What a gift can make mom light. Volume card for mom "Bouquet with tulip". Manual plate or mug

How to make a gift mom with your own hands? Probably, such a question is sooner or later, will ask yourself any child who can not allow himself to spend money, but at the same time wishing to please your favorite mother, show her how it is the road.

Mom really needs to be happy about and without, and for this really it is really necessary to have a large amount in your pocket. After all, each of us has something much better than money: two hands and head on shoulders. And loving heart, of course! They will help us to make unforgettable gifts for our beloved moms.

Below are several options with detailed explanations. You can take them on weapons or based on them to invent something your original and unusual. So, proceed.

If you want to make a simpler jewelry, then cut the heart follows from color cardboard, for example, red or pink, decorate it with white or gold beads and candies.

All patterns we will do from red paper stripes 30 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. You can also use tissue.

Take such a strip and wind to the toothpick, having received a spiral. Now let her go. The spiral snaps a little, and you will get about the same as you see in the image.

If you have a ruler with a plurality of holes of various diameters, or any other object with a round hole, you can place a spiral from the toothpick to the data of the holes that give them an identical form.

Having received a spiral, glue free end to the side. It will be element "Closed Spiral". If you surpass the resulting product from one end, you can get the element of the "petal", with both - "Eye". In the image you can see several jewelry in the form of "drops".

It is difficult to say how many such decorations will be required for your heart. For what is shown in the figure, it took 6 "closed spirals", 3 "eyes" and 28 "drops". Close the heart with the same elements - and it will not be no less beautiful.

You can lay decorations more cunich or freely, decorate only the inner and outermost border of the heart, only half of the heart - try and you will see how to do better.

After you chose the location of the elements, you need to attach them to the cardboard heart. This is done either with an adhesive-pencil, or standard PVA.

Our candy will be the last stroke. Choose something suitable in size and color (white or gold), for example, Raffaello.. Small scotch bands are attached to candy tails, with which it is glued to the cardboard. The gift is ready!

Gift "Bells"

Next squeezes the "spiral" with your fingers on both sides as shown in the figure. With the help of a finger, another hand form the lower part of the bell tape, which can be both straight and concave or convex - on your taste. You can give the sharpness of the edges of the bell - for this, they need to be "pinned with" with fingers.

After the manufacture of two bells, we need to make tongues for them. To do this, you will need two more strips 15x0.5 cm. We make "closed spirals" from them and with the help of glue fix on the bottom of the bells.

You can give a special chic bells, if you cover them with glue containing golden sparkles. This glue can be bought in the store with stationery. Anyone to your bells look like those depicted in the picture.

To finally collect a gift, we will also need a basic tape with a 1-2 cm wide, auxiliary for bells with a width of 0.5 cm, as well as a fragment of tinsel.

Through the thin tape through the curls of the bell, the same, then connect its ends. As a result, both bell tapes hang on one closed in the ribbon circumference. We divor the bells in opposite ends of the ribbon, compress the tape in the middle and this point is secure to the main glue golden tape using glue or scotch. Pre-lay this tape so that it looks like a bow (look at the picture). Then glue the ends of the wide ribbons with each other, covering one of them the place of fastening the thin ribbon.

Decorate the gift by Mishuro, which will give him some playfulness. For this, two pieces are attached with glue directly on a wide ribbon from the same side. The gift is ready!

"Bowl with flowers"

Such a gift made by your own hands can be given to mom on the day of the mother or birthday. In order to make it, you will need two sheets of cardboard, colored paper and a beautiful ribbon.

First of the cardboard, halves of the bowl are cut out, as shown in the figure. These halves should be glued in places marked red to leave a small colors pocket, and below two legs, thanks to which the handicraft will stick to the surface.

Flowers are cut out of colored paper. Having made several colors of different sizes and putting them into each other, you can get one bouton with bulk leaves. Bold them to each other you need with glue. Then the obtained buds are placed in a pocket of the bowl and fix with glue. Last bar - we bind the "neck" bowls of colorful ribbon. The gift is ready!

To create such a picture, the petals of colors of various shades are required: yellow, red, orange, blue, pink, as well as green leaves of various sizes.

