What crafts can a child make. Applications on ready-made templates. DIY crafts for children from paper

Perhaps the most enjoyable activity for children is making crafts. Children are happy to create something interesting and attractive. In this article, we decided to offer you wonderful crafts for children, which will be very easy to do with your own hands. We will offer you all the novelties in this area and we hope that your child will enjoy doing it with his own hands and get unreal pleasure from this process.

New crafts for children. Bright ideas

Interesting crafts from disposable plates.


To enlist a pleasant mood, you need to create something bright and unusual at the same time. Tropical fish are a great option for you. To create them, you must purchase paper plates. Of course, you will need bright colors to paint them. List them as you see fit. It can be some interesting stripes or fancy patterns. And when your bright colors dry on a plate, then glue the fins to your fish.


Disposable plates are also suitable for setting up an aquarium. In this case, you already need a pair of plates that are connected to each other. Moreover, it is necessary to cut the bottom of one plate. Glue the underwater characters to the other plate. And for greater effect, use cellophane. It is worth saying that when creating the underwater world, your child should definitely use the shells that he collected on the beach in the summer.

New Year's wreath.

Are you actively preparing for the New Year? Then an ordinary paper plate will help you make a beautiful wreath for home decoration without unnecessary worries.

Dr. Aibolit.

It is very easy to make your favorite cartoon character - Doctor Aibolit from a paper plate. In addition to the paper plate, you should prepare the following materials:

  • pink and white cardboard,
  • marker and glue,
  • wire glasses,
  • buttons for the eyes.


  1. Of course, you need to show your skills in creating such a craft. First, draw the character's head on a piece of pink cardboard and cut it out.
  2. We start working with a paper plate. It must be folded in half and cut. One part of the plate must also be cut in half.
  3. Use these pieces to mark the beard. Also, don't forget the mustache. Cut out these details.
  4. We take a white sheet of cardboard and make a hat for our hero out of it.
  5. Then glue all the pieces to the pink cardboard. Draw a cross on the hat, and do not forget to attach the glasses to your craft.

Button appliques.

Buttons of various colors and sizes will help you create an original arrangement. There are a huge number of button applications. They are not difficult to create. First, choose something suitable for yourself, and only then pick up the buttons. Make your markings, be patient, and don't forget the glue. As a result, you will end up with a lot of interesting crafts.

New items of handicrafts from pumpkin seeds.

Crafts can be very diverse. But in this article you will find only new items. It is impossible to forget in this article that today there are many natural materials that are quite successfully used to create crafts. Pumpkin seeds help create the most interesting crafts. These can be any compositions or even interesting exhibits.

For example, if you use bright plasticine, you can create interesting flowers. Place them in the vase, and the vase itself in the most prominent place. The child will be very happy with such a product.

And you can also make an applique from pumpkin seeds - a goose.

Pumpkin seeds can help you make an original Christmas tree toy. You simply glue the pumpkin seeds to a Styrofoam ball. And in the end, decorate it with golden paint.

Pencil shavings for original crafts.

For their crafts, every child can use pencil shavings. It is worth noting that many interesting products can also be obtained from it. The chip handling technique is very simple. On the sheet, you simply depict a drawing, but you decorate it not with paints, but with beautiful and even shavings.

See what ideas for crafts we offer you.

Simple crafts for kindergarten from paper and cardboard.

In our article, in addition to complex products, you can find crafts for kindergarten, which children will make with their own hands. Of course, kids like to work with paper and create something interesting out of it. For such children's crafts, be sure to choose bright cardboard and colorful colored paper. Check out all the best new cardboard and paper crafts for kindergarten.

A simple craft for the garden. A basket of a hare.

If you show a little imagination, then you can create an interesting craft. Take for this purpose a cylinder and tape of pink and white color. Cut the ears out of the cardboard.

Cover them and the cylinder with tape. Attach the ears. Don't forget to draw the facial features of your hare.

Chicken with chickens.

Making this craft is very simple. To create it, you may need disposable cups, which you must glue over with bright yellow paper. It is also worth attaching separate body parts to the chickens, such as the beak and eyes. Separately from sticks and cardboard, make legs for your craft.


The next craft is also simple in its execution and absolutely all schoolchildren can make it. For crafts, you need ordinary plasticine and seeds. We make the base of a hedgehog from plasticine, and then make needles from seeds.


