Boy conception calendar: how to calculate what days to conceive a boy? How to conceive a boy. The best methods for conceiving a boy

Is it possible to “set” the gender of the future baby at the planning stage? The question is relevant for couples who have long dreamed of a son. There is a special diet for conceiving a boy, the effectiveness of which has been proven. The sex of the fetus is affected by certain substances that enter the body with food. In addition to diet, couples are trying other methods of programming their baby's gender: from scientific to folk. Some of them really help to conceive a son, in the case of others, the effect of self-hypnosis is triggered, which can also lead to the desired result. In pursuit of a dream, any methods are good, the main thing is not to harm your own health.

Happy young mother with a long-awaited son

What factors influence the gender of the unborn baby? This question has troubled mankind for many centuries. Y-chromosomal spermatozoa are responsible for the conception of a boy. They are much more active than those that carry the X chromosome (which contribute to the birth of a girl), but they are also less hardy.

"Male" spermatozoa are not suitable for the acidic microflora in the vagina. In it, they die, and “female” spermatozoa reach their goals, therefore, a girl is born. If conditions are provided for changing the acidic environment to an alkaline one, then the chances of giving birth to a boy increase many times over. In such a microflora, Y-chromosomal spermatozoa do not die and are active. They eventually reach their goal and the fertilized egg develops into a male embryo.

Parental nutrition and baby gender

The nutrition of a couple during the planning period of pregnancy is one of the factors affecting the future baby. Such a statement at first glance may seem like a myth, but scientists have proven it. If you understand the nuances of the process of conception, then the relationship between nutrition and the sex of the baby no longer seems so incredible.

Changes in the pH in the vagina are facilitated by appropriate foods containing sodium and potassium. If you stick to the developed diet, you can influence the sex of the future crumbs. You just need to know what foods to include in your own diet and the diet of your partner.

It is recommended to start adhering to the nutrition system for conceiving a baby of a certain gender two months before the intended pregnancy. It is necessary to take a balanced approach to the nutrition system, before starting a diet, it is better to consult a doctor. During the planning period of pregnancy, it is important to eat healthy and varied.

Products for conceiving a boy

Eating tomatoes is very helpful in planning

It has been proven that a boy can be conceived when there are a lot of foods rich in sodium and potassium in the parents' diet. In parallel, it is important to ensure that the body receives less magnesium and calcium, which reduce the amount of necessary trace elements. When following a diet aimed at programming the sex of the unborn baby, it is important not to forget about the rules of a healthy diet. The course of pregnancy, the health of the mother and fetus in the future depends on eating habits at the planning stage.

In order for the dream of a son to come true, the couple needs to consume more of the foods indicated in the table:

Vegetables and greensFruitsDried fruitsThe drinksMeatOther
potatopeachesdried apricotsdried fruit compotesbeefolives
pumpkinapricotspruneshydrocarbonate mineral watervealmushrooms
spinachcherry fruit juicessausagesblack chocolate

It is believed that the chances of conceiving a boy increase if you eat a lot of salty and high-calorie foods. Since ancient times, people have noticed that in well-fed years more male children were born, in hungry years - more female ones. In pursuit of the dream of an heir, you should not abuse high-calorie and salty foods (after all, this is harmful), but you need to eat hearty and salt your dishes a little more. Expectant parents should make sure that the diet is varied: the list of recommended foods is quite extensive, which allows you to take a balanced approach to compiling a daily menu at the planning stage.

What not to eat

In order to conceive a boy, it is important not only to include the recommended foods in your diet, but also to exclude those that may interfere with “programming” the desired gender of the baby. During planning, it is worth limiting the amount of foods rich in calcium. For couples dreaming of an heir, it is undesirable to use:

  • dairy products (especially hard cheese, milk, cottage cheese);
  • legumes (especially beans);
  • dill;
  • seafood (mussels, shrimps, crabs, caviar);
  • nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds);
  • eggs (especially the yolk);
  • mineral waters with calcium.

It is better to push on sweets for those who dream of a daughter

Sweet lovers are more likely to have girls. In order for a son to be born in the family, a woman should give up confectionery, condensed milk, milk chocolate. Avoid baked goods that contain eggs and milk.

