How to take care of women's intimate places. Develop healthy habits. How to choose the right intimate hygiene product

We all know the tricks and secrets for healthy hair and skin, but what about a healthy vagina? Most women are taught from childhood to use “feminine hygiene” soaps or sprays, but they can do more harm than good. Knowing how to stay clean, choosing foods that will help you stay healthy, and even how to exercise your vagina can help you keep it in top condition. Read on to find out how to care for your vagina.


Keep your vagina clean

    Rinse with hot water only. It may sound unnatural, but cleansing your vagina with soap, be it solid or liquid, is not the best way to keep it clean. The vagina is cleansed without the use of detergents. Like other parts of the body, the vagina has a pH level that needs to be kept within the specified range of 3.5 and 4.5 to prevent bacterial growth and promote good microflora. Using strong cleansers can upset this balance, which can lead to infection, irritation and even foul odor.

    • People usually mean the entire area “down there,” but remember that the vagina is actually a tube-shaped muscle that sits inside the body. The vulva, the skin around the vagina, can be cleaned with regular soap as long as it does not irritate the skin.
    • If you do wash your vagina with soap, rinse well with water afterwards so that no residue remains. Soap inside the vagina can be irritating.
  1. Do not use women's perfumed sprays. They are designed to give your vagina a scent of flowers, but in fact the effect will be just the opposite. They flush out all the beneficial bacteria that cleanse and protect the vagina from infections. Chemicals from sprays can cause irritation and even a burning sensation. If you use all other hygiene methods, you will not need to hide your scent.

    • Scented creams, which are suggested as a way to change vaginal odor, cause the same problems and should be avoided as well. The same can be said for scented pads and wipes.
    • If you feel like you just need to hide the smell of your vagina, buy natural products without chemicals. You can create your own body spray by mixing a few drops of an essential oil such as rose, lavender, or lemongrass with water in a spray bottle. Use a spray after showering and only dress when the skin is completely dry.
    • There is no evidence that douching prevents infections and STIs.
  2. Maintain your hygiene during your period. For many women, infectious diseases are exacerbated during menstruation, as the blood in the vagina changes the pH level and imbalances the balance. To stay healthy during your period, adopt the following habits:

    • Change your tampon often. Tampons absorb menstrual blood, and if you leave it inside for a long time, the blood will continue to change the pH of your vagina. Change your tampons every few hours to prevent this from happening.
    • Do not use pads (including panty liners) for longer than necessary. Panty liners and panty liners can be irritating if used throughout the month.
    • Consider installing a menstrual cup. These rubber cups are inserted into your vagina to collect blood and must be washed every few hours. Menstrual cups are a chemical-free alternative and can help you if tampons and pads are irritating.
  3. Wipe from front to back. It is very important to move in this direction, and not vice versa, so that fecal particles or any other product containing fragrances or chemicals do not enter the vagina.

Develop healthy habits

    Wear cotton underwear. Cotton linen dries quickly and allows air to circulate in the fabric. This prevents moisture build-up that promotes the growth of fungus and harmful bacteria that can lead to infection. Lingerie made from synthetic fabrics, silk, lace or other materials also does not breathe.

    • If you like wearing underwear made from other materials, make sure that the part of the underwear that touches your vagina is lined with cotton.
    • If you have frequent vaginal infections, try to choose underwear made from organic, undyed cotton that has not been treated with chemicals.
  1. Wear loose clothing. Skinny pants, skinny jeans, and tights keep moisture on the skin and block air from passing through, which often leads to fungal infections. Try to wear looser, lighter fabrics that are well ventilated. Wear skirts and dresses more often, choose tights with a low rise, rather than up to the waist. Choose shorts in a loose fit.

    Always change wet clothes. If you wear a wet swimsuit or tracksuit after a workout, you will develop a fungal infection. Take extra clean, dry underwear with you if necessary, and put them on as soon as possible after swimming or exercising. You may also need an extra emergency kit.