As you can see, today there is a huge number of crafts, among which there are new items. In this article, we have collected only the best crafts for you. And if you do not know what to do with your child, then take note of our ideas and then your child will be carried away by an interesting activity and pleasant impressions.

Parents of toddlers attending preschool are aware that every holiday is necessarily accompanied by children's crafts for the kindergarten. Maybe for some people this task will seem like a waste of time. But for the majority it is still an entertaining and creative process, as well as an opportunity to spend time with interest with a child.

It is important to keep natural materials in stock in accordance with the season, and then any task for the manufacture of work will not be taken by surprise.

Stocks of natural material

When traveling to the sea, you can collect small stones and shells. In nature walks, stock up on beautiful leaves, cones and twigs. At the summer cottage, you can plant decorative pumpkins - this is a good raw material for products that are subject to long-term storage.

You can store the leaves in a book. It is better to hold the cones in the oven and douse them with boiling water, thereby destroying all the bugs. It is also better not to throw out toilet paper or paper towels, and save plastic bottles with caps. Make room for these items by placing everything neatly in the box.

Crafts for kindergarten are what the child should cook with his own hands. The degree of difficulty is determined based on the age category.

With a skillful direction, the child will be able to create an applique, drawing, mold a plasticine product on his own. Taking into work natural materials in the form of leaves and cones.

The DIY kindergarten craft ideas below will tell you how best to use non-standard tools, for example, pasta or plastic dishes.

Plastic bottles can already be classified as standard materials, the possibilities for working with them are endless. Use matches, napkins, and sushi sticks as these are all great tools.

Products in the autumn version can be performed as compositions or as independent works. Playful hedgehogs, old forest men or alien creatures in a flying saucer - all this can be done with children's pens using raw materials given by nature.

Products in winter style

In winter, we have associations for the New Year holidays, and also do not forget about the day of defenders of the fatherland.

On February 23, military products will be relevant. Greeting cards can be made. Excellent products are obtained from fabric, but parents should be involved in the creation, as it is necessary to cut.

The body is made of fabric, while the corners at the bottom should be stitched, this is necessary for stability. Next, fill the bag with padding polyester and tighten the thread.

It remains to create a face. The nose can be made from a beige bead. The eyes can be used ready-made or create an applique. Embroider the cilia, and build the antennae from threads tied in a bundle. Give the tone with blush or lipstick.

We make our hands from fleece or cloth and glue them. Alternatively, attach one handle to the cap. The ideas are endless, you can supplement the work with shoulder straps.

Works in the style of autumn

Products in the autumn style are distinguished by the fact that materials given by nature are used for their manufacture. Leaves, cones and acorns of this raw material are in abundance in the fall, which is perfect for crafts for a site in a kindergarten.

As a rule, competitions of works are organized in the autumn period. The kid is able to create the application on his own with little tips from his parents.

For products from vegetables and fruits, a knife is used, so work must be carried out strictly under supervision. Paints are often used in kindergartens. But you can also replace them with material, for example, autumn leaves will serve as stamps for creating a forest.


You can tell the kids how their help is needed for the birds and make a feeder together.

This contributes not only to development in creativity, but also fosters a sense of caring for animals.

In winter, the death of birds is very high, because due to frost it is difficult for them to survive, therefore, care will be taken when creating a feeder.

For the feeder you need: a tree, a box and plastic bottles. Wooden feeders are distinguished by their durability. But not everyone can handle this material. Cardboard is easy to use, but it won't hold up in wet weather.

In this case, the cardboard feeder can be periodically updated, and the baby will like its decoration. Plastic is the most unpretentious material. Easy to work with and withstands rain. The work uses a breadboard knife, so the process is carried out under the guidance of adults.


Street layouts

You can create situations that convey the meaning of reality, such a game will help you learn the traffic on the road, study the signs. Street markings can be drawn with paints on cardboard, you can build houses from boxes. Decorate the cityscape with greenery and, most importantly, make road signs and traffic lights.

Road signs can be printed from the Internet. A sign holder can be made from a plastic bottle cap and a sushi stick, and fastened with plasticine.

It is easy to create houses from cardboard boxes or glue them from cardboard and paint the facade. Trees are made from cardboard or natural materials.