Refusal of the listed products is not a guarantee of conception of a boy. However, if you stick to a diet (increase the amount of foods high in sodium and potassium in the diet), then the chances of having a son increase.

A diet that helps to conceive a boy, although it is considered effective, does not give a 100% guarantee of the birth of a son. To achieve the goal, you should reinforce the diet with other methods that allow you to "program" the sex of the child. For example, certain positions contribute to the conception of a son. Since the Y-spermatozoa responsible for the conception of a male baby do not differ in survivability, it is important to shorten their path to the egg as much as possible. The shorter the path, the higher the chances of fertilization by "male" spermatozoa. For the conception of a boy, the “partner from behind” position is considered optimal, because it provides deep penetration.

If a couple dreams of a son, then you need to try so that the woman reaches orgasm first. During orgasm, the environment in the vagina changes from acidic to alkaline. Such a microflora is unfavorable for spermatozoa carrying the female chromosome. "Male" spermatozoa receive the bonus of eliminating "competitors", which increases the chances of giving birth to a boy.

It is important to remember one more thing: it takes at least twenty minutes for the sperm to reach the goal. After intercourse, a woman is advised to rest. Do not get out of bed for the next half hour. You can elevate the pelvic area to help the movement of the sperm. Y-spermatozoa are quite “capricious”, they need to provide a number of conditions: from the right microflora to rest during movement.

Conception of a boy by ovulation

A diet conducive to the birth of a boy and the “correct” postures should be supported by the popular method of “programming” the sex - by ovulation. According to this method, sexual intercourse should be entered directly on the day of ovulation. During this period, the female body is maximally ready for conception, the microflora in the vagina changes, therefore, the “male” spermatozoa, which are active in nature, reach the goal, ahead of the “female” ones. To determine suitable days, you need:

  • measure basal temperature;
  • use special ovulation tests;
  • keep a table.

Ultrasound diagnostics effectively determines the onset of ovulation

Sometimes, ultrasound diagnostics is used to determine ovulation, which allows you to monitor the condition of the follicles. Indicate the onset of ovulation and discharge. They turn white and become viscous. You can increase the number of spermatozoa and increase their activity if you refrain from sexual contact a couple of days before the onset of ovulation.

After ovulation has been determined and intimacy between the spouses has occurred, you need to take a two-day pause or have sex with a condom. If this rule is not adhered to, then (provided that the Y-sperm are defeated), the egg can be fertilized by sperm that carry the female chromosome.

Blood renewal method

Among couples who want to conceive a boy, the theory of blood renewal is popular. The method is to plan the onset of pregnancy at a time when the blood is at the beginning of the cycle. According to the theory, every three years there is a renewal of blood in the fair sex, every four in men. To determine blood cycles, the count must be from birth. However, if one of the partners had a major blood loss (surgery, miscarriage), then the countdown starts from that moment.

The conception of a boy provides young blood. It is important that the blood of a man be younger than that of a woman - then the chances of having an heir are greatly increased. The Rh factor of the parents is also responsible for the sex of the future baby: with different Rh partners, the probability of conceiving a boy increases.

Set IVF Gender

Today, innovative reproductive technologies are actively used. They are contacted when, for some reason, it is not possible to get pregnant naturally. In some cases, IVF can increase the chances of having a male baby. To do this, carriers of the X chromosome are removed from the seminal fluid, which reduces the likelihood of conceiving a girl (provided that all carriers are removed).

With artificial insemination, the sex “programming” method is rarely used. They turn to him only when there are medical indications for this. For example, if there is a high probability of transmission along one of the lines (female or male) of severe genetic diseases.

