How to finish knitting for beginners. How to finish the last row of knitting correctly. How to finish the last row in knitting

The final moment of any knitting is the closure of the loops, that is, knitting them in such a way that they cannot bloom when they are removed from the knitting needle. This rather simple action can be performed in different ways with the same result: getting a secure neckline or scarf edge.

In order to find out how to finish knitting the last row, you can watch our selection of video tutorials and choose a method in which it will be easier for you to work, and the appearance of the knitting edge will suit you completely. At the same time, in any case, the knitting strength is guaranteed: the loops will not open, and the knitted thing will remain intact.

When knitting hats, many fear that they will not be able to complete the knitting of the crown. Our master class is designed for those who have already learned to knit and were able to knit a hat, it remains only to complete it. There are 87 stitches on the hat, an odd number.

It turned out to be a simple rectangle. You can transfer all the loops of the top to a needle and thread and pull all the loops together. The fact that there will be a hole at the very top, do not bother you. Because of it, it is difficult to freeze, and if you plan to place a pom-pom on the hat, it will completely close it. By collecting the resulting folds, you will get a wonderful hat.

It remains only to remove the side seam. You can collect the top edge not on the same thread from which you knitted the hat, but on a spandex elastic, taken in half or three times. In this case, the hole in the cap turns out to be elastic, and hair gathered in a ponytail can be threaded through it. It turns out an interesting design of the hairstyle.

Video lesson:

The first loop is removed on a knitting needle, the next is knitted with a front loop. Next, the left knitting needle is threaded into the first two loops, so that both knitting needles are located in these loops towards each other. The working thread is captured with a knitting needle, and two loops are knitted together with a front loop, which is removed from the knitting needle.

Then the steps are repeated, the next loop is knitted with the front one. The left knitting needle is again passed through two loops, and they are knitted with a front loop. The created loops remain on the hem and provide a solid piping that does not come loose when the knitting needles are pulled out. Such movements are repeated until the very end of the row, which is why a neat pigtail is formed at the knitting edge.

This method is very convenient and practical, it is convenient to use if there is a need to complete knitting of a scarf or any other edge of a knitted thing.

Video lesson:

Let's consider the technique of closing the loops on a specimen tied with a 1x1 elastic band. Closing the loops behind the front loom will allow the elastic to remain elastic and loose around the edge. Two loops are knitted together with a front loop behind the front wall. The resulting loop is removed from the knitting needle and put back on the left knitting needle. Thus, the entire row is knitted.

In this way it is convenient to close the loops, for example, on the sleeves of a jacket, which end with an elastic band. The bottom of the product can be processed in the same way: two loops are constantly knitted with a front loop. When a single loop remains at the end, it can be hidden with a crochet hook.

Thus, it turns out to finish the work beautifully, completely preserving the properties of the knitted elastic band. This method can be used for anything that ends with a rubber band. The hinges close securely and cannot be unraveled afterwards.

Video lesson:

The loops of the last row can be closed with front or purl loops. First, the technique of closing with facial loops is considered. The two outermost loops are knitted together with one front loop. The resulting loop is slightly pulled out and transferred to the left knitting needle, then it, together with the next loop, is again knitted using the front loop. Along the knitting edge, a neat chain is obtained, which is located on the front side of the work.

The second way to design the final row of knitting is with purl loops. In this case, the thread should be located over the left knitting needle. The right one is passed through two loops, then both of them are knitted with a purl loop.

The knitted loops are removed, the thread is again laid over the left knitting needle, and the new loop is transferred to the left knitting needle. The pigtail on the edge is already obtained from the seamy side. If you are knitting a scarf, the edging will be nice and comfortable.

Video lesson:

The elastic that ends with any knitted thing, for example, the neck or sleeves of a sweater, the lower part of the blouse, is knitted by alternating the front and back loops. A hook is used to close the loops. The entire procedure can be carefully examined in the video: it is not at all so difficult to perform all the movements correctly in knitting. If you do not want to use a crochet hook or you simply don’t have one, you can finish knitting using the same knitting needles with which you knitted the whole thing.

