How to choose Flowers as a gift. What flowers is better to give your favorite girl: how to choose a great bouquet

Each man can give the favorite female flowers that she especially like. This is one of the best ways to say about your feelings. In order to make recognition in love, you should choose the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. When buying it is important to draw attention to their grade, shade and quantity. You need to buy fresh flowers with intact petals. It is also worth finding out in advance whether there is no allergy from your beloved girl to any kind or floral pollen.

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    All women love when they give bouquets. In order not to get into an awkward situation, it should be remembered about the simple recommendations for their proper choice:

    • On the first date, it is better to give the girl a modest bouquet, which will include chamomile, cornflowers, daisies. Large compositions, such as gladiols, are suitable for presenting on some celebration.
    • Handing a bouquet must be sure to color up.
    • Plants must be fresh. If you give a girlfriend a faded bouquet, it will be perceived as a sign of parting or fading feelings.
    • The main holiday of all women is March 8. On this day, it is necessary to give a favorite beautiful floral composition.
    • If a young man goes to get acquainted with the parents of a girl, he must not forget to buy flowers for her mother. Moreover, the beloved need to give a bouquet of gentle shades, and its mothers are more saturated tones.
    • The composition of red and white roses simultaneously means unity, yellow will tell the girl that a young man is nice to communicate with her. Dark red roses say that the guy is crazy about his beloved and wants to emphasize her beauty. A bouquet of pink color symbolizes tenderness and hope.
    • Tulips, chrysanthemums, carnations of red tones also speak of great love.
    • Daisies will be helped to express their sympathy.
    • Blondes are suitable flowers of a pink, cream or fawn hue. Brunettes should give red plants as a symbol of their passion. For red-haired girls, violet or burgundy bouquets with a large number of greenery will be a suitable option.
    • Colors should be avoided with the presence of an excessive amount of sequin: this simple reception indicates that the bouquet is no longer the first freshness, and they tried to correct it.
    • Petals should be smooth, shiny, without wrinkles.
    • Exotic and bright plants should be handed over one or more. Simple and fragrant flowers must be given in the form of small and neat bouquets.
    • If the composition has less than seven flowers, then they can be handled without wrapper.

    How to call a girl as gentle

    The number of plants in the bouquet

    Choosing the favorite flowers of girls, men often think about how many plants should be in a bouquet. It plays an important role, because the composition should help express their feelings. Special attention in our country is given to the fact that the number of flowers should be odd. While in many European countries, they simply do not pay attention.

    The table describes the values \u200b\u200bof bouquets depending on the number of colors:



    Means attention, respect. It is often handed to meet two lovers. Better if this flower is large: rose, chrysanthemum, lily

    Sign of respect

    Symbol of confession

    Sign adoration

    Means "I'm at your feet! "

    A sign that in love with one heart for two. Often this number of colors give each other spouses

    It is customary to give in the case of a quarrel as an optimistic sign that everything will be done

    A sign that a man presents his heart. This number of colors is usually awarded on a small anniversary of the first meeting or wedding.

    Most often give at the wedding as a sign of wishes for a long family life

    Sign of unearthly love and strong feelings. Such a bouquet suggests that a woman is the most beloved in the world.

    Symbolizes recognition in love

    It is customary to give when the spouse is recognized in the delicate feelings of his wife

    Means "you are always loved for me! "

    A sign that every day will bring happiness

    The symbol of the fact that a man is the only and meaning of his life

    How many roses you can give a girl

    The value of the awarded compositions

    Each plant has its own value. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a bouquet, you should know the secret meaning of each of them.