Folk methods and beliefs

There are many folk ways to conceive a son

Spouses have been trying to plan the sex of the baby for a long time. It is not surprising that many beliefs and folk methods for conceiving a boy have appeared. It has always been believed that in even years of life a woman can conceive a son only in odd months. In order for an heir to be born, a couple must put things under the bed that are associated with male energy: for example, an ax or a hammer. Later, this sign was interpreted in accordance with modern realities: they began to put toy cars under the bed. It was believed among the people that a boy can be conceived on a quiet night, when the month begins to "grow", but not on a full moon. If the spouses lie with their heads to the north during conception, then they will have a son.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that contribute to the conception of a boy. One of the most popular methods is douching with a soda solution before intercourse. This procedure really contributes to the creation of an alkaline environment that is suitable for Y-sperm. However, douching is not for everyone. It has a number of contraindications and side effects, so before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a doctor. The same applies to decoctions from medicinal plants that traditional medicine recommends drinking to conceive a boy. Before taking such decoctions, you must make sure that they do not harm your health.

So far, no one has been able to fully understand the reason why boys are born in some families, and girls in others. As they have not yet been able to invent a method that would be guaranteed to ensure the choice of sex during conception in a natural way. Of course, diets, positions and other methods of "programming" the sex give certain results, increasing the chances of conceiving a boy. However, none of the methods can boast of 100% efficiency. There are also statistics according to which a boy should be expected if:

  • parents do not smoke;
  • the weight of the expectant mother exceeds 54 kilograms;
  • the spouses are young and this is their firstborn;
  • the mother's history does not include miscarriages and abortions;
  • the couple did not manage to conceive a baby for a long time, although both partners are healthy.

Psychologists are sure that in order to fulfill a dream, you need to visualize it. Couples who dream of a son are encouraged to imagine a boy in their home more often. The role of the psychological factor in the process of conception is difficult to explain, but it is also important. Often in families where they dreamed of an heir, it was a boy who appeared.

If for some reason you want a baby of a certain gender to be born, then you definitely need to try to “program” it. But if neither diet nor other popular methods work, then you should not be upset: a son or daughter is still a great happiness.


The sex of the unborn child depends on the set of chromosomes. In the female body, only X chromosomes are present. In the body of a man, along with the X chromosome, there is also a Y chromosome. It is the latter species that is responsible for the birth of a boy. A sperm contains only one of the chromosomes. In order for a boy to be born, it is necessary to ensure that the egg meets such a sperm cell.

This must be done on the day of ovulation. The lifespan of sperm with a Y chromosome is very short, although they are more mobile compared to their counterparts carrying an X chromosome. The latter are slower, but can hide in the female body for up to two days, waiting for an opportunity. Conceiving during ovulation greatly increases the chance of getting the right sperm into the egg.

To accurately determine the date of ovulation, it is best to keep a diary of measurements of basal temperature. By this day, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of spermatozoa with a Y chromosome in a man's body. A few days before the planned conception, sex should be taboo. Let a man walk for a couple of weeks without warm underwear. Both partners should give up the pleasure of soaking in a hot bath a week before an important event.

During intercourse, certain rules should be observed. It is better to choose a position when a man enters from behind and try to maximize vaginal penetration. It is desirable that a woman reach orgasm before her partner. This will provide the necessary alkaline environment in which X-chromosome spermatozoa die. The creation of an alkaline environment is facilitated by a long prelude before sex or preliminary douching with a soda solution. After the act, the woman should lie down quietly for 20-30 minutes.

The recommendations of traditional medicine are to follow a certain diet. The preparatory period lasts 2-3 months. At this time, you should lean on meat, sausage and smoked meats. Maybe not very useful, but the male sex loves it. You can eat fish, but seafood will have to be excluded. Flour and sweet should be limited, only dark chocolate is allowed. Green vegetables and all kinds of nuts are excluded. You can eat any fruit, especially bananas. Drinks are also allowed, but milk will have to be abandoned.

You can’t argue with nature, but the use of these methods greatly increases the chance of having a boy.

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To conceive a boy, plan your pregnancy well in advance. Calculate the days of ovulation, choose certain sexual positions, eat right. You can also use a variety of tables.

You will need

  • - calculator;
  • - ovulation test.


To get pregnant with a boy, you can use the method. Women's blood is renewed every three years, and - every four. If a later renewal occurred with the future father, then a son will be born. To determine whose blood is newer, you need to make simple calculations. Divide the age of the man by 4, the age of the woman by 3, and then compare the results. So, if 28 years old, then after dividing by 4 we get 7. Let the woman's age be 27 years. We divide 27 by 3, we get 9. Since 9 is greater than 7, the blood of the future father is newer, and that a boy will be born.

