What is the temperature of the weekly child. How to measure the temperature of the baby. Providing comfortable conditions

Temperature of the body is one of the indicators of the life of the body, which depends on many physiological processes. Maintaining the optimal body temperature and change it at certain conditions provides thermoregulation systemwhose center is located in hypotalamus. It regulates the balance between the formation of heat in the body and its loss, that is, between heat Productionand heat distance.

The child is born with an imperfect thermoregulation system. Newborns and children up to 3 months of life cannot maintain a constant body temperature and react to fluctuations in ambient temperature - and indoors, and on the street. Therefore, when improper care may occur rapid overheating or babe of baby.

Some newborns at 3-5 days of life there is a rise of temperature to 38-39 ° C, as they do not cope with the regulation of temperature in the process of adaptation to the existence outside the maternal womb. By three months, the infant develops the thermoregulation system, the formation of daily body temperature rhythms begins. The minimum temperature is marked deep at night and closer to the morning, the maximum is in the afternoon, evening hours. When measuring the temperature in a child, you need to know that the temperature of different parts of the body differs significantly. In order to navigate in the temperature indicators obtained by various measurement methods, it is always necessary to keep in mind that the temperature in the armpit is 0.3-0.6 ° C, and in the mouth -nu 0.2-0.3 ° C below than in the rectum.

Normal body temperature Baby:

In the axillary depressions 36-37 ° C

Rectal (in the rectum) 36.9-37.4 ° C

Oral (in the mouth) 36.6-37.2 ° C

In addition, individual oscillations of the normal body temperature of 35 ° C to 38.3 ° C are found.

How to measure the temperature in an infant

To measure body temperature in infants, a mercury medical thermometer is used, an electronic thermometer and temperature indicator. Nowadays, new convenient tools appear, such as nipples thermometers.

Mercury thermometer temperature measured only in the armpit. For this, the child takes on the hands, put the thermometer to him under the mouse and fix the pen's handle with his hand, holding the thermometer so that it does not slip out. It is better to produce this procedure on the sofa (and not on the chair) so that in case of a drop, the thermometer does not break. To obtain objective results, sufficiently hold the thermometer 3-5 minutes. Having finished the temperature measurement, the thermometer should be shaken or hold under the jet of cold water.

Digital Thermometer more secure and easy to handle. It gives fast and accurate readings that are displayed in the display. It is not used to accurately measure the temperature in the axillary depression, since to remove the readings to this type of thermometer, more dense contact with the body is necessary, but it is indispensable when measuring oral and rectal temperature. Although recently there appeared electronic thermometers that can accurately measure the temperature and in the axillary depression or in the ear, and in just a few seconds. Their feature is that the thermometer tip is the round rubber suction cup, and not a narrow metal rod. To measure the oral temperature, the electronic thermometer is placed in the mouth under the tongue by 1 minute (most electronic thermometers fed a beep to the end of temperature measurement).

To measure the rectal temperature, it is necessary to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with children's cream or vaseline, put the baby on the back, lift its legs with one hand (like when washed), with the other hand gently enter the thermometer into the rear passage to a depth of about 2 cm (it is advisable to read the instrument to the thermometer, Since the depth of administration may depend on its design). Then you need to fix the thermometer between the middle and the index finger, and with the other fingers to hold the baby buttocks.

Temperature indicator it is a strip with heat-sensitive squares or divisions with digital marks. When measuring the temperature of the square sequentially change the color. The latter challenged the color of the square and the corresponding digital value and denote the body temperature. The strip indicator is applied to the forehead of the child for 15 seconds (sometimes there are strips that should be placed under the tongue - so be sure to read the instructions before applying the indicator!). The indicator strip does not give accurate results, so the temperature increases, it is possible to reliably judge only when the indicator shows 37.5 ° C and higher.

In order to correctly assess the results of temperature measurement, you need to know what temperature for your child is normal. And in order to determine this, you need to measure it in a relaxed atmosphere in the morning and in the evening in a healthy child and remember the indicators. After you recorded "your" norm, never measure the temperature of a healthy child without reason, "just in case." And even when the child is ill, you should not do this more often than prescribed (about how often the temperature should be measured by the patient, see below). Each procedure for measuring the temperature is disturbed by the child, contributes to the formation of a negative response to the thermometer.