On medium size, the cutting board is stacked a piece of light monochrome tissue, which is best white. Then the petals and leaves are stacked on the fabric, or in some particular order, to create the correct composition, or how will you have - in this case, you can enjoy the game of paints.

After that, the fabric together with the layer of petals and leaves is covered with a piece of cellophane, the film is fixed along the boundaries (for example, buttons), after which the resulting "pie" is rolled by a rolling pin or undergoes a tapping of the Cyan.

After the process of coloring the fabric, natural "paints" shakes, the fabric is stretched to a piece of plywood and placed in a frame. The gift is ready!

You can create a similar picture immediately from the petals and leaves, if you place them on the fabric and immediately shove into the frame. In such a composition you can use autumn multicolored leaves.

You can cook for mom Secret Message! On a pure white sheet of paper with milk, lemon juice or vinegar, you need to write a congratulation for mom. You need to do it as much as possible to subsequently get beautiful lines.

After writing from the sheet, they make a scroll and tied up with a colorful ribbon. A gift can be handed over. Suggest your mother to heat the sheet, for example, above the lamp. Invisible inks will gain strength, and mom will be able to read your congratulations.

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In the articles of the mother's day, we have repeatedly talked about the fact that this holiday is very symbolic, and not the functionality and high cost of the gift, but its mentality, sincerity. These are exactly the gifts made by their own hands. We tried to find ideas that will be adopted and from an adult, and from the child. The main secret is stylish and simple.

Idea 1: Do Colored Hyacinths

Gift mom for mother's day from paper is the most universal and budget option. Flowers are especially elegant of these material. Take a look at the photo below: Hyacinths of paper look flawlessly.

You will need:
  • colored paper set (use a variety of tones, paper must be double-sided);
  • scissors;
  • good glue;
  • you may also need a simple pencil and ruler.

We start work:

Idea 2: Soft Tulips

Such a gift to my mother for the mother's day will definitely not remain without compliments. If you have at least minimal sewing skills, then easily realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife. Soft tulips, unlike paper, durable and perfectly fit into the interior. Look, what beauty gets.

You will need:
  • several flaps bright fabric from which buds will sew. It is desirable that the fabric is different shades that are harmoniously combined with each other. Boldly use drawings on the fabric: for example, polka dot or strip.
  • a slice of green fabric for leaves and stems of future tulips;
  • soft filler (for example, wool or foam);
  • wire for rigidity.

We start work:

First you need to cut the pattern and from the computer screen to translate it on paper. Then a piece of fabric for bud bending in half and with a pencil, we supply the pattern. Next, the item needs to be attached (so the fabric is not discouraged). The same makes the same with the stem and leaves of the future tulip. When all the details are cut, gently sew them on the typewriter. Do not forget to leave a little place to turn out. Fill our buds with soft cotton, syntheps or foam rubber, stitching and attaching to the stalk (it is possible to do this with a secret seam). That's how it is just made a gift for mother's day with your own hands. Such a flower will never start!

Idea 3: Stone Cactus

If you need a gift that will surprise, then this idea is what you need. The handicraft looks original, and is made extremely simple. If there are children in the house, then definitely connect them to the process.

You will need:

  • flower pot of small size (it is desirable to use pots from ceramics, you can become old, so the crafts will look more naturally); Some sand;
  • pieces 5-6 flat stones of different sizes and shapes;
  • set of acrylic paints.

We start work:

Idea 4: heart of flowers

Very gentle gift, symbolizing your love. It is easy to make it: for the whole process you will have no more than forty minutes.

You will need:

  • a lot of small roses;
  • one heart of cardboard (blank);
  • stapler;
  • the rope on which the heart will be suspended.

We start work:

To start on a sheet of dense cardboard, you need to draw a heart of this size that you need. Then hang the future floral heart on the rope. Gently cut off the buds of colors from the stems (and it is better to use twigs at all), and fix them on a cardboard blank using a stapler. Beautiful handicrafts for mother's day is ready!

Idea 5: Spring Birds

Such birds look incredibly cute, but just done. However, almost every handicraft from felt causes delight of who is intended. So, proceed.