If you finely chop the green threads and sprinkle them on cardboard, previously greased with glue, you get grass. The primer is easy to create with cereals glued to the surface.


One side has a background color and the other has three traffic light colors. Glue the thread between the halves and the circle is easily glued so that you can turn it to the hole of one side or the other.

Craft from bottles

Wall panels, subject compositions and toys can be performed in various techniques. It is very easy to make a craft from plastic bottles for kindergarten.

You can make a baby penguin. This will require two plastic bottles, with the bottom cut to size. And the part is put one into the other. For convenience, several cuts can be made in the interior.

We paint the toy with acrylic paints. We make a pom-pom from threads - to decorate the hat.

The scarf is made of braid or fleece, it will successfully hide the junction of the bottles. For the stability of the scarf, you can put it on glue or double-sided tape. Colored paper is used for the wings and paws.

Photo of crafts in kindergarten

Children like to do something creative, they just need to be shown what can be made from certain materials.

Here you will find many interesting crafts from colored paper or natural materials that you can do with your children.

All crafts are not at all complicated and it will be a pleasure to make them.

Crafts for kindergarten: paint stones

If you have collected stones at sea, do not throw them away. Arm yourself with acrylic paints or gouache and start painting them.

Such stones can be found in many places, then bring home or to the garden and paint them in all the colors of the rainbow. You can also draw different characters - the possibilities are endless.

Crafts for kindergarten with their own hands from plastic covers

If you have plastic bottles lying around, do not throw them away. A huge number of crafts can be made from them.

Moreover, crafts can be not only from bottles, but from their caps. These are such interesting crafts you can do with your children. Arm yourself with colored paper, colored cardboard, glue and various decorations.

Autumn crafts from cones to kindergarten

Cones are a natural material from which many interesting crafts can be made.

You can connect several cones, for example. This can be done in several ways: using threads, wire or elastic; using glue or simply putting the bumps on a stick.

Many other natural materials can be attached to the buds, such as twigs, acorns, and grains.

If the bump is hard, you can soak it in water and after a couple of days they will become soft, making it easier for you to cut and pierce them (with an awl or nail).

Opened cones can be used to make the torso of a camel or turkey, and closed cones can be used for limbs (legs, arms).
* For starters, you can make a bird - this is probably the simplest craft from cones.

* The crafts "camel", "deer" or "swan" will be a little more difficult. You will need to make a neck - use acorn caps, which should be strung on a bent wire. The head is composed of an acorn.

* Also try to make a forestry with the children. It is made with green and ripe buds. Use wire to attach the arms and legs.

Attach the forester's head to the body with glue.

Use the needles for the mustache and use the bump scales to create the eyes.

What kind of craft to make in kindergarten: "Apple"

You can make an incredible amount of bright crafts out of colored paper with your children. One of them is a voluminous craft "apple".

Children will do this simple work with great interest.

For it you will need: colored paper, glue, cardboard (colored cardboard).

Prepare a template and cut out a certain number of parts according to it.

Start gluing all the pieces together.

Glue the blank on a rod (ice cream stick).

Make a ponytail by cutting out an additional piece of paper.

Crafts of children in kindergarten: "Cloud and bright rain"

This craft also uses colored paper and glue.

You will need:

Colored paper


1. First, cut out the outline of the cloud from white or blue paper.

2. Follow the pictures to see how to make a raindrop.

3. Putting everything together, the baby will get a very beautiful picture.

Crafts from paper in kindergarten: "Autumn leaves"

Colored paper can be used to make very beautiful leaves that take on rich colors of autumn.

Take a look at the images to see how you can make these leaves. The craft is actually pretty simple and kids will love working on it.

Autumn crafts for kindergarten: "Mushrooms - fly agaric"

Such beautiful mushrooms can be made from old egg packaging. Although fly agarics and poisonous mushrooms, they can boast of a very beautiful color, which you will convey in your crafts.

Crafts for the kindergarten site: "Goby"

But what a beautiful goby can be made from an old plastic bottle or container.

You will need:

2 cardboard toilet paper cylinders

Plastic bottle (not rounded)

Follow the photo instructions to make a beautiful animal.

Crafts for kindergarten (photo): "Sheep"

If you do not feel sorry for cotton swabs, then you can make such a beautiful and fluffy lamb with your children.