How to suspect the child's elevated temperature and approximately evaluate it

Small children can react differently to an increase in body temperature. Their response will depend primarily on the cause that caused the temperature increase. Signs of elevated temperature can be:

  • lethargy or anxiety;
  • thirst;
  • dryness mucous membranes (lips, language);
  • pulse care; breathing;
  • bright blush on face, "flaming" cheeks (and sometimes, on the contrary, pallor);
  • red, inflamed or too shiny eyes; chills;
  • sweating.

The increase in pulse and respiration is important signs of increasing temperature, so you need to be able to evaluate the rate of the pulse and respiration.

The normal pulse of the child is 100-130 beats per minute in a dream and 140-160 during wakefulness. When crying, the pulse is 160-200 beats per minute.

As the child grows, the pulse slows down and the age of 100-140 is usually equal to the two-year age. As for the respiratory frequency, the newborn usually makes from 40 to 60 inhales per minute, one year old children are only 25-30. It is necessary to know that some children do not respond at all to an increase in temperature.

If the temperature is suspected, it is necessary first of all to touch with its cheek to the forehead of the child (do not estimate the temperature with lips or palm). If you feel that the forehead is hotter than usual, the temperature should be measured by one of the thermometers described above.

The most frequent causes of temperature increase

Fever (increase in temperature) that is not a sign of the disease, can reach 38.3 ° C. It may be:

  • overheating of the child with excessive wrap or staying under the right sunlight; disruption of drinking regime (especially in children under 3 months);
  • constipation;
  • high motor activity;
  • physical stress (long cry);
  • teething;
  • constitutional features.

In any case, if possible, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of fever. When overheating, you need to take a child in a cooler place, remove excessive clothes from it, drink it. If the drinking mode is violated, it is necessary to trace the child to receive a sufficient amount of fluid. With a long absence of stool, cleaning belizes, gas feed tubes apply. When screaming, it is necessary to establish its cause and eliminate it. In obscure cases, it is better to seek help for your doctor.

Well, and the best thing is to prevent such situations at all, so the child must be dressed accordingly the ambient temperature, in the summer there is in the shade of trees or under the awnings. It is necessary to observe the power, drink, hardening mode. However, it is necessary to remember that an increase in temperature above 38 ° C is often a sign of the disease. Most often, various children's infections are accompanied by a feverish state (measles, rubella, steaming, etc.), colds (ORVI), intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, lungs, kidneys, etc. Preventive vaccinations may also be accompanied by increasing Temperatures. There is also a group of diseases that may cause elevated temperature in a child. These are hypoxic, traumatic, inflammatory and hereditary lesions of the central nervous system.

Speaking of diseases, it should be noted that the height of the temperature does not always correspond to the severity of the disease. In general, the temperature rise in itself is not a disease, but a way to struggle the body with it.

This is especially true of infectious diseases. However, kids protective features are not perfect yet, therefore, children react differently to the disease: the temperature can increase much or moderately, to remain normal or even drop.

How to react to an increase in temperature from a child

Increased temperature due to any diseases requires a doctor's advice. But before the doctor's arrival, if the child has a heat, it is necessary to use one of the non-drugs of the temperature reduction described below. The temperature that does not rise above 38 ° C is usually not required. Higher temperature, especially accompanied by other symptoms, violation of the child's behavior, as a rule, requires a decline. Certainly requires a decrease in temperature above 38.5 ° C in all children up to a year and above 38 ° C in children with cramps in history or other lesions of the central nervous system. However, the final verdict on the issue of decline in temperature always remains behind the doctor.

To the arrival of a doctor, parents must prepare the following information:

  • their assumptions about the cause of fever;
  • a list of used medicinal and non-good temperature reduction methods with an assessment of their effectiveness;
  • a leafle with the measured temperature numbers with the method and time of its measurement.

If you did not have the opportunity to immediately appeal for medical care and the doctor should come not on the first day of the disease, write down the temperature of all previous days. Measure it 3 times a day at equal intervals, preferably in the same clock. If the number of temperatures during the day differ greatly, the temperature can be measured every 3 hours. In addition, to assess the effectiveness of drugs, the temperature should be measured 30-40 minutes after their use.