Use tables. There are many of them, but the Chinese one is the most popular. Two criteria are taken as the basis of this method: the month of conception and the age of the mother. In the first column you need to find the age of the woman. It is indicated in years, but in China it has always been considered not from the moment of birth, but from the date of conception. So add the year and find the right number. In the row corresponding to the cell with your age, you will find "M" and "D". From the letters "M" draw lines up to the first line. So you will find out the months in which the conception of a boy can occur.

You can conceive a boy if you calculate the day of ovulation. It is believed that spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome, upon entering the egg, a male embryo will begin to form, are more mobile, but less tenacious. And spermatozoa with the X chromosome, which are responsible for the female sex, are less mobile, but live longer. It turns out that if you know the date of ovulation and plan sexual intercourse on this day, then the chances of getting pregnant with a boy increase significantly. It is most convenient to identify the days of ovulation with the help of special tests sold in pharmacies. Until this date, it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days in order to increase the concentration of spermatozoa.

To understand how to conceive a boy correctly, you need to know the principle of sex selection at conception. The new person receives half of the DNA from the father and half from the mother. At the same time, as you know, women have XX chromosomes, and men have XY. The future sex of the child depends on which paternal chromosome will be transferred by the sperm that fertilized the egg. If the sperm is a carrier of the Y chromosome, then a boy will be born.

This is due to the coincidence of many factors and if you find advice on what to do to conceive a boy that guarantees a 100% result, try not to believe it too much. To date, only the IVF procedure can accurately guarantee the birth of a child of a certain gender, although, as a rule, the choice of an embryo of a certain sex is carried out according to indications - in order to exclude any hereditary disease that is transmitted only through the female or male line. In normal cases, you can increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy, using various tips and applying the experience of millennia.

how to conceive a boy by ovulation

The calendar method, based on the scientific fact that Y-spermatozoa are less tenacious, but more active than X-spermatozoa, proposes to conceive the day before and directly on the day of ovulation.

A woman who is thinking about how to conceive a boy will need an ovulation table. To do this, you can carefully measure basal temperature, use pharmacy ovulation tests, or monitor follicles using ultrasound. You can also navigate by the secretions, which become more viscous and white during ovulation.

In order to have more spermatozoa and their activity is higher, it is recommended to exclude sexual contacts a few days before ovulation.

As for the position in which to conceive a boy, this also plays an important role. It is necessary to ensure maximum contact of the cervix with sperm. Two poses are optimal for how to conceive a boy: “a man from behind” or “a woman from above”. After intercourse, a woman is advised to lie on her back, "helping" the most active sperm to reach their goal.

Child gender calculation tables

With a fairly high accuracy, they offer to answer the question of how to conceive a boy, a table used in China and taking into account the age of the mother, a Japanese table based on a comparison of the months of birth of future parents, and a table based on the ratio of blood types and Rh factors of the father and mother. Tables for calculating the sex of the unborn child.

Blood renewal

According to the theory of blood renewal, in men, blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women - once every three years. The boy is more likely to be born in the couple in which the last blood was renewed from the father. First you need to calculate who currently has “younger” blood. The countdown is either from birth, or if there have been large blood losses (after operations or injuries, childbirth or abortion), then from them.

  1. The total age of the father is divided by four (for example, if he is 29 years old, then: 29:4=7, remainder 1).
  2. The total age of the mother is divided by three (for example, if she is 26 years old: 26:3=8, the remainder is 2).
  3. Compare the remainder. In a man, the blood was renewed only a year ago (residue 1), and in a woman 2 years ago (residue 2). Based on this theory, it is possible to expect the birth of a boy during this period, since the blood of the future father is “younger”.

Moon calendar

An interesting way to conceive a boy in 2014 is offered by the lunar calendar. To plan on which day to conceive a boy, you need to know when the moon is in Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra or Sagittarius. On the Internet, you can find services with which it is easy to calculate in which month it will be easiest to conceive a boy.

