Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
And they drove on!


Literally every third family in our country knows firsthand how terrible alcoholism is when a close and dear husband becomes addicted. Thousands of women are pondering how to get their husbands to stop drinking, especially when a person is not aware of the problem and is not trying to fight the disease on his own. Let's talk about what techniques you can resort to so that you have a chance to save yourself and your spouse from alcoholism.

What is alcoholism?

There is an opinion that alcoholism can be cured by a simple volitional decision, and if a person is a drinker, then he simply does not want to change anything. First of all, we will challenge this theory, since alcoholism is the most real disease. Addiction can be characterized as both physical and psychological.

From a physiological point of view, the body is exposed to toxic substances, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted and all internal organs suffer. Degrades the brain, and with it the central nervous system. An alcoholic suffers from poor health in between drinking alcohol, does not adequately perceive reality, suffers from memory loss, etc.

From the point of view of psychology, the alcoholic "swamp" is no less dangerous - the alcoholic who drinks every day gets used to the state of carelessness and euphoria, which he feels at the moment of taking ethanol, his sense of responsibility is erased. Often, addicted people lose their face and moral character, after which the people around them turn away from them. The lot of drunks who could not be cured or saved - dirt, the same alcoholics around and death in the future.

Obviously, no man willingly wants to see his life become such a nightmare. So, alcoholism is a disease! If your husband is an alcoholic and you love him, be patient and help him cope with the disease.

The inner strength to quit alcohol

Let's return to the theory that any alcoholic, independently and without assistance, can quit drinking forever, this requires only willpower and strength of character. The statement is only partially true, in cases where the addiction is exclusively psychological and has not yet triggered physiological changes in the body.

It is possible to wean a husband from alcohol and drunkenness at home only when the alcohol intake has not turned into uncontrolled, systematic binges, without which a person feels bad, and he is ready to sell his soul for a strong drink. If alcoholism has turned into physical attachment, people tend to be reluctant to fight it. Alcohol restores them a sense of euphoria and moral satisfaction, erases poor health and falsely normalizes blood pressure, heart rate and mental clarity. As soon as ethanol begins to be excreted from the body, the malaise returns, and the drunkard again reaches for the cherished liquid and drinks alcohol. In such cases, in order for a person to stop drinking, the intervention of specialists is necessary.

So, can an alcoholic quit drinking himself?

No, if the drinking took the form of alcoholism, and does not consist in the usual, frequent household use of alcohol.

What psychological help can be effective

If you decide to save your husband from drunkenness, first of all think about what prompted him to drunkenness. As a rule, only those people go into the binge who are deeply unhappy and experience their fears and problems silently, inside. To convince your husband to stop drinking in the future, you need to understand the root of the problem and try to eradicate it:

  • Try to devote more time to your loved one and not hide how much he means to you. Come up with activities together and think about what your husband was addicted to before addiction.
  • In no case do not blame your husband, do not blackmail, do not threaten or shout - you will achieve only the opposite effect and the person will withdraw even more into himself. Do not think about how to teach your husband a lesson for drunkenness, but think about how to help your spouse.
  • Try to have a heart-to-heart talk and tell how happy you would be if your spouse chose a sober lifestyle again.

A person who feels important and useful is more likely to want to give up alcohol.

To convince your husband to stop drinking, you need to understand the root of the problem.

If we talk about the need for professional help, first you still have to figure out how to persuade your husband to stop drinking, because it is almost impossible to force a person to change without his consent. In rare cases, the alcoholic himself agrees to treatment, because it means that the disease is obvious and completely dominates the drunkard. Your success will become more real if you have patience and stock up on kind words and support for your husband.

Let's say you convinced your husband to seek professional help. Let's talk about what methods are considered effective and are practiced in the fight against alcoholism.


Surely everyone has heard of the coding of alcoholics using hypnosis. The essence of the procedure is to introduce a dependent person into a trance state and further suggest certain programs. With the help of real hypnosis, an experienced, qualified doctor can do a lot: get rid of fears and insecurities, block depression, get to the bottom of the root cause of alcoholism.