The knitted loop unfolds, returns to the left knitting needle and is knitted together with the next loop. So knitting continues: two loops are knitted, and the resulting one is returned to the left knitting needle, where it participates in a new knitting of a pair of loops.

At the end, the thread is cut, tied in a knot and hidden in the seam just made. The elastic creates a neat edge that does not interfere with the elastic's ability to stretch.

Video lesson:

One of the most entertaining activities that very often becomes a favorite hobby is knitting. This hobby has passed through many centuries, absorbed the flavor and skills of different peoples and is no less in demand in the modern world. If you have started to master knitting lessons for beginners, this article will help you.

Even today, a hand-knitted thing will be a wonderful gift to family and friends. For example, or an original scarf. And it will look exclusive, you will not find the second such thing. Beginner knitters have many questions, and one of the most common: "How to finish knitting?"

Knitting is an art that is mastered not only by women, but also by men. In addition to the fact that you are doing useful work and knitting a beautiful thing, you also relax without realizing it. In order to enter a state of calm balance, you need to take knitting and spend the evening in your favorite chair.

Here we show you how to finish knitting. This must be done when you need to complete a knitted product, and there are many loops on the knitting needle that you need, for example, for a pocket, shoulder bevel or neckline.

There are several methods of this: using a crochet hook, using a needle, and but today we will talk about a simple method that does not require other skills. To do this, we will use knitting needles, and each time we will put the loops one on top of the other.

Step 1. A knitting needle should be taken in the left hand, and an empty one in the right. The working thread should be behind knitting, as when knitting

Step 2. The first two loops need to be knitted.

Step 3. Pass the left knitting needle from left to right into the front wall of the outermost loop on the right knitting needle. This will be the stitch farthest from the start of the right knitting needle. Take a closer look, the photo will show how this should happen.

Step 4. With the left knitting needle, pass this loop over the second and lower it from the right knitting needle. With this, we closed one loop, and left the second on the right knitting needle.

Step 5. The next loop needs to be knitted.

Step 6. Repeat all the steps described above until you have closed all the free loops. One loop will remain on the right needle. Cut the working thread, leaving the tip 10 cm, and pull it through this last loop. Pull the end of the thread to tighten the loop.

A little advice: if you are trying for beginners, then you need to close the loops according to the pattern, in other words, the front loops with the front loops, and the purl loops with the purl loops. Very often, beginner lovers close the knitting loops very tightly, and this last row turns out to be inelastic. To avoid this, use one size larger.

Perhaps you did not like this method of how to finish knitting with knitting needles, try to close the knitting with a crochet hook, and when you get comfortable with knitting, you will try it again and again. But that's a completely different story.

The times when knitting was a necessary handicraft in everyday life are long gone. Despite this, the number of knitters is only growing. At the peak of popularity, unique handmade items? Almost all needlewomen are interested in the question: how to finish knitting? There are many ways to close the last row.

How to finish knitting correctly?