You will need:

  • several pieces of multicolored felt;
  • threads;
  • soft filler;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ribbons;
  • beads.

We start work:

On the landscape sheet you need to draw wings and body of the future bird. Cut the blank. Then the felt must be folded twice, and attach the billet body of the bird. Cut on the contour. We do the same with the wings, only use the felt of another color. Cut out a little keyboard. Now the body of the bird should be attached and filled with soft fillers. The wings are sewn on the sides, the keyboard is sewn. Do not forget to add eye beads. Bird can be attached to wooden sticks or hang on satin ribbons, and insert a small heart or flower in a key.

We offer to get acquainted with several photo instructions and options for what else can be done on the mother's day with your own hands.

Idea 6: Rainbow Beads

Idea 7: paper hearts

Idea 8: Bright Pano with photos of children

Idea 9: Bouquet of chocolate candies

Idea 10: bulk letters from flowers

Idea 11: Treasure Collection

Do you know how to make a gift mom for mother's day? If so, share with our readers in the comments under the article!

If you are looking for a place to celebrate the Day of Mother, then welcome to our catalog: you will find hundreds of the best institutions of Ukraine with detailed descriptions, photos and guest reviews.

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Photo: At the request of Yandex and Google

Mother's Day is celebrated worldwide. On this day I want to say my mother's warm words, create a holiday and a good mood! But the most pleasant surprise for mom - there will be a gift made with your own hands. If you make a little, the ideas will sprinkle themselves.

For example, you can make candles with the image of your family, for this you will need:

  • candles;
  • the photo;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Another idea is to take a picture of your favorite people, but so that in your hands they kept the frame with the photo you give your mom.

You can decorate a plate. On the edge through the stencil, apply the drawing with acrylic paints.

Dark linen wipes for the table can also be decorated. To do this, you need to take simple pencils with an eraser at the end, toothpicks and chlorine or any liquid bleach. How to apply the picture can be seen in the photo.

Interestingly looks notepad, painted through the stencil paint and decorated with decorative ribbons.

On the usual board you can attach photos and wishes to mom.

The easiest way to make a pendant for the chain. Shells, brought from the sea, and crafts from queen, and different beads are suitable.

And if there are wooden spoons and a spatula among kitchen appliances, then you can give them a "lively" view, coloring their handles.

Family photo album - a wonderful gift. For this craft you will need cardboard. Fold it into two layers of the harmonica and cut the windows for the photo.

Volume cards are not difficult to do. The main thing is to cut the paper knife or letters gently.

Not intricate, but a very touching gift in photo 11, make it easy.

Heart from carnations and threads - decorate the wall.

And in the catcher you can put photos of your loved ones.

When a gift has already bought, make it yourself.

Lower the palm in the paint and grab the cup, and then cover the lacquer to fix the drawing.

Collect wands for ice cream, they will use you for crafts.

Do not hurry to wash your palms after paint, make a bouquet of them.

You can make a roset of paper.

Refrigerator stickers.

Decorating the phone.

Make an applique on the pillow.

Take a desk lamp with your own hands.

Turn on the fantasy and everything will turn out!

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What to give a gift to my mother - it is these issues that the mass of boys and girls will come up on the eve of the 2019 holiday. Since our children do not go to work, and most often they have no budget for purchases, their exit - Gifts do it yourself.

In order for the gift to mom for the Mother's Day, we prepared for you 10 ideas with which the child will cope with. Of course, the help of conscious adults is welcomed.

What to do mom for mother's day: presentation ideas do it yourself

Multicolored hyacinths with their own hands as a gift for the day of the mother

Soft tulips handicraft with their own hands as a gift for mother's day

For those who know how to sew, we offer mother as a gift for Mother's Day 2018 make a bouquet of soft tulips with your own hands. Even created from fabric and syntheps, these surprisingly gentle flowers do not lose their charm!

You will need: Bright cloth for buds, green cloth for legs and leaflets, filler, wire for stiffness.

Sew the legs, remove the outward, fill the filler, insert the wire, sew buds, remove, fill the filler, enter to the leg.

Stone cacti - for Mother's Day 2018

Among the female representatives, there are many people who love cactuses. Therefore, as a gift mom for the Mother's Day 2018, we want to offer not just alive, but!