If you have chosen hypnotherapy specifically, take care of finding a good, qualified specialist who has earned a name in this area. Remember that among doctors there are also swindlers who will not only not help, but can also harm your husband.

Read more about this direction in the article "Coding with hypnosis from alcoholism."

Consider the most effective and popular hypnosis techniques:

  1. Autogenic training.
  2. Hypnosuggestational therapy.
  3. Anchor method.

Each of them deserves attention and is famous for its efficiency.

Autogenic training

This type of training is based on the processes of self-hypnosis, because inside each personality there is a huge potential and powerful energy force. The method implies minimal intervention of the psychotherapist - the doctor only teaches the alcoholic the basics of self-hypnosis. Its task is to give impetus and direct the patient's thinking in the right direction.

After learning the basic techniques, the result of treatment depends solely on the alcoholic himself and his desire to recover. Autogenic intervention is productive only in the early stages of alcoholism, or after more serious psychological and medical assistance has already been provided.

Hypnosuggestational therapy

The next technique is based on the treatment carried out during a hypnotic trance or the so-called sleep under hypnosis. In this case, it is very important that the alcoholic be aware of the problem, sincerely want to get rid of it and trust the specialist.

The session includes several stages.

  • First of all, it is important to establish a trusting relationship between an alcoholic and a specialist, because in order to enter a trance, a person must be relaxed and must not resist.
  • After the usual conversation, the specialist resorts to psychological techniques aimed at diffusing the patient's attention. At the same time, it is essential to keep the conversation going. One or two techniques are enough to put a person to sleep.
  • After the alcoholic goes into a trance, the doctor begins to instill certain programs aimed at quitting alcoholism.

The effectiveness of this method is individual and depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the degree of suggestibility of the patient. Some relatives of alcoholics noted that the effect began to manifest itself after the first session, when others needed a course that included 3-6 visits.

Anchor method

This technique differs in that a person does not have to be immersed in hypnotic sleep.

The goal of the therapist is to find and program the consciousness of the alcoholic for certain, "cause-and-effect" unconscious actions. In simple terms, we can give a simple example: an anchor is programmed for a word or memory, upon "collision" with which an alcoholic experiences certain emotions. Positive sensations induce the patient to perform certain actions, negative anchors cause negative sensations and play the role of a kind of stop signal.

The anchor method is effective in combination with drug treatment and only when the alcoholic interacts and trusts the specialist.

Group psychotherapy

Another way to stop a husband from drinking alcohol is to send him to group psychotherapy sessions, known throughout the world as the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The principle of operation of such groups is simple - classes in a group of patients with one ailment show the alcoholic that he is not alone and there are many people with the same problem. “If they cope, then I can too,” the addict thinks and the ice starts to move. Alcoholics communicate with each other, share experiences and problems, support each other. Being in such a society is beneficial for introspection and maintaining self-esteem.

The therapist uses play techniques to help alcoholics feel part of a team, which is also an important part of recovery.

The course of psychotherapy lasts several years, the optimal number of people in a group is from 5 to 10. The method is lengthy, but very effective.

Family therapy

Family groups are considered no less effective, the purpose of which is to wean from drunkenness with the help of care and attention, as well as to teach the wives of drinking husbands to support and understand their soul mate.

Families of addicted people together with alcoholics gather in small groups and spend time together, which is especially valuable at a time when a person has just completed a course of drug treatment and it is very difficult for him to “restore” himself in society. At first, therapy is accompanied by the constant presence of a specialist who teaches wives to support and re-respect their husbands, and also practices various trainings aimed at reducing anxiety. It is important to clearly remember the advice of a psychologist and show understanding. Another advantage of this method is interaction with other families with an identical problem: both the alcoholic husband and his wife see that they are not alone in their abyss, feel that they belong to society, become more relaxed, purposeful and friendly.