  • The easiest way to finish knitting correctly is to pull the edge of the fabric into a pigtail. In this case, the first two loops are knitted together. It turns out 1 loop. It is transferred to the left knitting needle. Next, knit it and the next loop together. This is how all the loops of the row are closed. A thread is pulled through the last loop. Then it is cut off and hidden on the wrong side.
  • To choose a way to complete knitting, you need to decide what the edge of the finished product will be. It can be elastic and non-stretchable.
  • When closing the neck and straps, the Italian method is usually used. Simply put, it is a needle and thread pulling through the loops. In this case, they seem to be sheathed. The edge remains elastic. Most of all, this method is suitable for a fabric tied with a 1 by 1 elastic band. The edge in this case does not stretch. The length of the thread for closing should be 3 times longer than the cloth. We insert it into a needle with a blunt tip. We insert the needle into the first loop. She moves from right to left. We stretch the thread, remove the loop from the knitting needle. We introduce the needle through one loop. We stretch the thread from right to left. In this case, do not lower the loop, leave it on the spoke. Insert the needle into the previous skipped stitch. We carry out the movement from right to left. We stretch the thread. We remove from the knitting needle two loops through which the thread was passed. We pass the thread through the next 4th loop from left to right, insert the needle into the last dropped loop, on the contrary, from right to left. Remove the loop. Skip one loop and insert the needle into the next. We repeat the steps described above. There is one secret in this method. To make the edge look more neat, the last 2 rows are knitted with knitting needles of a smaller diameter.
  • In order for the pocket or the neck, or rather its cutout, to be ironed neatly, you can close them with a serrated row. First, two loops are knitted according to the pattern. Then the left needle is inserted into the first loop on the right needle behind the front wall. A second loop is pulled through it. It turned out to close one loop. We close another one in the same way. The resulting 2 loops are transferred to the left knitting needle. Cast on 2 stitches on the right knitting needle. We close 4 loops: 2 transferred to the left knitting needle and 2 dialed. In this way, we close the entire row. Pull the thread through the remaining last loop, fasten and break it.
  • Straight shoulder seams can be closed using 3 needles. In this case, two canvases remain on two needles. The knitting needles are held in the left hand. They are directed in the same direction, parallel to each other. A thread is coming off one of the canvases. You can use thread from a new ball. Take the 3rd knitting needle in the right hand. Use the right knitting needle to pry on both first loops on the left knitting needles. We stretch the thread through them. It turns out that we have knitted both loops. 1 loop remains on the right knitting needle. In the same way we knit the next 2 loops. Pull the resulting new loop through the loop left on the right knitting needle. We knit like this to the end of the edge. Pull the thread through the last loop. We tighten and secure it.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to close the loops so that a smooth outline is formed. This is usually how the armholes of the sleeves are formed. In this case, the steps from the closed loops look sloppy. This method affects 2 rows. In the first, the loops are closed in the usual way, pulling one through the other. In the second row, you need to remove the 1st loop. Knit the second according to the pattern. Pull the removed 1st through the 2nd loop. Knit to the end of the row. Fasten and cut the thread.

How to end the row correctly?

The loops can be closed according to the pattern. So a 1 by 1 gum is finished in the following way. The 1st loop is knitted with the front one, the 2nd purl. We stretch the front loop through the purl loop. Knit a new loop with the front one, the next one with the purl. Pull the purl through the front. Alternate between these methods and cover the entire row to the end. Thanks to this method, the closed loops will lie flat along the edge of the finished blade.

The closed edge can look different. If you finish knitting on the front side, then the resulting edge will lie on top. On the wrong side, it, on the contrary, will be less visible.

After the knitting is closed, a tail is formed from the thread. It can be used to stitch the canvas together. In this case, it is better to leave the thread longer. The length of the thread directly depends on the thickness of the yarn and the diameter of your knitting needles. If you do not need to sew anything, then the thread is cut and carefully hidden on the seamy side of the canvas.

In some cases, it is better to use a needle when closing the last row. This method gives the edge elasticity, which is simply necessary for some parts of the garment (for example, for necks). In addition, needle closure is used when you want the first and last row to look the same.

In order to connect one piece to another, it is not necessary to close the last row. There is a method that will make it easier to complete the product. We knit to the last row. We do not close it, but simply break the thread. We knit another row or even several rows with an auxiliary thread. Remove the canvas from the knitting needles. We heat the edge of our knitting. We put cheesecloth on it and iron it with an iron and steam. We dissolve the rows, connected with an additional thread. We have an ironed knit edge. The hinges are slightly extended. Next, we connect the part with another part with a knitted seam.

In openwork work, it is better to close the loops not immediately after the pattern. It is much more convenient to finish knitting by knitting another 1 row with the front ones. Then this row is closed in any convenient way.

If the fabric is knitted with a purl stitch, then the knitting should be closed like this: the first 2 loops are knitted with the purl. Further, the edge stretches through the 2nd. The next loop is knitted with a purl. Pull the resulting previous loop through it. Knit in this way to the end of the row.

In some cases, a hook becomes an excellent assistant in closing the last row. It is especially convenient for them to pull one loop through the other.

To complete the row faster, you can replace the working needle with a larger needle. For this purpose, you can choose it several sizes larger.