You will need:

White cardboard

Cotton buds



Black marker

Pink marker

1. Prepare a piece of cardboard and cut out two elliptical shapes from it - one part will serve as the body and the other as the head. Set aside the torso part temporarily.

2. Prepare cotton swabs and cut off the tops of the head about 1.5 cm in length.

3. Start gluing these tops to the torso.

4. Take two cotton tops and glue them on both sides of the lamb's head. For bangs, you can glue 3 tops of cotton swabs on top.

5. Draw the eyes with a marker. You can also add some color part.

6. Prepare a ribbon and make a bow out of it. This bow needs to be fixed to the sheep's head.

7. Now glue the sheep's head to the body.

8. Take the lamb's body and attach clothespins to it - they will act as legs. You can apply glue to these clothespins if necessary.

Crafts on the theme "Autumn": "Spider"

You can make such a beautiful craft from natural materials. Using autumn leaves, chestnuts, and thread, try making a spider on a web with your children.

You can see how to do this by looking at the image. The craft is quite simple, but very interesting and original.

DIY autumn crafts: "A tree of leaves"

You will need:

Leaves (red, yellow, green)

* you can choose leaves of different shapes

* do not choose too dry leaves

Several thin branches and one thicker branch

* a large branch can be of an unusual shape, with knots

Rowan (if desired)

Glue gun or superglue

On the theme "Spring" for kindergarten. We went around the entire Internet and found 20 unbroken, but at the same time, simple spring crafts that children can make with their own hands.

Not only kindergarten needs spring-themed craft ideas. Children who do not go to kindergarten also love to tinker, and they will probably be interested in doing something new and unusual with their own hands, for example, a spring cloud, a volumetric rainbow made of paper, or

Many of these crafts can be the perfect gift for mom or grandmother on March 8, 2019 or Mother's Day. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than a craft that a baby makes with his own hands with the thought of how happy mom or grandmother will be happy with her. What can we hide, some of us even wear it on the street to brag about what a wonderful gift the child made.

20 Spring Craft Ideas for Kindergarten

Hurray, the snow is over. And we have three months ahead of us with rains, thunderstorms, colorful rainbows and gorgeous flowers. That we will display in crafts on the theme of "Spring", which children will make with their own hands in kindergarten.

To begin with, we suggest you make a cloud with rainbow rain. Execution and details depend on your imagination and age characteristics of children. For example, for younger children, offer to make a cloud with rain from ribbons (thinner or thicker), but in the older group you can try to make bulky drops from colored paper.

And here are some ideas with a voluminous rainbow from multi-colored paper for crafts on the theme of "Spring". Instructions on how to do them are in the photo.

A simple craft for children, even children from the younger group can do it with their own hands, provided that the educators prepare the blanks in advance.

Such a bouquet of paper hyacinths can be made with your own hands as a gift for mom on March 8 or Mother's Day.

Spring craft for the younger and middle group of kindergarten - flowers from ribbons, paper and ice cream sticks. Instead of textile ribbons, you can use paper serpentine, which remained after the New Year.

Everything is simple here: cut out hearts from colored paper (three for a flower, one for a piece of paper), pierce a hole in the middle of each of them and string them on a straw for drinks. Voila, and the "Spring" craft is ready. It remains only to bring more straws to the kindergarten.

For this craft, you must first draw and cut paper flowers. Then we fold a fan out of green paper and glue the prepared flowers on it.

And even toddlers in the nursery group can handle such flowers made from wooden sticks, but they will have to help them a little with glue.

We'll cover the paper flower theme with origami. Follow the link to find a diagram of origami tulips.

When the children get tired of creating, get dirty from head to toe with glue and cut with scissors even what could not be cut, invite them to draw spring flowers. Here are some examples of simple drawings, but dandelions and hyacinths really need to be drawn with your fingers. If you wish, you can turn these drawings into appliques by cutting out some elements for them from colored paper.

And finally - a spring tree with birds that have returned from warm lands. The trunk of the tree is a cardboard sleeve from toilet paper or paper towels. We cut out the crown, leaves and birds from colored cardboard, and we "sculpt" nests and flowers from corrugated paper, crumpling it up.

Now you have tons of Spring Kindergarten DIY ideas that any child can handle. Good luck and inspiration!