All of the techniques we have listed relate to psychological assistance, but often therapy cannot completely eradicate the problem of alcoholism and is practiced exclusively in combination with medications.

Drug treatment for alcoholism

Let's talk about how to deal with her husband's drunkenness, if he does not want it and is not ready to voluntarily turn to the "brainwashers".

Often, the wives of alcoholics complain that their drinking husband categorically does not want to be treated and does not think that he is sick at all. In such cases, there can be no question of professional psychological assistance, because even if it is possible to agree with an alcoholic husband to go to a psychotherapist, he will do it as a favor and will not reinforce the specialist's efforts with feedback and a desire to recover.

The solution to such situations is taking medications and inpatient treatment.

Let's consider the common methods of such treatment in more detail:

  • Coding. The principle of coding is to instill in an alcoholic the information that drinking alcohol will lead to poor health and even death. For this, injections, tablets and alcohol blockers are used, as well as electrical impulse therapy. The method is effective at any, even the most severe stage of alcoholism. The wives have a new lever - they try to scare the husband, constantly reminding them that ethanol will lead to torture and death. Some even try to cure the husband of alcoholism without his knowledge by adding drugs to food. This categorically cannot be done, because allergic reactions are possible. For more information, see the article "Coding for Alcoholism".
  • Vitamin therapy. The fact is that during a binge, the body suffers from intoxication, losing nutrients and enzymes. If you give the body what it needs again, the pangs of withdrawal from alcohol will be significantly weakened, and the person will have new strength to fight addiction. The drugs offered to the alcoholic contain a large amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, PP - they have a tonic effect and improve the well-being of the alcoholic.
  • Acupuncture is another effective treatment for alcoholism. After diagnosing the stage of the disease, the specialist acts on various points of the body with acupuncture needles. Thus, the process of cleansing the body is activated, psychological dependence is weakened. Detailed information is presented in the article "Acupuncture for alcoholism".
  • Plasmapheresis is an apparatus therapy that acts by purifying the blood plasma. The blood is passed through a special filter and returned to the alcoholic's body. The method is not very much in demand, since many are afraid to fight the disease so radically.

Coding is effective at any, even the most severe stage of alcoholism

All of these methods are suitable for compulsory treatment, which is agreed and planned without the knowledge of the husband. It is important that the alcoholic is constantly monitored by specialists and that treatment is carried out exclusively by professionals.

If you want to study this area of ​​the issue in more detail, pay attention to the article "Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient."

Alternative treatment of alcoholism with non-traditional methods

It is essential to mention the fight against alcoholism with folk remedies. These include all kinds of tinctures and decoctions from a variety of plants. Here is some of them:

  • Centaury
  • Lovage root.
  • Lavrushka.
  • Apple.
  • Clefthoof root.
  • Soda.
  • Plants with an emetic effect.

Also popular are such folk remedies as extracts and infusions of worms and insects. The question is very extensive and deserves a separate publication, so pay attention to the article "The most effective folk remedies for alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient."

Psychological advice and literature to help fight alcoholism

If your husband realizes that he is an alcoholic and is willing to make an effort to fight it, the battle can be considered won. Medical and psychological professionals offer books to alcoholics that help them fight any addictions, among which alcoholism is in the first place.

There are also a huge number of private offices that you can turn to for help from professionals.

Has everything gone far and the husband does not want to admit the problem? Be sure to read the article “Compulsory treatment for alcoholism” and take the necessary measures.

We looked at what needs to be done to get the husband to stop drinking. The prognosis of recovery depends not only on the individual characteristics of the alcoholic's body and his desire to be cured, but also on your support and participation. In no case try to teach your husband a lesson for drunkenness with rudeness and anger, because this will have the opposite effect and your drunkard will only make sure that he is not loved and understood.

How to get your husband to stop drinking alcohol? Admit that he is sick, convince your husband of this and prove to him that you are not indifferent to his fate.