Diet for conceiving a boy

As a result of some research, it was discovered how you can conceive a boy by adhering to a certain diet. The French were the first to draw attention to the relationship between the food taken and the sex of the children being born. Future parents who want to give birth to an heir are advised to eat foods rich in sodium and potassium: meat, sausages, fish (but not other seafood), potatoes, peas, lentils, beans, mushrooms, cherries, bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches, dates, egg white, rice, semolina, cookies, dark chocolate. At the same time, it is better to give up milk, bread, mineral water with calcium, nuts, greens, green beans, cabbage and salt food more than usual.

Other Methods

The problem of sex planning has a long history, so a lot of tips have been accumulated, following which you can increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

  • Quit smoking
  • Try not to reduce your weight below 55 kilograms
  • Yield to your husband, he should be the de facto head of the family
  • The longer you can't get pregnant, the more likely it is that the pregnancy will bring a boy.
  • Lead a calm, measured lifestyle, avoiding stress.
  • Visualize your future son in great detail

And finally, here are some folk tips on how to conceive a boy. It is good if conception occurs in the summer, while it is important that the future father walk the earth barefoot, renewing and strengthening his male energy. It is believed that the best time to conceive is the morning or afternoon of Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For most couples, the conception of a baby is a crucial stage; many would like to plan in advance the gender of the future heir. Some mothers persistently dream about the appearance of a girl, buying pink dresses and dolls, other mothers want to continue the family tree and give their husband a boy who would play with radio-controlled cars and drive the ball around the football field.

There are several techniques and tips that will help you find answers to the question "how to get 100 percent pregnant with a boy?".

The most common way to plan a pregnancy for a boy is to conceive according to the indications of the parents' blood renewal. According to medical theory, blood renewal in women is performed every three years, and in men - every four years. But do not lose sight of artificial methods of blood renewal, for example, transfusion after various operations, when a person loses blood. If there were no such emergencies, then it is easy to calculate the year when the blood is renewed: the age of the expectant mother must be divided by three, and the age of the future father by four.

To get pregnant with a boy from the first time, first of all, they pay attention to the renewal of the father's blood. The resulting number after division can have digits after the decimal point, it is these tenths and hundredths that are taken into account. These figures indicate the degree of renewal of the blood of the future pope.

Example: Potential mother is 25 years old, father is 28 years old. The calculated ratio of renewed parental blood for mom will be 8.33, and for dad - 7.00. Only numbers such as 0.33 and 0.00 are subject to attention. According to these testimonies, we can safely say that the dad has the most suitable period for conceiving a male fetus (his blood is considered “younger”), this period will last about one and a half to two years.

Calculation of gender by ovulation

Medical thorium says that the future sex of the child is determined by the X chromosomes (only a woman has it) and Y (only a man has it). If the egg is fertilized by a sperm carrying the Y chromosome, which, according to scientists, is considered fast, but less tenacious, then the woman will carry a boy in her womb. If a woman seeks advice from her attending gynecologist, he will help her find out how to get pregnant with a boy by ovulation and calculate it.

  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • calculation of the menstrual cycle;
  • ovulation tests.

To give fast Y-sperm a chance to fertilize an active egg, conception should be carried out immediately on the first day of ovulation or the day before it occurs. This is because on the day of ovulation, the egg goes “on the hunt”, it waits for the possibility of fertilization, and the faster Y chromosomes, compared to the X chromosomes, will be able to overtake them and reach the egg faster. Do not forget that 2 days after the end of ovulation, the egg will die in the event of an unsuccessful fertilization attempt. And only a month later there will be a chance to try again to get pregnant with a boy.

medical method

The most effective method - in vitro fertilization - can help with the issue of "getting pregnant with a boy the first time." Today, we can say that Eco can guarantee 80% premature planning of the sex of the unborn child. The thing is that the artificial insemination of the egg of the expectant mother is carried out in the laboratory. Only the spermatozoa of a potential father with Y chromosomes are planted to this egg, when only a boy can be conceived.

IVF is not carried out purely at the request of the parents to conceive a boy, but for certain medical reasons. For example, if the conception of a girl is unfavorable due to possible hereditary diseases transmitted to girls by birth.