In some details, it is required to close the loops at the same time. The easiest way to do it looks like this. At the beginning of the row, close the required number of loops, knitting them 2 together. After that we knit along the pattern to the end of the row. At the beginning of the next row, close the number of loops that needed to be closed at the end of the previous row. After the uneven knitting will be little noticeable.

How to finish knitting? It all depends on what part you are knitting. Closure with a needle (Italian method) is usually used to create an elasticated edge. The method is suitable for closing armholes and necks. A universal closure method is to knit 2 stitches together. In this case, a pigtail is formed along the edge of the canvas. Also, the method of closing the row depends on what pattern the part is connected with.

In knitting, there are many cases when you need to complete knitting - close the last row of loops - when knitting a neckline, collars, for gaiters, or even for the simplest scarf. But how to do that? You can't just pull out the knitting needle - the knitting will immediately bloom! So today we will learn how to correctly, beautifully, neatly and most importantly, it is easy to complete knitting and close the loops. Let's start!

Dear needlewomen! I want to warn you that I knit the loops in the "grandmother's way" - behind the back wall of the loop. This method is not a classical one, and in many sources the products are knitted in the "classical way". Read more about how to knit loops.

We have such a small piece of canvas, knitted with a front satin stitch.

Let's say at this point we want to finish knitting.

We thread the right knitting needle into the two outer loops.

We pick up the working thread.

And we bring it out from the front.

Remove the loop from the left knitting needle. That is, we perform the same actions if we wanted to decrease the loops in order to narrow the canvas

Now ATTENTION! Remove the loop from the right knitting needle back to the left.

Like this.

Again we knit the two outer loops together.

And again we put the knitted loop back on the left knitting needle.

Thus, we close all the loops until there is one left.

Cut the thread.

We pull the knitting needle towards ourselves so that the thread "pops out" from the loop.

Like this

Now pull the thread a little so that the loop will tighten and secure. We hide the short ends of the threads using a needle with a wide eye.

As you can see, we have got such a beautiful pigtail on the front side, which is perfect for decorating the neck and edge of any product!

Several video lessons closing loops with knitting needles

elastic way of closing the loops

Close the gum 1x1

closing the stitches of the plank with a needle

Closing the elastic band with a 1x1 needle.

Closing the loops using the Aishnur technique

How to close the loops of a 2x2 elastic band Knitting lesson 58

For many decades, such an accessory for women's clothing as a scarf has remained simply irreplaceable both in the winter cold and on cool summer evenings. It is this seemingly simple product that can give a special style and charm to your image.

Knitting for yourself or your loved ones with knitting needles is a warm, beautiful, and most importantly - a unique scarf, probably, very, very many people want. This is a very convenient job for beginner knitters, because you can knit it with the most ordinary 1x1 elastic band, or try your hand at more complex patterns. Therefore, most of them make their first steps in the art of knitting with a scarf for themselves, for their baby or for a beloved man.

But, finally, the fabric of the scarf of the length you need is almost ready and all that remains is to finish knitting - close the loops. How can you do this so that the edge of the product turns out to be smooth and beautiful?

Let's try to figure out what is needed for this.

Necessary materials for knitting

First: everything you need to finish knitting is in your hands.

  1. This is knitting itself;
  2. Knitting needles.

There is no need to somehow change the position in which you are working and you also need to hold the knitting needles in the same way as you held them while knitting the fabric of the product.

The first way to close the scarf loops

This method, perhaps the easiest and fastest, is to knit two loops in turn, until only one loop remains on the knitting needles. Insert the right, free knitting needle immediately into the first two loops so that it looks out from the opposite side of the product (behind the back wall). Next, you need to grab the working thread and pull it through both loops. Now, instead of two, you have formed one loop on the needle on the right. We change it to the left, attaching it to the rest. The right spoke remains free again.
Now just repeat the whole process until the stitches on the left spoke are finished:

insert the right knitting needle through two loops,

grab a working thread,

pull the thread through both loops,

Change the single loop formed on the right knitting needle to the left.

When you finish knitting this way, keep the right knitting needle free.

If you do everything correctly, the edge of the product will turn out in the form of a fairly dense and even pigtail, and in the end there will be only one loop on the left knitting needle.