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How to make your husband stop drinking: 5 reasons to do it using magic + 4 proven ways + 5 tips for everything to work + 6 major mistakes.

It's scary when a loved one turns from an intelligent, gentle, caring gentleman to an evil Hulk due to alcohol abuse. And it’s even worse when all your tears and requests are like peas against the wall.

At some point, hands give up and want to escape from this alcoholic hell at the speed of light. But don't give up!

Experienced magicians claim to know how to get a person to stop drinking. They give many arguments in favor of such a solution to the problem. And below we list only the main ones.

5 reasons to learn how to use magic to get a person to quit drinking

  1. Unlike traditional medicine, you do not need your husband's consent to stop drinking alcohol. On the contrary, a secret ritual is the key to your success, especially when it comes to the fact that you need to mix something into food or drink.
  2. The magic ritual, so that a person quits with alcohol, can be safely carried out without fear for his karma. After all, in fact, you want your husband well, and alcoholism is a disease, so you can consider yourself a kind of esoteric doctor.
    That is, if the ceremony is performed correctly, exactly with the description, no karmic "boomerangs" in the form of illnesses, troubles at work and failures threaten you.
  3. It is possible to force a husband to quit drinking with the help of magic without spending a lot of money, in contrast to the use of medication. And in our difficult time, it is oh, how important!

    “For my husband to stop drinking, she treated him for three long years, sold his car and apartment, but there’s no point,” complains Martha from Moscow in an online chat.

  4. As a rule, all rituals for making people stop drinking work quickly enough, over several weeks. And this, when a person dies before our eyes, is very important. We need to get him out of this alcoholic swamp as quickly as possible!
  5. All the rituals for the husband to stop drinking are simple enough to perform. That is, you do not need the claw of a thirty-year-old eagle and the tail of a mouse caught at exactly midnight. Everything is quite simple, but at the same time effective. Even a person who has no magical experience can cope.

Convinced? Then it's time to choose the magical way!

4 options for beginner psychics: how to get a person to stop drinking

Hangover conspiracy # 1.

This conspiracy, in order for a person to stop drinking, must be read three times over ordinary drinking water:

Hop, prince, your little head is a riot! Do not flutter your hair down, but pour your hair down. I am not familiar to you, I have never been to your house. Climb to the sovereign on top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels!

Let not dashing words and your evil deeds fall on the person (name). Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Khmele, prince, sit at your place, like a tsar sits on his kingdom, but don't go to my house!

Conspiracy water must be given to the husband with a hangover, when he will be "dried". After a couple of weeks, he himself will not understand why he stopped pulling for vodka.

“I never thought that my husband would face such a problem as alcoholism. But there is nothing to do - you need to "pull out" your loved one. So I tried to speak water. And gradually, in about a month, everything worked out: he learned to refuse his drinking companions, and even colleagues at corporate parties. "

Conspiracy number 2 for sleep.

When the husband sleeps after another booze, you should read such a conspiracy over him (quietly, so as not to wake up):

Nebushko is clear, hear, the sky is light (dark - if you read at night), see what I wish to create over God's servant (name). The sun rises in my yard, and there is neither man nor beast. The red moon is descending into my cage, and there is no door, no floor with a ceiling in it. Clear stars come into the bowl as a spouse, and there the water is purer than white snow.

Sunny, slave (name) from the wine, turn it over. Month, slave (name) from wine, calm down. Asterisks, subdue the slave (name) from wine. I conjure with a clear field, a light share, a blue sea. Key. Lock. Language.

To consolidate the result, the ceremony can be repeated two or three times during the month.

Conspiracy number 3 on the leftovers of alcohol, so that her husband is sick of drinking.

For this ceremony, for a person to quit using, it will take a little longer than for those described above. But its effectiveness, according to psychics, fully justifies such an expectation.