In addition, such a procedure is expensive, few people can afford it.

Astrological method

It is not always important to know how to plan the sex of the future baby, you also need to know when to get pregnant so that a boy is born. The science of astrology will help answer this question. Everyone knows that 12 zodiac signs are not divided into female and male.

  • Women's signs are Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo. If a woman was born under one of these zodiac signs, most likely her first child will be male.
  • Male signs- Libra, Leo, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius. A woman born according to one of these zodiac signs is more likely to give birth to a girl.

But this situation is easy to change. To do this, you need to calculate the period of conception of a child so that he is born under a certain zodiac sign.

Example: The woman was born under the male zodiac sign Gemini. But she really wants to give birth not to a girl, as the astrological forecast says, but to a boy. In this case, the woman needs to conceive so that the child is born during the sign of Libra. Then the probability of conceiving a boy will increase significantly.

Special diet

To know how to become 100 percent pregnant with a boy, you first need to adjust the diet of future parents. It's no secret that a lot depends on food, including the chances of conceiving a boy. To do this, it is necessary that the diet is balanced and includes a variety of products: poultry meat, fish, chicken eggs (proteins), vegetables and fruits, seafood.

The product list must include:

  1. Meat: beef, poultry, pork.
  2. Cereals: buckwheat, peas, oatmeal, corn grits.
  3. Vegetables: pumpkin, legumes, carrots, tomatoes, beets.
  4. Fruits: apricots, bananas, cherries, dates, peaches.
  5. Fish: mackerel, trout, salmon, flounder, cheese.
  6. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates.

As little as possible, use any flour products that do not bear any benefit in the process of conceiving a baby. Doctors do not recommend the frequent use of dairy products, nuts, you need to reduce the amount of seafood in the diet, greens. You should eat no more than 5 grams of salt per day.

Chinese method for determining the sex of an unborn child

According to the Chinese method of predetermining the sex of the unborn child, two indicators are taken into account: the age of the mother and the month of conception of the fetus. This way to predict the sex of a child who has not even been conceived has come from ancient times from the sages. And until today, many potential parents use the Chinese table to choose a favorable period for conceiving either a boy or a girl.

The ancient Chinese claimed that a woman aged 25 years and older would be able to give birth to a boy if the conception of the fetus occurs in autumn or winter, and if in the spring, a girl will be born soon. For a 24-year-old woman, all indications are reversed.

A similar table was created by the sages many millennia ago, so it has been gaining the trust of millions of people to this day. Using such a table, you can easily calculate a favorable month for conceiving a boy, or maybe it will not be one boy, but twins.

How to get pregnant with twin boys?

It is not so easy to realize the dream of conceiving twin boys. But the statistics cannot but rejoice - now twins are born much more often than a few decades ago. Twin boys are fraternal children, and how to get pregnant with twin boys is not so easy to find out.

The most proven method is Eco, when the mother's egg is artificially fertilized with a pair of sperm with Y chromosomes. The chances of conceiving male twins are great, as the medical specialist will independently fertilize several maternal eggs at once to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

There are other ways to get pregnant with twin boys:

  1. During intercourse, you need to take a position in which deep penetration of sperm into the woman is possible. Thanks to this, spermatozoa will have more opportunities to quickly penetrate the fertilized egg and take root in it. In addition, a woman's orgasm, which releases components useful for Y-chromosomes, can contribute to the rapid and accurate fertilization of spermatozoa.
  2. Both potential parents should follow a diet: consume tea, meat products, fruit juices, chicken eggs, fish, black chocolate, pea flakes, semolina, rice cereal, potatoes, lentil porridge, mushrooms. Shrimps and crabs, beans, cabbage, dairy products, greens, caviar, lettuce should be removed from the diet.
  3. Sexual intercourse should be carried out on the day preceding ovulation or at its very beginning.

It is very important to believe that the conception of twins is possible, a positive attitude is half the battle.

But many methods have been developed that increase the possible chances of having a boy.