Now, in order to get a strong knot and the knitting does not bloom, break or cut the working thread, leaving a free tail up to 10 centimeters long. Insert a free knitting needle into the remaining loop, pick it up, and then completely pull the thread through it (to be sure, you can make another air loop here, so the knitting will certainly not open), and then just tighten it as tightly as possible with your fingers into a knot around the cut thread.
You can finish the work on the scarf by carefully threading the remaining end of the thread between the loops of the knitting fabric. Do not leave this end of the thread hanging loose. Even if you decide to additionally decorate the edges of the scarf with a fringe, this end of the thread will not stand out too beautifully from the general row, so it is better to hide it by tucking it into the knitting fabric. It is even easier to close the loops only by replacing one knitting needle with a suitable crochet hook. It is much more convenient for them to pry the thread and, moreover, pull it through two knitting loops at once.

How to decorate the edge of a scarf with fringe

A beautiful fringe will only decorate the edges of the scarf, and making it is also much easier than it seems to many novice knitters. It is enough to decide how long the fringe will suit you, pick up a book (a piece of thick cardboard or a box) with a suitable width and arm yourself with a crochet hook. And then - as easy as shelling pears. Wrap the book with thread as many times as there are loops in your scarf. Better, of course - with a margin, but if the threads on the fringe are suddenly not enough, you can always wind and cut more. By carefully cutting the wound threads on one side, you will get a bundle of threads that are almost equal in length and, ideally, twice the length of the intended fringe. From them you will make a fringe for your scarf.

When the threads are cut, it's time to remember our crochet hook. It will again be much more convenient for them than with a knitting needle to thread our threads of the future fringe through the loops at the edges of the product. We insert the hook into the loop at the end of the product. Next, we hook the fringe thread folded in half and pull it through the loop. Just do not pull it out completely. You will have a kind of elongated loop on the hook and two ends of the thread hanging on the other side of the edge of the product. Hook these two overhanging ends and pull through the loop on the hook. Now you just need to tighten the knot. He himself will no longer untie.
And again we repeat all the steps, threading our fringe threads in turn through the loops at the ends of the scarf.
We insert the hook into the next loop at the end of the product,
we catch the thread folded in half,
pull the thread through the loop at the edge of the product,
we hook both hanging ends of the thread with a crochet,
pull them out completely through the loop on the hook,
tighten the loop at the end of the scarf.
If you wish, you can make a fringe for the scarf from the same thread, and your product will turn out to be monochromatic. You can choose a thread of a contrasting color or other texture, or you can even decorate your scarf with a multi-colored fringe. Here, as they say, the choice is limited only by your imagination. A short scarf can be decorated with a fringe 5-6 centimeters long. And if you have knitted a long scarf that you plan to wrap around your neck several times, then it is better to decorate its ends with a fringe 15, or even more, centimeters long.

The second way to close the scarf loops

This way to finish knitting is more suitable when you knitted a scarf not with a simple elastic band, but with a beautiful volumetric pattern. In this case, a dense and even edge with a pigtail can spoil the overall appearance of the product, pull it off at the edges. This method consists in the fact that we remove the first, edge loop on the right knitting needle, without knitting, and the next loop must be knitted as it should be according to the pattern. Now on the knitting needle on the right you have two loops: one knitted according to the pattern and the removed hem. Pull the knitted, second loop through the hem. There is now only one loop on the right on the knitting needle, which will take the place of the edge loop. Next, we knit the next one according to the pattern - the third loop. We stretch it through the second. On the right knitting needle, you again have one loop, which will act as an edge loop.
So, by knitting loops along the pattern, and then pulling them through the previous loop, you will close all the loops of the product. Fasten the last loop in the same way as described earlier and hide the tail of the thread in the loops of the fabric of the product. Now the edge of the product will be more elastic and will be more in harmony with the embossed pattern of the product. In this case, you can also, if you wish, decorate the edges of your scarf with a fringe using a crochet hook.
So, with the help of ordinary knitting needles, a crochet hook and your own patience and love, you will create a small miracle that will warm your loved ones in the winter cold.