    Recognition in love girlfriend

    Common bouquets

    The table indicates the value of the colors that give most often:

    Flower name and photo

    What means

    Are a classic love symbol. On the first date, it is customary to give one pink or white rose. The young man emphasizes the purity and sincerity of his intentions

    Give as a sign of appreciation in the sincere and warm feelings of a young man. They are a symbol of happiness, love and sympathy
    Do not pay attention to the stereotype, which claims that the carnations give only the elderly ladies. These bouquets will stand in water for a long time and reminded by their beauty about the feelings of his beloved man. Now special popularity received blue cloves
    Chamomile like many women, as they are a symbol of innocence, ease, simplicity, sun and romanticity

    Flowers for romantic ladies

    The table describes the values \u200b\u200bof gentle colors that are suitable for young girls:

    Flower name and photo What means
    Lilac personifies the first love. So it is customary to give once in the life of the very first beloved
    A bouquet suggests that the man really missed his beloved. Pansy's pansy symbolize the air kiss your girlfriend
    Estoma is a symbol of tenderness, happiness and beauty
    Lily of the valley
    Lily of the Lily of the Spring, Purity, Hope, Cepete Dream
    Composition from sunflowers is the personification of the solar mood. It is believed that if a man is handsome such a bouquet, he conveys his warm feelings, passion and happiness. Bouquets from sunflower gives infrequently, and this is one of the best ways to raise the mood

    Classic bouquets

    These flowers are suitable for older women, they can be presented at some celebration:

    Flower name and photo What means
    Bouquet Call means respect and admiration. Traditionally, these stylish plants are considered "male" and are often used during official cases. Calla stand in the water for a long time, it is only necessary to cut the stalks regularly.
    Iris is a symbol of wisdom, friendship, courage, joyful news
    If a man gives orchids, it symbolizes his strong intimate feelings to his beloved woman. These plants are incarnation of lightness, charm, sophistication and love
    They personify the ease and absence of any duties. Therefore, they are often given on any occasion. They can stand in a vase about 30 days. Flower resistance can be compared with strong feelings of a man. Chrysanthemums mean fun and love
    Lily is an embodiment of tenderness, care, admiration. She talks about the sympathy of a man to the girl, admirable her beauty. The lack of these colors that should be considered: sometimes they cause allergies

    How to give roses?

    Roses are one of the most commonly presented colors beloved woman.

    The number of roses in the bouquet has its own special interpretation.

    • 1 Rose - suggests that the girl is alone and unique for a man. If the petals have a yellow color, it means that the girl is only a good friend.
    • 2 - mean the reciprocity of romantic feelings.
    • 3 - Sign of strong and mutual love.
    • 5 roses - the wish of happiness and good luck.
    • 10 plants - a symbol of what a man is enthusiastic with the beauty and the mind of the beloved.
    • 11 Buds - the young man in love does not represent life without his second half.
    • 15 roses are usually awarded as forgiveness for the sodden offense.
    • 16 plants - a sign that a person wants happiness to his relative or friend.
    • 21 roses means the strongest feeling in the world.
    • 24 Flower - a man thinks about his beloved girl every hour.
    • 27 buds give a spouse.
    • 29 Roses - Men's oath in eternal love for their chosen.
    • 101 Rose - Woman is the only and most beloved for a man.
    • 108 Buds - hand and heart offer.

    How to give a bouquet for a birthday?

    It is not enough to choose a suitable bouquet for a girl for a birthday - it is important to correctly and adequately present flowers. From this will depend on the overall impression of the birthday girl and the interpretation of her gift.

    • You need to give a bouquet slowly, slightly bending. You can kiss the girl in the cheek or hand.
    • Then you can argue your choice of these colors. It should be mentioned that the bouquet vividly emphasizes the beauty and individuality of the birthday girl. It is also allowed to say a few words about leaving plants to keep them as long as possible.
    • If the holiday takes place in the restaurant, after delivery a bouquet, you must take care of finding a suitable container for it. To do this, you can call the waiter and ask him so that he brought a water vase.

    Whatever a bouquet, the main thing is to give it with sincere and gentle feelings to his beloved girl.

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Flowers are an excellent gift for any holiday. Such a surprise will pay every girl, but only if the young man chooses a bouquet correctly for his beloved. Therefore, the question: what flowers to give a girl - very popular among male representatives. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the set of nuances: personal preferences of the girl, the value of each flower and their number in the bouquet.

How to express your feelings with colors

Most men believe that flowers are an empty waste of money, so something more practical and durable is given to his second halves. Such presents often do not cause much delight. But representatives of strong sex and do not realize that a beautiful bouquet of fragrant roses is able to melt the heart of any girl.