    • If you decide to shave your intimate area, be very careful not to cut yourself with a razor. Use shaving cream (it shouldn't go into your vagina) and shave slowly to avoid unwanted cuts.
    • Waxing is another technique many women use. If you choose one, make sure first that you choose a salon with a good reputation, clean tools, and quality wax. Beauty salons with unsanitary conditions can spread bacterial infections.
  2. Wash yourself after sex. During sex with a partner, it is literally open to bacteria and other microorganisms, which can result in irritation of the vagina and lead to infection. Solution? Wash your vagina with warm water after sex. This will greatly reduce the chances of an unpleasant dating side effect.

    • It's a good idea to ask your partner to bathe before sex, especially if you don't use condoms.
    • Washing other parts of your body before sex can help, too! If you are prone to infections, shower with your partner to reduce the risk of bacteria entering your body.
    • Use rubber dams and gloves for extra protection during oral sex or finger stimulation.
  3. Pee after sex. Pee after sex, even if you are going to bathe. When you have sex, unwanted bacteria can enter your urethra, which is connected to your bladder. Urination after sex can help you flush bacteria from the vaginal area and avoid urinary tract disease.

    Use condoms. Sperm and vagina have different pH. If semen remains in the vagina after sex, then it disrupts the pH level in the female reproductive system and creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria in it. A condom or other barrier method of contraception can help you cope with this problem. If you don't want to use condoms, wash out your semen immediately after sex so it doesn't have time to affect your vaginal pH.

Proper nutrition and exercise

    Eat a lot of yogurt. Yoghurt contains the same type of beneficial bacteria that your vagina needs to stay healthy. You can restore bacteria in your body by including yogurt in your diet. With the help of yogurt, fungal infections can be prevented and cured.

    • Other foods can help your body too. Fermented foods can replace yogurt if you don't like it.
    • If you don't want to add yogurt to your diet, there is yogurt in capsule form.
  1. Eat lots of fruits. Cranberries, pineapple, strawberries, and other fruits help freshen up the scent of secretions that the vagina secretes. Your vagina won't start to smell like fruit, but the smell can be nicer if you've ever been embarrassed by it. Fruits are also high in water, and hydration helps the body flush out toxins that can cause bad odors.

    Eat less sugar, processed carbs, and alcohol. Sugar can worsen yeast infections, so limiting your sugar intake is important. Do not add sugar to food, and read the information on food packages to make sure there are no added sugars. Also, stay away from processed carbohydrates and alcohol, as they are high in sugar.

    Eat garlic. Garlic kills fungus and prevents and treats fungal infections. Eating baked or raw garlic several times a week is a great way to keep your vagina healthy.

    Do Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and vagina. These muscles lose their elasticity and strength with age and after childbirth. Strengthen them to avoid incontinence problems and to increase sexual pleasure. To do Kegel exercises, follow these instructions:

    • Determine where these muscles are. To do this, pretend you stopped urinating in the middle of the process. It is on the muscles that you are now squeezing that the Kegel exercise is directed.
    • Contract your muscles and hold for three seconds, then relax. Repeat 15 times.
    • Continue to do the Kegel exercise every day, holding longer intervals and doing more reps.
  2. Find out more about how to train your vagina. The vagina is also strengthened by sex and pleasure, as sex keeps it elastic and toned. Regular sex is a good way to keep fit. Squeeze and relax your vagina during sex to exercise it as much as possible.

Infections and other diseases

    For fungal infections, use a pharmacy medication. Most women get fungal infections from time to time, which can be treated with antifungal creams and suppositories. Depending on how severe the infection is, treatment can take 1, 3, 5, or 7 days. Most medications for fungus are also sold with a cream to relieve irritation and burning in the vulva.

    • If you are pregnant, be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medication, even if you are sure you have a yeast infection.
    • If you are not sure if you have a fungal infection, you should see your doctor. Fungal infection can be identified by a foul-smelling, cheesy, yellowish discharge, scabies and a burning sensation in the vaginal area, a rash on the vulva, burning sensation and pain.
    • Get tested regularly for STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia and others can cause irreparable damage to your body. If you are having unprotected sex and there is a possibility that you could catch an STD, get the appropriate tests.