Unlike adults, children cannot sit still. They don't like boredom and longing. Every minute they try to keep themselves occupied. Making children's crafts is a useful way to keep your toddler busy.

With the help of adults, the child creates whole works of art that in adulthood will remind him of childhood.

Paper- the most popular material for creative activities with young children. When creating crafts, the child learns to handle scissors. Working with glue for the first time will seem difficult to a child, but over time this skill will improve.

At the same time, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers occurs. The craft making process forms patience, neatness, perseverance. Children 3-4 years old do all work with paper under the supervision of an adult.

Craft "Hare"

You need to start with making light crafts. Most children 3-4 years old already know how to cut simple shapes from paper with scissors.

For creating crafts, the child must cut several strips of the same width. If it is difficult for him, then first draw the contours of the stripes using a ruler.

The head of a hare is a strip of paper glued into a ring. Ears - two strips glued to the head. For the legs, take a wide strip and make small cuts at both ends. Slightly bend and glue the head on the body. We draw eyes. To complete the composition, the rabbits can be placed on the grass - green paper.

Gallery: crafts for children 3-4 years old (25 photos)

Crafts "Caterpillar" and "Bird"

Many different animals can be made from strips of paper. For example, a caterpillar. Caterpillar made of strips of paper of the same width. The color of the paper can be either plain or different. The blanks are also glued into a circle (ring).

Next, the rings are glued to each other, and a paper caterpillar is obtained. Eyes, horns are cut out of paper and glued to the head. The insect is placed on a green piece of paper. With the help of a hole punch on the leaf, we make several holes, so we get the "eaten" leaf by a caterpillar.

Craft " Little bird»Is made of strips of the same width but different lengths. The strips are cut from different colored paper. Again, we glue each blank into a ring.

Craft "Lion"

On orange draw the outline of a circle on paper, cut it out. On it, the child draws the eyes, nose and mouth of the future lion. We cut colorful strips of different lengths. We glue them along the edge of the circle as often as possible. To get the "curls" - the lion's mane, twist the paper with a pencil. To complete, you can invite the child to cut out several thin strips - these will be the lion's whiskers.

Paper applications for children 3-4 years old

Crafts with children 3-4 years old can be made in the form of applications.

Starting with simple and single crafts, ending with whole compositions. Consider the simplest applications to make.

Applications on ready-made templates

This application is distinguished by its simplicity in production. And even the smallest child is able to create it. The help of an adult will consist in drawing the contours of a given object. For example, on cardboard we draw a large house with a roof, window, door.

The child's task is to glue cut-out blanks of various shapes into the voids. The picture-house can be completed by pasting arbitrary clouds, sun, grass.

Flower with wishes

To make this paper applique, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • base - a sheet of cardboard;
  • regular and glitter glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper.


  1. Cut out the petals, stem and core of the flower from colored paper.
  2. For the leaves of the flower, the palms of the child are used. On the back of the green paper, draw the outline of the child's palms.
  3. Further, the child independently sticks the flower petals on the cardboard. The petals are glued only to the base, that is, to the core. Thus, each edge of the petal can be twisted with a pencil or raised for beauty.
  4. Then the baby glues the stem, core and palm leaves.
  5. After the craft dries, we lift each leaf and write a wish under it.

We use glitter glue for decoration. Such a children's paper applique will remind you of what little palms the baby had.

Application "Fish"

For work you will need:

  • cardboard, colored paper;
  • plate;
  • ruler, scissors, pencil;
  • glue.

Fish making process:

  1. Use a plate to draw a circle. Let the baby draw her outline.
  2. Next, a sector should be noted, which will be about 1/6 of the entire circle.
  3. Mark the sector with a ruler and cut out.
  4. Let the child glue the sector as the fish's tail. But also let him cut out the eyes and glue them.

The fish can be decorated in different ways. For example, to create scales, we spread the whole fish with glue and sprinkle with confetti on top.

Applications using various materials

Making crafts from various materials is even more fun class... For the manufacture of children's crafts, not only paper can be used, but also fabric, plasticine, threads, yarn, cereals, natural materials and others. From several materials, volumetric applications are obtained, similar to a picture. Consider the following options:

Making children's crafts is useful in any age... At the age of 7–8, children already know how to use scissors and glue. Most of the work is done by themselves. Primary school children are well versed in various materials and are able to select them themselves.