What to do if the temperature does not come down

In the one cases listed cases, the child under the age of year needs an emergency inspection of a pediatrician or a "ambulance" doctor:

  • Increased temperature is celebrated in a child under 3 months.
  • The temperature in the armpit is higher than 38 ° C. If you cannot cause a precipitated pediatrician (for example, on weekends or holidays, at the late hour), and the temperature rose above 38.5 ° C, you need to cause urgent or ambulance.
  • If you find a high temperature in a child, try to measure it again in a relaxed atmosphere after 20-30 minutes. If the thermometer readings remain the same, call the doctor.
  • A convulsions appeared (the body is intense, the eyes are rolled out, twitching the limbs can be seen due to the pale of the skin), or the cramps were in a child before (i.e. the temperature rose on the background of convulsion).
  • The neck of the child seems tense, and he does not allow the chin to his chest.
  • An increase in temperature is accompanied by noisy, frequent, arrhythmic breathing, a strong runny nose.
  • The child is continuously crying or became unusually sluggish, apathetic.
  • The child more than 6 hours in a row refuses food.
  • The child vomiting or diarrhea.
  • The child does not urinate for a long time, or his urine color is changed.
  • A child has a rash on the skin.
  • The temperature reduction methods you use do not give the desired effect.
  • The child has a chronic disease.

The younger child, the sooner the doctor should inspect him. After all, the success of treatment depends on its timely appointment. And only the doctor can decide what about first of all, you need to do: reduce the temperature or treat the reason for its increase.

If the breast child has a high temperature

First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for the receipt of fresh air to the room where the child is located. To do this, the room needs to be periodically ventilated (the child should be taken out for this time). In the children's room, the air temperature should be 18-22 ° C, during sleep 17-20 ° C. Preferably, central heating, since the electrical heaters are dried air. When the temperature is raised, it is necessary to refrain from sleep in air and walks. The fevering child can not be wrapped in the blanket, use polyethylene bedding and mattresses covers. Daily bathing should not be stopped, but the temperature should not be below 36-37 ° C.

No need to worry if, during illness, the child eats reluctantly and little. It is impossible to feed it forcibly. The best option is frequent feeding with small portions. The most important thing for a sick child is drinking, so it must be poked as often as possible.

It is necessary to protect the dream of a child. It is impossible to wake it up to feed or measure the temperature: during the disease Sleep is more important for it than food.

How to bring down the temperature in a child without drugs

To reduce the temperature in young children, effective washessponge, moistened with warm water. When wiping, the skin of the child is cooled due to evaporation of moisture from its surface. Start wiping better from face, neck, then go to the handles, legs and torso. It is impossible to wip alcohol or cold water - it causes a rapid decrease in the skin temperature and spasm of the vessels, which leads to a decrease in heat transfer and, accordingly, increase the temperature. If the temperature rise is accompanied by the church, the child can steel to hide.

Also helps reduce temperature abundant drink. It is clear that to convince the baby more drinking to you will not succeed, so it is necessary to persistently offer him a favorite herbal tea, juice, etc. When sweating is necessary more often change linen(Valid and Bed).

Be sure to comply with the rules for the care of a fevering child.

Medical ways to reduce temperature in the newborn

To reduce elevated temperatures, children under the year use drugs, the active substance of which paracetamol is. These are drugs such as Panadol, Tilenol, Efferoralgan et al. (When you buy an antipyretic drug, pay attention to the package: next to the trade name of the drug smaller, often Latin, letters should be written the name of the active substance - That is, the component, which also has a therapeutic action). The most acceptable for kids are candles, syrups, drops, solutions.

Recently, the preparations of another group not containing paracetamol are also widely used, - vibrate (candles), hexapnemum (candles, syrup). It is not recommended to apply aspirin as an antipyretic agent - in young children it often gives complications.

It is impossible to mix medications into a dairy mixture or drink. And most importantly, parents should be aware of the medical methods of combating fever, especially in children under 3 months of age: only a doctor should be prescribed drugs and their doses!

If the parents appear in the house, parents should pay attention to his health and monitor the body temperature. The normal temperature of the infant to the first year of his life can reach 37.4 degrees and parents this fact should not scare.

This is due to the fact that the thermal regulation of the children's body has its own specificity of becoming. The final formation is observed by the end of the first 12 months of the life of the kid.

At birth, the kid has an unstable thermoregulation system. For up to three months of their existence, they cannot maintain the normal temperature of the body and have the ability to respond to environmental fluctuations regarding the room or street. If it is incorrect to care for the newborn, the body temperature can cause overheating or supercooling.

It is not necessary to scare the fact if the baby in the first week of life will occur to increase the temperature from 38 to 39 degrees. This is due to the rebuilding of the adaptation period outside the womb. Only by 3 months of life, the proprietary system of the thermoregulation of the child begins to stabilize. At this age, the process of forming daily biorhythms is launched.