  1. See your doctor if you notice anything unusual. Many women do not know what their vagina should look like, so it is difficult for them to understand if something has gone wrong. All vaginas are different, so it's important to know how your vagina should look, how you should feel, and how it should smell so that you can see your doctor if anything changes. Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice a sudden change in color, warts or other bumps, a change in appearance or color, or if you develop pain.

  • Be mature by following our instructions. Vaginal care should be part of your routine.
  • If you know you have vaginal problems, do not have sex or masturbate.
  • Drink natural cranberry juice
  • Get an STD test with your partner. This way you can be sure that you are okay. Do not be afraid, your health depends on it.
  • Removing hair from the intimate area will keep your vagina fresher and cleaner.
  • Do not wash your vagina with soap or other products that contain chemical ingredients. They cause irritation and infections.
  • Always bathe regularly and use plenty of water. ESPECIALLY if you have your period.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Wash immediately after sex.
  • Watch for vaginal dryness and wear cotton underwear.


  • If you have an STD, start treatment as soon as possible. Running STDs can create many problems.
  • If you experience breakthrough vaginal bleeding - a small amount of blood between periods, bleeding that lasts a week, or very heavy bleeding - see your doctor. You may have a medical condition.
  • If you have problems with persistent vaginal odor (especially fishy odor), see your doctor. You may have vaginosis.

Every day we carefully take care of our face, neck, body, using all kinds of cosmetics, creams, make masks and medical compresses. A woman's intimate area also requires careful care, and most importantly, regular and proper care.

It has long been believed that the best way to care for intimate areas is soap, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. Soap can even hurt. If soap suds constantly enter the vagina, the environment in it becomes not acidic, but alkaline, while the number of lactobacilli decreases and this leads to dysbiosis.

Therefore, every girl, woman should know rules for proper care of intimate areas:

1. It is necessary to wash yourself in the morning and in the evening with warm water, from the pubis to the anus;

2. On critical days, you can not swim, take a bath, swim in the lake, sea or pools, if necessary;

3. Have your own private towel;

4. When taking a shower, do not direct the stream of water directly into the vagina, this can wash out beneficial microorganisms;

5. Use soap just to wash your skin;

6. On critical days, change pads often - 3-4 times a day;

7. Do not wear too tight and tight underwear, so as not to disrupt the circulation of blood in the pelvis.

To care for the most delicate organs of our body, you can use folk remedies, but you need to remember that these funds are not curative. Any kind of disease is treated by a doctor, and folk remedies are used for prevention.

Folk remedies for the care of intimate areas

Antibacterial chamomile infusion

You can use the infusion 2 times a day. Pour tablespoons of chamomile flowers with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, drain. Use for cleaning.

Infusion of marshmallow root for skin irritation

If there is a slight irritation on the skin from clothes, or from the heat, it is good to use an infusion of marshmallow root: 2 tbsp. dry marshmallow root pour a glass of cold water and leave for 6-8 hours. Warm up to a pleasant temperature before use.

Antimicrobial infusion

Mix 3 tbsp. oak bark, 1.5 tbsp. turns, 2 tbsp. nettle, 1 tbsp. lavender. 1 tbsp dry plants pour 150 ml of boiled water and leave for about 2 hours. Strain another 150 ml of boiling water. Use the infusion at night as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.

Infusion of eucalyptus to soothe and disinfect the skin

1 tbsp Pour a glass of boiled water over dry eucalyptus leaves and set for 20 minutes. Use every night.

Infusion of coltsfoot for sensitive skin

Pour 125 ml of boiling water with a mixture of 1 tbsp. mother-and-stepmother and 1 tbsp. chamomile, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Add another 125 ml of water to the infusion. Use 2 times a day for irritated and sensitive skin.

You can order products by writing me a letter with the item number and your address.

Improper care of a woman's private parts can lead not only to discomfort (redness, itching or burning), but even to diseases. Discomfort and illness are unpleasant in themselves, but one must not forget that a woman's destiny is to bear children, and for this it is desirable to have good health.

What are the rules of a woman's intimate hygiene? They are simple and not burdensome, but neglecting them can lead to dire consequences.