  1. Prepare a small bottle that closes tightly.
  2. Now you need to unnoticeably from your husband pour into it all the alcohol that he did not finish. Alcohol can be different. Your task is to fill the bottle as quickly as possible. So, even if your loved one left only a couple of drops at the bottom of the glass, do not be too lazy to drain them into the prepared bottle.
  3. As soon as the vessel is full, go to the cemetery, and bury it somewhere in a secluded corner, saying:

    Aki new neighbors do not need you,
    They don't drink in the morning, they don't suffer without you
    They sleep during the day and at night, their eyes are open,
    So the servant of God (name) will not think about you,
    Not with a young month, not with a golden moon,
    Not in the rain, not in the sun, D
    My stucco ate, my word is strong.
    Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

IMPORTANT! Spilled alcohol should never be poured back into the bottle and then treated or drunk by someone. The omen says that one more person can also get drunk, and the one whom you tried to help will not be cured. In addition, on drained alcohol, they often spoil for drunkenness.

Conspiracy number 4. How can you make the fish stop drinking thanks to ...?

You can save your husband from alcohol addiction with the help of such a simple dish as fried fish. But you need to catch it yourself in fresh water. And no other, even the most expensive trout from the store, will do.

Before frying, you just need to dip the caught fish in red wine and pronounce the following conspiracy:

As this fish flutters in wine, so does the soul of the servant of God (name) rush at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Treat the person you want to help get rid of alcoholism with a conspiracy dish.

At the same time, the effect of each of the above rituals, so that the husband quit drinking, can be enhanced if you know a couple of magical secrets.

  1. Conspiracies to get rid of drunkenness are read on the waning moon. After all, you want drunkenness to leave the life of a loved one, don't you?
  2. In order for the husband to stop drinking, the ritual should be performed on the men's day of the week, that is, on Thursday, Monday or Tuesday.
  3. Before performing a magic ceremony, a woman should not drink alcohol for at least a week and start every day with a sip of water consecrated in the church, in addition, keep fasting for three days. So you show the higher powers that you are very serious.
  4. When reading conspiracies from drunkenness, it is advisable for a woman to remove all jewelry (you can only leave a pectoral cross), and tie a scarf around her head.
  5. Only a wife / husband, parents or one of the older relatives can read the conspiracy so that the magic works and the person stops drinking. You should not entrust such things to those who are younger - children, nephews, grandchildren, etc. So the ritual will not work.

A ritual that will make a husband stop drinking

How to make your husband stop drinking and not regret it: 6 main mistakes

Have you read how to make a person stop drinking and rushed to perform the ritual? Hold your horses!

Experienced esotericists warn: in such a delicate matter of how to make a husband stop using, there are also taboos that need to be remembered.

  1. Don't tell your husband nor to anyone else that uses magic to solve the problem. As a rule, this weakens the effect of the rite. Why do you need a waste of time and energy?
  2. Do not try to apply all conspiracies at once. So you only gut the energy of the higher forces in different directions, and the person will not stop drinking, there will be no sense. Just perform the ritual with maximum precision and believe in a positive result.
  3. Another mistake is trying to force the husband to quit drinking using magic, not believing in it. Esoteric things only help when they are backed up by your energy. And to carry out ceremonies and not believe in them is like dancing "half way": you definitely won't get to the Bolshoi Theater.
  4. Conspiracy texts need to be memorized, and not read "from a piece of paper." We think that this is not such a serious price to pay for the peace of mind at home.
  5. If things have gone too far and you cannot force a person to quit drinking on their own, there is no need to waste time - contact an experienced magician or psychic. Perhaps you are performing the ritual incorrectly or serious damage to your loved one. Such things can only be determined by a specialist.
  6. Do not try to go from the opposite and do spoil drunkenness to someone from your environment or "throw" it from her husband to someone else. At best, it will end with illness or your divorce, at worst - with the death of a loved one, since you will simply break his energy defenses.

So, if you are faced with the question of how to get your husband to quit drinking, do not despair, but roll up your sleeves and start your "magical" work. One has only to remember about a peculiar safety technique, stock up on patience and common sense - then you will definitely be able to help a loved one!