What temperature is minimal and maximum? Measurements should be held late at night or early in the morning to get a minimum, as well as afternoon or in the evening to obtain a maximum.

Parents, measuring the body temperature of the baby, should take into account that it can have significant differences in different areas. Receive data is necessary when using various measurement methods.

The following indicators are considered normal:

  • Moderate depressions - from 36 to 37 degrees;
  • The temperature in the rectum is from 37 to 37.4 degrees of the body;
  • Rota cavity - from 36.6 to 37, 3 degrees.

In addition, children have their own periods of oscillations associated with the usual body temperature, varying from 35.5 to 38.4 degrees.

How to maintain normal indicators

If possible, it is worth not to allow stories related to overheating or overcooling only born child. The kid must be dressed on weather conditions on the street. It is also necessary to constantly observe the power supply and hardening of the children's body (read about hardening with air). Parents should take into account that elevated body temperature can also be a symptom and a sign of the disease.

In any case, this fact must be explored by the leading pediatrician. If parents mark a bad appetite in infants, a sharp rise in temperature, especially in the hot period of time, most likely, he was overheated. In certain hazardous cases, the overheating process can lead to a fatal outcome.

The younger than the child, the faster it should inspect the precinct pediatrician. The success of the medical process will always depend on the prescribed treatment timely.

To create the correct thermal regime, it is necessary to work daily on the creation of comfortable living conditions for a child:

  • The air temperature in the children's room should fluctuate in the range of 20 - 24 degrees Celsius;
  • The newborn clothing must be less than a layer (depending on the time of year) from adult clothes;
  • For a walk, the child's head must be covered to avoid the troubles of hypothermia. Almost a quarter of heat can be consumed at uncovered head;
  • The baby should not frozen at night. To avoid such a situation, it should be covered with a blanket made of natural fabric. It helps to maintain thermal resources, while providing the correct thermoregulation system;
  • In order to understand the current air temperature, at first it is desirable to use a specialized thermometer, in the room where the crumb is constantly located;
  • For the belief in the fact that the child is in comfortable conditions for him, you need to touch the back of the nape. If he is cold, it means that the baby needs an additional heat source;
  • Newborn at elevated temperature it is not recommended to feed forcibly. If possible, it must be powered by small portions, in more frequent intervals;

At the moments of the course of the disease, sleep is the key to speedy recovery, therefore, if possible, the crumb is not worthwhile for meals.

Independent treatment with constantly elevated body temperature - it is strictly prohibited. Moreover, the parents are prohibited experiments, in the form of mixing medicines in water, a mixture or tea of \u200b\u200ba small child.

The appearance of a child is always a new stage in the life of the family. The new mom and dad seek to provide crumb not only with everything necessary, but also to all the best, carefully observe the behavior and the state of the baby, fixing every little thing, every change. Of course, inexperienced parents have many doubts, questions and alarms associated with the health and life of the baby: what body temperature in newborns, what should be a chair, how many times and when to feed the crumb - all this turns for parents to the most important life problems. We will talk about one of the frequent parental alarms in this article. It will be about the normal body temperature of the newborn.

Body temperature in newborns - rate

Temperature of the body is the most important human health rate (unhealthy). It depends on the set of factors such as external and internal - ambient temperature, air humidity, the state of the system of internal thermoregulation of the human body.

In children under 3 months, self-regulation of body temperature is not so effective as in adults. Newborn is very easy to freeze or vice versa, overheat. The task of parents during this period is to create the most comfortable living conditions for the infant. It is important to remember that in children up to 3 months the reason for increasing the temperature is not necessarily the development of infectious processes, it may be too hot air in the room, an excess of clothing, colic and even overvoltage or long crying. Normally, the body temperature of the newborn baby fluctuates within 37-37.2 ° C. Of course, these indicators are averaged and suitable for children born healthy. But even with completely healthy children in the first days after birth, there may be noticeable fluctuations in temperature and its increases up to 39 ° C - this is not always a sign of the disease, most often the child's body simply cannot instantly adapt to life outside the maternal womb.

Measurement of the body temperature of a newborn

Three main methods are used to measure body temperature:

  1. Measurement of body temperature in the axillary depressions.
  2. Oral (thermometer under the tongue).
  3. Rectally (the temperature is measured in the rear pass).

Of course, the body temperature is non-etinakov in different parts. For the armpit, the norm for infants is the figure of 36-37.3 ° C, in the mouth (under the language) - 36.6-37.5 ° C, in the rectum - 36.9-37.5 ° C.