First of all, I want to say about women's underwear - panties must certainly be made of natural fabrics, should not be overly tight. Natural fabrics are good at absorbing sweat and moisture and allowing air to pass through. Synthetics, on the contrary, poorly absorb sweat and moisture, do not allow air to pass through, which leads to overheating of the body in the intimate area, creating a greenhouse effect, which contributes to the development of pathogens. When buying panties, you need to make sure that at least the gusset is made of natural fabric. Panties need to be changed daily. In no case should you wash women's underwear with socks or trousers.

Modern girls wear panties - laces. Of course, they are comfortable in the sense that they do not stand out under tight trousers or a skirt. However, from the point of view of female intimate hygiene, they are completely unacceptable:

  • firstly, they absolutely do not protect intimate places,
  • secondly, they cut into the body and irritate mechanically delicate intimate surfaces - skin and mucous membranes.

Now girls and young women actively use tampons on critical days. I agree - it's convenient, protection against leakage is more reliable than gaskets. However, one should think about this: is it good to retain inside the body that which should be removed from it? And what happens to the body at this time? I'm sure nothing good! The recommendations of gynecologists are unambiguous: tampons, panty liners, pads made of synthetic materials are extremely harmful and should be used in extreme cases for a very limited time (no more than 3 hours).

We all know from childhood that after going to the toilet, our hands must be washed. I want to say that before visiting the toilet, you also need to wash your hands, especially if you have been on the street, in a public place where there is a lot of infection. A visit to the toilet is quite an intimate affair and requires special cleanliness. I'm not talking about changing a pad or tampon - before this procedure, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, I hope this is obvious to everyone.

Of course, you need to be careful when visiting the pool, bathhouse, gym. Private places must be as closed as possible and must not come into contact with common seats.

Intimate hygiene items must be separate for each family member, not to mention strangers. Such items include: a towel, an intimate gel, a razor, etc.

And finally, let's move on to the question.

Most women try to take care of their face and body - they are in sight. However, not everyone pays due attention to women's intimate hygiene: many women do not know how to properly care for the intimate area. Some people think that it is enough to wash once a day using regular soap. This is fundamentally wrong!

While we are young, the body has a high self-healing ability, that is, regeneration. But with age, this ability decreases. Long-term use of soap (albeit of high quality) leads to persistent destruction of the mucous membrane of a woman's intimate places, and can also lead to a disease - thrush. That is why it is necessary to use special means for intimate care, the acid-base balance of which is as close as possible to the balance of the mucous membranes of the woman's intimate zone.

In adulthood, many women feel discomfort in intimate places, the slightest friction causes abrasion and burning. It is wrong to think that it is only at this age that increased attention should be paid to women's intimate hygiene. In order to have good female health in adulthood, intimate body care must be started literally from the very birth of the girl.
The main intimate care is daily washing.

You need to wash yourself twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Warm water is used - not cold or hot, it is better to use boiled water - it is softer. For washing, we use special means for intimate hygiene - intimate cosmetics. I highly recommend Oriflame intimate hygiene products - a wide range of natural products at affordable prices.

We will talk in detail about the means of intimate cosmetics in the article. In it, I talk in as much detail as possible about the composition, properties and methods of using this or that means of female intimate hygiene.

When washing, do not use a washcloth. First, it can mechanically damage delicate skin and mucous membranes. And, secondly, it can contain pathogens that will not harm the skin of the body, and can be harmful to the vaginal mucosa and cause disease.

When wiping, do not rub the intimate area, only blotting movements. For wiping, again, it is better to use a towel made from natural fabrics. The towel should be washed periodically (it is advisable to change the towel every week). Let me remind you that each person should have an individual towel!

In the life of every woman, there are situations when you need to refresh the intimate area, but there is no way to wash yourself: for example, on a trip or at work. In this case, wet wipes will come to your aid, but not ordinary ones, but for women's intimate hygiene. For this purpose, it is also good to use a spray for intimate hygiene.