In contact with

This is a tried and tested method by scientific research. Scientists have found that the spermatozoa contained in the sperm that a man secretes during copulation are divided equally according to the content of X-chromosomes and Y-chromosomes. The second ones are faster and more energetic, unlike the first ones, but less tenacious. To conceive a boy, you need an egg with an X chromosome to reunite with a Y sperm.

In order for sperm with the right set of chromosomes to survive in the vaginal environment and get to the egg to fertilize it, try to maintain a high alkalinity of the environment in the vagina. For example, by douching with soda in a ratio of 1 to 17 with water before intercourse. Under such conditions, the viability of Y-spermatozoa increases, which means that the chances of fertilization by a boy increase.

The ideal time to conceive a boy is the day the egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) or the next day before or after it. The main thing is to correctly determine this date.

The day of ovulation is determined in several ways:

  • For several months, mark the days when your period begins. By analyzing the statistics, identify the average cycle. Actively have sex these days. For ease of calculation, we have developed many different programs for a computer or mobile phone, or online calculators, in which the day of ovulation will appear automatically based on the entered indicators.
  • For a couple of months, every morning, without getting out of bed, insert a thermometer into the rectum to measure basal temperature. Record the received data in a graph, and at the end of time, analyze the recorded information. The graph will show when the temperature at some time intervals will be higher than at other times by a quarter or half a degree. These are the periods of ovulation.
  • Buy special ovulation tests in a pharmacy. True, pleasure is not cheap.
  • Walk for the time indicated by your doctor ultrasound examination to the gynecologist, who will show the moment of maturation of the follicle with the egg and whether the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus is enough to fix it there after fertilization.

Create an alkaline environment in the body by eating the following set of products:

  • Meat, sausage, fish in different varieties and quantities;
  • Fruits, especially oranges, bananas, peaches, cherries;
  • Dried fruits, especially dried figs;
  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables and greens are allowed almost everything, except: cabbage, dill and green salad.
  • From drinks it is permissible: mineral water with soda, black tea, coffee.

Correctly chosen positions during sex

In some positions during intercourse, the likelihood that the secreted seminal fluid will penetrate as deep as possible into the cervix is ​​higher:

  • Doggy-style or lying on its side, when the man is behind the woman and the penis is inserted deeply;
  • A position in which a woman sits astride a man, with her back or facing him;
  • Or a variant of the classic position, when a woman lies on her back facing a man, but at the same time a pillow or folded blanket is placed under her buttocks to lift the woman's pelvis high for maximum penetration.

It is worth remembering that the chosen pose is not enough. It is important that a woman has an orgasm, which should come simultaneously with a man's orgasm. The fact is that during an orgasm, a woman releases a liquid that, with its composition, “kills” the X-spermatozoa, giving the surviving spermatozoa a chance to fertilize the egg.

After an orgasm, do not jump out of bed abruptly, it is better to lie down, rest for half an hour.

There are two of them: Chinese and Japanese.

Chinese table compiled on the basis of the Chinese lunar calendar, it takes into account only the age of the mother. Knowing him, a favorable month is calculated for conceiving a boy.

The first column shows the age number, and the first line shows the possible month of conception, when these two columns are crossed, the letter “m” or “d” is written, which corresponds to a boy or a girl. The method is designed for girls from 18 to 45 years old.

Japanese technique represents a duo of two tables that are related. To calculate this method, you need to know the month of birth of both intended parents. Based on these data, you look at the figure issued in the first matrix, which will be written in the intersection column of the column where the month of birth of the alleged father is indicated, and the row where the month of birth of the expectant mother is indicated.

Knowing the number, in another table, select the desired column, under it the names of the twelve months will be written. Those months that, when intersecting with the “boy” column, give more crosses in the resulting column than in the adjacent “girl” column, are better suited for conceiving a boy.

These tables do not have scientifically proven confirmation of their correctness, but statistics for many years show that a large number of couples conceive a child of the desired sex, guided by them.

It won't work without them, of course. To increase the chance of conceiving a male fetus:

In general, thoughts materialize, so program yourself for success in advance and everything will work out! No method can guarantee a 100% result. Except maybe IVF. The main thing is that the baby is born strong and healthy.

Before you think about conceiving a boy, watch the video:

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