In this article we will talk about how to get your husband to stop drinking.

What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking?

What if the husband is not led by persuasion or threats?

In this article, you will find 5 non-obvious tips on how to help your husband stop drinking?

When a husband is sober, he:

  1. Apologizes and asks for forgiveness;
  2. Promises that this will not happen again;
  3. Really feels guilty.

However, enough days pass and again breaks down, and again drunken nonsense. As if he is becoming a different person.

The situation is not pleasant. Moreover, this person is your husband.

When you met, he was a completely different person - the way you fell in love with him.

Now you see that your husband cannot quit drinking on his own: a person has alcohol addiction. But you don't know what to do in such a situation. How to make your husband stop drinking when all the methods you have tried do not help?

  1. Stop ignoring your husband's addiction.

First, understand that your husband is addicted to alcohol.

The main criterion for addiction is that your husband loses control over what he has drunk.

About how to accurately determine whether a person is dependent or not, I wrote in the article "".

Your husband denies his addiction. He says something like:

  • "I'm alright",
  • "I'm just taking a break"
  • "I have everything under control."

No matter how your spouse justifies his addiction, he himself will never admit that he has a problem with alcohol. But before you can force your husband to stop drinking, you need to understand this.

Your husband is addicted to alcohol, and therefore it is difficult for him to stop drinking.

The addiction does not go away on its own. If you do nothing, it will only get worse:

  • the husband will not stop drinking and will drink more often,
  • become more aggressive
  • lose control more often
  • break down mentally and emotionally.

You have noticed that in sobriety your husband is often withdrawn, tense, depressed and even aggressive. These signs are the consequences of alcohol dependence, manifested in sobriety.

I also wrote about this in the articles "" and "". I recommend to read.

You need to give up illusions:

  • "Maybe everything will work out by itself?"
  • "Maybe the husband will change?"

It's time to stop now close your eyes to the fact that your husband has a real alcohol addiction and start doing something about it.

  1. Stop forgiving

You are used to forgiving and accepting from childhood. But in the case of your husband, who drinks and does not know the measure, you are doing worse for the person himself. By forgiving him every time, you show that alcohol dependence is normal and contribute to further use. This prevents the husband from quitting drinking.

This is not the best way to get your husband to stop drinking.

All the promises of the husband drink in moderation or stop drinking will remain unfulfilled.

Let him feel that you do not accept him that way when he is addicted - he is a stranger. He remains addicted even when sober.

He drinks and knows that the sutra will "blab" you, because you will endure everything and forgive everything. This is very selfish on his part.

Be ready to accept him as your own, only if he begins to lead a completely sober lifestyle.

  • The day after the party is not sobriety. Let 3-4 weeks pass, and if the person does not break down, it will be possible to talk about the temporary restoration of relations.
  • By showing your harsh attitude towards what he drinks, you will make the person think that his loved ones do not accept him when he drinks and is dependent.
  • Then the husband will think about how to quit drinking alcohol.

Do not put your husband to sleep drunk - let him sleep where he fell. Don't bring water or look after him when he's hungover. He must feel and experience a sense of shame.

By the way, I have a separate video course on how to help my husband stop drinking. It is available here at this link. Well, we move on.

  1. Give up alcohol yourself

Understand, if you want to force your husband to stop drinking, you yourself need to give up alcohol.

Perhaps you say, "I drink in moderation, I know when to stop," "My husband has a problem, not me."

If you require something from another person, first decide for yourself to completely stop drinking.

How can you make your husband stop drinking if you yourself continue to drink sometimes?

Remember no measure, there is no cultural drinking. Only complete abstinence from alcohol is the main condition for sobriety.

  1. Create favorable conditions for sobriety

There are many reasons that prevent a husband from quitting drinking. But the best approach is to treat alcohol dependence separately from all causes.

A person goes into alcohol addiction, as in his own other world, because he is uncomfortable living in the real world.