Of course, the infant's body temperature is not so easy. The complexity of the process is also exacerbated by the need to obtain as an accurate result as possible, because the increase or decrease in body temperature may be an important symptom of developing disease.

The most accurate and convenient way to measure the body temperature in infants is rectal, when the thermometer is introduced into the rectum.

The most comfortable for the baby and convenient for parents Pose is determined individually, although there are three most common variations suitable for almost all:

  1. Baby on her side, legs bent and tightened to the tummy. One of the parents fixes them in this position.
  2. The crouch lies with the belly on your knees, the legs are fused down.
  3. A child on his back, the legs bent and tightened to the tummy, mom or dad hold them in such a position.

Before the measurement, it is necessary to lubricate the tip of the thermometer and anus of the baby with a vaseline or any other neutral bold cream. Pharmacies sell special thermometers for rectal measurement of body temperature. It is best to use exactly such. Do not forget about the importance of good fixation of the hands and feet of crumbs - chaotic gusty movements can cause intestinal injury.

Low Body Temperature Newborn

The reduced body temperature in the newborn most often testifies to the supercooling, or on the overall weakness of the body. It is also worth remembering that during sleep the temperature of the human body is lower than during activity.

Do not panic if your baby's body temperature does not differ from the norm by more than 1 degrees, and if there is no noticeable changes in the behavior and mood of the child. If the baby became sluggish, does not respond to external stimuli, refuses meals or constantly crying - immediately contact the doctor.

Parents tirelessly follow the state of health of their baby. That is why they want to know what temperature should be in a newborn. Pediatricians are considered normal if this indicator fluctuates From 36 to 37.5 degrees. These numbers are characteristic only if the measurement is performed in the axillary depression. A few days after birth, the temperature will be from 36 to 37 degrees. After stabilization of the body thermoregulation, the indicator will become familiar - 36.6 degrees.

In contact with

Norms indicator

Normal temperature in infants is an ambiguous concept. Its value directly depends on measurement method:

  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits - from 36 to 37.3.
  • With an oral measurement method - from 36.6 to 37.2.
  • Rectal option - from 36.9 to 38.

The newborn continues the process of formation of thermoregulation. Their body gives too much heat, so they are often freezing. In this case . Parents may also notice the formation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe handles and legs.


Important!Breasts are easy to cool or overlay, both of these states are dangerous and can harm.

Additionally, it should be noted that the process of the peeling will derete the formation of natural thermoregulation. A child cannot adapt to external conditions. In the future, the risk of colds is increasing. That is why Kroch needs only in conventional care.

The temperature rate in the child changes until year from 36 to 38 degrees. In this case, the principle of measurement plays an important meaning. However, other physiological features should also be taken into account. To determine the indicator, it is necessary to measure the measure twice a day. Due to this, it will be possible to identify the average stable body temperature.

Features measurement

For newborns in different conditions, certain temperature testimony is characteristic. Mercury thermometer should be used only in the axillary depression. It is allowed to measure in a sitting position after growing crumbs.

Parents must follow the location of the device. Do not forget about the dangers of mercury. Until a year, it will show the correct value if you measure it for 8-10 minutes.

The electronic thermometer is considered completely safe. It is much easier to use it. In this case, the correct result will be guaranteed. He is simply indispensable in the first month of the child's life. For ease of use, the device is equipped with a sound timer. The whole procedure will occupy not more than three minutes. Such a thermometer can be used for rectal and oral dimension. We should not forget that the result obtained in the axillary depression may differ for several degrees.

With an oral measurement method, the thermometer must be placed under the tongue.The procedure will take no more than one minute.

The rate of temperature in a child up to a year will be obtained only if it is possible to correct all the preparations. During the measurement process, the rectal method must lie on one side. At the same time, mommy tightly presses his legs to the stomach. It is also important to pre-lubricate the tip vaseline or children's cream. The result will be obtained correctly only if you enter the thermometer into the rectum to a depth of at least two centimeters.

Some parents prefer to use the temperature indicator. This is a small strip with fission, which must be attached to the forehead of the baby. For the result will be enough just a few seconds.

In 2 months, measuring the temperature is convenient with thermometer-pacifier. However, it is suitable only to those children who are already accustomed to this adaptation.