Typically, the flowers are given at the very beginning of dating, during the candidate bakery period. To the choice of colors you need to approach seriously and responsibly. The most suitable option is to present her favorite flowers to the girl about which you can learn during the usual conversation.

Many young people think that the blondes most like chrysanthemums, and brunettes will be delighted with livous lilies bouquet. But such judgments are incorrect, because all girls have absolutely different tastes that do not depend on the color of the chasis. Therefore, it is better to forget about the theory, according to which the flowers are selected depending on the shade of hair chosen. Of course, girls love flowers only if they are chosen correctly.

Any bouquet must match the age of a girl. Young lady can give a small bouquet of gentle violets, touching roses of soft shades tied with a beautiful satin ribbon. Elegant red flowers express passion, so young, sincerely beloved, woman.

What denotes the number of presented colors

By purchasing a bouquet as a gift, you can focus on any number of colors. The main condition - it must be odd, such is the tradition.

One flower gives a truly beloved girl with whom there is a desire with time to start more serious relationships, for example, to create a family. Three flower is a symbol of what the guy is ready to go to everything for his chosen. If a young man wants to admit to love, he can safely give a bouquet consisting of five colors. Pupils traditionally presented seven colors, and the best girlfriends are nine.

Any girl will be happy if he gets a chic bouquet from a young man. But this may mean not love at all, but only friendly affection.

Another important point: presenting a bouquet. Initially, it must be kept in his left hand, and after the greeting the lady he shifts into the right hand and is presented. At this moment, a man must sincerely smile and speak the pleasant words of his beloved.

What will told flowers

Each plant has a certain meaning that you need to know and take into account when drawing up a bouquet. Traditionally, many guys express their love with roses. One white or gentle pink flower is taken to present a girl on the first date. Dark burgundy flowers are pretty beautiful, but they symbolize sadness. That is why they are not given to close and native people. Yellow flowers personify the separation, and white roses presented with a guy designate his pure thoughts and serious intentions.

The best girlfriends usually give gerbera of any color. They provide joyful mood and positive emotions. Some guys think that carnations are presented only to women aged, but not young girls. This is a very erroneous opinion, because the carnations are beautiful flowers that will preserve in a vase for a very long time and will remind a girl about the moments spent with their beloved.

Few happy representatives can boast that they were given a bouquet of sunflowers. This is an excellent option if the young man does not know what flowers to present their chosen one. Bright sunflowers will give happiness, tell the lady about the real love of her second half.

Lilies - flowers possessing a strong smell that not like to all girls. But a bouquet of such colors symbolizes tenderness, a guy sympathy. Charming lilies will emphasize the beauty of the young lady.

Orchids give very close and beloved women - spouses, brides. These exquisite flowers will tell about the intimate feelings and passionate love of a young man to their chosen.

Universal colors serve chrysanthemums and irises. They can be given to women of absolutely any age. Chrysanthemums will express devotion, and Irises will tell that the lady can always rely on her man.

Chamomile love many girls. These flowers express the romantic guy feelings, personify the purity and innocence of his second half.

Tulips will help to say about love. The tulips will help, and pansies will show the guy's longguard in their beloved.

The color of the bouquet should be harmonized with a girl's shade. Blondes give the tender flowers of pastel tones, brunettes - bright red plants. For brown and redhead lady, an ideal option will be a bouquet consisting of colors of burgundy or purple shades, in the frame of a large amount of greenery.

Choose beautiful flowers for the girl need very carefully, given all its preferences. A bouquet of unloved colors will not cause any emotions from the beloved, except for disappointment. Therefore, it is necessary to properly pick up a bouquet and give it from the whole soul. Only then the heart of the lady melts, and she will understand all the sincerity of the feelings of his young man.

What flowers to give a girl?

What color flowers give girls?:

For girls, it can be very important - therefore, you are aware of the guys and take a special way. Everyone knows that a special attitude to the girl is a guy, in any case expresses with flowers, so this article will consider what kinds of how and what color.

On our portal http: // Website We will analyze everything in steps today.

Very often, the guys also have questions.

  • How many colors in the bouquet should be?
  • What if she doesn't like it?