If we are talking about how to help your husband to stop drinking, then we need to change the position from “I want him to stop drinking” to another position:

Ask yourself questions:

  1. What can I do to make him stop drinking?
  2. How can I change myself so that my husband stops drinking?

You can create favorable conditions in reality.

When your husband is sober and all is well, then:

  • Stop pressing, blaming the person, pinching the person.
  • Blame for all sins.
  • Stop choking with responsibilities.

So you will remove one of the reasons why a person runs away into alcohol addiction.

Perhaps you will object:

  • He's a man.
  • He has to do
  • He has to help
  • Be responsible
  • And generally "drag"
  • He must, must, must ...

Okay, but do you need a man who drinks several times a week and very often loses his normal state?

I think no.

  • Just stop blaming him.
  • Move the focus away from him as the "main problem".
  • Stop concentrating on this problem.
  • Take care of yourself. You forgot about yourself.

You forgot about your life.

But, I suggest, start with yourself.

Start changing yourself for the better, then your husband, looking at you, will change.

Take care of yourself.

The truth is that we cannot change the other person. You cannot radically influence your husband. Much depends on him. This is why you often feel desperate and painful.

Therefore, shift the vector onto yourself. You can only change yourself.

And don't settle for humiliation anymore.

  1. Deliver information calmly and constructively

Often we get angry, offended, everything is boiling inside us, but the person doesn't understand at all.

But sometimes, a person simply does not know what we are thinking, because he cannot read minds.

Learn to speak calmly, to convey information not in the form of aggression, and not from the position of a victim, but constructively - like a diplomat. Even with my husband. Take away emotions.

The position of the aggressor and the position of the victim are two extreme positions.

Either defend or attack - the two positions you use when trying to get your husband to stop drinking.
But understand, there is a third position - the position of constructive communication.

This is when you can explain your point of view and convey in a calm tone.

Without fear, and without attacking. But for this you need to be aware of yourself and not allow emotions to rule you during a conversation.

Practice. It won't work right away. Learn to express your point of view in an understandable and constructive way.

  • If you don't like your husband drinking.
  • If you think this is unacceptable.
  • You're not going to live like this if he doesn't start to change.
  • You will make the decision.

Better to say now than to plan an escape. Perhaps your husband is not aware of your strong disapproval of alcohol. Invite to a conversation and calmly, looking into the eyes, without fear, explain that you are not going to tolerate this, and you will plan changes if the situation on his part does not change.

Calm tone. Even in a friendly tone. Instead of aggression give the opposite reaction of calmness and kindness but leave the content of the message.

The man believes that if you are still with him, then everything suits you.

Put yourself in your own position, respect yourself, love yourself. You deserve more.

Yes, this is your husband, but you are also human - you deserve a good life and respect.

Don't be afraid to just talk. Don't translate it into conflict. And start talking calmly, not giving way to emotions. Communicate your thoughts. You can write on a piece of paper, throw in approximate words what you want to say.

Conclusion on how to get your husband to stop drinking

Do not worry. Do not forget about yourself in such a situation.

Remember that if we want to change another person, first of all, we must ask ourselves “how can I change my attitude? what can I do in this situation? "

Then you have power over life.

Give up the position of the victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself - this will not help either yourself or your husband.

We cannot get into the head of another person and change his behavior as we want. Each person comes to the realization that he must quit drinking on his own. You can simply create favorable conditions for such a decision and awareness.

Also, before you force your husband to stop drinking, find out better about the nature of addiction, study the information on this blog, so that you can convey to your husband information about alcohol addiction in a calm mode and, as it were, between the lines.

These are the basic tips on how to get your husband to stop drinking, and how to help your husband to stop drinking completely.

Write your situation in the comments, share your opinion, tell us about your difficulties.

You can also take my video course "Sobriety Companion" on how to help your husband stop drinking. Take the course >>

Arseny Kaisarov

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Arseny Kaisarov