Measuring child temperature

Maintaining normal temperatures

Normal temperature in infants will be held only if the mode is met. To create comfortable conditions, it is necessary to follow exactly The following recommendations:

  • The air temperature in the children's room should be from 20 to 24 degrees.
  • Specialists advise putting on a child on one layer of clothing more or less than now adult people are. Attention is always drawn on the weather and season.
  • For infants, it is important not to freeze at night. It can only be covered with a blanket from natural materials. They help keep warm inside, but at the same time do not interfere with natural thermoregulation.
  • During walks in 3 months and later, the crumb should wear on season. On the head there should be a hat. With its help, it will be possible to reduce the likelihood of supercooling to a minimum. In infants, about 30% of all heat leaves through the pores on the head.
  • In the room you should hang the usual wall thermometer. Thanks to him, it will be possible to control the temperature indicators indoors.

Breasts can not be overheated

Prevention overheating

The normal temperature in a child in 4 months and older will allow him to correctly grow and develop. Additionally, it should be noted that for infants Much more dangerous overheatingthan supercooling.

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that if the child is comfortable, he will have a pink taurus. Additionally, it will exhibit moderate motor activity. If the parents noticed the decline in appetite, then, most likely, the kid rose the temperature. Quite often such situations arise in the warm season.

Important!The child overheating is very dangerous, it can lead to death, if it does not take the necessary measures on time.

Overheating of the child is dangerous

The normal temperature of the child is important in 4 months and later. To maintain it, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • It should be carefully chosen. In the hot season, you should stop your choice on a cotton fabric shirt. It is allowed sometimes to cover its body with a sheet.
  • For a child, an important meaning is playing compliance with drinking regime. During the day, it must obtain a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • In the hot summer, walks can only be made in the shade. The open sun can harm the condition of the skin.
  • We should not forget about Panamka. She will save the crumb from the sunshine.
  • You can not leave a stroller on the street unattended.
  • Child can not leave one In a fully closed car.

Maintaining the optimal temperature mode is very important for the baby. If the mammy suspected an increase in this indicator, then you can use the usual mercury thermometer. To date, electronic device variants are also very popular. An important meaning is played by choosing a measurement site. Depending on this, the interpretation of the results is carried out.

Useful video: Temperature in newborns and infants

In the first months of life, the child still adapts to external conditions. The task of parents is to surround him care and attention. Thanks to this, the crumb will be able to grow correctly and develop.

"Little children are small problems," they say our grandmothers. But when the house appears in the house, any deviation from the norm can bring a young mother to a panic. Often it is the high body temperature of a newborn baby becomes one of the main reasons for anxiety.

What temperature is considered the norm for the newborn?

To begin with, let's decide which temperature in a newborn baby can be considered normal. The temperature rate in newborns can fluctuate in the range of 36.3-37.5 ° C, and directly depends on the time of day and the measurement location. Temperature can rise by several tenth of degrees in the evening, and fall early in the morning. It is also characteristic that during sleep, the temperature may be slightly lower than when feeding and active wakefulness. You can measure the temperature in the newborn in the rectum, in the armpit and mouth. The average rectal (measured in the rectum) the temperature may exceed 1 ° C of the axillary temperature, and by 0.3-0.4 ° with the temperature in the oral cavity.

How to measure the body temperature in a newborn?

For infants to 5-6 months, the most optimal method of measuring the temperature is rectal. For this manipulation, it is better to use not mercury, but a special electronic thermometer, the tip of which you need to smear with children's cream. During temperature measurement, the child should not move, because it may damage the intestine.

There are several provisions in which it is convenient to carry out this procedure:

  • the child lies on the side with the legs tumaled to the calf;
  • the child is lying on the tummy, swelling the legs down (mom holds a kid on his knees);
  • the child lies on the back, with the legs raised up.

Causes of increasing temperature in a newborn

The body temperature is considered increased, if the rectal exceeds 38 ° C, the axillary - 37 ° C, and oral - 37.5 ° C. Signs of temperature in newborns are not only increased indicators of the thermowner, but also a continuous crying, refusal of food. High temperature is not a disease, but a symptom. Therefore, the temperature rise is most often due to the protective reaction of the organism on a viral infection. Sometimes the temperature rise occurs as a result of overheating, but this temperature quickly falls, if the child is maplay or undressed.

The newborn body temperature can also increase after vaccination. This is the normal reaction of the baby's immune system.

How to help newborn while increasing the temperature?

Important: The armpit temperature above 38 ° C is very dangerous for children under the age of 1 year, especially for infants for up to 3 months. An excessive increase in temperature in a newborn can entail convulsions, so in this case you need to immediately call the doctor!