The latter is generally better not to bother, the main thing is to know how to communicate like a male to such an act. He knew one good man who led himself with the girls as a cute boy - so she was his same bouquet and swept around the face (you can laugh for a very long time, but do not let women be so much freedom). Therefore, it is often necessary to feel - who can give, and to whom - not exactly. Often, if the girl is dynamite - then your flowers will serve as an excellent self-affirmation symbol.

Initially, in the course of communication you can always ask - what do she like flowers? Then it is easier to make her a pleasant surprise.

Stop lyrics - go directly to the point:

1. Lilies personify tenderness, interest, sympathy and admiration. But the smell of lilies not everyone likes - so find out initially.

2. Roses There were always a symbol of love and passion, so, so give them if your feelings are sincere (or want to show them such).

3. Gerbera - This flower is a symbol. good mood, modesty, flirting and secretsTherefore, at the very beginning of relations for them, the place is the most.

4. Carnations are symbol hobbies, loyalty and honor. In fact, they symbolize female love and their girls are better to give a man. But there will be no mistakes if the guy gives.

5. Orchids - This is not cheap flower personification love intimate character, charm, ease and transcendental dreams.

6. Tulips - Symbols big, pure love and happiness.

7. Iris and chrysanthemum They are universal colors - they can be safely given on any occasion. Iris personify trust, hope, faith, wisdom, but chrysanthemum - rest, fun, good mood and love.

8. Pansies There will be an ideal gift for a girl who miss. This is a kind of "air kiss" for your chosen.

9. Romashki. personify youth, innocence and romanticism.

What colour?

About the flowers themselves now everything is clear, now we will deal with the colors:

White - is an personification youth, purity, innocence.

Red - quite active, symbolizing ardent love, life, celebration, fire. Flowers of this color more express passion than love.

Yellow very often associated with separation, but in fact it is sun color, joy, love for life(just in case you need to know this). Experiment with this color - if there is a desire, then it will be that remember)

Pink flowers Mean gentle love and reverent attitude. These color is universal and can be given in this case the lady of any age.

Orange flowers symbolizes happiness, holiday, wealth, harvest.

Number in a bouquet

There is one clear rule in this case - do not give an even color!

1 flower should be done in the event if your girl is the meaning of life;
3 flower suggest that Are you ready to go for the beloved on the edge of the world;
5 flowers are recognition in love;
7 flowers usually give on the day of learning;
9 flowers They suggest that you respect the girl like a friend (this is certainly unexpected, but it is probably because it happens extremely rarely)).

Romantic mood can always be given - it does not depend on the age, season or phases of the moon. You can awaken the highest feelings by any gesture, but the most trouble-free is, of course, to present the charming composition of the living colors. Most likely, you already know that the flowers are not only a decoration, but also a symbol - they have their own language on which any emotion can be expressed. We will explain the specialists of the company Flora2000.RU, as in the color of the colors, the phrase "I love you" is the phrase that every girl wants to hear.

We will tell you what colors are the warmest feelings - tenderness, care and love. We hope our top of the most romantic colors will help you to assemble a bouquet, which will be the key to the heart that you have been looking for. So, it's time to find out what flowers talk about love:

7. Romaista "It is this flower that we hand over the medal in the nomination" Feminy, tenderness and innocence ". A bouquet of daisies is a touching gift that will be captivated with its modest beauty and elegant ease. These flowers are perfect for a young, dreamy and slightly naive girl;

6. Azalya - Flowers in which the sophisticated passion lives. They do not have the persistence of roses and frivolous daisy dreaminess. They carry a feeling that you need to "walk" - beauty and indescribable aroma of Azalea do not lie on the surface;

5. Calla - The perfect gift for the girl with which you unites not only passion or love. These flowers hide respect, the highest degree of confidence and affection. Callas should be given to a person who are ready to go to the edge of light - a woman you truly belong to;

4. Narcissus - The flower in which spring lives. On the "Color Language" of Narcissus symbolize new sensations, unknown feelings, adventuristic beginnings. Give this flower to the girl with which they are willing to go through fire and water;