You will need: A small ceramic flower pot, sand, flat pebbles of different shapes and sizes, corrector.

Choose pebbles in shape similar to cacti, paint them with green paint, make a white corrector with needles. Put pebbles in a ceramic pot, pour onto ΒΌ sand - your cacti ready. Alternative option - .

Flower heart - beautiful

Gift Mama talks about love, and a symbol of love, of course - the heart. We found a fairly simple way to make the heart blooming and present it to you.

You will need: Small roses living or paper, cardboard heart, stapler, hanging rope.

Draw a heart on cardboard, cut out, hang a cardboard blank to the rope. If you have chosen live roses, cut off from large small sprigs with buds and secure them on the heart with a stapler.

If you choose on artificial - first fill out all the hearts with buds - your mother's day is 2018 ready.

Paper Hearts - For Mother's Day 2018

Even 3-year-old kids will be able under the guidance of an adult folded on color paper schemes small hearts.

You will need: Color or wrapping paper, various mounts, glue.

From such billets, you can make a bouquet, securing on long toothpicks or small sticks, decorate a box with a gift, make a garland, bookmark or fix on clothes.

Creative gift packaging for mom for mother's day

In order to originally pack the gift Mom on the mother's day, you can attach pumps and brushes from yarn instead of an ordinary bow.

You will need: Threads, a piece of cardboard.

Make from cardboard the basis for which you will wink threads. And then follow the instructions on the link: "".

Rainbow beads as a gift for Mother's Day 2018

You will need: Big apple, knife, mold for cookie heart, pieces of chocolate, dried fruits and nuts, nut, chocolate or fruit paste.

Cut the apple on longitudinal slices, in each slicer squeeze the dive shape for cookies. Take two slices of apple, spread their paste, sprinkle with chocolate, nuts or pieces of dried fruits, connect. Your apple sandwich is ready.

Spring Birds - Beautiful Mother Day Gift 2018

Mother's Day is a spring holiday, and the spring is brought to us by birds. So, if a gift for the day of Meter Mama gives a few spring bright singer - spring will come faster, and Mamino mood will be joyful for a long time.

What to give mom: paintings from leaves and colors

We hope you have found the appropriate option that to give my mother for the mother's day, and she will like this gift made with her own hands.

Mom is the closest and dear person in the life of everyone. I want to pamper it regardless of the holiday. Therefore, if you wanted to make a surprise to her, then go to paper and fantasy. From paper, beautiful and unusual gifts-crafts are obtained.

How to make a gift mom from paper - Paper flowers with a surprise

For the manufacture of colors with a surprise you will need:

  • corrugated paper green and red;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • slim wire;
  • wooden sticks;
  • candy.

Take over the edge of candy candy to a wooden wand. Prepare petals, cutting them pre-from red corrugated paper. Gently decompose them in a circle around candy. You can use glue or wire for securing paper. The edges of the petals gently wrap out so that the buds looks as plausible. At the very end, cut down a long green strip of paper and wipe it with a wooden wand, forming a stem. Flower with a surprise for mom is ready!

Gift postcard mom from paper

Make a paper postcard easy. It is enough to take a dense cardboard, folded his little book. Further all depends on your imagination. Cut letters from colored paper and write inside the postcard "Mom, I love you." Decorate with red paper hearts, buttons, ribbons.

How to make a gift Mother of paper - Pencil stand

  • Such a thing for sure will come in handy your mom at home or at work. Make an organizer for pencils and handles is very easy, you need to prepare cardboard rolls.

  • Take the lid from the box from under the candy or a dense cardboard. Purchase it with colored paper. Spool the rolls of paint or wrap in colored paper. Stick them to the basis of glue and decorate your taste.

Gift Portrait of a Mom of Paper

Someone draws portraits, and you try to make it from colored paper. Cut carefully all the details and glue them gradually glue PVA. You can add some sparkles or ribbons to decorate. Do not forget about earrings and beads.

From the primary materials you can always come up with an unusual gift and please our close surprises. Whatever the idea you choose, your mother in any case will be happy and grateful for such a gift. Give your mom's positive emotions.