In recent years, the bikini area has become popular with young women and girls. I will not comment on whether it is beautiful or not, sexy or not - this is a matter of taste. But, if you do not follow some of the rules of intimate hygiene during this procedure, you can get health problems: through micro-cuts, pathogenic microbes easily penetrate the skin and can cause the appearance of papillomas and warts.

The shaving razor should only be designed to shave the intimate area. It is better to use men's shaving razors, as a last resort - replacement cassettes for men's shaving razors. After use, the shaving razor should be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

To avoid cuts and subsequent ingrown hairs, shave only in the direction of hair growth. For an easier shave and softening hair, you must first apply a shaving agent, preferably a man's shaving product. After shaving, it is imperative to use a cream, again it is better to use a man's cream - it is developed taking into account daily shaving and possible micro-cuts.

So, if you perform daily intimate care and follow the rules of intimate hygiene, then you will preserve your health for many years, and with it your feminine attractiveness and sexuality.


Inflammation, itching, irritation in the area genitals quite common in many women. What is the reason for this? Doctors say that this is due to ignorance of the rules of personal hygiene. Due to improper care, the number of beneficial microbes of the vaginal mucosa decreases markedly, after which the protective barrier against infections weakens. As a result, the active reproduction of fungi and bacteria begins. It is very simple to avoid such problems - learn to care for the intimate area using special cosmetics.

Previously, only one could be found on store shelves intimate hygiene product- liquid soap enriched with natural oils and herbal extracts. Now on sale you can find hundreds of different products for the hygiene of intimate areas: foam, soap, gel, wipes and cream. All of these products are different from regular soaps. They do not disturb the microflora, do not dry the skin and do not irritate the vaginal mucosa. In the composition of many products, you can find lactic acid, which supports the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms. Most of the presented products also contain extracts and components of medicinal plants.

Cleanse the genitals it is necessary in three cases: after intimate contact, after waking up and before going to bed. It is advisable to use cosmetics only once a day, this will be quite enough. You should not get carried away with various gels and wipes - you will not become cleaner, and the microflora can collapse, despite the promising inscriptions on the labels, which indicate that the product can be used in unlimited quantities. Do not direct the stream of water into the vagina. The powerful pressure washes away the grease, making it easy for harmful bacteria to enter. Only warm water should be used to cleanse the genitals.

For intimate hygiene, you should have a separate towel. Keep it very soft and clean. After washing, do not wipe the skin dry: just blot it so as not to hurt the mucous membrane. During critical days, you need to be especially careful about hygiene. Try to wash at least three times a day, as blood is considered an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Do not visit the bathhouse or sauna, as well as the pool. Change your pads every three hours, regardless of the amount of discharge.

Wet intimate care wipes can only be used in special cases as they are not intended for daily use. Use them only when you are not able to take a shower, for example, on a long trip or in the country. The napkins are impregnated with a special solution: moisturizing oils, lactic acid and an extract from medicinal plants.

Doctors advise against doing vaginal douching... This is a special procedure that may be prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons. With normal microflora, douching is not done. This will not only disrupt the microflora, but also lead to dryness of the mucous membrane. Inflammation or bacterial vaginosis may appear.

It is better to buy any cosmetic products at a pharmacy or a specialized store. When buying, check the expiration date of the product. Always study the composition of an intimate hygiene product: it should not contain alkalis, fragrances and dyes. It is best to choose a product that contains aloe or chamomile, among other ingredients. The extracts of these plants protect against infections and moisturize the mucous membranes.

Once a week. But few parents told about the hygiene of the intimate area, and in fact, non-observance of these basic rules can lead to many unpleasant diseases. Why it is so important to regularly observe the rules of intimate hygiene and how to do it, read below.