3. Gladiolus Symbolizes love at first sight. His sharp petals will become a symbol of the rapidness and the abundance of your feeling. Gladiolus should be given to adult women - his energy is too "hard" for young nymph;

2. Lilia- Flowers, saturated with symbols. Depending on the color and variety, they transmit tenderness, the nobility of intentions, chastity or greatness. In addition, lilies will become an ideal basis for a luxurious and lush bouquet. Perhaps these flowers should be your satellites on the wedding day;

1. Rosa - You probably could guess who will receive the palm of championship in the list of the most romantic colors. It is in them that the extravagator of various feelings - the unrestrained passion of red roses, captive tenderness of cream, touching simplicity of white. It is roses - the most romantic flower that will always be appropriate.

Recose in love in the language of colors

Now you can proudly say that you know another language - the language of colors. It is in his lexicon that you can find words to express the most sincere and bright feelings. Speak on it, admit on it in love, do not forget this language. And success to you!

The article is prepared on the materials of the site Flora2000.RU (

A bouquet of beautiful colors is a wonderful gift for any woman. And a man who wants to show their special attitude to the parent, should study the basics of the form of colors before choosing a bouquet for it.

How to choose flowers for a girl?

Flowers - great gifts for a woman, but men often torment the question exactly what to choose

1 Such questions like "what flowers to choose for a girl? How many of them should be in the bouquet? What colour? What if she doesn't like it? " Many men who wish to present their beloved gift. And here it is better to trust its intuition, and not the opinion of the majority. Since all girls are different, then, respectively, both the flowers also like different things. Many consider the best option to give exactly those flowers who love she herself. If you know your chosen one's preference, you will be much easier to make her a pleasant surprise. Very often, men give their beloved (and not only to them) roses, but, besides them, on the shelves of flower shops you can find many other, no less beautiful colors.

Lilies personify tenderness, interest, sympathy and admiration
2 roses were always a symbol of love and passion, therefore, you should give them if you want to be with a girl with all my heart to be presenting these flowers. 3 lilies symbolize tenderness, interest, sympathy and admiration. If you are experiencing such feelings for the girl - you can safely give her flowers. Just do not forget about the specific smell of lilies, which may not like everyone to face. 4 gerberas are a symbol of good mood, modesty, flirting and secrets, so it is best to present them to the girl at the very beginning of your relationship.

Carnations are a symbol of passionism, loyalty and honor
5 carnations symbolize female love, so it is better to give them to men. But even if you give them to the girl, there is nothing wrong with that. In addition, today in stores you can find carnations of a wide variety of colors, up to blue. 6 Dear, but exquisite orchids are an personification of the love of an intimate character, charm, lightness and transcendental dreams.

Tulips - symbols of big and clean love
7 irises and chrysanthemums are universal colors - they can safely give them on any occasion. Irises personify confidence, hope, faith, wisdom, and chrysanthemums - rest, fun, good mood and love. 8 tulips are symbols of large and clean love, as well as happiness. 9 Pansies can give the girl who you miss. These gentle wildflowers are a symbol of an air kiss.

Chamomile personify youth, innocence and romanticism
10 chamomile are a symbol of youth, romanticity, innocence and incredulsion.
11 Color gamut bouquet is also of great importance. Combining various colors, you can tell you about your chosen one.

The color gamut bouquet also has an important value.
12 White color is an personification of youth, purity, innocence. Such flowers are good because they are perceived neutral. Red is a fairly active, symbolizing ardor love, life, celebration, fire. But red flowers rather express passion than love. Yellow color is very often associated with separation, but in fact it is the color of the sun, joy, love for life. However, if you do not know how your girl belongs to yellow colors, it is better not experimenting. Pink flowers mean gentle love and reverent attitude. In addition, they are considered a universal mark of attention - pink flowers can be given to any woman, regardless of its age, and for any occasion. Orange color symbolizes happiness, holiday, wealth, harvest. 13 The number of colors in the bouquet also has an important meaning:
1 flower should be given in the event that your girl is for you the meaning of life;
3 Flowers say that you are ready to go beyond the beloved on the edge of the world;
5 flowers are recognition in love;
7 flowers are usually given on the day of learning;
9 flowers suggest that you respect the girl like a friend.