Mine, mine - clean, clean

The simplest and most important condition for your intimate health is daily washing in the morning and evening, and obligatory washing after intimacy. It is better to wash with warm boiled water. Forget once and for all about ordinary soap, it contains alkali, which is unacceptable for the microflora of the genital organs. MirSovetov recommends using special intimate gels. When buying, pay attention to the composition of the gel, it must contain lactic acid. It will help maintain the natural acid-base balance of the intimate area. It will be a big plus if the gel contains the substance triclosan. It has long been recognized as the safest cosmetic ingredient that will not cause irritation or allergies. An intimate gel should not contain dyes and fragrances, so avoid multi-colored jars with scents or roses.
Be sure to wash your hands before washing. If you have long, sharp nails, be very careful. One awkward movement and you could damage or scratch your skin. After washing, blot (rather than wipe off) any remaining moisture with a clean towel. Better to have a separate small towel for intimate areas, it should only be yours. Make sure to wash it at least once a week and steam it. This way, you will destroy any bacteria that may have remained in the villi.
Do not get carried away with wet wipes for intimate areas, they consist of many cosmetic elements that, after use, still remain on the skin and can cause allergies.

Thongs - to wear or not to wear? In recent years, scientists have nevertheless proved that a narrow strip on a thong promotes the transfer of bacteria from the anus to the genitals. So it's best to save this sexy lingerie for a romantic night out rather than your everyday life. The same goes for synthetic underwear. It does not allow air to pass through, causing sweating and creating favorable conditions for the emergence and development of such unpleasant surprises as papilloma, thrush and dysbiosis. Moreover, both men and women. It's just that women immediately feel the syndromes of diseases, and men are carriers of it, sometimes for years without knowing it.
Underwear should be made from natural materials only, should not have rough seams, and you should not feel it. It is very useful to have a rest from tightening underwear at least at night, but in this case, keep in mind that your bedding should also be clean, ironed, natural and pleasant to the touch. And God forbid you let animals go to bed. Even pets are carriers of many infections that are just waiting to get into your bed, and then into your body.

For women

Women should remember that the most vulnerable time for them is their period of menstruation. It is on these days that the protective function of the flora weakens. So you need to refrain from sexual intercourse, swimming in reservoirs and taking a bath. On critical days, the pads should be changed at least once every 3-4 hours, if you use tampons, this figure drops to 2 hours. And in no case use tampons at night, the secretions that they absorb decompose in a humid warm environment, forming bacteria. The same applies to pads for every day. They need to be changed every 4 hours. MirSovetov also recommends refraining from buying scented pads. Fragrances can cause allergies and candidiasis. And with every change of underwear, pay attention to whether you have discharge. If they are profuse and do not stop, see your doctor immediately.

For men

For men, there is only one rule - to wash the intimate area as thoroughly as possible, especially for the foreskin, in the folds of which the greatest number of bacteria accumulates, which, by the way, cause a very unpleasant odor. That is why many countries do. But this painful procedure can be avoided by keeping the genitals clean. This is especially true of going to the toilet. Since, due to physiological characteristics, men have to constantly touch the genitals with their hands, they should be washed both before and after using the toilet. And be sure to blot the intimate organ with toilet paper, otherwise the remaining liquid will leave unpleasant marks on the laundry, creating an excellent environment for infections. Just like women, men should pay attention to the appearance of discharge. If in women the discharge is in some cases safe, then in men it is a clear sign of the disease.

About it

Of course, it is not very erotic when, in the midst of sexual intercourse, you ask your partner, "Have you washed your hands?" Still, make sure that both your hands and your partner's are clean, especially for petting enthusiasts. Remember that the smallest microbe that gets on the mucous membrane of the intimate zone begins to develop at the speed of light in a humid and warm environment. In addition to your hands, keep your nails clean. It is under the nails that bacteria accumulate that are invisible to the naked eye. Lovers of oral sex should take care of the cleanliness of the oral cavity. Especially if you have pustules and small wounds in your mouth called stomatitis. They also accumulate harmful bacteria, which are transmitted through saliva. And, of course, no kisses below the waist if you or your partner have cold sores on your lips. MirSovetov also draws your attention to the fact that after sexual intercourse it is imperative to take a shower and go to the toilet, thus, you will protect yourself from the occurrence of cystitis.

In the rules of intimate hygiene, it is very important to listen to the sensations. If you feel uncomfortable wearing the underwear, buy a new one that is more comfortable. If you experience irritation from coarse hair, do. And try to always keep your intimate area perfectly clean until it becomes a habit.